Ge 7 - Sts Module 1

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This module will provide an in-depth discussion and understanding on general LEARNING OUTCOMES
concepts and historical antecedents in which social considerations changed
the course of science and technology in global and local setting. Discussion on
the interaction of science and technology throughout the history is also one of 1) Discuss the interactions
the objective of this module. This module will also improve the critical thinking between Science and
analysis on how scientific and technological developments affect the society Technology and society
and environment. throughout the history.

“If we lived on a planet where nothing ever changed, there would be little to 2) Discuss how scientific
do. There would be nothing to figure out. There would be no impetus for and technological
science. And if we lived in an unpredictable world, where things changed in developments affect
random or very complex ways, we would not be able to figure things out. But society and the
we live in an in-between universe, where things change, but according to
patterns, rules, or as we call them, laws of nature. If I throw a stick up in the air,
it always falls down. If the sun sets in the west, it always rises again the next
morning in the east. And so it becomes possible to figure things out. We can 3) Identify the paradigm
do science, and with it we can improve our lives.” shifts in history

— Carl Sagan, Cosmos (1980, 1985), 32.


event that existed before or
logically precedes another;
WEEK 2 -3 occurring before; previous

Materials and Media To do for OL/B/FLEX Expected Output SCIENCE. The observation,
identification, description,
 Course Packet  Any available  Juxtaposition experimental investigation,
Module online platforms for Output Activity and theoretical explanation
teaching which are of phenomena.
preferred by the  STS Magic Card
students (user TECHNOLOGY. The
friendly)  Short essay about application of scientific
the reading knowledge for practical
 Pretest, Lesson  LMS link provided material purposes
Activity, Reading to the students
Materials, Output  Pre-test and post-
SOCIETY. The totality of
Activity, test (quiz/formative
Assignment, Quiz assessment) people regarded as forming
a community of interdependent




Answer the Pretest. Submit your answer sheet TRUE OR FALSE.

to your instructor for checking. The checked
pre-test will be return to you together with
Write T if the statement is TRUE
the answer key for review.
and F if FALSE.
If you got a high score, good job! It means
that you have already know much about the
__________1. Astronomy is one of the main
topics to be discuss in this module.
concerns during the Ancient
If you got low score, take it as a challenge!
This means that you will learn more on this
__________2. Sumerian civilization was
established in Iraq.

__________3. Sumerian wheel was invented

Read the Lesson 1: STS Introduction for travelling.
material. This material discusses the general
concepts that will enrich your knowledge. __________4. King Nebuchadnezzar is the
Babylonian king who was
believed to initiate the
Do the Learning Task/Assignment 1: building of “The Hanging
Juxtaposition Activity. Instructions and Gardens of Babylon”.
format will be provided in the module.
__________5. Johann Gutenberg invented
the printing press utilizing
Read the Article: Contributions of Scientific wooden machines.
and Technological Progress.
__________6. Telescope is a medieval
instrument invented by
Zacharias Janssen.
Do the learning task/assignment 2: STANDING __________7. Pasteurization is the process
IN THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS Instructions used to preserve and to keep
and format will be provided in the module. dairy products from spoiling
faster through cooling.

Answer the Posttest. __________8. The telephone was invented by

Alexander Graham Bell.

__________9. The Filipino Doctor who

invented the Medical
Incubator is Dr. Fe del Mundo.

__________10. Science is developed through




SCIENCE is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things and the
SCIENCE is the study of the nature knowledge that we obtain about them. It is a system of acquiring knowledge
and behavior of natural things and based on the scientific method. It is also an organized body of knowledge
the knowledge that we obtain about gained through research. It is done through observation of natural phenomena,
them. It is a system of acquiring and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes under
knowledge based on the scientific controlled conditions.
method. It is also an organized body
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, meaning "knowledge“. It is a systematic
of knowledge gained through
enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable
research. It is done through
explanations and predictions about nature and the universe.
observation of natural phenomena,
and/or through experimentation that It is also the human attempt to understand the natural world, with or without
tries to simulate natural processes concern for practical uses of that knowledge. The natural world includes
under controlled conditions. volcanoes, gravity, atoms, plants and animals, people, societies and galaxies.
Science tries to discover facts and relationships and then tries to create theories
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’,
that makes sense of these facts and relationships.
meaning "knowledge“. It is a
systematic enterprise that builds and TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) Greek words: “techne” (skill, craftsmanship,
organizes knowledge in the form of art) and “logos” (discourse, reason). It is the skills, methods and processes used
testable explanations and predictions to achieve goals. It refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-
about nature and the universe. world problems. It is the human attempt to change the world. It is a human
activity involved with making and using of material artifacts.
It is also the human attempt to
Technology involves tools, techniques and procedures for putting the findings
understand the natural world, with
of science to practical use.
or without concern for practical uses
of that knowledge. The natural world
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
plants and animals, people, societies
and galaxies. Science drives technology by making new technology possible through
scientific breakthroughs. Science is the pursuit of knowledge about the natural
Science tries to discover facts and world through systematic observation and experiments. Technology is
relationships and then tries to create developed through science.
theories that makes sense of these Scientists use technology in all of their experiments. Technology is the
facts and relationships. application of scientifically gained knowledge for practical use.

TECHNOLOGY came from two (2)

Greek words: “techne” (skill, ROLE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
craftsmanship, art) and “logos”
Science and Technology alter the way people live, connect, communicate and
(discourse, reason). It is the skills,
transact, with profound effects on economic development. It is the key drivers
methods and processes used to
to development, because technological and scientific revolutions underpin
achieve goals. It refers to tools and
economic advances, improvements in health systems, education and
machines that may be used to solve
real-world problems. It is the human
attempt to change the world. It is a The technological revolutions of the 21st century are emerging from entirely
human activity involved with making new sectors, based on micro-processors, tele-communications, bio-technology
and using of material artifacts. and nano-technology. Products are transforming business practices across the
economy, as well as the lives of all who have access to their effects. The most
Technology involves tools, remarkable breakthroughs will come from the interaction of insights and
techniques and procedures for applications arising when these technologies converge.
putting the findings of science to
It has the power to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries. It
practical use.
is also differentiators between countries that are able to tackle poverty
effectively by growing and developing their economies, and those that are not.
It is the engine of growth.



Technology uses science to solve problems, and science uses technology to

make new discoveries. However, technology and science have different goals.
The goal of science is to answer questions and increase knowledge. The goal
of technology is to find solutions to practical problems.

SCIENCE is the study of the nature SOCIETY

and behavior of natural things and
the knowledge that we obtain about Society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a
them. It is a system of acquiring large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject
knowledge based on the scientific to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
method. It is also an organized body Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations)
of knowledge gained through between individuals who share distinctive culture and institutions; a given
research. It is done through society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its
observation of natural phenomena, constituent of members. In the social sciences, a larger society often
and/or through experimentation that exhibits stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.
tries to simulate natural processes
under controlled conditions.
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’,
(STS) is an interdisciplinary field that studies the conditions under which the
meaning "knowledge“. It is a
production, distribution and utilization of scientific knowledge
systematic enterprise that builds and
and technological systems occur; the consequences of these activities upon
organizes knowledge in the form of
different groups of people.
testable explanations and predictions
about nature and the universe. This course deals with interactions between science and technology and social,
cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them.
It is also the human attempt to (CMO No. 20, series of 2013).
understand the natural world, with
or without concern for practical uses
of that knowledge. The natural world HOW SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AFFECT SOCIETY
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is
plants and animals, people, societies growing.
and galaxies.
By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue societal
Science tries to discover facts and concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to create cultures;
relationships and then tries to create and to improve human conditions.
theories that makes sense of these Science influences society through its knowledge and world view. Scientific
facts and relationships. knowledge and the procedures used by scientists influence the way many
individuals in society think about themselves, others, and the environment. The
TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) effect of science on society is neither entirely beneficial nor entirely detrimental.
Greek words: “techne” (skill,
craftsmanship, art) and “logos”
(discourse, reason). It is the skills, HOW SCIENCE AND
methods and processes used to TECHNOLOGY AFFECT SOCIETY
achieve goals. It refers to tools and
machines that may be used to solve Science influences society through its knowledge and world view. Scientific
real-world problems. It is the human knowledge and the procedures used by scientists influence the way many
attempt to change the world. It is a individuals in society think about themselves, others, and the environment.
human activity involved with making Social needs, attitudes, and values influence the direction of technological
and using of material artifacts. development.
The effect of science on society is neither entirely beneficial nor entirely
Technology involves tools,
Figure 1. Interaction of Science, Technology detrimental. (see Figure 1)
techniques and
and Society.
procedures for
putting the findings of science to
practical use.



Upon reading lesson 1: General Concepts, do Juxtaposition Activity.
In short bond paper, choose 2 objects found in your house. Draw the object and answer the questions without using any
references such as books or internet search engine. Write as n=many answer as you can. A sample format was provided
below. For rubrics, please refer to the Rubrics page at the end of the module. (Handwritten only)

a. What is the science behind the object?

b. What is/are the technology involve?
c. What is/are the issues and concerns?
d. Who is/are the scientist/s involve?

NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
COURSE/SECTION ______________________________________________________________________________________________


Object 1. Ball

Science Behind Technology Involved Issues and Concenrns Scientist/s Involved

 Course Packet  Any available  Juxtaposition  Juxtaposition

Module online platforms for Output Activity Output Activity
teaching which are
preferred by the  STS Magic Card  STS Magic Card
students (user
friendly)  Short essay about  Short essay about
the reading mate\ the reading
 PrLesson Activity,  LMthe students material
Reading Materials,  Pre-test and post- st-test
Output Activity, test (quiz/formative (quiz/formative
Assignment, Quiz assessment) assessment)



SCIENCE is the study of the nature
and behavior of natural things and In the ancient times, the primary concern are transportation and navigation,
the knowledge that we obtain about communication and record-keeping, mass production, security and protection,
them. It is a system of acquiring as well as health, aesthetics, and architecture.
knowledge based on the scientific
method. It is also an organized body SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION
Figureknowledge gainedAlphabet
2. Sumerian Cuneiform Sumeria is located in the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia, now
research. It is done through
known as Iraq. Sumerians are known for their high degree of cooperation with
observation of natural phenomena,
others and their desire for great things. They are not contented with the basic
and/or through experimentation that
things that life can offer.
tries to simulate natural processes
under controlled conditions. 1. Cuneiform is considered as the first writing system developed by
Sumerians. A system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, which are carved on clay using wedge instruments and then left to dry.
meaning "knowledge“. It is a This allowed Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical
systematic enterprise that builds and value of their everyday life. (see Figure 2)
organizes knowledge in the form of
2. Uruk City is considered to be the first true city in the world. Built by
testable explanations and predictions
Figure 3. Uruk City Sumerians using only mud or clay from the river, which they mixed with
about nature and the universe.
reeds, producing sun-baked bricks. Bricks are used to make houses that
protected them from the harsh weather and to build a wall around the
It is also the human attempt to
city that prevented wild animals and neighboring raiders from entering.
understand the natural world, with (see Figure 3)
or without concern for practical uses
of that knowledge. The natural world 3. The Great Ziggurat of Ur is also called as the “Mountain of god”. It was
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, built in the same manner that Sumerians constructed the City of Uruk
plants and animals, people, societies using sun-baked bricks. It served as the sacred place of their chief god,
and galaxies. where only their priests were allowed to enter. (see Figure 4)
Figure 4. The Great Ziggurat of Ur 4. Irrigation and Dikes are created by Sumerians to bring water to
Science tries to discover facts and farmlands and at the same time control the flooding in the rivers. This
relationships and then tries to create was considered as one of the world’s most beneficial engineering works.
theories that makes sense of these This enable Sumerians to enjoy year-long farming and harvesting, which
facts and relationships. increased their food production. (see Figure 5)

TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) 5. Sailboats are primarily used by Sumerians for transportation through
Greek words: “techne” (skill, their waterways such as rivers and seas. Used to carry large quantities of
craftsmanship, art) and “logos” products and were able to cover large distances. (see Figure 6)
(discourse, reason). It is the skills, 6. Wheel was invented by Sumerians for farm work and food processing.
methods and processes used to Farmers were able to mill with less effort in less time. (see Figure 7)
achieve goals. It refers to tools and
Figure that may
5. Irrigation be used to solve
and Dikes 7. Plow was invented by Sumerians to dig the earth in a faster pace. This
real-world problems. It is the human enable farmers could cultivate larger parcels of land faster, enabling them
attempt to change the world. It is a to mass produce food without taking so much effort and time. (see Figure 8)
human activity involved with making
and using of material artifacts.

Technology involves tools,

techniques and procedures for
putting the findings of science to
practical use.

Figure 6. Sailboat Figure 7. Wheel Figure 8. Plow



SCIENCE is the study of the nature
and behavior of natural things and Babylonian civilization emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
the knowledge that we obtain about Babylonians are great builders, engineers, and architects
them. It is a system of acquiring
1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon was a structure said to be made up of
knowledge based on the scientific
layers of gardens that contained several species of plants, trees, and
method. It is also an organized body
vines. It was said to be built by the great Babylonian King
of knowledge gained through
Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife Queen Amytis. However, no physical
research. It is done through
evidence has been found to prove its existence and its exact location.
observation of natural phenomena,
Some said this is a product of the creative imagination of the great King.
and/or through experimentation that
If it really existed it may be considered as one of the greatest engineering
tries to simulate natural processes
and architectural achievements of the world that is almost impossible to
under controlled conditions.
replicate. (see Figure 9)
is from the Latin
9. Sumerian word
Cuneiform ‘scientia’,
Alphabet 2. Tower of Babel In biblical literature, it is a structure built in the land of
meaning "knowledge“. It is a Shinar (Babylonia). The story of its construction appears to explain the
systematic enterprise that builds and existence of diverse human languages. According to Genesis, the
organizes knowledge in the form of Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty
testable explanations and predictions city and a tower with its top in the heavens. God disputed the work by so
about nature and the universe. confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer
understand one another. The city was never completed, and the people
It is also the human attempt to were dispersed over the face of the earth. (see Figure 10)
understand the natural world, with
or without concern for practical uses EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION
of that knowledge. The natural world Another early civilization famous for its legacy located in North Africa. Aside
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, from engineering technology, the Egyptians have contributed other practical
plants and animals, people, societies things that the world now considers as essential.
and galaxies.
1. Paper or Papyrus. Invented by Egyptians since clay tablets were heavy to
Science tries to discover facts and transport and not convenient for safe-keeping. Papyrus was a plant that
relationships and then tries to create grew abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt. This invention was a major
theories that makes sense of these accomplishment in Egyptian record-keeping and communications. (see
Figure 10. Irrigation and Dikes Figure 11)
facts and relationships.
2. Ink. Invented by Egyptians since they ceased to use clay tablets and
TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) invented the papyrus. Made by combining soot with different chemicals
Greek words: “techne” (skill, to produce inks with different colors. (see Figure 12)
craftsmanship, art) and “logos”
(discourse, reason). It is the skills, 3. Hieroglyphics. Writing system developed by Egyptians which uses
methods and processes used to symbols. Egyptians believed that this writing system was provide to them
achieve goals. It refers to tools and by the gods. (see Figure 13)
machines that may be used to solve 4. Cosmetics. Invented by Egyptians for health and aesthetic reasons.
real-world problems. It is the human Egyptians wore Kohl around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye
attempt to change the world. It is a diseases. Kohl was created by mixing soot or malachite with mineral
human activity involved with making galena. Egyptians believed that a person wearing make-up was protected
and using of material artifacts. from evil and that beauty was a sign of holiness. (see Figure 14)
Figure 11. Paper or Papyrus
Technology involves tools,
techniques and procedures for
putting the findings of science to
practical use.

Figure 12. Ink Figure 13. Hieroglyphics Figure 14. Cosmetics



5. Wig. Another cosmetic invention of ancient Egyptians. During the ancient

SCIENCE is the study of the nature times, wigs were worn for health and wellness rather than for aesthetic
and behavior of natural things and purposes. The wigs were used to protect the shaved heads of the wealthy
the knowledge that we obtain about Egyptians from harmful rays of the sun. It was considered cleaner than
them. It is a system of acquiring natural hair because it prevented the accumulation of head lice. (see Figure
knowledge based on the scientific 15)
method. It is also an organized body
of knowledge gained through 6. Water Clock/Clepsydra. This device utilizes gravity that affects the flow
research. It is done through of water from one vessel to the other. The amount of water (or its height,
observation of natural phenomena, depending on the method used) remaining in the device determines how
and/or through experimentation that much time has elapsed since it is full. It is widely used as a timekeeping
tries to simulate natural processes device during the ancient times. (see Figure 16)
under controlled conditions.
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, Greece is an archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe and known as the
meaning "knowledge“. It is a birthplace of eastern philosophy. Some of the major achievements of the
Figure 15. Wig
systematic enterprise that builds and Greeks include in-depth works on philosophy and mathematics.
organizes knowledge in the form of
1. Alarm Clock. Alarm clock during ancient times is used to tell the
testable explanations and predictions
individual when to stop or when to start. Greek’s alarm clocks used large
about nature and the universe.
complicated mechanisms to time the alarm. They made use of water (or
sometimes small stones or sand) that dropped into drums which sounded
It is also the human attempt to
the alarm. Plato was believed to have utilized an alarm clock to signal the
understand the natural world, with
start of his lecture. Plato’s version of alarm clock used four vessels lines
or without concern for practical uses
up vertically. The upper vessel supplied the water which dropped to the
of that knowledge. The natural world
vessel below it, which was set to be filled in a given time. After it was full,
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms,
water was siphoned off at a faster rate into the third vessel which would
plants and animals, people, societies
cause the expulsion of contained air, creating a whistling noise.
and galaxies.
Afterwards, thus vessel would empty towards the bottom vessel for
storage and reuse.(see Figure 17)
Science tries to discover facts and
relationships and then tries to create 2. Water Mill. It was considered as one of the most important
theories that makes sense of these contributions of the Greek civilization to the world. Commonly used in
facts and relationships. agricultural processes like milling of grains which was necessary form of
Figure 16. Water Clock/Clepsydra food processing during that time. Because of this, the mass production or
TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) rice, cereals, flours, and the like became common. Greeks only required
Greek words: “techne” (skill, access to rivers or flowing water where a mechanism of a large wheel
craftsmanship, art) and “logos” with small “buckets” of water attached to it could be installed.(see Figure 18)
(discourse, reason). It is the skills,
methods and processes used to
achieve goals. It refers to tools and
machines that may be used to solve
real-world problems. It is the human
attempt to change the world. It is a
human activity involved with making
and using of material artifacts.

Technology involves tools,

techniques and procedures for
putting the findings of science to
practical use. Figure 18. Water Mill

Roman Empire was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in
the west. Considered to be the cradle of politics and governance during that
Figure 17. Alarm Clock period and looked up by other civilizations as their model in terms of legislation
and codified laws.



1. Newspaper. One of the major contributions of the Romans. Known as

SCIENCE is the study of the nature “Gazettes”, this contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the
and behavior of natural things and people. Gazettes were engraved in metal or stone tablets and then
the knowledge that we obtain about publicly displayed. With the advent of the paper minutes of the
them. It is a system of acquiring proceedings of the Roman senate were done in shorthand. These
knowledge based on the scientific documents were edited and published on the same day that they were
method. It is also an organized body recorded. (see Figure 19)
of knowledge gained through 2. Bound Books or Codex. Record-keeping was much easier since paper
research. It is done through did not easily break, was lightweight, and did not occupy much space.
observation of natural phenomena, This has resulted the civilizations to become fond of record-keeping,
and/or through experimentation that especially documenting historical events and newly legislated laws. It was
tries to simulate natural processes believed that Julius Caesar started the tradition of stacking up papyrus to
Figure controlled
under 19. Gazette conditions.
form pages of a book. Later on, they were able to provide covers to
protect the papyrus. The earlier covers were made of wax but were later
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, on replaced by animal skin which proved to be stronger and longer-
meaning "knowledge“. It is a lasting. With the papyrus pages bound together and covered by animal
systematic enterprise that builds and skin, the ancient Roman Empire was able to produce the first books or
organizes knowledge in the form of codex. (see Figure 20)
testable explanations and predictions
about nature and the universe. 3. Roman Architecture. One of the most visual contribution of the ancient
Roman Empire to the world. Considered as the continuation of Greek
It is also the human attempt to architecture, hence, the resemblance. Roman architecture was regarded
understand the natural world, with as pioneering since the Romans were able to adapt new building and
or without concern for practical uses engineering technology on architectural designs. This development in the
of that20.
knowledge. The natural world field of engineering and architecture was fully supported and funded by
Figure Codex
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, the Roman government so they were able to implement major projects
plants and animals, people, societies such as large churches (cathedrals and basilicas), aqueducts, coliseums,
and galaxies. amphitheaters, and even residential houses.
4. Roman Numerals. Devised by Romans to address the need for a
Science tries to discover facts and standard counting method that would meet their increasing
relationships and then tries to create communication and trade concerns. Not widely used at present due to its
theories that makes sense of these inherent limitations, however, quite a number of enthusiasts would still
facts and relationships. use it over more popular number systems, like the Hindu-Arabic system.


