Design Standards and Guidelines - Denver County Developemnt
Design Standards and Guidelines - Denver County Developemnt
Design Standards and Guidelines - Denver County Developemnt
Design Standards and Guidelines
Arapahoe Square
Central Platte Valley - Auraria
Golden Triangle
Prepared by:
City and County of Denver
Community Planning & Development
Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines
Arapahoe Square, Central Platte Valley – Auraria, & Golden Triangle
Denver City Council City Attorney’s Office
Candi CdeBaca, Council District 9 Nathan Lucero, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Chris Hinds, City Council District 10 Adam Hernandez, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Amanda Sandoval, City Council District 1
Adopted , 2021
City Attorney
City and County of Denver
Laura Aldrete
Executive Director, Community Planning and Development
City and County of Denver
Glossary of Terms..............................................................................................................161
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Highland St
Arapahoe Square L ar
t Five Points
ille Ar St
ium CPV Ballpark m
Commons C ha
e ia
th lifo
St Ca
Jefferson oo
p re
Park W
Broadway St
Commercial arm St
Core Glen
17th Ave.
Lincoln St
Bannock St
Golden Triangle
The three neighborhoods covered by these Downtown Denver Design Standards and Guidelines are Arapahoe Square, CPV-Auraria,
and the Golden Triangle. For more detailed description of these areas refer to Chapter 5 - Neighborhood Specific Design.
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Square, CPV-Auraria, and Golden Triangle into smaller clean water before it enters the South Platte River or Cherry
building sites that promote a sense of Human Scale. Creek. Buildings that are shaped to preserve access to natural
Buildings that clearly define the Streetwall and utilize a light and air also support a vibrant, active, and economically
variety of methods to break down large facades into smaller viable Street Level. Building design and construction will
components further contribute to a comfortable scale in the incorporate sustainable materials and assembly methods
urban environment. Additional architectural elements such as that meet performance and durability criteria using current
windows, fenestration, cornices, and materials, and the design emerging technologies and low impact development
of the streetscape add the final layers that speak to the sense practices.
of Human Scale. The lower four to five stories of the building
are especially important as they are within a pedestrian’s
direct and peripheral view. Above five stories, articulation with
vertical and horizontal elements, like recessed or protruding
balconies, help break down massive building facades.
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
The Downtown Denver Design Standards and Guidelines Northeast Downtown Neighborhoods
serve as one of several documents that are part of the
City’s planning and development process for Arapahoe Plan 2011
Square, CPV-Auraria, and Golden Triangle. The DSG’s The Northeast Downtown Neighborhoods Plan is the most
are intended to implement adopted City regulations, current planning document for Arapahoe Square. It was
plans, and policies. Key policy and regulatory documents adopted by City Council in 2011 as an element of the
relevant to Downtown are summarized below. All Denver Comprehensive Plan 2000. It is used by public
documents are available for download at www.denvergov. agencies, utility service providers, neighborhood and
org/CPD. business organizations, residents, business owners, land
owners and private developers to shape development and
public improvements in Arapahoe Square.
Comprehensive Plan 2040
Denver Comprehensive Plan 2040 establishes six vision
elements to serve as the backbone of Denver’s future: Downtown Area Plan 2007
Equitable, Affordable and Inclusive; Strong and Authentic The Downtown Area Plan (2007) established more
Neighborhoods; Connected, Safe and Accessible Places; detailed policies for the Downtown area which includes
Economically Diverse and Vibrant; Environmentally Lower Downtown, Commercial Core, Cultural Core, Golden
Resilient; and Healthy and Active. The goals are clear Triangle, Ballpark, Arapahoe Square, Auraria Campus, and
and concise, but are meant to provide flexibility over three distinct areas of the Central Platte Valley.
time. It is used as the guiding document for city leaders,
institutions and community members to shape the city we
will become over the next twenty years.
Downtown Area Plan Amendment 2018
The Downtown Area Plan Amendment establishes
the overall vision and describes a set of goals and
Blueprint Denver 2019 recommendations specifically for CPV-Auraria that directs
Blueprint Denver is a citizen-driven, integrated land-use future development of the area. The policy guidance found
and transportation plan. The plan was adopted by City in the Plan Amendment resulted in new zone districts and
Council in 2019 and aims to enhance Denver life through DSG to shape future projects in CPV-Auraria. The Plan
the three elements of a complete neighborhood: Land Use Amendment provides the most detailed policy direction
and Built Form; Mobility; Quality of Live Infrastructure. for the area.
Blueprint Denver aims to create an inclusive city using the
three elements of complete neighborhoods, by creating
great places accessible to everyone, regardless of age,
ability or income. Blueprint Denver provides a nuanced
Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan 2014
way to handle growth and development, preserving Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan sets forth a
our most cherished historic and cultural assets while comprehensive, holistic approach, weaving together
directing growth to key centers, corridors and high density a nuanced set of strategies that collectively foster an
residential areas where there are underutilized land and Eclectic, Connected, Creative, and Livable Golden
strong transportation options. Responsibly handling Triangle.
Denver’s share of the region’s growth can bring positive
economic benefits and placemaking opportunities that
help the city achieve its vision and goals.
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Used by all to understand the role of the design standards and guidelines, design review phases, and
submittal requirements for each step of the review process.
Used by City Staff to review the location and design of all signs in Arapahoe Square, CPV-Auraria,
and Golden Triangle. This chapter is also used by the Planning Board and City Staff to review
Comprehensive Sign Plans.
pedestrians to view the activity within the
Intent Statements building.
3.E To provide a minimum level of transparency
on all facades
a. Clear glass for wall openings, i.e., doors
and windows, shall be used along all Street
Level facades for maximum transparency,
3.F To ensure that building activities are visible especially in conjunction with retail uses
from the Public Realm and vice versa b. Dark tinted, reflective or opaque glazing is
not permitted for any required wall opening
3.G To ensure that building facades do not cause along Street Level facades
glare or negative impacts to the Public
c. Required transparency at the Primary Street
Realm Facing Facades shall not be blocked by
signage, furnishings, or displays
3.H To encourage well-detailed fenestration and
curtain wall designs d. Highly Reflective or mirrored glazing shall
note be allowed
C Narrative of the design goals for each topic or subtopic. G Sidebars provide background information on the design topic
or relationship to the Denver Zoning Code.
D Intent Statements establish the objectives to be achieved for
each topic or subtopic and may also be used to determine the
appropriateness of alternative or innovative approaches that do
H Photographs and Diagrams visually describe the standards
and guidelines.
not meet specific design standards.
I Underlined Text indicates cross references to related
E Design Standards set prescriptive criteria for achieving the document topics and website hyperlinks (in PDF version).
intent statements. They are numbered by chapter for reference Capitalized Text indicates defined terms in the glossary..
and use the term “shall” to indicate that compliance is expected.
Summary of Design Review Process the Design Advisory Board. City Staff will determine the
appropriate process for each project on a case-by-case
The design review process is closely coordinated with basis and inform the applicant at the required Pre-
the chapters of this document and is intended to follow Application/Concept Review meeting.
the typical approach to project design. Each project will
be evaluated based on its unique context and attributes. Approval Expiration: Design approvals of each project is
Approval or denial of an individual project will not set tied to the expiration of the approved Site Development
specific precedent for future design review decisions, Plan, unless the nature of the approved phase of the
which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. overall project significantly changes.
At each stage, City Staff will review the submittal and
determine whether the applicant is prepared to proceed
to the Design Advisory Board for review. More than one
submittal may be required by staff before proceeding to
the review meeting with the Design Advisory Board. City
Staff will make a recommendation to the Design Advisory
Board regarding the project’s compliance with the design
standards and guidelines. For some project types that
are smaller in scope, such as exterior improvements or
expanded outdoor use areas, the application may be able
to be reviewed administratively by City Staff or proceed
directly to the Design Review submittal for review by
The Design Advisory Board For projects reviewed by the Design Advisory Board, the
following standard review process applies.
The Design Advisory Board is empowered through the
Denver Zoning Code to advise and assist the Community DOWNTOWN DENVER CITYWIDE SDP
Planning and Development Department in the design DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS PROCESS
review process. The board is composed of Downtown
residents, property owners, design professionals, and real OPTIONAL INFORMAL
estate development industry representatives who help URBAN DESIGN WORKSHOP
ensure that projects are developed in accordance with
these DSG’s. See for
more information.
The Design Advisory Board advises on the project types REVIEW MEETING
listed below. New signs and Comprehensive Sign Plans WITH CITY STAFF
are not reviewed by the Design Advisory Board and are
subject to the standard citywide review processes as
described in the table. For all types of review, the DSG’s 2A. SITE DESIGN & MASSING
shall be used in conjunction with the Denver Zoning REVIEW SUBMITTAL
Code D-AS-12+, D-AS-20+, D-CPV-T, D-CPV-R, (Chapters 1, 2 & 5)
D-CPV-C, or D-GT zone districts, and all other applicable
regulations. The Design Advisory Board shall work
within the established design review process to provide 2B. SITE DESIGN & MASSING
recommendations regarding project approval to the City’s REVIEW MEETING WITH BOARD *
Zoning Administrator.
Informal Urban Design Workshop 2B. Site Design and Massing Review
An optional Urban Design Workshop with City Staff is Meeting
encouraged to help facilitate an early understanding of
In a public meeting, the Design Advisory Board will
unique Denver Zoning Code requirements in the D-AS-
review the Site Design and Massing Review submittal.
12+, D-AS-20+, D-CPV-T, D-CPV-R, D-CPV-C, or D-GT
This will provide an opportunity for early input from the
zone districts and their relationship to these design
Design Advisory Board related to the relationship of the
standards and guidelines. The goal of the Urban Design
proposed project to the surrounding context, site layout,
Workshop is to establish a baseline of building character
access, location of building program and uses, and overall
and design quality at the project’s conception that aligns
scale and massing. City Staff and the applicant (or the
with the recommendations of the DSG. This meeting
applicant’s designee) will present the item to the Design
should occur prior to the Pre-Application/Concept Review
Advisory Board. Following the presentation, the Design
Meeting to identify and address possible conflicts early
Advisory Board shall discuss the merits of the application
on in the process.
and provide input to the applicant on how well the project
complies with the design standards and guidelines. Design
1. Pre-Application/Concept Review Advisory Board feedback will provide direction to help the
applicant further develop a full Design Review submittal.
Only one Site Design and Massing Review meeting will
A required Pre-Application/Concept Review Meeting
be required in a typical process, but a significant change
with City Staff will address the design review process
in the project may result in the Design Advisory Board
and submittal requirements necessary at each step.
requesting a second review. A project must proceed
This meeting provides an opportunity for discussion of
through the Site Design and Massing Review meeting and
the proposed project with other various City agencies
incorporate Design Advisory Board comments prior to
that may affect the overall design. The Concept Review
submitting a Formal SDP.
meeting that is required for the citywide Site Development
Plan (SDP) review process may also serve as the Pre-
Application/Concept Review for the purpose of these DSG.
