Keynutritionalstrategiesto Optimizeperformancein Paraathletes

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K e y N u t r i t i o n a l St r a t e g i e s t o

Optimize Performance in
Para Athletes
Jacque Scaramella, MS, RD, CSSDa,
Nuwanee Kirihennedige, MS, RD, CSSDb,
Elizabeth Broad, PhD, BSc, DipNutrDiet, MAppSca,*

 Bone mineral density  Carbohydrate  Protein  Vitamin D  Iron
 Spinal cord injury  Amputee  Dietary intake

 Dietary intakes of Para athletes are often insufficient to meet needs and lead to macronu-
trient and micronutrient deficiencies.
 Carbohydrate, protein, vitamin D, and iron are 4 key nutrients that have a great impact on
athletic performance.
 When working with Para athletes, it is important to understand that there are a variety of
factors related to their impairment that can impact their dietary intakes of carbohydrate,
protein, vitamin D, and iron to support athletic performance.
 Depending of the nature of an athlete’s impairment, a Para athlete may be at greater risk
for suboptimal nutrient status, decreased bone mineral density, increased susceptibility to
illness and injury, weakened oxygen utilization and transport, and a reduced ability to sus-
tain high-intensity training.
 There is an increased need for sport nutrition education to support Para athletes by
improving dietary knowledge and awareness of risk factors that may lead to decreased
health and performance.


Dietary recommendations for optimal sports performance at all competitive levels

are well documented in the literature. However, there are limited studies on dietary

Disclosures: The authors have no financial or commercial conflicts of interest, or sources of in-
come, other than the US Olympic Committee.
Sport Performance, United States Olympic Committee (US Paralympics), 2800 Olympic
Parkway, Chula Vista, CA 91915, USA; b Sport Performance, United States Olympic Committee
(US Paralympics), 1 Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 29 (2018) 283–298
1047-9651/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
284 Scaramella et al

intake patterns in Para athletes, and those that are available are mostly focused on
athletes with a spinal cord injury. Para athletes of all impairment types are at risk for
inadequate dietary intakes to support athletic performance.1–6 For example, Para
athletes competing in wheelchair sports have been reported to consume inadequate
total energy and specifically, inadequate carbohydrate, fat, and fiber.1–5 These inad-
equate energy intakes often result in micronutrient insufficiencies, namely B vita-
mins, iron, vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium, all of which have an
impact on athletic performance.1–6 Second to inadequate intakes, the nature of an
athlete’s impairment may also put the athlete at greater risk for micronutrient
These shortfalls can lead to suboptimal nutrient status, poor bone health, and
subsequently higher risk for future fractures, weakened oxygen utilization
and transport, and impaired training capability.7–9 Athletic performance aside,
insufficient macronutrient and micronutrient intake weakens the immune system
and increases the risk of illness, leading to time off the field of play during training
and competition.6 Limited nutrition education and lack of knowledge regarding
how to balance dietary intake to meet recommended daily allowances (RDA) is
likely responsible for these nutrient deficiencies in Para athletes.5 Fewer than
50% of elite wheelchair basketball athletes surveyed on nutrition topics answered
basic nutrition questions correctly.1 Most did not have adequate general or
sport-related nutrition education and support.1,5,6 In fact, only 18% of wheelchair
basketball athletes studied identified a dietitian as their source of nutrition
Provision of nutrition education and feedback significantly improved Para
athletes’ dietary intake and food choices. For example, 24% more Para athletes
surveyed met the RDA for calcium intake after nutrition education.5,6 Athletes’
interest in further nutrition education increased 36.2% and overall attitudes
about nutrition increased by 27.8% following nutrition education.5 This highlights
the need for more sports nutrition interventions and education to support the
performance needs of Para athletes, and to minimize nutrient deficiencies
that may impact performance, illness, and injury. An individual approach is re-
commended to identify risk factors associated with nutrient deficiencies
unique to each Para athlete and ensure sports nutrition recommendations are indi-
vidualized to the athlete’s specific needs, from level of nutrition education to atti-
tudes toward nutrition information, preferred style of learning, and impairment
The aim of this article was to review the current literature on nutrition recommen-
dations for athletes, specifically nutrients that impact performance, training
adaptations, and overall health, and to propose potential reasons why Para ath-
letes may not always meet these recommendations. This article focuses on the
following impairment types: spinal cord injury (SCI), amputees, cerebral palsy
(CP), acquired brain injury (ABI), visual impairment (VI), and intellectual impair-
ments. An overview of factors affecting nutrition status and performance for
Para athletes is outlined and 4 key nutrients are explored: carbohydrate, protein,
iron, and vitamin D.


