Avnu WirelessTSN White Paper V1.0 - Final
Avnu WirelessTSN White Paper V1.0 - Final
Avnu WirelessTSN White Paper V1.0 - Final
Wireless TSN –
Definitions, Use Cases
& Standards Roadmap
Version #1.0 – Mar 4, 2020
Dave Cavalcanti (Intel Corporation)
Stephen Bush (General Electric Company)
Marc Illouz (L-Acoustics)
Genio Kronauer (L-Acoustics)
Alon Regev (Keysight Technologies, Inc.)
Ganesh Venkatesan (Intel Corporation)
Executive Summary
Recent advances in 5G and IEEE 802.11 wireless connectivity technologies in
providing low latency and high reliability have generated significant interest in
extending TSN capabilities over wireless. Wireless communication systems are
beneficial for many obvious reasons, including enabling flexibility and reducing
wiring costs as well as enabling mobility. However, given the stochastic nature
of wireless communications, enabling TSN capabilities that are interoperable
and compatible with existing wired TSN standards is challenging. This white
paper introduces the basic terminology, use cases, and standards for extending
TSN capabilities over wireless networks.
About Avnu Alliance
The Avnu Alliance is a community creating an interoperable ecosystem of
low-latency, time-synchronized, highly reliable networked devices using
open standards. Avnu creates comprehensive certification programs to
ensure interoperability of networked devices. The foundational technology
enables deterministic synchronized networking based on IEEE Audio Video
Bridging (AVB) / Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) base standards. The
Alliance, in conjunction with other complimentary standards bodies and
alliances, develops complete solutions in professional AV, automotive,
industrial control and consumer segments.
© 2020 by Avnu Alliance. All rights reserved. Avnu™, Avnu Alliance®, and
Avnu® design and logos are trademarks and of the Avnu Alliance. All other
names and logos are trademarks and/or service marks of their respective
owners. Specifications and content subject to change without notice.
Introduction relevant capabilities and roadmap of features to
enable TSN extensions over wireless.
The main purpose of this document is to introduce
Section 4 – Conclusion and considerations
the basic terminology, use cases, and standards for
for the future: Wireless-specific considerations
extending TSN capabilities over wireless networks.
and gaps in current TSN standards and operation
As described in a previous Avnu white paper [1],
models are discussed as well as areas for
wireless communication systems are beneficial for
many obvious reasons, including enabling flexibility
and reducing wiring costs as well as enabling
mobility. However, given the stochastic nature of Section 1: Defining Wireless
wireless communications, enabling TSN capabilities TSN
that are interoperable and compatible with existing
wired TSN standards is challenging. Recent The IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN)
advances in 5G and IEEE 802.11 wireless task group develops standards for achieving accurate
connectivity technologies in providing low latency time distribution and timeliness with high reliability
and high reliability have generated significant for time-sensitive streams, even in the presence of
interest in extending TSN capabilities over wireless. background traffic. A more detailed description of
TSN standards can be found in [2]. Although a few of
The motivation for this white paper is to generate the IEEE 802.1 standards exist for wireless, most
awareness and start defining work required in Avnu
to enable wireless TSN extensions in alignment with
wired TSN systems and operation models. The
expectation is that this document will serve as an
introduction to the applications, meeting wireless
technologies, standards and open technical and
market adoption challenges in extending TSN to
wireless applications. This document will also serve
as input to potential future Avnu work enabling
evaluation, testing and certification of products that
enable TSN extensions from wired to wireless
Figure 1: Example of a Wireless TSN domain in centralized TSN operation model.
Bounded Latency: Providing bounded latency is Table I: IEEE 802.1 TSN Standards
one of the main features of a TSN-enabled network.
Several 802.1 standards have been defined to enable IEEE Standard Capability
queuing management, gating and traffic shaping
1588, 802.1AS Time synchronization
(802.1Qav, 802.1Qbv) to ensure time-critical packets
receive priority as they are being forwarded through
802.1Qca * Path control and reservation
the network. Frame preemption, defined by
802.1Qbu and 802.3br for Ethernet, provide low 802.1Qav † Credit-based traffic shaping
bounded latency while increasing the efficiency of
the network. 802.1Qbv* Time-aware scheduling
Figure 2: Wireless Use Cases in Industrial
Figure 3 illustrates the main components in a Pro applications also share some of the same
AV system for a live performance scenario. requirements for bounded latency and low jitter.
