Transient Temperature Distributions On Lithium-Ion Polymer SLI Battery

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Transient Temperature Distributions on Lithium-Ion

Polymer SLI Battery
Yiqun Liu, Y. Gene Liao * and Ming-Chia Lai
Collage of Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-313-577-8078

Received: 23 June 2019; Accepted: 23 July 2019; Published: 25 July 2019 

Abstract: Lithium-ion polymer batteries currently are the most popular vehicle onboard electric
energy storage systems ranging from the 12 V/24 V starting, lighting, and ignition (SLI) battery to the
high-voltage traction battery pack in hybrid and electric vehicles. The operating temperature has a
significant impact on the performance, safety, and cycle lifetime of lithium-ion batteries. It is essential
to quantify the heat generation and temperature distribution of a battery cell, module, and pack
during different operating conditions. In this paper, the transient temperature distributions across a
battery module consisting of four series-connected lithium-ion polymer battery cells are measured
under various charging and discharging currents. A battery thermal model, correlated with the
experimental data, is built in the module-level in the ANSYS/Fluent platform. This validated module
thermal model is then extended to a pack thermal model which contains four parallel-connected
modules. The temperature distributions on the battery pack model are simulated under 40 A, 60 A,
and 80 A constant discharge currents. An air-cool thermal management system is integrated with the
battery pack model to ensure the operating temperature and temperature gradient within the optimal
range. This paper could provide thermal management design guideline for the lithium-ion polymer
battery pack.

Keywords: battery heat; battery temperature; battery thermal management; battery thermal model;
lithium-ion battery

1. Introduction
Lithium-ion batteries have become the most popular electric energy storage systems for
many configurations of hybrid and electric vehicles due to their high energy-to-weight ratio, high
energy-to-volume ratio, and excellent cycle life [1]. The lithium-ion battery is also a good candidate
to replace the traditional lead-acid starting, lighting, and ignition (SLI) battery [2]. One of the major
concerns in using lithium-ion batteries is that operating temperature has a significant impact on
performance, safety, and cycle lifetime of the batteries. The typically acceptable operating temperature
region for lithium-ion batteries is between −20 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C, while an optimal temperature range is from
15 ◦ C to 35 ◦ C. Furthermore, the maximum temperature difference from cell to cell in a module should
not exceed 5 ◦ C to avoid a severe temperature gradient. The battery usable capacity and discharging
voltage are decreased under low operating temperature. The cycle life of the battery is shortened under
high operating temperature. Some safety issues might be initiated under high operating temperature.
To maintain the operating temperature in the optimal range, a thermal management system (TMS) is
used to cool down or warm up the battery. Understanding the heat generation characteristics and
temperature distributions of the lithium-ion batteries is important to design an effective TMS.
Heat generated in the lithium-ion battery is mainly from two processes: entropic heat generation
due to changes in electrochemical reactions, and ohmic heating resulting from current flow through
cell internal resistance during charge and discharge process. Equation (1) expresses the heat generation

Vehicles 2019, 1, 127–137; doi:10.3390/vehicles1010008

Vehicles 2019, 1 128

rate per unit volume q (W/m3 ) of the lithium-ion battery cell [3]. The first term and the second term on
the right-side of Equation (1) are the ohmic heating and entropic heat generation, respectively.

. dEOC
q = i2 R + iT (1)

where i (A/m3 ) is the volumetric current density (positive value for discharge and negative value for
charge), R (Ω) is internal resistance of battery cell, T (K) is the temperature, and dEOC /dT (V/K) is
the temperature coefficient at the open circuit voltage (OCV) of the battery cell. Research shows that
up to 54% of the total heat generated in the lithium-ion battery cell is contributed from the ohmic
heating [4]. The lithium-ion battery cells generate more heat during the high current charge and
discharge process. Accumulated heat in certain areas of the battery pack will lead to temperature
nonuniformity among the cells. The non-uniform temperature across the battery pack results in
different performance, self-discharging rate, state-of-health, and state-of-life of each individual cell in
the battery pack. Research shows that 10 ◦ C to 15 ◦ C temperature gradient across the battery pack causes
a 30% to 50% degradation of the cells [5,6]. Therefore, a well-designed thermal management system
is important to maintain each cell temperature within the optimal range and keep the temperature
uniform across the battery pack [7]. There are three types of thermal management systems for battery
pack: air cooling [8,9], liquid cooling [10,11], and phase change material (PCM) cooling [12,13]. The air
cooling and liquid cooling are commonly used for traction battery packs in hybrid and electric vehicles.
The air cooling has advantages of cost and space while the cooling efficiency is not as good as liquid
cooling. The liquid cooling usually costs more and occupies more space due to the requirement of
liquid tank, hydraulic pump, complex piping layout, and heat exchanger.
This paper investigates transient temperature distributions on a lithium-ion polymer SLI battery.
The transient temperatures of a SLI battery module, consisting of four series-connected lithium-ion
polymer cells, are measured during different charge and discharge experiments. A numerical thermal
model of this battery module is built in the ANSYS/Fluent platform and the simulated temperature data
is correlated with the experimental data. Four of these battery modules are parallel-connected to form a
SLT battery pack model with 14.4 V nominal voltage and 20 Ah capacity. Heat generation characteristics
and transient temperatures in the pack are simulated. Finally, a thermal management system using
air cooling is simulated for this battery pack. This paper could provide thermal management design
guideline for the lithium-ion polymer battery pack.