When working with Para athletes, it is important to understand impairment-related fac-

tors that impact athletes’ dietary intakes or needs. Table 1 outlines such factors and
the associated impairment types.
Table 1
Factors affecting nutrition status and performance

Factors Cause(s) Impact on Performance

Reduced metabolic rate and  SCI  At risk for macro/micronutrient deficiencies due to
energy expenditure  Lower-functioning CP reduced caloric intake and needs (may negatively affect
 Double leg amputees bone health, iron status, oxygen utilization, power,
endurance capacity, immunity, injury risk)
Reduced muscle mass  SCI  Glycogen storage capacity may be smaller than in large
 Lower limb amputees muscle groups/where no atrophy is present
Drug nutrient interactions of  Pain medications / constipation  Discomfort that disrupts training and competition
medications commonly used  Steroids / suppress immune system, weight gain, bone (nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness)
by Para athletes loss (osteoblast suppression, increased bone resorption)  Increased illness risk
 Antidepressants / increased appetite, weight gain, dry  Poor bone health and increased fracture risk
mouth, dizziness  Negative impacts on body composition from uncon-
 Anticonvulsant / decreased vitamin D and calcium trolled hunger and weight gain
metabolism, increased appetite  Increased illness risk due to decreases in gut
 Antibiotics bacteria / compromising gut health and immunity
  Impaired recovery

Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes

Sleep disturbances Poor pain management
 Medications  Impaired hormone regulation (increases in ghrelin and
 Posttraumatic stress disorder decreases in leptin leading to poor hunger
 ABI cues / indirectly affecting body composition)
Insufficient guidance at meal  Poor guidance from support staff during meal times for  Inadequate energy intake to sustain multiple training
times and buffets (especially in VI athletes and athletes with intellectual impairments to sessions
unfamiliar areas and locations) meet nutrient needs  Inadequate energy intake to maintain intensity and
 Micronutrient deficiencies / compromised immunity,
suboptimal iron and vitamin D status
 Excess energy intake and weight gain due to dispropor-
tionately large serving sizes

(continued on next page)

Scaramella et al
Table 1
(continued )
Factors Cause(s) Impact on Performance
Insufficient rest time between  Improper scheduling  Limits the ability to maximize recovery, restore glycogen
training sessions or hard training  Inadequate time between sessions or recovery days, (refuel), and rehydrate
days for Para athletes especially in training camp environments (note: very few  Increased risk for injury and illness
Para athletes are professional athletes, hence short-
duration training camps are common)
Swallowing difficulty and trouble  Improper cooking equipment and kitchen environment  Inadequate energy and fluid intake to sustain training
preparing foods  CP loads and recovery
 SCI  Choosing highly processed, energy-dense food items
 VI  Longer circadian rhythm with complete VI / impairs
strength and reaction time
Abnormal sweat rates and poor  Increased sweat rates (CP)  Dehydration
thermoregulation  Inadequate fluid and electrolyte replenishment to meet  Overheating
increased needs (CP)  Spasms
 Poor thermoregulation / reduced sweat rate and ability  Inability to finish training and competition
to dissipate heat (SCI and amputees)  Increased injury and cramping risk
 Insufficient heat acclimation (SCI, amputees)  Heat exhaustion and stroke
Concomitant medical issues  Side effect(s) of impairment  Uncontrolled hypertension
(diabetes, gastrointestinal issues,  Overheating/poor thermoregulation
autonomic dysreflexia,  Spasms
autoimmune diseases, chronic  Inability to complete training
inflammation)  Limited food options
 Limited ability to metabolize carbohydrates
 Deficiency of key nutrients related to impaired