Greek words: “techne” (skill,
craftsmanship, art) and “logos” Considered as the oldest civilization in Asia, if not the world. Famous among
(discourse, reason). It is the skills, other ancient civilizations because of its silk trade.
methods and processes used to 1. Silk. Chinese developed technology to harvest the silk, naturally
achieve goals. It refers to tools and produced by silkworms, and process it to produce paper and clothing.
machines that may be used to solve Silk production resulted in the creation of a product for trade. This has
real-world problems. It is the human opened China to the outside world, making way for cultural, economic,
attempt to change the world. It is a and scientific exchanges.
human activity involved with making
and using of material artifacts. 2. Tea Production. Tea is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling
water over crushed or shredded dried tea leaves. It was believed that the
Technology involves tools, first tea was drunk by a Chinese emperor. Tea production was developed
techniques and procedures for when an unknown Chinese inventor created a machine that was able to
putting the findings of science to shred tea leaves into strips. This machine was done using a wheel-based
practical use. mechanism with sharp edges attached to a wooden or ceramic pot. This
has made China known for tea exports aside from silk products.
3. Great Wall of China. Once considered as the only man-made structure
that can be seen from the outer space. It is said to be the largest and
most expensive infrastructures that the nation built. It was constructed to
keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of China. Made with
stone, brick, wood, earth, and other minerals, it showcased the extent of
Chines engineering technology at that time.



4. Gun Powder. One of the most interesting inventions in China. Originally

SCIENCE is the study of the nature developed by Chinese alchemists who aimed to achieve “elixir of life” or
and behavior of natural things and immortality but instead they accidentally invented a black powder that
the knowledge that we obtain about could generate large amounts of heat and gas in an instant. Made by
them. It is a system of acquiring mixing charcoal, sulfur, and potassium nitrate. Also used by Chinese for
knowledge based on the scientific fireworks during important celebration in China.
method. It is also an organized body
of knowledge gained through
research. It is done through
observation of natural phenomena, The start of the middle ages was marred by massive invasions and migrations
and/or through experimentation that and wars were prevalent. Trade and commerce among nations increased, which
tries to simulate natural processes resulted in greater demands for transportation technology. Also known as the
under controlled conditions. “Age of Exploration”.
1. Printing Press. Johan Gutenberg was able to invent the printing press, a
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, more reliable way of printing using a cast type. He utilized wooden
meaning "knowledge“. It is a machines that extracted juices from fruits, attached to them a metal
systematic enterprise that builds and impression of the letters, and pressed firmly the cast metal into a piece of
organizes knowledge in the form of paper, which then made an exact impression on paper. This general
testable explanations and predictions invention soon evolved to be the mechanical printing press which was
about nature and the universe. eventually used all over the world. This invention addressed the need for
publishing books that would spread information to many people at a
It is also the human attempt to faster rate.
understand the natural world, with
or without concern for practical uses 2. Microscope. Zacharias Janssen was able to develop the first compound
of that knowledge. The natural world microscope guided by the principles used for the invention of eyeglasses.
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, With this device, people were able to observe organisms that were
plants and animals, people, societies normally unseen by the naked eye. The microscope was key in
and galaxies. discovering new means in preventing and curing various illnesses.
3. Telescope. An optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote
Science tries to discover facts and objects.This helped navigators during this time to see far and wide to
relationships and then tries to create avoid dangers in the sea. Together with telescope, the invention of the
theories that makes sense of these compass, oars, and rudders made sea travelling easier and faster.
facts and relationships.
4. War Weapons. Great development in the weaponry technology occurred
TECHNOLOGY came from two (2) during this time. Weapons were developed as offensive tools and as
Greek words: “techne” (skill, defensive tools. For open-area battles, people developed cross bows and
craftsmanship, art) and “logos” long bows so that they could attack the enemies at long ranges. Creation
(discourse, reason). It is the skills, of iron body armors addressed the need to protect soldiers during close
methods and processes used to range hand-to-hand combats. However, body armors are heavy and
achieve goals. It refers to tools and limited soldiers’ movement. This problem was eventually addressed by
machines that may be used to solve the invention of the chainmail.
real-world problems. It is the human
attempt to change the world. It is a MODERN TIMES
human activity involved with making
Due to the booming world population, the demand for goods, transportation,
and using of material artifacts.
communication, etc. increased. This has marked by development of industries
during this time. Food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger
Technology involves tools,
challenges since health was of great concern.
techniques and procedures for
putting the findings of science to 1. Pasteurization. Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist, and
practical use. chemist, found a way to solve the problem on keeping the manufactured
food from deteriorating, especially dairy products. He invented
Pasteurization, the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful
bacteria that allow them to spoil faster. Other contributions of Pasteur
includes his works on molecular asymmetry, fermentation, and



2. Petroleum Refinery. Modern times demanded better means of

SCIENCE is the study of the nature powering homes and transportation. At first, people used animal oils for
and behavior of natural things and generating light to illuminate their homes. However, the production of
the knowledge that we obtain about animal oils could not keep up with the demand. Samuel M. Kier was able
them. It is a system of acquiring to invent kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene was later on referred
knowledge based on the scientific as the “Illuminating Oil” because it was used at first to provide lighting to
method. It is also an organized body homes and later applied for heating purposes. The development of
of knowledge gained through kerosene established the petroleum refinery industry.
research. It is done through
observation of natural phenomena, 3. Telephone. It was considered as one of the most important invention of
and/or through experimentation that that time, Alexander Graham Bell developed telephone. This addressed
tries to simulate natural processes the need of communication system which would allow the government to
under controlled conditions. administer their states well.
4. Calculator. Modern times required a faster way to compute more
It is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, complicated equations. The creation of modern calculators did not only
meaning "knowledge“. It is a pave the way for easier arithmetic calculations, but also resulted in the
systematic enterprise that builds and development of more complex processing machines like the computer.
organizes knowledge in the form of
testable explanations and predictions
about nature and the universe.
Despite being considered as a developing country, the Philippines also
It is also the human attempt to contributed to the global advancement of science and technology. Since
understand the natural world, with Philippines is known to be one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of
or without concern for practical uses natural disasters, many of the discoveries and inventions made by Filipinos were
of that knowledge. The natural world therefore built from indigenous materials or crafted to adapt to the harsh
includes volcanoes, gravity, atoms, tropical environment.
plants and animals, people, societies

Science tries to discover facts and  Salamander Amphibious Tricycle

relationships and then tries to create  Karaoke
theories that makes sense of these  16-bit microchips
facts and relationships.  Coconut oil-fueled power generator
 Medical incubator
TECHNOLOGY came from two (2)  Salt lamp
Greek words: “techne” (skill,  Erythromycin –Ilosone
craftsmanship, art) and “logos”  Yoyo
(discourse, reason). It is the skills,  Videophone
methods and processes used to  iIduced mango flowering (chemical spraying)
achieve goals. It refers to tools and  DeBCC Cream
machines that may be used to solve  Quink – ink
real-world problems. It is the human  Fermented Fish Sauce
attempt to change the world. It is a  Macapuno
human activity involved with making  E-Jeepney
and using of material artifacts.  Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal (OL) Trap
 Methods of Controlling Leprosy
Technology involves tools,  Banana Catsup
techniques and procedures for  Game of the Generals
putting the findings of science to  Coconet
practical use.  Eco-G3000, a low-cost, low maintenance fuel-emission reduction device
designed to reduce vehicular gas consumption and toxic emission.




Science and technology has generated new knowledge, such as discoveries of new principles, and has
dramatically contributed to the development and progress of people’s lives, the economy, and the society.
Particularly in Japan, which lacks natural resources, technological innovations served as the key in achieving a
remarkable recovery and high economic growth from the postwar devastation bringing material affluence to
people’s lives. In this process, Japan, which was making efforts to catch up with Europe and the United States,
became one of the frontrunners as the world’s second-largest economic power, and the time has come for Japan
to demonstrate creativity and open the way to the future. Thus, the Japanese government enacted the Science
and Technology Basic Law in 1995, and has implemented various measures for promoting science and
technology according to the Science and Technology Basic Plan Phase 1 and Phase 2, in order to become an
advanced science and technology-oriented nation.
On the other hand, social and public expectations for science and technology became more sophisticated and
diverse, and new problems that need to be addressed such as global environmental issues have emerged.
Under such circumstances, international knowledge competition has intensified not only among western
developed countries, but also among countries including China and the Republic of Korea. Therefore, Japan
needs to further develop its “scientific and technological capabilities.”
Dr. Shinichiro Tomonaga, the physicist who was the second Japanese Nobel Prize winner following Dr. Hideki
Yukawa, said the following in an article contributed to Kagaku (Science) magazine, after referring to the
difference in the research environment between Japan and the United States at the time: “It is wonderful that
there are many brilliant scholars and ardent, competent young researchers also in Japan. These people have
actually made remarkable accomplishments despite various adverse conditions. However, the scientific level of a
country is defined not only by the research achievements of existing scholars, but also by taking into
consideration everything that underlies and supports such achievements and serves as the foundation for future
development. And with that in mind, the scientific level of Japan is far from satisfactory.”
As indicated by Dr. Tomonaga, the scientific and technological capabilities of a country are not limited to
numerical data, such as the current number of scientific papers, the frequency of their citation, and the number
of Nobel Prize winners. Instead, they are considered to be more multi-dimensional, including the diverse
research activities among industry, academia, and government, and their achievements/effects, the scientific and
technological hum- an resources carrying out these activities, the research infrastructure and the science and
technology systems consisting of various elements such as the research environment and R&D funds, and
potential that indicate future possibilities.
The Annual Report on Promotion of Science and Technology introduces the trends of a wide array of scientific
and technological activities based on a specific theme every year, in Part 1. This year, which is the tenth year
from the enactment of the Science and Technology Basic Law, the report regards “scientific and technological
capabilities” to collectively cover the present scientific and techno- logical capabilities of Japan and their level on
a global scale, the achievements to date, and the future possibilities and potential, and it analyzes and introduces
them from various angles and in a comprehensive manner.
In recent years, people’s awareness of science and technology has been declining. The assumable reasons are
that the latest science and technology are becoming more and more sophisticated and complicated and the fact
that people are becoming less aware of science and technology since scientific and technological achievements
have come to permeate very deeply among people. Therefore, in order to help readers concretely understand
science and technology as well as its achievements, the report discusses them by focusing on the actual case
examples, scientists/engineers, and research facilities as much as possible.




