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ESE - Past Year Papers

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Matunga, Mumbai-400 019

Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai

EXAMINATION End Semester Examination

Nov/Dec. 2019
OF 2slu2ol9
SEMESTER & Sem-ll, S. Y. B. Tech TIME 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
COURSE NAME (CODE)Linear Algebra (R4MA2007s)
Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Answers to individual question must be grouped and written together
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 a) For what value of 2 dose the following system of equations possess (6m) [co1]
a non-trivial solution? Obtain the solution for real values of 2.
x+2y+3z =Ax
3x +y+2z = Ay
2x+3y + z = iz

b Find rank of matrix A where A is 5x4 matrix with real entries such (4m)
that AF = 0if and only if F = 0 where F is 4xI vector and õ is a null
c) Solve Equations, 3x+y=11, 2x+5y=16 using Gauss -Seidel method (4m)
up to three iterations.
d) Investigate for what values of A and u the equations (6m)
x+2y+z = 8

2x+2y+ 2z = 13

3r+4y+ z =u
Have i) no solution i) unique solution ii) many solutions

Q. 2 a)
2 51 (6m) [Co2]
For matrix A =3 5 13
|-2 -1 -4
Find basis for column space of A.
Find basis for null space.
Find rank and nullity of A.
iv. Find rank and nullity of T.
V. Verify rank-nullity theorem
Page 1 of3
b) Which of the following are proper subspaces of functions,F(-0. o)
under standard operations?
={fi fr)is constant
i. ={fif0) 2} =

i. W={fI fr)=S)}}
C) Determine whether the set R' of all positive real numbers witn
X+y =xy & kr=x* is a vector space. x, yeR" keER

dimension ,where 4 =|2 2 2 and let

V={(x,y.z) eR': det(4A) =0}

Q.3 a)
Consider the basis S= {y,,V,v,} for R'where vy=(1,1.1) (5m) [CO3
V2=(1,1,0) v, = (1,0,0) Let T:R' >R be alinear transformation such
that T(y) =(1,0) T(v,) =(2,-1) T(v,) (4,3) =
Find transformation and also
find T(2,-3,5).
bFind the standard matrix of the linear operator 7:
a vector about the x- axis R>R' that first rotates (3m)
by 270 then rotates the resulting vector about
the y- axis by 90 and then
rotates that vector about z axis
c) Determine whether the given transformation 180 by
are one one onto
. S(x,y,z) =(2x,4x-y,2x+3y-) or both
ii. T(x,y,z) =(x cos6-y sin 6,
d) Find matrix of linear
transformation 7:P>P with respect to standard
basis defined by, T(p(x) (4m)

x'p'lr) +|P()d
S =
{,, V,. V,} be a basis for
Let vector space V and T:V->V be a
linear (4m)
-3 4 71
operator such that [T] = 0 -2 find [T], where S, {w,.
0 0 r,, 1,}is

the basis for V defined by w V, =

"', V, +V,, W, =
" +V, +1,

Page 2 of3 x
a 30 0 (6m) [C02]
20 0
Find matrix P if A=0 6 2 PAP =|0 0
0 2 6 0 0
b) 00-2 (6m) [C03]
If A =| 2 1 find A using diagonalization.
1 3
c) 8 -6 2
(8m) [cO3
For matrix A=-6 7 -4 find
2 -4 3
Eigenvalues and eigen vectors for matrix A
. Algebraic and
geometric multiplicity
Dimension of eigenspace.
IV State cayley-Hamilton theorem and find A and 4