Abbreviations: ABI, acquired brain injury; CP, cerebral palsy; SCI, spinal cord injury; VI, visual impairment; /, is connected to.
Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes 287


Sound nutrition recommendations for sports performance rely on the sensitive
estimation of absolute energy needs, which can be challenging to achieve
for Para athletes. Existing equations that estimate resting energy expenditure
are based on a nonathletic population of able-bodied individuals. Exercise energy
expenditure has not been assessed for many Para sports.10 A more detailed
overview of how to estimate energy requirements for Para athletes is beyond
the scope of this article, but it has been recently summarized by Broad and
Energy expenditure
Special consideration always should be taken with each athlete’s impairment and
how it affects muscle mass, energy expenditure, and energy intake to maintain
energy balance (see Table 1). For athletes with an SCI, impairments in motor func-
tion as well as the sympathetic nervous system can result in muscle atrophy below
the level of lesion, and consequently reduced resting metabolic rate, lower daily
and exercise energy expenditure, and reduced VO2max and power output, in
comparison with preinjury values.11 Depending on the level and completeness of
injury, aerobic capacity and heart rate also may be reduced compared with
able-bodied athletes.11 Decreased energy expenditure results in lower caloric
requirements. Therefore, nutrient-dense foods and small, frequent feedings to
limit micronutrient deficiencies are recommended. Of note, in the setting of
healing from pressure wounds and infections, common among athletes using
wheelchairs or ambulating with prosthetics, total energy intakes and protein needs
are higher.11
Athletes with lower limb amputations or CP may have lower resting energy expen-
diture due to reduced muscle mass. Those who ambulate by walking may counter this
during activities of daily living and during exercise due to inefficient biomechanical
movements, and for those with CP potentially also athetosis (ie, involuntary, writhing
movements).12 The relative change in absolute energy expenditure needs to be
assessed on an individual basis,10 and nutrition strategies, such as food quality and
portion control, should be promoted to help optimize performance and achieve
body composition goals.
Feeding concerns
Athletes with significant motor impairment due to CP may present with feeding dif-
ficulties, which may lead to decreased energy intake. Additionally, the prevalence of
illness may be higher in these athletes, resulting in higher energy and protein re-
quirements to avoid losses in muscle strength and immune function.12 Depending
on the area of the brain affected, picky eating behaviors may ensue, causing food
aversions, which may lead to nutrient deficiencies.12 Individualized fueling and
recovery strategies should be used to promote well-tolerated foods rich in carbohy-
drate and protein to adequately meet needs, especially during hard training phases
and while traveling for training and competition. Food-based supplements may be
warranted to help meet an athlete’s needs when issues with food aversions arise,
particularly during times of limited access to common foods, such as during travel.
Inadequate energy intake
Insufficient energy intake, especially during high-volume training, decreases the
body’s ability to sustain exercise capacity and maintain power output. In addition,
it reduces the ability to refuel and recover properly between sessions, ultimately
288 Scaramella et al

increasing illness and injury risk. Para athletes are often reported to have
inadequate energy intakes, which commonly result in performance-related micro-
nutrient insufficiencies, such as low iron and vitamin D.1–6 The recent International
Olympic Committee consensus statement on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
(RED-S) highlights the negative effects of chronic energy insufficiency on athletic
performance, including decreases in bone health, skeletal muscle function,
immunity, metabolism, and cardiovascular and endocrine function.13 The
prevalence of RED-S has not yet been reported in Para athletes, but is an area
of concern.14 All individuals working with Para athletes, including the sports physi-
cian, should remain mindful of energy needs and the need to fuel athletes