Although the scientific and technological progress has made great contributions to society in Japan, we seem to
be losing opportunities to realize or become aware of such contributions. Here is an example.
One of the items that have become rapidly diff- used in recent years is the mobile phone. After digital services
were launched in 1992 and the sale of mobile phones was liberalized, mobile phones quickly spread mainly
among young people. Mobile phones used to weigh 750 g in 1987, but phone units that only weigh 230 g were
released in 1991. Furthermore, those with a volume of 100 cc and weigh less than 100 g were placed on the
market in 1996. With this, the reduction in weight and size seemed to have reached their limits. Nevertheless,
mobile phones became even more compact and lightweight, and now there is even a model that weighs less
than 70 g. In addition, mobile phones have become multi-functional. They not only serve as a phone, but also as
an e-mailer, a camera, a video game machine, and even a music player or an electronic money wallet. Today,
many people from children to the elderly would find it difficult to imagine life without a mobile phone.

It should be noted that such progress owe greatly to the contributions of Japan’s original science and
Today it is taken for granted that mobile phones come with color liquid crystal displays (LCDs), but LCDs for
mobile phones were first commercialized in 1985 by a Japanese company.
Since a mobile phone LCD does not emit light by itself, it has a light source behind the LCD.
This is called a backlight. At present, many mobile phones use a light-emitting diode (LED) for the backlight. The
white LED used for the backlight was invented at a Japanese university, and the technology seed was put to
practical use by a Japanese company for the first time in the world. Japanese companies command the highest
share of the worldwide LED market.
Meanwhile, the lithium ion battery, which is long-lasting and contributes to making mobile phones lightweight,
was also commercialized for the first time in the world by a Japanese company in 1990.
The polymer battery, which is used as a backup battery, uses conductive plastic as the electrode.
Hideki Shirakawa won a Nobel Prize for the discovery of this conductive plastic in 2000.



In a foldable mobile phone, the main body with buttons and the part with the LCD are connected by a flexible
substrate, which is flexible in itself. This substrate is made of a paper-like material made from synthetic fiber and
an extremely thin beaten-copper. Conventionally, when the synthetic fiber was formed into a paper sheet, the
fiber became tangled and could not be spread out uniformly. This problem was resolved by the technique
developed through the making of traditional Japanese paper. As for beaten-copper, a Japanese company having
the technology of making gold leaf that has been passed down since the Edo period commands a 40% share of
the world market of beaten-copper for mobile phones.
Japanese science and technology is also applied to the electronic parts used in mobile phones. Capacitors are
indispensable for electronic circuits, and a large number of multilayer chip ceramic capacitors, which are one
type of capacitors, are used in mobile phones. They are tens to hundreds of derivative layers in between
electrode layers pressed together and fired. The size is 1 mm×0.5 mm, and the height ranges from 1 mm to 2
mm. Japanese companies command 80% of the world market share for these multilayer chip ceramic capacitors,
and one of these Japanese companies originates from a manufacturer of Kyoto’s Kiyomizuyaki ceramics.

These are only a few of the science and technology achievements that are used in mobile phones. Accumulation
of such scientific and technological progress results in the current lightweight and easy-to-use mobile phones.

Science and technology has generated new knowledge, such as discoveries of new principles, and has
dramatically contributed to the development and progress of people’s lives, the economy, and the society.
Chapter 1 overviews the achievements of the progress of science and technology in the 20th century by referring
to the actual examples.

1.1.1 CREATION AND USE OF KNOWLEDGE Contributions of Science and Technology
A single mobile phone alone is packed with numerous cutting-edge scientific and technological
accomplishments. In this manner, in the modern society, the scientific and technological knowledge and
achievements are being used in our daily lives in various forms.
Science and technology has two functions: creating new knowledge such as elucidating unknown phenomena
that surround us and discovering new laws and principles; and using the knowledge gained in the real world.
Because these two functions interact and are hard to separate, and because scientific and technological
achievements have already been permeated throughout our daily lives like the atmosphere itself, we have come
to rarely realize them as scientific and technological achievements. However, science and technology has had
various impacts and spillover effects in our daily lives in the process of their development. These impacts and
spillover effects are reviewed below.
(Intellectual/cultural values of science and technology)
Science is an intellectual activity that started from intellectual curiosity for understanding natural phenomena,
originating from the feelings of admiration and inspiration for nature and other things surrounding human
beings. Scientific and techno- logical achievements bring us new knowledge. Their accumulation expands the
limits of people’s activities both in space and time, beyond the conventional concept of values. They can enlarge
the possibilities of people’s activities and serve as the driving force for society from the viewpoints of culture and
In medieval times, when people believed the geocentric theory of Claudius Ptolemaeus, Nicolaus Copernicus
advocated the heliocentric system (Copernican theory), and the theory came to be established by the efforts of
Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei. Later, the idea was inherited by Isaac Newton’s law of
gravitation and modern astrophysics represented by the Big Bang theory, and has influenced people’s views of
the universe and the Earth in the various times.
John Dalton demonstrated the existence of atoms, which had been a philosophical concept until then, and this



developed to Amedeo Avogadro’s molecular hypothesis. In addition, the discovery of atoms was accelerated by
Dimitri Mendeleev’s periodic law, which had a large impact on the under- standing of the composition of matter,
i.e. that all matter is made up of a certain number of atoms.
Furthermore, the possible existence of even smaller elementary particles has been indicated. In this manner, our
understanding of matter is likely to deepen even further in the future.
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution proposed an idea on the evolution of organisms, while the elucidation of
genes, which started with Gregor Johann Mendel’s law of heredity, hints at the answer to the mystery of
organisms. Yet new views on organisms and senses of ethics are expected to develop in the 21st century, which
is being called the “century of life science.”
Today, as development of science and techno- logy accelerates, their achievements are expected to influence
people’s values at an even faster pace and may dramatically change the paradigms of society.

Figure 1-1-2
Scientific Research Is Essential in the Sense That It Brings New Knowledge to Humanity
Note: Graph shows the responses to the question, “Do you agree with the opinion that ‘scientific research is
essential in the sense that it brings new knowledge to humanity?’”
Source: Cabinet Office, “Public Opinion Poll on Science and Technology and Society (February 2004)”

Albert Einstein: 50th Anniversary of Death, Centenary of Miracle Year

The year 2005 marks the centenary of Albert Einstein’s release of his special theory of relativity in 1905. It is also
the 50th anniversary of his death. The year 1905 is known as Einstein’s “miracle year” because he published a
series of important study results in that year.
In June 1905, Einstein released a paper entitled “On a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Conversion
of Light,” in which he denied the then prevailing theory that light was a wave. Einstein instead theorized that light
consisted of particles and explained the photoelectric effect, by which metals emit electrons when illuminated by
light. The solar cell, developed in the 1950s, is a device that uses the photoelectric effect to generate electricity.
In a dissertation published in July 1905 titled “On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary
Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat,” Einstein postulated that the erratic movement of
particles in fluids, known as “Brownian motion,” was caused by molecules’ random collisions in a fluid. This
mathematic model is now known to be extremely useful in a variety of applications such as predicting the
diffusion of fluids and gases and analyzing genetic functions and even stock market trends.



In September 1905, Einstein proposed the special theory of relativity in a dissertation titled “On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” and said the speed of light remained constant, denying the then
conventional view that time and space were absolutely constant. The theory of relativity affects actual life as, for
example, receivers for global positioning systems adopted in car navigation systems reflect effects of the theory.
In November 1905, Einstein released another paper, named “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy
Content?” and said, “The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.” Based on this theory, Einstein came
up with the most famous equation in history—E=mc2—in 1907. With this equation, it became apparent that
material could be converted into energy, leading to nuclear power generation, which now covers one-third of
power output in Japan.
As 2005 is the centenary of the miracle year, the general assembly of the United Nations decided that the U.N.
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) should plan activities to commemorate the
“International Year of Physics” in cooperation with physical societies and groups throughout the world. In Japan,
the Japan Committee for the World Year of Physics, set up jointly by related academic societies, has been
undertaking various activities under the chairmanship of Akito Arima.

Predictions for 20th Century

One may wonder how society will be 100 years from now. While it is impossible for humans to predict the future
perfectly, there is no denying that science and technology will greatly affect the future of human beings.
On January 2 and 3, 1901, the Hochi Shimbun newspaper carried 23 “Predictions for the Future.” The list is
viewed with surprise and deep excitement because a substantial number of them, as mentioned below, have
become realities.

The telephone would have a device to show the image of a caller at the end of the
Photo Telephone
line—the video phone.

Seven-day trip around

A trip around the world would take seven days at the end of the 20th century,
the world down from 80 days at the end of the 19th century. People in civilized countries,
whether men or women, would travel around the world once or more—an increase
in the transfer of people and distribution of goods due to the development of
aircraft and other high-speed means of transportation
New equipment would be developed to supply air in an appropriate manner so as
Freedom from heat
and cold
to adjust heat and cold. African development would be possible as a result—
development of the air-conditioner.