3A. Design Review Submittal(s)
Once the applicant has completed the Site Design and
2A. Site Design and Massing Review Massing Review meeting with the Design Advisory Board,
and concurrent with the Formal SDP submittal, the Design
Submittal Review submittal may occur. The Design Review submittal
Following the Pre-Application/Concept Review meeting, shall incorporate Design Advisory Board feedback from
and prior to a Formal SDP submittal, an applicant the Site Design and Massing Review and include more
may submit materials for review of the general site detailed architectural and streetscape elements of the
organization and massing of the proposed project. proposed project. The submittal shall address items
The submittal shall focus on the design standards and reviewed previously and include additional topics found
guidelines found in “Chapter 1 | Site Organization” and in “Chapter 3 | Facade Design & Site Design Details”,
“Chapter 2 | Building Mass & Scale” and any relevant “Chapter 4 | Streetscape Design” and “Chapter 5 |
portions of “Chapter 5 Neighborhood Specific Design” of Neighborhood Specific Design”of this document.
this document. More detailed design elements described
in “Chapter 3 | Facade Design & Site Design Details,” and
“Chapter 4 | Streetscape Design” should not be included
in the submittal.
4. Final Determination
The Zoning Administrator, utilizing the recommendation of
the Design Advisory Board, will make a final determination
of Approval, Approval with Conditions, or Denial for the
submitted application.
Submittal Requirements
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
This checklist applies to new construction and additions. Site Design and Massing Review
The Design Advisory Board will not review an application
that is incomplete. The following materials are required Submittal (2A)
prior to scheduling a Site Design and Massing Review or
Design Review meeting with the Design Advisory Board.
□ Downtown Denver DSG checklist addressing
compliance with the topics in Chapters 1 and 2.
Submittal items may be combined where appropriate and
required information is still clearly communicated. When □ Project goal statement defining the overall
necessary, the Design Advisory Board or City Staff may goals and objectives of the project including the
request additional information from the applicant to describe program of uses and role within the context of the
compliance with the design standards and guidelines. neighborhood. The narrative should identify how
the project addresses applicable neighborhood and
In addition to submittal requirements listed below, refer small area plan policies in the DSG.
to the Downtown Design Advisory Board web page for a
checklist of submittal documents. □ Project design intent statement defining the
design intent of the project and describing how the
proposed development meets the Downtown Denver
DSG. If a standard is not met, the applicant must
Concept Review Submittal (1) demonstrate in the narrative how the proposed
alternative better achieves the intent statement.
□ Project goal statement defining the overall
goals and objectives of the project including the □ Context map showing the location of the project
program of uses and role within the context of the within Downtown Denver.
□ Context photograph(s) showing the project
□ Context map showing the location of the project location in relationship to surrounding buildings
within Downtown Denver. and context. These photos should include a
comprehensive view of any adjacent building
□ Context photograph(s) showing the project location elevations and other existing development or
in relationship to surrounding buildings and features that could influence the proposed project.
□ Massing analysis to demonstrate how the proposed
□ Block context analysis that examines the project may influence views, access to light and
relationship of the project to the block where it is air, shadow impacts, etc. on neighboring streets,
located. properties, and Open Space.
□ Conceptual site plan (scaled, dimensioned and □ Neighborhood context analysis that examines the
labeled): area within a ¼ mile radius from the site. The
neighborhood context analysis should evaluate
□ Conceptual building massing studies (scaled, topics that could include, but are not limited to:
dimensioned and labeled): a. major streets and block patterns
Submittal Requirements
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
Submittal Requirements
Design Review Process
Submittal Requirements
B Vehicle Access
C Street Frontage
D Enhanced Commercial Setback
E Open Space
F Tower Placement
H Surface Parking
Topic Title
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Design Standards
1.01 Where patterns of streets and Alleys already
exist, blocks shall maintain an Alley grid
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
13. Blocks shall be configured to consolidate Vehicle Access Points using Alleys or Private Access Drives.
Enhanced Setback
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
• An Enhanced Commercial Setback to extend the 1.H To ensure that landscaping accommodates
Public Realm between the sidewalk and building ground level transparency
(see “Enhanced Commercial Setbacks” on page
• An Enhanced Residential Setback to provide
a transition from the Public Realm to private DENVER ZONING CODE STREET
residential units at the Street Level (see
“Enhanced Residential Setbacks” on page 27) FRONTAGE REQUIREMENTS
The design standards and guidelines in this section The Denver Zoning Code provides specific requirements
promote pedestrian-oriented frontage configurations that related to building frontage, including minimum
reflect the desired character of adjacent streets and uses, setbacks (which vary for Street Level residential units),
including riverfront and corner locations. maximum build-to ranges and minimum Private Open
Space areas on larger Zone Lots.
New development that reinforces desired existing patterns The design standards and guidelines in this section
of frontages and setbacks enrich and support these build from the Denver Zoning Code requirements and
familiar qualities of the city. provide additional guidance regarding the location and
design of frontage elements.
14. The configuration of the street frontage, including setback and Open Space locations, establishes the interface between the
edges of a block and the adjacent Public Realm.
Enhanced Setback
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Enhanced Setback
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Design Guidelines
1.16 Enhanced Commercial Setback areas should
be located in areas where limited sidewalk
width otherwise prevents outdoor use areas.
15. An Enhanced Commercial Setback is appropriate to
extend the Public Realm between the sidewalk and building
where significant pedestrian traffic or outdoor uses are
1.17 The location of the Primary Street facade anticipated.
should generally align with established
setback patterns on adjacent Zone Lots.
Note that adjusted setback patterns may be
appropriate to accommodate an enhanced
setback, or to improve street enclosure ratio (see
“Streetwall Height” on page 50.).
Enhanced Setback
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Amenity zone
Amenity zone
18. An Enhanced Residential Setback shall be configured to
Minimum of 6 feet wide provide a transition between the Public Realm and adjacent
sidewalk residential uses.
Enhanced setback for
ground floor commercial
Commercial building
Amenity zone
Minimum of 6 feet wide
Enhanced setback for
office building entry
17. Street Level Active Uses can incorporate Enhanced 19. Enhanced Commercial Setback areas should be located in
Setbacks to provide additional space for pedestrian movement, areas where limited sidewalk width otherwise prevents outdoor
outdoor use areas, landscaping, and other related amenities. use areas.
Design Guidelines
1.22 Open Space should be located to create a
consistent network of Open Spaces throughout
the block, street and neighborhood.
Topic Title
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Tower placement and separation work together with Tower 22. Appropriately locating Towers will protect access to light
and air and promote Human Scale at the Street Level.
massing and design to determine the overall visual and
physical effects on adjacent properties and the Public
Realm. Tower massing, including floor plate alternatives,
are addressed in “Building Massing” on page 42. Tower
design details are addressed in “Facade Articulation” on
page 62.
Intent Statements
1.N To ensure access to light and air from the
Street Level
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Intent Statements
1.36 Dumpsters or other waste, recycling or
1.T To reduce conflicts between servicing composting receptacles associated with
activities, pedestrians, and cyclists building uses shall be located and configured
to be visually away and screened from the
1.U To minimize the visibility and impact of Public Realm.
service areas to the Public Realm
See “Fences, Walls, & Screens” on page 96.
1.V To promote the use of Alleys or Private
Access Drives as the primary means of
accessing service areas and utilities
Residential Units
with Street Level
Off-Street Entrances
25. On-site loading, service areas, and utilities shall be located on the Alley or Private Access Drive, or within the building mass and
away from pedestrian focused areas such as sidewalks or Open Space.
Design Guidelines
1.37 Access to service areas should be through 1.41 To the extent possible, bundle variety of
Vehicle Access Points shared with other utility services into a single area, creating a
service areas or uses to minimize pedestrian designated utility corridor to minimize use and
and Public Realm impacts. disruption to the Public Realm.
See Standard 1.03 for additional information.
Surface Parking
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Surface Parking is discouraged in a downtown context as 1.43 Surface Parking shall be screened from
they introduce gaps into the urban fabric and affect the adjacent Enhanced Setback areas and Open
walkability and vitality of the Street Level. When needed, Spaces.
Surface Parking areas must use strategies to reduce the Appropriate screening techniques include:
real and perceived size of the lot, create visual relief from
a. Landscaping
the large expanse of cars or vacant spaces, and reduce
the local environmental effects through landscaping. b. Trees
c. Garden walls
Great parking designs are safe, attractive, drained
See “Denver Zoning Code Parking/ Screening
efficiently, properly landscaped and well-integrated
into the street. Good surface parking landscaping offers
shade and visual relief while maintaining visibility. It is
imperative for parking area lighting to provide coverage 1.44 Surface Parking shall incorporate enhanced
for pedestrian and vehicular safety, protection against pedestrian lighting at highly trafficked areas
such as entrances/exits, kiosks, pathways,
assault, theft and vandalism, and comfort of the user.
and loading/unloading zones.
Design Standards
1.42 Access to Surface Parking shall be
consolidated to minimize the number and
width of driveway impacts across the Public 26. Landscaping, porous pavers, and other techniques should
Realm. be used in surface parking areas to contribute to a more
sustainable urban environment.
Surface Parking
Tower Placement & Separation
Service Area & Utility Location
Design Guidelines
1.47 Surface Parking should be located at the rear
of the building and away from Primary Streets.
As illustrated below, the division between Lower Stories and Upper Stories/Tower is generally at the maximum height for a
Denver Zoning Code-required Upper Story Setback. The division between Lower Stories and Upper Stories/Tower may be
considered to be at a lower story when an Upper Story Setback is located below the maximum height specified in the Denver
Zoning Code. For example, if an Upper Story Setback is located at the 2nd story, then stories 3+ will be considered to be the
Upper Story Facade of a Denver Zoning Code General Building Form or the Tower Facade of a Denver Zoning Code Point
Tower or Standard Tower Building Form.
Lower Stories
(applies to all building forms)
(General Form)
lower stories upper stories tower
(Tower Form)
Upper Stories
(applies to General building form
(applies to Standard Tower and
Point Tower building forms only)
(Tower Form)
Streetwall Height
Streetwall Height
Topic Title
Building Massing Sub-Topic Title
Building Fit and Transitions
Design Standards
2.01 Building Massing shall promote a sense of
Human Scale at the Street Level.
Appropriate techniques include:
a. Incorporating Upper Story Setbacks or
stepbacks to reduce the visual impact of
taller buildings on the Public Realm
b. Clearly distinguishing the Street Level from
the remainder of the Lower Stories (see
“Street Level Facade Design & Uses” on
page 78)
15’ min. depth than 150’
more than
’ more
n 150
(same as Upper
Story Setback)
31. Changes in Upper Story Setback 32. Facade plane changes 33. Changes in materials/color
height should be a minimum of one should be a minimum of 3 feet should apply to the full height
story for the depth of the Upper Story and apply to the full height of the of the Lower Story Facade.
