Design Optimization of A Fixed Wing Aircraft

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Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, Vol. 4, No.

1 (2017) 65-80
DOI: 65

Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft

Ugur C. Yayli1, Cihan Kimet1, Anday Duru1,2, Ozgur Cetir1, Ugur Torun1,
Ahmet C. Aydogan1, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban3 and Ahmet H. Ertas2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karabuk University, Karabuk, 78050, Turkey
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Karabuk University, Karabuk, 78050, Turkey
Ohm Technologies, Research and Development, Chennai, India

(Received June 6, 2016, Revised August 27, 2016, Accepted September 19, 2016)

Abstract. Small aircrafts, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are used especially for military purposes.
Because landing fields are limited in rural and hilly places, take-off or landing distances are very important.
In order to achieve a short landing or take-off distance many parameters have to be considered, for instance
the design of aircrafts. Hence this paper represents a better design to enlarge the use of fixed wing aircrafts.
The document is based on a live and simulated experiments. The various components of designed aircraft
are enhanced to create short take-off distance, greater lift and airflow without the need for proper runway
area. Therefore, created aerodynamics of the remotely piloted aircraft made it possible to use fixed wing
aircrafts in rural areas.
Keywords: fixed wing; aircraft; take-off distance; design optimization

1. Introduction

Finite element analysis (FEA) plays important roles in design. This is important especially for
big structures like airplanes, ships etc. Somehow prototypes are used in experimental based studies
to decrease expenses. Hence Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be considered prototypes of
big airplanes. There are currently lots of researches about the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
underway around the world because UAVs provide unique features that mankind cannot do (Liu,
Chen et al. 2014). UAVs are aircrafts with no pilot on board. These vehicles can be autonomous or
controlled remotely from the ground for different purposes (Yildiz, Eken et al. 2015). For instance,
UAVs are used as aerial distribution system (Nedjati, Vizvari et al. 2015) to supply large amount of
demand in small amount of time for emergency cases and it can also serve as a complementary
system for non-accessible areas. Geothermal features of environment can also accurately be mapped
and sampled to research physical and biological characteristics by UAVs (Nishar, Richards et al.
2016). An effective algorithm has been developed by Chen and his colloquies (Chen, Wang et al.
2016) to detect vehicles by aerial images. Therefore, law enforcement, border protection, security
monitoring, wild-life monitoring may also be considered as application areas of UAV systems in
the modern world. Instead of on-board aircraft pilots, these unmanned systems are suitable for dirty,

Corresponding author, Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2017 Techno-Press, Ltd. ISSN: 2287-528X (Print), 2287-5271 (Online)
66 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

dangerous, long and tiring missions. Low operational cost and low-risk for the operator make
UAVs more popular in nowadays. However, short flight endurance is the biggest constraint
(Linchant, Lisein et al. 2015). Thus, design of the UAVs plays an important role to increase short
flight time and speed.
In spite of the fact that UAV engines are generally driven by internal combustion engines, there
are many propulsion systems in UAVs. The three main types of propulsion systems can be specified
as alternative thermal, electrical and hybrid systems. The first type of system is the alternative
thermal systems and they are the engines powered by gasoline (Fahlstrom and Gleason 2012,
Khardi 2014). On the other hand, the required energy in the electrical propulsion systems is
generated by electrical motors and the power can be supplied different ways. The last propulsion
system type is the hybrids, they are the combination of fuel cells and batteries (González-
Espasandín, Leo et al. 2014).
Design of the body and wings of UAVs is very crucial because it directly forms the aerodynamic
structure of the aircraft. Since there is no limit in the design of both body and the wing structure,
their design is an important factor that affects the capabilities of the UAV. In general, two types of
wing structure are used in UAVs for different purposes. Rotary wing is one of the wing type and it
has the biggest advantage which is the ability for take off and land vertically (VTOL) (Petrolo,
Carrera et al. 2014). However, due to their low speeds, mechanical complexity and shorter flight
range, this makes rotary wing UAVs well suited to applications like facility inspections, which
require maneuvering around tight spaces and the ability to maintain visual on a single target for
extended periods. For instance, Chia and his colleagues (Chi, Cheng et al. 2014) also stated that
they can also be used as swarms for rescue and search operations. On the other hand, they can also
solve the challenges of uncertainty in planning, building and maintaining infrastructure in civil
engineering by maneuvering around tight spaces. Also, Liu and his colleagues (Liu, Chen et al.
2014) concluded that seismic risk assessment, transportation, disaster response, construction
management, surveying and mapping, and flood monitoring and assessment is possible applications
of UAVs. The fixed-wing type UAVs has simpler structure, and more efficient aerodynamics that
provide the advantage of longer flight durations at higher speeds (Sun 2007).
Within this paper, new design parameters are considered to increase the advantages of fixed
wing type UAVs. Specifically, shorter takeoff and landing distances will erase the need for proper
runway area. Thus, it will add another crucial advantage for fixed wing aircrafts and also, it will
enlarge the use of fixed wing aircrafts.

