Supply Chain Management - Group Project

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Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21

Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal

Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: ____________________

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: ____________________

Student Name: ____________________________ ID: ____________________


LO7: Present a professional business case for the appropriate and effective implementation of total
supply chain management


• Sign this page and put it as a cover for your assignment
• Submit a softcopy of your work on Blackboard (SafeAssign).
• Work must be neat and readable
• Work must be typed using Front size 12, double space in Times New Roman, with page numbers
• Mention all references used in the assignment

3. Marks:

Problem/Question Marks Allotted Marks Obtained Feedback to Student

Task 1
Introduction: What is SCM?
Task 2
Sourcing Suppliers & 20%
Task 3
Inbound Logistics Material 20%
Flow, Information Flow
Task 4
Inventory Management
Warehousing Facility/
Crossdocking If Any
Task 5
Transportation Modes
Outbound Logistics 20%
Distribution, Retail Outlets
Reverse Logistics If Any
Conclusion & References 10%

Total 100

Presentation 20
Program Leader Approval: _____________
Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)


Forms of Academic Impropriety Lecturer Findings

• Is there verbatim copying or unidentified and

unacknowledged quotation of another’s work or from
• Is there paraphrasing of another’s work by simply
changing a few words or altering the order without
clear identification and acknowledgement?
• Is there unauthorized co-operation between a student
and another person or student?
• Others
□ Viva □ Progress assessment
□ Changes in writing style □ Different spelling style
• Plagiarism report summary using KIC S/W

Lecturer Conclusion Lecturer Signature: ________________


1- What is the Academic Plagiarism
Taking someone else’s work and submitting it as your work without adequate mention of the source (as in the
table above).
2- Punishment to Academic Plagiarism
The punishment to academic plagiarism may take the following forms according to level of the academic breach:
1- Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning
2- Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning with recommendation to the program manger to
take more action if the action is repeated (as indicated in the student handbook section # 5).

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Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)


Similarity Threshold:
1. The faculty teaching the course will review the student work submitted together with the originality report
to determine if the work complies with the maximum similarity percentage for categories of academic work
as shown below:

Student Academic Work Item Percentage of Similarity Threshold

Continuous Assessment (coursework, assignments, mini-projects,
case studies, presentations, etc.)
Major Assessments such as thesis, graduation project and
internship report, final project or course work used as replacement 20%
of final exams.

Violations & Penalties:

1. Where the similarity ratio for any submitted work is equal to or less than the acceptable percentage of
similarity shown in the table in 1 above, the mark recorded as assigned.
2. Where the similarity ratio for any submitted work is over the acceptable percentage of similarity shown in
the table in 1 above by 15% or more (i.e. 45% or more for continuous assessment or 35% or more for major
assessments) the work will be rejected with no possibility of revision or second submission and the grade
assigned and recorded for the item will be zero (0).
3. Where the similarity ratio for any submitted work is more than the acceptable percentage of similarity
shown in the table in 1 above by less than 15% (i.e. in the range 31%-44% for course work and 21%-34% for
major assessments) a penalty will be imposed as follows:
• First Offense (less than 15% over threshold): the grade assigned and recorded for the item will be
reduced by 25%.
• First Offense (more than 15% over threshold): the grade assigned and recorded for the item will be
zero (0).
• Repeat Offense(s) (over threshold by any amount): the grade assigned and recorded for the item will
be zero (0). The case will also be referred to the Academic Malpractice Mitigation & Appeals Panel,
which may apply further sanctions if deemed appropriate

Honour Code Pledge: In case of not complying with the above, the student will be penalized accordingly.

I confirm that I fully understand the above-mentioned pointes regarding the Academic Integrity.

Student(s) Signature: ________________

Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)


Problem/Question Marks Allotted Assessment Scheme

Task 1
10% (10) Marks for: INTRODUCTION to Supply Chain Process
Introduction: What
is SCM?
Explanation with diagram
(10) Marks for: Marks for explaining what MRP is, Sourcing
Task 2 Suppliers & Procurement
Sourcing Suppliers & 20% (10) Marks for: How the chosen organization is implementing
Procurement the above activities (Procurement policies of the
Task 3
(10) Marks for: Explaining Inbound Logistics
Inbound Logistics 20% (10) Marks for: Showing how the chosen organization plans
Material Flow,
Information Flow
its Material Flow & Information Flow
Task 4
Management 20% (10) Marks for: Inventory Management
Warehousing (10) Marks for: Warehousing Facility/ Crossdocking If Any
Crossdocking If Any
Task 5
(04) Marks for: Transportation Modes
Modes Outbound
(04) Marks for: Outbound Logistics
Logistics 20% (04) Marks for: Distribution
Distribution, Retail
(04) Marks for: Retail Outlets
Reverse Logistics If
(04) Marks for: Reverse Logistics If Any

Conclusion & 10% (10) Marks for: Conclusion & References

Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)


Supply Chain Management (100 Marks)

Choose organizations that exhibit the best practices of Supply Chain management. Explain the
concepts listed below with relevant examples wherever necessary. Your Assignment should cover
most of the following concepts with relevant examples from the United Arab Emirates.