 Other predictions that have become realities:

wireless telegraph and telephone; long-distance photography; plants and electricity; human voice reachable
over a long distance; the world of electricity; speed of trains; in-town trains; age of automobiles; transport of
 Predictions that have partially become realities
Freedom from heat
Consumers would be able to see remote goods and conclude purchase contracts
and cold by photo telephone and immediately receive them sent via underground steel
Irrigation of Sahara desert; warships and cannons in air; high-speed connection of
trains; rise in height of people
 Predictions that have yet to materialize
Advances in meteorological observation technology would make it possible to
Prevention of
typhoons predict a natural disaster more than a month ahead of its occurrence. In the
second half of the 20th century, shipwrecks and other marine perils would be able

to be avoided by hitting a typhoon, the most fearful of natural disasters, with

cannonballs to convert it into rain. Although earthquakes would be unavoidable,
Author | tremor-resistant houses and roads would be built.

to be avoided by hitting a typhoon, the most fearful of natural disasters, with

cannonballs to convert it into rain. Although earthquakes would be unavoidable,
tremor-resistant houses and roads would be built.
Studies on animal languages would advance, prompting elementary schools to
Unlimited have courses in them. Humans thus would be able to freely converse with dogs,
conversation between
humans and animals
cats and monkeys. Most positions of male and female servant would be occupied
by dogs, which would run errands for people.
Extinction of wild animals; extinction of mosquitoes and fleas; advances in medical
technique; abolishment of kindergartens.

(Creating economic values by science and technology)

The rapid progress of science and technology from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th
century gave rise to electrical industries, chemical industries, automobiles, and airplanes, and economic activities
expanded due to the emergence of these new industries. After World War II, Japan saw economic development
brought about by the diffusion of home electrical appliances and development of the petrochemical industry,
followed by economic growth driven by the information and communications technology (ICT) revolution led by
the semiconductor industry, which began from around 1985 and lasted until the 1990s.
In either case, creation of new industries based on innovative science and technology brought about significant
and long-lasting economic effects. Science and technology has acted as a driving force for economic
development through innovation.

(Achievement of social and public values)

Scientific and technological progress has brought wealth to society mainly in developed countries. Therefore,
there are great expectations for science and technology to contribute to further development of the whole of
On the other hand, as can be seen in global environment issues, the worldwide diffusion of the Internet, the
terrorist attacks in the United States in September 2001, and the bioethical and infection issues, the “lights” and
“shadows” of scientific and technological development are spreading widely, and are becoming more closely
related to social issues, such as economy, diplomacy, security, health and welfare, energy, environment, disaster
prevention, and urban problems. For example, environ- mental problems such as pollution existed in the past,
but they were only problems specific to limited areas. However, discovery of ozone holes prompted the whole of
mankind to recognize that the global environment is in a critical situation.



Science and technology is a promising means for recognizing and foreseeing problems that face mankind and
for identifying their solutions, so it is expected to provide knowledge that can be shared by all mankind.

Figure 1-1-4
High Scientific and Technological Standards Are Needed toEnsure Security
Note: Graph shows the responses to the question, “Do you agree with the opinion that ‘high scientific
and research standards are essential for ensuring security in your daily life and the general security of the nation?’”
Source: Cabinet Office, “Public Opinion Poll on Science and Technology and Society (February 2004)” Scientific and Technological Progress in the 20th Century

(Turning dreams into reality)
In the 20th century, which is referred to as a “century of science,” science and technology made significant
contributions to the development of human activity. The desire to make our lives more affluent and convenient
(social demand) had supported the remarkable development of science and technology. In developed countries,
the science and technology in the 20th century was viewed as some- thing that could turn our dreams into
Science and technology in the 20th century dawned with quantum theory and the theory of relativity. Modern
physics rapidly enhanced our under- standing on the structure of matter from elementary particles to space.
With quantum mechanics, which enabled development of atomic power and semiconductors, mankind acquired
great strength.
Genetic research achieved remarkable progress with the finding of the double helix structure of DNA. We were
surprised and at the same time fascinated by the mysteries of life to learn that the number of genes of a human
was about 22,000, far less than what had been predicted in the past and not so different from that of a fruit fly,
which is about 20,000.
In the field of medicine, development and diffusion of preventive, diagnostic, and treatment techniques,
including antibiotics, vaccines, and X-ray, enabled treatment of various diseases, and in combination with
improved living environment, considerably prolonged the average life expectancy in many countries.
In the middle of the 20th century, mankind loo- ked at the Earth from space and landed on the moon. When
people saw the space shuttle flying to and fro in outer space and building a space station under international
cooperation, people raised hopes that the era of space exploration would begin and that human activity would
come to expand into space.
As electronic equipment such as telephones, televisions, and computers developed and transportation means



such as cars and airplanes made progress, people and goods came to move easily around the world, and
developed countries acquired materially affluent and convenient lifestyles.
It is not too much to say that changes that man- kind has never experienced before were brought about by
science and technology over the past 100 years. Science and technology significantly changed modern
civilization, contributed to dramatically improving human welfare and convenience in life, and noticeably
expanded the scope of human activity over the past 100 years.

(“Lights” and “shadows”)

When the scope of human activity expanded with the development of science and technology in the 20th
century, not only “lights,” such as affluence and convenience in life, but also “shadows” started to emerge.
The enlarged human activity has come to involve mass production and mass consumption of goods, mass
disposal, and heavy energy consumption, and is about to go beyond what the Earth can tolerate. Such concerns
as depletion of resources, the global warming issue, and destruction of the natural eco- logy are casting
“shadows” over the basis of survival and sustainable development of mankind.
Meanwhile, in the area of life science, which is expected to have a large impact on people’s value judgment, it is
necessary to examine concurrently the achievements made through scientific and technological progress, such
as genetic engineering and cloning, and the ethical questions involved.
Moreover, there is a risk that scientific and technological development will widen the economic gaps between
developed countries and developing countries, and have an influence on the world order. The 20th century was a
century where science and technology became more and more involved with society as they achieved
development, and the “shadows” of scientific and technological development began to emerge on a global scale.

Table 1-1-5. Development of Science and Technology in the 20th Century

Events in Society Surrounding

Year Inventions and Discoveries related to Science and Technology
Science and Technology

1901 • First Nobel Prize

* Shibasaburo Kitasato (Japan) nominated as a Nobel Prize candidate
for his research into the tetanus bacillus
• Invention and patenting of a method for manufacture of adrenaline
(Japan: Jokichi Takamine)
• Success in wireless transmission across Atlantic Ocean (Italy: Guglielmo

1902 • Discovery of Z-term for latitude variation (Japan: Hisashi Kimura)

1903 • Proposal of Saturnian model for the atom (Japan: Hantaro Nagaoka)
• First manned flight of powered aircraft (U.S.: Wright brothers)

1904 • Invention of diode vacuum tube (U.K.: John Fleming) • Russo-Japanese War

1905 • A “miracle year” for physics; photovoltaic effect; theoretical analysis of

Brownian motion; special theory of relativity (Switzerland: Albert

1907 • Invention of triode vacuum tube (U.S.: Lee de Forest)

1908 • Establishment of ammonia synthesis (Germany) • First sale of Model T Ford (U.S.)
• Patenting of a method for manufacturing a seasoning mainly
composed of monosodium glutamate (Japan: Kikunae Ikeda)

1910 • Discovery of Vitamin B1 (Oryzanin) (Japan: Umetaro Suzuki)



1911 • Success in cultivation of syphilis pathogen (Japan (Hideyo Noguchi)

• Discovery of atomic nucleus (U.K.: Ernest Rutherford)
• Discovery of superconductivity phenomenon (Netherlands: HK Onnes)

1913 • Mass production of Ford

automobiles (U.S.)

1914 • World War I (until 1918)

1915 • Artificial inducement of cancer tumor (Japan: Katsusaburo Yamagiwa,

Koichi Ichikawa)
• General theory of relativity (Germany: Albert Einstein)
• Theory of continental drift (Germany: Alfred Wegener)
• Invention and patenting of Japanese typewriter (Japan: Kyota

1917 • Invention of KS steel (Japan: Kotaro Honda) • Establishment of Institute of Physical

and Chemical
• Research (RIKEN) (Japan)

1920 • World's first radio broadcast (U.S.)

1921 • Discovery of insulin (Canada: Frederick Banting, Charles Best)

1922 • Proposal of expanding universe model (Russia: Aleksandr Friedmann)

1925 • Invention of Yagi antenna (Japan: Hidetsugu Yagi)

1926 • Proposal of wave equation (Austria: Erwin Schrodinger)

• Launch of first liquid-fueled rocket (U.S.: Robert Goddard)
• Success in Braun tube reception of electronic signals (Japan: Kenjiro

1927 • Proposal of uncertainty principle (Germany: Werner Heisenberg) • Japan’s first subway opens for

1929 • Discovery of penicillin (U.K.: Alexander Fleming)

• Observation of expanding universe (U.S.: Edwin Hubble)
• Invention and patenting of cable phototelegraphic transmission
method (Japan: Yasujiro Niwa)

1932 • Invention and patenting of MK magnetic steel (Japan: Tokuhichi


1935 • Proposal of mehon theory (Japan: Hideki Yukawa)

• Isolation of crystal structure in tobacco mosaic virus (U.S.: Wendell M.
• Invention of nylon synthetic fiber (U.S.: Wallace Carothers)

1936 • Theoretical computer model (U.K.: Alan Turing)

1937 • Development of jet engine (U.K.: Frank Whittle, Germany: Hans von

1938 • Discovery of uranium fission (Germany: Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassman)

1939 • Discovery of DDT insecticide (Switzerland: Paul Mueller) • World War II (until 1945)
• First flight of jet aircraft (Germany)

1942 • Success in nuclear fission chain reaction (U.S.: Enrico Fermi, et al) • First commercial television
broadcasts (U.S.)

1944 • Proof of DNA gene structure (U.S.: Oswald Avery) • Manufacture of V-2 rocket (Germany:
• Discovery of streptomycin (U.S.: Selman Waxman) Werner von Braun)

1945 • Manufacture of atomic bomb (U.S.)

• Bush Report (U.S.: Vannevar Bush)



1946 • Development of ENIAC electronic computer (U.S.: John Mauchly,

Presper Eckert)
• Big Bang theory (U.S.: George Gamow)
• Development of transistor (U.S.: William Shockley, John Bardeen,
Walter Brattain)

1949 • Hideki Yukawa wins Nobel Prize for Physics

1951 • First nuclear power generation (U.S.)