. 5 a) Find< f,g > if f =

f(x) =1-x+x* +5x;g g(x) x
= =
-3x* and the (4m) [C04]
inner product <f.g>=|S(x)g (x)dx
b) Determine whether there exists scalars k and Isuch that the vectors (4m)
u =
(2,k, 6) v =
(1,5,3) w =
(1,2,3) are mutually orthogonal w.r.t.
Euclidean inner product
c) State Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and check whether the given
vectors satisfies
Cauchy Schwartz inequality (6m)
P=-1+2x+x* p, =2-4x* using inner product
P.P >=
a,b, +a,b, +a,b, :P =a, +,x +a,x P =b, +b,x+b,x
And also find the angle between vectors p, =X-x'and
P 7+3x +3x2
d) LetS ={v,.v2, V,, V4} where, (6m)
= (1,-1,2,-1),v, = -2,2.3,2).v, = (1.2,0,-1).", = (1.0.0,1) is an

orthogonal basis for R* with Euclidean inner product. Express the

u = (1.1. 1,1) as linear combination of ,.1,.V,.V and find the

coordinate vector [u]

:End of Paper:

Page 3 of 3
Matunga, Mumbai-400 019
Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai

AMINATION End Semester Examination DATE OF EXAM 7h November 2019

(EST) November 2019 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
SEMESTER & PROGRAM Semester-I, Second Year B TIME
Tech (Computer Engineering)
3 HRS. MARKS 100
Discrete Mathematics and Application


Instructions 1. All questions carry equal marks.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. No credits will be given without proper reasoning.

in 05 C
Q.1 a. State whether following statements are TRUE or FALSE justify your answer
one line only.
i. No edge appears more than once is called walk
i. No edge appears more than once is called path.
this relation is
ii. if any relation is reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive then
known as equivalence relation.
IV. IfA {a, b} then {A} P(A) = A
. AfuB|
If =
A| +
|B| then A and B intersect each other.
Prove that the number of diagonals of an 'n' side convex polygon is "n (n-3) /2." 05 Ce
05 c)
c. Using equivalence formulas, Let P, q, r be propositions.
Prove that ((p- q) A (q- r))- (p- r) 1s a tautolog
Among 50 students in a class, 26 got an A in the first examination and 21 05 Con
an A in the second examination. If 17 students did not get an A in
either examination, how many students got A in both examination?
If the number of students who got an A in the first examination is equal to
that in the second examination, if the total number of students who got an
A in exactly one examination is 40, and if 4 students did not get an A in
either examination, determine the number of students who got an A in the
first examination only, who got an A in the second examination only, and (avh
who got an A in both examination
a2 a. Let A ={1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6) and R= {x%. y)||x-y| =2). Find the transitive closure of 05
R by Warshall's algorithm.
b. A man hiked for 10 hours and covered a total distance of 45 miles. Itis known 05 C
that he hiked 6 miles in the first hour and only 3 mites in the last hour. Show that
he must have hiked at least 9 miles within a certain period of two consecutive
Three married couples on a journey come to river where they find a boat which 05 Cc
cannot carry more than two persons at a time. The crossing of the river is
complicated by the fact that the husbands are all very jealous and will not permit
their wives to be left without them in a company where there are other men
present. Prove that this puzzle cannot solved if there are four couples.
Let g: A B and f: 8 C is function. Prove that if 05
fand g are 'Surjective' then, (fo g) is Surjective.
ii. fand g are Injective then, (f o 9) is Injective

mistake and built too many telephone lines 06

Q.3 a. The telephone company made a
between a groups of houses. In the graph show in Fig, the vertices are the
houses and the edges are the telephone" lines. The length of the edges are the

lengths of the line. To alleviate the problem, the telephone company wants to
remove extra telephone lines so that the sum of the lengths of the remaining lines

will be small as
as possible, to the condition that every house is
CaommeCH length of the remaining lines
that should be removed
and determine the total

10 3


b. Use the labeling procedure to find a maximum flow in the transport network in the 07
Fig. Determine the corresponding minimum cut.

