Fed STD 141D
Fed STD 141D
Fed STD 141D
The General Services Administration has authorized the use of this federal standard, by all federal agencies.
FSC 8010
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AUTHORITY: This standard is issued pursuant to the Federal Property and Administration
Service Act of 1949, as amended, and its application to the purchase of commodities referred to
herein is mandatory on all Federal agencies.
1.1 Scope. This standard elaborates the methods used to determine the physical and chemical
properties of paint, varnish, lacquer, and related materials. The purpose of this standard is to establish
standardized testing methodologies and to eliminate unnecessary or undesirable variations in test
results when evaluating a product’s adherence to specification requirements. If any variation or
modification of the methods established in this standard is required by any specification, the procedures
listed in the specification will take precedence. Any conflict between this standard and any particular
specification will be resolved in favor of the specification.
2.1 Contents. The contents of this standard are arranged in sections as follows:
1. Scope and Contents.
2. Form and Numbering System.
3. Alphabetical Index of Test Methods.
4. Numerical Index of Test Methods.
5. Numerical Index of Canceled Test Methods.
6. Numerical Index of ASTM methods to be used in place of canceled FTMS 141 Test Methods.
7. Notes on the Use of this Standard.
8. Reagents, Water, and Ethyl Alcohol.
9. Routine and Referee Testing Conditions.
1000. Sampling for Inspection and Testing.
2000. Preparation of Panels and Application of Test Films.
3000. Package Stability Tests.
4000. Physical Tests of Coating Materials and Coating Ingredients.
6000. Physical and Chemical Tests of Dried Films.
FSC 8010
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1.1 Scope. This section contains a brief description of the form and the system of numbering
within the individual methods, and also the manner in which new methods are added and old
methods revised.
2.1 Revision of existing methods. The binding of this standard permits separation for
convenience in adding new methods and revising existing methods.
2.1.1 Numbering system used. When a technical change or modification is issued, one will
identify it by adding a decimal point to the basic method number or by incrementing the decimal.
2.1.2 Revision precedence. When a revision is issued on a Standard 141 method, it automatically
supersedes the previous method. Use the method of the particular revision in force at the time of
invitation to bid for testing.
2.2 New methods. A placement of new methods in this standard is based on the following
a. The character or purpose of the test method indicates the specific section to which it
b. A method number is assigned so that the new method is located close to methods of similar
or related type.
2.3 Use of ASTM test methods. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods
listed in section 6 of this standard have been accepted as substitutes for the applicable canceled
Federal test methods and should be used whenever the Fed. Test Method Std. 141 method number
is referenced. When superseded 141 methods are to be cited in the future, the accepted ASTM
method should be cited directly.
3.1.1 Alphabetical index (section 3). In the alphabetical index, each current method is listed
alphabetically by its primary purpose as indicated in its title.
3.1.2 Numerical index (section 4). The numerical index lists all current methods in numerical
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3.1.3 Numerical index of canceled test methods (section 5). An index of canceled, deleted, or
superseded test methods is listed with cross-reference to the superseding Fed. Test Method Std. 141
or accepted ASTM test methods where applicable.
3.1.4 Numerical index of accepted ASTM test methods (section 6). The ASTM test methods
accepted are listed with cross-reference to canceled Fed. Test Method Std. 141 test methods.
3.2 Test method format. Whenever possible, the test methods contain the first five of the
following six paragraphs. Data on precision are included whenever available.
3.2.1 Scope. The scope of each test method is given in paragraph 1. It describes the purpose of
the test method.
3.2.2 Apparatus. The apparatus for each test method is listed in paragraph 2. Unusual apparatus
is listed, along with standardization techniques and construction requirements, if applicable.
3.2.3 Reagents. All reagents required in a test method are listed in paragraph 3. Details are given
for the preparation of reagents that must be manufactured specifically for a particular test method.
3.2.4 Procedure. The procedure to be followed in each test method is detailed in paragraph 4. The
procedure generally includes three major sections, preparation of the test specimen, performance of
the test involved, and calculation of results.
3.2.5 Precision. Data on precision for each test method, both within one laboratory and between
different laboratories, are listed in paragraph 5.
3.2.6 Notes. Any pertinent notes for each test method are listed in paragraph 6. These notes will
include caution warnings, comments on variations in results, and similar comments.
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Canceled Use Use
Title of Canceled FTMS 141 FTMS 141 ASTM
Test Method Method No. Method No. Method No.
Drying Time (Oil-Base Paints) 4062 4061.3
Drying Time (Drying Oils and Resin Solutions) 4063 4061.3
Moisture and Other Volatile Matter in Pigments 4071 D280
Moisture and Other Volatile Matter in Pigments that 4072
Decompose at 110°C
Water in Paints and Varnishes 4082.1 D1364
(Karl Fisher Titration Method)
Water in Solvents and Thinners by Turbidity Method 4083 D1476
Coarse Particles and Skins in Oil-Base Paints and Pastes 4091.1
Coarse Particles and Skins in Synthetic Vehicles 4092.1 D185
Coarse Particles in Dry Pigments (Ordinary Form) 4101 D185
Coarse Particles in Dry Pigments (Pellet Form) 4102
Wet Hiding Power of Paint (B/W Checkerboard) 4111
Wet Hiding Power of Paints (Impervious Chart) 4112
Drying Opacity 4121.1
Hiding Power (Contrast Ratio) 4122.2 D2805
Wet Opacity 4131
Stability to Temperature Cycle 4144
Kauri Reduction Test 4151 D1642
Test Method B
Rosin-Pentaerythritol Ester Reduction Test 4152 D1642
Test Method A
Gas Test (Bell Jar) 4161
Gas Test (Oven) 4162
Draft Test 4171
Specific Gravity of Pigments (Vacuum Method) 4181 D153
Test Method A,
Sections 4-9
Specific Gravity of Pigment (Centrifuge Method) 4182
Specific Gravity of Solvents and Thinners 4183 D891
Weight per Gallon 4184.1 D1475
Specific Gravity of Solid Resins 4185
Oil Absorption (Rub Out) 4191 D281
Oil Absorption (Gardner-Coleman) 4192
Miscibility Tests for Pastes-in-Oil 4201.1
Mixing Properties of Aluminum Mixing Varnishes 4202
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Method No. Method No.
