Introduction To Pharmacology Week1
Introduction To Pharmacology Week1
Introduction To Pharmacology Week1
Schedule I
-These drugs are regarded as having the highest potential for abuse,
and are not typically used as an acceptable medical treatment in
the United States
Schedule II
-Drugs in this category are approved for specific therapeutic
purposes but still have a high potential for abuse and possible
Schedule III
-Although these drugs have a lower abuse potential than those in
schedules I and II, there is still the possibility of developing
mild to moderate physical dependence.
Schedule IV
-These drugs supposedly have a lower potential for abuse than
schedule III drugs, with only a limited possibility of physical
dependence, psychologic dependence, or both.
Schedule V
-These drugs have the lowest relative abuse potential
Dose-response curves are used to provide information about the
dosage range over which the drug is effective, as well as the peak
response that can be expected from the drug.
Ceiling effect, or maximal efficacy-point at which there is no
further increase in the response.
Dose-Response Curves
and Maximal Efficacy
Potency is related to the dose that produces a given response in a
specific amplitude.When two drugs are compared, the more potent drug
requires a lower dose to produce the same effect as a higher dose of the
second drug.
Quantal Dose-Response Curves
and the Median Effective Dose
Quantal Dose-Response Curve
-The percentage of the population who exhibit a specific
response increases as the dosage increases.
Median Effective Dose
-This is the dose at which 50 percent of the population respond
to the drug in a specified manner.
Toxic Dose
-point where population experience adverse secondary effect
Therapeutic Index
The median effective and toxic doses are used to determine the
therapeutic index. The TI is calculated as the ratio of the TD50 to
the ED50: