Open Gear Lube, Aerosol: Safety Data Sheet

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Section 1- Product and Company Identification

Product Code: 17055

Manufacture/Supplier : Anti-Seize Technology

2345 N. 17th Ave.
Franklin Park, IL 60131

Phone: 847-455-2300
Fax: 847-455-2371
Emergency Phone, 24 hr: Infotrac @ 1-800-535-5053 ( US & Canada )
1-352-323-3500 ( International )
Product Use: Aerosol lubricant
Restriction of Use: Use only as directed

Date: Sept 9, 2015

Section 2-Hazard Identification

GHS Classification ( Hazcom 2012):

Specific Target Organ Toxicity – Repeated Exposure – Category 2
Aspiration Hazard – Category 1
Skin Irritation – Category 3
Eye Irritation – Category 2A
Aerosol – Category 1
Flammable Liquids, Category 2
Chronic Aquatic toxcitiy – Category 3
Reproductive Toxicity – Category 2

Label Elements:

Signal word:

Hazard Phrases – Physical:

Highly flammable liquid and vapor
Extremely flammable aerosol, Pressurized container may burst if heated

Hazard Phrases- Health
May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
Causes serious eye irritation
Causes mild skin irritation
Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child

Hazard Phrases – Environmental:

Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Precautionary Phrases – General:

If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand
Keep out of reach of children
Read label before use

Precautionary Phrases – Prevention:

Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, open flames and other ignition sources. No smoking
Avoid release to environment
Wear protective; Eye protection
Do not spray on open flame or other ignition sources
Do not pierce or burn even after use
Do not breath fumes/gas/mist/vapors/spay
Wash thoroughly after handling
Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood

Precautionary Phrases – Response:

IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water or shower
If skin irritation occurs: Get medical attention
IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician
Do NOT induce vomiting
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do.
Continue rinsing.
If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention

Precautionary Phrases – Storage:

Keep cool
Store in well ventilated place
Store locked up
Protect from sunlight
Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/ 122°F

Precautionary Phrases – Disposal:

Dispose of contents/ container to approved landfill.

Section 3- Composition/ Information on Ingredients


Stoddard Solvent 8052-41-3 15-30
Asphalt, oxidized 64742-93-4 10-25
Mineral oil, Petroleum
distillates, hydrotreated
(mild) Heavy paraffinic 64742-54-7 10-20
Propane 74-98-6 7-14
Butane 106-97-8 4-8
Hexane 110-54-3 2-5
Isobutane 75-28-5 2-5

The specific identity and/or exact percentage of composition has been withheld as a trade secret

Section 4 – First Aid Measures

Eye: Flush eyes with water, holding the eyelids apart. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists.

Skin: Wash thoroughly with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

Inhalation: Remove to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. If irritation occurs, get medical attention.
Ingestion: If large amounts ingested, seek medical attention.

Most Important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: None known.

Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Immediate medical attention
generally not required.

Section 5 – Fire Fighting Measures

Suitable and Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Use water spray or fog, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical.

Special Hazards Arising from the Chemical: This compound will not burn unless it is pre-heated. Water fog
may be used to cool the containers but do not spray directly into large containers of burning liquids as frothing
may occur. Dense smoke and noxious or toxic fumes may be generated in a fire. The thermal decomposition
products are highly dependent upon the combustion conditions. Noxious or toxic fumes may be generated, some
of which may be toxic or irritating.

Special Equipment and Precautions for Fire-Fighters: Wear NIOSH approved positive pressure,
self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Cool fire exposed containers with water.

Section 6 – Accidental Release Measures

Emergency Procedure:
Flammable/combustible material.
ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area) Stay upwind: out of low
areas. Immediately turn off or isolate any source of ignition. Keep, unnecessary people away; isolate hazard
area and deny entry. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Clean up immediately. Use absorbent
sweeping compound to soak up material and put into suitable container for proper disposal.

Recommended Equipment:
Positive pressure, full-face piece self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or positive pressure supplied air
respirator with escape SCBA (NIOSH approved).

Personal Precautions:

ELIMINATE all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area.) Use explosion proof
equipment. Avoid breathing vapor. Avoid contact with skin, eye or clothing. Do not touch damaged containers or
spilled materials unless wearing appropriate protective clothing.
Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment and Emergency Procedures: Wear appropriate personal
protective equipment. Use caution: slip hazard.

Environmental Hazards:
Stop spill/release if it can be done safely. Prevent spilled material from entering sewers, storm drains, other
unauthorized drainage systems and natural waterways by using sand, earth, or other appropriate barriers. Report
spills and releases as required to appropriate authorities.

Methods and Material for Containment and Cleaning Up: Because of its viscous nature, this product is not
expected to leak or spill. Collect liquid spill with an inert absorbent material and place into a suitable container for

Section 7 – Handling and Storage

For industrial and institutional use only.
For used by trained personnel only.
Keep away from children.
Wash hands after use.
Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing.
Do not breathe vapors or mists.
Use good personal hygiene practices.
Eating, drinking and smoking in work areas is prohibited.
Remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas.
Eyewash stations and showers should be available in areas where this material is used and stored.

