Recurrent Dislocations and Complete Necrosis
Recurrent Dislocations and Complete Necrosis
Recurrent Dislocations and Complete Necrosis
J Pediatr Orthop Volume 33, Number 1 Supplement, July/August 2013 | S45
Choi et al J Pediatr Orthop Volume 33, Number 1 Supplement, July/August 2013
TABLE 2. (continued)
Type of Hip Function* Postop
Support Trendelenburg
Etiology Age at Op. (No. Sign (No. Complications and
References (No. Patient) (y) Patient) Preop. Postop. Patient) Follow-up Comments
Sabharwal Osteonecrosis 13.5 Subacetab. 26 88 None 3y Knee
and after leukemia stiffnessZquadri-
Macleod 30 (1) cepsplasty
Choi et al Septic hip (11); 13.4 (6.4-16) Subacetab. 12 (W) 6 (W) None (8); P (5) 5 y (1-10.2) Repeat IHR in 3
(unpublish- DDH (2) patients; 4 PTI; 4
ed data) loss of support; 1
prox. fx.
*Harris Hip Score or a modified Harris Hip Score.12
AVN indicates avascular necrosis of the femoral head; bilat., bilateral; DDH, developmental dislocation of the hip; dislocat., dislocation; ER, external rotation; fx.,
fracture; IHR, Ilizarov hip reconstruction; LLD, limb-length discrepancy; lux., luxation; MMC, meningomyelocele; n., nerve; NA, unknown; NOF, nonunion of femur
neck fracture; op., operation; P, reduced but persistent T-sign; PFFD, proximal femoral focal deficiency; postop., postoperative; preop.; preoperative; prox., proximal; PTI,
pin-tract infection; RP, residual poliomyelitis; subacetab., subacetabular; T, Trendelenburg; unilat., unilateral; W, WOMAC score.
and the femoral shaft in single stance or during from the midline of the body axis in bipedal stance.
maximum attempted adduction when supine). On Furthermore, if there is no compensatory DF varus
the basis of our experiences, we recommend at least angulation, unequal knee distances from midline may
25 degrees of overcorrection,1 and >30 degrees in cause secondary pelvic obliquity despite well-per-
preadolescents. Pafilas and Nayagam13 (Fig. 1B) pro- formed pelvic support.
posed overcorrection of 30 to 40 degrees of extravalgus 4. The amount of extension should be adjusted to correct
in addition to the sum of maximum adduction range hip flexion contracture and pelvic tilt, and the
plus adduction contracture plus another 9 degrees to sacrofemoral angle (the angle formed by the inter-
bring the femur parallel to the vertical axis perpendic- section of a line drawn along the top of the sacrum to
ular to the pelvic line. The remaining 21 to 31 degrees locate the pelvic inclination and a second line drawn
of abduction will take the femur away from midline. along the shaft of the femur on the standing lateral
Their 30 to 40 degrees corresponds to 21 to 31 degrees radiograph). In normal children and adolescents, the
of extravalgus in addition to the pelvic drop angle. sacrofemoral angle measures between 50 and 65
Overcorrection is entirely empirical in anticipation of degrees.38
remodeling at the valgus osteotomy and some atrophy 5. The amount of derotation should also be determined,
of the soft tissue interposed between the femur and based on foot progression angle and the amount and
lateral pelvic wall. direction of rotation during passive maximum adduc-
3. The next important issue is how to determine the level tion. The amount of varization is also controversial.
of DF osteotomy. Paley12,19 used the CORA method, Although Pafilas and Nayagam13 proposed bringing
which utilizes an imaginary proximal mechanical axis the femoral shaft parallel to the vertical midline axis,
line (Fig. 2A). He stated that proximal mechanical axis this may cause 9 degree of valgus inclination at the
line corresponds to a line perpendicular to the knee. We believe that the knee joint should be
horizontal pelvic line, passing through the point of realigned to its physiological position even after DF
1/3 to 1/2 the distance lateral to the medial edge of varus angulation.
the proximal fragment. In contrast, Kadykalo and 6. The amount of lengthening should be recalculated
Kuftyev22 presented a formula that took into consid- after IHR during lengthening using a woodblock or
eration the amount of PF valgus and DF varus scanogram to obtain a level pelvis. Overlengthening is
angulation (Fig. 2B; Table 3). The mean DF varus poorly tolerated in hips that are already in full
angulations reported in the literature varied in the adduction after IHR.