Depending on the Pro AV application, a combination
of wired and wireless networks may be used. Potential future use cases for wireless
Currently, UHF bands are used in professional Other use cases that require TSN-enabled networks,
wireless audio links with highly specialized RF such as automotive and transportation applications,
solutions. However, as dedicated spectrum resources may also benefit from wireless. For instance, the
become scarce, there is significant interest in wiring harness within vehicles, airplanes, and trains
leveraging standards-based wireless connectivity add significant production costs. If wireless
technologies, especially solutions such as 5G URLLC technologies can provide the required time-sensitive
given the promised latency and reliability media performance, it would bring value to such
performance. systems. However, due to stringent latency, safety
requirements and regulations, use cases that have
Low Latency Interaction Use Cases safety critical requirements are beyond the scope of
Emerging real-time applications that may also this document and the current wireless standards in
benefit from wireless TSN capabilities are gaming 802.11 and 5G. Use cases that require under 100
and augmented/virtual reality. microsecond level cycle times are also considered
These applications were described in detail in the out of scope for wireless. Such use cases may be
IEEE 802.11 Real Time Applications (RTA) report considered in the future as wireless technologies
[7]. High latency and jitter cause lag, which evolve.
significantly degrades use experience. AR/VR
Table 2: Example Use Cases
Power Grid Communication links used to Wire replacement, IEEE 1588 synchronization
selectively isolate faults on high maintenance cost Typical packet size: small
voltage lines, transformers, reduction
reactors and other important Bounded latency: 4 – 8 ms (for 60Hz
electrical equipment. lines) for the most critical messages
(IEC 61850)
Reliability: 99 to 99.9%
Mobile Communication between mobile Mobility and Typical packet size: 15 Bytes to
Robots robots, automated guided reconfigurability 150Kbytes
vehicles (AGV), and guidance Bounded latency: 10 – 100 ms
control including process data,
video/image, and emergency Reliability: 99 to 99.9%
Reliability: 99.99%
Section 3 – Wireless TSN Therefore, it is expected that some of the TSN
standards need to be aware of the basic
technology deep-dive characteristics of the underlying communication
links (wired or wireless).
Given the benefits and advances in wireless
connectivity technologies, it is a natural step to The broadcast nature of the wireless medium is
consider the extension of TSN capabilities to another important aspect to be considered. On one
wireless media. As illustrated in Figure 1, it is hand, it may open up the possibility to reach more
envisioned that the transition to wireless will be devices with a single transmission. On the other
gradual. Initially, a wired TSN-enabled network will hand, it is more susceptible to interference.
be extended to the wireless domain in order to Therefore, coordinated medium access is very
support the use-cases where wireless provides clear important as well as resilience to interference.
Although most of the TSN standards and solutions
In order to leverage the IEEE 802.1 TSN standards developed so far are based on Ethernet, some of the
and ecosystem developed around them, it is fundamental TSN capabilities, such as 802.1AS-
important to enable seamless operation and based time distribution, have already been extended
interoperability from wired to wireless TSN to operate over 802.11 and integration with 5G
domains. This section discusses some of the standards is also being developed. The remainder of
challenges in mapping TSN capabilities to wireless this section provides an overview of the existing
as well as the progress in wireless standards to 802.1 TSN standards and capabilities that can
support and integrate with TSN standards. operate over wireless (802.11 and 5G) and ongoing
efforts in expanding the wireless TSN capabilities.
Mapping TSN capabilities to wireless
IEEE 802.1 TSN standards are defined to operate IEEE 802.11/Wi-Fi Capabilities and TSN
over IEEE 802 LAN (MAC/PHY) transport. Ethernet support
(802.3) has been the main LAN transport option Given that 802.11 is one of the 802 LAN transport
assumed in most of the 802.1 TSN standards. The options, the extension of 802.1 TSN protocols over
unique characteristics of wireless media and 802.11 is by default well-aligned with the overall
communication protocols impose several challenges TSN reference architecture [9]. Nevertheless,
to achieving TSN-grade performance. A detailed extensions of the 802.1 TSN protocols need support
discussion on wireless TSN challenges can be found of the 802.11 MAC/PHY to properly operate. This
in [9]. The fundamental differences between wireless section describes some of the standards that have
and wired (Ethernet) communications are: already been developed for extending TSN over
802.11 and some of the recent advances (e.g.
1) The variable capacity of wireless links, which 802.11ax) and ongoing efforts (e.g. 802.11be) to
is a function of the environment and further extend TSN capabilities available over
communication protocol choices; 802.11.
2) The Packet Error Rate (PER) is typically
higher in wireless due to the stochastic
nature of the channel and interference.