Setback (15 feet). Lower Story Facade.
Change in Height,
Plane & Material
Change in Height
& Material
34. A coordinated change in Upper Story Setback height, facade plane, and materials/color creates a distinct Building Massing break
that divides the facade into smaller modules. This graphic depicts how all three Building Massing techniques described in Standard
2.02 may be used to meet the standard.
APRIL 2021
Building Massing
Streetwall Height
35. As illustrated on page 46, flexibility may be provided for alternative designs that meet the intent statements for building massing
and scale but do not utilize the specific Building Massing techniques described in Standard 2.02. Refer to Introduction Chapter for
additional notes on Flexibility for Creative or Innovative Designs.
Streetwall Height
Streetwall Height
Design Guidelines
2.06 Building Massing techniques should be
coordinated between Lower Story Facades
and Upper Story Facades/Tower Facades to
promote a cohesive design.
Streetwall Height
Topic Title
Building Massing Sub-Topic Title
Building Fit and Transitions
2.11 When multiple Towers are located on the same 2.15 The Building Massing of Upper Stories or
Zone Lot, they shall have distinct Massing and Towers should incorporate opportunities
not be identical in shape. to frame views from the Public Realm to
Appropriate techniques include: important natural and neighborhood features.
a. Towers of different height Natural and neighborhood features may include:
b. Changes in Tower Floor Plate size or a. Street or visual corridor terminus
dimension b. Major intersection, key streets, bridge
c. Shifts in Facade plane crossing, or transit node
c. Important public Parks, plazas, or Open
2.12 Tower Facades should incorporate facade
plane changes or other similar Massing d. Rocky Mountains or the River
techniques to break down long frontages.
Use a facade plane change or similar technique
at a minimum interval depending on the Tower
building form:
a. Point Tower Building Form: Sky exposure is the measurable amount of sky
Approximately 100 feet seen from a street, Park, or Open Space above and
b. Standard Tower Building Form: in between building masses. Bulky buildings can
Approximately 150 feet lead to a loss of sky exposure which can affect
the comfort, quality, and use of the Public Realm.
Shaping building mass can help protect access to the
2.13 Towers should be shaped to increase the
sky, improve the usability and enjoyment of outdoor
distance between adjacent building facades
spaces, and allow trees and vegetation to thrive.
beyond minimum requirements.
Appropriate techniques include:
a. Offset Towers
b. Non-parallel walls
c. Tapering or curved Towers
Streetwall Height
Streetwall Height
Intent Statements
2.H To promote a well-defined Streetwall that
establishes a proportional street enclosure
Streetwall Height
Design Standards
2.18 The predominant Streetwall height shall be
approximately 60%-100% of the width of the
Appropriate strategies include:
a. Incorporating taller Streetwall heights where
the Right-of-Way is wide
b. Using Upper Story Setbacks to reduce the
height of the Streetwall
c. Using landscaping, street trees or other
elements to create a comfortable sense of
enclosure along portions of block frontage
with a lower Streetwall, or wide Right-of-Way
(exceeding approximately 100 feet)
Note: Short sections of the Streetwall that are
less than or exceed this range are acceptable and
should be located to enhance a specific building
element or use.
2.19 Where the width of the Right of Way measures 42. Streetwall height should vary throughout the block to
approximately 80 feet or less, enclosure ratio support architectural variety.
shall be allowed to be less than 60%.
Design Guidelines
2.20 Streetwall height should vary throughout
the street and within each block to support
architectural variety.
Streetwall Height
2.25 The height of the Streetwall should aim to 44. Streetwall height should respond to the scale and
proportion of adjacent Parks and Open Space. Generally
match the established height of the Lower increase Streetwall height as the Park or Open Space
Story Facade along the majority of the block increases in size.
Appropriate techniques to define the Lower Story
Facade of the Streetwall include:
a. An Upper Story Setback (including Upper
Story Setbacks required by the Denver
Zoning Code)
b. A cornice, pediment or similar element
c. A reveal or similar element
Note that the height of the Streetwall may exceed
the height of the Lower Stories along limited
portions of frontage, especially where necessary
to achieve a comfortable Street Enclosure Ratio.
Streetwall Height
Ratio = approx. 100%
width width
46. A 100% (1:1) ratio of Streetwall height to Right-of-Way width 47. A 60% (1:1.6) ratio of Streetwall height to Right-of-Way width
provides a strong sense of street enclosure. Taller Streetwalls provides a less strong sense of street enclosure, but can be
with ratios greater than 100% can negatively impact the sense mitigated by using street trees to contribute to the comfort level
of enclosure by creating a canyon effect that blocks sun and on the street. Shorter Streetwalls that create ratios less than
sky exposure. 60% are not desired unless supplemented by additional street
trees or other elements to enhance the sense of enclosure.
Streetwall Height
49. Development adjacent to a lower scale Historic Resource or Character Building shall provide a height transition to respect and
reinforce the established street wall height.
Streetwall Height
Design Guidelines
2.31 New development should express similar
building modulation of adjacent Historic 51. Development on a site larger than a standard single lot
Resource or Character Building. should express the original lot sizes in their structural modules
or that of adjacent Historic Resource or Character Building.
Streetwall Height
Throughout this document, the term Human Scale is • Facade Design and Architectural Details
commonly used and refers to a built environment that can significantly contribute to our sense of
is reasonably scaled and shaped to reflect physical Human Scale by creating a variety of vertical and
and cognitive characteristics of humans. When walking horizontal forms on the facade, using window and
along a street or sitting in an Open Space, people feel door openings, change in materials and textures,
psychologically comfortable in spaces that proportionally placement of awnings, canopies, signage, and
reflect our physical scale and senses. lighting. However, it is not sufficient to simply
incorporate these elements; rather the quality of
The understanding of what is perceived as Human Scale design, proportion, and scale of these elements
is based on its context. For example, what is considered need to be harmoniously arranged for people to
proportionally designed and scaled in a low-rise find them pleasing and reflective of the Human
community may not be appropriate for a high-intensity Scale. These elements in combination with uses
development. Therefore, it is important to capture a range and activity are directly responsible for the visual
of Human Scale principles as a combination of elements and experiential richness found at the Street Level
in the built environment, including street enclosure, in vibrant urban neighborhoods.
building height and massing, architectural details and
materials, street trees and landscaping, and ground-level • Safety and Comfort are important aspects of
paving, lighting, and furnishings. any public space but especially true in dense
urban settings. Transparency at the ground floor
• Street Enclosure refers to the degree to which is highly desired as it provides “eyes on the
the width of streets and other public spaces are street.” Mixed-use buildings with active ground
visually defined by vertical elements such as floor uses generate additional foot traffic along
buildings, walls, and trees. Streets where the the street and contribute to our sense of safety.
Streetwall (or building facade directly adjacent to Active retail spaces with well-lit window displays
the street and sidewalk) is proportionally related and pedestrian-scaled street lightning help us feel
to the width of the street, provide a comfortable more comfortable after dark. Extensive tree canopy
sense of street enclosure, that appeals to our can provide relief from the sun or sudden wind
Human Scale senses and have a room-like quality. gusts and make walking along the street more
In a high-intensity urban environment where street enjoyable. Thoughtfully placed street furnishings
widths are over 60 feet, a proportionate sense of help us feel comfortable by breaking down a large
street enclosure is especially important to properly street into smaller “rooms”, and provide areas to
frame our perception of space. Wide streets rest and enjoy city life.
that lack a commensurate Streetwall can feel
uncomfortably open and exposed to pedestrians. • Sense of Place can be achieved when the
techniques mentioned above are utilized and
See “Streetwall Height” on page 60. tailored to define a distinctive context. Streets and
• Trees and Landscape Areas play an important places that successfully achieve a Human Scale
role in breaking down a space to the Human through visual richness and order, tend to embody
Scale, by positively contributing to a sense of a sense of place that is differentiated across the
enclosure, providing shade, and adding needed city. They are impressionable and memorable in
softness in an urban environment. Trees with large the mind and become a place to return to time and
canopies are especially important on wider streets time again.
to alleviate a feeling of vastness by enclosing
pedestrian spaces, and conversely on streets with
tall buildings to break down overwhelming vertical
See “Amenity Zone & Street Trees” on page 60.
on the Street”
Facade Design Details
Street Trees/
Awning /Signage
Cafe Seating Bicycle Parking
55. Human Scale can be addressed through simple techniques that break down the size and proportion of the urban environment. An
intentional integration of pedestrian-oriented Street Level uses, facade articulation and architectural details, and streetscape features
helps break down overall building massing and animates the Public Realm.
Intent Statements
3.A To further refine building form and massing
through facade articulation
3.B To promote well-detailed Facade designs
with texture and depth that provide a sense
of Human Scale
3.C To ensure a cohesive Facade design
56. Vertical projections, pilasters, columns, and other elements
3.D To minimize blank or unarticulated Facades can create a rhythm on the facade.
Design Standards
3.01 All Primary Street-Facing Facades, Visible
Facades, and Tower Facades shall incorporate
articulation techniques that reinforce building
massing techniques.
Appropriate articulation techniques include:
a. Vertical and horizontal projections/banding
b. Vertical and horizontal recesses
c. Window composition/design
d. Balconies or terraces
e. Continuing articulation techniques used on
the Lower Story Facade onto the Upper Story
Facade/Tower Facade that express a sense of
60. When multiple towers are located on the same Zone Lot they 61. Articulation techniques used on a Lower Story Facade shall
should be distinct and not identical, but can be complementary continue around the corner of an Alley or Private Access Drive.
to each other and employ similar architectural articulation and
design approach.
3.07 Scaling elements, architectural details, and 3.10 Building shall implement design techniques
other forms of facade articulation shall be that minimize solar gains.
integrated into building massing so they Appropriate techniques include:
convey a sense of depth and texture rather
a. Building shape and massing that enhances
than a thinly applied surface treatment. natural ventilation and daylighting
b. Using either high-performance windows
3.08 Facades shall be designed to accommodate with low shading coefficient or clear high-
locations for Upper Story building performance windows with a low-e coating
in combination with operable external
identification signage. shading to block solar gains during summer
Appropriate strategies include: and shoulder seasons and admit solar gains
a. Limiting large-scale building identification during winter.
signage to taller buildings (12+ stories) c. Incorporating louvers or other sun controlling
b. Reserving an area along the roof parapet, or shading devices
space for integration into a roof cap feature,
for future Upper Story building identification
signage Design Guidelines
3.09 Building mounted telecommunication 3.11 Buildings with more than approximately
equipment shall be properly screened/painted 200 feet of Primary Street frontage should
to integrate into the overall facade design and use coordinated massing and articulation
building massing. techniques to create visually separate modules
with distinct facades.
See “Building Massing” on page 42.
