Annex I Discharge Types Eligible For Coverage Under The VGP

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Annex I

Discharge types eligible for coverage under the VGP

o Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning
o Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent
o Ballast Water
o Anti-fouling Hull Coatings/Hull Coating Leachate
o Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)
o Boiler/Economizer Blowdown
o Cathodic Protection
o Chain Locker Effluent
o Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil Sea Interfaces
including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster
Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters, and Propulsion Pod Lubrication,
and Wire Rope and Mechanical
o Equipment Subject to Immersion
o Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine
o Elevator Pit Effluent
o Firemain Systems
o Freshwater Layup
o Gas Turbine Wash Water
o Graywater
Except that Graywater from commercial vessels within the meaning of CWA section 312 that are
operating in the Great Lakes is excluded from the requirement to obtain an NPDES permit (see
CWA section 502(6)), and thus is not within the scope of this permit.
o Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge
o Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater
o Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge
o Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling Water;
Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water)
o Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention
o Boat Engine Wet Exhaust
o Sonar Dome Discharge
o Underwater Ship Husbandry
o Welldeck Discharges
o Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels
o Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge
o Fish Hold Effluent

List is complete as of December 2013

Limitations on Coverage under the VGP

o Discharges Not Subject to Former NPDES Permit Exclusion and Vessel Discharges
Generated from Vessels when they are Operated in a Capacity Other than as a Means of
Discharges that are outside the scope of the former exclusion from NPDES permitting for discharges
incidental to the normal operation of a vessel as set out in 40 CFR §122.3(a), as in effect on
December 18, 2008, are ineligible for coverage under this permit. This permit does not apply to any
vessel when it is operating in a capacity other than as a means of transportation. For any discharges
identified in this permit, discharges are not eligible if they contain materials resulting from industrial or
manufacturing processes onboard or other materials not derived from the normal operations of a

Vessels when they are being used as an energy or mining facility, a storage facility, a seafood
processing facility, or when secured to the bed of waters subject to this permit or to a buoy for the
purpose of mineral or oil exploration or development are not eligible for coverage under this permit.
Furthermore, “floating” craft that are permanently moored to piers, such as “floating” casinos, hotels,
restaurants, bars, etc. are not covered by the former vessel exclusion and would not be covered by
this vessel permit.

o Sewage
Discharges of sewage from vessels, as defined in CWA section 502(6) and 40 CFR §122.2, are not
required to obtain NPDES permits. Instead, these discharges are regulated under section 312 of the
CWA and 40 CFR Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159. Under CWA section 312(a)(6), the definition of
sewage includes graywater discharges from “commercial vessels” (as defined in CWA section
312(a)(10)) operating on the Great Lakes. If a vessel operating on the Great Lakes is not a
“commercial vessel” as defined in CWA section 312(a)(10), the vessel’s graywater discharges are
eligible for coverage under this permit, and are subject to the additional permit requirements in Part

o Used or Spent Oil

Discharges of used or spent oil no longer being used for their intended purposes are not eligible
for coverage under this permit.

o Garbage or Trash
Discharges of rubbish, trash, garbage, or other such materials discharged overboard are not eligible
for coverage under this permit. “Garbage” includes discharges of bulk dry cargo residues as defined
at 33 CFR §151.66(b) (73 Fed. Reg. 56492 (September 29, 2008)) and agricultural cargo residues.
Discharges of garbage are subject to regulation under 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A.

o Photo-Processing Effluent
Discharges from photo-processing operations are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

o Effluent from Dry Cleaning Operations

Discharges of spent or unused effluent from dry cleaning operations are not eligible for coverage
under this permit. This includes any spent or unused tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) from
these operations.

o Discharges of Medical Waste and Related Materials

Discharges of medical waste as defined in 33 USC 1362(20) are not eligible for coverage under this
permit. Discharges of spent or unused pharmaceuticals, formaldehyde, or other biohazards no longer
being used for their intended purposes are not eligible for coverage under this permit.
For purposes of this permit, the liquid produced by dialysis treatment of humans is not deemed to be
“medical waste,” and, like other human body waste, is subject to regulation under CWA §312 if
introduced into marine sanitation devices, or under VGP Part 2.2.25 if added to a blackwater system
combined with a graywater system. The direct overboard discharge of such liquid without treatment is
not eligible for coverage under this permit.
o Discharges of Noxious Liquid Substance Residues
Discharges of noxious liquid substance residues subject to 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A or 46 CFR
§153.1102 are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

o Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) and Trichloroethylene (TCE) Degreasers

Discharges of tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) and trichloroethylene (TCE) degreasers or
other products containing tetrachloroethylene or trichloroethylene are not eligible for coverage under
this permit.

o Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by an another NPDES Permit

The following discharges are not eligible for coverage under this permit:
 Vessel discharges covered, as of the effective date of this permit, under an individual or a
general NPDES permit other than the VGP, unless EPA specifically allows coverage under
Part 1.8.2, or otherwise provides written permission to be covered under this permit, or
 Discharges from vessels covered by any NPDES permit that has been or is in the process of
being denied, terminated, or revoked by EPA or a state permitting authority (this does not
apply to the routine reissuance of permits every five years).

Source: Final 2013 VGP

Annex II

NOI submission deadlines and discharge authorisation dates

Category NOI Deadline Discharge Authorisation date

Vessels authorized to discharge No later than December 12, For eNOIs:
under the 2008 VGP 2013 or 7 days prior to December 19, 2013 or, if not
discharge into waters subject to submitted by December 12,
this permit, whichever is later 2013, 7 days after complete
NOI processed** by EPA

For Paper NOIs: 30 days after

complete NOI processed by
New Owner/Operator of Vessel By date of transfer of ownership Date of transfer or date EPA
– and/or operation processes NOI, whichever is
transfer of ownership and/or later
operation of a vessel whose
discharge is previously
authorized under this permit
New vessels delivered to owner For vessels submitting eNOIs: For eNOIs:
or operator after December 19, 7 days prior to discharge into 7 days after complete NOI
2013 waters subject to this permit processed by EPA

For vessels submitting Paper For Paper NOIs:

NOIs: At least 30 days prior to 30 days after complete NOI
discharge into waters subject to processed by EPA
this permit
Existing vessels delivered to For vessels submitting eNOIs: For eNOIs:
owner or operator after 7 days prior to discharge into 7 days after complete NOI
December 19, 2013 that were waters subject to this permit processed by EPA
not previously authorized under
this permit For vessels submitting Paper For Paper NOIs:
NOIs: At least 30 days prior to 30 days after complete NOI
discharge into waters subject to processed by EPA
this permit
* Based on a review of your NOI or other information, EPA may delay the discharge authorization
date for further review, or may deny coverage under this permit and require submission of an
application for an individual NPDES permit, as detailed in Part 1.8 of the permit. In these instances,
EPA will notify you in writing of the delay or the request for submission of an individual NPDES permit
application. If EPA requires an individual permit for an existing vessel previously covered by this
general permit, EPA will allow the permittee a reasonable amount of time to obtain individual permit
coverage before their general permit coverage terminates.
** NOI processing means that a complete electronic NOI has been submitted and successfully signed
and certified by the permittee, or in the case of a paper NOI, that EPA has received your NOI and
input the information into its electronic system. Submitting a paper NOI may result in processing
delays dependent upon the volume of NOIs received by EPA.

Source: Final 2013 VGP

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