D1398 7031
D1474 6212
D1475 4184.1
D1476 4083
D1542, Sections 1 - 4.1 5031
D1542, Exclude 4.1 5032
D1544 4248
D1545 4271
D1613 5252
D1639 5071
D1639 5072
D1639 5073
D1642, Test Method A 4152
D1642, Test Method B 4151
D1652 7403
D1653 6171
D1720 4204.1
D1729 4249.1
D1729 4250.1
D1732 2015
D1849 3018
D1951 5262
D1951 5263
D1951 5265
D1952 5161
D1954 5162
D1955 4441
D1959 5061
D1960 4461
D1962 5081
D1964 4442
D1965 7011
D1983 7501
D2091 6211
D2196, Test Method A 4287
D2197 6303.1
D2243 3012
D2245 7501
D2247 6071
D2350 7106
D2369 4041.1
D2369 4042.1
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1. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. Product specifications for paint, varnish, lacquer, and related
materials should specify by number the test method to use to test for a particular property. Many of
the test methods in this standard give desired conditions for the test involved, in which case,
assuming they are applicable to the product under test, no further information need be specified. In
some instances, the specification should stipulate the test conditions, properties to be checked (if
there are more than one), and the test periods involved.
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1. SCOPE. This section covers the general requirements for the purity of reagents and water used
in the test methods of this standard. Detailed information for a particular reagent is given in the
method in which it is used.
2. REAGENTS. Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents should conform to the American
Chemical Society specifications for reagent chemicals, published in the latest edition of “Reagent
Chemicals, ACS Specifications,” and available from the American Chemical Society, 1155
Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. The Society can be contacted by telephone
(202) 872-4600, or (800) 227-5558, or Internet address: http://www.acs.org. Where such
specifications are not available, use commercial chemicals having the highest purity, and if
necessary, analyze these chemicals before use by proper analytical methods.
3. WATER. Unless otherwise indicated, references to water for use in the preparation of reagents
and in the analytical procedures should be understood to mean freshly distilled water.
4. ETHYL ALCOHOL. Ethyl alcohol should be absolute ethanol (100 percent or 200 proof), 95
percent ethanol (containing 5 percent water, 190 proof), or alcohol denatured according to formulas
of the Internal Revenue Service (see 5). The particular grade of ethanol to be used should be
specified in each method.
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1.1 Routine testing. Unless otherwise specified in the product specification or test method,
perform all physical tests on coating materials or dried test films thereof at 21 to 32°C (70 to 90°F).
1.2 Referee testing. In case of dispute or disagreement between laboratories, and unless otherwise
specified, condition the coating, material or test film thereof in an atmosphere of 50 ± 4 percent
relative humidity and at a temperature of 23°C ± 1°C (73°F ± 2°F). It is intended that the laboratory
be maintained as closely as possible to 23°C (73°F) and a relative humidity of 50 percent. The
tolerances indicated are meant to cover variations from the specified conditions that may occur at
different locations in the room.
1.3 Time of conditions. Unless otherwise specified in the product specification or test method,
allow the coating material or test film thereof and the testing equipment to reach equilibrium and
then test at the conditions specified in 1.2.
1.4 Lighting and ventilating. Unless otherwise specified, lighting and ventilating conditions
should be those normally maintained in a room used for paint testing purposes.
Review activities:
Army - MI
Navy - AS, CG
Air Force - 03, 84, 99
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Section 1000
METHOD 1031.1
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method covers the requirements for contractor inspection responsibility.
4.1.1 Inspection and testing. The contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection
and testing requirements as specified in the specification for the commodity. Except as otherwise
specified, the contractor shall utilize his own or any other inspection and testing facilities and
services acceptable to the Government. Records of the examination and tests shall be kept complete
and available to the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the
inspection and testing set forth in the specification and contractual documents where such is
deemed necessary to ensure that supplies conform to prescribed requirements
4.1.2 Quality control system. The contractor shall maintain an effective quality control system.
This system shall provide for adequate controls of quality throughout all areas of contract
performance. Descriptive procedures shall be provided and maintained to illustrate the entire
process of receipt and handling of ingredient materials, and the manufacture, inspection, testing,
packaging, packing, marking, and shipping of finished product. The contractor shall provide for or
maintain at least a minimum of accurate laboratory testing equipment in satisfactory operating
condition sufficient to perform the required acceptance tests and to ensure that the products
conform to contract requirements.
4.2.1 Over 250 gallons or 2,000 pounds, as applicable (see 6.1). The contractor shall have all
acceptance tests made as required by the specification and the contract and shall submit the
laboratory test report when the contract or order provides for more than 250 gallons or 2,000
pounds of one material. When the contractor has a past history of good quality control as
determined by the Government quality control activity:
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METHOD 1031.1
March 22, 2001
then testing of up to four lots in five of the same material, regardless of contract or order, shall be
reduced to that of 4.2.2.
4.2.2 50 to 250 gallons or 400 to 2,000 pounds. Reduced testing will be permitted on contracts of
50 gallons or 400 pounds and over but not exceeding 250 gallons or 2,000 pounds, provided the
formulation used has been shown to comply with all requirements by prior testing. For paints and
similar pigmented and clear products, the submitted test report shall cover the following
characteristics, as applicable:
a. Application properties.
b. Drying or curing time.
c. Appearance of dry film (gloss, color, and so forth).
d. Opacity.
e. Fineness of grind.
f. Weight per gallon.
g. Viscosity.
h. Percent nonvolatile.
i. Strength properties (adhesives).