2. Temperature Experiments of Battery Module

The proposed lithium-ion polymer SLI battery are constructed by four parallel-connected modules.
Each module consists of four series-connected EiG-ePLB-C020 lithium-ion polymer cells which are
labeled as Cell-A, B, C, and D as shown in Figure 1. Each cell, LiNiCoMnO2 -based cathode and
graphite-based anode, has 3.6 V nominal voltage and 20 Ah capacity such that the battery module is
capable of 14.4 V nominal voltage and 20 Ah capacity. Each cell is fixtured within a protection case.
One side of the protection case is steel plated and the other side is open to the space. Each protection
case is mounted to the bottom base plate by two screws. For easier series-connection, neighbor cells
are mounted in the opposite orientation where the positive terminal of one cell is close to the negative
terminal of its neighbor cell. Six small copper plates are used to connect the four cells on the top of
protection cases. The gaps between two neighbor cells are 7 mm. The cell surface temperatures are
measured by eight OMEGA surface thermocouples. Thermocouple A1, A2, A3, and A4 are adhesive
on one side of the Cell-A which is facing to open space. Thermocouple B1, B2, B3, and B4 are on one
side of the Cell B which is facing Cell-C. These thermocouples are connected to two TEKCOPLUS
4-channel K-type thermocouple meters.
The experiments are conducted in the Envirotronics temperature chamber and the temperature is
set to 25 ◦ C (298 K). the charge and discharge tests are conducted using the Digatron Charge/Discharge
Unit which is controlled by the Battery Manager 4 software. Temperatures at eight thermocouples are
Vehicles 2019, 1 129

obtained during 20 A, 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A continuous constant current discharge tests as well as 20 A

and 40 A continuous constant current charge tests. To prevent the cells from being overcharged or
over-discharged, the maximum charging voltage and minimum discharging voltage of the battery
module are set to 16.4 V and 10 V, respectively. Each cell in the battery module is fully charged to
4.17 V and completely cooled down to 25 ◦ C before starting the discharge test. Similarly, each cell is
Vehicles 2019, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 3
fully discharged to 2.5 V and completely cooled down to 25 ◦ C before starting the charge test.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Experimental setup: (a) battery module layout; (b) temperature chamber setup; (c)
Figure 1. Experimental setup: (a) battery module layout; (b) temperature chamber setup; (c) thermocouple setup.
thermocouple setup.