2. Mission requirements

Before designing the UAV, it is considered that the aircraft should met and demonstrate some
flight capabilities. These capabilities have been chosen to create fast, reliable and precise design.
Thus, three missions are chosen to test the designed aircraft. The first experiment relies on
measuring speed and take-off capability of aircraft. Therefore, the aircraft has to take off in 60ft
(18.28 m) under three seconds and it has to fly as fast as possible. Therefore, flight course (Fig. 1) is
prescribed to test these features.
In the first mission, aircraft will take-off in the prescribed distance and fly off 500 ft (152.4 m).
Then, there will be a 180° turn, after that the aircraft will make a 360° upside turn and move
forward 1000 ft (304.8 m) and it will turn back 180° again. This mission will continue until the 4
minutes of time has been finished. Thus, the speed and the take-off capability will be measured by
Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 67

Fig. 1 Flight course for missions

the first mission.

Second mission will require that aircraft has to complete three laps with an internal payload.
Payload is chosen as around 5lb (2.268 kg) and its nominal overall size is 4.5”×5.5”×10” (11.43
cm×13.97 cm×25.4 cm). The payload must be carried reliably and the aircraft must take-off and
land successfully. Flight course (Fig. 1) has to be completed three times with a given payload. This
will give the cargo carriage capability information of the designed aircraft.
Last mission will test the drop capability of the aircraft. Therefore, there needs to be a drop
mechanism inside or outside of the aircraft and also there will be a prescribed area to measure how
precisely the aircraft will drop payloads. Payloads are going to be Champro 12” plastic balls and the
weight of a ball is 4oz (100 gr). Balls have to be dropped remotely from an aircraft, and one ball
will be dropped at each lap in the drop zone (Fig. 1).
All the given missions are chosen to create unmanned- electrically powered, radio controlled
aircraft with a balanced, high quality, affordable design (AIAA Student Design/Build/Fly

3. Aircraft configuration

3.1 Wing types

Fixed-Wing aircrafts can have number of different wing types. The first and most common
configuration is known as monoplane or one wing plane (Miller, Vandome et al. 2010). Low-wing,
mid-wing, shoulder-wing, high-wing, parasol-wing are some of the wing types that are used in the
conventional monoplane aircrafts (Fig. 2).
Conventional monoplane is chosen because it has different advantages. Design is simple and
easy to manufacture. Also, aerodynamic performance is more predictable and it has low induced
drag when compared to others biplanes or triplanes (Stinton 2001).
Flying Wing is described as tailless fixed wing aircraft configuration. In spite of the fact that
flying wing is the aerodynamically most efficient type design, unfortunately, it is unstable and
difficult to control in the air (Eken and Kaya 2015). The configuration of the lifting body only
consists of the body that produces lift itself. It is just the fuselage without the conventional wing.
Since this type of wing configuration is designed for high speed applications, it is not appropriate
for short take-offs. Biplanes and triplanes are not useful for the mission requirements. All in all,
68 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

Fig. 2 Wing types for Monoplanes

Table 1 Comparison of wing types

Figure of Merit Score of Factor Monoplane Biplane Flying Wing
Weight 40 2 1 2.5
Lift / Drag 30 2.5 3 2.5
Stability 10 3 1.5 1.5
Manufacturability 10 2.5 2 1.5
Aerodynamic Performance 10 3 2.5 2.5
Total 100 240 190 230

high wing type is chosen to maximize lifting capacity, and monoplane fixed-wing type is chosen for
better movement capacity and speed. Weight, lift/drag capacity, stability, manufacturability and
aerodynamic performance are taken into account while creating the most suitable configuration that
meet the mission requirements (Table 1). Score factors in Table 1 represent the data taken from
AIAA. Score factors represent the importance of the parameters in the design.

