Guide Questions

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Guide Questions:

1. What is about this art movement that inspired you to create the artwork?

The art movement that I applied in this artwork is Fauvism because I think it is the
most applicable to represent the message that I want to deliver using this artwork,
which is self-love. As you can see the left part has dark color that represents
sadness or emptiness. While the girl is looking at the mirror, she started to learn how
to admire herself, then she realized that all she needs is to accept herself to feel the
love of other people around her like her family and friends. For this reason, I made
the right part of the painting colorful to represent genuine happiness and fulfillment.
In a nutshell, I depict love as something that we must give to ourselves. We must
learn how to love ourselves first before loving others or before entering in a romantic
relationship because true happiness can be achieved when we know and love
ourselves well.

2. What possible title will you give to your artwork?

3. What insights did you have after doing this activity?

It took me a a lot of time to determine what kind of artwork I would like to do to

represent love. At first I want to make an artwork that depicts the feelings involved in
having a romantic relationship. However, nothing comes into my mind. I do not know
how can I express my thoughts in the artwork since I’ve never been into a romantic
relationship. After I took rest, I realized that love is not just about having a romantic
relationship rather it can be found anywhere. It can be felt by just simply accepting
ourselves. If we love ourselves, we will appreciate the love of people around us.
Those people will surely give colors even in the darkest moment of our lives. Love
can be in the form of self-acceptance, friendship, and family.

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