Figure 2 shows
The the temperatures
experiments are conducted measured by thermocouples
in the Envirotronics temperature placed on eight
chamber and locations
the temperaturewithin the
is set to 25 °C (298 K). the charge and discharge tests are
battery module during different charge and discharge tests. During the 20 A constant current charge conducted using the Digatron
test, temperatures at allUnit which
eight is controlled
locations by the
are very Battery
close Manager
to each other4 software.
and the Temperatures
maximum temperature at eight
thermocouples are obtained during 20 A, 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A continuous
difference is 0.5 K. All temperatures increase during the test, but the increments are only about constant current discharge
tests as well as 20 A and 40 A continuous constant current charge tests. To prevent the cells from
0.7 K. During the 20 A discharge test, all temperatures are also very close to each other and the
being overcharged or over-discharged, the maximum charging voltage and minimum discharging
maximum difference is about 0.5 K. The temperature difference becomes larger at the end of the test
voltage of the battery module are set to 16.4 V and 10 V, respectively. Each cell in the battery module
and isisabout 1 K. During
fully charged to 4.17theVfirst
and 40 min, thecooled
completely temperature
down toat25 each location
°C before only changes
starting the dischargeverytest.slightly.
All temperatures start to increase after 40 min and increase about 1 K before
Similarly, each cell is fully discharged to 2.5 V and completely cooled down to 25 °C before starting the end of the test.
the chargethetest.
40 A charge test, temperatures at all locations increase quickly at the beginning of
the test. TheFigureincreasing
2 shows the rates become slower
temperatures measured as by
tests go on. placed After on theeight
10 min within of test, all
the battery
temperatures module
at the during
locations ondifferent
the Cell-B charge and discharge
are higher than those tests.atDuring the 20 A constant
the corresponding current
locations on the
At the test,
end temperatures
of the test, at theallaverage
eight locations
temperatureare very close to each
of locations B1 toother
B4 isand 1 Kthe maximum
higher than that
of locations A1 todifference
A4. Cell-B is 0.5
andK. All
C are temperatures
in the middleincrease during the
of module test, but the
assembly, soincrements are only at
the heat generated
about 0.7 K. During the 20 A discharge test, all temperatures are also very close to each other and the
locations B1 to B4 is difficult to dissipate. Locations A1 to A4 are facing to open space with a constant
maximum difference is about 0.5 K. The temperature difference becomes larger at the end of the test
temperature of 298 K which is controlled by the temperature chamber. Therefore, the heat generated
and is about 1K. During the first 40 min, the temperature at each location only changes very slightly.
at locations A1 to A4start
All temperatures easily dissipate.
to increase afterDuring
40 min andthe increase
40 A discharge
about 1 Ktest,
before temperatures
the end of themeasured
test. on
the Cell-BDuring
is higher than that measured on Cell-A in the first 7 min of the
the 40 A charge test, temperatures at all locations increase quickly at the beginning oftest. After the first 7 min,
the temperatures
the test. Theatincreasing
the locations ratesB1 to B4 increase
become slower asmuch the testsquickly
go on. than thethe
After temperatures
first 10 minatofthe locations
test, all
A1 to temperatures
A4. Approaching to the end
at the locations onof thetest, temperatures
Cell-B are higher than at allthose
eightatlocations start to increase
the corresponding locationsrapidly.
the Cell-A.
The largest At the end
difference of the test,
of average the average temperature
temperature between B1ofto locations
B4 andB1A1 to to
B4 A4
is 1 is
K higher
about than2 K. that
of locations A1 to A4. Cell-B and C are in the middle of module
the 60 A and 80 A discharge tests, temperatures measured on the Cell-B become higher than those assembly, so the heat generated at on
locations B1 to B4 is difficult to dissipate. Locations A1 to A4 are facing
Cell-A after 4 min. The largest difference of average temperature between locations B and A is about to open space with a constant
temperature of 298 K which is controlled by the temperature chamber. Therefore, the heat generated
5 K for both 60 A and 80 A discharge tests.
at locations A1 to A4 easily dissipate. During the 40 A discharge test, temperatures measured on the
The experimental results indicate that temperature increments (from start to end of tests) at
Cell-B is higher than that measured on Cell-A in the first 7 min of the test. After the first 7 min, the
each location
temperaturesbecomeat thelarger
locationsas the
B1 tocharge/discharge
B4 increase much currentquickly than increases. The increment
the temperatures on average
at the locations
A1 to A4. ofApproaching
eight locations to theis end
0.6 K, 1.6 K,
of test, 5.3 K, 9.8 K,
temperatures 15.8
at all K, and
eight 20.7 start
locations K during the 20
to increase A charge,
20 A discharge, 40 A charge,
The largest difference 40 A discharge,
of average temperature60between
A discharge,B1 to B4and and80A1Atodischarge
A4 is about test,
2 K.respectively.
The temperature
the 60 A and 80 difference
A discharge between Cell-A and
tests, temperatures Cell-B on
measured becomes
the Cell-Blarger
become with thethan
higher increase
those on of the
Cell-A after 4 min.
charging/discharging current. The largest difference of average temperature between locations B and A is about
5 K for both 60 A and 80 A discharge tests.
Vehicles 2019, 1 130

Vehicles 2019, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 4

B1 B2 B1
B3 A3
B4 A1 A1
B2 A4 A4

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 2. Temperatures measured by eight thermocouples within the battery module: (a) 20 A charge;
Figure(b)2.40Temperatures measured
A charge; (c) 20 A by 40
discharge; (d) eight thermocouples
A discharge; within (f)
(e) 60 A discharge; the80battery module: (a) 20 A charge;
A discharge.
(b) 40 A charge; (c) 20 A discharge; (d) 40 A discharge; (e) 60 A discharge; (f) 80 A discharge.
The experimental results indicate that temperature increments (from start to end of tests) at each
location become larger as the charge/discharge current increases. The increment on average
3. Thermal Model of Battery Module
temperature of eight locations is 0.6 K, 1.6 K, 5.3 K, 9.8 K, 15.8 K, and 20.7 K during the 20 A charge,
20 A discharge, 40 A charge, 40 A discharge, 60 A discharge, and 80 A discharge test, respectively.
The battery module thermal model is built in the ANSYS/Fluent platform. A semi-empirical
The temperature difference between Cell-A and Cell-B becomes larger with the increase of the
electrochemical model based
charging/discharging current.on the dual-potential approach of Newman, Tiedemann, Gu, and Kim
(NTGK) is selected. Kwon [14] proposed the NTGK model and later researchers [15–17] used and
3. Thermal
validated Model model.
the NTGK of BatteryThe current transfer j and the potential field (ϕ+ − ϕ− ) is related by the