3.2 Tail types

In the conventional configuration the horizontal stabilizer is a small horizontal tail or tail-plane
located to the rear of the aircraft. Also, this is the most common configuration according to Raymer
and his colleagues (Raymer 1999). In addition, the tail-plane helps adjusting the changes in the
center of pressure, and center of gravity caused by changes in speed and attitude, or when fuel is
burned off, or when cargo or payload is dropped from the aircraft. V-tail is advantageous because
this type of tail produces less induced and parasitic drag. On the other hand, combining the pitch
and yaw controls is difficult and requires a more complex control system (Arifianto and Farhood
2015). The V-tail arrangement also places greater stress on the rear fuselage when pitching and
yawing T-tail type gives smoother and faster air flow and also, it has better pitch control. However,
vertical stabilizers should be made of strong and stiff material. Thus, expensive composite materials
are needed for T-tail type. Also blanking of the airflow over the tail-plane and elevators by a stalled
wing at high angles of attack can lead to total loss of pitch control (Warsi, Hazry et al. 2014). The
tail types Conventional, V-Tail and T-Tail is compared to find out the best-fit tail type for the
missions while comparison is made weight, drag and stability factors are considered (Table 2).
Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 69

Table 2 Comparison of tail types

Figure of Merit Score of Factor Conventional V-Tail T-Tail
Weight 55 3 1 1
Drag 20 2 2 3
Stability 25 2 3 1
Total 100 255 170 140

Table 3 Comparison of landing gear types

Figure of Merit Score of Factor Tricycle Tail Dragger Bicycle
Weight 20 2.5 2.5 1.5
Take Off 30 2.5 2.5 2
Payload Interference 20 2.5 2.5 2
Ground Handling 10 2.5 3 1.5
Manufacturability 10 2 2 2.5
Durability 10 3 2 1.5
Total 100 250 245 185

Table 4 Comparison of motor types

Figure of Merit Score of Factor Pusher Tractor Push-Pull
Weight 40 3 3 1
Landing Gear Interference 30 1 3 1
Efficiency 30 1 2 1
Total 100 180 270 100

3.3 Landing gears

There are basically three different gears as Tricycle, tail dragger and bicycle. The bi-cycle gear
configuration is used in cases where placement of essential components prohibits the use of either
tricycle or the tailwheel configuration. The important consequence of bicycle gear arrangement is
that take-off rotation is difficult to control (Schibani 2014). Tail-wheel type configuration is
generally lighter than other type of gears, but it has strong tendency to ground-loop (Ma, Sun et al.
2013). However, in tricycle configuration, the aircraft is more stable and it is easier to control in
take offs instead of any other type landing gear configuration. The table compares the best-fit
option to complete given missions considering six different factors (Table 3).

3.4 Motor placement

Choosing motor type in the aircraft for given missions may be the most important factor that
affects take-off, speed and landing properties. Tractor, pusher, double tractor, push-pull type motors
are compared to find out the best option to complete given missions (Table 4). In the tractor type
motor, motor and propeller is placed on nose of the aircraft. It maintains stability of an aircraft and
70 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

reduces the weight of overall system. On the other hand, pusher type motor use one propeller so, it
reduces system weight. However, if the propeller was placed on the tail of the aircraft, it would
affect the efficiency of system. In addition to this, pusher type motor may cause a problem and it
may lead to bad effect on take-off performance. In the push-pull type motor, propellers are placed
individually on the nose and tail of the aircraft. It also increases the weight of aircraft.

4. Final design of the aircraft

4.1 Airfoil selection

Before last design, lots of analyses have been made. First of all, airfoil is selected (Fig. 3)
considering aerodynamic characteristics. Aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft would be better
with increasing angle of attack (AOA) (Raymer and Daniel 1999). However, large angle of attack
causes stall. Thus, critic angle of attack (AOA) is determined as 15°. On the other hand, a lift-to-
drag ratio Cl/Cd is calculated to compare various scenarios. Also, Cl value of airfoils is considered
because Cl is an important factor that affects lifting force. Aerodynamic team analyzed selected
airfoils between 0° and 15° AOA and compared them according to Cl/Cd and Cl-α value.
Compared airfoils are; SA7025, SA7038, SA7035, SD7090, MH 114. These airfoils were analyzed
using XFLR-5. XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, planes, and wings which operate at low
Reynolds Numbers. Wing design and accordingly wing analysis have been conducted using the
Lifting Line Theory, the Vortex Lattice Method and 3D Panel Method. The corresponding results
are shown in Fig. 4. Figure of Merit chart (Table 5) is generated according to results of analyses. In
Table 5, five different airfoils have been selected just because of both their popularities and also
their suitability for UAVs.

