General Physics 1 - Project Proposal

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Project Proposal in General Physics 1

First Semester
SY 2021-2022

I. Rationale

Researches on science teaching and learning play a vital role in developing strategies and
ways to motivate students to actively participate in applying scientific method in solving
science-related and societal problems. A study shows that the integration of engineering
design as a pedagogical approach is more effective in enhancing students’ creativity and
problem solving skills. (Syukri, 2017). Also, another study by Mohtar (2018) confirms the
effectiveness of the said process in creating positive impact to students’ understanding of
Physics concepts.

With these, the Grade 12 STEM Strand students are tasked to apply the Engineering Design
Process in creating their very-own Rube Goldberg Machine. They must be able to utilize their
understanding of different concepts under Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Optics, Acoustics, and
Thermodynamics in accomplishing the said task.

II. Objectives

By participating in this activity, the students are expected:

● To provide an avenue for the students to apply the engineering design process and
physics concepts learned in the classroom;
● To develop a culture of research by practicing science-related skills;
● To serve as an alternative method of assessing student performance;
● To facilitate the sociological knowledge construction and social skills development of the
students; and
● To appreciate the importance of machines in making lives better and faster.

III. Details

Title: Creating and Constructing Rube Goldberg Machine: An Engineering Design Challenge
Inclusive dates: One Asynchronous Session will be allotted on Weeks 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, and 16
the Orientation, Project Making, and Submission of Final Output

IV. Procedure

A. General Procedures

1. Introduce and explain the nature of the project to the students. Briefly discuss the
engineering design process that the students shall follow as they come up with their
final output.
Retrieved July 20, 2021 from

2. Present examples of Rube Goldberg Machines to give students an idea of what they
will be working on.
3. Divide the class into groups of four. Let them personally identify the persons they
would like to work with.
4. For the first quarter, the students shall come up with a draft of the Rube Goldberg
Machine that they plan to create. The draft must contain the following parts:
I. Background (Introduction and Project Description)
II. Materials (with quantity, pictures, functions, and price of each material, if not
available at home)
III. Blueprint of the Machine (Label the subsystems/parts with letters to serve as
legends for part IV)
IV. Step by Step Procedure and Physics Behind the Subsystems/Parts (Table form
with the first column for the legends, second column for the step by step procedure
and the science behind)
Note: The student may also choose to present the blueprint, step by step procedure,
and the physics behind side by side.
5. For the second quarter, the students shall put their approved blueprints into life. They
must take a video of their machine as it accomplishes its task. The video must run for
20-30 seconds without cuts and the application of slow motion and/or time lapse.

B. Rubrics

Machine Blueprint (30 points)

5 4 3 2 1
Content The The The The The
(Background background background background background background
and of the of the of the of the of the
Materials) machine machine machine machine machine
and the and the and the and the have a lot
materials materials materials materials of missing
included are included included included details.
relevant to are lack some have
a great relevant. minor several
extent. details. details
Organization All One or two Three or Five or six More than
(Blueprint) subsystems of the four of the of the six
in the subsystem/ subsystems subsystems subsystems
blueprint s or part/s or parts in or parts in or parts in
are labelled, in the the the the
well- blueprint blueprint blueprint blueprint
constructed is/are not are not are not are not
and labelled, labelled, labelled, labelled,
presented well- well- well- well-
in an constructed constructed constructed constructed
organized and and and and
and presented presented presented presented
systematic in an in an in an in an
manner. organized organized organized organized
and and and and
systematic systematic systematic systematic
manner. manner. manner. manner.
Variation Procedures Two Three to Five to six More than
(Blueprint) and procedures four procedures six
subsystems and/or procedures and/or procedures
or parts subsystems and/or subsystems and/or
were unique or parts are subsystems or parts are subsystems
to each similar. or parts are similar. or parts are
other. similar. similar.
Accuracy The Physics One or two Three to Five to six More than
(Physics concepts of the four of The of the six Physics
Behind) are Physics Physics Physics concepts
accurate concept are concept are concepts are
and correct. incorrect. incorrect. are incorrect.
Neatness The overall There are There is a The work is The work is
appearance signs of lack of somewhat very untidy.
shows care slight neatness in messy. No attempt
and carelessnes the work. in neatness
attention to s on is evident.
details. submitted
Promptness The project The project The project The project The project
is submitted is submitted is submitted is submitted is submitted
on time. one day 2 days late. 3 days late. 4 days to 1
late. week late.

Rube Goldberg Machine (30 points)

5 4 3 2 1
Hardware The There There were There were More than
Demonstratio machine was/were three or five or six six troubles
n (x2) had no one or two four troubles were
trouble trouble/s troubles observed observed
during the observed observed during the during the
demonstrati during the during the time the time the
on. time the time the machine machine
machine machine was was
was was working. working.
working. working.
Accuracy All One or two Three of Five or six More than
(x1) subsystems subsystem/ four subsystems six
or parts are s or part/s subsystems or parts in subsystems
reflected in the or parts in the or parts in
accurately blueprint the blueprint the
in the is/are not blueprint are not blueprint
recorded reflected are not reflected are not
video. accurately reflected accurately reflected
in the accurately in the accurately
recorded in the recorded in the
video. recorded video. recorded
video. video.
Completenes The The The The The
s (x1) recorded recorded recorded recorded recorded
hardware hardware hardware hardware hardware
demonstrati demonstrati demonstrati demonstrati demonstrati
on ran for on ran for on ran for on ran for on ran for
20 to 30 less than less than less than less than
seconds. 20 seconds 18 seconds 16 seconds 14
but more but more but more seconds.
than 18 than 16 than 14
seconds. seconds. seconds.
Video Quality The video is The video The video The video The video
(x1) clear and is somehow is not clear is not clear is not clear
the parts clear and but parts but parts but parts
can be the parts are still are partially are not
easily- are still recognizabl recognizabl anymore
recognized. recognizabl e. e. recognizabl
e. e.
Promptness The project The project The project The project The project
(x1) is submitted is submitted is submitted is submitted is submitted
on time. one day 2 days late. 3 days late. 4 days to 1
late. week late.

V. Timetable

Date/Time Tasks to be accomplished

First Quarter
Week 4 Orientation, Groupings, and Initial Planning with Groupmates
Week 6 Continuation of Blueprint Making
Week 8 Finalization of Blueprints
Peer Evaluation
Submission of Final Outputs
Second Quarter
Week 12 Reorientation and Initial Planning for the Hardware Demonstration
Week 14 Continuation of Project Making
Week 16 Finalization of Recorded Videos
Peer Evaluation
Submission of Final Outputs

VI. Equipment, Materials, and Budget

A. Equipment and Materials

Quantity Item To be supplied by

Computer Students
*The other equipment and materials will Students
depend on their approved blueprint.

B. Estimated Budget Required: This will depend on the approved blueprint of the group. The
students will be highly encouraged to use the available resources that they have at home.

Prepared by:

Mr. Feliph Angelo S. Calunod

Science Teacher

Noted by:

Mr. Rainier I. Cerna

JHS Science Coordinator

Inspected by:
Mr. Simoun Victor D. Redoblado
Upper School Assistant Principal

Approved by:

Dr. Juliet S. Reyes

Upper School Principal

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