Konica Minolta 2007: CSR Report

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The Global Presence of Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta’s locations in over 40 countries across the globe have formed strategic
business frameworks in each of their communities, and are meeting the diverse needs
of societies worldwide.
Holdings Company Business Companies

Konica Minolta Konica Minolta

Holdings, Inc. Business
Responsible for drafting and implementing the Technologies, Inc.
management strategy for the Konica Minolta Manufactures and sells office equip-
Group, which consists of two common function ment, such as photocopiers, multi-
companies and five business companies. Also functional peripherals, and printers,
handles the auditing and control of Group-wide and provides other related services.
management, and coordinates the entire Konica
Minolta Group. Konica Minolta
Opto, Inc.
Manufactures and sells optical
Common Function Companies products (optical pickup lenses,
etc.), related products, and ele-
Konica Minolta Technology ctronic materials (such as triacetyl
cellulose film).
Center, Inc.
Promotes Group-wide research and devel- Konica Minolta
opment and the commercialization of new Medical &
technologies, manages intellectual property,
and receives consignment of design.
Graphic, Inc.
Manufactures and sells equipment
Konica Minolta Business for medical and graphic imaging
Expert, Inc. and processing, and provides other
related services.
Provides diverse forms of business support in
such areas as production facilities, distribution Konica Minolta
and procurement, environmental and safety
activities, general affairs, human resources, Sensing, Inc.
and accounting within the Konica Minolta Manufactures and sells instrument
Group. Also offers indirect function services. systems for industrial and medical

Konica Minolta
Photo Imaging, Inc.
The company terminated its camera business at the end of March 2006. It
also plans to terminate sales of photographic materials by September 2007.

Notes to Readers

Purpose of Publication Additional Reports

This report was prepared in order
to show customers, shareholders,
employees, and other stakeholders
how Konica Minolta approaches
its corporate social responsibility
(CSR), and how it pursues its
CSR activities. Any feedback or
Social Responsibility Environment Investor Relations
questions you might provide
regarding this report will be
Web site: Web site Web site
appreciated. For more detailed http://konicaminolta. http://konicaminolta. http://konicaminolta.
information about the entire com/about/csr com/environment com/investors
business, please see the other Offers detailed Provides particulars Shares information
printed and online publications information on the on environmental with shareholders
listed under ”Additional Reports“ Group’s CSR activities. activities. and investors.
on the right.

Year under Review

This report was prepared for fiscal
2006 (April 1, 2006, to March 31,
2007). Some sections may include
information from before or after
this year.

This report covers the entire
Konica Minolta Group (Konica Annual reports Corporate profile
Minolta Holdings, business
companies, common function
companies, and affiliates). These reports can also be viewed online at the Konica Minolta Web site.
1 Outline of the Group
3 Message from the President
5 CSR Activities at Konica Minolta

17 Special Feature:

CSR Promotion through Business Activities

1 Beneficial and safe products

2 Fair and transparent corporate activities

3 Communications with society and
information disclosure

4 Environmental protection

5 Contribution to society

6 Respect for employees

7 Responsible actions

34 Feedback for Konica Minolta CSR Report 2006

35 Giving Feedback to Konica Minolta
37 Management Profile

Message from the President

Becoming a Corporate Group that
Plays an Essential Role in Society

The Konica Minolta Group is increasing its business

worldwide with the aim of becoming an essential corporate
group in the field of imaging. This drive is underpinned
by the aspiration to win the trust of the world and
become an essential corporate group in society; it is also
the embodiment of our corporate social responsibility
(CSR) 1 activities. As I mentioned in last year’s CSR
Report, we have put world-class CSR programs in our
“Forward 08” medium-term business plan. All this is for
the purpose of allowing ourselves to advance with our
united effort as a Group to achieve this aspiration, while
meeting every one of our stakeholders’2 economic, social,
and environmental expectations.
At Konica Minolta, we create our CSR activities by
drawing on the Group’s distinctive strengths, and move
forward with each of them with real commitment. It is by
doing so that we can earn the trust of stakeholders and gain
respect as an essential company in society. Therefore, we
have made the following measures our top priorities and
have earnestly put them into practice:
1. Konica Minolta’s CSR activities shall be promoted
globally and driven forward Group-wide.
2. Aiming to be an essential corporate group in the field of
imaging, the Group shall win trust through unceasing
efforts in ensuring quality and environmental safety, as a
provider of products and services.

Management Philosophy Corporate Message Our symbol mark,

The creation of new value “Globe Mark,” resembling
a globe, represents the
Management Visions The message represents our wish to be limitless expansion of
An innovative corporation that acknowledged as an essential company, Konica Minolta and the
continues to create inspiring products by offering essential products, services new values it offers
and services in the field of imaging and solutions to our customers in the to customers around
A global corporation that leads the world of imaging. the world.
market by advanced technologies
and reliability

Whereas corporate governance and

3. The Group shall strengthen its communication with 1
information disclosure are generally
regarded as the major responsibilities that
diverse stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, a company has to society, there are many
other interpretations of CSR. Konica Minolta
suppliers, members of local communities, and believes that CSR means obtaining
society’s trust.
employees, and shall strive to reflect society’s opinions 2 Includes shareholders, customers, suppliers,
employees, members of local communities
in its management practices. with whom the Group carries out business
activities, and all other parties concerned.
4. The Group shall strive to practice highly transparent
management by strengthening internal controls in
compliance and other areas.
Konica Minolta always takes a worldwide perspective
and has put forward a global operational presence. This
strength manifests itself in the Group’s ability to create
regional businesses worldwide that are each grounded in
local society and culture. Capitalizing on this strength, I
will spare no effort to continually raise Konica Minolta’s
corporate value and to cement society’s trust in the Group.
I believe that the Group’s continued success depends on
its being a company that is trusted by society and by all
its stakeholders.
CSR activities thus fulfill a major role in our group.
Konica Minolta is determined to continue Group-
wide CSR activities that reflect its earnest mindset and
unique approach.

June 2007

Yoshikatsu Ota
President and CEO
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.

CSR Activities at Konica Minolta

Promotion of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Activities Hiroshi Ishiko
From Responsibility to Trust Senior Executive
Officer responsible
for CSR
Konica Minolta
Holdings, Inc.

The trust of our stakeholders is our driving force. The Group is compelled by
The Konica Minolta Group sees CSR as the need to forge a solid foundation that is deeper and longer-lasting with its
the essence of management. Pursuit of
stakeholders and to become a company in which the world can have absolute
the Group’s management philosophy,
“the creation of new value,” and the confidence. CSR is generally thought of as a company’s economic, social, and
implementation of the Konica Minolta environmental responsibilities. At Konica Minolta, our vision goes beyond
Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
form the basis of Konica Minolta’s CSR. fulfilling responsibilities. Rather, the aim of our CSR activities is to become a
company that is trusted around the world.
Seven Target Areas in the
While we are promoting CSR activities, we thrive on the positive
Konica Minolta Group Charter of
Corporate Behavior feedback from our customers, shareholders, suppliers, community residents,
and employees from around the world. This feedback, in turn, can provide
1 Beneficial and safe products great motivation for the company to continue striving even harder to be a
2 Fair and transparent corporate company that grows sustainably.
One of our priority issues is to promote world-class CSR programs,
3 Communications with society
and information disclosure
a commitment articulated as a basic policy in the Group’s “Forward 08”
medium-term business plan. To implement our CSR programs effectively, we
4 Environmental protection
had the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, which will be
5 Contribution to society
the shared foundation among suppliers and employees, translated into nine
6 Respect for employees
languages and distributed widely. Moreover, this is the third year that we are
7 Responsible actions
* The full Charter of Corporate Behavior can be
publishing the CSR report in five languages (Japanese, English, German,
viewed on the Konica Minolta Web site.
French, and Chinese). We hope that it will expand an understanding of the
CSR activities the Group is working on around the world.
I have visited Group companies throughout Japan, Europe, the United
“Forward 08” Medium-Term
Business Plan States, and China, to communicate face to face with the people directly
Promoting World-Class responsible for promoting our CSR activities to share understanding of our
CSR Programs CSR activities. The feedback gathered at these meetings has helped shape the
Areas of Focus: measures leading to the strengthening of our activities. We have just started
● Strengthening Wide to take the leap from responsibility to trust, but this goal is rooted in the
Stakeholder Engagement 1 consciousness of each Konica Minolta employee. We also believe strongly
● Strengthening Quality and in respecting the culture, customs, historical views, and needs of each region
Environmental Management
around the world, and we promote activities in line with that respect for
● Practicing and Continuously shared values.
Improving Group Governance
Konica Minolta is keen to consider quality and environment, both
of which constitute essential components of trust. One small example, in
1 “Stakeholder” refers to all parties interested in the terms of quality, is our goal to strengthen our manufacturing capabilities.
Group’s business activities, including shareholders,
customers, suppliers, and local residents. To date, we have expanded process-enhancement activities worldwide. On
“Stakeholder engagement” refers to soliciting
stakeholder opinion on management decisions and the environmental front, we have expanded our zero waste initiatives 2 from
corporate activities.
2 Konica Minolta’s zero waste initiative is to promote Japan to China, transforming them into a global effort. Two plants in China
waste recycling and reduction of the amount of
material sent to landfills. recently achieved what we classify as “Level 1” zero waste criteria. We
are determined to earn the trust of the people not only through provision of
products and services but also in our dedication to quality improvement and

Progress made in fiscal 2006

1. Beneficial and safe products 4. Environmental protection
• Universal design3 has been incorporated into every aspect of the full-color • Konica Minolta conducted Group-wide evaluations to identify energy-saving
multi-functional peripheral (MFP)4 bizhub C550, such as in the use of blue measures and established plans and measures to reduce CO2 emissions.
LED lights, which are more clearly visible to people with red-green color • The Group is working steadily toward fully phasing out, by the end of fiscal
blindness, in the start button and state indication lights. 2007, the use of heavy metals specified in the RoHS Directive in its products
• ISO 15408, 5 an international certification for information security, was that are not mandated for compliance. In addition, the Group’s determination
obtained for all MFP products. These products come loaded with a security to increase energy savings in its products was evident in its anchor product,
mode as a standard specification. the bizhub C550, which consumes 40% less energy than the previous model.
• Konica Minolta offers products with low environmental impact by obtaining • All Group production facilities pushed forward with zero waste activities,
environmental label certifications, such as the Blue Angel label 6 and the while six new sites achieved the zero waste standards set by Konica Minolta.
Energy Star,7 and by complying with the RoHS Directive.8 The release of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere decreased
by 86% compared to the fiscal 2000 level.