For other materials, tests shall be reduced to generally accepted plant control procedures and other
tests indicative of quality that can be completed within 2 days time with common laboratory
4.2.3 Under 50 gallons or 400 pounds. When the quantity is less than 50 gallons or 400 pounds,
the contractor shall furnish a certificate indicating compliance with all requirements of the
specification in lieu of a test report, provided the formulation used has been shown to comply with
all requirements by prior testing. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, material
furnished shall have a 1 year unqualified shelf life beginning with date of manufacture marked on
container, and must be guaranteed usable for the intended purpose after normal mixing, stirring, or
4.2.4 Government testing. If at any time Government testing indicates significant differences
when checked against the contractor’s test reports, the contractor shall be advised and the quality
control system shall be considered to be in a noncomparable status. The contractor shall then be
required to submit laboratory tests on a more complete testing basis on each lot, dependent on the
nature of the difference, until comparability is reestablished. This action shall be effective
regardless of material then being manufactured or the contract under which it is being procured.
4.3.1 Coated card. For each lot of all coatings, the contractor shall furnish the Government
representative a coated card that shows the color, gloss, and general appearance of the material
covered by the lot. The card shall be no smaller than 3 by 5 inches. For acceptance, the color must
match, within specification limits, the color card furnished for the contract or order by the
Government representative.
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METHOD 1031.1
March 22, 2001
4.4.1 Ingredient requirements. When the specification has mandatory ingredient requirements
and the quantity of finished product is 50 gallons or 400 pounds or over, the contractor shall make
available to the Government representative a certificate of compliance from the ingredient supplier
for each ingredient, as applicable. The certificate of compliance shall cite the data or the location
and availability of data, that is the quality control data upon which the certificate is based. For
frequently replenished ingredients, normally mixed, blended, or combined in tanks or bins, the
contractor shall make available a record of ingredient supplier’s certificate of compliance for each
replenishment. For products of critical end use such as ship-bottom paints, ingredients shall be
sampled and subjected to verification tests in a Government laboratory prior to start of manufacture,
when so required by the specification.
4.5.1 Tests. All tests performed shall be in accordance with the applicable specifications. The
contractor is cautioned to refer to and to comply with all modifications of the specifications cited in
the contractual documents. If the contractor does not do testing, it shall be his responsibility to
furnish his designated testing facility with all pertinent contract information and modifications to
make certain that the testing establishment is adequately informed to accomplish all tests and make
accurate reports. Quantitative test results shall be reported to the same number of significant digits
as are used in stating the requirements of that property in the commodity specification. Qualitative
values shall be definitely stated. Results shall not be reported simply as “complies” or
“satisfactory,” but in the same manner as the requirements. The test methods shall be reported by
reference to the applicable paragraph in the product specification or the method number when
referenced to a Federal or other test method standard.
4.5.2 Sampling. Unless otherwise specified, sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM D3925.
6.1 Paints and related products. While most paints and related products are bought by volume
(gallons and so forth), some products such as pigments, hard resins and, possibly, pastes are bought
by weight (pounds and so forth). The weights called out in this method are considered convenient
and representative amounts or lots for determining the extent of testing required. No specific
mathematical relationship is implied by the gallons and pounds called out in this method.
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Section 2000
METHOD 2131.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method covers procedures for both the manual and automatic application of
finishing materials by using spraying apparatus.
4. PROCEDURE Reduction of material. When dilution is necessary, the material shall be reduced with the
specified thinner to the required solids content or viscosity. Where no viscosity is specified, spray-
outs performed with standard type guns shall be done at a viscosity of 17 to 25 seconds in a No. 4
Ford cup at 25°C (see ASTM D1200) for pigmented materials, and 0.65 to 1.00 stokes at 25°C
(see ASTM D1545) for clear materials. Application. The air pressure shall be kept constant and the air line provided with a
moisture trap. The flow, gun distance from the test panel, and spray pattern shall be so adjusted that
the deposited film is kept smooth, level, and wet. Application shall be made so as to produce a dry
film thickness of (a) 0.0008 to 0.0011 or (b) 0.003 ± 0.0003 inch depending on the nature of
material applied or the number of coats and thickness specified in the product specification. Application. The packaged material shall be applied with an approved hot spray unit.
When dilution is necessary, the material shall be reduced with the specified thinner to the required
viscosity for hot spray application. The conditions of operation with respect to temperature of
heating unit, at spray gun, and of atomization air; pressure of atomization air and feed tank; type
and adjustment of air cap and fluid tip on spray gun; distance of gun from work; and rate of flow of
material at spray nozzle shall be as specified.
4.2.1 Spray. Any automatic spraying machine that combines reciprocating rectilinear motion with
variable speed controls and means of adjusting distance from spray gun to test specimen shall be
used. The speed of the traversing mechanism and the distance from the spray gun to the test
specimen shall be varied until satisfactory spraying properties and the specified dry film thickness
are obtained. There shall be no change in operating conditions after correct settings have been
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METHOD 2131.2
March 22, 2001
determined. Application shall be the number of coats or thickness specified in the product
specification or as specified in 2.1.2.
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Section 3000
METHOD 3011.3
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method covers procedures for determining changes in properties of paints and
related materials after packaging.
4.1 General. Before agitating the contents of the container in which the material was originally
packaged or transmitted for test, open the container by suitable means and determine the condition
of the material by one of the following applicable procedures against specified requirements.
4.1.1 Ready-mixed pigmented materials (paints, enamels, and so forth). Note whether skinning
has occurred and remove any continuous skin with a spatula by first carefully cutting the skin free
from the container. Lower a stiff spatula or paddle into the container and observe if the material is
abnormally thick or livered and to what extent settling or caking exists. Just stirring can usually
break up soft caking. When firm or hard caking is encountered, the supernatant liquid shall be
poured into a clean container and then added back in small amounts with continuous stirring until
the pigment has been reincorporated to form a homogeneous material suitable for use or until it is
determined that the pigment cannot be reincorporated by hand stirring. After the material has been
thoroughly stirred, examine for presence of gell bodies or undispersed conglomerates as it flows
from the spatula or paddle. Immediately after stirring examine the surface of the material for
floating pigments. Flow some of the material on a tin or glass panel; allow draining in a vertical
position and examining for loss of drying ability, color drift, seeding, and coarse particle. Check for
change in viscosity per applicable method such as ASTM D562.