Equation (2)
Thein the model.
battery module thermal model is built in the ANSYS/Fluent platform. A semi-empirical
electrochemical model based on the dual-potential − (ϕ+ −ofϕNewman,
j = aY[Uapproach − )]
Tiedemann, Gu, and Kim (2)
(NTGK) is selected. Kwon [14] proposed the NTGK model and later researchers [15–17] used and
a is the specific
where validated the NTGK area of the
model. Theelectrode sandwich
current transfer sheet,
j and the ϕ+ field
potential ϕ− are
and (𝜑 𝜑 respectively phase potentials
) is related by the
of theEquation
positive(2) and
in thenegative
model. electrodes. Y and U are the NTGK model parameters and can be
determined by the curve fitting of the𝑗 voltage-current
𝑎𝑌 𝑈 𝜑 𝜑 response curve from the testing (2) for a certain
battery. Equations (3) and (4) [14] are used to calculate the values of Y and U.
 5  " !#
 X n
 1 1
Y =  an (DOD)  exp −C1 − (3)
T Tre f
 3 
 X n
U =  bn (DOD)  − C2 Trt − Tre f (4)
where C1 and C2 are the NTGK model constants, an and bn are the coefficients used to calculate Y and
U in [18], Trt is the real-time temperature, Tre f is the reference temperature (298 K), DOD is the depth
of discharge and can be calculated by using Equation (5).
Vehicles 2019, 1 131

 t 
Vol 
DOD =  jdt (5)

3600QAh  

where Vol is the volume of the battery, and QAh is the total capacity (Ah) of the battery. Equation (6) shows
the energy sources including the Joule heating, electrochemical reaction heating, and entropic heating:
" #
· dU
q = σ+ ∇2 ϕ+ + σ− ∇2 ϕ− + j U − (σ+ − σ− ) − T (6)

where σ+ and σ− are respectively the effective electric conductivities for the positive and
negative electrodes.
The procedures of the ANSYS/Fluent modeling and simulation for the battery module temperature
distributions are listed below [19,20].

(1) In the DesignModeler, the 3D model of the battery module is created according to the actual size
of the EiG ePLB-C020 cell and the actual configuration of the battery module. The dimension
sizes of the cell are 127 mm (width) × 196 mm (length) × 7 mm (thickness). The dimensions
for the positive and negative tabs are 30 mm (width) × 23 mm (length) × 6 mm (thickness).
The dimensions for the three connecting plates are 30 mm (width) × 21 mm (length) × 5 mm
(thickness). Also, the gaps between two neighbor cells are 7 mm. The protection cases of the cells
are not modeled in the simulation to reduce the complexity of the simulations.
(2) An air volume of 127 mm × 196 mm × 7 mm is created in the space between two neighboring
cells, so the space between neighboring cells is completely filled with air.
(3) The mesh of the entire geometry is created with 165,049 nodes and 132,761 elements.
(4) The mesh file is input to the Fluent Setup where the Energy and the Multi-Scale Multi-Domain
(MSMD) Battery Model are activated. Considering the tradeoff between accuracy and complexity
of all models, the simple semi-empirical electrochemical NTGK Empirical Model is selected in
the MSMD Battery Model dialog box. A value of 20 Ah is entered for the Nominal Cell Capacity
and specified C-rate is selected for the Solution Option. Positive (for discharge) and negative
(for charge) C-rate values can be entered for different tests. The values of 10 V and 16.4 V are
entered for the Min. and Max. Stop Voltages, respectively.
(5) Under model parameters, initial DOD is set to 0 for discharging simulations and Initial DOD is
set to 1 for charging simulations. All the Y and U Coefficients are determined by the method
provided in [15]. Under conductive zones, active components, tab components, and busbar
components are assigned. Under electric contacts, the negative tab and positive tab for the entire
battery module are assigned.
(6) Copper is selected as the tab and connecting plate material in the Materials input. For the active
material inside the battery cell, 2092 kg/m3 , 678 J/kg·K, 18.4 W/m·K, and 3.541 × 107 siemens/m are
entered for the density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity, respectively.
The uds-0 and uds-1 coefficients are respectively set to 1190,000 kg/m·s and 983,000 kg/m·s. Air is
the selected material for space between two neighbor cells.
(7) The thermal properties of battery cell case walls, positive/negative tabs, and connecting plates are
edited in the boundary conditions. The thermal condition is set as mixed for all zones. The heat
transfer coefficient is 5 W/m2 -K and external emissivity is 0.9. The free stream temperature is set
to 298 K which is the temperature inside the temperature chamber.
(8) The SIMPLE scheme is selected as solution methods. The hybrid is the initialization method.
An initial temperature is set to 298 K. A fixed time stepping method is used under run calculation.
Time step size is set to 60 s and the number of time steps are determined based on the different C-rates.

