Course Name:: Volumetric and Gravimetric Analytical Chemistry: 4022133-3
Course Name:: Volumetric and Gravimetric Analytical Chemistry: 4022133-3
Course Name:: Volumetric and Gravimetric Analytical Chemistry: 4022133-3
Analytical Chemistry
Volumetric and Gravimetric Analytical Chemistry
Learning Outcomes
1-Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed ,Douglas A. Skoog, Donald
M. West,F. James Holler ,Stanley R. Crouch .
2-Analytical Chemistry, 7th Ed,Gary D. Christian.
3- ) محمد أحمد آشي وآخرون.د.التحليل الكيميائي الكمي التقليدي لطالب الكليات والجامعات (تأليف أ
4- ) عبدالغني حمزة وآخرون.د.الحسابات في الكيمياء التحليلية (تأليف أ
For contact:
E-mail: [email protected]
Lectures schedule
Weak Date Subject
1 22/12 The Language of Analytical Chemistry /Using statistical method
*Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed ,Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler,
Stanley R. Crouch.
Analytical Chemistry
Volumetric Analysis
Qualitative Analysis (identification)
Provides information about the elements and
compounds in a sample.
Quantitative Analysis
provides information about the amount of each
substance in a sample
• Volumetric analysis:
Measure the volume of a solution containing
sufficient reagent to react completely with
the analyte .
Where is Analytical Chemistry used?
1- Clinical laboratories.
2- Forensic laboratories.
3-Environmental laboratories.
4- Manufacturing /industry
5- Research.
6- Others.
Analytical chemistry and other branches of sciences
Important concepts
A process that provides chemical or physical
information about the constituents in the
sample or the sample itself.
Substances being measured in a given sample.
Important concepts
Interference :
A species that causes an error in an analysis by
enhancing or attenuating (making smaller) the
quantity being measured.
Everything else in the sample.
Mean : average of a set of values.
It is obtained by dividing the sum of replicate
measurements by the number of measurements in
the set.
i =1
xi = individual values of x and
N = number of replicate measurements
Results of 6 determinations of
the Fe(III) content of
a solution, known to contain 20 ppm:
Accuracy is the closeness of a measured value to the true
(accepted value).
Accuracy and Precision:
Is There a Difference?
Ways of Expressing precision
di = xi − x
di = 20.00−19.78 = 0.22
Ways of Expressing precision
(xi − x)2
s= i=1
N −1
Ways of Expressing precision
This is the square of the standard deviation
N 2
− x) 2
s =
2 i =1 i
N −1
Ways of Expressing precision
Rang (R):
3- Standard deviation:
S= (0.0002
+ (0.0006
+ (0.0004
+ (0.0000
= 0.0004
Ways of Expressing accuracy
1- Absolute error: The difference between the
measured value and the true value.
E = x i - xt
Xi = measured value
xt = true or accepted value
Absolute error= measured(observed) – true(accepted)
E = Xi – Xt
2. Method errors
Arise from unideal chemical or physical
behavior of analytical systems.
3. Personal errors
Results from the carelessness, inattention,
or personal limitations of the experimenter.
Q: Reproducibility of a Sample Selenium content
(mg/g) (xI)
method for determining
the % of selenium in 1 0.07
foods. 2 0.07
9 measurements were 3 0.08
made on a single batch 4 0.07
of brown rice. 5 0.07
6 0.08
Calculate the mean, 7 0.08
range and standard 8 0.09
deviation? 9 0.08