12 10 6 10 10

8 10 6


C. The graph
of the routes allowed
by the U.S Federal Aviation Authority show in Fig
can be annotated by
adding the distance (in 0
Use Dijkstra's miles) between each pair of cites
from Nashville to
for the airline route
system to find the shortest distance
? Detroit
695 Chicago
269 306 230
s. Louis242

Q.4 a. Solve the following recurrence

Given that ao=0 and ai= 1. relation ar -

7ar-1 06
+ 10 ar-2 =
b. Prove that if (L1, s) and
L2 and the (L2, s) are
lattice, then (L, s) is a
partial order s of L is the product partial order. lattice, where L=L'^
C. There two condition for oval
First every oval
Second, No 2' points of
intersection cut any other in 2' 07 G
for oval, places
co-insides, Formulating recurrence n
i. Using Total
recurrence relation.
ii. Using Generating function.
Forgiven table if 'a'is identity element. Is
answer. B', y, 3'are generator? Justify your 04

Y B a

b. P.T If 'a' and 'b' are two elements of group (G, ) with a2
ab ba..
b2= (ab)2 =
e, then 04 Coh
C. Let (a,) be a semi-group furthermore for everya and b in A. If a= b then a
iShow that for every a, b, c in A,
b=ba 04 Con
ab-c a-c
i) Show that for every a, b in A,
a-b-a = a

d Let S= {0, 1,2, 3), x 1 y= z and x 2y=

u where x+ y = 4n + z and xy= 4mtu such 08
08 Com
that 0sz, us3 and m, n¬ N, The corresponding composition tables are given by.
Show that It is a ring.

0 1 3 2 0 1 2 3
0 0 3 0 0
1 3 1 0 2
2 2 0 0
0 1 2 3 0 3 2 1
Matunga, Mumbai-400 019
Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of Mumbai

EXAMINATION End Semester Examination DATE ODF

November/December 2019 EXAM
29 2 0 9
SEMESTER& PROGRAM Sem-111, S YB Tech Computer TIME 10:00 am to 01:00 pm

COURSE NAME-(CODE) Data Structures and Algorithms (R4CO2003T)/ (CO20021)
Instructions 1. All questions carry equal marks.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Write step-wise clear algorithms.
4. Make valid assumptions if required.

a. Write function pseudo code algorithms to implement |stack using (5M)

Q.1 singly linked list and give time complexity for the same. [Co1]
b. Write and explain in brief recursive function pseudo code algorithm (5M)
for pre-order and post-order traversal on binary tree. CO1,4]
C. Write function / pseudo code/ algorithm for heap sort algorithm. (5M)
d. Write function pseudo code / algorithms of time complexity (V+E) (5M)
time to count number of connected componentsin given undirected [Co1,4]
graph G=(V.E).

9.2 a. Write function / pseudo code/algorithm to create minimum priority (10M)

queue using heap structure. Write pseudo codes for insert). [CO2.3]7
extractMin0 and minimum) and decrease_key0 operations on
minimum priority queue and justify the time complexity for each
b. Write function / pseudo code / algorithm to implement a queue using (10M)
two stacks. Analyze the time complexity for queue operations [CO1,2]

0.3a. Two sorted arrays A and B of size n are giv to you. Write an
algorithm/ pseudo code / function that works O(log n) time to find
median of these 2n elements. Also Justify the time complexity [CO2.3]

b. Write an algorithm/ pseudo code / function to check that given Binary (5M)
Tree is strictly binary tree or not.
Write an algorithm/ pseudo code / function to find in-order predecessor (5M)
of a given node of binary search tree (without storing in-order traversal [CO1,4)

Q.4 a. Write an pseudo code/function to check given graph G=(V,E) is bipartite (10M)
or not. Show that algorithm works in O(V+E) time.
D. To Subtract Two Numbers those are stored in two clifferent Linear (10M)
Linked Lists respectively. Each digit of a number will be in separate
Write pseudoo
code /
linked lists. create the linked list
of r e s p e c t i v e user
. Accept the above
same. will call
from digits of the subtract()
code Subtraction
function / pseudo Then performs
2. Write a numbers.
and stores
result in
algorithm for both lists itself
given of linked
operation on
those nodes
in similar
fashion. S
the third linked list list.
third linked
stored in V
resultant value
3. Display the
answer with proper example.
4. Justify your

