Overview of COSH Program - Ver2014
Overview of COSH Program - Ver2014
Overview of COSH Program - Ver2014
Worksite Analysis
Worksite analysis involves a variety of
worksite examinations, to identify not
only existing hazards, but also conditions
and operations where changes might
occur to create hazards
Effective management actively analyzes
the work and the worksite to anticipate
and prevent harmful occurrences
Worksite Analysis (cont’d)
Recommended Actions:
So that all hazards are identified
– Conduct comprehensive baseline and
periodic surveys for safety and health
– Analyze planned and new facilities,
processes, materials, and equipment
– Perform routine job hazard analyses
Recommended Actions:
Provide for regular site safety and
health inspections
Provide a reliable system for
employees, without fear of reprisal, to
notify management about apparent
hazardous conditions and to receive
timely and appropriate responses
Worksite Analysis (cont’d)
Recommended Actions:
Provide for investigation of accidents and
“near miss” incidents, so that their
causes and means for prevention are
Analyze injury and illness trends
over time, so that patterns with
common causes can be identified
and prevented
Hazard Prevention
and Control
Triggered by a determination that a hazard
or potential hazard exists
Where feasible, prevent hazards by effective
design of job or job site
Where elimination is not feasible, control
hazards to prevent unsafe and unhealthful
Elimination or control must be accomplished
in a timely manner
Hazard Prevention and Control
Recommended Actions:
Establish procedures for timely correction or
control of hazards, including
– Engineering techniques, where feasible and
– Procedures for safe work which are understood and
followed as a result of training, positive
reinforcement, correction of unsafe performance,
and enforcement
– Provision of personal protective equipment
– Administrative controls 15
Safety and Health Training
Recommended Actions:
Ensure that supervisors carry out their safety
and health responsibilities, including
– Analyzing the work under their supervision to
identify unrecognized potential hazards
– Maintaining physical protections in work areas
– Reinforcing employee training through continual
performance feedback and, if needed,
enforcement of safe work practices 19
Recommended Actions:
Ensure that managers understand their
safety and health responsibilities, as
described under the Management
Commitment and Employee
Involvement element of the guidelines
Evaluation of Construction Safety &
Health Program
Requirements in the
Evaluation of COSH Program
1. Application Form indication the following information:
A. Company Profile
B. Project Profile
Requirements in the
Evaluation of CSH Program
1. Application Form indication the following information:
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