q3 4th Summative Test in Mapeh 10

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Department of Education

Region VIII
Tacloban City Division
District Learning Center I
Cabalawan, Tacloban City
S.Y. 2020-2021
NAME ___________________________________________________________SECTION ___________________
Read and understand well the questions. Write the letter of the best answer on the space before the number.

_____1. Which lifestyle disease is the top leading cause of death worldwide?
A. Diabetes B. Heart disease C. hypertension D. stroke
_____2. Who states that Global Health is an area to study, research and practice that prioritize health improvement and
achieving impartiality in health care and wellness worldwide?

A. Ilona Kickbush (2006) C. Beaglehole and Bonita (2010)

B. Koplan and Associates (2009) D. William Shakespear
_____3. Developing countries particular in Africa and Asia suffer from __________?
A. Extreme poverty and hunger C. Education
B. Promoting Gender Equality D. Producing more jobs
_____4. It is defined as disease transmitted form one person to another by direct or indirect contact.
A. Cancer B.Hepatitis C. Aids D. Communicable diseases
_____5. It is a program or strategy which addresses global health issues concern and trends?

A. Global Health B.Global Health Initiative C. Maternal Health D. Health

_____6. Diverse heath issues, concerns and trends which call for all nations to address and act on to promote and protect
health of individuals and groups across boundaries?
A. Global health B. Health C. Public health D. Health education

_____7. These are goals set by the United Nations for its member-nations to be fulfilled on the agreed span of time to be
evaluated and counter-checked under world standard?
A. K-12 Development Goals C. United Nation Development Goals
B. Millenniums Development Goal D. World Health Goals
_____8. What millenniums development goals greatly protect and care for women and children’s health?
A. MDG No. 1 and 2 C. MDG No. 7 and 8
B. MDG No. 3, 4 and 5 D. MDG No. 1, 6 and 7
_____9. The primary international body responsible for developing leadership and health, setting norms and standards and
providing health support among nations around the world.
A. United Nations C. World Bank
B. International Red Cross D. World Health Organization
_____10. A global health effort to control, prevent and eradicate the spreading of mosquito-borne infections through
development, preventive measures, and effective treatment?
A. Destroy mosquitoes program C. Roll Back Malaria
B. Roll back dengue D. Stop Dengue and Malaria
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MAPEH teacher

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