2. Fair and transparent corporate activities 5. Contribution to society

• Aiming to acquire ISO 27001 certification for its Group-wide information • Konica Minolta carried out a Group-wide, in-depth study of its social contri-
security management system (ISMS),9 Konica Minolta established a plan for bution records in order to examine which initiatives to strengthen.
each of the Group companies and started activities toward that end. • Under its Global Program, 10 Konica Minolta’s continued involvement in
• Aiming to be fully compliant with all environmental regulations, including breast cancer eradication activities included donating digital mammography
the RoHS Directive, the Group started a partner acknowledgement system machines11 to China.
to work with its well-established suppliers on environmental issues, and • Under its Regional Program,12 Konica Minolta gives continuous support to
completed evaluations of all the production sites of its suppliers (about 700 the operation of the Tsurui Ito Red-Crowned Crane Sanctuary, established by
sites of 500 companies). the Wild Bird Society of Japan.
• Under its Local Program,13 Konica Minolta encourages Group companies and
sites to improve relationships of trust with local communities, using their
own judgment.

3. Communications with society and information disclosure 6. Respect for employees

• Upon a complete renewal of Konica Minolta’s Web site in April 2007, the • In Japan, Konica Minolta promoted a new fair-and-well-balanced human
Group improved the user friendliness of the site with an intuitive navigation resources system and also started investigating the adoption of job
system that allows viewers to move back and forth between related rotations that will increase opportunities for employees to fully demonstrate
information and easily find what they are looking for. their abilities.
• The Corporate Information Disclosure Committee confirmed that the • In Japan, the Labor-Management Committee started educational activities
framework for disclosing important company information (through timely to encourage utilization of the company system that enables employees to
financial and corporate status reporting to stock exchanges, annual maintain their career while having peace of mind during times of childbirth
reports, CSR reports, etc.) in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner is and child-raising. It also strengthened measures to prevent health problems
functioning properly. related to overwork.
• In Japan, Konica Minolta stepped up its traditional employment of
persons with disabilities. It also made preparations to revise its system for
reemploying persons who have reached the mandatory retirement age. The
system will be expanding greatly from fiscal 2007.

environmental concern. We will continue making it our mission to enhance 13 The concept of designing products, buildings, and
spaces while keeping in mind diversifying human
our commitment at the highest levels in these areas. factors, such as disabilities, age, and sex.
14 A printer capable of performing several other
Konica Minolta is not just a company but also a member of society. It, functions, such as copying, scanning, and faxing.
15 International standards granted to IT products
naturally, makes contributions through its main business. But at the same and systems that guarantee reliability of security-
function design and mounting.
time, the Group is promoting various activities to contribute to society to be of 16 This label, attached to environmentally sound
products in Germany, has the longest history of
some help to the world. As part of the Pink Ribbon campaign, a global drive any eco mark in any country.
to eradicate breast cancer, we have contributed mammography machines, 17 This mark of the international Energy Star
program is attached to office equipment that
which are essential to the early detection of breast cancer, to university meet specific energy-consumption standards.
18 Stands for “the restriction of the use of certain
hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, China. We have also been involved in hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment” and has been in effect since July
many other social-contribution activities that are gradually bearing fruits. 2006 in the EU.
19 A third-party recognition system to approve that an
The Group’s CSR activities also cover other areas such as compliance, organization is maintaining its information security
management system.
occupational safety, and communication with stakeholders. We have 10, 12, 13
The Global Program, Regional Program, and Local
established targets that we hope will prove Konica Minolta to be a company Program are classifications for Konica Minolta’s
social contribution activities. See page 26
worthy of trust. We will not, even for a moment, allow the momentum of for details.
our CSR activities to decline, nor will we lose track of our state of progress 11 Machines that take X-ray images and contribute to
the early detection of breast cancer by revealing
while following plans that focus on the medium and long term. Moreover, tumors too small to be felt by palpation.

we will with good grace admit to challenges not yet overcome and ensure
transparency in all our actions.
The Konica Minolta Group is strongly united in its CSR efforts and
its hope of making the leap to a globally trusted company. We thank all our
stakeholders for their continued support of the Konica Minolta Group.

Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities

Konica Minolta has made a commitment

as a manufacturer to deliver first-rate
products and services that are trusted
and needed all over the world.
Konica Minolta is increasing not only the usability but also the value of its products
and services for its customers.
In this chapter, Konica Minolta’s globally expanding CSR activities are
highlighted through the bizhub C550, which represents the next generation of
multi-functional peripherals (MFP).1

concerns. In addition to a user-ID and

The bizhub C550: Responding to password authentication capability, the
the Needs and Business Environment C550 is equipped with an authentication
of Every Customer system that uses finger vein pattern
recognition to differentiate users and
The world has been experiencing tech- prevent the leak of information through
nological innovation in a rapidly developing MFPs. This system is fast, highly accurate,
IT environment, and the day when people and relieves the need for users to carry an
will be able to access information anytime access card.
and from anywhere is already within sight. Another feature is universal design,
Konica Minolta recognizes that delivering a design that everyone can use and is
first-rate products needed by society is the becoming widely acknowledged. The Group
responsibility of the manufacturer. Guided was one of the first to establish its own
by this mantra, the Group is concentrating UD standards and put them into products,
its efforts to take the customer’s point of including adjusting the height of machines
view and offer real value to the customers, and designing operation panels that can
going beyond just the production and move up and down, providing access to
development of products. Konica Minolta people in wheelchairs. The C550’s enhanced
has launched a Group-wide effort covering usability features an operation panel that
various departments to develop products can also be moved left and right, as well as
and services that will offer the greatest value blue LED lights in the start button and the
to the customer. One achievement of this indication lights on the unit’s front side that
effort is the full-color MFP bizhub C550. are more clearly visible to people with red-
The bizhub series are convenient for green color blindness.
use in offices that demand high speed and Color MFPs that meet the varying needs and
high quality. In addition to basic functions business environments of every customer
such as copying, printing, scanning, and —these represent the new wave of first-rate
faxing, bizhub devices handle a wide range products and services that Konica Minolta
of applications over networks and the plans to offer.
Internet. Building upon the bizhub’s basic This special fea-
functionality, the C550 is a first-rate product ture article highlights
and service that responds to the needs individuals who have
and business environment of each and played a role in the
every customer. marketing of the
The C550 is highly advanced in terms of C550 and work with
information security and universal design pride and a sense of
(UD), 2 both of which have become social responsibility.

1 A printer that is capable of performing various other functions, such as copying, scanning, and faxing.
2 The concept of designing products, buildings, and spaces while keeping in mind diversifying human factors, such as disabilities, age, and sex.

Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities

movements during standby

Responding to Customer as much as possible, thereby
Demand for Reliable cutting down idling noise
and User-Friendly Products and decreasing rises in
room temperature. The
During the development of the C550, Konica C550 delivers one of the industry’s leading
Minolta kept the customer’s needs in mind, energy-efficient designs that takes into account
striving for a product that would be reliable the global environment as well as the office
and user-friendly. The C550 meets all environment.
these criteria. Moreover, during the test production
Reliability means more than a safe user stage, the company invites a number of
experience. It is the sense of assurance that people to try out the prototype in order to
comes with trusting that the device will be ensure comfortable operation. The testers
free of glitches, that it is environmentally are asked to comment not only on image
sound, and that the manufacturer is fulfilling quality and output speed but also on ease
its social responsibility. The C550 employs of use, points of concern, and any annoying
induction heating noises, among other quality issues. Older
(IH)1 technology in people and people with disabilities also
a fixing unit with a cooperate in this process, evaluating and
short warm-up time. helping improve the user friendliness. For
This reduces the example, in response to feedback, a display-
energy consumed enlargement function was added and high-
during operation contrast colors were used, to make the
and controls idling screen on the operation panel easier to read.

1 A method of generating heat with electromagnetic induction. The technology

is used in certain kinds of cooking elements, etc.

Yoshio Yamazaki Direct communications with customers to

General Manager make even better products
Imaging Products R&D
Headquarters ”We go to a customer’s office and ask what they would
Konica Minolta Business like to see in an MFP. We then develop products while
Technologies, Inc. sharing what we have learned with people in various
departments. In this respect, I think that development
designers need to have good communication skills.”

Xinhua Wei The results are achieved through cooperation

Manager with suppliers
Parts Quality Assurance
Department ”In China, to ensure the RoHS compliance of target parts was
Konica Minolta our top priority in 2006. We worked hard everyday, as we
Consulting (Shenzhen) didn’t have any experience in this field before.
Co., Ltd. The achievement is the result of collaboration between
China and Japan inside the group and with our suppliers.”