Time Synchronization (802.1AS) over 802.11 traffic classification mapping from wired to wireless
Time synchronization is a fundamental TSN
capability, which is used by TSN-enabled Once time-sensitive traffic is identified, delivering
applications and to enable other TSN capabilities the required bandwidth and latency across the
(e.g. Time-Aware scheduling). The IEEE 802.1AS network is the next challenge. Several traffic shaping
standard defines a profile of IEEE 1588 for 802.3 mechanisms have been defined by the 802.1 TSN
and 802.11 networks. 802.1AS used the 1588 as the working group for meeting bandwidth and latency
basis to define a generalized PTP (gPTP) and it also requirements. The credit-based traffic shaping
defined select configuration options available from (802.1Qav), originally defined for audio/video
1588. The extensions to distribute time over 802.11 systems, and time-aware traffic scheduling
are enabled by the Timing Measurement (TM) and (802.1Qbv) are the main options used in current
Fine Timing Measurement (FTM) capabilities (wired) TSN-enabled networks.
included in the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard. Figure 4
illustrates the distribution of a single reference time Given that traffic streams can be uniquely identified
between wired (Ethernet) and wireless (802.11) TSN from Ethernet to Wi-Fi domains, it is possible to
enabled by the 802.1AS extensions over 802.11 as apply traffic shaping mechanisms to 802.11 networks
defined in the 802.11-2012 specification. if such mechanisms are configured appropriately for
Traffic classification, shaping and scheduling operation on top of the 802.11 MAC/PHY.
over 802.11
For instance, the concept of 802.1Qbv time-aware
In addition to time synchronization, another scheduling can be applied over the 802.11 MAC to
fundamental TSN capability is the ability to identify prioritize traffic and avoid congestion delays. A time-
and differentiate time-sensitive traffic streams. IEEE aware schedule must consider the feasible data rates
802.1Q-2014 defines the mechanisms to classify that can be achieved across each wireless link as well
time-sensitive streams and differentiate them from as overhead due to medium access procedures.
other traffic across the TSN-enabled nodes and end Therefore, the minimal latency bounds as well as
stations. The 802.1Q traffic classification is based on number of traffic streams that can be supported over
the concept of VLAN tag. Traffic specification and an 802.11 TSN link will differ from a wired
classification mechanisms defined in the IEEE (Ethernet) TSN link. A discussion on time-aware
802.11-2016 specification (TSPEC and TCLAS) scheduling over 802.11 can be found in [7].
support VLAN tag traffic stream differentiation as
defined in the 802.1Q, therefore enabling seamless
One of the main challenges in mapping traffic
shaping mechanisms to 802.11 is the random delay
introduced by the traditional medium access
procedure, CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Collision Avoidance), used in previous 802.11
standards. The scheduling capabilities introduced in
the IEEE 802.11ax specification (Wi-Fi 6) enables
the AP to trigger (schedule) communications for the
802.11 devices in the network. When combined with
OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
Access) and MU-MIMO (Multi-user Multiple Input Figure 5: 802.11ax Trigger-based scheduling
Multiple Output) capabilities, the trigger-based
operation allows scheduling of simultaneous Given the new scheduling capabilities in 802.11ax, it
transmissions from multiple devices more is feasible to provide latency bounds with high
efficiently. This new capability can eliminate latency reliability with 802.11ax in a managed network
issues caused by competing devices trying to access environment. As described in [10], 1 msec latency
the medium, therefore enabling a scheduled bound with 99.999% reliability can be achieved with
operation with low latency bounds and high the proper configuration and latency-optimized
reliability. scheduling capability.
The credit-based (802.1Qav) traffic shaping In addition to scheduling capabilities, 802.11ax also
mechanism may also be extended to 802.11TSN includes support for operation at the new 6GHz
standards extended over 802.11. Integration of band, which is expected to be opened for unlicensed
credit-based traffic shaping with 802.11ax use by the Federal Communications Commission
scheduling would require periodic transmission (FCC) in the U.S. and other organizations around the
opportunities to achieve a given bandwidth defined world. The 6GHz operation is a key capability as it
by the 802.1Qav mechanism. adds almost 1GHz of new spectrum, which will not
be subject to interference from legacy 2.4GHz and
Figure 5 shows the basic 802.11ax Trigger-based 5GHz devices.
scheduling sequence. The number of users that can
be supported in a single frame transmission varies TSN support and integration in next-
with the channel bandwidth used (Wi-Fi can operate generation 802.11be
with 20, 40, 80, 160 MHz, and 320 MHz support
The next major Wi-Fi release after 802.11ax is
will be enabled the next generation 802.11be
already being defined by the 802.11be Task Group.