range between 10 and 22 degrees.20,29,30,32 Other 7. Resection of the femoral head and neck remnant may be
important point of consideration when determining indicated, if the hip is painful and stiff, regardless of pre-
the level of distal osteotomy concerns the equalization existing osteoarthritis. The concept of resection-angula-
of distances between the midline of the body axis and tion osteotomy was originally proposed by Milch7 in
the centers of the knee joints of affected and normal 1955 for restoring hip mobility and pain relief.
contralateral limbs, which was emphasized by Pafilas
and Nayagam13 (Fig. 2C). This suggests that the level
of DF osteotomy relies on the level of PF valgus SUMMARY OF THE ENGLISH LITERATURE
osteotomy, that is, the higher the level of PF valgus ON IHR
angulation, the more proximally located DF osteot- At the time of writing, only 12 original articles and 3
omy should be to equalize the distances of knee joints case reports have been published in the English literature
FIGURE 1. Determination of valgus angulation of the proximal femur for Ilizarov hip reconstruction. A, Paley12,19 recommended
overcorrection of 15 to 20 degrees during valgus osteotomy to eliminate hip adduction and pelvic drop angle, which is an angle
between the line perpendicular to iliac crest pelvic line and the femoral shaft in single stance or during maximum attempted
adduction in the supine position. On the basis of our experiences, we recommend at least 25 degrees of overcorrection1 and >30
degrees in preadolescents. B, Pafilas and Nayagam13 proposed overcorrection of 30 to 40 degrees of extravalgus in addition to
the sum of maximum adduction range plus adduction contracture plus another 9 degrees to bring the femur parallel to the
vertical axis perpendicular to the pelvic line. The remaining 21 to 31 degrees of abduction will take the femur away from midline.
Their 30 to 40 degrees corresponds to 21 to 31 degrees (b a) of extravalgus in addition to the pelvic drop angle. Overcorrection
is entirely empirical in anticipation of remodeling at the valgus osteotomy and some atrophy of the soft tissue interposed between
the femur and lateral pelvic wall.
on the merits of IHR (Table 2). Samchukov and Birch20 with a mean LLD of 4.4 cm. The clinical outcome was
reported the successful use of IHR to treat a fixed, irre- satisfactory: pain subsided in all patients, the Trendelen-
ducible congenital dislocation of the hip associated with burg sign became negative in all but 3 patients, no patient
other multiple lower extremity growth disturbances sec- had LLD, and lower limb alignment was reestablished.
ondary to neonatal multifocal osteomyelitis. Kocaoglu Manzotti et al28 reviewed their experience with IHR to
et al32 used IHR for the treatment of hip dislocation in 14 treat late sequelae of septic arthritis of the hip in 15 pa-
patients in adolescents and young adults (mean age, 20 y) tients (mean age, 21.1 y) with a mean LLD of 6.5 cm. At
FIGURE 2. Determination of varus angulation of the distal femur for Ilizarov hip reconstruction. A, The CORA method recom-
mended by Paley,12,19 which utilizes an imaginary proximal mechanical axis line. The proximal mechanical axis line corresponds
to a line perpendicular to the horizontal pelvic line, passing through the point of 1/3 to 1/2 the distance lateral to the medial edge
of the proximal fragment. B, Preoperative simulation of the Ilizarov hip reconstruction, which utilizes a trigonometric equation,
recommended by Kadykalo and Kuftyev,22 taking into consideration of proximal femoral (PF) valgus angulation and distal femoral
varus angulation and the biomechanical limb axis after reconstruction (Table 3). C, When determining the level of distal
osteotomy, the equalization of distances between the midline of the body axis and the centers of the knee joints of affected and
normal contralateral limbs should be considered, which was emphasized by Pafilas and Nayagam.13 The level of distal femoral
osteotomy relies on the level of PF valgus osteotomy, that is, the higher the level of PF valgus angulation, the more proximally
located distal femoral osteotomy should be to equalize the distances of knee joints from the midline of the body axis in bipedal
FIGURE 3. A case of Ilizarov hip reconstruction complicated by refracture at the level of valgus angulation. A, Preoperative
radiograph of the pelvis taken in the standing position in a 12-year and 5-month-old boy with complete absence of the femoral
head and neck after infantile septic arthritis of the hip. B, A radiograph showing Ilizarov hip reconstruction and 6 cm length gain
with use of circular fixator. C, A radiograph showing refracture at the level of valgus angulation at age 15 years. D, A radiograph
showing repeat Ilizarov hip reconstruction using a monolateral fixator. Three centimeter length gain was obtained. E, A tele-
radiogram of the lower extremities taken at age 21 years showing a well-performed “pelvic support,” in which the acetabulum is
rested on the lesser trochanter.