Green Procurement System

into effect. Propelled by
Safe Products Begin this momentum, Konica Quality Delivery
with a Strong Reliable Minolta has established
Relationship with Supplier an even stronger parts-
quality-control framework
Quality parts are the elements of safe pro- within its green procure-
ducts. For both the customer and the ment3 system.
customer engineer (CE),2 parts must not be First, Konica Minolta proceeded with a
the origin of injury, such as getting cut on thorough on-site inspection and visited more
openings in sheet metal; and electrical parts than 700 suppliers all over the world to make
must be capable of withstanding the voltage inspections and evaluations on such issues as
and heat as indicated. Konica Minolta relies the inclusion of harmful substances in parts or
on its suppliers to ensure the safety of its units and the appropriate drainage system of
products. the suppliers’ plants.
In recent years, there has been an in- Based on the inspection results, Konica
creasing concern over the safeness of Minolta issued a letter of acknowledgment
chemical substances contained in parts. A to suppliers who had established sufficient
typical example is the “RoHS Directive,” a environmental measures. Further, by training
regulation relating harmful substances and encouraging the recognition of internal
enforced by the EU. Starting from July 2006, inspectors who are responsible for evaluating
products containing the six substances suppliers, awareness of environmental activ-
designated by the directive as harmful, ities has gone up among employees. The
including lead and mercury, cannot be sold key to Konica Minolta’s green procurement
within the EU. This regulation did not pose success may have been due to the strong,
any problem to Konica Minolta because a reliable relationship cultivated by direct
countermeasures team had already been set interchange with suppliers during the on-
up and all measures had been thoroughly site visits.
implemented before this regulation came

2 Service personnel who maintain and inspect customers’ devices.

3 A method of procurement practiced by companies, whereby parts and
products that are environmentally sound are selected and purchased.

Special Feature:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Promotion through Business Activities

and arranging after-work educational

“This Is Our Second Home”— programs, such as Japanese, English, and
Motivating Employees and Raising computer classes for the employees. The
Company Spirit in China Plants feeling of stability that comes from knowing
that Konica Minolta is a company that is
China has now become the world’s factory supporting the development of one’s ability
as many companies set up their production gave employees a budding fondness for
bases in China. However, supervisors have the workplace.
to face challenges in terms of workforce Responsibility grows as one loves their
turnover rate and morale. At Konica Minolta, workplace. Visitors are always surprised
however, the turnover rate in China has at the employees’ capability of identifying
improved over the past few years. What defective parts—it showed that Konica
happened? The key to this question is Minolta employees are proud of their work
revealed in the message of the Chinese and get involved in it. To provide worthy
saying, “Yi chang wei jia,” or “This is my service is the Group’s common mission.
second home.” In China, family and one’s hometown are
A manufacturer’s reliability as a global very important. Konica Minolta’s Chinese
company depends on whether it can provide employees refer to their workplace in the
steady supply of identical high-quality same manner. Konica
products all over the world. To maintain Minolta treated the
quality, it is necessary to develop an en- p h i l o s o p h y — “ Yi
vironment in which employees have job chang wei jia,” “This
satisfaction and are willing to work there for is my second home”
a long time. Konica Minolta’s solution for this sincerely.
is rather simple: to care for its employees
by holding cultural activities, sports events,

Zhenzhou Chen Making tireless effort to produce high

Department manager quality products
Product Production
Division ”We had a number of problems with the production line
Konica Minolta setup for the new bizhub C550 last September. However,
Business Technologies we were able to overcome the problems that arose thanks to
(Wuxi) Co., Ltd. the efforts of the staff in Japan and at the Wuxi Plant. In the
end, we achieved a solid production plan while ensuring
high quality.”

Phil Steele Providing customers with the highest level of

Production Print support and service
Production Printing ”I work for the Production Print Division in the UK as a
Support Department technician specializing in software and solutions which
Konica Minolta Business include controller and applications issues. My aim is to
Solutions (UK) Ltd. provide customers in the production print environment
with the highest level of support and service.”

Konica Minolta’s CEs

Tapping into the C550’s Potential— worldwide into four
Technological and Communication levels: associate,
Capabilities Generate Customer professional, expert,
Satisfaction a n d m a s t e r. T h i s
system offers the
The bizhub C550 was commercialized by the combined benefits
combined efforts of Konica Minolta’s many of clarifying the services that CEs can provide
departments. However, if customers want to to customers and increasing the transparency
use the C550’s full potential, CEs, who serve of the personnel evaluation system by
as a direct connection with customers, need promoting CEs who have attained higher
to improve their own product knowledge, qualifications.
technical abilities, and proposal methods. Products evolve as we respond to indi-
Gathering CEs together for a major training vidual customer needs. The Group’s goal in
session each time a model is upgraded, the future is to develop new MFPs that will
though, could be an inconvenience for provide customers with whatever documents
customers waiting to have their machines they need whenever they want. As we have
serviced. seen thus far, it is the people that close the
Accordingly, Konica Minolta has in- gap between customers and products. This
troduced two systems that support the is why Konica Minolta devotes so much
improvement of CEs’ service capabilities. effort toward human resources education
One is an e-learning1 system, which can be and development.
used any number of times without concern Even at this very moment, Konica Minolta’s
for time or location. The other is OUTWARD, employees around the world are continuing
a qualification system that has been used their efforts to improve their delivery of
s i n c e t h e s p r i n g o f 2 0 0 6 . O U T WA R D valuable services to customers.
categorizes the technical capabilities of

1 Technology-based learning method using PCs or a computer network.

Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Beneficial and Safe Products

We shall strive to earn the

confidence of consumers and
clients through the development
and provision of socially beneficial
products and services with the
utmost consideration for safety.
Konica Minolta believes that as a manufacturer, we must earn the trust and
confidence of society by conscientiously fulfilling customers’ expectations with
respect to product quality and safety. Accordingly, we have made it our overriding
goal to fulfill customers’ expectations by consistently giving top priority to
quality and customer satisfaction and by providing products and services with
distinctively high levels of value.

Print-on-Demand (POD) System: Printing When and

in the Amount You Need

Konica Minolta provides a POD system, with its own high-speed

multi-functional peripherals (MFP). The POD system, without
any proofs or plates, enables the customer to print and bind
copies on-demand. Moreover, in the case of digital documents,
the customer can print them remotely even at multiple locations
simultaneously through communication networks. The system
also enables the customer to complete tasks which were not
practical with traditional printing methods because of time POD System
consumption and economical reasons, such as immediately
obtain a copy of a foreign newspaper or a single volume of a
rare book.

Advanced Protective Films for Liquid Crystal Display

(LCD) Products
Thin, light, and energy-efficient, LCDs are widely used as monitors
for TVs, computers, cell phones, car navigation systems, and
other products. Konica Minolta is a major producer of triacetyl
TAC film used as a protective film for LCDs
cellulose (TAC) film, an important material that is used as a
protective film for polarizing plates, which are a basic component
of LCDs. Since production of TAC films for protecting LCD
polarizing plates requires an advanced technology, manufacturers
are extremely limited. Meeting the extensive needs for LCDs,
Konica Minolta offers a wide array of products and supports the
supply of increasingly large, ever-higher image quality LCDs.

Digital Konsensus Answers Demand Digital Konsensus Premium

for Digital Proofing System
The computer-to-plate process, which does not require graphic
arts film, has become more widespread in the printing industry
in recent years. As a result, digital color proofing—another step
in which graphic arts film is not needed—has become essential.
Konica Minolta’s Digital Konsensus digital proofing system is
the answer to this need. In the latest model, Digital Konsensus
Premium, Konica Minolta succeeded in reducing waste liquid by
about half, compared to previous models, by developing new
PULSOX pulse oximeter
types of paper and processing agents, as well as an automatic
processor that incorporates new cleaning technology.

Pulse Oximeter Spares Patients Discomfort

The PULSOX pulse oximeter is a compact device that measures

oxygen saturation in arterial blood by observing changes in the
color of hemoglobin in the blood with light shone through the
fingertip. With this feature, the pulse oximeter is put to good
use in the medical field as an instrument that gives results
instantaneously without the need to draw blood. It is mainly
used for lung function tests at hospitals, checkups for patients
undergoing domiciliary oxygen therapy, and as a simple way of
detecting sleep apnea syndrome.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Fair and Transparent Corporate Activities

We shall, in the pursuit of fair and

transparent corporate activities,
comply with laws and social
regulations and act in accordance
with international rules and
the articles of incorporation.
Any activity that Konica Minolta undertakes should be ethical and proper. Every
one of our employees and suppliers is aware of their responsibility to adhere to
the strictest corporate ethics standards in all their actions.
In addition to rigorously complying with all relevant laws and regulations,
they must ensure transactions are fair, treat all types of sensitive information
properly, and prevent corruption. At the corporate level, we constantly work to
increase transparency and strive to guard against impropriety through systems
designed to discover and correct any transgression.

