Literary Theory & Criticism-II
Literary Theory & Criticism-II
Literary Theory & Criticism-II
Q.1. Multiple choice question : (Any- five) 5 × 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎 Q.1. Multiple choice question : (Any- five) 5 × 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎
(A) Who is the “Classicist in Literature”. (A) Who is the “Classicist in Literature”.
(i) T.S. Eliot (i) T.S. Eliot
(ii) I.A. Richards (ii) I.A. Richards
(iii) Northrop Frye (iii) Northrop Frye
(iv) Edward Said (iv) Edward Said
(B) Who has written “Poetry is not turning loose of emotion, but an escape (B) Who has written “Poetry is not turning loose of emotion, but an escape
from emotion”. from emotion”.
(i) T.S. Eliot (ii) I.A. Richards (i) T.S. Eliot (ii) I.A. Richards
(iii) Northrop Frye (iv) Edward Said (iii) Northrop Frye (iv) Edward Said
(C) Who belongs to the „Feminism‟. (C) Who belongs to the „Feminism‟.
(i) Cleanth Brooks (i) Cleanth Brooks
(ii) F. R. Leavis (ii) F. R. Leavis
(iii) M. H. Abrams (iii) M. H. Abrams
(iv) Elaine Showalter (iv) Elaine Showalter
(D) Who has written „The Deconstructive Angel‟. (D) Who has written „The Deconstructive Angel‟.
(i) Edward Said (ii) M.H. Abrams (i) Edward Said (ii) M.H. Abrams
(iii) Ferdinand dc Saussure (iv) F.R. Leavis (iii) Ferdinand dc Saussure (iv) F.R. Leavis
(E) Who has Written Literary Criticism and Philosophy. (E) Who has Written Literary Criticism and Philosophy.
(i) F.R. Leavis (ii) M.H. Abrams (i) F.R. Leavis (ii) M.H. Abrams
(iii) T.S. Eliot (iv) I.A. Richards (iii) T.S. Eliot (iv) I.A. Richards
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Q.2. Write short notes on : (Any - five) 5 × 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎 Q.2. Write short notes on : (Any - five)
(i) Deconstruction (i) Deconstruction 5 × 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎
(ii) Reader Response Theory (ii) Reader Response Theory
(iii) Feminist Criticism (iii) Feminist Criticism
(iv) African-American Criticism (iv) African-American Criticism
(v) 20 Century Criticism (v) 20th Century Criticism
(vi) Cultural Criticism (vi) Cultural Criticism
(vii) Post Colonial Criticism (vii) Post Colonial Criticism
(viii)Cultural Studies (viii)Cultural Studies
Q.3. Long answer type questions:- (Any-five) 5 × 𝟏𝟎 = 𝟓𝟎 Q.3. Long answer type questions:- (Any-five) 5 × 𝟏𝟎 = 𝟓𝟎
(i) “Eliot is the English Critic who most closely resembles Aristotle in his (i) “Eliot is the English Critic who most closely resembles Aristotle in his
objective and scientific attitude”. Elucidate. objective and scientific attitude”. Elucidate.
(ii) Comment on I. A. Richards‟s interpretation of four kind of meaning. (ii) Comment on I. A. Richards‟s interpretation of four kind of meaning.
(iii) What does Brooks mean by the „Heresy of pharaphrase‟? comment. (iii) What does Brooks mean by the „Heresy of pharaphrase‟? comment.
(iv) How does Northrop Frye present criticism science in “The Archetypes (iv) How does Northrop Frye present criticism science in “The Archetypes
of Literature”? of Literature”?
(v) What is the theme of Roland Barthes „The Death of the Author‟. (v) What is the theme of Roland Barthes „The Death of the Author‟.
(vi) F.R. Leavis as a critic? Describe. (vi) F.R. Leavis as a critic? Describe.
(vii) Describe the theme of M.H. Abrams „The Deconstructive Angel‟. (vii) Describe the theme of M.H. Abrams „The Deconstructive Angel‟.
(viii) What is the plot of Ferdinand de Saussure‟s „From course in General (viii) What is the plot of Ferdinand de Saussure‟s „From course in General
Linguistics‟? Linguistics‟?
(ix) What kind of four models bring out by Elaine Showalter in Feminism. (ix) What kind of four models bring out by Elaine Showalter in Feminism.
(x) Critically examine Edward said as a Critic. (x) Critically examine Edward said as a Critic.
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