Figure 3 shows the simulated temperature distributions at the end of the 80 A discharge on the
module which consists of four series-connected cells. From left to right, these four cells are labeled as
Cell-A, B, C, and D as shown in Figure 1a. Cell-B and C have higher surface temperatures than Cell-A
(8) The SIMPLE scheme is selected as solution methods. The hybrid is the initialization
method. An initial temperature is set to 298 K. A fixed time stepping method is used under
run calculation. Time step size is set to 60 s and the number of time steps are determined
based on the different C-rates.
Vehicles 2019, 1 132
Figure 3 shows the simulated temperature distributions at the end of the 80 A discharge on the
module which consists of four series-connected cells. From left to right, these four cells are labeled as
and DCell-A, B, C,module
do. The and D ashas
shown in Figureassembly
symmetric 1a. Cell-Bsuch
and Cthat
have higherand
Cell-A surface temperatures
D have the samethan Cell-
A and D do. The module has symmetric assembly such that Cell-A and D have the same temperature
distributions as well as Cell-B and C have the same temperature distributions. It is sufficient to
distributions as well as Cell-B and C have the same temperature distributions. It is sufficient to
investigate the simulated surface temperature distributions only on Cell-A and B at the end of each
investigate the simulated surface temperature distributions only on Cell-A and B at the end of each
simulation, as shown
simulation, in the
as shown Figure
in the Figure4.4.

Figure 3. Simulated temperature distributions on the module at the end of the 80 A discharge.
Figure 3. Simulated temperature distributions on the module at the end of the 80 A discharge.
Vehicles 2019, 1, FOR PEER REVIEW 7
4. Thermal Model Correlations
The simulated cell surface temperatures are correlated with the experimental temperatures
measured by thermocouples. The simulation results present that cell surface temperature increases
when the discharge current increases. As an example shown in Figure 4, the highest temperature on
cell-B increases from 301.73 K to 323.82 K when the discharge current changes from 20 A to 80 A. The
largest temperature gradient among the battery module also increases from 1.9 K to 6.15 K as the
discharge current increases from 20 A to 80 A. On Cell-A, the temperatures in the neighborhood of
tabs always are higher than temperatures on areas away from the tabs. The temperatures are
gradually decreased away from the tabs. The Cell-B has the similar phenomenon during the 20 A
charge and discharge current. While using higher discharge currents on the Cell-B, areas close to the
tabs have lower temperatures than other areas. This inconsistency might be attributed to much heat
generated with higher discharging currents and heat accumulated within the middle cells like Cell-
B. Consequently, the tabs might function as cooling fins dissipating heat from the top areas. At the
end of the 80 A discharge simulation for the Cell-B, the temperatures on the bottom areas are slightly
lower than those on the middle areas. This situation could be understood that base plate might also
act as cooling fins to dissipate heat from the bottom areas.

(c) (d)

Figure 4. Simulated temperature distributions on Cell-A and B at the end of each charge and
Figure 4. Simulated temperature distributions on Cell-A and B at the end of each charge and discharge:
discharge: (a) 20 A; (b) 40 A; (c) 60 A discharge; (d) 80 A discharge.
(a) 20 A; (b) 40 A; (c) 60 A discharge; (d) 80 A discharge.
Table 1 shows the comparisons between simulated (SIM) and experimental (EXP) surface
temperatures on eight locations. The data in the DIF column is the difference between simulation and
experiment, or the value of SIM subtracting EXP. Data in the MID row is the temperature data at the
midpoint of the charge or discharge process and data in the END row is the temperature data at the
end of the process. The average value of the absolute DIF becomes larger with increasing discharge
currents. These average values are, respectively, 1.9 K and 1.5 K for 40 A and 80 A discharge. The SLT
Vehicles 2019, 1 133

4. Thermal Model Correlations

The simulated cell surface temperatures are correlated with the experimental temperatures
measured by thermocouples. The simulation results present that cell surface temperature increases
when the discharge current increases. As an example shown in Figure 4, the highest temperature
on cell-B increases from 301.73 K to 323.82 K when the discharge current changes from 20 A to 80 A.
The largest temperature gradient among the battery module also increases from 1.9 K to 6.15 K as
the discharge current increases from 20 A to 80 A. On Cell-A, the temperatures in the neighborhood
of tabs always are higher than temperatures on areas away from the tabs. The temperatures are
gradually decreased away from the tabs. The Cell-B has the similar phenomenon during the 20 A
charge and discharge current. While using higher discharge currents on the Cell-B, areas close to the
tabs have lower temperatures than other areas. This inconsistency might be attributed to much heat
generated with higher discharging currents and heat accumulated within the middle cells like Cell-B.
Consequently, the tabs might function as cooling fins dissipating heat from the top areas. At the end of
the 80 A discharge simulation for the Cell-B, the temperatures on the bottom areas are slightly lower
than those on the middle areas. This situation could be understood that base plate might also act as
cooling fins to dissipate heat from the bottom areas.
Table 1 shows the comparisons between simulated (SIM) and experimental (EXP) surface
temperatures on eight locations. The data in the DIF column is the difference between simulation and
experiment, or the value of SIM subtracting EXP. Data in the MID row is the temperature data at the
midpoint of the charge or discharge process and data in the END row is the temperature data at the
end of the process. The average value of the absolute DIF becomes larger with increasing discharge
currents. These average values are, respectively, 1.9 K and 1.5 K for 40 A and 80 A discharge. The SLT
battery module thermal model is validated with acceptable discrepancy.

Table 1. Comparisons between simulated and experimental surface temperatures on eight locations.