Promotion of Transparent and Effective

Corporate Governance Roles of the Committees

General Meeting of Shareholders

The Konica Minolta Group has taken on a holding company
structure, which enables each of the separate companies to Appointment

concentrate on their specialties and to smoothly make strategic Board of directors (13 directors)
decisions. Konica Minolta Holdings has adopted the Board-with- Auditing Conpensation Nomination
Committee Committee Committee
Committees system that separates the supervisory and execution (5 directors) (5 directors) (5 directors)
functions of operation to enhance management transparency
Supervision Appointment
and speed up decision making. The board of directors has three
committees with different authorities to supervise operations: the President and CEO
Auditing Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nomination 20 executive officers
Committee. Each committee is chaired by an outside director and
Nomination Committee
the majority of members are also outside directors. This structure The committee nominates candidates to
helps ensure a transparent management system. be the next board member chosen in the
Konica Minolta’s J-SOX project team has started working to General Meeting of Shareholders.

ensure the Group’s compliance with the Financial Instruments Compensation Committee
and Exchange Law,1 which will be applicable starting in fiscal The committee determines the
2008. The team has divided the process into four phases and compensation of directors and
executive officers.
is proceeding to upgrade the Group’s internal controls across
consolidated companies. The goal is to establish a reliable system Auditing Committee
The committee performs management
that prevents the occurrence of errors in the financial report audits in place of the previous
preparation, and thus assure the appropriateness of the report corporate auditors.
procedure as well as the report content.

J-SOX Project Team Work Plan

Ensuring Thorough Compliance of Local Laws
Phase 1: Establishment of overall plan
and Regulations (completed in fiscal 2006)
Phase 2: Documentation of internal
In North America, Konica Minolta has published and hands control (underway in fiscal 2007)
out the Antitrust Compliance Manual, and conducts Antitrust Phase 3: Design and operating
effectiveness tests
Compliance Policy training sessions every year for the relevant
Phase 4: Further improvement
personnel. The Group distributes the manual together with the
Distribution Code of Conduct to dealers, requests them to comply The system will be integrated
by the end of March 2008.
with laws and regulations, and sends out letters to ensure that
they are well informed.
In Europe, Konica Minolta ensures the Group is well informed
1 Commonly known as the “J-SOX Law.” A wave of
about compliance issues by distributing the Compliance Guide for recent corporate scandals in Japan has made clear
the importance of internal company controls and
Competition Law in Europe to sales subsidiaries in each country the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law
and encouraging the discussion of competition laws at important was enacted in 2006 to ensure the reliability of
financial reporting. The law will become effective
meetings at each subsidiary. in fiscal 2008.

In Japan, Konica Minolta developed educational courses on

internal controls for managers of each subsidiary, following
the enforcement of the Company Law in May 2006. In October,
guidance and case studies were provided to executives at main
subsidiaries to ensure the thorough adoption of corporate ethics.
The Group also conducted stratified educational courses for a
total of about 380 participants, including new employees, senior
employees, newly appointed officers in subsidiaries, and newly
appointed managers.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Communications with Society and Information Disclosure

We shall communicate with

society at large and disclose
corporate information fairly
and adequately.
Konica Minolta believes that two-way communications enable diverse people
to pool their wisdom and constructively collaborate. Therefore, we engage in
dialogue with diverse counterparts, including our customers, shareholders,
and investors as well as government units, local communities, and other
companies. To ensure widespread understanding of and confidence in the
Konica Minolta Group, we strongly emphasize not only the timely and proper
disclosure of financial information but also the timely and proper disclosure of
such nonfinancial information as that related to our social and environmental

Making the Most of Investors Feedback

in Quarterly Briefings Dialogue with Stakeholders

Every quarter, a briefing is held to explain financial results to Share-

institutional investors and ratings organizations. The fourth- holders
Employees Customers
quarter briefing in May 2006, for example, addressed the
“Forward 08” medium-term business plan. Executives and Local
employees of the planning divisions of the group companies Suppliers corporate value Commu-
participate in these briefings and directly receive comments and
opinions from investors. This feedback is then incorporated into CSR
management decision making such as business planning. Stakeholders
On the same day, materials distributed in the briefings are
posted in both Japanese and English on the Konica Minolta’s
investor relations (IR) Web site, and telephone conferences are
Staff Column
held for institutional investors outside Japan. Every effort is made
to ensure that all shareholders and investors receive the same Kaori Gokyu
information at the same time. Manager
Investor Relations
Konica Minolta
Meetings between Investors Outside Japan Holdings, Inc.

and Top Management “In order for the

company to grow
In July 2006, Yoshikatsu Ota, president and CEO of Konica Minolta sustainably as a
Holdings, Inc., visited the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, valuable entity, it
is important to continue earning the trust
and then the United States and Canada in September, holding of stakeholders. In our IR activities, we
meetings with over 40 institutional investors in total. In these are working on maintaining open lines of
communication with stakeholders in
meetings he not only explained the current financial results of order to reinforce their confidence in
the company but also held earnest discussions on the direction Konica Minolta.”
of management and business strategy over the medium term and
long term.
Konica Minolta frequently holds individual meetings to
facilitate dialogue with institutional investors, by paying visits
to their offices, as well as accepting visits as requested. Top
management has been taking the lead in this area, and feedback
obtained from these meetings is reflected in the company
management. In fiscal 2006, individual meetings were held
with around 400 institutional investors. More than 100 of these
meetings were conducted by Konica Minolta’s management team.

Electronic Voting System for Shareholders from

around the World
IR briefing for investors
Konica Minolta ensures sufficient communication with insti-
tutional investors, such as through the early provision of agenda
information for the General Meeting of Shareholders.
As of the General Meeting of Shareholders in June 2007,
institutional investors from around the world (mainly in the
United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries) were
able to exercise their voting rights via an electronic voting system,
which has been proved to be reliable by the use of about 2,000
institutional investors. In the past, institutional investors outside
Japan received agenda information on the General Meeting
of Shareholders, held in Japan, through numerous relevant
institutions; they thus had little time to study the agenda contents.
However, this new system has sped up the process and given
institutional investors an optimized environment to carefully
review the agenda information before voting.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Communications with Society and Information Disclosure

We shall communicate with
society at large and disclose
corporate information fairly
and adequately.

Konica Minolta’s Exhibitions Improve Dialogue

Exhibitions represent an important opportunity for direct

communication with various visitors. Thorough the presentation
of its products and CSR activities, Konica Minolta is actively
promoting dialogue with its stakeholders.
In February 2007, sales company Konica Minolta Business
Solutions France S.A.S. held an exhibition “George V,” show-
casing multi-functional peripherals (MFPs) at the Four Seasons
Hotel George V, Paris. Many people visited the event, including
Exhibition “George V” held in Paris customers and dealers, and the company had the opportunity to
present Konica Minolta as the number one manufacturer of color
Staff Column MFPs. In an area dedicated to Konica Minolta’s 20th anniversary
of color copier sales, the evolution of the company’s color copiers
Daniel Mathieu
and its 20 years of environmental efforts were showcased. The
Marketing and French edition of the Konica Minolta CSR Report 2006 was
Communication widely distributed along with a brochure which introduced CSR
Konica Minolta activities, made in France. Many visitors to the exhibition were
Business Solutions impressed that the technical development of MFPs is tied in with
France S.A.S.
the company’s CSR activities.
”We will continue
to provide value-
added solutions to society, not just through
products based on innovative technology
Building Trust among Local Communities
but also through various services and
CSR activities.” Konica Minolta plants place importance on communicating with
local residents and actively hold plant tours and events for
the public.
Tom Rohde Since the construction of its plant, toner producer, Konica
Administration Minolta Supplies Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc., has been encour-
Konica Minolta
aging an open exchange of opinions with the local community
Supplies on environmental impact and other issues. One encouraging
Manufacturing result of these interactions is a large wetland area preserved
U.S.A., Inc.
inside the plant compound that has become a sanctuary for
”I am very proud geese and deer. The company now also provides a free copying
that for 18 years service for brochures and newsletters to many nearby non-profit
Konica Minolta has
served the Goshen, New York, community
organizations, such as art museums and the Rotary Club. Paper
by offering our copying services to for testing printing qualities of toner is largely left blank and
charitable organizations and allowing our can still be used; the company donates this paper to the YMCA
facilities to be used for community events.”
(Young Men’s Christian Association) and YWCA (Young Women’s
Christian Association) USA.
Konica Minolta Supplies Manufacturing U.S.A. also supports
the Japanese Association, which introduces Japanese culture to
local residents through classes on Japanese flower arrangement,
tea ceremonies, and haiku poetry. The company also lends out
a conference room to the local chamber of commerce. In this
way, the company is deepening mutual understanding within the
local community.

Raising Awareness about Konica Minolta’s

Quality Management

At its manufacturing plants in China, Konica Minolta actively

invites clients, including dealers and group sales companies that
sell Konica Minolta products, to take factory tours. The aim is to
have them witness the efforts made for quality assurance in the
plants by giving clients a first-hand look at the production process.
The participants are able to view the quality management system
with their own eyes, meet the employees face to face, and realize
their motivation and devotion to making good products. In seeing Participants taking a Shilong plant tour
the passion with which Konica Minolta products are made, tour
participants will have greater confidence in the products and Staff Column
will consequently recommend them to their customers with
Yuefeng He
firm conviction. Senior Manager
Production 1
Division, Shilong
Encouraging Employee Involvement in CSR Initiatives Konica Minolta
through Campaigns Business
Manufacturing (HK)
When promoting CSR activities, it is important to not just Ltd.
implement management policies but to also ensure that all
employees are fully participating in them. In order to enhance “Shilong Plant is a world-class plant that
continues to evolve and produces high-
frontline employees’ understanding of CSR, in November 2006, quality goods that give customers great
Konica Minolta began a campaign entitled, “Understand and satisfaction. The quality of our products
is the result of our continuous efforts for
Promote CSR.” improvement. The plant is like a big family,
The members of the CSR Promotion Group visit the Group with mutual respect among the employees.
sites in Japan and give easy-to-understand talks on CSR. This We sincerely hope that plant visitors will
witness the results of our efforts in all the
activity is to promote understanding among all employees, products manufactured here.”
including temporary and part-time workers.
Panels on CSR and related materials are posted in locations
such as cafeterias at Konica Minolta sites. Talks are given to
employees that visit the cafeteria, and specific CSR conduct cases
are explained. These events are attended by an average of 200
people a day, and close to 500 people in some places; a total
of 3,000 employees have participated to date (as of June 2007).
These types of activities bring together employees of different
backgrounds to discuss the things that are important to them, and
the things that they can do to promote CSR.