4T(n/2) + Cn, where c is a constant (5M)

the recursion tree for T(n) =

Q.5 a.
provide a tight asymptotic
bound on its solution. Verify ybur bound [CO3
and substitution method.
by the
relations as mentioned: (5M)
b. Solve following recurrence
1) T(n)= 2T( (n/2) + 17) +n
2) T(n) T(n-1) + n
C. Explain in detail, the time complexity analysis for merge sort in best/ (4M)
average and worst case. [Co3,4
d. Pseudo-code for three different algorithms are given here. Each one (6M)
takes a connected graph and a weight function as input and returnsa [CO2,4)
set ofedges T. For each algorithm, either prove that T is a minimum
spanning tree or prove that T is not a minimum spanning tree. Also
describe the most efficient implementation of each algorithm, whether
or not it computes minimum
spanning tree.
a. MAYBE-MST-A(G. w)
Isort the edges into
2 T E
nonincreasing order of cdge wcights u
3 for cach edge e, taken in
4 if T- el is a nonincreasing order by weight
connected graph
T = T -{e}
6 return T

b. MAYBE-MST-B(G. u)

2 for cach edge e, taken in

arbitrary order
if TUfe} has no cycles
T= TU e}
5 return 7

c. MAYBE-MST-C(G. u)

T =
2 for euch edge e, taken in
aubitrary order
if T has ia
cycle r
let e' be a

7 return T
TT miaxmun-weight cdge one
Mumbai-400 019 INSTITUTE
Autonomous Institute affiliated to University of
End Semester Examination Mumbai
SEMESTER & PROGRAM November/December
Sem-111, Second
2019 02/12/2019
Year B. Tech. TIME
3 HRS.
Engg. and IT 10:00 am to 01:00 pm

COURSE NAME(CODE) Digital Logic Design (R4C02002S) /

(R4IT2003S) Digital System and Logic Design
Instructions: All questions are
Q.1 )List the eight degenerate two-level forms and show that they reduce to a 10 1
single operation. Explain how the degenerate two-level forms can be used
to extend the number of
inputs to gate.

b) Derive the circuits for a three-bit parity generator and four-bit parity checker 10 2
using an odd parity bit.

Q.2 a) Design a four-bit combinational circuit 2's complementer. (The output 10 2

generates the 2's complement of the input binary number.). Show that the
circuit can be constructed with exclusive-OR gates. Can you predict what
the output functions are for a five-bit 2's complementer?
b) Using four half-adders 10 2
()Design a full-subtractor circuit incrementer. (A circuit that adds one to a

four-bit binary number.)

decrementer (a circuit that subtracts 1
(i) Design a four-bit combinational
from a four bit binary number)

Q.3 Design a combinational circuit that generates the 9's complement of a 10 3

(i) BCD digit.

(i) Gray-code digit.

Design a combinational circuit that compares two 4-bit numbers to check if 10 3

they are equal. The circuit output is equal to 1 if the two numbers are equal

and 0 otherwise.

circuit with two JK fiip-flops A and B and two inputs E 10 3

Design a sequential
Q.4 a)
If E 0, the circuit remains in the same state regardless of the
and F. =

1 and F = 1, the circuit goes through the state

value of F. When E
E= 1
repeats. When
back to 00, and
from 00 to 01, to 10, to 11, from 00 to 11, to
transitions transitions
through the
0, the circuit goes
and F
00, and repeats. 10
back to X in; and one A
10, to 01, input
flip-flops A, B, C;
circuit has be
A sequential Fig. The circuit is to
b) shown in
state diagram is
out. The Analyze
output y states as

the unused
designed by treating determine the effect of the
obtained from the design
the circuit

in the design.
i) Use D flip-flops
in the design.
(i) Use JK flip-flops




10 4
of 2 n
Show that a Johnson
counter with n flip-flops produces a sequence
Q.5 a)
states produced with five flip-flops and the Boolean
states. List the 10

terms of each of the 10 AND gate outputs.