mean of 4.6 (range, 0.6 to 6.4 cm) to 0.8 cm (range, 0 to LLD. Four of 5 patients with persistent Trendelenburg
1.2 cm). Modified hip score improved from a mean of 51 sign had residual poliomyelitis. Marimuthu et al26 and
(range, 21 to 67) to 73 points (range, 64 to 79). Gait Mahran et al27 also reported overall satisfactory results of
analysis data, which was performed in 5 patients, revealed IHR for chronically dislocated hips or destructed hips due
that the mean stance-time asymmetry improved from to various causes. Gursu et al35 studied the influence of
16% to 5.4%, and the mean ground-reaction force (sec- etiology of hip instability on the results of IHR. Preceding
ond peak) improved from 102% of body weight to 122% pathology included neglected congenital dislocation of
of body weight. El-Mowafi et al24 reported on the use of the hip in 13 hips (12 patients) and septic hip sequelae in 8
IHR in a study of 25 patients (mean, 22.4 y) with unstable hips. At a mean follow-up of 33.5 months, there was no
hips. At a mean follow-up of 4.5 months, all patients were significant difference between the final Harris Hip Scores
reported to be pan free with improvement in gait and of the 2 groups. They observed that complications were
FIGURE 4. The newly reconstructed weight-bearing area is not absolute, nor a true joint or false articulation. A, A radiograph of
Ilizarov hip reconstruction in a 15-year and 1-month-old boy. B, When determining the center of rotation during adduction/
abduction motion, the main fulcrum is seemingly located around the lesser trochanter and not around the apex of the valgus
angulation adjacent to the ischial tuberosity during passive abduction and adduction. This suggests that the center of rotation
seems to vary with the position/direction of motion of the lower limbs and depends on the soft-tissue interpositional weight-
bearing surface between the PF osteotomy and the pelvis.
more frequent after congenital dislocation of the hip, and IHR in 16 patients (mean age, 25.3 y). At a mean follow-
patient satisfaction was higher in cases with sequelae of up of 52.5 months, the mean Harris Hip Score increased
sepsis. from 50 points (range, 32 to 73 points) preoperatively to
Emara31 reported the results of IHR in 11 patients 87.6 points (range, 67 to 98 points). Four patients retained
who had undergone excision hip arthroplasty to treat a positive Trendelenburg sign. We have also experienced
resistant hip infection. Harris Hip Scores improved in all that monolateral fixator that enables multiplanar angular
patients: the average score preoperatively was 43.5 (range, correction and translation (Dyna-ATC; BK Meditech,
31 to 50), whereas at final follow-up, the average score Seoul, Korea) were suitable for IHR. Recently, Krieg
was 70.9 (range, 65 to 80). Shetty et al29 reported the et al36 proposed a new technique of IHR with internal
efficacy of a modified PSO using hybrid external fixator in systems exclusively. A locking compression plate is ap-
8 patients (mean age, 16.4 y) with severe bilateral hip in- plied to fix the PF valgus-extension osteotomy and a
volvement in spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia congenita. motorized retrograde intramedullary lengthening device
After a mean follow-up of 25.9 months, the mean modi- (Fitbone; Wittenstein, Igersheim, Germany) for the distal,
fied Harris Hip Score had improved from 67.9 to 79.1 lengthening-varization osteotomy. Although the use of
points. Waddling gait was absent in 3 patients, reduced in internal implants for IHR is a feasible and patient-friendly
4 patients, and was the same in 1 at the last follow-up. alternative to traditional methods, their use, however, may
Mean LLD was >0.5 cm, and the mechanical axis was be restricted by geometric preconditions.
