Genus ISpatial RAK.v1
Genus ISpatial RAK.v1
Genus ISpatial RAK.v1
RAK testcase database, Scripts and references can be found at ‘Attachments’ and ‘Related Solutions’
sections below the PDF.
iSpatial: Next-Generation Common Physical Optimization flow
RTL Compile
RTL Compile/Map Flexible
Physical incr Opt Handoff
• Unified physical opt engine
Genus Mapper + Correlation
Incr GigaOpt
GigaPlace + CCOpt™ with Physical
GigaOpt NanoRoute
NanoRoute Better PPA
• Restructuring after placement
• Early clock flow in synthesis Voltus
Better Predictability
Voltus • Directly using Innovus GigaOpt
Pegasus • Make better RTL decisions, faster
• Integrates fast timing closure with Innovus giga-place and giga-opt engines
• Provides accurate prediction of timing, area, leakage and congestion for RTL designers
• DB handoff allows Innovus place_opt_design to run faster
o Contains placement and optimization data
• Prerequisites:
o Tech lef and standard cell .lef files
• Note: iSpatial flow requires an Innovus executable. It is highly recommended that you use the latest versions of
Innovus and Genus (set the innovus_executable attribute to point to the Innovus executable file).
• Genus Inputs
o RTL: Verilog, VHDL, System Verilog (w/
directives & pragmas) .lib .lef
floorplan .def
o MMMC w/constraints (.sdc)
• Genus Outputs
Netlist DB
o Netlist Handoff: OR
Handoff Handoff
– Optimized gate-level netlist: .v
– Constraints: .sdc Regular
o Placed db Handoff:
Incr Physical
– Fully placed database (.enc) Design
o Optional Outputs: scandef, LEC Dofiles, TCF,
4 © 2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Quickstart: Running Genus
Global variable and
attribute settings
iSpatial Setup
Library and MMMC
Load design and
syn_generic -
read def
syn_map -physical
set cost groups
syn_opt -spatial
write reports
write_design -
Global variable and • DESIGN is used to specify the design name set DESIGN <design name>
attribute settings
iSpatial Setup
• Specify the effort levels for synthesis (these are set GEN_EFF medium
Library and MMMC variables which are later used to set attributes) set MAP_EFF high
Load design and set_db init_lib_search_path {<paths to library
initialize • Set the library search path, files>}
script search path and HDL
read def set_db script_search_path {<path to scripts>}
search path
set_db init_hdl_search_path {<paths to RTL files>}
set cost groups
set_db syn_generic_effort $GEN_EFF
syn_generic -physical • Set effort level for syn_generic
and syn_map set_db syn_map_effort $MAP_EFF
syn_map -physical
write reports
write_design -innovus
read def
• init_design - During init_design, Genus steps init_design
set cost groups through the defined MMMC objects, the design
object and the power requirements and builds
syn_generic -physical the full representation of the design.
syn_map -physical
• check_design - Check the design for any check_design -unresolved
syn_opt -spatial
unresolved references.
write reports
write_design -innovus
syn_map -physical
syn_opt -spatial
write reports
write_design -innovus
read def
• syn_map -physical does the technology mapping syn_map -physical
set cost groups of design.
o ‘-physical’ specifies to take physical domain
syn_generic -physical
into consideration for mapping and
syn_map -physical optimization.
syn_opt -spatial
• NOTE: DFT insertion (non-RTL-based) would be
write reports run after syn_map (e.g. connect_scan_chains),
and before iSpatial.
write_design -innovus
syn_opt -spatial
write reports
write_design -innovus
read def
syn_generic -physical
syn_map -physical
syn_opt -spatial
write reports
write_design -innovus
write_design -innovus
syn_opt -spatial
• Note: The DB contains information which
write reports
tells Innovus that a full place_opt_design is
not required, so DO NOT use the
write_design -innovus -incremental switch when running Innovus
-db place_opt_design in either handoff mode.
19 © 2020 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
• It is recommended that you start with the provided template script ‘run.tcl’ and only change as
necessary to fit your particular design needs.