4.1.2 Ready-for-use clear materials (varnishes, lacquers, oils, and so forth). Examine for skinning,
thickening, livering gelatinous masses, ingredient separation, and other specially defined
characteristics that may be objectionable for the specified material such as in 4.1.5. Examination shall
be made with the use of a spatula or paddle or by transferring the material to a clear glass container.
4.1.3 Pastes-in-oil and concentrates. Lower the spatula or paddle into the material and pass it
over the bottom of the container to determine the extent of caking. Add slowly with constant
stirring the specified thinning material and determine whether the paste or concentrate breaks up
readily to a smooth, homogeneous mixture of satisfactory brushing consistence.
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METHOD 3011.3
March 22, 2001
4.1.4 Dry materials (pigments, toners, and so forth). Transfer a representative amount of the
material from the container to a mixing sheet. Note whether the material is homogeneous and has
the physical characteristics normal to it. Abnormal lumps or conglomerates shall be friable or
capable of being broken up or separated to approximately individual particle size, normal for the
material, by pressure between the thumb and fingers or by light tapping with a blunt instrument.
Examine for discoloration, dirt and other signs of contamination or adulteration. Characteristics in the material. The following characteristics in the material are
considered undesirable and objectionable under all conditions.
a. Curdling.
b. Agglomerates.
c. Gelling.
d. Seeding.
e. Putrefaction.
f. Gassing.
g. Livering. Excessive characteristics. The following characteristics are considered undesirable and
objectionable if excessive and not capable of being reworked to an acceptable package condition
per applicable method. Marked changes. Marked changes in the following characteristics are not desirable but
small changes within specification limits shall be permitted.
a. Coarse particles.
b. Viscosity (ASTM D2196, Test Method A).
c. Loss of drying ability (method 4061.3).
d. Color drift.
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METHOD 3022.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. It is the objective of this method to determine the storage stability (filled container) in
terms of the undesirable qualities that may be produced during a specified time and condition of
2.1 Container. A suitable 8-ounce container, approximately 4-1/2 inches in height and 2 inches in
4.1 Procedure. The container shall be filled with the material under test. The cover shall be
secured tightly. The container shall be placed in an upright position in the dark (placing it under a
box or in a drawer is satisfactory). The test shall be made at 22.2 to 26.7°C (72 to 80°F). The
sample shall not be agitated or disturbed until inspected.
4.2 Storage. The following is the recommended storage period for these products (see 5.1).
4.3 Undesirable qualities. The following characteristics in the material are considered undesirable
and objectionable.
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METHOD 3022.2
March 22, 2001
4.4.1 After inspection. After inspection without stirring for 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of 4.3,
reseal the container and agitate for 5 minutes on a paint shaker. Open container and examine for
compliance with 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14, and 15 of 4.3. If pigment is not fully redispersed, agitate until full
dispersion is reached, if possible, and reexamine.
6.1 Notes. This is the recommended storage period for the test and has no relationship to the
actual storage life intended.
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Section 4000
METHOD 4053.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method gives a procedure whereby the nonvolatile vehicle content should be
calculated using the sum of the volatile matter and pigment solids content.
2.1 Apparatus. The appropriate apparatus from the specific methods chosen should be used.
3.1 Reagents. The appropriate reagents from the specific methods chosen should be used.
4.1 Volatile matter. Add the percentage of volatile matter in the sample as determined by
ASTM D2369 to its pigment percentage as determined by ASTM D2698. Subtract this sum from
100 to obtain the percentage of nonvolatile vehicle in the sample.
6.1 Limitation. This method is limited only by the limitations placed on the methods that are used.
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METHOD 4061.3
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method determines the various stages and rates of film formation in the drying or
curing of organic coatings normally used under conditions of ambient room temperature.
4.1.1 Thickness of dried film. The film thickness used shall be stated in the product specification.
If the specification does not give this information, table I shall be used.
Dry Film
Test (thickness, mils) Notes
Clear coatings 1.2 ± 0.2
Drying oils 1.2 ± 0.2 See 4.1. Add driers a minimum
of 24 hours before test.
Varnishes 1.0 ± 0.1
Lacquers 1.0 ± 0.1
Resin solutions 1.0 ± 0.1
Enamels 1.2 ± 0.2
Oil-based paints 1.8 ± 0.2 See 4.1.
Water-thinned paints 1.2 ± 0.2 See 4.1.
Rubber-based paints 1.2 ± 0.2
New synthetics 1.2 ± 0.2
4.2 Air-drying.
4.2.1 Routine testing. Air-drying shall be done in a well-ventilated room or chamber free from
drafts and dust, and in diffused light (not in direct sunlight). An illumination of approximately 25
foot-candles (270 lx) is preferred for drying oil films. The temperature of the air shall be between
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METHOD 4061.3
March 22, 2001
21°C and 28°C and the relative humidity shall be 50 ± 5 percent. If the time of drying is not within
the specified limits of the product specification, repeat the test under the atmospheric conditions
specified in 4.2.2.
4.2.2 Referee testing. In case of dispute or disagreement between laboratories, air-drying shall be
done in an atmosphere of 50 ± 4 percent relative humidity and at a temperature of 23°C ± 1°C.
4.2.3 Baking. Baking shall be done in a forced draft laboratory baking oven capable of
maintaining the specified temperature within a range of ± 2°C. The product specification shall
specify the specific temperature for the product.
