Cadbury: An Ethical Company Struggles To Ensure The Integrity of Its Supply Chain
Cadbury: An Ethical Company Struggles To Ensure The Integrity of Its Supply Chain
Cadbury: An Ethical Company Struggles To Ensure The Integrity of Its Supply Chain
Presented to:
MIS Instructor
Presented by:
Cachuela, Althea
Lim, Alyana
The case study showed how child labor became a prevalent problem in
chocolate companies and producers. Cocoa farmers earn less than $2 per day
on average, below the poverty line. To keep their prices competitive and at the
same time meet the overflowing demands, they commonly resort to the use of
child labor as the production process of cocoa farming requires intensive manual
labor. Moreover, children were manipulated into believing that their efforts would
be rewarded fairly. With this revelation, the United States House of
Representatives passed legislation necessitating the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to create a standard requiring companies to provide
evidence that the chocolates are following labor standards and once proven, they
are required to label their chocolate as “slave-labor free”. However, several
chocolate companies have protested as it was hard to strictly monitor nearly 1.5
million small cocoa farms in West Africa and it seemed unrealistic. Also, this
labeling could greatly affect the sales of chocolate companies that could
holistically impact the income of a country. To avoid such labeling and further
consequences, the chocolate industry agreed to the protocol that would give
chocolate producers, authorities, and local farmers four years to eradicate all
ongoing abuses and therefore develop a certification process.
With this, there is still an ongoing effort to continuously make ethical and
sustainable efforts to abolish child labor. Cadbury continuously strives to make
changes to be able to regain its reputation and have integrity to its overall supply
The allegations of slavery in the cocoa supply chain hit the venerable
British firm of Cadbury Schweppes particularly hard. The firm faces an ethical
dilemma concerning their supply chain as it is impossible to ensure that all of
their farms comply with labor standards, considering its number which is
estimated to be in millions. Considering this, how can Cadbury:
Situational Analysis
- Observers noted that “in the public - Farms were not under the control
eye, and also among its of the chocolate manufacturers;
employees, Cadbury Schweppes hence, they couldn’t strictly
still has a strongly ethical enforce labor standards and
reputation which owes a great compliance.
deal to the persistence of the
Quaker legacy.
- Cadbury Schweppes could lead - With the media reports concerning
the industry in creating a more child labor, consumers and the
sustainable standard that government were left reeling,
suppliers are upheld to just like potentially leading to patronage of
the system they created to audit other chocolate companies.
their own suppliers.
Cadbury shares the knowledge that it gained with the rest of the industry
to establish an audit procedure that ensures the practices of suppliers are
sustainable and will comply with human rights. It can also ensure that suppliers
comply with various other social issues as well like providing a livable wage and
gender equality. The benefits would be a better perception of the chocolate
industry with Cadbury at the forefront, being a shining example of the standards
that the industry will adhere to. The cost and the exchange of information on the
other hand would mean that Cadbury will have to relinquish control of some
intellectual assets that it has developed for itself as well as having to fund the
initiative in its early formative stages.
Alternative 2: Cadbury establishes its own farm to ensure that their practices are
sustainable and in compliance with Human Rights.
One of Cadbury’s dilemmas was not having complete control over their
cocoa bean suppliers including their ethical standards and practices. This leaves
Cadbury no choice and makes them continuously involved in any allegations and
ongoing issues that are circulating around the chocolate industry. This leaves
them in no exception to any generalizations and issues as they source raw cocoa
just like how other chocolate companies do. By establishing their own farm,
Cadbury can improve and increase their yield and quality while gaining complete
control over their supply chain. In this way, the organization can ensure that the
entire chocolate manufacturing process adheres to the standards. Holistically,
they can clear any allegations and issues towards child labor and prove that they
maintained strict measures to abolish any kind of practices against the law. They
can prevent any involvement from any issues in the chocolate industry since they
are able to make their own farm that they can fully control.