“Understand and Promote CSR” campaign

Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Environmental Protection

We shall acknowledge the

seriousness of global
environmental issues and
shall act voluntarily and
affirmatively to protect
the environment.
Konica Minolta strives to minimize its environmental footprint. Under its
environmental management policy, the Group aims not only to provide
customers with products and services that are useful, but to minimize
environmental impact and maximize economic value. Moreover, we
comprehensively define the minimizing of environmental impact as including
the global impact of all product life-cycle stages—from the selection of raw
materials and components through development, manufacturing, distribution,
usage, servicing, and disposal.

Energy Efficient Products with Less

Environmental Impact

With the progress of global warming, lowering energy consump-

tion has become an important issue in designs of multi-functional
peripherals (MFP). The bizhub C550, a digital full-color MFP that
was released in February 2007, employs induction-heating (IH)
fuser technology,1 thereby cutting down the machine’s warm-up
time. The C550 also uses Konica Minolta’s high-grade polymerized
toner, which requires significantly less heat to fuse to paper. As
a result it achieved an appreciable decrease in consumed energy
(40% reduction over its predecessor 2 ). bizhub C550

Staff Column
Reducing Energy Consumption with
Egbert Pape
Advanced Polymerized Toner Manager
Environment &
Compared to conventional pulverized toner, Konica Minolta’s Safety Europe
Konica Minolta
polymerized toner comes in fine, uniform particles and produces Medical & Graphic
high-quality images comparable to offset printing. All the new Imaging Europe
models in Konica Minolta’s line of MFPs and laser printers come
loaded with a polymerized toner system. “The EU’s three
The manufacturing of polymerized toner requires at least 30% environmental
directives—WEEE RoHS, and EuP 4 —raise
less energy compared to conventional methods because, unlike major issues regarding manufacturing
with pulverized toner, grinding is unnecessary. The elimination of equipment and the materials being used.
this step thus reduces the amount of CO2 emitted. Moreover, with Also, all chemical substances included in
products are subject to the EU’s REACH.5
the introduction of an upgraded polymerized toner in 2006, the We should therefore make chemical
Group succeeded in reducing energy consumption during use by substance management a basic part of the
eco-design of these products.”
about 15%, on top of the energy saved during manufacture, as it
requires less heat to fix the toner.

1 IH (Induction Heating) technology is a process for

electromagnetically inducing heat.
Eliminating Hazardous Substances in Products 2 Based on comparison with the bizhub C450,
released in 2005.

The RoHS Directive 3 was adopted by the European Union to 3, 4, 5

The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous
eliminate six hazardous chemical substances that could result Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(RoHS), Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
in health and environmental risks, even if the products were (WEEE), and Energy-Using Products (EuP)
directives, as well as the Registration, Evaluation,
properly disposed of. This directive has prohibited the use of lead, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH), are
mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and polybrominated environmental regulations for products. These
directives have been established in Europe in
biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame recent years.

retardants in electrical and electronic equipment sold on and after

July 1, 2006. In response to the RoHS Directive, Konica Minolta
raised the goal of compliance not only for products marketed in
Europe but worldwide. The Group implemented an investigation
and took the initiative to substitute any unacceptable parts used
in Konica Minolta products with ones that do not include those
restricted substances. As of January 2006, the Group uses only
parts that do not contain the six substances in its manufacturing
of applicable new products.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Environmental Protection

We shall acknowledge the seriousness
of global environmental issues and
shall act voluntarily and affirmatively
to protect the environment.

Staff Column CO2 Reduction throughout Product Life Cycle

Florence Buhot
Quality & Konica Minolta is working toward the group-wide goal of reducing
Manager CO2 emissions from the overall life cycle of its products—from
Konica Minolta manufacturing and distribution to usage—by 20% compared to
Business Solutions
France S.A.S.
the fiscal 2000 level in fiscal 2010.
The Group is implementing an Energy-Conservation Support
”On February 2, Program that repeatedly checks the energy-saving status,
2007, the Fourth identifies problem areas, and makes improvements at each
Assessment Report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate production site. In addition, the Group is working to develop
Change—which summarizes the latest products that save energy when in use (see page 22).
knowledge about global warming—was
presented. In response to the report, we
Airplanes emit much more CO2 than ships delivering the same
must hasten to take measures. In fiscal product in the same distance. Konica Minolta ships its products
2007, the company will adopt the Bilan internationally by sea, but sometimes air shipments are also used.
Carbone ® method for measuring and
reducing its CO2 emissions.” The Group is working to reduce CO2 emissions by cutting down
on the frequency of air shipments. In fiscal 2006, the percentage
of CO2 emissions from air shipments was reduced by about 60%
from the fiscal 2004 level.
CO2 Emissions of Konica Minolta R&D
and Production Sites
(thousands of CO2-equivalent tons) Zero Waste—Contributing to Build a Recycle
400 Oriented Society
Konica Minolta is lowering its environmental impact and cutting
down on the amount of waste it produces by setting a group-wide
goal of reducing its waste disposal at all sites by 20% (compared
100 to the fiscal 2000 level) in fiscal 2010. To achieve this goal, the
Group is promoting zero waste campaigns to minimize landfill
02 03 04 05 06 (FY)
waste through recycling. The criteria, which Konica Minolta
categorizes as either Level 11 or Level 2,2 are to be implemented
■Japan ■Asia (excluding Japan)
■North America / Europe at each site. Level 1 calls for the reduction of landfill waste by
recycling. After achieving the goal of Level 1, the site aims to
meet Level 2 standards for reducing the volume of waste per unit
1 Level 1 zero waste criteria: Recycling rate must be of sales.
90% or higher; final disposal rate should be 5% or
lower (including secondary residue); cost reduction In fiscal 2006, Konica Minolta Business Technologies (Wuxi)
is achieved by a gain on sales of recycled materials
and/or a cost saving effect resulted from such Co., Ltd., and the Shilong Plant of Konica Minolta Business
measures, exceeding the total recycling cost paid
to outside parties.
Technologies Manufacturing (HK) Ltd. achieved the Level 1 zero
2 Level 2 zero waste criteria: Volume of waste waste goal. This was the first time a site outside Japan met the
discharged externally must be reduced by 30%
per unit of sales (compared against the benchmark
requisite criteria. The recycling rate is 94.4% for the Wuxi Plant
fiscal year). and 99.9% for the Shilong Plant. This news was covered by
newspapers in China and on the Internet, introducing Konica
Minolta’s environmental management system to Chinese society.
In Japan, another four sites reached the Level 2 zero waste
goal, bringing the total to ten sites within the country.

Sound Management of Chemical Substances and

Voluntary Reduction of Hazardous Substances

Konica Minolta has set the goal of reducing its gross release of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)3 into the atmosphere to 1/10
the fiscal 2000 level in fiscal 2008. In fiscal 2006, it reduced its
release of VOCs to 16% of the fiscal 2000 level. Moreover, the
Group has set individual targets for a priority reduction of certain
substances, such as dichloromethane, 4 which has a serious
environmental impact.
Regarding soil and groundwater pollution, Konica Minolta’s Wuxi New District Web site explains
plant’s zero waste progress
proactive investigations have resulted in the finding of
such pollution at nine sites. Specialized teams were formed
Staff Column
to manage these sites, where the Group is continuing to
undertake remediation and periodic monitoring as well as other Jianli Gong
countermeasures. Detailed information on each of these sites has Environment
been disclosed on the Group’s website. Konica Minolta
When starting manufacture of a new product on a production (China) Investment
line, Konica Minolta ensures both product safety and the safety of
its employees working on-site, based on its own chemical safety ”This March, the
management standards. One example of this is American Litho’s Wuxi Plant and
plant in Michigan, in the United States, which recently expanded the Shilong Plant
achieved Level 1
its production line of next-generation printing plates. Under zero waste, both attaining over a 90%
the supervision of experts and industrial physicians, the plant recycling rate for generated waste
materials. We will continue to push
carefully examined its handling method of chemical substances ahead with various environmental
in use. Taking the experts’ opinions into account, American Litho measures, in addition to advancing our
zero waste activities.”
held a meeting for chemical safety judgment and continues to
work to ensure safety in the production process.

David A. Pasquini,
Vice President
Health, Safety &
Konica Minolta
Headquarters North
America, Inc.

For more details about Konica Minolta’s environmental initiatives and ”By safely managing the handling,
use, storage, and disposal of chemical
an online version of the environmental report, visit Konica Minolta’s substances in our manufacturing
environmental Web site at: operations, Konica Minolta is able to safely

http://konicaminolta.com/environment use chemicals to manufacture high-quality

products at its US manufacturing sites.”

3 VOCs are widely used as detergents, solvents, and

fuel. In recent years they have been regarded as
hazardous substances that cause pollution, such
as photochemical smog, and illness, such as sick
house syndrome.
4 A species of organic solvent also known as
methylene chloride.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Contribution to Society

We shall, with a global perspective,

affirmatively make contributions to
society while respecting local
customs and cultures.
Konica Minolta aims to be an excellent corporate citizen everywhere it operates
and works to gain a solid understanding of regional values and to ensure its
activities are in harmony with those values. Through its operations, the Group
seeks to show respect for regional cultures, histories, and customs while helping
to overcome regional problems.