Fig. 3 Selected airfoil types

Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 71

Table 5 Figure of merit analysis of selected airfoils

Figure of Merit Score of Factor MH 114 SA7025 SA7035 SA7038 SD7090
Cl/Cd-α 40 3 1.5 2 2.5 1
Cl-α 60 3 2 2 2.5 2.5
Total 100 300 180 200 250 190

Fig. 4 Analysis of airfoils

Dinesh, Kenny et al. (2014) states that increase in lift occurs because the up-wash field
effectively rotates the lift vector forward, reducing the induced drag. Analyze results of selected
airfoil, which is MH 114, are shown in the Fig. 5. Re=400 000. Cl-α, Cl-Cd and Cl/Cd-α graphs
were examined particularly in committed analyses. The airfoil which has the best result is the Cl
(lift coefficient)-Cd (drag coefficient) graph and it would be the best choice for designed aircraft
because Cl/Cd ratio is an important factor to take-off (Petrolo, Carrera et al. 2014). Aircraft which
has an airfoil that provides the highest Cl value when Cd value is low, will have an easy takeoff.
Airfoil which has the best graph result is MH 114. When analyzed other graphs it can be seen that
MH 114 has the best results. While determining AOA, Cl-α and Cl/Cd-α graphs are examined. Best
AOA is found out as 4° but if Cl-α graph is considered, AOA can be chosen between 4° and 14°.
Resulted comparisons MH 114 selected as the airfoil and AOA (angle of attack) is selected as 5°.
72 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

Fig. 5 Analyze results of MH 114

4.2 Aerodynamic performance of aircraft

Sizing control surfaces on aircraft, locating of center of gravity (Cg), and adjusting static margin
are made to create well stability and better movement capability. Cg point is placed ahead of neutral
point (Reymar and Daniel 1999); if the Cg is ahead of the neutral point (positive static margin), the
pitching moment derivative is negative so the aircraft is stable. Aircraft is designed with positive
static margin (5-10%) to make more stable aircraft.
Aileron is the most effective control surface for banking turn of the aircraft. Therefore, aircraft
would have better movement capability (Ajaj, Friswell et al. 2013). Also, flaps can be placed on
aircraft’s wings. However, flaps can also be used to assist take-off not for movement capability and
more control surface means more servo. Number of servo effects contest score, so wing span is not
designed too long. Aileron’s size is approximately 25% of wing chord and 80% of wing span.
Controlling the aileron was provided with servos that placed on each wing. Long ailerons make
control of aircraft more sensitive and increase maneuverability. There are 180° and 360° turns in the
missions, so movement capability should be considered specifically. Wings with long ailerons have
been produced, so aircraft would have more movement capability.
The horizontal stabilizer prevents an up-and-down motion of the nose, which is called pitch.
Horizontal stabilizer is an indispensable component for takeoffs and landings. Necessary analyses
have been made according to the aircraft design and it is decided that NACA 0012 horizontal
stabilizer should be used on the aircraft. Appropriate elevator has been designed according to the
design characteristic of the aircraft. Designed elevator comprises approximately 25% of horizontal
Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 73

Fig. 6 Aerodynamic performance

Table 6 Motor selection

Motor RPM / Volt Weight (oz-kg) Max. RPM Watts
Neu 1110 2.5Y 1814 4.02 oz 0.113 kg 60000 500
Neu 1110 3Y 1512 4.02 oz 0.113 kg 60000 500
Neu 1110 6D 1400 4.02 oz 0.113 kg 60000 500
Neu 1112 3Y 1175 4.88 oz 0.138 kg 60000 600

stabilizer chord.
The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side, which is
called yaw. Rudder’s move causes torque at the center of gravity of aircraft and this provides yaw
(side to side) motion to aircraft. Tail moment arm has been kept as long as possible to get more
torque with movement of rudder (Zhang, Zhen et al. 2010). Rudder has been designed as 40% of
vertical stabilizer’s chord. Fig. 6 shows estimated aerodynamic performance of the design and
simulated results using XFLR-5 software.