3.12 The horizontal plane of the Lower Story a. Variation in the design and articulation of
Facade should vary to reflect changes in each tower facade is encouraged to provide
building uses and structure while providing visual interest and to respond to differing
visual interest. conditions within the adjacent context
b. Curtain walls should be articulated through
changes in transparency, fenestration,
3.13 Adjacent buildings of varying heights
mullion scale and pattern, and other
should align design features to express an architectural details (see “Windows &
architectural scale relationship. Transparency” on page 66)
Consider aligning features such as:
a. Cornices 3.18 When multiple Towers are located on the
b. Belt courses same Zone Lot they should be distinct and
c. Fenestration patterns not identical, but can be complementary to
d. Building setbacks each other and employ similar architectural
articulation and design approach.
3.14 Special attention should be given to the design
of buildings located at street intersections. 3.19 Tower Facade designs should consider ways
to maximize solar gain and improve building
a. Establish a clear and defined edge at the
Right-of-Way energy performance.
b. Activate the corner through high levels of a. Appropriate techniques may include
transparency and signature building entries adjusting glazing ratios, balcony placements,
c. Incorporate iconic architectural elements to or fenestration placement.
highlight components of the building
3.20 Visible exterior building components, such
3.15 Variations in articulation, materials and as light fixtures and mechanical vents should
fenestration patterns should be used to be integrated into the facade design as to be
emphasize building features, such as entries, integral with the building architecture.
corner elements, and changes in interior use.
3.21 Outdoor lighting fixtures should be designed to
3.16 Facade articulation techniques used on the minimize light pollution and glare to adjacent
Lower Story Facade should coordinate with properties and street(s).
Upper Story Facades/Tower Facades to result
in a cohesive building design.
Windows & Transparency Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Intent Statements Story
3.H To encourage well-detailed fenestration and 3.24 Street Level glazing shall use transparent glass
curtain wall designs to allow pedestrians to view the activity within
the building.
a. Glazing shall have a maximum reflection
coefficient of approximately 0.15
Design Standards b. Transparent glazing for wall openings, i.e.,
doors and windows, shall be used along
3.22 Street Level transparent facade areas shall be all Street Level facades for maximum
located to provide visibility into Street Level transparency
Active Uses. c. Required transparency at the Primary Street
Facing Facades shall not be blocked by
3.23 Lower Story Facades, excluding the Street signage, furnishings, displays, advertising,
Level, shall incorporate a minimum of 50% graphics, or other screening elements
transparent glass with a maximum reflectance
*Note: Clear glazing does not include dark tinted,
coefficient of 0.30. reflective, mirrored, or opaque glazing
3.25 Upper Story Facades shall incorporate a
TRANSPARENCY REQUIREMENTS minimum of 40% transparent glass with a
maximum reflectance of 0.35.
The Denver Zoning Code requires a minimum
percentage of Street Level transparency (the total
3.26 Tower Facades shall incorporate a minimum
linear feet of windows or permitted alternatives along of 50% transparent glass with a maximum
the Street Level facade) to provide visual interest, and reflectance of 0.35.
activate the street and sidewalk. The design standards
and guidelines in this section build on Denver Zoning 3.27 Secondary Facades on the Upper Stories of
Code Street Level transparency requirements. a building that face an Alley, Private Access
66 Chapter 3 | Facade Design & Site Details DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES
APRIL 2021
Facade Articulation Street Level Facade Design & Uses
Windows & Transparency Building Entries
Windows & Transparency Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
65. The design standards and guidelines for Windows & 66. Window composition with substantial window framing
Transparency are intended to encourage visually interesting provides interplay of depth and shadow on Building Facade.
facade designs.
Drive, or Off-Street Pedestrian Connections 3.30 Clear, Low-E, or slightly tinted windows
shall incorporate a minimum of approximately should be used to ensure the visibility of
25% transparent glass with a maximum pedestrian-oriented commercial uses.
reflectance of 0.35.
3.31 Large expanses of glass should be subdivided
3.28 Window designs at Lower Story facades into smaller units.
shall be detailed to reinforce overall facade Appropriate techniques include:
articulation and design.
a. Scaling techniques using mullions, exposed
Appropriate techniques include: structural elements, floor plates and
a. Recessing or projecting a window bay or detailing
opening a minimum of 4 inches from the
facade plane
3.32 When large expanses of glass are used Lower
b. Utilizing window framing to create an Story facades should integrate bird friendly
intentional shadow line glazing techniques.
c. Mullion patterns that provide depth and Appropriate techniques include:
visual character
a. Low reflectance opaque materials
b. Visual markers applied to glass with a
Design Guidelines maximum spacing of 4inches by 4 inches or
other proven bird-friendly glazing treatment
3.29 For mixed-use developments, the amount of
transparency should reflect different uses c. Building integrated structures to mute
within the building. reflections on glass surfaces
a. A lower glass-to-wall ratio is typical of
residential uses
b. A higher glass-to-wall ratio is typical of
commercial uses
DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Chapter 3 | Facade Design & Site Details 67
APRIL 2021
Facade Articulation Street Level Facade Design & Uses
Windows & Transparency Building Entries
Exterior Building Materials Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Denver and its surrounding region have a long tradition Design Standards
of building in brick and stone. This tradition is
complementary to the goals of these guidelines in the 3.33 Exterior building materials and finishes shall
effort to provide scale, texture, detail, and color in the be detailed to articulate texture and depth.
Downtown pedestrian environment. These materials have
Appropriate techniques include:
an inherently Human Scaled quality to them derived
from their traditional shaping and placement by hand. a. Adding visual interest through texture, depth,
Materials are not limited to Masonry. However the form, finish and detailing
scale, detail, texture and quality of any materials used in b. Applying materials in units, panels or
close proximity to the pedestrian environment should be modules that produce shadow lines to help
carefully considered. convey a sense of scale
Exterior Building Materials Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Intent Statements
3.M To integrate balconies into the design of the
building facade and contribute to the overall
articulation techniques
69. Inset or cantilevered balconies and terraces help create
3.N To limit the physical and visual effects of vertical and horizontal rhythms on the facade that break down
balconies on overall building mass and building mass and scale into smaller modules.
72. Extruded or protruding balconies should be designed to 71. Balconies, front doors, and patios facing Alleys or Private
occasionally break the rhythm of repetitive floor plates and Access Drives create a sense of activity.
create a staggering effect of various sizes and shapes.
Arapahoe Square includes designated Denver A facade will be considered to be adjacent to a Historic
Landmark structures and is adjacent to three Historic Resource or Character Building when it is visible from
Districts: a Historic District or Landmark Structure, or is visible
• Ballpark Historic District - A historic from a street or alley within 1/2 block of a Historic
commercial district located across the alley District, or zone lot that includes a Landmark Structure.
at the northwest edge of Arapahoe Square
• Clements Historic District - A historic Intent Statements
residential district located across the alley at
the southeast edge of Arapahoe Square 3.P To ensure designs that are compatible
• Curtis Park Historic District - A historic with adjacent Historic Resources and/or
residential district located across Park Character Buildings
Avenue West from Arapahoe Square
3.Q To promote contemporary designs that
• Five Points Historic Cultural District - A do not replicate or mimic historic style or
historic mixed use district located east of period of architecture
20th Street from Arapahoe Square
3.R To ensure design elements derived from
Golden Triangle includes designated Denver adjacent Historic Resources and/or
Landmark structures and is adjacent to Historic Character Buildings are integrated into the
Districts: overall facade composition
• Civic Center Historic District 3.S To ensure that infill development enriches
• Sherman Grant Historic District the street with quality of design, materials
• Speer Boulevard Parkway District and finishes
75. The example above demonstrates how horizontal elements and structural bays from adjacent Historic Resource or Character
Building facade are applied in new development.
Design Standards
3.55 New buildings adjacent to a Historic Resource
or Character Building shall recognize and
respond to existing patterns of scale, form,
articulation, materials, and proportion.
See Chapter 2 | Building Mass & Scale
76. As per graphic above, architectural details on new buildings adjacent to a Historic Resource or Character Building shall not simply
replicate or mimic a historic period.
77. Side, rear or top addition should draw upon, but not mimic,
the existing materials, massing, fenestration patterns, and
details of the existing structure.
78. Adaptive reuse of character buildings shall make all efforts 79. Rooftop additions shall be highly distinguishable as new,
to keep the primary street facade of a Character Building intact. yet appropriately scaled and detailed to sit atop the character
Design Guidelines
3.84 On Key Streets, the Street Level should be
developed with as much street-oriented
commercial frontage as practicable. 82. When a variety of active uses and architectural elements at
the Street Level are oriented to the street, they contribute to a
sense of safety and activate the Public Realm.
3.85 Commercial frontages should activate the
adjacent Public Realm.
Appropriate techniques include:
a. Locate Highly Active Uses at or near the
minimum Primary Street setback
b. Utilize Enhanced Commercial Setback areas
with pedestrian seating, outdoor dining, or
an extended sidewalk. (See “Setback & Open
Space Design” on page 86)
c. Locate Open Spaces such as plazas that are
directly connected to building entries and
Highly Active Uses
such methods as height, material, detail,
percentage of glazing.
Prmiary Entry
3.89 Street Level commercial spaces should be
designed to accommodate future division to Primary Entry Secondary Entry
host small retail spaces or consolidation to Greater than 100 feet
support larger retail needs.
Appropriate techniques include: 84. Street Level retail frontages greater than approximately 100
a. Standardize structural bay spacing feet in length should be interspersed with additional pedestrian
entries or smaller Active Uses with a minimum depth of 15 feet.
b. Provide multiple entry points
c. Coordinate electrical, plumbing and HVAC
systems with individual bays
Design Guidelines
3.105 Primary building entrances should be
emphasized over secondary commercial and/
or individual residential entrances through
signature building elements.
Appropriate strategies include:
a. Changes in massing and facade plane
b. Differentiation in material and/or color
c. Higher level of architectural detailing
d. Landscape features
e. Accent lighting
Setback & Open Space Design Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Intent Statements
3.AH To encourage a variety of Open Space
Setback & Open Space Design Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Setback & Open Space Design Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Design Guidelines
3.118 Enhanced Commercial Setback and Open 3.121 Enhanced Commercial Setback, Enhanced
Space areas should be designed to support a Residential Setback, and Open Space areas
mix of passive and active uses. should be designed to complement adjacent
building uses.
3.119 Street Level facades should be augmented Complementary designs for an Enhanced
with Enhanced Commercial Setbacks that Commercial Setback include:
improve the pedestrian environment and serve a. Areas that provide seating for customers of
as an extension of the Public Realm. adjacent commercial storefronts
a. Consider modest setbacks that add b. Outdoor eating and servicing areas adjacent
pedestrian use area to a cafe or restaurant
b. Consider using complementary materials c. Landscaped courtyards with integrated seating
that are similar to the adjacent sidewalk, to complement adjacent commercial uses
yet distinguish the Enhanced Commercial Complementary designs for an Enhanced
Setback area through changes in color, Residential Setback include:
texture, and/or pattern
d. Stoops or landscaped areas to transition to
adjacent Street Level residential units
3.120 Pedestrian areas that are part of an Enhanced e. Landscaped courtyards with integrated seating
Commercial Setback, Enhanced Residential to complement adjacent residential units
Setback, or Open Space should use high-
quality durable materials.