4.3 Procedure. Specimens. All test specimens shall be prepared in duplicate and tested by an operator
properly skilled in the methods to be used. Materials. The materials to be tested shall be applied on clean glass panels or on another
specific substrate of suitable dimension. The coated panels shall be placed in a horizontal position
and shall be shielded from excessive dust accumulation while drying. Ground glass plates are more
suitable for coatings that tend to crawl, such as low viscosity drying oils. Suitable plates can be
prepared by roughening the surface of polished glass by grinding a paste of silicone carbide
(Grit 1-F) and water between two glass plates. Film. The test film preferably shall be cast with a doctor blade having a clearance
sufficient to give the recommended dry film thickness in table I. The allowable dry film thickness
variation obtained with the blade shall not lie outside the limit of 0.1 mils over the area of the film
to be tested. When a suitable doctor blade is not available, or it has been agreed upon to apply the
film in some other manner, the various conventional and automatic methods of spray, dip, and
thickness shall conform to the above requirements. Thickness. The dry film thickness of the test films shall be measured with the proper film
thickness gauge. When plates of small area are used, measurement of dry film thickness can be
made by weight of plates before and after coating and calculation from plate area and coating
4.4.1 Film test. The film shall be tested at points not less than 0.375 inches from the edges. Tests
shall be made at regular drying intervals, such as 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour, depending on
the speed of drying. The different stages of drying, defined herein, shall be determined as follows:
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METHOD 4061.3
March 22, 2001
4.4.2 Set-to-touch. An intermediate stage in the drying of coatings, paints, or varnishes which is
reached when gentle pressure of the finger shows a tacky condition of the film, but none of the
material adheres to the finger.
4.4.3 Dust-free. This stage of drying shall be determined by one of the following methods, as
specified. Cotton fiber method. Separate a number of individual fibers from a mass of absorbent
cotton. At regular drying intervals, drop several of the cotton fibers from a height of 1 inch onto the
film. The dust-free time is the earliest time that the cotton fibers shall be removed by blowing
lightly across the surface of the film. Calcium carbonate method. Lie off along its long edge equal portions of the test film and
record the drying time of each portion before dusting. Sprinkle a small amount of finely powdered
calcium carbonate on the film. Repeat the operation on different portions of the film at regular
intervals. After the film has dried tack-free (see 4.5), remove the calcium carbonate dust by blowing
with a gentle stream of air and wiping with a soft cloth or camel’s-hair brush. The coating shall be
considered dust free at the time interval that the calcium carbonate can be removed completely.
4.5 Tack-free. Tack tester. The tack tester to be used in this method comprises essentially a base or
surface-contacting portion 1-inch square and a counterbalancing portion 1 by 2 inches in area. Both
portions are made up from a continuous metal strip 0.016 to 0.018 inches in thickness. To prepare
the tack tester for use, the base is fitted with several thicknesses of masking tape and paper strips to
provide a means of attaching aluminum foil, and the angle of the counterbalancing strip is so
adjusted that a weight of 5 grams placed in the geometric center of the base is just sufficient to
overcome the unbalanced force. Procedure. At regular drying intervals make preliminary tests of the state of tackiness of
the film by placing a strip of aluminum foil 6 by 1 by 0.0005 inches on the film and exerting firm
finger pressure against the foil. Pressure of the fingertip against the foil shall not be greater than that
required to obtain a contact area of 0.12 to 0.20 inches in diameter. When the foil can be removed
without noticeable pull, proceed with the tack tester. Place the base of the tester on a portion of the
film not previously used and place a 300-gram weight on the base. Remove the weight at the end of
5 seconds. The film shall be considered tack-free when the tack tester tips over immediately upon
removal of the weight. Free from after-tack. Some varnishes retain a tacky condition after the dry-through period
(see 4.7) has been reached. This condition shall not be confused with the tack-free drying stage (see
4.5.4) that occurs previously to the dry-through stage. This state of drying shall be determined by
the following method.
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METHOD 4061.3
March 22, 2001
4.6 Requirements.
4.6.1 Test paper. Kraft paper test sheets (90# basis weight) that when conditioned in accordance
with the standard method of the Technical Association and the Pulp and Paper Industry, conforms
to the following requirements (see 5.2).
4.6.2 Bearing weight. Use a steel cylinder 2 inches in diameter, weighing 6.2 pounds.
4.6.3 Procedure. Lay a 2.0 by 2.8 inch piece of the test paper on the film, and place the cylinder
on the paper. At the end of 5 seconds remove the cylinder and invert the test panel. The film shall
be considered free from after-tack when the paper drops off the test film within 10 seconds.
4.7 Dry.
4.7.1 Paints and enamels. Test the film with a finger using moderate pressure. The film shall be
considered dry when the soft tacky condition no longer exists and the film feels firm.
4.7.2 Drying oils. Lightly rub the finger across the surface of the test films. The film shall be
considered dry when it no longer adheres to the finger and does not rub up appreciably.
4.7.3 Dry-through for varnish, lacquers, and enamels. Place the test panel in a horizontal position
at a height such that, when the thumb is placed horizontally on the film, the arm of the operator is in
a vertical straight line from wrist to shoulder. Bear downward on the film with the thumb, exerting
the maximum pressure of the arm, at the same time turning the thumb through an angle of 90
degrees in the plane of the film. The film shall be considered dry-through when no loosening
detachment, wrinkling, or other distortion of the film occurs.
4.7.4 Dry-hard time. With the end of the thumb resting on the test film and the forefinger
supporting the test panel, exert a maximum downward pressure (without twisting) of the thumb on
the film. Lightly polish the contacted area with a soft cloth. The film shall be considered dry-hard
when any mark left by the thumb is completely removed by the polishing operation.
4.7.5 Dry-to-recoat. A film shall be considered dry for recoating when second coat or specified
topcoat can be applied without the development of film irregularities, such as lifting or loss of
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METHOD 4061.3
March 22, 2001
adhesion of the first coat, the drying time of the second coat does not exceed the maximum
specified (if any) for the first coat.