The Elements
Importance of Supply Chain Management Agile Supply Management
Defining supply chain The Need for Agility
Customer Orientation Agile Supply Chain Framework
Defining Supply Chain Management Competing on Responsiveness
Development Trends
Relationship and Integration
Global Supply Chain Operations Supply Relationship Defined
Global Business Environment Close Partnership
Strategic Challenges Strategic Alliance
How Global Supply Chains Responded Relationship Dilemma
Current Trends in Global SCM Supply Chain Integration

Supply Chain Design and Planning Purchasing and Supplier Selection

Supply Chain Configuration Strategic Role of Purchasing
Extent of Vertical Integration Purchasing Portfolio
Outsourcing and Off shoring Supplier Selection
Capacity Planning Tools for Supplier Selection
Bullwhip Effect Towards Knowledge Based Sourcing
Lean Supply Management
Origins of the Lean Manufacturing The Future Challenges
Creating Customer Centric Supply Chain
Lean Supply Principles
Managing Supply Networks
Focusing on Cost-to-Serve
Watch the Dynamics
Drivers for Lean Supply Chain
Lean Process Mapping Tools


You are also required to submit a PowerPoint presentation that will highlight the important topics in
the report. It should be given to the class within 5-7 minutes for each student. The presentation will
be timed. Avoid reading. The PowerPoint should serve as the guide only and not as pages to read.
Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)

