2015 Felix
2015 Felix
2015 Felix
Kangaroo 2015
Group Felix (Grades 1 and 2)
Austria – 23. 3. 2015
‐ 3 point questions ‐
1. Which shape cannot be seen in every picture?
He boolts the m
metal strips together in paairs. Now
w he has ffive long strips
(see tthe diagram).
Whichh of the llong strip
ps is the shortest?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E
‐ 4 point questtions ‐
6. Whhich of th
he kangarroo cardss shown below ca an be turrned
arounnd so that it then looks the same aas the card shownn on
the rigght?
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 44 (D) 3 (E) 2
9. It taakes Jennnifer halff an hourr to cover half of her journney hom
from school. H How longg does it take her to coverr the whoole journ ney
(A) 155 minutes (B) 30 m
( inutes (C) 40 minu tes
(D) 1 hour (E) 2 hou
( urs
Michael haas two building bblocks. Eaach building blockk is made
10. M e up
of twoo cubes gglued toggether. W
Which figure can hhe not m
make usin ng the
(A) (B) (C
C) (D) (E)
‐ 5 point questtions ‐
11. Ju
ulia has 9 sweets aand Kathharina haas 17 swe eets. Howw many
sweetts does K Katharinaa have to give to JJulia so that they both havve
the saame amo ount of sw weets?
(A) 2 (B) 3 C) 4
(C (D) 5
5 (E) 6
12. Evvery one of these e six buildding bloccks
consissts of 5 liittle cube
es. The little cube es are
eitherr white oor grey. Cubes of eequal colour
don’t touch eaach other. How m many little e
whitee cubes are there in total??
(A) 100 (B) 11 1 (C) 12 (D) 118 (E) 3 30
Which piece is missing?
13. W