Ventilation Requirements:
Use only with adequate ventilation to control air contaminants to their exposure limits. The use of local ventilation
is recommended to control emissions near the source.

Storage Room Requirements:

Keep container(s) tightly closed and properly labeled. Store in cool, dry, well ventilated areas away from heat,
direct sunlight, and incompatibilities. Store in approved containers and protect against physical damage. Keep
containers securely sealed when not in use. Indoor storage should beet OSHA standards and appropriate fire
codes. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed to prevent leakage. Empty container retain
residue and may be dangerous.

Do not cut, drill, grind, weld or perform similar operations on or near containers. Do not pressurize containers to
empty them. Ground all structures, transfer containers and equipment to conform to the national electrical code.
Use procedures that prevent static electrical sparks. Static electricity may accumulate and create fire hazard.

Store at temperatures below 120°F.

Section 8 – Exposure Controls / Personal Protection


100ppm, ACGIH, TWA
1000 ppm ACGIH TWA

50 ppm NIOSH TWA
50 ppm ACGIH TWA
1000 ppm ACGIH TWA


Hydrotreated (mild) Heavy Paraffinic
85 ppm NIOSH
400 ppm ACGIH
500 ppm ACGIH STEL

Appropriate Engineering Controls: Use with adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to maintain exposure
levels below the exposure limits. If the product is used at high temperatures, local exhaust ventilation may be

Individual Protection Measures:

Respiratory Protection: In operations where the occupational exposure limits are exceeded, a NIOSH approved
respirator with organic vapor/particulate cartridges or supplied air respirator appropriate for the form and
concentration of the contaminants should be used. Selection and use of respiratory equipment must be in
accordance with OSHA 1910.134 and good industrial hygiene practice.

Skin Protection: Impervious gloves such as rubber or Nitrile recommended where needed to avoid prolonged
skin contact. Chemical resistant clothing is also recommended to avoid prolonged contact. Avoid unnecessary
skin contact.

Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles recommended where needed to avoid eye contact.

Section 9 – Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: Black aerosol liquid Vapor Density (air = 1): slower than ether

Odor: solvent like until dry Specific Gravity: 0.8

Odor Threshold: Not established Water Solubility: Not soluble

pH: Not available Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient: Not


Melting Point/Freezing Point: No data Autoignition Temperature: Not available

Boiling Point: No Data Decomposition Temperature: Not available

Flash Point: No data Viscosity: Not available

Evaporation Rate: Slower than Ether Explosion Properties: None

Flammable Limits: Oxidizing Properties: Not oxidizing
LEL: 1
UEL: 9.5

Vapor Pressure: 1605.27 mmHg (Calculated @ Aerosol Fire Protection Level: Level 2
20°C/68°F ) Aerosol, ( NFPA 30B)

VOC Content: 430 g/l Flammability (solid, gas): Propellant is a

flammable gas.

Reactivity: Not reactive under normal conditions of use.

Chemical Stability: Stable under normal storage and handling conditions.

Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: None known

Incompatible Materials: No data

Hazardous Decomposition Products: The thermal decomposition products are highly dependent upon the
combustion conditions. Noxious or toxic fumes may be generated, some of which may be toxic or irritating.

Section 11 – Toxicological Information

Long term toxicological studies have not been conducted for this product.

Section 12 – Ecological Information

Long term ecological studies have not been conducted for this product.
Section 13 – Disposal Consideration
Waste disposal: Dispose of in a responsible manner. Follow local, state and federal guidelines. Do not discharge
into sewers or waterways. Refer to other sections of this document for hazard cautionary information.
Section 14- Transport Information

DOT Proper Shipping Name: UN1950, Aerosols, Limited Quantity

DOT Technical Name: None
DOT Hazard Class: 2.1
UN Number: UN1950
DOT Labels Required (49CFR172.101): LTD QTY

IMDG Shipping Description: UN1950, Aerosols, 2.1, FP -17 C, Limited Quantity, ID Number: UN1950
Hazard Class: 2.1
Packing Group: None
Labels Required: None
Marking Required: Limited Quantity Mark
Placards Required: Limited Quantity

Proper shipping name: Aerosol, Flammable
Hazard Class: 2.1
Identification Number: UN 1950
Packing Group: None

Section 15 – Regulatory Information

Safety, health, and environmental regulations specific for the product in question.

CERCLA Hazardous Substances (Section 103)/RQ: None

SARA Hazard Category (311/312): Fire Hazard, Pressure Hazard, Acute Health

SARA 313: This product contains the following chemicals regulated under SARA Title III, section 313: None

EPA TSCA Inventory: All of the components of this product are listed on the TSCA inventory.

CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: This product is not known to contain listed chemicals.

Section 16 – Other Information:

The information contained herein is based on data considered accurate, however, no warranty is expressed or
implied regarding the accuracy of the data or the results obtained from the use of his product. Therefore, because
the product may be used under conditions beyond our control, we assume no liability for its use.

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