Module 3: Unit 1: Mary, The Mother of Jesus
Module 3: Unit 1: Mary, The Mother of Jesus
Module 3: Unit 1: Mary, The Mother of Jesus
Jesus’ Public Ministry and the Kingdom of God
The Cure of a Demoniac (Luke 4: 31-37)
- Jesus first action after coming from the desert was to drive away evil.
- Actions are always for the fulfillment of the “Kingdom of God”
- public ministry includes Jesus’ acts of healing and preaching about the Kingdom of God
- Most of these contain lessons that ideally changes how people treat one another during those times
manifestation of the experience of the Kingdom of God.
o The attainment of the promised “blessing to all people”
o The experience of joy
- considered the greatest teacher
- utilized parables and aphorisms, were aimed at changing people’s paradigm of God: from being an
authoritative and legalistic god to a compassionate and loving one.
- Christ’s typical method of communicating his word
- he focused on the common life of his listeners, and drew them into recognizing God’s presence therein.
Examples of parables:
o The Good Samaritan
o The Prodigal Son
o The Friend at Night
o The Lost Coin/Sheep
- Jesus healed plenty of people out of COMPASSION and CONCERN for the wellbeing of EVERYONE.
- “Your faith has been your salvation, Go in peace”
Faith (Pharisees): Look at me! I am praying and doing sacrifices (Prideful)
Faith (Jesus): I am helpless but I am open to your love and mercy. (Humility)
- Symbolizes: “EVERYONE is welcome in the Father’s Kingdom”
“I have come to call sinners, not the self-righteous”.
- Eating together with different walks of life was the primary way of marking events in Jewish Culture.
- importance of it in Jesus’ ministry is confirmed by two things.
“BREAKING OF BREAD” (Lk 24:35; Acts 2:46)
o This must have come from Jesus’ own mannerism.
o the Lord’s prayer which Christ taught his disciples.
o summarizes the ministry of Christ in terms of (Father), the Kingdom, bread, forgiveness and the
final test.
- the transforming communion we have in the Eucharistic celebration as members of Christ’s Body.
SCRIPTURAL TEXTS (Jesus’ ministry in Capernaum)
- reveals his power over both spiritual and physical oppression. It highlights the following points:
a. He is able to heal all sorts of spiritual and physical ailments.
b. He has a strong and growing reputation as a healer.
c. He also has a ministry of proclaiming the good news, which he is unwilling to have sidelined by
the popular demand for more healing.
d. His teaching, like his exorcism and healing, is marked by a unique authority.
- a dynamic symbol of God’s active presence among His people.
- For Filipino Christians today, PCP II sketches the essentials of the Kingdom as a “gift of God,” made
present in Jesus, as a “Task” and as a “Promise”.
St. Paul: “There are three things that will remain; faith, hope and love and the greatest is love.
Our faith in God is justified by love
Psalms: “You cannot say that you love God whom you cannot see if you cannot even love your neighbor
whom you can see.
Greatest Commandments emphasizes on love:
Love God with all your heart, your mind, and your soul.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself / as I have loved you.
An eschatological hope: Eschaton(end times) and Logos (study)
Something we fully attain in the end times.
o A Journey through Faith Hope and Love
Faith: starting point (Introduces us into the journey)
Love: Journey itself (Fuels the journey/makes it concrete)
Hope: Destination (Gives a picture of our destination)
Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection
Jesus Questioned by Pilate
The Sentence of Death
Mockery by the Soldiers
The Way of the Cross
The Crucifixion
The Death of Jesus
The Burial of Jesus
The Guard at the Tomb
The Resurrection of Jesus
- was the most honest, integral and straightforward of persons.
- understood what was his duty and, in obedience to his conscience, was prepared to carry it out, even if it
meant death.
- the passion and death say to us is that, if we dedicate ourselves to establishing the reign of God on earth,
we can expect to face powerlessness, misunderstanding and even death.
- Jesus saw his Passion and Death as redemptive, his ultimate service in the Kingdom.
- historical event and living dynamic memory
- very heart Christian life, liturgy and spirituality.
- the whole creation was transformed
- very source of Jesus’ famous title, “Jesus the Savior” (aside from the fact that his Hebrew name means
“Jesus saves.”)
o was a prophetic witness in the cause of God’s justice.
o vindicated by God’s love, a love stronger than death.
o Gospel portray as the culmination of his mission, the final act of selfless love and service that
sealed a life totally committed to others.
Father forgive them for they do not know what they’re doing
This day you will be with me in paradise
Woman, behold your son.
My God, My God why have you forsaken me
I Thirst.
It is Finished
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
o ultimate meaning of human existence and Christian commitment.
o lives on in the faith and experience of the Christian community.
o historical event: gave meaning and force to the entire mission of Jesus and it is a living memory,
a powerful grace that gives meaning and hope to all human suffering
o gospels embrace dimensions: narratives and inviting the reader to find in the passion of Jesus
Passion Narratives
are more historically detailed
theological reflections which try to understand the working of God in human experience.
Jesus’ last days
o through communion
continue in the suffering of every child of God, down to the present moment.
o By recalling the distinctive portrayal of the suffering
we are invited to enter deeply into the mystery of the passion and to bring one’s own
experience into vital contact with this core of the Christian message.
- historical in terms of the testimony of witnesses to the Risen Christ
o “Risen, Glorified Existence” - no one claimed to see the event, no one described how it took
place, no one can explain why is essentially
- like and unlike the historical:
o personal continuity with his prior earthly bodily existence
o Risen Christ
re-established direct relations with his disciples, even with the marks of his Passion. (God
freed from death’s bitter pangs and raised up again)
showed a clear discontinuity with his earthly state.
his risen state he transcends the bodily limits of time and space, and inaugurates the new
and final creation, the final destiny of all
“first fruits of those who have fallen asleep . . . in Christ all will come to life again”
- did not mean a return to earthly life
o Christ arose to an entirely new “glorified” existence. We recognize this in the fact that “Christ,
raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him”
o we pray: “Christ is the victim who dies no more; the Lamb, once slain, who lives for ever”
- actual event of Christ rising from the dead was the real starting point and foundation for the
beginnings of
the Christian Faith: for the Christian community
the Church; for adequate understanding of Christ
his Passion and Death; for how Christ fulfilled
the Old Testament prophecies; for the apostolic commission to preach Christ to the whole
- Jesus’ passage from death to new, definitive glorified life. (eyes of Faith, not by the senses )
It can be described from three points of view:
1. as passage: an event in human history;
2. as the glorified life of the Risen Christ; and
3. as effected by the Blessed Trinity.
It shows the justice of God who exalted Christ to a life of glory, as Christ had humbled Himself unto
death (Philippians 2:8-9).
The Resurrection completed the mystery of our salvation and redemption; by His death Christ freed us
from sin, and by His Resurrection He restored to us the most important privileges lost by sin (Romans
By His Resurrection we acknowledge Christ as the immortal God, the efficient and exemplary cause of
our own resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:21; Philippians 3:20-21), and as the model and the support of our
new life of grace (Romans 6:4-6 and 9-11).
- should not be read literally so as not to fall into the error of “over-belief” – fundamentalist interpretation.
- Resurrection
o is rising to a new and different life, a life of which we have little or no experience. The apostles
understood Jesus to be alive, but transformed into a new mode of existence, an existence that
transcends and is different from the former mode but is continuous with it.
o It transformed the lives of the apostles, from being fearful to becoming brave and bold.
o they came to see that Jesus is unique, someone in whom the power and presence of God had
been expressed. They reinterpreted the incidents in the life of Jesus in the light of the
resurrection event.