Multi-Storey Timber and Mixed Timber-RC/Steel Construction in USA
Multi-Storey Timber and Mixed Timber-RC/Steel Construction in USA
Multi-Storey Timber and Mixed Timber-RC/Steel Construction in USA
Construction in USA
Kevin C. K. Cheung, Dr, PE, Director of Technical Services, Western Wood Products Association, Portland, USA
Wood-Frame Construction Floor (%) Exterior wall (%) Interior wall (%) Roof (%)
in USA Wood 64 86 95 100
Wood has always been the preferred Steel 0,4 0,4 5 0,1
building material for construction of Concrete/masonry 36 13 0,3 0
homes in the USA with over 1,5 million
new homes built each year. About 80% Table 1: Percentages of construction materials used in new home construction
of these homes are single-family dwell- in the USA in 2003
ings, and about 20% are multi-storey
multi-family apartment-style units. Ap-
proximately 90% of the single-family Total households 105,842,000
detached homes built each year use Owner occupied units 72,238,000 (68%)
Single family detached units 67,753,000 (66%)
Peer-reviewed by international ex- Household income (median) 41,775 USD
perts and accepted for publication
by SEI Editorial Board
Value of owner occupied unit (median) 140,201 USD
Population 291 million
Paper received: August 21, 2007
Paper accepted: December 4, 2007 Table 2: Selected statistics from the 2003 USA Housing Survey
Fig. 1: Meridian Apartments (Las Vegas, Nevada) under Fig. 2: Mixed construction of a pedestal building under
construction construction
Fig. 3: Wood joists floor systems in steel frame construction (a) wood I-Joist and (b) wood flange metal-tube-web joist
space, or a concrete block elevator with suspended ceilings or open-web joist floor systems are used in the steel
shaft. trusses. frame construction (Fig. 3).
Fastening wood members to steel
Fire-Safety Considerations members is often a design challenge.
Sound Transmission
For fire protection in multi-unit resi- Considerations Wood blocking serving as nailers
dential structures, the building code are often bolted to the steel beams
uses the concept of fire compartmen- Sound transmission is an important making a standard wood-to-wood con-
tation to contain a fire by requiring non-structural design consideration nection possible (Figs. 4 and 5). The
the use of fire-resistive assemblies for multi-storey/multi-family wood- attachment of wood stud walls to the
for corridor fire separations and for frame wall and floor construction that concrete slab1 is accomplished using
separations between occupancy units. may control material and construction 12,5 mm anchor bolts spacing 0,6 m to
In addition, fire stops and draft stops choices. Wide ranges of wood-frame 1,2 m on center with mechanical or
are required to prevent movements of assemblies have been tested for sound adhesive anchors drilled in concrete
flame and hot gases (including smoke) transmission properties. Light-weight slab, anchor bolts cast in concrete slab,
to other areas of the building. gypsum concrete floor topping, sound- or steel plates cast into concrete slab
absorbing wall boards and acoustic with sill anchor bolts field welded on
One-hour fire-resistive construction sealers filling the gaps between wall the steel plates.
is usually the minimum required fire- and floor elements are used to reduce
resistance rating for vertical and hori- sound transmission.
zontal fire separations between each
dwelling unit. Higher fire-resistance A sound transmission class (STC) rat-
ratings are required for stairway en- ing of 45 to 55 is commonly required.
closures and hallways to protect the For improved sound reduction, light- 38 × 89 mm Plate
egress for occupants. Fire tests have weight concrete toppings are often used
been conducted on many wood-frame on floors – usually 38 mm thick stan-
assemblies sheathed with fire-rated dard light-weight concrete, or 19 mm
38 mm Steel deck
gypsum wallboard to demonstrate their thick gypcrete (at 19 mm, less than w/conc. fill
fire-resistance performance. Using the 31,8 kg/m²). Light-weight concrete
results of these tests, fire-resistance and gypcrete are self-levelling –
ratings have been established. the concrete is poured after framing
and sheathing are completed and all
Fire-stops prevent movements of electrical and plumbing systems are
flame and gas to other areas of a build- installed. Stl. beam & l's
ing through relatively small, concealed
spaces resulting from construction or Bolt blocking
w/ 13 mm dia. bolt
penetration of building components Mixed Construction 813 mm o.c.
such as floors and walls. Wood fire-
blocking (38 mm thick lumber) is com- Reinforced concrete or steel construc-
monly used between joists and along tion is often used to build stairwells
wall plates. Non-combustible flexible and elevator shafts in wood-frame Wood blocking
as required
material is used around vents, pipes, structures. Steel K-frame is used to
ducts, chimneys and fireplaces. Draft- resist lateral forces when large span
stops prevent the movements of air, of opening is desired and shearwalls Fig. 4: A floor detail at stair corridor
smoke, gas and flame to other areas of a are not placed – this is common in – wood blocking bolted to the steel beam
building through large concealed spac- hotel lobbies in high-seismic zones. is used as a nailer for fastening standard
es, such as attics and floor assemblies There are also projects where wood metal joist hangers
(c) (d)
Fig. 6: The Pine Square/Pacific Court project in Long Beach, California (a), (b) and (c) under construction, (d) completed
used for retail and theater spaces, and land and construction costs through
Double 38 mm × four-storey wood-frame construction construction speed and reasonable
blocking between
floor trusses
of residential apartment units atop. material costs. The US Building Code
system is flexible in giving designers
38 × 184 mm a wide range of options for develop-
@ 406 mm o.c. Wrap Construction ing the most cost-effective and safe
In recent years, wrap configuration is multi-storey wood-frame design solu-
Floor trusses gaining popularity as a cost-effective tion. While multi-storey wood-frame
@ 610 mm o.c. building type. This type of construction construction has predominantly been
is generally designed and built with a used for multi-family residential hous-
W21 high density wood-frame apartment ing in USA, it is also finding its way
building wrapped around a reinforced into new and innovative uses in im-
Fig. 5: A wood-to-steel connection conceals
the steel beam. Wood floor trusses hang concrete parking structure. The apart- pressive large-scale mixed-use and
from the double top chord. The connection ment tenants can park their cars on the mixed construction projects.
of wood floor trusses to steel beam was same floor level where they live. The
made by bolting a continuous wood plate wood-frame apartment buildings are
to the top of the steel beam built during the same time as the con- Acknowledgement
crete parking structure. Figure 4 courtesy of Architect Office of Gal-
Pine Square/Pacific Court Building pin Ciaccio Klick.
Complex Project
One example of a mixed construction References
project is the Pine Square/Pacific Court Multi-storey wood-frame construction
[1] Brian K. High Rise Wood Frame Construction:
building complex (Fig. 6) constructed in is suitable for both residential and Cornerstone Condominiums, Structural Magazine
1992. This building is comprised of two- commercial structures and provides (
level underground parking, two-storey an economical as well as environ- June-2006/D-Fex-Hi-Rise-wood-frame-const
structural steel-frame lower floors mentally sustainable solution to rising -June-06.pdf), June 2006.