1953 • Elucidation of DNA double helix (U.S.: James Watson, U.K.: Francis • Start of color television broadcasting
Crick) (Japan)

1954 • Discovery of interferon (virus inhibition factor) (Japan: Yasuichi • World's first kidney transplant (U.S.)
Nagano, Yasuhiko Kojima)

1955 • World's first commercialization of

transistor radio (Japan)

Around • Pollution becomes a societal

1955 problem (Japan)

1957 • First criticality in Japanese nuclear

• Launch of Sputnik artificial satellite

1959 • Invention of integrated circuit (IC) (U.S.: Jack Kilby)

1960 • First success in laser firing (U.S.: Ted Maiman)

1961 • First manned space flight (U.S.S.R.:

Yuri Gagarin)

1963 • Proposal of theory of sea-floor spreading (U.K.: Fred Vine, Drummond


1964 • Proposal of Quark Model (U.S.: Murray Gell-Mann, George Zweig) • Tokai Shinkansen commences
operations (Japan)

1965 • Observation of universe background radiation (U.S.: Arno Penzias,

Robert Wilson)
• Shinichiro Tomonaga wins Nobel Prize for Physics

1966 • Start of commercial nuclear power

generation (Japan)

1967 • Plate tectonics theory (U.K.: Dan McKenzie, U.S.: Jason Morgan, et al.) • Promulgation of Basic Law for
• First heart transplant operation
(South Africa: Christiaan Barnard)

1969 • Proposal of superlattice (Japan: Reona Esaki) • Apollo 11 lands on the moon (U.S.)

1970 • Japan World Exposition (Osaka)

• Launch of Ohsumi, Japan's first
artificial satellite

Around • Oil shock (Japan)


1973 • Establishment of gene recombinant technology (U.S.: Stanley Cohen, • Release of microcomputer in kit form
Herbert Boyer) (U.S.)
• Reona Esaki wins Nobel Prize for Physics

1974 • Indication that chlorofluorocarbon may be depleting ozone layer (U.S.:

Sherwood Rowland, Mario Molina)



1977 • Release of world's first personal

computer (U.S.)
• Release of Japan's first personal
computer (Japan)

1978 • First in vitro insemination infant born


1979 • Three Mile Island nuclear power

plant accident (U.S.)

1981 • Kenichi Fukui wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry • First flight of the space shuttle (U.S.)

1982 • Release of world's first CD player


1983 • Discovery of AIDS virus (France: Luc Montagnier, U.S.: Robert Gallo)

1984 • Discovery of fullerenes (U.K.: Harold Kroto, et al)

Around • Discovery of the ozone hole (Japan, U.K., U.S.)


1985 • International Science and

Technology Exposition

1986 • Discovery of high-temperature superconductivity (Switzerland) • Chernobyl nuclear power plant

accident (U.S.S.R.)
• Space Station Mir commences
operations (U.S.S.R.)

1987 • Susumu Tonegawa wins Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine • Start of mobile phone services

1989 • End of Cold War

1991 • Discovery of carbon nanotubes (Japan: Sumio Iijima)

1992 • Earth Summit

Around • Announcement of Information

1993 Superhighway concept (U.S.)
• Explosive growth of Internet

1994 • Confirmation of top quark (U.S.: Fermi National Accelerator • Launch of H-II rocket (Japan)

1995 • Great Hanshin Earthquake (Japan)

• Enactment of the Science and
Technology Basic Law (Japan)

1996 • Birth of Dolly the cloned sheep (U.K.)

1997 • Promulgation of Organ Transplant

Law (Japan)

1998 • Confirmation of mass in neutrino (Japan: Super Kamiokande) • Assembly of International Space
Station commences (Japan, U.S., EU,
Canada, Russia)

1999 • World Conference on Science

• Test observation of Subaru Telescope
starts (Japan)
• Japan's first organ transplant from
brain-dead donor
• Criticality accident at uranium
processing plant (Japan)



2000 • Hideki Shirakawa wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry • Enactment of Law concerning
Regulation relating to Human
Cloning Techniques and Other
Similar Techniques (Japan)

2001 • ・Ryoji Noyori wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry • September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
• Launch of H-II A rocket (Japan)

2002 • Masatoshi Koshiba wins Nobel Prize for Physics • Johannesburg Summit
• Koichi Tanaka wins Nobel Prize for Chemistry

2003 • Sequencing of human genome completed (Japan, U.S., Europe)

2004 • Great Sumatra Earthquake and Indian

Ocean Tsunami

2005 • Entry into force of Kyoto Protocol

• 2005 World Exposition (Aichi)

Source: Produced by MEXT Relationship between Japan’s Modernization and Science and Technology

A large part of Japan’s current science and technology originates from those that had been actively imported
from Western Europe in order to promptly achieve the “wealth and military strength” and “encouragement of
new industries” advocated by the Meiji government. No other country outside those of Western Europe achieved
modernization from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. This rapid
modernization owed partly to the fact that favorable social infrastructure had been available. For example, the
literacy rate and people’s average basic abilities were high and the level of traditional arts and crafts was also
high already in the Edo period.
There is an opinion that because Japan made it a national policy to catch up with Western Europe, it adopted
science and technology by primarily focusing on their practical use, and consequently failed to sufficiently
acquire the scientific spirit. However, it is a fact that science and technology led Japan’s modernization to a
success in a short period of time. Furthermore, these efforts and achievements of predecessors have been
passed down to the present day through human resources development and technological tradition at research
institutes, such as universities, and companies, and they support Japan’s scientific and technological capabilities.

Pioneers of Japan’s Modern Science and Technology

The history of modern Japanese science and technology got off to a full-fledged start under the leadership of
foreign teachers invited by the government of the Meiji era (1868-1912) and Japanese generations that worked
to implant modern science and technology in Japan by learning from them or studying abroad. Following their
leadership, Japanese researchers began to produce creative world-level study results in the middle of the Meiji
While Japan was little known in the European and U.S. science worlds at that time, there were nevertheless
Japanese scientists and engineers who made world-class achievements for the first time in Japan. The following
three persons are typical of them.
Shibasaburo Kitasato undertook studies on the tetanus bacillus under Robert Koch in Germany and successfully
grew the bacillus in pure culture in 1889. He also discovered the toxin and antibody of the tetanus bacillus in
1890, paving the way for immune serum therapy. Based on Kitasato’s discovery, the specific treatment of
infectious diseases was established. After returning to Japan, Kitasato discovered the Yersinia pestis in 1894. With
those achievements, Kitasato became the first Japanese physician known worldwide. In particular, the discovery
of immune serum therapy against the tetanus bacillus is highly credited for leading Emil Adolf von Behring to
receive the first Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of immune serum therapy against



Before returning to Japan, Kitasato received invitations from many countries to continue his studies. But he
declined all of them and contributed to improvements in medical science in Japan by founding the Institute of
Infectious Diseases and the Kitasato Institute. Many of Kitasato’s descendents made world-class achievements.
Among them were Kiyoshi Shiga, who discovered the shigella bacillus, and Sahachiro Hata, who developed
Salvarsan, an agent for the treatment of syphilis.
Jokichi Takamine settled in the United States in 1890 and devised a method of mass-producing and refining the
diastase, which has a highly saccharifying capacity, by implanting mould fungi, called koji, on the rhytidome of
wheat. He filed with the
U.S. government for related patents in 1894 and let a U.S. drug maker release a digestive under the name
Takadiastase in 1897. In 1901, Takamine succeeded in isolating the hormone adrenaline in pure crystalline form
from bovine glands. While adrenaline is effective in increasing blood pressure and arresting hemorrhage,
Takamine was the first in the world to extract the hormone as a purified substance and thus contributed greatly
to the subsequent development of neuroscience and endocrinology.
Takamine also worked to promote friendship between Japan and the United States and proposed and
contributed to the establishment of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, known as RIKEN, in Japan.
Both Takadiastase and adrenaline have been widely used throughout the world for more than a century. Making
a huge fortune with income from patents on them, Takamine was the first Japanese person to establish a
research and development-oriented venture business.
Hantaro Nagaoka was known worldwide as a leading scholar in the field of magnetostriction. He was the first
Japanese physicist recognized in the world. As an example of his fame, he was invited to the International Physics
Conference in Paris in 1900 to report on his experiments on magnetostriction.
Nagaoka drew international attention in 1903 when he announced the “Saturnian” model of the atom, in which
he postulated that electrons revolved around an atomic nucleus. Nagaoka’s concept was proved correct in 1911
through experiments conducted by British physicist Ernest Rutherford.
Japan’s modern physics stemmed from Nagoka’s wide-ranging studies, which included experimental physics,
mathematical physics and geophysics. Assuming such key posts as president of the Osaka Imperial University
and of the Japan Academy, Nagaoka made a great deal of contribution to the administration of science and
technology in Japan.
As an episode probably seen
only among pioneers in any
field, Nagaoka, when he was a
student at the department of
science at the University of
Tokyo, wondered whether
scientific creativity was inherent
in the Japanese and thus took a
year off to study the oriental
history of science in a bid to
find an answer to the question
troubling him.

Figure 1-1-6. Ten Great Japanese Inventors



Comics and Science Fiction Novels That Foster Dreams about Scientific Technologies Evolution of Robots
There are many people who became completely absorbed in imaginary future worlds by reading comics and
science-fiction novels in their childhood. Robots appeared frequently in the future worlds. The word “robots” was
coined by Czech science-fiction novelist Karel Capek in 1920. But in Japan, the word became popular by
characters such as “Astro Boy” in animations and comics. Moreover, animation and comics have also greatly
inspired the progress of the study about robots in Japan.
The future world that Osamu Tezuka described in his “Astro Boy” comics released soon after the end of World
War II was supposed to be the world at the beginning of the 21st century, where robots resembling people lived
the same lives as people, occasionally exercising much higher abilities than people, and playing an active role in
the fight for justice. Undoubtedly, many children at the time dreamed that someday in the future robots like
Astro Boy would come into actual existence. Unfortunately, such robots as Astro Boy have not yet materialized
because we have not yet developed the science and technology to produce them even though we live in the
21st century. How much has such a dream come true?
You can see the most recent results in the study of robots at the 2005 World Exposition held in Aichi, Japan.
Robots that can walk with two legs such as Astro Boy are exhibited, among which there is a biped robot that
walks three kilometers per hour. In the Tsukuba Science Expo held twenty years ago, only one biped robot with
two legs and a waist was exhibited, and it took ten minutes for it to walk even one step forward. Since then,
robots have steadily progressed. In addition to biped robots, many robots that have a wide variety of functions
are developed and exhibited at the Aichi Expo.
Some science and technology, which was once described as being part of an imaginary future world where
robots such as Astro Boy would flourish, has now materialized, including mobile phones, small-sized computers,
large-sized passenger planes, and elevated expressways.
Science and technology will realize our dreams, but at the same time, our imagination and dreams that appear in
novels and comics are a driving force for the development of science and technology.