specification). The lowest latency achievable also
Addressing worst-case latency and jitter
depends on the modulation and coding scheme
requirements, as well as enabling better integration
(MCS) selected. For a simple 20 MHz operation, up
with 802.1 TSN standards, is part of the scope of the
to 9 users can transmit simultaneously and the
802.11be project.
whole exchange can take approximately 700
microsec for a 100Bytes data packet. Lower latencies The 802.11be specification is expected to be
and/or higher capacity can be achieved with wider completed around 2023, and the main new features
channel bandwidths. that can be leveraged to achieve TSN performance
goals are: wider bandwidth (320 MHz), multi-
link/channel operation, multi-AP coordination, and
priority access for time-sensitive streams. Multi-
link/channel operation can enable isolation of time-
sensitive traffic from other network traffic, helping
reduce congestion. Multi-AP capabilities can be used
to improve reliability, for instance, by leveraging [12]. The TSN time domain information is
spatial diversity gains to enable multiple APs to distributed between the TT functions in the network
improve the reliability of the links. and device sides using the 802.1AS standard
protocol. The 5GS is not synchronized with the
TSN capabilities integration with 5G external TSN domain, but it can keep the internal
The 3GPP Rel-16 [11] started to introduce TSN network elements synchronized with its own 5G
support over 5G and more work is expected to clock so that the 802.1AS messages are timestamped
continue in the 3GPP Rel.17 specification. Different correctly at the TT functions and any 5G specific
from 802.11, the 5G system is not a native 802 LAN time corrections are applied. The 3GPP Rel-16
technology, and as such cannot be directly integrated architecture for integration of TSN time
with Ethernet TSN standards at Layer 2. Therefore, synchronization [12] is shown in Figure 7. Future
the 3GPP approach to integration is an over-the-top work in 3GPP Rel-17 is expected to include support
one where TSN-related functionality is confined to for the case where the TSN Grand Master resides on
TSN Translator (TT) functions at the 5G System the side of the 5G device (UE).
(5GS) ingress and egress points. This approach has
minimal impact on the RAN specification. The 3GPP URLLC
Rel-16 centralized TSN integration architecture is
illustrated in Figure 6. As can be seen, the TT An important 5G capability to enable TSN-grade
functions at the device and core network (CN) sides performance is the Ultra-Reliable Low Latency
provide gateway capabilities for TSN features across Communications (URLLC) mode, which was defined
the 5GS. in 3GPP Rel-15. Together with the flexible 5G frame
structure concept, the URLLC mode enables low
latency (e.g. 1msec) with high reliability for short
packets, as discussed in [9]. In addition, QoS
enhancements for multiple simultaneous active
configured grants and semi-persistent scheduling
have also been defined.
Figure 7: 5G architecture for TSN time synchronization integration
Availability, Security, and Fault-tolerance Providing TSN-grade latency and packet loss
Interference is typically the number one concern performance during roaming will be an important
when it comes to wireless TSN extensions. The feature for future wireless connectivity standards.
susceptibility to malicious jamming is often raised as
a concern as well. Although the scale of the threat Initial wireless TSN deployments are expected to be
needs to be considered in each specific wireless instituted within constrained areas, such as a factory
deployment and application, it is important to floor, warehouse or enterprise. Therefore, the
enable tools to mitigate the potential impact of practical mobility and speed requirements will likely
interference (malicious or not) in a wireless TSN encompass indoor or campus-like outdoor use cases.
domain. Because TSN is based on Ethernet and Given the current and upcoming wireless capabilities
wireless standards (IEEE 802.11/Wi-Fi and 5G), in both Wi-Fi and 5G, use cases that require high
networks can take advantage of security best- speed mobility across wide areas are not yet
practices and standards that have been developed for considered practical for wireless TSN-grade
Ethernet, 802.11 and 3GPP systems. An additional performance.
layer of security for TSN can also be added with
Next steps towards wireless TSN
precise timing mechanisms that facilitate early
This section proposes specific next steps to address
detection of a network breach as defined in the IEEE
gaps in standards and technology areas in order to
802.1Qci specification. The 802.1Qci capability
enable adoption of wireless TSN in the market.
