Turma Especial - Epcar Professora: Vanessa Rocha
Turma Especial - Epcar Professora: Vanessa Rocha
Turma Especial - Epcar Professora: Vanessa Rocha
Professora: Vanessa Rocha day. Alexander Graham Bell was one of the exhibitors.
Mr. Bell felt that he had wasted his time bringing his
In Masai culture, when you really want to honor a telephone. The judges began to disperse. Suddenly
woman, you refer to her as the mother of her oldest Emperor D. Pedro say Mr. Bell and recognized him.
daughter. So last week, when a group of Masai They had already met once in a school for deaf and dumb
schoolgirls in northern Tanzania held up a sign saying in Boston. “Mr. Bell, how are the deaf-mutes in Boston?”
KARIBU MAMA CHELSEA, it meant more than just asked the Emperor. “They are very well, Your Majesty. I
“Welcome Chelsea’s mom”. Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, dare tell thee that I have an exhibit here.” The Emperor
on a good-will tour trip of several African countries, decided to see it and the judges followed him. When D.
understood the compliment. They also understood that Pedro heard Mr. Bell’s voice from another room, coming
the sheltered First Daughter is developing a fan club of out of the iron-box receiver, he exclaimed surprised, “It
her own. Mrs. Clinton quickly noted that the Masai girls talks!” The judges approached to confirm what the
may enjoy talking to someone “more active than her Emperor had said. All of them became surprised. Mr.
mother,” and Chelsea took floor with ease. Asked about Bell’s invention was saved. “Thanks to D. Pedro” –
the problem of American youth, she mentioned the drug wrote A.G. Bell – “I went to bed the night before as an
abuse and the ”hopelessness and cynicism” that plague unknown man, and woke up to find myself famous.”
many of her fellow teenagers. “The solutions ultimately (Adapted from Our Wonderful World)
have to come from the youth people themselves,”
Chelsea concluded confidently. “We are the future, and 5) What did D. Pedro have to do with the invention of the
we make of our future what we make of it.” telephone?
a) He asked Graham Bell to see his invention because
1) The honor to a woman is to they were close friends.
a) refer to the daughter of her mother’s. b) He wanted to see the invention of Graham Bell who he
b) have the same of her daughter’s name. had already known, after the judges had decided to
c) be referred to as her daughter’s mother. postpone the new inventions examinations.
d) be called by the name of her daughter’s. c) He helped Graham Bell to invent the telephone since
they had met before in a special school.
2) A lot of young people in the USA d) He was the first person to test the invention and admit
a) believe in the future with great hope. it really worked.
b) are drug addicted and feel little hope.
c) will follow Chelsea’s solutions themselves. 6) What did the judges do after they had seen Graham
d) believe that a plague will get the teenagers Bell’s invention working? They
a) got amazed and believed it was a good invention.
3) In the text Chelsea: b) went to see the invention only because it was D. Pedro
I- uses the floor to sit down. who had gone to check it.
II- made many questions about the problems in the USA. c) asked Graham Bell to demonstrate the invention to
III- creates a shelter in a fan club of her own. them.
IV- was asked about young Americans’ problems. d) felt curious about the invention and went to test it.
V- said the Clintons can make the future.
7) In the text we have some irregular verbs in the Simple
a) Only one sentence is true. Past Tense: WAS – SAW – HAD – THOUGHT –
b) Only two sentences are true. TOOK. The infinitive form of these verbs are
c) Only two sentences are false. respectively:
d) Four of the sentences are true. a) am / see / has / thank / taking
b) be / see / have / think / take
4) In the fragment " you refer to her as the mother of her c) is / seen / has / thinks / taken
oldest daughter", the underlined words are, respectively: d) are / sees / have / thinking / takes
a) Object Pronoun - Possessive Pronoun
b) Object Pronoun - Possessive Adjective Once upon a time, suspicious husbands and wives called
c) Possessive Pronoun - Possessive Adjective in private detectives to check on a cheating spouse. But
d) Possessive Adjective - Object Pronoun in today’s high-tech world, where the Internet fuels
online chatting and many affairs, a market for electronic
A scientific exhibition was taking place in Philadelphia in spying has developed. Web sites describe a variety of
1876. There were many important guests and judges. products that can be used for tracking a spouse’s e-mails
Among them, D. Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, the most and online chats, including a great variety of vehicle
important guest. There were lots of electrical apparatuses trackers and computer spying programs. Founded by a
for the judges to see. So, they decided to postpone the California man whose wife of 23 years left him after
meeting a man online, Chatcheaters.com averages 400
visitors (mostly women) a day. (Adapted from Online
Detectives, Speak Up, # 202, mar. 2004)