Secret of Alpha Deck

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You will need a blank face deck of Bicycle cards, which you probably
have in your magic stuff. If not, they're about $7 from your favorite
magic dealer.

To prepare, take two matching pairs from another deck and place them
on top of face down blank face deck. For example:

Ace of Hearts
Ace of Diamonds

8 of Clubs
8 of Spades


Ask spectator to cut the deck. You pick up the top half and request
the spectator to pick up the lower half.

Request spectator to pick a card from her cards and place it on top of
her half of the deck. SHE MUST NOT LOOK AT THE CARD...or any of the
cards. They must always remain face down.

You pretend to do the same, supposedly picking a random card and

placing it on top of your half of the deck.

Tell the spectator that you and she must now switch cards. Hand her
the Ace of Hearts. She hands you a blank card.

Now each of you deals off the top card. She deals off the Ace of
Hearts, you deal off the Ace of Diamonds (which is suppose to be the
card that she just handed you). In the video you can see the amount
of fumbling the idiot went through. Hopefully you're smoother at a
simple card switch than that.

Both of you turn over the cards you just dealt and they match.
Repeat the above with the 8 of Clubs and 8 of Spades.

In the end you both turn over all your cards to show them all blank

This is the state of affairs on the magic market today. Have you ever
seen a bigger piece of crap in your life? And Richard Sanders
actually has the guts to charge $25 for it. This trick is so awful
that I doubt it would even be published in a magic masgazine. It's no
surprise that Richard Sanders is best friends with Jay Sankey, whose
marketed tricks have gotten so bad it's embarrassing. These two guys
used to be my idols, geniuses I called them. Then, Sankey got married
and his creativity went in the toilet. I'm wondering if the same fate
befell poor Richard Sanders?

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