5.1 Agreement. Because of the subjective nature of the drying time test, the agreement to be
expected between laboratories depends upon their understanding of the terms used, and cannot be
established with certainty. Within any laboratory, the agreement depends upon the material being
tested, some coatings being much sharper in their end point than others, but duplicate
determinations shall agree within 10 percent of the time of drying.
5.2 Measurement of drying time. Critical factors in the measurement of drying time of coatings
are room temperature, relative humidity, and rate of airflow over the sample.
6.1 Patent. The standard tack tester is fully described in U.S. Patent 2,406,989, dated
September 3, 1946.
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METHOD 4203.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method provides a procedure for determining the reducibility of a coating
material with the recommended solvent for that material.
4.1 Material preparation. The material shall be diluted with the amount of the solvent required in
the product specification or according to the manufacturer’s instructions, whichever applies. Unless
otherwise specified, all materials used in and during the test shall be at a temperature of
23°C ± 1.1°C (73.4°F ± 2°F).
4.2 Observations upon mixing. The material shall mix readily and easily without excess stirring
or shaking.
4.3 Observations upon standing. Let the diluted material stand undisturbed for 4 hours unless
otherwise specified in the product specification. At the end of the standing period, freedom from
these defects, curdling, precipitation, and separation shall be observed.
4.4 Condition of material. If doubt exists as to the condition of the material after the standing
period, flow an amount of the material onto a glass panel without agitating it. Any of the defects
mentioned in 4.3 will then be observable.
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METHOD 4252.1
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method utilizes data from photoelectric tristimulus calorimeters to specify colors
of nonfluorescent specimens, in approximate accord with the 1931 CIE (I.C.I.) standard observer
and standard source C (average daylight). Accurate color measurement of test specimens by this
method is possible only when the instrument is properly calibrated using manufacturer supplied
color standards that have spectral characteristics similar to those of the specimens.
2.1 Components. The apparatus, in which specimens are illuminated and viewed under controlled
geometric conditions, should consist of an incandescent lamp source, one or more photocells, and
an appropriate tristimulus-filter set.
2.2 Illuminating and viewing conditions. The directions of illuminating and viewing measured
from the perpendicular to the illuminated face of the test specimen should be within 10 degrees of
those indicated in table I. The illuminating and viewing conditions may be interchanged without
altering results.
2.2.1 Reflectance measurements. For reflectance measurements, instruments having either of the
viewing geometries listed in table I are permitted. Diffuse reflectance measurements of glossy
specimens should be made with or without inclusion of the specular component of reflected flux.
2.3 Tristimulus-filter set. Filters of the tristimulus-filter set should be interposed in succession
either between the source and the test specimen or between the test specimen and the viewing
photocell. Alternatively, several photocells should be used and each filter of the set should have its
own photocell. The filter set should be designed to produce source-filter photocell response
functions that will give calorimeter readings directly proportional to the CIE tristimulus values, X,
Y, and Z, or to produce response functions such that the CIE tristimulus values can be derived from
the calorimeter readings.
TABLE I. Illuminating and viewing conditions.
Geometric directions
Measurement Illuminating Viewing
Transmittance 0° 180°
Reflectance 0° 45°
2.4 Standard source. The equivalent of CIE standard source C should be used to obtain the colors
of specimens for average daylight.
2.5 Standards.
2.5.1 Primary standards. Transparent specimems. For transparent specimens, the primary standard is the source.
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METHOD 4252.1
March 22, 2001 Opaque specimens. For opaque specimens, the primary standard is a freshly prepared
layer of magnesium oxide of 0.5 mm minimum thickness identically irradiated and viewed.
2.5.2 Secondary standards. Secondary standards having spectral characteristics similar to those of
the test specimens should be used since the usual source-filter-photocell combinations only
approximate the CIE functions. Tristimulus values, X, Y, and Z for source C for master secondary
standards should be obtained according to manufacturer supplied software. Working standards
having nearly the same spectral character as a master standard should be calibrated by direct
photoelectric comparison of tristimulus values. Transparent specimens. For transparent specimens, glass filters should be used as
secondary standards.
3.2 Relative luminance factor. The ratio of the luminance of a specimen for specified geometric
conditions of illumination and view to the luminance of a standard. If the luminance of the standard
is unity, the relative luminance factor is the tristimulus value, Y.
3.3 Tristimulus-filter set. A set of filters designed to provide receptor response functions for a
specified source approximating the spectral tristimulus values of the CIE standard observer for
source C.
4.1 Standard selection. Select a standard having spectral characteristics similar to those of the test
4.2 Calorimeter. Set the calorimeter to read the values assigned to this standard based on
calibration relative to a primary standard.
4.4 Calculations.
4.4.1 Tristimulus values. Calculate the tristimulus values, X, Y, and Z, as prescribed in the
instructions for use of the calorimeter.
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METHOD 4252.1
March 22, 2001
4.4.2 Chromaticity coordinates. If required, calculate the chromaticity coordinates, x and y, from
the following definitions:
x = X/S, y = Y/S, S = X+Y+Z
4.5 Report.
4.5.1 Values, factors, and coordinates. Report the tristimulus values, X, Y, and Z, or the
luminance factor, Y, and the chromaticity coordinates, x and y.
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METHOD 4261.1
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method provides a procedure for determining the appearance of clear materials of
both a drying and nondrying nature. The materials are checked upon decantation, standing 24 hours,
and after agitation.
2.1 Tubes. Gardner bubble tubes made of clear glass with a closed flat, even bottom, a diameter
of 0.43 ± 0.001 inches and an internal length of 4.48 ± 0.002 inches.
2.2 Water bath. A water bath capable of maintaining the specified temperature ± 0.5°C and
equipped with a stirring device.
4.1 Preparation. Thoroughly mix the sample. Fill two 6-inch test tubes with the sample to within
1 inch of the top of the test tubes. Stopper the tubes with clean corks.