Contributing to Society Globally, Regionally,

and Locally

Konica Minolta’s social contribution activities are categorized

into three types of programs, in accordance with the scale of
the activity. Global Programs focus on challenges shared by all
humanity and the entire Group. Regional Programs are conducted
on a smaller geographical scale and involve activities that
specifically target North America, Europe, Asia (China), or Japan.
Local Programs are initiated by Group companies and facilities
located around the world to contribute to respective communities. Konica Minolta’s Pink Ribbon campaign symbol

Global Programs

Leveraging Technical Capability to Support Breast

Cancer Awareness Campaign Worldwide
With the aim to save as many women as possible from breast
cancer through technology, Konica Minolta is offering digital
phase-contrast mammography (PCM) X-ray systems, which
support the early detection of breast cancer.
In conjunction, the entire Group promotes programs to support
Poster for the Pink Ribbon Visual Exhibition
the Pink Ribbon campaign1 and the eradication of breast cancer.
In Japan, Konica Minolta held the Pink Ribbon Visual Exhibition
at the Konica Minolta Plaza located in Tokyo. Also it cosponsors
symposiums as part of the campaign. In China, the United States,
the United Kingdom, Australia, and other places, the company
undertakes various related charity and volunteer activities.
In China, breast cancer takes the lives of nearly 40,000 women
every year and has become the top cause of death among
women. In 2006, the Chinese government started the “One Million
Women Breast Cancer Examination Project” to increase the early
detection rate of breast cancer through breast cancer awareness
and examination. Ceremony for the donation of
a digital mammography system
In full support of this project, Konica Minolta donated PCM
systems to the Peking University First Hospital and the Fudan
University Cancer Hospital in Shanghai. About 100 people
1 The Pink Ribbon campaign began when the
attended the presentation ceremony at each hospital, both of daughter of an American woman died of breast
which have been helpful in spreading the Pink Ribbon campaign cancer. The mother, along with two little children,
started making pink ribbons and giving the ribbons
in China. the message of “early detection, early diagnosis,
and early treatment of breast cancer.” Wearing a
pink ribbon sends a message to society about the
importance of self-exams and regular examinations
by a medical professional.
Encouraging Female Employees to Receive Regular 2 An internal information network for a company

Medical Checkups for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

or department that operates based on
Internet technology.

In Japan, the Group is offering its own Pink Ribbon program for
its employees through its healthcare management divisions.
Leaflets are distributed that provide information on the self-exam
method and the medical facilities that perform breast cancer
screening. The Group also uses the topics section of the Group
intranet 2, as well as posters, to send messages advising women
to perform self-exams once a month and to receive professional
examinations once a year.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Contribution to Society

We shall, with a global perspective,
affirmatively make contributions to
society while respecting local
customs and cultures.

Regional Programs
Supporting Education Programs for Children in China
Hope Schools are part of a volunteer movement known
as “Project Hope,” which was started by the China Youth
Development Foundation in 1989. The project supports the
schooling of children through three core programs: the building
of Hope Schools, the donation of Hope Libraries, and the training
of rural teachers.
Entrance ceremony held at the Hope School.
Wishing to assist Project Hope in its worthy endeavor, Konica
Minolta donated funds to construct an elementary school in
Zhuanghe, Dalian, Liaoning Province. On September 1, 2006,
the school’s inaugural entrance ceremony was held at the new
Zhuanghe Shanzhen Konica Minolta Hope School, with the
city’s deputy mayor Wang Peng in attendance. On that day,
Konica Minolta Opto (Dalian), Inc., which is also located in
Dalian, donated laptop computers, writing materials, and sports
equipment to the school.

Japanese cranes that Konica Minolta

helps protect
Concern for Endangered Animals Leads to Efforts to
Save Japanese Crane
1 The red-crowned crane is a large bird with a Not long ago, the number of red-crowned cranes1 indigenous to
white body and a patch of red on the crown of his
head. Its habitat extends from eastern Eurasia to
Japan plummeted and was, for a time, on the verge of extinction
Hokkaido in Japan. due to the deterioration of its native habitat. However, thanks
2 Print-on-demand refers to the capability of printing
copies on an as-needed basis, without using
to the establishment of the Tsurui Ito Red-Crowned Crane
printing plates. Digital multi-functional peripherals Sanctuary in 1987 by the Wild Bird Society of Japan and the
enable rapid and low-cost printing on demand.
protection activities undertaken by local residents and relevant
organizations, the number of cranes has increased to more
than 1,000.
Konica Minolta has been a supporter of the crane-protection
activities since the establishment of the sanctuary. In addition, the
Group has created a set of postcards, featuring photographs of
the cranes, that is given to people who donate to the sanctuary.
In 2007, the 20th anniversary of the sanctuary’s founding, Konica
Minolta is planning to produce a collection of 30 photos, selected
from the prizewinning pieces submitted to the Konica Minolta
Japanese Red-Crowned Crane Charity Photo Contests held thus
far. The collection will be produced with the print-on-demand 2
bizhub PRO C series machine.

Local Programs
Contributing to the Safety of Beaches in Australia
In Australia, the activities of the country’s “surf lifesavers,” who
patrol the beaches and keep them safe for others to enjoy, is
supported by volunteer members and depends on subsidies
from the national government and donations. Konica Minolta
Business Solutions Australia Pty. Ltd., an office equipment sales
company, supports and provides donations to the local lifesaving Surf lifesavers
association in Queensland.

UK Employees Participate in Leap for Life

Charity Event
At Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd., an office
equipment sales company, employees and their families
recently participated in the Leap for Life charity event, for the
gynaecological ward at Southend University Hospital, as one of
their community contribution activities. During this event, people
A charity event in the UK
abseiled off the roof of a building to raise donations for a cardiac
defibrillator 3 for the hospital. Employees from Konica Minolta
daringly and enthusiastically accepted the challenge.

Assisting in the Reconstruction of a School Devastated

by Hurricane Katrina
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina caused severe damage in the
southeastern United States. Konica Minolta Business Solutions
U.S.A., Inc., an office equipment sales company, has been
planning charity activities, as part of its reconstruction assistance McDonogh 15 School for the Creative Arts

in the afflicted area, to provide donations for the restoration of the

McDonogh 15 School for the Creative Arts, which was damaged
by the disaster. The company is also planning to help raise funds
to establish a scholarship program for the school.

Teaching People in Japan the Fun of Running

The Konica Minolta Track and Field Club has made a mark in
many long-distance relay road races and medium-to-long-
distance races. It holds running classes, which are available to Running class
the public, at the club’s training base in Tokyo and other venues
across Japan. Each class has 100 to 150 participants, who range
from elementary school students to adults. They receive coaching 3 A device to restore the heartbeat of a person in
from the club’s members on everything from basic stretching to cardiac arrest, through the administration of an
electric shock.
their running form.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Respect for Employees

We shall endeavor to make the

lives of employees comfortable
and fulfilling, provide a safe
work environment, and respect
each employee’s personality
and individuality.
Konica Minolta constantly strives to ensure that all Group employees
everywhere enjoy dynamically supportive work environments that help them
make the most of their abilities and develop their potentials.

Creating a Work Environment With Respect to

Cultures and Customs Worldwide Global Breakdown of Employees
(March 31, 2007)

Konica Minolta believes that people are its greatest asset, and ■ Japan
15% ■ North / South
that they are the key to expanding its corporate value. Based ■ America
on this awareness, the Group places great importance on the 43%
■ Europe
20% ■ Asia (excluding
development and posting of its human resources. The Group has ■ Japan), other
a corporate culture in which its employees are free to explore 22%
ideas that motivate them, and the encouragement to channel their
passion and energy into realizing these ideas.
As of March 31, 2007, there are a total of 30,207 employees Staff Column
in the Konica Minolta Group, working at locations in over 40
countries worldwide (see chart, right). Konica Minolta is respectful Chao King
of regional and national cultures and customs, and creates Konica Minolta
workplace environments where its employees can be enthusiastic Technology
U.S.A., Inc.
about their work.

“Working with
Employees Encouraged to Share Opinions Konica Minolta is
really not just a
and Ideas Openly job, it is a part of
my life. I do not encourage changing jobs,
like many Silicon Valley employees do. I
In October 2006, a discussion was held between employees often say to our people, “If the company
and President Yoshikatsu Ota, in the executive boardroom of treats you well, then you should treat her
with fairness and loyalty.” Konica Minolta
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc., in Tokyo. Five employees in their is a good company with a lot of potential.
20s and 30s participated in the discussion. These participants However, as I always say, the most
important asset of a company is
were selected among interested employees of different Group good people.”
companies in Japan, and their specialties vary from planning,
development, and manufacturing, to sales. An enthusiastic
discussion with President Ota continued for about two hours,
as they discussed reform and challenges facing the Group. The
participating employees were able to offer frank opinions, and
the president responded earnestly. Through this kind of activity,
the distance between top management and employees is being
bridged. This free and open corporate climate is encouraging the
people of Konica Minolta to take on new challenges.
Since 2005, Konica Minolta has published a German edition
of each new CSR Report. The report was distributed among Employees in Japan exchange opinions with
employees in Germany in 2006. In February 2007, the Konica President Ota
Minolta Holdings director responsible for CSR visited Europe
for a CSR Promotion Committee meeting. During his visit, the
director held a discussion on CSR with junior employees who had
read the report. Some of the employees expressed the opinion
that they wanted to deepen their understanding of not only their
own sales duties but also the activities of the entire Group. Other
employees shared ideas of things they could and would like to
do to contribute to society, including supporting nearby daycare
Employees in Germany share ideas with the
centers, helping senior citizens, giving assistance to children in CSR director
underprivileged households, and aiding disabled persons.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior Respect for Employees

We shall endeavor to make the lives of employees
comfortable and fulfilling, provide a safe work
environment, and respect each employee’s
personality and individuality.