Setback & Open Space Design Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
3.122 Enhanced Setbacks and Open Space areas a. Open Space areas should incorporate
should incorporate features to enhance year- landscaped plantings and/or permeable
round usability. paving to enhance the pedestrian experience
Features may include, but are not limited to: and manage storm water.
a. Trees, canopies, awnings, or other features See “Amenity Zone & Street Trees” on page 106.
that provide shade where the space is
exposed to the summer sun
3.127 Enhanced Setback and Open Space areas
b. Seating areas designed and oriented to should incorporate enhanced on-site water
provide winter warmth avoiding areas that quality systems.
may be shaded in the winter months
Appropriate techniques include:
Note that examples of passive uses may be a. Incorporate enhanced stormwater system
seating areas, access to sun and shade, public design into the overall design of the Public
art, fountains and the like. While active uses Realm
may include play areas, dog parks, sport courts,
b. Design water quality areas beyond purely
flexible open spaces, and the like.
functional requirements to be attractive in
wet and dry conditions
3.123 Larger Open Spaces should be designed c. Off-site locations for larger integrated
to accommodate events such as outdoor networks that combine water quality
markets or performances, where possible. requirements from multiple projects are also
3.124 Enhanced Commercial Setbacks and Open
Space areas should provide both formal and Note that when provided, applicant should
informal seating areas. indicate a maintenance plan and specify
vegetation types, as well as solutions for drought.
Formal seating may include, but is not limited to:
a. Integrated benches See “Stormwater Management & Landscape” on
page 118.
b. Movable chairs or benches
Informal seating may include, but is not limited to: 3.128 Public Art should be integrated into an
c. Planter ledges that provide seating Enhanced Commercial Setback or Open Space
d. Bollards or planters area, where possible.
See “Public Art” on page 114.
3.125 Water features or water design themes should
be considered to enhance the quality and
character of Open Space.
a. Water features should be functionally and
visually integrated with the overall design of
the Open Space
b. Water features should be designed to be
attractive and useful with or without water
c. Water features should be interactive and
engaging to users in the Public Realm
Awnings & Canopies Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Intent Statements
3.AM To ensure that awnings and canopies are
integrated into the overall building facade
and public realm
Design Standards
3.129 Awnings and canopies shall be an integral part
of the architectural design of the building.
a. Incorporate awnings and canopies into
vertical and horizontal shifts in building
massing and articulation
b. Awnings and canopies shall not be supported
by posts in the Public Realm, but be
cantilevered or hung from the building face
3.132 Awnings and canopies should be sized to 99. Awnings and canopies shall be fabricated of quality durable
provide shelter. materials consistent with materials used on the building.
Awnings & Canopies Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
100. Awnings and canopies should be designed as individual 101. Canopies should incorporate transparent or translucent
components and not be continuous and uninterrupted along glazing to permit the passage of light, and avoid deep
the street frontage. shadowed spaces.
Design Guidelines
3.133 Awnings and canopies should be consistent 3.138 Canopies should incorporate transparent or
with, and relate to, the Facade design of the translucent glazing to permit the passage of
building. light, and avoid deep shadowed spaces.
Structured Parking
Exterior Building Materials Setback & Open Space Design
Balconies Awnings & Canopies
Design Details for Infill Development Structured Parking Facades
Structured Parking
Exterior Building Materials Setback & Open Space Design
Balconies Awnings & Canopies
Design Details for Infill Development Structured Parking Facades
Design Guidelines
3.146 Structured parking should be completely
wrapped with active use on facades facing
Key Streets.
Although mostly invisible from the street, rooftops are a. Screen equipment from view from surrounding
prominent features of the cityscape from neighboring streets and structures
buildings. Appropriate designs for the top of a building b. Set back equipment by at least 10 feet from
are influenced by many factors, which may include the roof edge/parapet
location, height, building composition, architectural c. Where rooftop mechanical and service
expression, and overall ‘fit’ within the existing context elements are taller than 10 feet in height from
of the city skyline. While not all building rooflines the rooftop, increase setbacks by one foot for
each foot of additional height
will warrant a signature feature, a roofline that utilizes
architectural features highlighted through lighting and
form can enhance the design and presence of a building 3.150 Rooftop mechanical, service and amenity
at night. elements shall be integrated into building
design and massing to minimize visual clutter
on the skyline.
Importantly, rooftop appurtenances must be considered
early in the design process and integrated into the overall Appropriate techniques include:
architectural composition, rather than simply attached a. Integrating rooftop mechanical, service and
as an afterthought. Items such as vents, tanks, wiring, amenity elements (such as a rooftop deck)
into rooftop architectural features
rooftop rooms, and stored window washing equipment
can create unattractive clutter. High-quality materials, b. Using materials and colors that are
complementary to Upper Story Facade or
occupiable outdoor space, and rooftop mechanical Tower Facade treatments to screen rooftop
equipment shielded or arranged with care can make the mechanical and service elements
roof a neutral or attractive part of the urban view.
3.151 Rooftop screening material that is visible
from the street shall be of durable and quality
Intent Statements material that complements the overall facade
3.AU To create building rooflines that positively
contribute to the quality and character of the 3.152 Mechanical equipment located adjacent to or
city skyline facing window or door openings shall provide
screening and sound buffers to mitigate noise
3.AV To ensure that non-decorative rooftop and visual impact.
equipment, such as mechanical and
telecommunication, are not visible and fully
3.153 Telecommunication equipment shall not be
screened from view
mounted on any primary street facing facades.
3.AW To incorporate environmentally sustainable a. Aim to locate telecommunication
building technologies equipment on rooftops, Alley or Private
Access Drive
b. When telecommunication equipment is
required to be located on a side interior zone
Design Standards lot line, locate equipment at least 15 feet
away from Primary Street Facing Facade
3.149 Rooftop mechanical and service elements, c. Paint telecommunication equipment to
such as ventilation equipment, elevator match or compliment the exterior facade
penthouses, mechanical rooms, antennas finish and color
and telecommunications equipment, shall be
screened and set back from the roof edge/ 3.154 Vents, exhaust fans, and other roof
parapet to minimize visibility from the Public penetrations should be grouped to the greatest
Realm. extent possible to avoid visual clutter.
94 Chapter 3 | Facade Design & Site Details DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES
APRIL 2021
Facade Articulation Street Level Facade Design & Uses
Windows & Transparency Building Entries
Exterior Building Materials Setback & Open Space Design
Balconies Awnings & Canopies
Design Details for Infill Development Structured Parking Facades
Design Guidelines
3.155 Building rooftops and parapets should
enhance the character of the skyline and
strengthen the identity of individual buildings.
105. Sustainable technologies such as solar panels, planted
green roofs, and blue roofs for water runoff collection and
3.156 Rooftop lighting should be designed with treatment, should be incorporated into the top of buildings.
adjustable intensity controls.
Fences, Walls, & Screens Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
Intent Statements
3.AX To ensure that fences, walls, and screens
enhance the pedestrian environment and are
well integrated into the building design and
overall streetscape
Design Standards
3.159 Primary Street-facing fences and walls shall 3.162 Fences, walls, and screens for service
not exceed approximately 42 inches in height areas and utilities shall be designed to
above the Street Level. minimize visibility from the Public Realm and
complement adjacent building facades.
3.160 Fences and walls shall complement the a. Use colors and materials that are
architectural style and materials of the Lower complementary to the building facade color
Story Facade. and materials
b. Screen dumpsters or other waste
receptacles with high-quality materials and/
3.161 Side yard fences and walls shall connect to
or landscaping that is consistent with the
the side of a building a minimum of 2 feet building design
back from the front facade of the building.
Fences, Walls, & Screens Adaptive Reuse and Building Additions Building Rooftops
Fences, Walls, & Screens
107. Fences and walls shall complement the architectural style and materials of the Lower Story Facade.
Design Guidelines
3.164 Methods other than fences and walls used 3.168 Gates should be in proportion to the fence or
to create appropriate transitions between wall and not exceed approximately 42 inches
the Public Realm and Street Level uses are in height above the Street Level when adjacent
preferred. to the Public Realm.
3.165 Minimize the use of fences and walls to 3.169 Retaining walls should be designed in the form
completely enclose private spaces. of low terraces, limited to 30 inches or less,
to preserve high visibility and avoid required
3.166 When enclosure of outdoor eating and drinking railings.
areas is required, railings should be designed
as an integral part of the building Facade.
Introduction to Streetscape
Streetscape Furnishing & Lighting
Streetscape Paving
Amenity Zone & Street Trees
Bicycle & Scooter Parking
All projects in the public Right-of-Way are subject
to review and approval by the City of Denver’s
Department of Public Works and the Office of the
City Forester. In some cases, Public Works and City
Forester review may result in required changes to
streetscape designs or deviation from these design
standards and guidelines.
Introduction to Streetscape
Streetscape Furnishing & Lighting
Streetscape Paving
Amenity Zone & Street Trees
Bicycle & Scooter Parking
108. Typical streetscape progression from the street to Amenity Zone to sidewalk.
109. The street is the paved area within the Right-of-Way that 110. The Amenity Zone is the area between the street and
is typically reserved for vehicular traffic, bicycles, transit, and sidewalk that is improved with street trees, paving, street
on-street parking. furniture or other amenities. See “Amenity Zone & Street Trees”
on page 106 for additional information.
113. Streetscape furnishings shall be located to maintain a 114. Streetscape lighting shall be designed to contribute to the
clear pedestrian walkway at least 8 feet in width. pedestrian experience and enhance a sense of security.
Design Standards
4.01 Streetscape furnishings shall be provided to 4.04 Streetscape lighting shall be designed to
encourage pedestrian activity. contribute to the pedestrian experience and
Appropriate techniques include: enhance a sense of security.
a. Benches Appropriate techniques include:
b. Planters a. Placing fixtures at lower heights
c. Bicycle racks b. Use of fixtures that provide even lighting
d. Waste Receptacles c. Installation of fixtures at sufficient intervals
to avoid dark zones
e. Pet waste bag dispensers
115. Streetscape furnishings should incorporate creative 116. Pedestrian lighting should be integrated into streetscape
designs. design elements.
This section addresses only pedestrian-area paving
within the streetscape that is between the curb and
Zone Lot. It does not address the paving of vehicular
117. Streetscape paving shall incorporate a variety of finishes, travel lanes, bicycle lanes, or other paved areas
colors, patterns, and/or detailing to contribute to the Human
Scale of the Public Realm. within streets, Alleys, or Private Access Drives.
