PARAMETERS RESULT UNITS REFERENCE RANGE Physical Examination Time of specimen AM/PM Time of examination AM/PM Duration of abstinence days 2-7 Liquefaction at 37 ◦ C minutes 30-60 Volume mL >1.5 Appearance Color Viscosity pH 7.2-7.8 Microscopic examination Total sperm Million/mL >15 concentration Percentage motility % >50 Grade A % Fast progressive Grade B % Slow progressive Grade C % Immotile Vitality % >58 % Agglutination Negative Pus cells /hpf Nil Red Blood cells /hpf Nil
Epithelial cells /hpf Nil
Morphology Normal morphology % >4.0% Abnormal morphology % (a) Head defects % (b) Neck & mid piece %
(c) Tail defects %
Chemical Examination Semen Fructose, Positive Qualitative