National Water Supply and Drainage Board
National Water Supply and Drainage Board
National Water Supply and Drainage Board
Agreement entered into by the consumer with the National Water Supply and Drainage Board
for a Water Service Connection.
I …………………………………………………………………………………………………… of
…………………………………………………………… hereby agree to abide by the following
terms, and conditions relating to obtaining a water service connection in the water Supply Schemes
of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board.
01 I agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions laid down in the National Water Supply and
Drainage Board Act, No.02 of 1974 and of those in the National Water Supply and Drainage
Board (Amendment) Act, No.13 of 1992 as well as any other conditions that may be
subsequently laid down by the Government or the National Water Supply and Drainage
Board. I am fully aware that if I fail to conform to such rules and conditions, I shall be liable
to disconnection of this service connection at any stage whatsoever at the discretion of the
National Water Supply and Drainage Board.
02 I undertake to ensure that the water supplied to the premises is not wasted and that it is not
used for any irregular purpose.
03 I agree to provide facilities at all reasonable times to any officer whomsoever authorized by
the General Manager of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board to inspect all internal
water pipes and fittings.
04 I agree to pay the water rates payable to the General Manager of the National Water Supply
and Drainage Board in respect of the readings appearing on the water meters which remain as
State property in respect of water service connections for domestic consumption as well as
other connections of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board.
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(Given below are the terms and conditions contained in some of the regulations
and orders of the above enactments for sake of classification. It must be noted
however, that they are in no way comprehensive and that are given solely for
facilitating the understanding of the consumers).
05 The pipeline up to the water meter providing the water connection to the consumer including
the water meter and all the equipment and pipes shall remain the property of the Board and no
person other than the employees of the Board shall meddle with such equipment or pipes for
any reason whatsoever.
06 Although the consumer makes outlays of moneys for the pipelines and equipment required for
providing the water supply, they remain the property of the Board. The Board has the right to
make use of such pipelines and equipment for the purpose of providing a water supply to any
other consumer.
07 If the above equipment or pipes are lost, destroyed or damaged, the consumer shall inform
such fact to the Board and except in instance where such damage has been caused by faulty
equipment and workmanship, the consumer shall pay all expenses of repairing or replacing
such items to the Board.
08 In the event of the water meter getting out of order or any representative of the Board being
unable to have access to it for the purpose of taking down the meter readings, the water
consumption during the period concerned will be assumed on the basis of the previous
average consumption recorded thereon or on the basis of some other appropriate method and
the water bill will be accordingly submitted to the consumer.
09 The Board will not assume the responsibility of maintaining any water pipe or equipment
installed after the installation of the water meter belonging to the Board.
10 The Consumer should not interfere with the efficient supply of water to other consumers by
the way of installation of suction pumps or any such appliances to enhance the supply. In such
irregularities the Board is authorized to disconnect the water supply concerned and the
consumer shall be liable to a penalty.
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11 The consumer must not use his water supply provided to him under a particular tariff system
for any purpose whatever for which a higher tariff applies. In the event of a consumer’s water
supply being changed bringing under a higher tariff, such consumer shall be liable to pay
water rates under such higher tariff from the date such higher tariff becomes effective.
12 The Board reserves to itself the right of disconnecting the water supply in the event of failure
on the part of the consumer to pay in full the amount payable in respect of the water supply as
notified to him per bills or in the event of violating any terms and conditions stated herein
relating to the water supply.
In case of the prevalence of extra number of service connections in the same premises and
disconnected for non settlement of arrears the Board reserves the right to recover such arrears
by the way of disconnecting the existing service line notwithstanding the arrears position of
the existing connection.
These terms and conditions will apply to the consumer, the landlord or any other person. A
disconnected water supply will be restored only after the consumer had paid all costs of such
restoration of supply and arrears outstanding.
13 It is a punishable offence for a consumer to abuse or misuse the water supplied to him by the
Board or to supply or sell a part of his own water supply to another.
14 In the event of any consumer intending to have his water supply terminated, notice of such
intention should be given at least one week earlier in writing and the consumer will be
required to make payments in respect of the water supply effected up to the date of such
15 Water Board has the right to disconnect supply while payments are outstanding after
informing the Consumer on the printed bill itself or sent through post or by displaying a
notice at the premises. If the Consumer is not available at the premises at the time of the
Disconnection the Board shall take action with entering premises with Police or by
disconnecting the supply through main supply line.
16 In case of a subdivision of the main land where the Service line in installed and provide
separate assessment numbers by the respective local authority the consumer is responsible to
provide such details to the Board. In failure to provide such details the consumer is liable to
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settle all the dues related to the service connection given for main land irrespective of the
ownership change
17 In a situation where premises is sold new owner must provide a deposit and signup for a new
agreement. If such agreement is not made Water Board has right to disconnect the supply.
18 After disconnecting a Supply Water Board has the right to remove the supply line. Even if
reconnection is not made effective within 365 days a request letter has to be sent on or before
365 days to the Board in registered post regarding the willingness to obtain the reconnection.
If an event where account is closed it is necessary to pay the new connection charges and
settlement of previous outstanding by the applicant to restore the supply.
19 the board is empowered to periodically revise or alter any of the terms and conditions or the
rates coming under the Tariff systems relating to the water supply after public notice or
written notice to the consumer. Such revision or alterations will be effective from the date of
such notification.
20 Water Board reserves the right to disconnect the supply if supply route is obstructed by
purpose or blocked due to legal issues.
22 Whenever the service line is obtained by a tenant or lessee such tenant or lessee should aware
the Board in respect of the termination of their tenancy / lease agreement and make necessary
arrangements the change the ownership of account. If not the tenant or lessee is further
responsible to settle the outstanding arrears.
I hereby inform that I have read and understood all the above mentioned terms and conditions and that
I agree to conform to all those and any other terms and conditions whatever that may be imposed from
time to time.
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(Please delete the inappropriate)
A. Domestic Owner/Tenant/Lessee
1. Applicant’s Full Name : ……………………………………………………
2. Service address : ……………………………………………………
3. Applicant’s Signature : ……………………………………………………
4. National Identity Card Number : ………………………… Date………………….
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