4.2 Materials other than drying oils. Immediately examine the contents of the tubes by
transmitted light for haze, turbidity, hair, grain, clots, gell bodies, skins, and other insoluble matter
that may be in suspension. Tilt one of the tubes at a small angle from the horizontal so that the air
bubble will move slowly and permit observation in the thin moving film of any fine particles that
might otherwise escape notice. Let the tubes stand undisturbed for 24 hours at 21°C to 32°C and
examine for sediment. Shake one of the tubes vigorously and as soon as the air has escaped from
the liquid compare the appearance of the liquids in the two tubes.
4.3 Drying oils. If the oil is cloudy at room temperature, warm the tubes and their contents in a
water bath to 65°C and hold for 5 minutes. Examine while warm by transmitted light and tilting the
tubes as described in 4.2.
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METHOD 4321.3
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method provides a means for determining the brushing properties of coatings.
This test is quite subjective; however, someone experienced in the art can produce quite consistent
results, particularly in the determination of the “drag” properties.
4.1.2 Application of material under test. Pre-wet the brush with the coating to be applied. The
idea is to have as much of the coating in the brush prior to beginning the test as there is at the finish
of the test. The coating shall be applied at 500 square feet per gallon unless otherwise specified.
4.2.1 Panel preparation. The panel shall be a 2 by 4-foot piece of 1/4 inch gypsum sheet rock
meeting ASTM C36. Unless otherwise specified, the panel shall be primed with an undercoater
meeting the minimum requirements of A-A-2994 (see 6.1). Allow to dry at least 24 hours prior to
applying the material under test.
4.2.2 Application of material under test. Apply the material at a spreading rate of 500 square feet
per gallon unless otherwise specified. The material shall be applied in sections, first brushing the
coating using back and forth strokes, then coming back and leveling the material by brushing to 90
degrees of the first strokes. Proceed to the next section always working to a “wet edge”. Repeat this.
Place the panel in a vertical position.
4.3 Observations. Note whether the material under test brushes easily and has good flowing and
spreading qualities. After the film has dried, the surface shall be inspected for freedom of lap marks
(see 6.1). Take notice of gloss variations and obvious brush marks.
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METHOD 4321.3
March 22, 2001
6.1 Undercoater. It should be realized that when the undercoater is the material under test, the
topcoat should be a standard product and will be specified in the product specification. Depending
upon the product being tested, different characteristics will of necessity be stressed in the product
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METHOD 4331.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. The following method outlines a procedure for checking the spraying properties of
coating materials. The method is very subjective and should be performed by an individual skilled
in the art of using a spray gun.
2.2 Spray gun. A spray gun capable of spraying the material under test.
4.2 Performance of test. The material shall be reduced according to the instructions in product
specification. While spraying, the gun shall be held perpendicular to the panel and moved in a
straight line across the face of the panel. The product specification shall state the distance from the
test panel to the gun. For lacquer and other quick drying materials the distance shall be between 6
and 8 inches. For slower drying materials the distance shall be 8 to 10 inches. Immediately place
the panel in a nearly vertical position.
4.3 Observations.
4.3.1 Wet panel. On the wet panel freedom from running, sagging, and fogging shall be noted.
4.3.2 Dried film. The dried film shall be free of dusting, pin holing, floating, cratering, mottling,
orange peel, bubbling, blushing, wrinkling, blooming, streaking, and silking.
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Section 6000
METHOD 6241.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method is designed to provide a measure of infrared reflectance. The effective
infrared reflectance of a specimen for a specified wavelength interval and for specified geometric
conditions is dependent upon the spectral composition of the incident energy, the spectral
sensitivity of the receiver, and the spectral reflectance of the specimen. This method should be the
basic method for the measurement of infrared reflectance and in case of dispute; the results obtained
under this method should govern.
2.2 Standard. Smoked or pressed MgO or pressed BaSO4 prepared according to Recommended
Practice for Preparation of Reference White Reflectance Standards, ASTM E259.
4.1 Irradiating and viewing. If glossy samples are to be measured, the specular components of
reflected energy shall be excluded wherever possible.
4.2 Test specimen. The area of the test specimen viewed shall be sufficiently large to be
representative of the test specimen, textured specimen in particular.
4.3 Calibrations. The calibration of the photometer scale shall be carefully checked at reasonable
time intervals in a manner to insure accuracy over the entire range. Glass filters shall be used for
this purpose. The wavelength calibration shall be checked frequently to insure accuracy. Spectrum
lamps shall be used for this purpose.
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METHOD 6241.2
March 22, 2001
4.4.1 Preparation of test specimen. The test specimen shall be prepared as indicated in the
product specification.
4.4.2 Determination of reflectance. Determine the spectral reflectance relative to the reference
standard at the wavelength given in tables I and II or at sufficiently close intervals so that
interpolation will permit accurate determination of the spectral reflectance at these wavelengths.
Wavelengths Wavelengths
No. micrometer No. micrometer
1 0.6975 16 0.7742
2 .7077 17 .7787
3 .7144 18 .7831
4 .7200 19 .7878
5 .7253 20 .7925
6 .7301 21 .7973
7 .7347 22 .8022
8 .7392 23 .8071
9 .7436 24 .8122
10 .7479 25 .8171
11 .7522 26 .8232
12 .7566 27 .8292
13 .7609 28 .8357
14 .7653 29 .8434
15 .7697 30 .8542
Wavelengths Wavelengths
No. micrometer No. micrometer
1 0.929 6 0.998
2 .945 7 1.012
3 .959 8 1.030
4 .972 9 1.053
5 .985 10 1.099
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METHOD 6241.2
March 22, 2001
4.5 Calculation of reflectance from spectrophotometric data. Tabulate spectral reflectance data
for the specimen for the 30 wavelengths listed in table I and the 10 wavelengths in table II.
Calculate the average of the 30 spectral reflectance values in table I and the 10 values in table II.
4.6 Report. Report the average infrared reflectance of the specimen for the wavelength intervals
specified in tables I and II. If required, report the spectral reflectance of the test specimen either as a
plotted curve or as tabulated data. Report the method of specimen preparation, if any. Report the
reference standard and spectrophotometer used for the measurements.