Establishing Programs that Encourage the Growth

and Development of Employees in China

Konica Minolta supports people who are willing to explore their

own growth and change by offering a full range of education
programs. Moreover, the Group regularly promotes employees
based on their ability and performance.
Konica Minolta Business Technologies (Wuxi) Ltd., a production
site in China, has expanded its number of employees eightfold
(including temporary employees) in the year and a half since it
Staff appointment ceremony began operation and has been experiencing steady growth.
The plant began a project to introduce new products in
2006. Although there were many obstacles and setbacks, the
employees were able to gain a lot of valuable experience from
the process. Experts from various fields and sites across Japan
visited the plant to support them with the start up and shared
their know-how. The plant employees worked hard to absorb
all the knowledge and expertise provided by the specialists.
They are now striving to organize and systematize the skills and
information gained, so that the experience can be applied to
future projects.
Employees of the Wuxi Plant
Here, outstanding temporary employees have an opportunity
to be hired as employees formally. There is also a system to
offer staff status according to ability and aptitude. Those who are
appointed as staff members engage in the management of the
production site or in support operations using computers. As of
April 2007, 160 employees have been hired formally, and of these,
27 were given staff positions.
In addition, in order to support this personnel-promotion
system, a training program was introduced to improve workers
understanding about management basics, the organization of the
Konica Minolta Group, and basic computer operation. Employees
that have obtained skills and knowledge, with the guidance of
Konica Minolta Business Technologies
(Wuxi) Ltd. senior workers, can obtain staff qualification after passing an
exam. Currently, there are about 30 workers training to become
staff members. This program also promotes staff development;
it serves as an opportunity for the teaching staff to improve their
abilities by preparing easy-to-understand materials and finding
better ways to transfer the necessary skills.
Along with the development of the plant and local human
resources, in October 2006, the company began promoting local
staff to management positions. As of April 2007, 22 locally hired
Chinese staff have been promoted to these positions. It is hoped
that many will join the ranks of top management in the future.

Workplace-Exchange Program Facilitates Employees

Understanding of Each Other’s Professions

In 2006, Konica Minolta Business Solutions France S.A.S., an office

equipment sales company, established a new program called
Vis Mon Job, which allows its employees to try out a different
workplace for a day. By experiencing different work environments
within the company, participants get to know operations outside
their own fields and obtain a better understanding of the Group’s
overall activities in France. The program has already run twice in
2006 (June and December), each time with ten participants selected Article on Vis Mon Job program
from the employees. Plans are being made to have about 30 or 40
people take part each year.
Under this program, if a participant discovers another Staff Column
appealing profession within the company, it is possible for that
person to change professions. For example, there was a case Alain Bendavid
Human Resource
where an office equipment customer engineer 1 switched to the Director
position of sales promotion engineer. Through this program, Konica Minolta
Business Solutions
employees develop a better appreciation for each other’s jobs, France S.A.S.
with the added bonus of discovering new positions and skills
worth pursuing. “Today, everybody
knows that the
human element is
essential for any
Fostering a Balanced Work Life for Both Men and company to be successful. The main goal,
by implementing Vis Mon Job, is to create
Women with a Supportive Workplace a new, open-minded culture, where the
employees are aware of the consequences
their actions have on other jobs. It also
Japan has been faced with falling birthrates having reached contributes to creating transverse
its peak of approximately 128 million people in 2005. By 2050, communication.”
the Japanese population is expected to decrease to 100 million
people. The concern currently facing Japan is how to foster the
next generation of citizens and to create a society that will support
the upbringing of healthy children.
Konica Minolta is working on this issue by creating a work
environment where both women and men can balance their
work and family lives. In April 2005, various programs were
introduced including the establishment in 2006 of the Committee
for Fostering the Next Generation. Since then, Konica Minolta
has been promoting activities to strengthen these programs. As
a result, Konica Minolta Business Technologies Inc. and Konica
Minolta Technology Center Inc., in fiscal 2005 and 2006, have The Kurumin logo, certification for efforts
satisfied the requirements under a program by the Ministry in fostering the next generation.
of Heath, Labour and Welfare of Japan to certify companies
that support childrearing. Accordingly, the two companies are
entitled to use the Kurumin logo. Konica Minolta will continue to 1 A member of service personnel who maintains and
inspects customers’ devices.
promote policies that advocate diverse human resources, both
male and female, while adopting optimal work conditions. In this
way Konica Minolta is helping to create a society that will foster
healthy future generations.
Charter of
Corporate Behavior
Responsible Actions

In the event of a violation of the principles of our

Charter of Corporate Behavior, in order to solve
the problem senior management shall investigate
the cause of the violation and develop reforms to
prevent its recurrence in accordance with corporate
compliance procedures. Prompt public disclosure of
precise information and an explanation regarding
the violation shall be made and responsibility
for the violation shall be clarified. Strict and fair
disciplinary action shall be taken including with
respect to senior management where necessary.
Protecting Voluntary Informants
Konica Minolta maintains a system that allows employees to safely report any
compliance violations that are discovered. A hotline has been set up at Konica
Minolta Holdings that enables employees of the Konica Minolta Group in Japan to
report questionable conduct directly to top management or the officer responsible
for compliance. This ensures rapid information gathering for the company and
protection for callers. At Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., the
Whistleblower’s Hotline was set up in August 2006, which is run by a third party
and serves to protect internal informants. Reports were received through both these
lines in fiscal 2006. For both cases, an investigation was carried out while protecting
the caller’s position, and orders for improvement were promptly given.

Reporting and Preventing Loss of Personal Information

In November 2006, there was an incident in which a file containing customer
information was lost in Japan. The cause was the result of simple human error on
the part of the employee in charge of the file. Konica Minolta immediately reported
the loss to the relevant government agency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and
Industry. It also contacted the customers concerned, to report the incident and offer
apologies, and disclosed details of the incident on the group’s Web site. In order to
prevent the reoccurrence of such an incident, the group has reminded employees to
be attentive concerning information protection and reinforced strict compliance of
company regulations.

Feedback for Konica Minolta CSR Report 2006

Feedback (comments and opinions) Results of the CSR Report

2006 Questionnaire
From individual shareholders (Japan survey)
• Konica Minolta should raise awareness of the utility and safety of its
products, further develop sales channels, increase profits, and give Readability of the Report
Very easy to
shareholders better returns. At the same time, it must remember to maintain No response understand
good relations with local communities.
• Rather than just emphasizing environmental efforts and philanthropy, the Difficult to
9% 14%
companies nowadays should take concrete action and link these efforts to
benefits. 10%
• In addition to reviewing past activities, Konica Minolta should explain its Somewhat
future plans in more detail. difficult to 8%
understand 31%

From employees of Group companies
Germany Average Easy to
• I had never heard of the CSR Report before. This was my first time to read it, understand
and it was very informative.
• The content was dry and difficult to read. It should be more interesting and Konica Minolta’s CSR Activities
emotionally provoking. No response Excellent

United States
• The local personnel department attached a message outlining the report 13%
before sending it out. This helped us feel interested in reading it. 5%
• In Michigan, where a new plant has just been built, it was an effective tool for
explaining Konica Minolta to the local governmental agency, the banks, and Needs work 12%
• There is a wealth of information about China and Japan, but not enough
about activities in the United States. 51%


Response to Feedback

Konica Minolta’s responses to comments featured in “Giving Feedback to Konica Minolta”

CSR Report 2006
• Dr. Morita of Chunichi Hospital said that the company should raise awareness among female employees for breast cancer
screening. In response, breast cancer posters were put up in the workplace, announcements were placed on the intranet 1, and
pamphlets were distributed explaining the cancer screening process. (See page 26)
• In reference to the feature article on the plant in China, Ms. Kawaguchi of the Daiwa Institute of Research gave the opinion
that focusing more on employees would make the significance of CSR activities clearer. In response, topics regarding
employees in China have been covered in greater detail in the “Special Feature” and “Respect for Employees” sections of the
2007 report.
• A shareholder noted that progress made on specific commitments should be published in the 2007 report. Thus, in this year’s
report, the results achieved for fiscal 2006 targets are shown in chart form. (See page 6)
• In response to numerous shareholder comments about the print being too small, this year’s report features a larger font.

Response to other comments or opinions

• Employees in Germany commented that it was encouraging to see someone they knew in the CSR Report. Therefore, this
year we have featured different employees from various countries.

1 An internal information network for a company or department that operates based on Internet technology.

Giving Feedback to Konica Minolta

People that have a relationship with Konica Minolta have offered
their perceptions and opinions of the Group.