20 A 40 A 60 A 80 A
MID 299.5 300.4 −0.9 303.8 303.2 0.6 300.1 300.0 0.1 304.3 302.9 1.4 306.2 306.4 −0.2 313.9 310.8 3.1
Location A1
END 299.7 300.4 −0.7 305.1 304.5 0.6 300.4 301.4 −1.0 310.3 308.0 2.3 314.3 312.6 1.7 320.1 315.8 4.3
MID 299.5 300.1 −0.6 303.9 303.0 0.9 300.1 299.7 0.4 304.1 303.1 1.0 306.3 306.5 −0.2 313.3 311.4 1.9
Location A2
END 299.6 300.1 −0.5 304.8 304.4 0.4 300.1 300.9 −0.8 310.0 308.1 1.9 314.2 311.8 2.4 320.0 317.9 2.1
MID 299.5 300.1 −0.6 303.5 303.4 0.1 300.0 399.8 0.2 303.8 302.8 1.0 305.5 306.4 −0.9 312.1 310.0 2.1
Location A3
END 299.5 300.1 −0.6 304.4 304.8 −0.4 300.0 301.0 −1.0 309.4 308.0 1.4 313.2 312.5 0.7 318.7 316.2 2.5
MID 299.5 300.1 −0.6 302.5 302.8 −0.3 399.8 299.5 0.3 303.8 302.6 1.2 305.6 306.1 −0.5 312.2 310.3 1.9
Location A4
END 299.5 300.2 −0.7 304.3 303.9 0.4 399.9 300.8 −0.9 309.4 308.3 1.1 313.2 312.6 0.6 318.8 318.2 0.6
MID 299.9 300.5 −0.6 305.0 304.1 0.9 300.2 299.8 0.4 305.8 304.4 1.4 309.1 308.6 0.5 314.0 313.0 1.0
Location B1
END 300.0 300.4 −0.5 306.9 306.0 0.9 301.2 301.5 −0.3 313.2 309.7 3.5 317.5 317.3 0.2 323.2 322.3 0.9
MID 300.0 300.1 −0.1 304.7 304.3 0.4 300.4 299.8 0.6 306.0 304.2 1.8 309.2 309.3 −0.1 314.2 313.4 0.8
Location B2
END 300.2 300.2 0.0 307.0 306.2 0.8 301.5 301.4 0.1 313.2 310.1 3.1 317.6 318.5 −0.9 323.4 323.6 −0.2
MID 299.9 300.4 −0.5 304.2 303.7 0.5 300.2 299.8 0.4 305.7 303.9 1.8 308.7 310.0 −1.3 313.8 314.6 −0.8
Location B3
END 300.0 300.5 −0.5 306.8 305.4 1.4 301.2 301.5 −0.3 312.9 310.1 2.8 317.1 317.6 −0.5 322.9 324.0 −1.1
MID 299.9 300.3 −0.4 304.2 303.8 0.4 300.0 299.8 0.2 305.6 304.8 0.8 308.9 309.8 −0.9 313.6 312.9 0.7
Location B4
END 300.1 300.4 −0.3 306.9 305.6 1.3 301.3 301.7 −0.4 312.8 309.5 3.3 317.2 318.2 −1.0 323.0 322.3 0.7
Average 0.6 0.6 0.5 1.9 0.8 1.5

5. Extension to a Starting, Lighting, and Ignition (SLI) Pack Thermal Model

Nowadays, a typical SLI battery capacity has increased to 60 Ah. Some vehicles equipped with the
remote-control systems (engine starting, seat heating, air conditioning, vehicle status monitoring, etc.)
require larger capacity batteries to support these accessories since these features draw electricity from
the battery even when the vehicle is parked [2]. An 80 Ah, 14.4 V SLI battery pack formed by four
parallel-connected modules is modelled in the ANSYS/Fluent platform. The temperature distributions
on the battery pack are investigated under several charge and discharge currents.
5. Extension to a Starting, Lighting, and Ignition (SLI) Pack Thermal Model
Nowadays, a typical SLI battery capacity has increased to 60 Ah. Some vehicles equipped with
the remote-control systems (engine starting, seat heating, air conditioning, vehicle status monitoring,
Vehicles require
2019, 1 larger capacity batteries to support these accessories since these features draw electricity 134
from the battery even when the vehicle is parked [2]. An 80 Ah, 14.4 V SLI battery pack formed by
four parallel-connected modules is modelled in the ANSYS/Fluent platform. The temperature
Figure 5 shows
distributions thebattery
on the temperature distributions
pack are investigated onunder
the battery
severalpack at the
charge andend of 40 A,currents.
discharge 60 A, and 80 A
discharge Figure 5 showsThe
simulations. the areas
close todistributions on the
the battery tabs havebattery
lowerpack at the end
temperature of 40 A, 60 A,
distributions and
80A discharge simulations. The areas close to the battery tabs have lower temperature
of the cooling fin effects of the tabs and connecting plates. Two cells in the middle of the battery distributions
pack because
have the of the cooling
highest fin effects distributions
temperature of the tabs and connecting
because plates. Two cells
the accumulated heatininthe
is verypack have to
difficult thebehighest temperature
dissipated. distributions
Temperatures on thebecause the accumulated
cells located on both open heatends
in theare
the pack is very
on the difficult
middle cellstowith
be dissipated.
about 2 KTemperatures
for 40 A/60 Aon andthe4 cells
K forlocated on both open
80 A discharges. ends
The are
lower than those on the middle cells with about 2 K for 40 A/60 A and 4 K
temperature gradient across the pack is about 10 K for all 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A discharges. A largefor 80 A discharges. The
largest temperature gradient across the pack is about 10 K for all 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A discharges. A
temperature gradient across the battery pack might lead to different degradation rates and unbalancing
large temperature gradient across the battery pack might lead to different degradation rates and
among cells. An effective thermal management system might be needed for the lithium-ion polymer
unbalancing among cells. An effective thermal management system might be needed for the lithium-
SLI battery to keep the operating temperature in an optimum range and minimize the temperature
ion polymer SLI battery to keep the operating temperature in an optimum range and minimize the
gradient across the pack.
temperature gradient across the pack.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5. Temperature distributions on battery pack at the end of discharges: (a) 40 A; (b) 60 A; (c) 80
Figure 5. Temperature distributions on battery pack at the end of discharges: (a) 40 A; (b) 60 A; (c) 80 A.