1.1.2 Relevance of Science and Technology in the Transformation and Development of People’s
Lives, the Economy, and the Society
After World War II, Japanese people’s lives improved significantly and Japan achieved high economic growth
thanks to the contributions of science and technology. This section overviews such influence of science and
technology based on data. At the same time, it also introduces applications of science and technology to
addressing social problems that have surfaced as “negative” products of scientific and technological progress in
recent years. Improvements in People’s Lives

Currently, many scientific and technological achievements are used in our daily lives and are making our lives
more convenient. In addition, the concept of distance and time has changed along with the development of
science and technology, and dramatically transformed our lifestyles. Furthermore, science and technology also
contributes to maintaining and recovering health, which serves as the basis of our daily lives.

(Better convenience)
Scientific and technological achievements that are familiar to us include home electrical appliances. The
development and diffusion of various products including fully automatic washing machines, micro- wave ovens,
video tape recorders (VTRs), air conditioners, and toilet seats with a warm-water bidet function (Figure 1-1-7)
have brought convenience to life and made our living environment more pleasant.



Figure 1-1-7
Diffusion Rate of Home Electrical Appliances
Source: Cabinet Office, “Consumer Confidence Survey”

The frequency of calling or sending e-mail by mobile phones to communicate with other people considerably
increased compared to the previous year, indicating that mobile phones have become the central information
and communications means in place of postal mail and fixed-line telephones (Figure 1-1-8). Mobile phones
made it easier for people to communicate with one another regardless of their locations.

Figure 1-1-8
Changes in Communication Means Compared to Previous Year
Note: Values were derived by deducting the percentage of respondents who answered
“less frequently used” from the percentage of respondents who answered “more frequently used.”
Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), “Survey on People’s Lives in a Ubiquitous
Network Society” (March 2004)



(Changes in lifestyles)
In 1956, when the Tokaido Line became fully electrified, it took seven hours and thirty minutes by limited express
train from Tokyo to Osaka. How- ever, in 1964, the Tokaido Shinkansen, which boasted a top speed of 210 km
per hour—the world’s fastest speed at the time—began operation and shortened the time required for traveling
from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka to four hours. The emergence of the Shinkansen allowed people to take day trips to
areas along the Tokaido Line, and had a considerable impact on people’s social lifestyles and economic activities.
Since then, many technologies have been applied to the Shinkansen; for example, the axle load was reduced
from the original 14 tons to 11 tons through the introduction of aluminum train bodies. As a result, the current
Shinkansen achieves a top speed of 270 km per hour, and travels from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka in a mere two hours
and thirty minutes (Figure 1-1-9).

Figure 1-1-9
Travel Time from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka (514.5 km)
Source: Produced by MEXT based on the Website of the Railway Technical Research Institute

Japan’s first commercial Internet access service was commenced in 1992. After that, the Internet rapidly spread
to people in various segments including companies and general homes, and brought dramatic changes to the
methods of information gathering and communication. In schools also, the percentage of public schools
connected to the Internet reached 99.8% in fiscal 2003. These schools provide education using information and
communications technologies, such as using online information as teaching materials (Figure 1-1-10).

Figure 1-1-10
Internet Diffusion Rates of Households,
Companies, Business Establishments, and
Public Schools
Notes: Diffusion rate for households indicates the
percentage of households where member(s) accesses
the Internet via PCs or mobile phones for private
purposes “at home/other.”
Diffusion rate for companies indicates the percentage
of companies where “the entire company”or “part of
the offices or divisions” accesses the Internet.
Diffusion rate for business establishments indicates the
percentage of business establishments that access the
Data on the diffusion rate for public schools are only
available for 1997 onward.
Source: MIC, “Communications Usage Trend Survey”;
MEXT, “Survey Results on Actual Condition of
Information Education at Schools”



(Maintenance/recovery of health)
Medical care developed dramatically in the 20th century. Many lives have been saved and life expectancy has
been prolonged thanks to the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics, development of various new
pharmaceuticals, the progress of medical technologies, the early discovery of diseases through health
examinations, and the development of medical equipment used for diagnosis and surgical operations. In
particular, Japan has one of the highest longevity rates in the world, and there are signs that the average life
expectancy will become even longer in the future (Figure 1-1-11).

Figure 1-1-11
Development of Medical Technologies and Average Life Expectancy in Japan
Source: Produced by MEXT based on Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), “Complete Life Tables,”
“Abridged Life Tables” and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Tokyo Women’s Medical University ed., “21 Seiki Wo Kirihiraku
Sentan Iryō” (State-of-the-art medical care for leading the way in the 21st century) (October 1999).

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In the modern society, there is risk of suffering from
lifestyle-related diseases such as hyperlipemia, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity due to overeating, insufficient
exercise, smoking, and drinking alcohol. In particular, obesity is a risk factor that may trigger yet other lifestyle-
related diseases, so easy-to-use body fat scales for home use, drinks that help burn body fat, and fat foods that
do not easily form fat deposits were developed in order to control body fat. Economic Development

After World War II, Japan did not merely achieve economic revival, but developed significantly through the
subsequent high economic growth. The cause for the economic growth can be indicated by the relationship
among three elements: labor, capital, and total factor productivity (TFP). The TFP is said to mainly involve
technological progress and improvements in human resources. Looking at the past 30 years, although capital
investment largely accounted for the economic development in the first half of the 1970s, the increase in the TFP
contributed significantly to the subsequent economic growth, particularly in the second half of the 1980s (Figure
1-1-12). Japan’s economic growth has owed greatly to an increase in TFP, that is technological innovations and
the like, in addition to quantitative expansion of capital.



Figure 1-1-12
Contributions of Technological Innovations to Economic Development
Notes: 1. TFP increase rate = (real growth rate of value-added production) - (capital share x capital stock growth rate)
- (labor share x labor input growth rate) The simple averages of production growth and contributions of the respective elements
to the production growth were obtained for each period. The data for 1985 was deleted because there would be a gap based on
the market entry of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT). The average values from 1996 through 2000 were
obtained by MEXT in accordance with the estimation method indicated in “Economic Survey of Japan FY 1997.”
Source: Economic Planning Agency, “Economic Survey of Japan FY 1997.” Addressing Social Issues

As seen in the environmental problems and bio- ethical issues, science and technology also serves as a cause of
threat to the survival of mankind and a cause of concern for people. Effective use of science and technology is
also expected for building a safe and secure society, such as addressing such “shadows” of scientific and
technological development, taking measures to alleviate damage from natural disasters, and preventing

(Environmental problems)
Global warming caused by greenhouse gases such as CO2 has become a major problem. About 20% of Japan’s
CO2 emissions are attributable to the transportation sector, of which 90% are emitted from cars. In order to
reduce CO2 emissions, the fuel efficiency of gasoline-fueled cars was improved by about 18% from 1997 to 2002
(Figure 1-1-13) through various kinds of technological development, such as making the engines and the power
transmission systems more efficient, reducing the weight of the vehicle, and reducing the air resistance. In
addition, hybrid cars, which efficiently combine the power of the engine and other power such as electricity, were
developed, and cars that boast about twice the mileage of gasoline-fueled cars appeared. In this manner, efforts
are being made to reduce the environmental loads by saving resources through improvement of fuel
consumption, by curbing CO2 emissions, and by cleaning emissions.



Figure 1-1-13
Fuel Efficiency of Gasoline-Fueled Cars and Ownership of Hybrid Cars
Sources: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, “List of Automobile Fuel Efficiency” (March 2005);
Japan Automobile Research Institute.

In Japan, energy consumption at home has been increasing. Therefore, new technologies have been introduced
to many home electrical appliances to reduce their energy use. For example, when comparing an electric
refrigerator, which uses a lot of energy, in 1981 and 2001, the average rated volume nearly doubled over the 20
years, but the annual power consumption per 1 liter of volume has been drastically cut to less than one-third
due to techno- logical innovations including a significant improvement in insulation efficiency and use of an
inverter-controlled compressor (Figure 1-1-14).

Figure 1-1-14
Energy-Saving Performance of Refrigerator-Freezers
Source: Surveyed by the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (JEMA)

As an entire nation, Japan maintains the lowest level of primary energy consumption per GDP among the major
developed countries (Figure 1-1-15). This suggests that Japan, which has scarce energy resources and depends
largely on imports, is achieving high productivity based on technologies for using energy efficiently.



Figure 1-1-15
Primary Energy Consumption per GDP
Source: OECD, “Energy Balances of OECD Countries

(Science and technology for safety and security)

People have come to face various risks and threats as social systems became more and more sophisticated and
complicated. According to a questionnaire survey implemented by the Study Group on Science and Technology
Policy for a Safe and Secure Society, more than 75% of the respondents answered that they “feel concern” or
“feel slight concern” about crimes, traffic accidents, and air/water pollutions (Figure 1-1-16). Science and
technology is also expected to contribute toward eliminating such concerns and achieving safe and secure living
and society.

Figure 1-1-16
Degree of Concerns about Threats to Safety
Note: Values are the result of a questionnaire survey conducted on 3,600 citizens by postal mail (no. of valid responses: 1,476).
Source: Extracted from the results of a questionnaire survey conducted by the Study Group on Science and Technology
Policy for a Safe and Secure Society (February 2004).

Key Words for Future Science and Technology Considerate to the Planet and Comfortable for Human Beings: Love the
The main task for all members of the earth in the 21st century is to seek the establishment of sustainable symbiosis of all
lives on the planet from the perspective of the whole world. A new challenge has already begun regarding how science
and technology can contribute to solving problems emerging on a global scale that human beings are expected to face in
the future.