Konica Minolta’s Distinctive Approach

From April 2005 to March 2007, I served as the writer in charge of covering Konica
Minolta. As I gathered material for our Kaisha Shikiho (Quarterly Japan Company
Handbook) and Weekly Toyo Keizai publications, it was evident that Konica Minolta
is a company with a strong sense of responsibility for conveying information to the
public. The Group is not only supportive of the media and provides detailed materials
but is also active in the area of information disclosure. In an era when the importance
of corporate information disclosure is on the rise, Konica Minolta is even willing to
release information that is unfavorable and avoids concealing the truth.
Every year, Toyo Keizai sponsors a Green Reporting Award and Sustainability
Reporting Award. I have had many opportunities to read such reports, and I feel
that the reports, which are thoughtfully prepared by each company, reflect the spirit
of each company very well. In the case of Konica Minolta, the Group has taken
readability into consideration and provides the information in a concise digest form.
The Group also publishes English, French, Chinese, and German versions, in addition
Asuka Yoshikawa to the Japanese report, and distributes copies to employees worldwide and individual
Staff Writer shareholders. This is an effort that is highly distinctive to Konica Minolta.
Toyo Keizai Inc. When it comes to information disclosure, I feel that shareholders often have too
few opportunities to learn about the companies in which they have invested. Even
when it appears that information is readily available, the shareholders are, in fact,
often unable to find the exact information they want. Although other companies
issue huge CSR reports of close to 100 pages, in an attempt to convey as much
information as possible, I applaud Konica Minolta for taking its own individual
and unique approach. I think the Group’s idea of condensing the content of its CSR
report, distributing more copies, and having more people read it is a good method for
enhanced communication.

More Effective Publication of Internal Changes Wanted

At the same time, however, I feel that there is something lacking in the condensed
content. For example, since Konica Minolta is currently undergoing a major shift in
its core business, the company should be more thorough in explaining to consumers
and shareholders the reasons for this shift and its thoughts on future prospects. At
a time when the Group is shifting from the business-to-consumer to the business-
to-business market, creating a tendency to lose general consumers, it will become
necessary for the Group to have people understand the importance of these changes.
It would also be a good idea to showcase the company’s competitive technologies
and products, such as organic light-emitting diode, triacetyl cellulose film for liquid
crystal polarizing plate protection, and mammography. The same goes for the Group’s
mobile planetariums. Across Japan, many planetariums have closed down, and Konica
Minolta is now the only listed company that continues to operate planetariums. This
is a contribution to which no other company can lay claim.
Although Toyo Keizai provides company information for investors, I think it is
important that companies are not overly swayed by investor opinion. Companies
must not only make a profit, they must prove their role in society. In the future, I
hope that Konica Minolta will continue to be faithful to its hardworking and unified
corporate spirit, and maintain its emphasis on communication with a wide range
of stakeholders.

A Company that Prioritizes Risk Disclosure

The non-profit organization I work with is engaged in activities to promote the
reduction of environmental risk posed by chemical substances. We operate a website
on the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system1, which allows citizens
to access environmental data reported by business establishments and thus make
effective use of the system. Konica Minolta was the grand prize winner at the first
annual PRTR Awards in 2004, where I served as a member of the judging committee.
Konica Minolta’s activities were particularly groundbreaking; the Group had set
up a computer system to gather and manage information on chemical substances
used internally. The Group had also voluntarily held public briefings with local
communities, while many other companies were doing that only upon requests from
local governments. My impression of Konica Minolta is that it is a company that
prioritizes risk disclosure.
I participated in the Community Environmental Briefing held at Konica Minolta’s
Itami site in the autumn of last year. At the meeting I saw that the local participants
Shigeharu Nakachi appreciated Konica Minolta’s sincere spirit, high level of technological expertise, and
Chairman strict quality control. I hope that these briefings will continue in the future, involving
Toxic Watch Network Japan even more participants and helping the company to strengthen its relationships of
trust with the local community.
I believe that risk disclosure is an extremely important element of a company’s social
responsibility. In recent years, reports of soil contamination near factories have gained
public attention. This kind of pollution may be unavoidable for plants that have been
operating long before current environmental regulations were put into place. It is
important for companies to properly disclose the facts, and take measures to try and
meet the current standards.
It is also a good idea to report substances that have not yet been regulated to the
community, explaining both the risks and the measures that would be taken in the
event of a disaster such as an earthquake. These kinds of efforts are the basis for
earning the trust of local residents. The same applies to sites outside of Japan.

The Why and How: Improved Disclosure

Although focusing on readability may be the latest trend in CSR reports, I
regret that companies generally reduce numerical and other data. If this kind
of data cannot be included in the printed report, then it should be available on
the company website for anyone to access. It is also preferable to release data
for each site and make the entire company’s achievements easy to understand.
Information disclosure is more than just releasing information; it is important
to consider how best to convey each type of information. Rather than merely
indicating that CO 2 emissions and toxic substances have been reduced, it is
imperative to explain why and how these materials were minimized.
Konica Minolta uses dichloromethane in its manufacturing processes. For
any toxic substance for which an alternative has not yet been found, stakeholders
1 A system which requires should be informed about how it is properly collected and disposed of.
business establishments to
assess and disclose the total Thirty years ago, companies only needed to consider whether or not they
amounts of harmful chemical
substances that they emit into were complying with regulations. Today however, they must undertake efforts
the environment or that are
contained in wastes that they
that go a step beyond what is legally required. I would like to see Konica
transfer off their premises. Minolta continue to focus on risk disclosure, and earn greater trust from people
in the community.

Management Profile
Below is an overview of the Konica Minolta Group and
its financial situation. More detailed management and
financial information is available on the Investor
Relations section of Konica Minolta’s Web site

Company Profile Breakdown of Sales Business Segment

(Fiscal 2006)

Company name: Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. Sensing

Photo Imaging Other
Head office: Marunouchi Center Building, 1-6-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan Medical & 4.6% 1.3%
Graphic Imaging
Kansai office: Nishi-honmachi Intes, 2-3-10 Nishi-honmachi, 1.0%
Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan 15.4%
President and CEO: Yoshikatsu Ota
Established: December 22, 1936 64.1%
(management integrated: August 5, 2003)
Paid-in capital: 37,519 million yen
Fiscal year end: March 31 Optics
Number of employees: 90 (Group employees: 30,207) (as of March 31, 2007)

Financial Highlights Breakdown of Sales by Region

(Fiscal 2006)

Net Sales Cost of Sales

(millions (millions
Asia (excluding
0 500,000 1,000,000 of yen) 0 500,000 1,000,000 of yen) Japan), other Japan
2003 1,123,591 2003 644,882
2004 1,067,447 2004 597,800

2005 1,068,390 2005 575,163

2006 1,027,630 2006 532,714
(FY) (FY)
Selling and Administrative Expenses Operating Income
(millions (millions
0 500,000 1,000,000 of yen) 0 50,000 100,000 of yen)

2003 405,496 2003 73,213

2004 402,069 2004 67,577

2005 409,811 2005 83,416

2006 390,909 2006 104,006

(FY) (FY)

Konica Minolta’s History

August 2003 Launches new integrated holding company, Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.

January 2004 Shilong Factory in China is certified as a “Creditable Enterprise” that is compliant with regulations
by the Dongguan Customs Office.
March 2004 Grand opening of planetarium Sunshine Starlight Dome “Manten” in Tokyo.
November 2004 Releases print-on-demand machines bizhub PRO 1050 and bizhub PRO 1050P for production print.
January 2005 Establishes Konica Minolta IJ Technologies, Inc., a new company in the ink-jet printhead and textile printer business.
Receives Fiscal 2004 PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers) Award.
February 2005 Releases phase-contrast mammography X-ray system.
May 2005 Obtains first Japan Eco Mark in the newly established toner cartridge field.
December 2005 Completes construction of Wuxi Plant in China as the main production base for full-color multi-function
peripherals (MFPs).
Obtains integrated ISO 14001 certification for all group companies in Japan.
March 2006 Releases magicolor 5450, a high-speed, high-quality A4 color laser printer.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions, Inc., obtains information security management system certification at all locations.
May 2006 Konica Minolta’s Level 1 zero waste criteria is achieved at all production sites in Japan.
Awarded CoolBrand Polska 2005 in Poland.
June 2006 Develops a white organic light-emitting diode with world’s highest luminous efficiency.
Konica Minolta Information Systems Co., Ltd., obtains privacy mark certification.
September 2006 Completes construction of a new plant in Kobe, Japan, for triacetyl cellulose (TAC) film
(protective film for LCD polarizers) business.
Releases the bizhub PRO C6500, a high-speed digital full-color MFP.
October 2006 Konica Minolta Plaza wins 2006 Japan Mecenat Award in the Mecenat Grand Prize category.
November 2006 Obtains approval for a measurement lab meeting standards eligible for application of the Blue Angel label,
a German environmental protection label.
Group newsletter wins prizes in the Keidanren Corporate Newsletter Competition two years running.
December 2006 Completes construction of a new plant in Nagano, Japan; upgrades and expands the production system
for polymerized toner.
The bizhub 420 is first in the world to obtain certification under the new certification criteria for the Blue Angel label.
Donates mammography systems to university hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, China.
January 2007 Releases Digital Konsensus Premium, an advanced digital color calibration system.
Selected among the “Fabulous 50” by Forbes Asia.
February 2007 Releases the bizhub C550, a digital full-color MFP designed on new concepts and compatible with
next-generation networks.
Receives Superbrand 2006 award for B2B business in Russia.
March 2007 Cooperates with General Electric Company in the United States to accelerate the commercialization of organic
light-emitting diode, which has excellent environmental performance.
Two production bases in China (Wuxi and Shilong) achieve Level 1 zero waste criteria.
April 2007 Establishes Konica Minolta Health Care Co., Ltd., a new company in the medical business in Japan.
Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.
Corporate Communications & Branding Division
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6250-2100 Fax: +81-3-3218-1368

For inquiries:
Corporate Social Responsibility Division
Phone: +81-3-6250-2120 Fax: +81-3-3287-7701
E-mail: [email protected]

Date of issue: July 2007

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