Alternative 3: Cadbury creates a special division to guide and visit the farms
which supply it.
With the main issue concerning child labor within Cote d'Ivoire, the researcher's
best recommendation shall be embodied to alternative 3 which suggests that Cadbury
shall create a special division whose purpose is to guide the direct suppliers and
oversee the farms to ensure that human rights standards protocols are not violated
whilst conducting their operations. This division shall consist of an internal supervisor
who will look after the overall supply chain process of the partnering third party to verify
that they adhere to ethical standards. The organization shall impose specific policies,
systems, and standards to the suppliers on the manufacture of chocolates. The goal is to
coordinate with them the guidelines and protocols to follow. Moreover, they will also
conduct regular and unannounced inspections to sift through typical movement within
the farms. This way, management can ensure that cocoa manufacturing within their
suppliers and the entire chocolate-making processes do not involve child labor or any
unethical practices. At the same time, they would be able to test if the farmers are strictly
adhering to the terms and conditions located in the contract.
In the long run, however, the establishment of a special division will allow for a
good buyer-supplier relationship if agreements and programs are carried out ethically by
both parties. Allowances can be made for transactions that require negotiation as a
result of this. Furthermore, both the farms and the organization can gain recognition for
adhering to ethical standards, resulting in a favorable reputation. As a result, more
potential customers and investors will be drawn to the company. Over time, the
organization can also ensure that the quality produced by its suppliers improves day by
day. Transparency, as well as a more organized and focused process, will be achieved
within Cadbury company.
VI. Implementation
The graph shown above is the proposed chronological framework for the chosen
I Division Establishment
II Managerial Outsourcing
III Employee Outsourcing
IV Contract Drafting
V Direct Supplier Orientation
VI Program Implementation
VII Annual Operational Accountability Reports
To implement the chosen alternative course of action. The entity must first
establish the division itself. It must specify the scope and the nature of its operation as a
special division. Given this, it also must elect or to choose the most appropriate
personnel who shall supervise the operations of the division. He / She must be equipped
with both managerial and supervisory skills to oversee the operations of the division
internally and externally.
Employee Outsourcing
After establishing the division and electing the right person to supervise, finding
employees that are suitable and knowledgeable of the work in the division. Employees
hired must know the standards by heart and must be able to check whether all the
necessary points in the contract are followed by the suppliers and are able to analyze
the data gathered. Also, employees hired must be willing to work in different places,
outside their city or even outside their country.
Contract Drafting & Direct Supplier Orientation
Contract is needed for both the direct supplier and the organization to concur on
terms and conditions regarding the protocols and standards to follow. This is to ensure
that all requirements are laid down before agreement is made. There would be an
update of the terms and conditions of the contract with its current direct suppliers. The
updated contract would entail a stricter version of the way farmers hire and treat their
laborers. The updated contract includes the minimum number of employees required,
age limit, appropriate number of working hours, and just compensation in accordance
with the labor laws. It would itemize the specific requirements needed to ensure they
comply with the basic labor laws, and no one is abused or taken advantage of. After the
revision, there would be a direct supplier orientation. The revised contract would be
presented highlighting the crucial changes and requirements. When current suppliers
agree to the updated contract and commit that they can follow the terms and conditions,
they can now sign the contract. With their agreement and commitment, current suppliers
can continue supplying to Cadbury and enjoy the benefits of having a secured contract
and partnership with the company.
Program Implementation
At this stage, all agreements are put into effect. The organization puts all the
necessary action plans in place to achieve the desired outcome and produce positive
results. The division will monitor and supervise the supplier’s farm and conduct
necessary inspections to ensure that human right standards are met. Moreover, it will
also direct suppliers in producing the highest quality goods possible.
After collecting the data required for the report by the end of the year, it is further
analyzed and reported to the top management to determine whether all of the standards
have been met. The goal of which is to track progress and ensure that programs
established throughout the process are completed.