Hard Questions-Exodus: Prepared by Lauren Stouffer

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Hard Questions—Exodus

Prepared by Lauren Stouffer

1. Ex. 1:5 says that seventy of Abraham’s descendents went down to Egypt.
However, Acts 7:14-15 says that seventy-five members of his family went.
Which passage is correct?

2. How could God have blessed the midwives for lying about the births of the
baby boys? (Ex. 1:15-21)?

3. How could only two midwives possibly have served the whole community of
Hebrews, over two million people, especially during a time of high birthrate
(Ex. 1:15)?

4. Who is the Angel of the LORD who appeared in the burning bush (Ex. 3:2-6)?

5. Why do some passages use the name Yahweh (LORD), while others use the
name Elohim (Ex. 3: 13-15)?

6. When God instructs Moses to ask permission to leave Egypt for three days to
sacrifice, is God telling Moses to be purposely deceptive (Ex. 3:18)?

7. Why was the LORD seeking to kill Moses since He had been preparing Moses
to lead His people out of Egypt (Ex. 4:24-26)?

8. Exodus 6:16-20 lists only three generations between Levi and Moses during the
430 years spent in Egypt. How is this possible (Ex. 6:16-20 cf. Ex. 12:40)?

9. If Moses wrote the book of Exodus, why does he refer to himself in third person
(Ex. 6:26-27; 16:33-36)?

10. How were the Egyptian Magicians able to perform signs for Pharaoh that
resembled the signs God did through Moses and Aaron (Ex. 7:11, 22, 8:7)?

11. How do statements that the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart reconcile with
statements such as 2 Pet. 3:9, that the LORD is “not willing that any should
perish, but that all should come to repentance” (Ex. 4:21; 7:3, 13; 9:12; 10:1,
20, 27; 11:10; 14:4, 8, 17)?

12. Was it right for Israel to plunder the Egyptians before leaving Egypt (12:35-

13. Why did God slay all the firstborn Egyptians when the Egyptian people had
nothing to do with Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Hebrews go (12:29-30)?

14. Did the Red Sea actually divide in two for Israel to cross (Ex. 14:21)?

15. Does the second commandment forbid art? How does this commandment fit
in with God’s directions for pictorial ornamentation in the tabernacle and in
the temple (Ex. 20:4; cf. Ex. 25-27; I Kings 6:1-38, 7:13-51)?

16. Are children responsible for the sins of their parents (Ex. 20:5)?

17. What is the significance of the Sabbath Day? Is it biblical for Christians to
observe the Sabbath on Sunday instead of on Saturday? Is this
commandment even relevant today (Ex. 20:8-11)?

18. Does the sixth commandment prohibit the taking of life? Why is there so
much killing of both human beings and animals in the Bible (Ex. 20:13)?

19. Since the seventh commandment forbids adultery, how was it that the
patriarchs, David, and other leaders in the Old Testament frequently had
more than one wife (Ex. 20:14)?

20. Does God approve of slavery (Ex. 21:2-11)? What impact does culture have
on the shaping of the law?

21. Does God approve of polygamy (Ex. 21:7-11)? What impact does culture
have on the shaping of the law?

22. Does the “law of the tooth” allow private retaliation when someone is wronged
(Ex. 21:23-25)?

23. Is capital punishment mandated by God (Ex. 21:28-36)?

24. Is charging interest on loans permitted (Ex. 22:25)?

25. How could Moses and the Elders have seen God when both John 1:18 and 1
Tim.6:16 state that no one has ever seen God (Ex. 24:9-11)?
26. If God is spirit, according to Jn. 4:24, how could the tablets have been
inscribed with the finger of God (Ex. 31:18)?

27. In Exodus 33:20, the LORD tells Moses that “You cannot see My face, for no
man can see Me and live!”; however, Exodus 33:11 says “thus the LORD
spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.” How can
both of these passages be true?

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