is performed in the up-down counter of Fig. 6.13 when
b) What operation
both the up and down inputs are enabled? Modify the circuit so that when

both inputs are equal to 1, the counter does not change state


Autonomous Institute Murmbai-400 019 INSTITUTE
affiliated to
MINATION University of Mumbai
End Semester Examination
Sem-lll, Second Year 2019 B
DATE OF EXAM |04/12/2019
E ALLOWED ComputerEngineering Tech TIME 10:00 am to 01:00 pm


Computer Organization and Architecture
nstructions 1. All (R4CO20045)
2 Figures to thecarry equal marks.
right indicate full marks.
Q.1 a. Draw detailed structure
of IAS (5) CO1]
Define following terms.
i. Cache miss (5) [cO2]
ii. Cache hit
ii. Fault ratio
iv. Hit ratio
V. Page replacement algorithm
Write about BSA and ISZ. Give Example. (5) [CO3]
Write symbolic representation of interrupt cycle. Give meaning of each line. (5) [CO2]
Q.2 Consider the following page address tree generated by two level cache (10) [Co2]
memory scheme that uses demand paging and has cache capacity of 4
Cache initially has pages 1234 allocated to it. Which of the page
replacement policy FIFO and LRU is more suitable in this cache? Show
justification of your answer.
b Discuss associative mapping and direct mapping in organization of cache (10) [cO2]
memory. Give Example
Q.3 a. List and briefly define the main structural components of computer and (10) CO1

b. A block set associative cache consist of total of 64 blocks divided into 4 (10) [CO2
block sets the main memory contains 4096 blocks each consisting of 128
1)How many bit are there in main memory address
2)How many bits are there in each of TAG,SET,WORD fields
3)What is size of cache memory?
Q.4 Give detailed idea on how operands of an instructions are specified. (10) Co2]
b. Consider a disk pack with the following specifications-8 surfaces, 256 (10) CO2]
tracks per surface, 512 sectors per track and 512 bytes per sector.
Answer the following questions
1. What is the capacity of disk pack?
2. What is the number of bits required to address the sector?
3.If the disk is rotating at 3600 RPM, what is the data transfer rate?
4. If the disk system has rotational speed of 3000 RPM, what is the
average access time with a seek time of 11.5 msec?

Q.5 What is need of combining multiple physical disk drive? Write in detail (10) [CO2]
about technique of combining multiple physical disk drive.
bWhat is OMA? Draw various configuration of DMA. (10) [C03]

**All The Best***

Matunga, Mumbai-400 GICAL INST
Autonomous Institute affiliated to
University of Mumbai
End Semester Examination
DATE OF 6/12/2019
EMESTER & PROGRAM November/December 2019 EXAM
Sem-Ill, SecondYear BTech TIME 10:00 am to 0l:00 pm
IME ALLOWED (common for all branches)
3 HRS.
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge(R4CO2006S)
structions 1. All questions carry equal marks.
2. All question compulsory

.1 a What kinds of historical impact occur on social change on (10) CO1

Traditionai Knowledge system?

Differentiate between Traditional Knowledge and Formal (10) CO1


Q.2 a How Traditional Forest Dwellers Act 2006 is used to Enhance (10)
Traditional Knowledge

the Value of Traditional Knowledge in Global Economy? (10) CO2


List out Legal Framework act in Traditional Knowledge? explain (10) CO2
Q.3 a

How Traditional Knowledge Deals with Engineering justity with (10) Co2
help of example

Q.4 a What are the different Intellectual Properties in Traditional (10) C04
Knowledge?explain non IPR Mechanism Traditional Knowledge
What is the effect of FORA form increasing Protection of Indian CO4
Traditional Knowledge

Analyse food Security of the country deals with Traditional

(5) CO3
Q5 List out different sector of Traditional
Knowledge explain in (10) CO3

b What is the importance of conversion and sustainable (10) CO3

development of environment?

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