With “Nature’s Wisdom” as the main theme, the 2005 World Exposition (Abridged name: Expo 2005 Aichi;
Nickname: “Love the Earth”) is held with the participation of many countries and multinational organizations. As
a comprehensive and international exposition, this Expo is being held in Japan for the first time in 35 years, since
the Osaka Expo in 1970, and it is also the first world exposition of the 21st century.
State-of-the art science and technology is displayed to show how science and technology is used to make the
recycling-oriented society and to put it into practice for the purpose of the establishment of sustainable
development of the society, which is a major issue of the 21st century.
The “Bio Lung” is built at the center of the exposition site. It is a green-painted wall, 150 meters long and 15
meters high, covered with flowers and plants. This facility functions as the lung of the site, reducing the
environmental burden by inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen by taking advantage of the power of
plants, and to improve the living environments in the surrounding area by lowering the temperature during the
summer time.
At the food courts, where visitors can enjoy foods from all over the world, environmentally friendly biomass
tableware made of recyclable organic materials (biomass) such as plants are used. They are decomposed to
water and carbon dioxide by microorganisms in the ground after being dumped, which helps effectively reduce
waste and create a post-petroleum society.
Visitors can also experience a next-generation environmentally conscious transport system for moving around
inside the site.
As for electricity supply, atomic energy generated at the Mihama Nuclear Power Plant was used for Osaka Expo.
But in the case of the Aichi Expo, “New Energy Power Plants” such as photovoltaic power plants and fuel cell
power plants located in several places within the site are planned to supply sufficient electricity to meet the
expected demand of 2,200KW of electricity of the Japan Pavilion and others in the Nagakute area.
In February 2005, just before the opening of the Aichi Expo, the Kyoto Protocol finally went into effect, eight
years after the adoption of the treaty.
It is unclear how the weather will change in the future because of the impact of various environmental problems.
But in the past, serious changes in the weather that could destroy human life have occurred many times. Modern
civilization has finally taken the first step to seriously considering how to tackle environmental problems and
resultant changes in the weather.
The Japan Pavilion Nagakute The Japan Pavilion Nagakute is covered by a bamboo basket. It is 90 meters long,
70 meters wide and 19 meters high. At the Japan Pavilion Nagakute, the steel sheet roof is used for taking
advantage of the effectiveness of heat radiation caused by the super hydrophilic photocatalytic property, which
is an achievement of Japan’s original basic research. Water flows down from the upper side of the roof,
evaporates on the surface, and deprives heat from the roof (i.e., the heat of vaporization), which is an
achievement of Japan’s original basic research. Water flows down from the upper side of the roof, evaporates on
the surface, and deprives heat from the roof (i.e., the heat of vaporization), which cools the roof and then lowers
the temperature inside the pavilion. This reduces the air-conditioning load. Waste water disposed within the
pavilion is zoned and reused for this purpose. Moreover, active oxygen is created on the roof because of
ultraviolet rays, which decompose organic matter on the roof. And, as decomposed materials are washed away
by rain, the roof remains clean.

Ten Years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake

Fatalities numbering 11,000, total disaster victims coming to 7 million, among which 4.6 million live in evacuation
houses, and a total amount of economic damage of 112 trillion yen, the equivalent of the national budget for
one year and three months (of which direct damage is 67 trillion yen)—these are the estimated damage figures if
an earthquake of the same magnitude as the Great Hanshin earthquake (magnitude 7.3) hit the Tokyo
metropolitan area at present. (These figures are quoted from the materials of the Earthquake Measure Experts
Research Committee about Inland Earthquakes in Metropolitan Areas, by the Central Disaster Prevention Council.
Estimation is made based on the assumption that the earthquake source is in the northern part of Tokyo Bay.)



In the early morning of January 17, 1995, the “Southern Hyogo earthquake” struck, with a magnitude of 7.3 and a
source at the Nojima Fault. This earthquake is the first big inland earthquake that has hit a major city of an
advanced nation in modern history. The earthquake was later renamed the Great Hanshin earthquake.
The Great Hanshin earthquake caused the greatest human and physical damage in the postwar period. The
number of the people killed or missing came to 6,436, a total of 250,000 houses were destroyed, and the direct
economic damage reached ten trillion yen. In addition to building damage, the transportation network such as
the Hanshin Superhighway, Japan Railways lines, private railways and harbors, and the lifeline network including
the water, electricity and gas systems suffered destructive damage, which revealed the vulnerability of the
functions and social infrastructure of modern cities.
After the earthquake, the Office to Promote the Research and Study of Earthquake was established, and full-
scale joint efforts by the government, private companies and academia were launched to work out measures to
prevent and reduce disasters. The Japan Meteorological Agency, universities, the National Research Institute for
Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, the Building Research Institute, and private companies and others are
engaged in efforts to establish the network of earthquake observation, to explore the mechanism of earthquake
occurrence by using simulation models, to develop seismic isolation and damping technologies for buildings and
other structures, and to develop robots for disaster relief.
Moreover, on the tenth anniversary of the Great Hanshin earthquake in January 2005, a real size three-
dimensional full-scale earthquake destruction testing facility called “E-Defense,” the largest of its kind in the
world, was constructed at a site next to the Miki Earthquake Disaster Memorial Park in Miki City, Hyogo. This
facility is equipped with the world’s largest shaking table, which is 15 meters long and 20 meters wide, and can
recreate an earthquake of the same size as the Great Hanshin earthquake. It also has shakers, fourteen of which
can move structures vertically and ten of which can move them horizontally. The testing facility can explore how
a building is destroyed, how much a building is destroyed and why a building is destroyed, by shaking the
building with a weight of 1,200 tons at maximum from three directions and eventually destroying it. By
increasing the strength of buildings, human casualties would become more serious when buildings collapse,
because people would be buried under the bricks. Researchers have been striving to develop construction
design methods to minimize human casualties, by allowing a building to be partially destroyed under strong
Natural disasters cannot be prevented even if modern technologies are applied. But science and technology are
expected to play an important role in minimizing disaster damage, securing the safety of people who suffer
disasters and rescuing disaster victims as quickly as possible. In this field, Japan is expected to make an
intellectual contribution.

-------------------------------------------------The end of Article-----------------------------------------------------




1. Choose 1 Philippine Invention from the “Lesson 1: Historical Antecedents” material.
2. In a 1/8 illustration board, draw or attach picture of the invention chosen. Determine the antecedents that
cause/lead to the invention. Include also the description of the invention. Be creative in designing your card.
3. Write your name, course and section in the output. Submit it to your instructor.





Handwritten Only.

I. A. Define the following terms using your own words:

1. Science

2. Technology

3. Society

B. How does Science and Technology affect society? Explain




II. Use the article as a reference for answering the questions below.

A. Discuss the “Lights” and “Shadows” of scientific and technological development. (10 pts)

Give at least three (3) predictions for the future from

Hochi Shimbun newspaper. Provide a discussion and
own insight regarding each prediction.(10 pts)

B. Give at least three (3) predictions for the future from Hochi Shimbun newspaper. Provide a discussion and
own insight regarding each prediction.(10 pts)

Give at least three (3) predictions for the future from

Hochi Shimbun newspaper. Provide a discussion and
own insight regarding each prediction.(10 pts)




C. Discuss the relevance of Science and Technology in the transformation and

development of the following: (5 pts each)

C.1. People’s Lives

C.2. Economy

C.3. Society

D. Give at least three (3) predictions for the future from Hochi Shimbun newspaper. Provide a discussion \
and own insight regarding each prediction.(10 pts)

Give at least three (3) predictions for the future from

Hochi Shimbun newspaper. Provide a discussion and
own insight regarding each prediction.(10 pts)




CRITERIA 4 3 2 1

Colors and Enhance Support Detract from

No effect
Patterns readability Readability readability

All pictures/ Most of the

Graphics/ Few of pictures/ Pictures or
drawing are picture/ drawings
Photos/ are clear and drawings are not
clear and are clear and
Drawing relevant clear or relevant.
relevant relevant

Excellent design
Needs Needs significant
and layout. It is Nice design and
Visual Clarity improvement in improvement in
neat and easy to layout. It is neat
and Appeal design, layout, or design, layout,
understand the and easy to read.
neatness. and neatness.

Most of the Few of the

All the required
required required Missing most or
Required information are
information are information are all of the required
Elements/ clearly visible,
clearly visible, clearly visible, elements or
information organized and
organized and organized and information.
well placed.
well placed. well placed.

Multiple errors in
Content spelling, grammar
spelling, 1-2 errors in
Spelling 3-5 errors in or punctuation.
grammar, spelling, grammar
grammar spelling, grammar The content is
punctuation and or punctuation.
punctuation or punctuation. copied and paste
original content.
or plagiarized/




Excellent Very Good Average Unacceptable
CRITERIA Improvement
(5) (4) (3) (1)

As yet, the idea

has no clear
The idea is sense of
The writer is
clear and purpose or
The idea is beginning to Topic is not
focused. central theme.
mostly focused, define the topic, well-defined
Content/ Relevant The reader
and has some even though and/or there
Ideas details and must make
good details and development is are too many
quotes enrich inferences
quotes. still basic or topics.
the central based on
theme. sketchy or

Sentences are
The reader has
well built, with The writing The text hums
The text seems to practice quite
Sentence strong and mostly flows, along with a
choppy and is a bit in order to
varied structure and usually steady beat, but
Fluency not easy to read give this paper a
that invites invites oral tends to be
orally. fair interpretive
expressive oral reading. flowery.

The form and

The reader
presentation of The format only
The writer's receives a
the text has a few
The writer's message is only garbled message
Format/ enhances the mistakes and is
message is understandable due to problems
ability for the generally easy to
Presentation understandable occasionally, and relating to the
reader to read and
in this format. paper is messily presentation of
understand and pleasing to the
written. the text, and is
connect with eye.
not typed.
the message.



History of technology. (2004, July 10). (n.d.). NASA History

Division | NASA.

The role of science and technology in the developing world in the 21st century. (n.d.). Institute for Ethics and
Emerging Technologies.

Science and technology in the Philippines. (2007, February 21). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Retrieved August 20, 2020, from

Science NetLinks. (n.d.). Science


Society. (2002, February 1). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 20, 2020,


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2) T
3) F
4) T
5) T
6) F
7) F
8) T
9) T
10) F


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