4.3 Propulsion system

Propulsion system has been designed considering following factors. In order to achieve high
speed especially in the first mission, motor with high thrust power is required to complete each
mission successfully. It is carefully considered when choosing motor to get maximum efficient
energy from batteries and the other factor that affects propulsion was also creating a lightweight
aircraft. Gearbox model will help us when achieving second and third mission. Gearbox will supply
to aircraft desired thrust. High powered motor will discharge batteries quickly and have higher
weight so the team has tried to choose optimum powered and weighted motor.
In the Table 6, it is obvious that all motors have same weight. Neu 1110 2.5Y which has the
highest Kv (RPM/Volt) value is selected as the motor of aircraft. Additionally, P29 6.7 Gear Ratio
74 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

Table 7 Propeller comparison for first and third mission

Propeller Stall Speed (mph) Optimal Speed (mph) Thrust (oz) Rate of Climb (ft/s)
13×10 13 17 30.4 3.01
13×7 14 19 44.7 9.18
14×9 14 19 79.3 13.63
14×7 14 19 57.1 11.3
15×13 13 17 27.5 8.01
15×12 13 17 31.8 8.61
12×10 14 18 21.5 4.91
11×8 14 19 25.3 5.61

Table 8 Propeller comparison for the second mission

Propeller Stall Speed (mph) Optimal Speed (mph) Thrust (oz) Rate of Climb (ft/s)
17×10 14 19 105.82 28.08
13×10 13 17 15.9 3.01
13×7 14 19 44.7 9.18
11×8 14 19 25.3 5.61

Gearbox, is selected for proper gearbox.

4.4 Propeller analysis

Choosing the right sized propeller is very important factor to achieve all the missions
successfully. High pitch propeller is used for high speed flight. Therefore, high pitch propeller
should be used in the first and third mission. However, low pitch propeller would be proper for the
second mission. Propellers have been compared according to the supplied information and Table 7
is obtained. MotoCalc 8 is used for the analysis of variety of propellers.
When the table is analyzed, it is obvious that 14x9 is the most suitable propeller for the first and
third mission. The propeller comparison table that is created for the second mission is given in the
Table 8.

4.5 Structural design

Fuselage system of the aircraft is designed considering important factors such as increasing
flow-time with maximum load and achieving successful landing. Carbon fiber fuselage is found out
as it is more suitable than balsa or other type of fuselages as a result of experiments and analyses
that have been done. Therefore, the decision has been made to use carbon fiber as the material of
fuselage. On the other hand, plywood is used for interior structure of aircraft. The fuselage structure
of plywood can be seen in the Fig. 7.
Low-drag aerodynamic design will present long endurance aircraft (Jin and Lee 2015).
Therefore, the computational analyses focused on wing structures to carry maximum fuselage
weight, create maximum lift force with low-drag in the missions. Balsa type wing is produced
because low aircraft weight is desired. Simulated 3g forces applied to each tip of the wing. After the
Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 75

Fig. 7 Final design of fuselage

Fig. 8 Final design of the wing

Fig. 9 Final tail design

successful wing tests, Balsa type and plywood wings are used for final aircraft. Final structure of
wings can be seen in the Fig. 8.
After the analysis has been made on aircraft’s design, conventional type tail is used because it
has light weight and easy to control and less complicated to manufacture. Also, lightweight
structural flexible design will provide more aero-elastic design (Palma, Paletta et al. 2009). The
model type of horizontal stabilizer which used in the design is NACA 0012. Tail part of final design
can be seen in the Fig. 9.
Landing gear is the critical component for the safety of aircraft, so knowing the stress
distribution is a key to observe working condition of the gears (Li and Yang 2013). Steel landing
gears have been tested for the first prototype to see whether it can complete all the missions or not.
Selected steel landing gears have been simulated using total deformation analysis via ANSYS and
76 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

Fig. 10 Deformation analysis

Table 9 Propeller test results

oz kg
M1-14×9 104.05 2.95
M2-17×10 114.64 3.25
M3-14×9 98.76 2.80

results are shown in the Fig. 10. When 98.1 N (10 kg×9.81 m/s2) force is applied to steel landing
gear in y axis, obtained deformation results are shown in the Fig. 10. It is obvious that location of
steel landing gears should stand the most deformation which are fuselage connection points and
wheel connection points. Since aircraft weight is important parameter for flight performance,
Eslami and his collogue (Eslami and Fazaeli 2012) stated in their study that carbon fibers-
reinforced composites due to unique properties (including high specific strength and specific
modulus, low thermal expansion coefficient, high fatigue strength, and high thermal stability) can
be replaced with common industrial and structural materials. Therefore, carbon fiber material is
chosen for landing gear material.
Selection of convenient propeller is very important to maximize mission performances. Different
propellers were analyzed in computer and the best resulted propellers are chosen for the given
work. Thrust test has been done on prototype aircraft to verify resulted analysis. Committed thrust
test results are given in the Table 9.