6. Integration Cooling
6. Integration System
Cooling with
System the
with theSLI
study uses ANSYS/Fluent
study uses ANSYS/Fluentcomputational fluid dynamics
computational capability
fluid dynamics to integrate
capability the developed
to integrate the
battery pack thermal model with thermal management system. Due to spaces
developed battery pack thermal model with thermal management system. Due to spaces between adjacent cells
in the pack, cells
adjacent eachincell
thehas two
pack, air cell
each flowshason each
two side of
air flows onthe cell
each with
side onecell
of the virtual
with cooling air cooling
one virtual channel.
cooling air channels are modeled for each cell, meaning each cell is surrounded by
channel. Two cooling air channels are modeled for each cell, meaning each cell is surrounded the air flows.
Two cooling channels and the cell forms a sandwich-type structure, as shown in Figure 6. The cool air
flows enter to the bottom of the pack and exit from the tabs. The dimension sizes of each air inlet and
outlet channel is 3.5 mm (or a half-size of the space gap between cells) by 127 mm and 196 mm long,
whose area is enough to cover one side area of a cell. The velocity inlets and pressure outlets are set for
the cooling channels. The inlet and outlet temperature are, respectively, specified at 288 K (15 ◦ C) and
298 K (25 ◦ C). The air flow velocity can be adjusted based on the different temperature distribution
in each charge or discharge simulation, such as the air flow velocity is set to a higher value for the
larger current discharges. The thermal condition for the battery cell walls is set to convection with heat
transfer coefficient 5 W/m2 -K.
each air inlet and outlet channel is 3.5 mm (or a half-size of the space gap between cells) by 127 mm
and 196and mm
196 mmlong, whose
long, whose area is isenough
area enoughto to cover one side
cover one sidearea
areaofofa cell.
a cell.
TheThe velocity
velocity inletsinlets
and and
pressure outlets
pressure are are
outlets set set
channels. The inletand
The inlet andoutlet
outlet temperature
temperature are,are, respectively,
specified at 288
specified at K (15
288 °C)°C)
K (15 andand298K
298K (25
air flow velocitycan
flow velocity canbebe adjusted
adjusted based
based ondifferent
on the the different
temperature distribution in each charge or discharge simulation, such as
temperature distribution in each charge or discharge simulation, such as the air flow velocitythe air flow velocity is setis set
Vehicles a higher
2019, 1 value for the larger current discharges. The thermal condition for the
to a higher value for the larger current discharges. The thermal condition for the battery cell walls battery cell walls is 135is
set to convection with heat transfer coefficient
set to convection with heat transfer coefficient 5 W/m2-K. 5 W/m 2-K.

Figure 6. Cell with cooling channels in the battery pack.

