Ans: (1) manpower (2) Human resource planning (3) Corporate (4) Job (5)
Recruitment (6) Application Blank (7) Aptitude (8) Formal (9)
Structured (10) Transfer (11) crèche facility (12) Placement (13)
Selection (14) Performance (15) Aptitude (16) two-way (17)
Application Blank (18) Initial screening (19) planning (20) HR
Ans: (1) Human resource management (2) Training (3) Simulation (4)
Performance appraisal (5) Confidential report (6) 360 degree (7) high
(8) Performance related pay (9) Efficiency (10) Induction (11)
Understudy Position (12) Spillover effect (13) Halo (14) Development
(15) Job rotation (16) Career (17) Succession
Ans: (1) Human relations (2) Leadership (3) Leadership style (4) autocratic
(5) Laissez-faire (6) lower (7) existence (8) traditional (9) Morale (10)
Bureaucratic (11) Paternalistic (12) Physiological (13) US (14)
Negative (15) human (16) How and Why (17) Universal (18) Leadership
(19) Personality (20) human (21) Grievance
HRM ensure the availability of competent
………… custtomers public manpower
……. Is the process of estimating future Promotion of resource Placement of
manpower needs of the organisation. employees planning employees
Human Resource Managers need to align
HRM policies with …….. Strategy. Competitiors Government Corporate
……… analysis is the proicess of studying
and collecting information relating to
operations and responsibilities of a
specific job. job Role Cost-Benefit
…….. Is a process of searching and
attracting capable candidates to apply for
the jobs. Selection Recruitment Induction
…….. Is a stabndard format of the
company to obtain information about Application Appointment
every candidate applying for the job. Form Formet Application Bank
…….. Test is conducted to judge specific
talent or skill to handle a particular type
of job. Aptitude Interest Intelligence
In …….. Interview are conducted as per
the rules and practices. Stress Formal Informal
……. Refers to horizontal moement of
employees in respect of job position. Training Promotion Transfer
Employees' welfare includes ……. Counselling creche facility promotion
………. Refers to fiting the right person t
the right place of work. Recruitment Selection Placement
……. Test measures the skills and
knowledge required for a job. Performance GK Interest
……. Test helps to identify specific talent
to hanle particular type of job. Perception Aptitude GK
Interview is a …….. Communication
between candidate and interviewer. one-way three-way two-way
……. Is a specific format to obtain
information about candidates applying for Application Invitation
the job. Bank Letter Interview Letter
……. Is handled by a junior executive in Initial
respect of selection of employees. Medical check screening Final interview
Human resurce ……… involves human
resource requirements forecast. planning development management
……. Manager plays an important role in
counselling and stress management. HR Finance Marketing
Recruitment is widely viewed as a ……… Both positive
process. Positive Negative and negative None of the above
Recruitment policy usually highlights the Job
need for establishng ……… specification Job analysis Job description None of the above
The process of developing an applicants'
pool for job openimngs in an
organisation is called. Hiring Recruitment Selection retention
Which of the following is the area from Labour Employment
which applicants can be recruited? Job agencies markets lines Labour unions
Which of the following is the process of
choosing indiviuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill existing or projected Selction Screening Interview
job opening? process process process Pre-screening process
Which of the following best identifies Gathering of best
the second step of the Recruitment job recrument Identifying job
process? information method openings Planning fgor staff needs
Human Humanistis
…….. Is the meaning of the acronyn Relations Resource Human Resouce Humane Resourse
HRM. Management Management Management Management
……… of the following terms was also
used before the language of modern Personnel Industrial
HRM. management relations Labour relations Personal Management
Chartered Chartered Chartered
Institute of Institute of Institute of
Personnel and Performance Personal Charterd Institute of
…….. Is the acronym CIPD. Development Development Directors People and Development
Soft Human Human Superior Human
……… is the meaning of the acronym Resource Resource Resource Sophisticated Human
SHRM. Management Management Management Resource Management
The characteristics of human resource
are ……… in nature. homogeneous heterogeneous ductile none of the above
Which of the following is not a function
normally performed by the HR Recruitment Training and
department? and selection development Pay and reward Employee relations
It has been said tht some HR departments
have had a 'Cinderella' image what is Low status Old fashioned
meant by this statement? and obscure Bureaucratic and staid Influential and powerful
The early roots of contemporary HRM
can be traced to the period………. 1940s 1970s 1890s 1920s
Strategic Human Resource Management
(SHRM) is normally …….. In nature. Proactive Reactive Combative None of the above
Ensuring that
the human
possess Helping the
capital,tool, organisation
equipment deal with its Improving an
and material employees in organistion's
to perform different creditworthiness
The Human Resource Management the stages for among financial
flunctions aim at …….. successfully employment institution None of the above
Human human
Human resource development is one of resource resource human resource
the important areas of………. management planning research
………. Consists of planned programs
undertaken to improve employee
knowledge attitudes skill and social Performance
behaviour appraisal Traning Recruitment
……. Is a method of training wherein Enviromental Work place
trainees are trained in an environment scanning Simulation training
that closely resembles actual wok place.
A disdvantage of rating scales is ………. Cost Feedback Time involved Quanification of scores
Performance appraisala serve as building Career Manpower
blocks of ……… Recruiting planning planning Selecting
………. Technique is least susceptible to Critical
personal bias. BARs incidents Rating scales Checklists
……… is a sequence of activities related to
an individual's life and his work or the Performance Career Succession
sequential pattern of jobs. Appraisal Planning Planning Counselling
Motivation is a ……… concept. Economical Psychological Personal Cultural
……… helps a person to hunt for success Intrinsic Extrinsic
even in his tough times. motivation motivation Self motivation Positive motivation
Food. Shelter and clothing are the …….
Needs of any Individual. Social Security Esteem Basic
……… theory of motivation is also called
"Two Factor Theory" ? Maslow Herzberg McGregor Porter
The Factors Act for safety of workers
was passed in the year………. 1950 1956 1999 1948
……. Competencies include specific success
factors within a given work function or
industry Top Organisational Functional Personal functioning
The Learning Organisation concept was
coined through the work and research of
……. And his colleagues. Peter Senage R. W.. White C.C. Lundberg Peter Drucker
…….. Is the emotional commitment the
employee has to the organisation and its Employee Employee Employee
goals. Empowerment Engagement Competency Employee Motivation
……. Refers to the presence of people
from two or more cultural backgrounds Work-force Flexi-work
within an organisation. Diversity Downsizing Arrangement Work Life Balance
…….. Is a process through which one
assesses and determines one's strength
as an individual worker. Competency Empowerment Engagement Competency mapping
…….. Is a process of finding and
attracting capable people for the job. Recruitment Interviews Selection Placement
According to ……… employees are lazy
and reluctant to work. Theory Z Theory X Theory Y ERG Theory
……… is the process of estimating future Resource
manpower needs of the organisation. Promotion Placement Planning Recruitment
Self Under
Mentoring develops ……… & maturity. Confidence confidence Over confidence Fear
Theory X assumes ……… approach of the
managers towards employees. Traditional Professional General Optimoistic
EQ is a measure of a person's ,,,,,,,,
intelligence. emotional empathetc extraordinary normative