Sufficient carbohydrate intake is necessary to maintain training intensity, combat fa-
tigue, protect immune function, and sustain training adaptations.15 Therefore, opti-
mizing carbohydrate stores in the muscle and liver is key for ensuring athletic
Carbohydrate intakes of athletes should be varied from day-to-day according to the
total volume and intensity of training. The ranges of recommended carbohydrate in-
takes are presented in Table 2. These estimates are based on trained able-bodied
athletes of average body weight and body-fat levels. It is therefore more appropriate
to use the lower end of the range for smaller athletes, and for those Para athletes with
substantially less active muscle mass proportional to their body weight (ie, SCI, spina
bifida, double leg amputees). Increased energy needs due to inefficiency of movement
of ambulant athletes with lower limb amputations may increase glycogen utilization
and therefore carbohydrate needs.16 Adequate stores of muscle glycogen are
reported to sustain approximately 90 to 120 minutes of continuous moderate to
high-intensity exercise in an able-bodied athlete.17 In contrast, although no evidence
has been published on the muscle glycogen storage capacities of Para athletes, expe-
rience suggests those using smaller muscle groups (eg, SCI, double leg amputees) are
able to sustain approximately 75 to 90 minutes of continuous moderate to
high-intensity exercise.

Table 2
Daily carbohydrate guidelines for athletes by g/kg body mass

Carbohydrate Intake Targets,

Training Load g/kg body mass/day
Light Low-intensity or skill-based activities 3–5
Moderate Moderate exercise program 5–7
(ie, w1 h/d)
High Endurance program (ie, 1–3 h/d of 6–10
moderate to high-intensity
Very High Extreme commitment (ie, at least 8–12
4–5 h/d of moderate to
high-intensity exercise)

Data from Burke L. Nutrition for recovery after training and competition. In: Burke L, Deakin V,
editors. Clinical sports nutrition. 5th edition. Sydney (Australia): McGraw-Hill Education; 2015.
p. 420–62.
Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes 289

Fueling recommendations
Ensuring the athlete is adequately fueled and hydrated before starting physical
activity is key to supporting sustained muscle function and power throughout
the session. As Table 3 outlines, carbohydrate intake during exercise is not
always necessary. However, in practice, there can be benefits to consuming car-
bohydrate during training to contribute to total daily carbohydrate needs. For
a. If the athlete has not eaten before a training session, and the session involves skill
or high-intensity work
b. If the athlete is undertaking a hard training block, resulting in limited time available
to eat, potentially reduced appetite, and less time to recover muscle glycogen
stores between training sessions
c. If the athlete needs to practice the intake of carbohydrate for competition and train
the gut to tolerate carbohydrate during intense exercise

Muscle glycogen resynthesis post exercise

After exercise, co-ingestion of carbohydrate with a high-protein recovery snack is
recommended to help restore muscle glycogen effectively (see Table 3), especially
if recovery times are short.18 The highest rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis occur
during the first 2 hours after exercise, when insulin sensitivity is elevated and
glycogen synthesis enzymes are activated.19 Some athletes may experience a
decrease in appetite after intense exercise, reducing the desire to consume food.
If this is the case, a liquid carbohydrate and protein snack (such as chocolate
milk) can help combat restrained hunger cues and allow recovery processes to get
under way.

Gastrointestinal concerns
The same guidelines for able-bodied athletes should be used in athletes with intel-
lectual and visual impairments and high-functioning ABI and CP, as there is no
indication for a need to modify macronutrient guidelines. For wheelchair-
dependent athletes, positioning in the wheelchair can contribute to gastrointestinal
disturbances such as nausea and vomiting.11 Some may experience early satiety
resulting in a reduced amount of food tolerated per feeding, especially before
and during exercise. Slower gastric emptying rates, affected by the sympathetic