The Amenity Zone is the area between the street and Design Standards
sidewalk that can incorporate street trees, landscaping,
paving, streetscape furnishings, stormwater management 4.17 The Amenity Zone shall incorporate a variety
systems and other amenities. Amenity Zones contribute of pedestrian-oriented amenities.
to the health of area users and residents, promote a sense
Appropriate techniques include:
of place, enhance air and water quality, and invigorate the
Public Realm in urban environments. a. Street trees and landscape areas
b. Paved pedestrian use areas
Street trees are especially vital in higher intensity areas as c. Outdoor eating and serving areas
they contribute substantial environmental and economic
d. Fixed and movable furnishings
benefits. They contribute to the health and vitality of the
neighborhood by providing shade to the sidewalk and e. Pedestrian lighting
outdoor seating areas, helping mitigate the urban heat
island effect, and filtering vehicular noise and exhaust. 4.18 Amenity Zone designs shall respond to an
adjacent dedicated Bicycle Facility.
Trees also help break down the urban environment to Appropriate techniques include:
Human Scale. They have an ability to focus and tie the
streetscape together, and be used to screen, connect, a. Providing designated pedestrian access to/
from the Bicycle Facility
or emphasize adjacent structures or objects. As trees
branch across the pavement, they tend to visually reduce b. Locating bicycle racks to be accessible from
adjacent building height and street width. the Bicycle Facility
Intent Statements
4.H To create a well-designed and coordinated
streetscape experience
4.I To ensure Amenity Zone designs and
materials retain their quality over time
4.J To introduce natural elements to the
4.K To ensure thoughtful placement and long-
term viability of street trees
Design Guidelines
4.25 When the use of traditional bollards is
necessary they should be removable or
retractable, integrate lighting, and be slim in
character to not be visually distracting.
Topic Title
Bicycle & Scooter Parking Development Along the 5280 Trail
Public Art
Intent Statements
4.L To promote sufficient parking for bicycles, 123. Bicycle parking shall be located near active pedestrian
scooters and other micromobility devices areas that are visible from the street.
that is appropriate to adjacent uses
124. Enclosed bicycle parking should include individually secured bicycle facilities and additional end-of-trip facilities.
Design Guidelines
4.38 Bicycle parking should be located adjacent to 4.41 Enclosed bicycle parking should include
Highly Active Uses to increase security and individually secured bicycle facilities.
natural surveillance.
4.42 Enclosed bicycle parking should include a
4.39 In active commercial areas, additional variety of end-of-trip facilities.
bicycle parking, beyond Denver Zoning Code Appropriate facilities include:
minimums, should be provided.
a. Bicycle repair and service equipment
Additional bicycle parking is especially important
adjacent to: b. Water fountains
a. Dedicated bicycle facilities c. Courtesy equipment (benches, mirror, towel
b. High traffic pedestrian areas
c. Transit stations
4.43 Buildings containing more than 100,000 sf of
d. Multi-tenant building entrances office uses should include bicycle commuter
shower facilities.
4.40 Bicycle parking provided in addition to Appropriate facilities should include:
minimum Denver Zoning Code requirements
a. Showers and clothing storage areas for
should incorporate creative designs.
bicycle commuters
Appropriate techniques include:
b. Two showers for every 100,000 square feet
a. Integration with streetscape furnishings, of office use
lighting, etc.
c. Equal shower access for all users
b. Incorporation of Public Art
c. Use of Bicycle Corrals d. Lockers that are clean, well-maintained,
and large enough to accommodate bags,
Note that the design of bicycle parking located helmets, and clothing
in the public Right-of Way will be subject to e. Easy accessibility to bicycle parking
approval by DOTI.
DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Chapter 4 | Streetscape Guidelines 111
APRIL 2021
Introduction to Streetscape Design Stormwater Management & Landscape
The 5280 Trail will link neighborhoods and connect Intent Statements
people along a 5-mile urban trail that weaves through
communities rich with culture, key landmarks, and vibrant 4.N To ensure new development supports the
activity. The 5280 Trail is envisioned along 21st Street in 5280 Trail
Arapahoe Square, Chopper Circle and 11th Street in CPV-
4.O To encourage distinct design characteristics
Auraria, and 12th Avenue, Acoma Street, and 9th Avenue
that are indicative of the individual
in the Golden Triangle. The design and layout of the 5280
neighborhoods along the 5280 Trail
Trail will adapt to the varying conditions found within
each neighborhood. The 5280 Trail will become a focus
of mobility that will better connect several downtown Design Guidelines
neighborhoods to each other, and importantly serve as a
‘hub and spoke’ system that expands outward to connect 4.44 Projects should coordinate with City
neighborhoods throughout the city. departments early in the process to integrate
the 5280 Trail into the design
Due to 5280’s unique relationship with the three districts,
the following guidelines are to be considered for
development and site improvements along these streets. 4.45 Streetscape and landscape design should
contribute to and reinforce the presence of the
5280 Trail.
Intent Statements
4.P To encourage the use of Public Art to
enhance the Public Realm
4.Q To ensure Public Art is publicly accessible
and integrated into the Public Realm
4.R To ensure that Public Art is well constructed
from durable materials
Design Standards
4.54 Public Art shall be located outside the building
or on the exterior surface of the building,
available and accessible to the general public.
126. Visual arts combined with the landscape design, functional, 127. Public Art should be integrated into the overall vision for the
or decorative elements of a site, such as water features, lighting, project architecture, landscape and site design by incorporating
seating, paving, walls, fences, entrances and exits, etc. the artist into the design team early in the process.
128. Public Art should be constructed using durable materials 129. Public Art should aim to incorporate playful and interactive
that can withstand weather and physical touch. elements for people of all ages.
Stormwater Management
Streetscape Furnishing & Lighting Landscape
Streetscape Paving
Amenity Zone & Street Trees
Bicycle & Scooter Parking
Intent Statements
4.S To use creative best management practices
to recycle and filter water on site
4.T To reduce the amount of supplemental
water used for on-going operations and
maintenance of landscape areas 130. Stormwater landscape areas shall be designed beyond
purely functional requirements and contribute to the visual
4.U To use design solutions that reduce quality of the Public Realm in wet and dry conditions.
infrastructure needs to accommodate
stormwater flow
Stormwater Management
Streetscape Furnishing & Lighting Landscape
Streetscape Paving
Amenity Zone & Street Trees
Bicycle & Scooter Parking
Design Standards
4.60 Stormwater landscape areas in the
streetscape shall be designed beyond purely
functional requirements and contribute to the
visual quality of the Public Realm in wet and
dry conditions.
Design Guidelines
4.61 Stormwater solutions should be
accommodated within the property.
See “Setback & Open Space Design” on page
Arapahoe Square
21st Street 21st Street & Park Avenue West
Park Avenue West
20th Street & Broadway
The district is characterized by its wide variety of building All new construction, additions, exterior improvements,
designs and scales. Its position between the Central signs, and new or expanded outdoor use areas proposed
Business District and neighborhoods to the north provides in these zone districts shall follow the design standards
an opportunity for redevelopment of Arapahoe Square into and guidelines established in this document, but
a vibrant mixed-use area that services downtown workers additional specific standards and guidelines that are only
and local residents. applicable to Arapahoe Square are covered in this section.
et T
The 2007 Downtown Area Plan and 2011 Northeast
D Downtown Neighborhoods Plan identify Broadway and
N Broadway
The following Gateway Corners provide opportunities
r ti
20th Ave
• 21st Street & Broadway
Lincoln St
Sherman St
Grant St
Logan St
Logan St
19th Ave
Grand Boulevard
T 18th Ave Gateway Corners
T Existing Light Rail and Stations
Planned 5280 Trail
122 Chapter 5 | Neighborhood Specific Design DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES
APRIL 2021
W e
re T
r ti
20th Ave
N Broadway
Lincoln St
Sherman St
Grant St
Logan St
Logan St
19th Ave
18th Ave
134. All new construction, additions, exterior improvements, signs, and new or expanded outdoor use areas proposed in the
D-AS-12+ and D-AS-20+ zone districts located within the design review area, shall follow these additional design standards and
The following sections provides context-specific site, ARAPAHOE SQUARE DESIGN REVIEW AREA
building and streetscape design standards and guidelines
T Existing Light Rail and Stations
that apply to projects with frontage on one or more of the
following Key Streets in Arapahoe Square: Planned 5280 Trail
• 20th Street • Curtis Street
• 21st Street • Park Avenue West
• Arapahoe Street • Welton Street
• Broadway
21st Street serves as the primary east-west pedestrian and Design Standards
bicycle connection through Arapahoe Square from Coors
Field to the Clements Historic District. The 2011 Northeast 5.01 Streetscape designs on 21st Street shall
Downtown Neighborhoods Plan recommends making 21st promote implementation of the 21st Street
Street into a focal point and community gathering space Urban Design Plan.
for Northeast Downtown neighborhoods. A subsequent
urban design plan builds on this concept to envision 21st
as a highly active, park-like street. The character of 21st 5.02 Distinctive design elements shall be used to
Street will vary as it crosses Arapahoe Square. identify Gateway Corners along 21st Street.
Appropriate techniques include:
(The alley between Larimer and Lawrence) to Broadway, a. Locating iconic building elements at the
21st Street will transition from a highly active commercial corner (note that the Upper Story Setback
street that combines bicycle and pedestrian activity near alternative described on page 54 allows for
Coors Field and Ballpark Historic District through the flexible building massing)
active Gateway Corner at Arapahoe to the Gateway Corner b. Locating a Point Tower at the corner
at Broadway. 21st Street will also provide a park-like c. Identifying corner building elements with a
transition to the lower-scale residential neighborhood. change in materials or wall plane
d. Locating Highly Active Uses with significant
transparency at the Street Level
Intent Statements
5.A To encourage development of 21st Street 5.03 Buildings shall be oriented to front 21st Street
as a signature street that emphasizes with well-defined pedestrian entry features.
pedestrian and bicycle activity
5.04 Vehicle access points to parking, service, or
5.B To provide flexibility for creative Upper Story drop off areas shall not be provided from 21st
Setback designs that integrate with building Street. See “Block Configuration & Vehicle” in
design along 21st Street Chapter 1.
5.C To frame views of unique terminating vistas
at Benedict Fountain Park and Coors Field at
either end of 21st Street
5.D To promote development of a vibrant mixed-
use street with highly activated Open Spaces
along 21st Street from the alley between The Denver Zoning Code (DZC) requires a context-
Larimer and Lawrence toward Broadway specific 100% Upper Story Setback requirement for
21st Street that is intended to reinforce Human Scale
5.E To provide a defined gateway through strong design and maximize sky exposure. As described in
urban forms at 21st and Broadway “Upper Story Setback Alternative for 21st Street &
Park Avenue West” on page 54, the DZC also allows
5.F To promote a more park-like and alternative Upper Story Setback designs along 21st
neighborhood-scaled environment as 21st Street to enable creative designs and allow building
Street transitions from Broadway to the massing that highlights Gateway Corners.”