6.1 Notes. The General Electric (Hardy) recording spectrophotometer, the Beckman Model DK-2A
spectrophotometer, and Cary Model 14 spectrophotometer should be used. The specular component
should be excluded. The Beckman DU spectrophotometer does not use hemispherical viewing and,
therefore, does not meet the geometric requirements of the method, but it should be used if no other
instrument is available.
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METHOD 6242.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. The reflectometer test method is designed to provide a simple photoelectric means for
evaluating the infrared reflectance of a specimen by comparison with a spectrophotometrically
calibrated standard. This method is supplementary to the spectrophotometric method 6241.2. When
results obtained by those two methods disagree, the results from the spectrophotometric method
will govern.
2.1 Apparatus. Use an apparatus that provides a means for irradiating the test specimen and of
indicating the radiation reflected by the test specimen. Use an appropriate spectral irradiation from
the source and the spectral sensitivity of the receiver to cover the spectral band in which the
measurements are made.
2.1.1 Geometry. Use the following geometry of irradiating and viewing that is measured from
the perpendicular to the irradiated face of the test specimen:
Irradiating Viewing
0° Hemispherical
Hemispherical 0°
The area irradiated should be sufficiently large to be representative of the test specimen. Other
geometries of irradiating and viewing may be employed provided the results obtained are
comparable to the results obtained by specified geometries. Any reflectometer that yields results
comparable to those obtained from the spectrophotometric method may be used.
2.1.2 Reflectometer for the spectral region covered by the 30 wavelengths listed in table I,
method 6241.2. Although it does not have the preferred geometry, a Hunter Multipurpose
Reflectometer using a Wratten 88 or 89B filter and photovoltaic-type photocell with standards
described in 2.2 may be used. Another photometer employing an S-l phototube has been found to be
satisfactory when employed with a suitable source and filter combination. Use a source consisting
of a tungsten lamp operating at a color temperature between 2,800° and 2,950° Kelvin. An
interference-type filter having a peak transmission at 0.79 micrometer in combination with a
Wratten 89B filter is placed in front of the phototube, which provides hemispherical irradiation and
perpendicular viewing.
2.1.3 Reflectometer for the spectral region covered by the 10 wavelengths listed in table II of
method 6241.2. The photometer described in 2.1.2, employing the S-l phototube and tungsten light
source together with a suitable filter is satisfactory. A glass filter having the following transmission
characteristics has been found to be adequate: 3 ± 1 percent at 0.9 micrometer, 29 ± 3 percent at 1.0
micrometer. A Corning glass filter No. 2540 can be obtained to meet these requirements.
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METHOD 6242.2
March 22, 2001
2.2 Standards. Prepare standards by painting or otherwise finishing metal or wood panels in order to
obtain a suitable range of infrared reflectance values. The gloss and texture properties of the standards
should be nearly the same as those of the test specimens. Calibrate the standards according to method
6241.2. Replace the standards when they show signs of deterioration.
4.1 Calibrations. The photometer scale shall be carefully calibrated for linearity over the range of
reflectances to be measured. The standards shall be recalibrated at reasonable time intervals.
4.2.1 Preparation of test specimen. The test specimen shall be prepared as described in the product
4.2.2 Determination of reflectance. The instrument readings for the test specimen shall be compared
with those of the standards and the reflectance value of the test specimen determined. Linear
interpolation is permissible if the instrument response is linear or if the scale interval between
reflectance standards is small. Upper and lower limit standards shall be used for a go no-go type of
4.3 Report. The report shall include the reflectance values of the specimen for the two wavelength
regions and their acceptability as required by the governing specification. The instruments and standards
used shall be designated or described. Any unusual condition of the test specimen or situation under
which the test was conducted shall be reported. Any deviations from the specifications shall be reported.
6.1 Instruments. Other instruments meeting the prescribed irradiating and viewing geometry of the
method are: (1) the Hunter Associates Laboratory Color Difference Meter D25P, and (2) the Zeiss
Elrepho Photoelectric Reflectance Photometer. These instruments have to be modified to provide
detector and filter for measurements according to the method.
6.2 Measurements. Measurements made in the spectral region covered by 2.1.2 are useful when data
applicable to infrared photography are required. Measurements covered in 2.1.3 are intended to be
relatable to infrared image tubes.
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METHOD 6301.3
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method covers a procedure suitable for establishing acceptability of intercoat
and surface adhesion of an organic coating system immersed in water. This procedure may be
utilized as a production test.
2.1 Masking tape. A masking tape that has a 1-inch wide strip of flatback paper tape having an
average adhesion of 60-ounces/inch widths with a code number 250 or equivalent.
2.2 Roller. A 4-1/2-pound rubber covered roller, having a surface Durometer hardness value
within the range of 70 to 80. A roller approximately 3-1/2 inches in diameter and 1-3/4 inches in
4.1 Preparation. Apply the coating system to the substrate and allow drying as specified in the
product specification. Immerse the test specimen in distilled water for 24 hours. Remove the test
specimen from the water and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Within 1 minute after removal from the
water make two parallel scratches, one inch apart, through the coating to the metal with a stylus.
Immediately apply a 1-inch wide strip of the masking tape with the adhesive side down across the
scratches. Press the tape against the surface of the coating by passing the roller across the tape eight
times. Remove the tape with one quick motion and examine for damage to the intercoat or surface
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METHOD 6304.2
March 22, 2001
1.1 Scope. This method should be limited to testing the brittleness and quality to ribbon
when a film is cut with the knife. This method should not be used as a test for adhesion as
other methods are more accurate.
4.1 Preparation. Apply and dry the film of the coating material to be tested as specified
in the product specification. Test for brittleness, toughness and tendency to ribbon by cutting
a narrow ribbon of the coating from the test panel with the standard knife while holding the
blade at an angle of approximately 30 degrees to the panel. Determine if the cut film
conforms to the specified requirements.
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