identifies the time-sensitive streams and uses timing
and schedule information to accept or discard • Further study of scheduling
packets. The right packet must arrive in the right capabilities and performance in
time window on the right port to be accepted. This wireless networks (802.11ax/Wi-Fi 6
capability also needs to be extended to wireless and 5G): It is important for the TSN
networks. community to gain a deeper understanding
on how wireless networks can schedule
Redundancy has been a part of wireless standards
time-sensitive traffic. This work will require
(e.g. through coding schemes) to account for channel
contributions from experts on wireless
errors. But additional redundancy mechanisms that
standards and it can result in documentation
explore frequency/space diversity (e.g. multiple
of the main capabilities, configuration
channels and antennas) may need to be considered
parameters and interfaces to wireless
in order to achieve fault-tolerance against
networks that can impact latency bounded
interference and cybersecurity attacks. Proactive
and reliable data delivery. It is also
multi-link and channel redundancy mechanisms
important to understand the achievable
need to be tightly coordinated with bandwidth
performance bounds and tradeoffs that need
reservation and time-aware scheduling mechanisms
to be considered in wireless. This work can
to ensure latency bounds.
be performed as a follow up to this white
Mobility and roaming challenges paper within Avnu’s Wireless TSN study
Mobility is a unique benefit of wireless connectivity. group and can be published as a technical
It enables flexibility of deployment and easy report.
reconfiguration of devices and applications.
• Abstraction Interface for wireless
However, mobility adds new challenges as devices
TSN: New abstractions and interfaces
change their attachment point to the network (Wi-Fi
between existing TSN functions (e.g.
Access Point or 5G gNsB). Current roaming
scheduling implemented in the CNC,
procedures in both cellular and Wi-Fi networks try
network management and configuration)
to minimize connectivity disruptions, but they do
and wireless networks (e.g. 802.11 and 5G)
not yet consider stringent latency and high reliability
may need to be defined. Clear inputs,
requirements in TSN domains.
outputs, and tasks and responsibilities are shaping capabilities (e.g. 802.1Qbv, Qav)
needed to ensure predictable and reliable could be tested in a first step, followed by
time-aware delivery of scheduled traffic capabilities that enable reliability and
across wired and wireless domains enabled increased efficiency. Test cases could be
by different wireless technologies. A developed within Avnu and in collaboration
common interface to interact with wireless with other wireless technology
domains abstracting the underlaying organizations.
wireless connectivity technology will
facilitate the deployment and extension of Conclusion
TSN networks over wireless. The work may
also include defining new wireless-specific This white paper provided an initial overview of the
parameters (e.g. as addition to existing use cases that can benefit from TSN extensions to
802.1Qbv YANG model) and it could be wireless. The paper also introduced the basic
done in collaboration between the Avnu architecture to enable integration of wired and
Alliance and IEEE 802.1 groups. wireless TSN domains. Wireless can enable
This work could also influence wireless flexibility of deployment, re-configuration and
standard organizations, such as IEEE 802.11 reduced costs in several industrial and ProAV use
and 3GPP. cases. However, it is important to highlight that
there are areas where wireless may not be practical
• Enhancements for discovery and at this stage, especially in applications involving
configuration of wireless TSN links: As safety constraints and very low (microsec level) cycle
discussed previously, the overall TSN times.
configuration and management entities
must be aware of wireless TSN links as their TSN capabilities have already started to be extended
wireless-specific characteristics. Extensions to wireless domains. For instance, time
to existing link layer discovery (e.g. LLDP) synchronization can be extended from a wired
and configuration protocols for wireless TSN (Ethernet) domain to an 802.11/Wi-Fi domain using
may need to be considered to ensure the 802.1AS standard. Similarly, 5G standards define a
TSN management is wireless-aware. The mechanism to enable distribution of TSN time
initial step in this area is to identify gaps in across a 5G network. New capabilities to schedule
existing standards, and it could be taken data transmissions with low latency and high
within Avnu. This work may also generate reliability have also been introduced in 802.11ax/Wi-
input to potential activities in other Fi 6 and 5G URLLC modes.
organizations, such as the IEEE 802.1,
802.11 working groups, and 3GPP. Existing wireless capabilities can support proof of
concepts in the area of time synchronization and
• Wireless TSN test plan: The process of time-aware scheduling over wired and wireless
adopting and deploying wireless TSN domains and further work to define wireless specific
capabilities within a TSN domain is expected test procedures is recommended. Configuration and
to be gradual. It is very important to management of wireless TSN capabilities is another
understand the performance and unique area that can be further developed within the scope
management aspects of each wireless TSN of Avnu. Areas for further work from a wireless
capability, and how they interact as part of standards standpoint have also been identified,
the overall TSN system. Therefore, a gradual which can be useful for groups like IEEE 802.11 and
plan to test existing TSN capabilities 3GPP.
extended to wireless is needed with clear test
cases, assumptions and deployment
scenarios. Time synchronization and traffic
[1] S. Bush, et. al., “Industrial Wireless Time-
Sensitive Networking Roadmap,” Avnu Alliance
White Paper, Version 1.0.0, December 2017.