Presentation Rubric
Exemplary Proficient Developing Novice
Introduced topic, established rapport,
and explained the purpose of Started with a self-introduction or “Our Did not clearly introduce purpose of
Introduction presentation in creative, clear way
Introduced presentation in clear way.
topic is” before capturing attention. presentation.
capturing attention.
All information was relevant and Information was not relevant to the
Content Most information relevant; some topics Information was valid but some were
appropriate to the requirements of the audience or directly related to the
Selection needed expansion or shortened. not explicitly related to the purpose.
assignment. assignment.
The central message is identifiable;
Contains a clear central message and
sections of the presentation vary in The central message is not clearly
clearly identifiable sections featuring
explicit organizational pattern, which and/or easily identifiable by the Does not contain a central message or
Organization purposeful organizational pattern (e.g.,
influences the audience engagement audience; sections may be in need of identifiable organizational pattern.
chronological, problem-solution,
level or comprehension of the central further organization and clarity.
analysis of parts, etc.)
Effective, smooth transitions that Included transitions to connect key Included some transitions to connect
The presentation was choppy and
Transitions indicated transitions in presentation points but speakers often used fillers key points but most speakers'
disjointed with a lack of structure.
topic or focus. such as um, ah, or like. overreliance on fillers is distracting.
Ends with an accurate conclusion tying
the content back to the opening with a Ends with a summary of main points
Ends with a recap of key points without Ends with only a recap of key points or
Conclusion dynamic 25 words or less close. showing some evaluation but over the
adding a closing twist. with no transition to closure.
Transitioned into the close so the 25-word limit. Transitioned to close.
audience was ready for it.
Time used efficiently. Within 20 seconds Substantially longer or shorter than
Length of the allotted time.
Within 40 seconds of the allotted time. Within 1 minute of the allotted time.
indicated by assignment.
Slides, posters, and/or handouts are Slides contain appropriate material but Slides, handouts, materials with
Typos throughout slides and materials.
professional and easy to read. Materials too much text or too many occasional typos,
Does not include handouts, too much
enable speakers to focus on images/builds. Handouts and other unclear organization, and/or
Visual Aids presentation and provide audience with materials provide useful information for questionable applicability to
text on slides. Material on slides either is
identical to speaker's speech or
important further consideration but may not presentation. All slides include
completely disconnected from it.
resources for later consideration. directly relate to central topic. significant amounts of text.
All members use clear, strong voice with Most members speak in clear voice, but
Vocal vocal variation to demonstrate interest voices of some members drop in volume Voices of most group members are soft Voices of all members are soft and
Qualities in the subject. All members demonstrate at times; all members still use vocal or lack vocal variation. monotone.
precise pronunciation of terms. variation to show interest.
All speakers maintain eye contact with
Speakers maintain eye contact most of Speakers show some eye contact, but All speakers read all or most of report
audience and seldom return to notes;
the time but frequently return to notes. not maintained; and at least half the with no eye contact. Possibly, speakers
presentation is like a planned
Eye Contact conversation. Speakers are obviously
Speakers spent significant time time, speakers read from notes. did not practice out loud. Unlikely the
preparing and appear at ease but don't Speakers needed more practice or speaker would be able to answer
prepared and have a solid grasp of the
elaborate. knowledge of their topic. questions about the topic.
Most members have
Confident demeanor, gestures of all Confident demeanor: some members All members show slumping posture,
Gestures/ slumping posture, hands stuck at sides
members add to style, and hands are may need to add or subtract gestures to hands stuck at sides or on podium AND
Posture or on podium OR Shifting weight or
used to describe or emphasize. emphasize points. Shifting weight or pacing.
Involved audience in presentation; held Presented facts with some interesting Presented facts with some interesting
Members avoid or
Audience their attention throughout by getting "twists"; held attention most of the time "twists"; held attention most of the time
discourage active audience
Engagement them actively involved in the speech and by interacting with them. Good variety by interacting with them. Good variety
using original, clever, creative approach. of materials/media. of materials/media.
For the most part, all members appear Most members' appearance is
Appearance All members appear appropriate for All members wear inappropriate clothes
appropriate for the occasion and somewhat inappropriate (hair keeps
of speakers occasion and audience. for event or audience.
audience. falling in eyes, jewelry distracting).
Speaking All group members participate but two Some group members participate, and
All group members participate equally. Only 1 or 2 group members participate.
Opportunities or three people are primary speakers. only 1 or 2 people are primary speakers.
Group members make smooth Most transitions between speakers are
Transitions consist of abrupt shifts from
Speaker to transitions from one speaker to the conducted in smooth ways; one or two Speakers simply announce next speaker
one speaker to the next; some speakers
next; all are aware of who should be group members seem unclear about or stop talking and wait for next speaker
Speaker speaking and what each person's role is. their roles or the timing of their parts.
announce next person but do not
to begin, and no attention is paid to shift
Transitions provide content-related explanation of
Transitions are explicit and speak to Most members address topic shift and in topic or purpose.
new topic and purpose.
shifts in topic and purpose for shift. purpose.
Each group member demonstrates Each group member demonstrates 1 or 2 members demonstrate awareness All members show lack of clarity about
awareness of role and that of other awareness of role and that of other of role and that of other speakers. 1 or 2 their "part" and the roles of other
speakers. Members anticipated speakers. Some members anticipated members anticipated audience speakers. No members anticipated
Group audience questions, and multiple audience questions, and 1 or 2 members questions and are the only speakers with audience questions. Most or all
Preparedness members have apt responses. All have apt responses. Most members apt responses. Some members members acknowledge not recognizing
members recognize all parts of recognize all parts of presentation, acknowledge not recognizing all parts of all parts of presentation, slides,
presentation, slides, handouts, and slides, handouts, and other supporting presentation, slides, handouts, and handouts, and other supporting
other supporting materials. materials. other supporting materials. materials.
Course: Supply Chain Management Semester: Summer II 20/21
Code: SCM401 Lecturer: Dr. Rouhi Faisal
Handout Date: 26/07/2021 Due Date: 16/08/2021
Assignment: Group Assignment & Presentation Maximum Mark: 15 + 5 (Presentation)

Important Points to Remember:

1. This Assignment carries 20% of the total marks for this subject.
2. Late papers will be accepted but will lose 5 MARKS EACH DELAYED DATE.
3. Marks are based on detailed work done by the students.
4. The report should be about 10-15 pages.
5. Any similarities between other assignments will result in FAIL GRADE REGARDLESS THE
6. A softcopy of the assignment must be submitted in Blackboard BEFORE the due date.
7. Submission of the assignment or presentation through email is NOT ACCEPTABLE and WILL NOT
8. Reference is a must (APA style), and 5 MARKS will be deducted for not providing proper reference.

Example of APA Style:

Journal Formats:
Abram, S., & Luther, J. (2004). Born with the chip: The next generation will profoundly impact both
library service and the culture within the profession. Library Journal, 129(8), 34-37.
Electronic Source Formats:
Belkin, N. J. (2003). Interface techniques for making searching for information more effective.
Retrieved October 4, 2004 from
Books & eBooks Formats:
Tapscott, D. (1997). Growing up digital: The rise of the net generation. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Evaluator Name: Dr Rouhi Faisal

Evaluator Signature: _______________ Date: _______________

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