5. Aircraft test results

Final design parameters have been decided and the aircraft has been manufactured according to
the parameters listed in Table 10. After the manufacturing process, flight tests have been performed
in different weather conditions and good results have been obtained. Wing strengths and stabilizers
against g force which occurs when aircraft turns were tested. Each flight mission has been
Design optimization of a fixed wing aircraft 77

Table 10 Final design parameters

Wing Motor
Airfoil MH 114 Model Neu 1110-2.5Y
Span 2000 mm Gearbox 6.7:1
Chord 300 mm KVoff 1814
Wing Area 0.60 m2 Power Rating 500 W C. /1000 W S.
Aspect Ratio 6.66 Weight 0.164 kg
AOA 5 Fuselage
Battery Length 1370 mm
Model Elite 1500 A Width 190 mm
Capacity 1500 mAh Height 192 mm
Cell Voltage 1.2 V Propeller
Number of Cells 26 Mission 1 14×9
Pack Voltage 31 Volts Mission 2 17×10
Pack Weight 0.659 kg Mission 3 14×9
Horizontal Vertical Controls
Castle Creations
Airfoil NACA 0012 - ESC Phoenix Edge 40A
Span 700 mm 250 mm Receiver Futaba T8J
Chord 254 mm 231 mm Servos Hitech 70 mg
Wing Area 0.14 m2 0.49 m2
AOA 0 0
Tail Arm 0.981 m 0.981 m

Table 11 Experiment results

Parameters Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3
Take Off Weight 4.973 lb 2.256kg 9.956 lb 4.516 kg 5.423 lb 2.460 kg
Thrust 104.05 oz 2.95 kg 114.64 oz 3.25 kg 98.76 oz 2.80 kg
Take Off Length 21.3 ft 6.5m 36.08 ft 11 m 29.5 ft 9m
Stall Speed 20.53 ft/s 6.258 m/s 24 ft/s 7.31 m/s 21.5 ft/s 6.55 m/s
Optimal Flight Speed 27.85 ft/s 8.49 m/s 34.3 ft/s 10.45 m/s 28.5 ft/s 8.68 m/s
Flight Time 359 s - -
Number of Laps - 4 -
Number of Balls - - 3

completed successfully without any damage. Performance characteristics are documented

considering all the missions in the Table 11.
All in all, it is achieved that designed aircraft without payload can take-off under two seconds
(Fig. 11). Also, live tests showed that it does not need a proper run-way area. Since take-off
distance is lowered and fixed wing type aircraft create more speed, this type of aircrafts can be used
in a more efficient way and more different areas.
78 Ugur C. Yayli et al.

Fig. 11 Take off under two seconds

6. Conclusions

The design of an aircraft is a complex procedure just because there are many parameters that
affect the velocity, take-off capability, flight performance and landing distance of the aircraft. Thus,
simulated experiments, material selection regarding analysis with computer software, and tests have
big importance to meet required capabilities of the aircraft. Other investigations may concentrate on
image acquisition, fuel efficiency, design of automatic formation flight controllers, or economic
efficiency (Jackson 2011). It has been aimed to widen the use of fixed wing aircrafts. Therefore,
design phase creates the vital part of the study, so component selections are made considering
variety of parameters to fit best take-off and landing performance. In this way, greater lift and
airflow were forming the main scope of the study. As a result, the use of remotely piloted fixed-
wing aircraft can be enlarged and greater velocities and maneuver capability can be achieved. In
other words, an aircraft has been designed and made to meet the requirements of shorter take-off
distance and a higher flight speed. This will upgrade the fixed wing aircrafts and made them
possible to use in rural areas for greater velocity intended applications.


We are thankful for the constructive comments and suggestions of the anonymous reviewers that
help the authors a lot to improve the manuscript quality. It is also worth mentioning “Karabuk
University-Coordinator of Research Projects (BAP)” for supporting this research under BAP
project (No: KBÜ -BAP-15/2-KP-062).


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