Figure 6. Cell with cooling channels in the battery pack.
Figure 7 shows the 6. Cell with
temperature cooling channels
distribution in thepack
on the battery battery pack.
with cooling system at the end
of 40 A,760
Figure A, and
shows 80temperature
the A discharge simulations.
distributionThe oncooling air flow
the battery packvelocity in the channel
with cooling system is at
to end
constant 7 shows
2m/s forthe
all temperature
40 A, 60 A, distribution
and 80 A on
discharge the battery
simulations. pack The
of 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A discharge simulations. The cooling air flow velocity in the channel is set with cooling
constant air system
flow at the
velocity end
of 40 A, 60
removes A, and 80
accumulated A discharge
heat in the simulations.
middle of the The cooling
battery pack air
such flow
that velocity
constant 2m/s for all 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A discharge simulations. The constant air flow velocity removes in the channel
variation amongis set to
constant is much
2m/sheat smaller
for inallthe than
40 middle without
A, 60 A,ofand cooling effect.
80 A discharge The temperature
simulations. variations
The constant among cells
airamong are,
flow velocity
accumulated the battery pack such that temperature variation cells is
removes accumulatedabout heat
0.5 K,in0.5the
K, middle
and 0.7 Koffor the40battery
A, 60 A,pack
and 80 A discharges.
such that Also, thevariation
temperature temperature among
much smaller than without cooling effect. The temperature variations among cells are, respectively,
gradient within each single cell is smaller comparing with to the cell without cooling system. The
cells is0.5much
aboutlargest 0.5 smaller
K, temperature
K, and 0.7 than without
K for 40 A, 60cooling
A, and 80 effect. The temperature
A discharges. Also, the variations
temperature among
gradient cells are,
gradient on a single cell in the battery pack is, respectively, about 3.1 K, 3.7 K,
each single about 0.5 K, 0.5 K, and 0.7 K for 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A discharges. Also, the temperature
and 4.5cellK foristhe
40 A, 60comparing
A, and 80 Awith to the cell
discharges. Withwithout
the helpcooling system.
of the cooling The largest
system, temperature
the temperature
gradient within
a singlecould
cell thecell
is smaller
battery pack
battery pack.
to the
3.1 K,without
3.7 system
cooling K, andcooling
4.5 K
for the 40
60 A,the
80 A gradient
discharges. Withon a
help ofcell
thein the
system,packthe is, respectively,
battery pack operating temperature within a safe range. When discharge current is higher than about
distributions3.1 K, 3.7
could K,
and 4.5
80 K
uniformly A,for
the the 40
across 60velocity
air A,battery
80 pack.
A discharges.
be The
increased With
cooling the help
to remove
system much
from the
battery pack.
distributions could be uniformly across the entire battery pack.
temperature within a safe range. When discharge current is higher than 80 A, the cooling air The cooling system also maintains
the battery pack operating temperature within
should be increased to remove much heat from the battery pack. a safe range. When discharge current is higher than
80 A, the cooling air velocity should be increased to remove much heat from the battery pack.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7. Temperature distribution on battery pack with cooling system at the end of discharges: (a)
40 A; (b) 60 A; (c) 80 A.

7. Conclusions
(a) (b) (c)

FigureLithium-ion polymer batteriesoncurrently are the most popular vehicle onboard of electric energy
Figure 7.7. Temperature
distribution onbattery
packwith cooling
with system
cooling at the
system endend
at the discharges: (a)
of discharges:
40 A; (b)systems
60 A; ranging
(c) 80 A. from the 12 V/24 V SLI battery to the high-voltage traction battery pack in
(a) 40 A; (b) 60 A; (c) 80 A.
hybrid and electric vehicles. The operating temperature has a significant impact on the performance,
7. Conclusions
Lithium-ion polymer
polymer batteries
batteries currently
currently are
are the
the most popular vehicle
most popular vehicle onboard
onboard electric
electric energy
storage systems ranging from the 12 V/24 V SLI battery to the high-voltage traction battery
storage systems ranging from the 12 V/24 V SLI battery to the high-voltage traction battery pack inpack in
hybrid and electric vehicles. The operating temperature has a significant impact on the performance,
hybrid and electric vehicles. The operating temperature has a significant impact on the performance,
safety, and cycle lifetime of lithium-ion batteries. It is essential to quantify the heat generation
and temperature distribution of the battery cell, module, and pack to design an effective thermal
management system. This paper experimentally and numerically investigates the transient temperature
distributions on the SLI battery module and pack. The cell surface temperatures within a module
are measured by eight surface thermocouples in a temperature chamber. A battery thermal model,
correlated with the experimental data, in the module level is built in the ANSYS/Fluent platform.
This validated module thermal model is then extended to a SLI pack thermal model. The temperature
Vehicles 2019, 1 136

distributions on the battery pack model is simulated under 40 A, 60 A, and 80 A constant discharge
currents. An air-cool thermal management system is integrated with the battery pack model to ensure
the operating temperature and temperature gradient are within the optimal range.

Author Contributions: Experiment, Software Simulation, Y.L.; Paper Writing, Y.L., Y.G.L.; Paper Review and
Editing, Y.G.L., M.-C.L.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, ATE: Centers, under grant
number DUE-1801150.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

i volumetric current density (A/m3 )
R internal resistance of battery cell (Ω)
T temperature (K)
dEOC /dT temperature coefficient (V/K)
OCV open circuit voltage
a specific area of the electrode sandwich sheet
an , bn coefficients used to calculate Y and U
C1 , C2 NTGK model constants
DOD depth of discharge
QAh battery total capacity (Ah)
Tre f reference temperature (298 K)
Trt real-time temperature
Vol volume of the battery
Y, U NTGK model parameters
ϕ+ , ϕ− phase potentials of the positive and negative electrodes
σ + , σ− effective electric conductivities for the positive and negative electrodes

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