Table 3
Carbohydrate guidelines during and after exercise

During Exercise
During brief exercise <45 min Not needed
During sustained high-intensity 45–75 min Small amounts including a
exercise carbohydrate mouth rinse
During endurance exercise, 1–2.5 h 30–60 g/h
including “stop and start” sports
During ultra-endurance exercise >2.5–3 h Up to 90 g/ha 1 g/kg per h for 4 h
After exercise (for rapid refueling of energy stores) 1 g/kg per h for 4 h
With a ratio of glucose:fructose 5 2:1.
Adapted from Burke L. Nutrition for recovery after training and competition. In: Burke L, Deakin
V, editors. Clinical sports nutrition. 5th edition. Sydney (Australia): McGraw-Hill Education; 2015.
p. 433; with permission.
290 Scaramella et al

Table 4
Protein recommendations for athletes

Example Based on 68-kg

Recommendations Dosing Athlete
Protein intake per dose 0.3 g/kg per meal/snack 20 g per meal/snack
Protein intake per day 1.2–1.7 g/kg/d (or up to 82–116 g throughout the day
2.3 g/kg per day if energy or 156 g throughout the
restricted) day
Protein intake per dose when 0.3–0.4 g/kg per meal/snack 20–27 g per meal/snack
energy restricted

Adapted from Moore D, Phillips S, Slater G. Protein. In: Burke L, Deakin V, editors. Clinical
sports nutrition. 5th edition. Sydney (Australia): McGraw-Hill Education; 2015. p. 94–113;
with permission.

nervous system, are reported in people with SCI; thus, timing of meals
(eg, before exercise and before competition) may have to be adjusted.11 Small
frequent feedings of energy-dense food, or liquid calorie sources, such as meal re-
placements, smoothies, and fruit juice may be beneficial to provide adequate
carbohydrate to meet exercise needs. Customization of guidelines is needed to
ensure the athlete’s actual needs are well understood and practical measures to
achieve these needs are taken.

Protein intake distributed throughout the day, and especially after training,
improves muscle protein synthesis and net protein balance, and may enhance
training adaptations.20 Protein recommendations for athletes are presented
in Table 4. Adequate protein intake as part of a recovery nutrition plan should
be consumed shortly after training sessions, especially from high biological
value sources, like beef, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.20 Further-
more, this recovery strategy should be repeated throughout the week, as
recovery processes are ongoing 24 to 48 hours after exercise.20 During
calorie-restricted phases of training, such as athletes competing in weight
making sports, protein intake should be increased to preserve muscle mass (see
Table 4).

Meal plan example for a moderate training day

The following meal plan is based on a female Para triathlete with an SCI. She
typically trains twice a day. An example of a training day may include a morning
low to moderate-intensity pool swim and a moderate to high-intensity interval
hand cycle in the afternoon. Assuming a body mass (BM) of 48 kg (105 lb),
approximate carbohydrate (CHO) requirements for this day are 5 g/kg BM
(240 g). Adequate carbohydrate intake during and between sessions ensures en-
ergy stores are replenished to support repeated training sessions. This is particu-
larly critical for Para triathletes with SCI, as they use the same muscle groups for
each session. Although able-bodied recommendations might be closer to 6 to
8 g CHO/kg BM for this training day, the proportional muscle mass of an athlete
with an SCI is less, as is total energy expenditure for the day. Aiming for 5 g
CHO/kg BM allows for adequate intake of other nutrients within this athlete’s
smaller calorie budget.
Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes 291