Clements Historic District
5.05 The Street Level adjacent to 21st Street from Design Guidelines
the Ballpark Historic District to Broadway shall
be occupied primarily by Highly Active Uses. 5.09 Enhanced Setback and Open Space areas
along 21st Street should incorporate
5.06 Lower Story Facades along 21st Street innovative, environmentally friendly
between the Ballpark Historic District and stormwater management techniques whenever
Broadway shall incorporate a minimum of 60% possible.
Masonry materials that reflect the adjacent
Historic District. 5.10 Site designs along 21st Street between the
Ballpark Historic District and Broadway
5.07 Residential frontages along 21st Street from should incorporate highly-activated Enhanced
Broadway to the Clements Historic District Setback and Open Space areas.
shall provide a transition between adjacent
sidewalks and private residences. 5.11 Site designs along 21st Street between
Appropriate techniques include: Broadway and the Clements Historic District
a. A landscaped Enhanced Residential Setback should incorporate landscaped Open Space
b. Open Spaces such as courtyards and Enhanced Setback areas, when possible.
c. Stoops or small private yard areas
5.12 Upper Story designs on 21st Street should
incorporate curves, angles or other innovative
5.08 Alternative Upper Story Setback designs
setback configurations.
allowed by the Denver Zoning Code along 21st
Street shall provide a total setback surface
area equal to, or greater than, the approximate 5.13 Upper Story Setbacks on 21st Street should
area of a 10 foot Upper Story Setback for the be located and designed to preserve sky
full width of the street-facing building facade. exposure and views from Enhanced Setback
a. Alternative setback designs may vary in and Private Open Space.
depth from zero to 30 feet.
b. Areas that are set back more than 30 feet do
not apply towards the total setback surface
c. Use of the upper-story setback alternative
shall not result in continuous facade lengths
of over 80 feet within 10 feet of the primary
street property line.
See “Upper Story Setback Alternative for 21st
Street & Park Avenue West” for more information
on the standard.
Park Avenue West as a Key Street forms the northeastern Design Standards
border of Arapahoe Square. It provides a direct connection
to Interstate 25 and serves as an important mass and 5.14 Building designs on Park Avenue West
scale transition to the adjacent Curtis Park neighborhood. shall incorporate features that promote a
The 2007 Downtown Area Plan and The 2011 Northeast compatible transition to the Curtis Park
Downtown Neighborhoods Plan identify Park Avenue West Historic District.
as a “Grand Boulevard” (see above).
Appropriate techniques include:
a. Use of masonry materials such as brick,
stone, or terra cota
Intent Statements b. Use of massing and articulation techniques
5.G To provide a building scale transition along that reflect typical rhythms in the adjacent
Park Avenue West between Arapahoe Square Historic District
and lower-scale neighborhoods to the c. Upper Story Setback designs that provide
northeast compatible scale relationships with the
adjacent Historic District
5.H To provide flexibility for creative Upper Story
Setback designs that provide a building 5.15 Alternative Upper Story Setback designs
scale transition to neighborhoods to the allowed by the Denver Zoning Code along Park
northeast Avenue West shall provide a total setback
surface area equal to or greater than the
approximate area of a 10 foot Upper Story
SPECIFIC DENVER ZONING CODE Setback for the full width of the street-facing
a. Alternative setback designs may vary in
The Denver Zoning Code (DZC) requires a context-
depth from zero to 30 feet
specific 100% Upper Story Setback requirement for
Park Avenue West that is intended to promote the b. Areas that are set back more than 30 feet do
intent for Park Avenue West to provide a building not apply towards the total setback surface
scale transition to lower-scale neighborhoods to the area
northeast. As described in “Upper Story Setback c. Alternatives shall not result in continuous
Alternative for 21st Street & Park Avenue West” facade lengths of over 80 feet within 10 feet
on page 54, the DZC also allows alternative Upper of the primary street property line
Story Setback designs along Park Avenue West to
enable creative designs that provide a building scale See “Upper Story Setback Alternative for 21st
transition to neighborhood to the northeast. Street & Park Avenue West”
Design Guidelines
5.17 Upper Story Setbacks should generally be
limited on 20th Street and Broadway to create
a strong street wall.
Redistribute the
setback area
The Central Platte Valley – Auraria (CPV-Auraria) district densely populated, mixed-use neighborhood that provides
represents a unique and significant opportunity for growth a range of housing types, becomes a center for innovative
and change in Downtown Denver. This document aims businesses, and embraces the River.
to ensure the level of design quality and neighborhood
activity generated by new development is consistent with The River and adjacent Parks are envisioned to become
the exceptional potential represented by this area. an enhanced greenway with trail networks, widened
riparian areas, and a mixture of passive and active uses.
As the area evolves into a vibrant urban environment with
retail and housing along the riverfront, its vitality will be
Existing Context enriched by connecting and extending the green network
Central Platte Valley - Auraria (CPV-Auraria) is located across the neighborhood. The area represents a major
west of Lower Downtown, north of Auraria Campus, and opportunity for Denver to create a diverse urban riverfront
east of Jefferson Park. The Consolidated Main Line (CML) that accommodates a variety of compatible land uses,
railroad and South Platte River (River) bisect the area. The while also enhancing the rich ecology of the river.
Regional Transportation District (RTD) E, C, and W light
rail lines run parallel to the CML and include two stations The South Platte River serves as the singular element to
within CPV-Auraria: Broncos Stadium at Mile High and be celebrated throughout and establish CPV-Auraria as a
Pepsi Center/Elitch Gardens distinctive district within Downtown.
Spee I-25
r Blv
d. Commons
Confluence t
St We
le R
S t
PARK I-25 t
yS St
Fishback Gardens
n p
Sp De n koo
ee St
23rd Ave zee
12 lvd St
th ke
St Bla tS
ree e
t ark
Bryant St.
Park C
th S
I-25 r
A ur
At Grade Crossing
on Walnut Street
Colfax Ave
One potential future connectivity network as envisioned by the Downtown Area Plan Amendment Loop Roads, bridges, and other
connections shown in the diagram are conceptual and subject to change based on future master planning and engineering studies.
145. All new construction, additions, exterior improvements, signs, and new or expanded outdoor use areas proposed in the D-CPV-T,
D-CPV-R, and D-CPV-C zone districts located within the design review area, shall follow these additional design standards and
Intent Statements
5.P To promote a pedestrian-oriented
neighborhood with walkable block sizes and
a network of pedestrian connections
Uncovered Off-Street
Pedestrian Connection,
Alley, or Private Access
Drive improved for
pedestrian use.
Covered Off-Street
Pedestrian Connection,
147. Diagram showing potential block configurations on frontages longer than approximately 350 feet that incorporate an Off-Street
Pedestrian Connection, Alley, or Private Access Drive.
5.25 Block frontages exceeding approximately 350 5.26 Blocks shall be configured to consolidate
feet shall incorporate at least one Off-Street vehicle access onto Alleys or Private Access
Pedestrian Connection to an adjoining street Drives.
frontage. Use Alleys or Private Access Drives to provide
a. Locate the entrance in the middle third of the consolidated access to:
block to break down the frontage length a. Parking areas or structures
b. Locate the entrance to generally align b. A combined Interior Vehicle Court
with the entrances of neighboring Off-
Street Pedestrian Connections to provide c. Passenger loading areas
connections across the neighborhood d. Service and utility areas
c. Design the connection to be at least 15 feet
wide and open to the sky (uncovered) for at
least 15 feet in depth from the Lower Story Design Guidelines
d. Design the connection to encourage 5.27 A block frontage that exceeds approximately
pedestrian use per Standard 1.07 350 feet should provide an Open Space with
e. Ensure continuous and perpetual public significant Building Massing break where it
access is not feasible to incorporate an Off-Street
f. Consider improving an Alley or Private Pedestrian Connection.
Access Drive to also serve as an Off-Street
Pedestrian Connection (see Standard 1.07)
g. Through connections should be avoided on
blocks adjacent to the Consolidated Main
Line, Interstate 25, or other locations where a
full connection is not practical
DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Chapter 5 | Neighborhood Specific Design 135
APRIL 2021
CPV-Auraria CPV-Auraria Introduction
W 1.5 x W
Park of
Qualifying Size
Tower Separation Alternative Allowed
1.5 X D
149. When located near a large Park that is adjacent to the River, Tower Floor Plates shall be separated by a minimum distance that is
related to the size of the Park.
Golden Triangle
Acoma Street
Broadway & Lincoln Street
12th Avenue
The Golden Triangle is a mid- to high-density, mixed- and destination and neighborhood-serving retail
use neighborhood that encompasses the highest complemented by active ground floor uses, generous
concentration of civic, arts, and cultural destinations sidewalks, enhanced streetscape, and architectural design
that define the city of Denver and state of Colorado. The with human scale and detail. The Golden Triangle is
district also contains a range of other uses and activities, envisioned as an eclectic neighborhood where no specific
including housing, restaurants, bars, cafes, retail services, architectural style is intended. However, all projects
office buildings, and many art studios and galleries. It should be responsive to their context and influenced by
is this eclectic patchwork of uses and places – a rich, the scale and character of adjacent buildings. The vision
textured urban mosaic – that makes the Golden Triangle a for the Golden Triangle is rooted in enhancing the existing
truly distinct neighborhood in downtown Denver. urban mosaic through contextual design, pedestrian-
focused amenities, and support for Denver’s arts and
cultural legacy.
Existing Context
The Golden Triangle is located between the Cherry Creek
Greenway, the Downtown business district, Capitol Hill Applicability
and La Alma/Lincoln Park in the urban core of Denver. The Golden Triangle section of this Chapter shall apply
Major corridors such as Speer Boulevard to the west, only to properties within the Denver Zoning Code D-GT
Colfax Avenue to the north, and Broadway/Lincoln Avenue zone district located in the design review area bound by
to the east, form the “triangle” of the district. Speer Boulevard to the west, portions of Colfax, 14th Ave,
13th Ave, and 12th Ave to the north, the alley between
The Golden Triangle has a high concentration of cultural Lincoln and Sherman Streets to the east, and 7th Avenue
and arts-related amenities, businesses, and attractions. In to the south.
many ways, these uses and activities characterize much of
the Golden Triangle as an arts district or museum district. All new construction, additions, exterior improvements,
Within the Downtown area, the Golden Triangle plays a signs, and new or expanded outdoor use areas proposed
vital role as a center for civic and cultural destinations. in these zone districts shall follow the design standards
and guidelines established in this document. Additional
The built context of the area ranges from small-scale standards and guidelines that are only applicable to
historic structures to contemporary hi-rise residential Golden Triangle are covered in this section.
buildings reaching nearly 200 feet in height. The eclectic
mix of old and new, small and tall structures is embraced KEY STREETS
by area residents and visitors.
The Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan and
subsequent efforts recognized the unique context of
Acoma Street serves as a tree-lined green spine through
the following Key Streets:
the center of the neighborhood. However, most of the area
lacks substantial tree cover, open space, and landscape • Acoma Street (Neighborhood Greenway)
areas needed to balance the rapidly increasing urban • Broadway (Grand Boulevard)
character and population density. • Lincoln Street (Grand Boulevard)
• 12th Avenue
• 11th Avenue
Vision for the Golden Triangle
• Bannock Street
The City and County of Denver adopted the Golden
Triangle Neighborhood Plan in 2014. That plan set forth a For Speer Blvd refer to Denver’s Designated Parkways
vision of the neighborhood as an arts and culture focused and Boulevards Design Guidelines for additional
community with a mixture of housing, employment, streetscape guidance.
N Broadway
Cherokee St
Delaware St
Galapago St
Bannock St
Lincoln St
Acoma St
Elati St
Fox St
14th Ave
13th Ave
er B
12th Ave
11th Ave
10th Ave
5280 Trail Gardens
9th Ave
8th Ave
7th Ave
151. All new construction, additions, exterior improvements, signs, and new or expanded outdoor use areas proposed in the D-GT
zone district located within the design review area, shall follow these design standards and guidelines.
As a neighborhood greenway, the vision for Acoma Street 5.33 Building frontages shall be configured to
includes enhanced landscaping, public art, open space, support a pedestrian-oriented greenway and
seating areas, and outdoor space for retail and dining network of Open Space.
uses. The proposed 5280 Trail is anticipated to further
Appropriate techniques include:
support the goals of the neighborhood greenway.
a. Locating Open Space required by the Denver
The following design standards and guidelines apply to Zoning Code along Acoma Street
Acoma Street between 12th and 8th Avenues. b. Locating Enhanced Setbacks along Acoma
Intent Statements c. Accommodating wider amenity zones that
allow for mature tree canopy
5.S To promote a pedestrian focused greenway d. Incorporating additional landscaping and
along Acoma Street trees between the street and building facade
5.T To encourage additional space for
pedestrian activity and related amenities 5.34 Lower Stories shall be clearly expressed and
emphasize a Human Scale streetwall.
5.U To encourage arts and cultural elements
along Acoma Street 5.35 A clear path of travel of at least 6 feet shall be
5.V To support distinctive placemaking along provided for pedestrians.
Acoma Street
5.36 The health of the tree canopy shall be prioritized.
Appropriate techniques include:
a. Maintaining existing healthy street trees.
b. Planting additional street trees
c. Exceeding minimum tree planting standards
established by the Office of the City Forester
d. Locating trees to avoid conflicts with utilities,
vehicles, and pets.
152. Building frontages shall be configured to support a pedestrian-oriented greenway and network of Open Space.
5.38 Parking structures should be fully wrapped by 5.45 Public Art should be incorporated as an
active uses and not visible from the street. integral part of projects.
5.39 Parking structures should provide spaces 5.46 Streetscape design should be coordinated.
available to the general public.
Appropriate elements to consider include:
a. Streetscape furnishings
5.40 Streetwall height should primarily be 3 or 4
b. Landscape planters
stories tall.
c. Paving systems
5.41 Upper Story Setbacks should exceed the d. Walls, railings, or bollards
horizontal and depth dimensions required by e. Pedestrian lighting
the Denver Zoning Code.
5.47 Streetscape design and furnishings should
5.42 Building facades should exceed the standards incorporate highly creative solutions.
and guidelines for facade design and uses.
See Chapter 3, Street Level Facade Design & Uses. 5.48 Amenity Zones and Open Space should
incorporate enhanced green infrastructure and
stormwater management techniques.
5.43 Street Level facades should incorporate
masonry materials that contribute to the
existing context.
DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Chapter 5 | Neighborhood Specific Design 141
APRIL 2021
Golden Triangle Introduction
The Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan identifies 5.51 A clear path of travel of at least 6 feet shall be
Broadway as Grand Boulevard. It recommends that provided for pedestrians.
development along both Broadway and Lincoln Street is
contextually appropriate with enhanced gateway entrances
at the northern and southern ends of the neighborhood. Design Guidelines
The two streets are envisioned to have a strong sense
of identify serving diverse transportation, economic, 5.52 Vehicle curb cuts should be minimized and
recreation, and placemaking functions. Broadway is access should be provided via an Alley or
especially viewed as a strong economic corridor, that Private Access Drive.
bolsters the vitality of the neighborhood and the coupling
of Lincoln and Broadway serves as an important link to 5.53 Parking structures should provide spaces
adjacent communities. available to the general public.
The following design standards and guidelines apply to
Broadway between 13th and 7th Avenues, and to Lincoln 5.54 Streetwall height should primarily be 5 to 8
stories tall.
Street between 14th and 7th Avenues.
Intent Statements
155. Street Level design and uses at the intersection with
5.Z To promote a pedestrian focused greenway Acoma Street and Bannock Street shall be highly active and
along 12th Avenue pedestrian-oriented.
5.62 The health of the tree canopy shall be prioritized. 5.65 Building facades should exceed the standards
Appropriate techniques include: and guidelines for facade design and uses.
a. Maintaining existing healthy street trees. See Chapter 3, Street Level Facade Design &
b. Planting additional street trees Uses.
c. Exceeding minimum tree planting standards
established by the Office of the City Forester 5.66 Street Level Active Uses that complement the
d. Locating trees to avoid conflicts with utilities, civic, arts, and cultural institutions should
vehicles, and pets. be included along 12th Avenue, especially
between Broadway and Cherokee Street.
The Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan identifies 5.73 Building frontages shall be configured to
11th Avenue and Bannock Street as commercial and support a highly active, pedestrian oriented
retail focused corridors. Given their central location as commercial corridor.
north-south and east-west spines through the area, the Appropriate techniques include:
existing retail shops, cafes, and restaurants can be further
a. Locating Open Space required by the Denver
enhanced and expanded to become critical neighborhood- Zoning Code along 11th Avenue and Bannock
serving commercial uses. The Plan recommends that Street
new development provide additional nonresidential uses,
b. Incorporating Enhanced Setbacks
Enhanced Setbacks that accommodate outdoor uses, bike
facilities, Public Art, and other streetscape features that c. Accommodating wider amenity zones that
foster walking and shopping. Bannock Street is intended allow for mature tree canopy and pedestrian
to further promote arts and cultural uses that contribute amenities
additional pedestrian traffic along the street bringing a
diverse group of people to the neighborhood. 5.74 Lower Stories shall be clearly expressed and
emphasize a Human Scale streetwall.
The following design standards and guidelines apply to
Bannock Street between 14th and 8th Avenues, and to 5.75 A clear path of travel of at least 6 feet shall be
11th Avenue between Speer Blvd and Lincoln Street. provided for pedestrians.
Design Guidelines
Intent Statements 5.76 Vehicle curb cuts should be minimized and
5.AD To reinforce Highly Active Uses at the Street access should be provided via an Alley or
Level along 11th Avenue and Bannock Street Private Access Drive.
The design standards and guidelines in this Chapter are intended to build on Denver Zoning Code requirements.
Sign review is a separate zoning process which may be subject to design review. Sign size and location are regulated
by the Denver Zoning Code.
For buildings that have Comprehensive Sign Plans, refer to the plans for allowed sign locations, types, quantity, and
size requirements.
In some instances Comprehensive Sign Plans will allow for sign placement, application, and type that may be in
contrast to these Standards and Guidelines. In those instances the placement, application, and type of sign shall be
referenced and governed by the Comprehensive Sign Plan.
Intent Statements
6.A To encourage signs that promote a vibrant,
pedestrian-oriented street frontage
6.B To improve wayfinding by identifying
primary entrances
Design Standards
6.01 Unless a building has a Comprehensive Sign
Plan, a building shall not have more than one
sign located above the Street Level on each
159. Signs shall be located at, or just above, the Street Level or
6.02 Signs at the Street Level shall be located for near the top of the building rather than midway along a facade.
pedestrian use and visibility.
Appropriate strategies include: b. Locate signs in architectural bays or panels
a. Locate signs at, or just above, the Street c. Utilize areas of the facade designed and
Level entrance reserved specifically for signage
b. Incorporate a distinct signage band area at
the Street Level See “Street Level Facade Design & Uses” on
page 78.
c. Integrate signage within a storefront
Design Guidelines
6.06 Signs should be located at, or just above, the
Street Level or near the top of the building
rather than midway along a facade. Use
a Comprehensive Sign Plan for additional
locations on building facades.
160. Signs for Street Level uses shall be located to ensure
pedestrian visibility.
6.07 Signs located above the Street Level should be
reserved to identify a single major tenant.
Individual Sign Types – Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Non-Projecting Signs
Intent Statements
6.F To promote well-designed and durable
signage that retains a quality appearance
over time
6.G To promote creative and iconographic sign
design at prominent locations
6.11 Signs shall be designed to complement the
design of the building facade.
Individual Sign Types – Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Non-Projecting Signs
163. Signs shall incorporate durable materials and complement the design of the building facade.
Design Guidelines
6.16 Signs should be designed to work together
to create a cohesive identity for the building
facade or tenant.
Intent Statements
6.I To ensure that sign lighting is coordinated
with building facade design and lighting
6.J To ensure that sign lighting does not
adversely affect the Public Realm or
adjacent properties.
Design Standards
6.19 Sign lighting shall be integrated into the design
of the sign or facade.
Appropriate strategies include:
a. Indirect back lit/halo lighting
b. Lighting arms that provide direct lighting 165. Sign lighting shall be integrated into the design of the sign
or facade.
c. Lighting integrated into an architectural
Design Guidelines
6.23 Sign lighting should be provided to support
nighttime pedestrian activity.
167. Projecting signs shall be designed to be creative, 168. Projecting signs shall be designed to be creative,
iconographic, and three-dimensional. iconographic, and three-dimensional.
Non-Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Non-Projecting Signs
Design Guidelines
WINDOW SIGNS 6.39 Window signs should generally be scaled
6.31 Window signs shall not cover more than 20% for pedestrians and located at, or below,
of the window area. pedestrian height.
6.32 Window signs shall be placed within the lower a. Limit window signs to logos or additional
product information
20% of storefront windows.
b. Use individual lettering rather than solid
color backgrounds
APRIL 2021
Building Sign Location
Non-Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Projecting Signs
Individual Sign Types – Non-Projecting Signs
172. Arcade Sign - a sign attached to the roof or wall of an 175. Wall Sign - a sign attached to, painted on or erected
arcade and totally within the outside limits of the structural against a wall, fascia, parapet wall or pitched roof of a building
surfaces which are delineating the arcade or structure (note that a wall sign may be used as a joint
identification sign)
173. Ground Sign - a sign supported by poles, uprights or 176. Window Sign - a sign which is applied or attached to,
braces extending from the ground or an object on the ground or located within three feet of the interior of a window, which
but not attached to any part of any building sign can be seen through the window from the exterior of the
A member of City Staff appointed by the Executive
Director of the Department of Community Planning
and Development to take final action regarding zoning
permits, make code interpretations and undertake other
duties as outlined in the Denver Zoning Code. The
Zoning Administrator may designate their authority to any
member of City Staff.