realigned in all. Sabharwal and Macleod30 reported a case Reported complications of IHR in the literature
of successful IHR for the management of advanced os- (Table 2) included knee stiffness, pin-tract infection, de-
teonecrosis of the proximal femur after chemotherapy for layed consolidation, refracture (Fig. 3), obturator nerve
acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adolescent. They entrapment, straightening of proximal valgus angulation,
performed the 2-level femoral osteotomy with acute val- and persistent T-gait. We think that there is possibility of
gus-extension angulation at the PF osteotomy site and the ischiofemoral impingement if the PF valgus angulation
DF osteotomy for gradual lengthening and varus angu- site directly abuts the ischium.
lation using Taylor Spatial Frame (Smith and Nephew,
Monolateral external fixation is usually more com-
fortable than circular frames for the patient with de- How to Avoid or Reduce Remodeling of
formity around the hip and proximal femur, Inan and Proximal Valgus Angulation?
Bowen33 reported on the use of monolateral external IHR is safe to perform at an older age, preferably
fixator (Orthofix S.R.L.; Bussolengo, Verona, Italy) for after peak growth spurt. Rozbruch et al12 observed that
FIGURE 5. Total hip replacement arthroplasty (THRA) performed in a Mongolian 34-year-old lady who underwent Ilizarov hip
reconstruction for treatment of neglected developmental dislocation of the hip at 24 years of age in Russian Federation. She
underwent THRA because of diffuse pain around the buttock and hip that had lasted after Ilizarov hip reconstruction. A and B,
Preoperative radiographs of the hip. The deformed femoral head is still in close contact with the secondary socket (false ace-
tabulum) of the dislocated hip, which may explain the source of pain. The pelvic support osteotomy without resection of the
femoral head might have been contraindicated in this regard. C, Three-dimensional computed tomography of the hip. D and E,
Postoperative radiograph of THRA with a straight stem inserted after 4.5 cm of segmental shortening at the subtrochanteric level.
when IHR was performed at a younger age before ado- may also be beneficial. Most importantly, postoperative
lescence, the PF valgus osteotomy site completely re- strenuous abductor muscle exercise is essential.
modeled, demonstrating no evidence of the pelvic support
within 1 or 2 years after the operation. We also experi-
enced the same phenomenon of remodeling (straighten-
ing) of the proximal femur when IHR was performed in Where Is the Weight-bearing Fulcrum?
the preadolescent age. One should consider adding ex- We agree with others12,13 that the weight-bearing
travalgus angulation at the PF osteotomy site, when area is not absolute, nor a true joint or false articulation.
performing IHR to address marked LLD in a younger The center of rotation seems to vary with the position/
age. As mentioned previously, one should expect repeat direction of motion of the lower limbs and depends on the
IHR at or near skeletal maturity to obtain a level pelvis soft-tissue interpositional weight-bearing surface between
and to eliminate residual LLD. Another alternative is to the PF osteotomy and the pelvis. To identify the center of
perform simple femoral lengthening with extension of the rotation during adduction/abduction motion, we used
external fixation to the pelvis at a younger age and to cineradiography in a patient who underwent Shanz-type
reserve PSO for the second lengthening when the patients PSO and managed to figure out that the center of rotation
are near skeletal maturity.12 was located around the lesser trochanter and not around
In our experience, translation of the proximal the apex of the valgus angulation adjacent to the ischial
fragment medially relative to the distal fragment helps tuberosity during passive abduction and adduction
facilitate and maintain valgization. Prebent plate fixation (Fig. 4).
Why Does T-Gait Persist After PSO in Some of the external fixation to the pelvis at a younger age, and
Patients? to reserve PSO for the second lengthening. Future studies
The literature suggests that an average of 30.3% should be directed toward determining the precise loca-
(range, 0% to 62.5%) of patients have a persistent pos- tion of the newly reconstructed weight-bearing fulcrum
itive Trendelenburg sign after IHR, although it is reduced and to develop an effective means of normalizing ab-
in severity in most patients (Table 2). This persistence ductor muscle function.
may be due to abductor insufficiency related to atrophied
abductor muscles before surgery or loss of fulcrum during
follow-up due to remodeling of PF valgus angulation.
Age at the time of PSO may also be an important factor The authors thank Yun Su Park, MD, Professor of
for the retention of hip function.7 Inan et al34 used the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Samsung Medical
magnetic resonance imaging to measure alterations in the Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, for
length and volume of the gluteus medius muscle after providing us a case of THRA performed in a patient with
IHR in 11 patients with a history of congenital dis- previous history of IHR.
location of the hip. They reported that although the IHR
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