Site Selection and Analysis-2 (2 Files Merged)

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Site: Unused corner of the street

Location: Legal Information:
Lallubhai Park Road, Andheri West. Street is maintained by the local authorities.
Used mainly for parking cars.

Neighbourhood context:
The corner is lies at a secluded corner of an Natural Physical Features:
internal street. The neighbourhood is mainly There are various trees like Ashoka tree and
comprised of residential buildings of about coconut tree that grow in the area. The
3-13 floors. corner is usually a dump site for waste such
as fallen branches, leaves, twigs etc.

Zoning and size:

The corner is deserted and unused. Man-Made Physical Features:
About one car length space is available to set The road is made out of bricks and the
up the library. adjacent walls are made out of concrete and
marble respectively. The concrete wall is 2ft
high and the marble slabs create a frame
which is 6ft high. Both walls are
perpendicular to each other. The corner is
also used to keep the dustbins of refuse from
the surrounding societies for the dumping
truck to pick up.

The sides of the roads are mainly used for
car parking. Cars pass by during the day and
night. During the evenings people use the
street for walking.
Utilities: Sensory:
Few manholes and gutters for drainage Vehicular honking at certain times might be
during the monsoon, have been provided. a nuisance. Railway tracks are close by so it
might cause some noise throughout the day.

Receives rainfall during the hot and wet
Human and cultural:
season i.e. from June to September. Usually The area has a varied population of people
no waterlogging in the area due to gutters. ranging from 0-90. A large population of the
Due to uneven nature of the road, during area is school going children. Another
monsoons puddles of water are formed on populous age group is senior citizens from
the road which remain stagnant till dry. the age of 65-75.



Furniture Design
Free Little Library- Concept Develpoment

Hardik K Vepari
Identified demographic of users :

Senior citizens and children from the ages of 5-15

The reasons for building this free little library


• To provide for a simple ,secluded and peaceful

place for senior citizens who walk in the area.

• To utilize the otherwise wasted spot of the area,

filled with debris and refuse into a useful library
Selected Site
Concept and Design
Since the library stands at the corner of two roads which are mainly
used for parking, it is designed such that it is compact, utilizes less
space and is visible and accessible from both sides of the road.

The main users of this library were identified to be senior citizens

who walk during the evening in the area. So the total height of the
library is 1.5m which makes the each shelf easily accessible. Two
shelves face each side of the road.

The materials used are hardwood for the shelves and transparent
plastic sheets . The upper shelves transfer their load via wooden legs.
The entire structure rests on a wooden table with which evenly
transfers the weight to the ground via its 4 legs.

The dimensions of the library are:

L : 0.45m
B: 0.6m
Isometric View Of The Library H: 1.2m
Joinery Details
Technical Drawings
Model ( 1:5 scale)
Site + Cropped Photo Of Model

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