Pretraining snack 1 cup whole grain cereal with ½ cup 30 g CHO 6 g PRO
(6:00 AM) chocolate soy milk
Training (6:30 AM) 2500-m pool swim water during session
Breakfast (8:00 AM) 2 slices whole wheat toast with 1 50 g CHO 20 g PRO
tablespoon peanut butter
4 oz strawberry Greek yogurt
Work (9:30 AM–1:30 PM) Fruit smoothie: 4 oz orange juice, 4 oz 50 g CHO 15 g PRO
water, 6 oz Greek yogurt, spinach,
frozen pineapple, ½ banana
Lunch (1:30 PM) 2 oz sliced turkey on whole wheat bread 30 g CHO 12 g PRO
with avocado, sliced tomato
Baby carrots with 1 tablespoon hummus
Pretraining snack 12 oz sports drink 20 g CHO 0 g PRO
(4:15 PM)
Afternoon training 75-min hand cycle ride with high- 15 g CHO 0 g PRO
(4:30 PM) intensity intervals
8 oz sports drink with water
Post-training recovery Protein shake (provides w15 g protein 20 g CHO 15 g PRO
(6:00 PM) and w20 g carbohydrate)
Dinner (7:30 PM) 3 oz lean beef and vegetable stir-fry 25 g CHO 30 g PRO
Brown rice (1/2 cup)
TOTALS 240 g CHO 98 g PRO
(5 g/kg) (2 g/kg)

Abbreviation: PRO, protein.

Iron is an important nutrient for athletes to ensure optimal delivery of oxygen to work-
ing muscles. Athletes have greater iron requirements due to increased red blood cell
production and higher turnover due to hemolysis, sweating, gastrointestinal bleeding,
and other factors.7 Inadequate matching of iron intake to requirements leads to early
fatigue, decreased time to exhaustion, increased rate of perceived exertion,
decreased aerobic capacity, and inhibited adaptations to training, especially at alti-
tude.7 Inadequate iron intake may result from poor quality and quantity of food intake,
inadequate protein intake, or increased requirements from training adaptations (ie,
erythropoiesis).7 Assessing iron status of Para athletes should be prioritized, as
research indicates a high prevalence of low iron intakes.1–4

Iron testing in athletes

It is recommended to perform blood testing of iron status for all athletes at least annu-
ally. If status is suboptimal to meet performance needs, more frequent follow-ups are
encouraged to check on the effectiveness of treatment. Table 5 outlines different
stages of iron depletion and deficiency, highlighting the importance of assessing
ferritin, total iron-binding capacity, and transferrin saturation in athletes. Athletic perfor-
mance can be negatively impacted even at subclinically low iron levels, hence iron sup-
plementation of athletes should occur earlier than the diagnosis of clinical anemia.7
Collaboration between the sports medicine physician and sport dietitian is critical to
ensure the athlete’s care is comprehensive and includes improvement in iron-rich
foods in addition to supplementation if insufficiency is present. Iron-rich heme food
sources (animal-based), such as beef, fish, poultry, and whole eggs, should be
encouraged for all Para athletes. Non-heme iron-rich foods, such as fortified cereal,
tofu, oatmeal, raisins, and cooked spinach, are best absorbed when combined with
292 Scaramella et al

Table 5
Reference ranges for hematological iron status markers

Stage 1 Iron depletion (ID) <35 mg/L ferritin

>115 g/L hemoglobin (Hb)
>16% transferrin saturation
Stage 2 Iron-deficient non-anemia (IDNA) <20 mg/L ferritin
>115 g/L Hb
<16% transferrin saturation
> TIBC >500 mg/dL
Stage 3 Iron-deficient anemia (IDA) <12 mg/L ferritin
<115 g/L Hb
<16% transferrin saturation

Physicians need to take into account that the same reference standards for hemoglobin, hemato-
crit, and mean corpuscular volume do not apply to all ethnic groups.21 Note that ferritin is an
acute-phase reactant so may be abnormally elevated in periods of inflammation.
TIBC, total iron-binding capacity.
Adapted from Deakin V, Peeling P. Prevention, detection and treatment of iron depletion and
deficiency in athletes. In: Burke L, Deakin V, editors. Clinical sports nutrition. 5th edition. Sydney
(Australia): McGraw-Hill Education; 2015. p. 267; with permission.

vitamin C–rich foods. If iron status values are too low or do not improve with the
increased consumption of iron-rich foods, supplementation is recommended.
Table 6 outlines iron supplementation recommendations for athletes.

Treatment considerations
Ingestion of oral iron (typically in the form of ferrous sulfate) is recommended to be
taken with food to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. Although the treatment goal is
to use the best dose to improve iron status, side effects, such as constipation and
diarrhea, may occur. If an athlete continues to experience these symptoms, alter-
nating days on/off, recommending a smaller dose or alternative forms of iron, such
as iron bisglycinate, may be necessary. Athletes training, competing, or living at
altitude are at increased risk for iron insufficiency and are recommended to increase
intake of iron-rich foods or take a low-dose supplement (9–18 mg alone or via multi-
vitamin) as a prophylactic measure. Iron supplements greater than 45 mg/d should
not be undertaken by athletes for long periods of time and should be implemented
only in those athletes with a proven depletion or deficiency.

Inhibition and enhancement of iron

After exercise and during times of high stress or infection, the liver releases a hormone
called hepcidin that inhibits intestinal iron absorption and directs iron away from
hemoglobin and red blood cell synthesis.7 Other inhibitors of non-heme iron absorp-
tion include the following:
 Phytates, commonly found in fiber-rich foods, such as cereal grains, legumes,
nuts, and seeds

Table 6
Iron supplementation protocola

Serum ferritin, ng/mL >35 <35 <20

Elemental iron recommendation, mg/d 0 25–65 65–100
US Olympic Committee, (Shawn Hueglin, personal communication, 2014)
Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes 293

 Polyphenols from coffee, tea, cocoa, and red wine

 Calcium-rich foods
Vitamin C–rich foods and meats strongly enhance iron absorption and can even
neutralize the inhibitory effects of phytates, polyphenols, and calcium.7 For this
reason, iron supplementation is best timed well after exercise, either in the evening
with a meal containing meat or before bed combined with a source of vitamin C to
enhance absorption.

Vitamin D and Bone Health

Vitamin D has become an emerging area of interest and research in athletic popula-
tions far beyond calcium homeostasis and bone health. Para athletes are at high
risk of being deficient in vitamin D for many reasons, including, but not limited to,
the nature of their impairment, inadequate energy intakes, and micronutrient defi-
ciencies, as outlined in Table 7. Low bone mineral density (BMD) and risk of bone
injury are higher in athletes with SCI and lower limb amputations due to less gravita-
tional forces and muscular loads. High risk of fractures and low BMD are documented
in patients with spina bifida, especially those who are nonambulatory.22 Amputation
level has been seen to influence bone characteristics, with above-knee amputees hav-
ing greater bone atrophy than below-knee amputees, leading to greater risk of oste-
oporosis and fractures in the hip.23 Athletes with amputations may be at higher risk
for sustaining osteoporotic fractures at a younger age compared with nonamputees.
Furthermore, greater reductions in BMD may occur after traumatic amputations, as
compared with nontraumatic amputations.24

Table 7
Risk factors by Para population of suboptimal vitamin D status and low BMD

Para Population Risk Factors

SCI  Limited weight-bearing activity
 Less gravitational and muscular loads to lower extremities
 Decreased energy expenditure and energy intake / vitamin D deficiency
 Anticonvulsant use
 Limited sun exposure (covering up the skin with clothing, keeping in the
shade due to thermoregulation challenges)
Amputees  Level of amputation (greater risk in above knee than below knee)
 Prosthesis fit
 Insufficient weight bearing on residual limb
 <6 h/d spent on prosthesis
 Compensatory loading on intact limb
CP and ABI  Insufficient energy and micronutrient intake
 Poor growth rates
 Delayed puberty
 Disrupted hormone production
 Anticonvulsant use
 Swallowing difficulties and the need for food/fluid texture modification
/ decreased dietary intake
Intellectual  Suboptimal micronutrient intake
impairments  Difficulty coping with unfamiliar foods
 Anticonvulsant use
VI  Limited sun exposure in prevention of sunburn and skin cancer (albinism)

Abbreviations: ABI, acquired brain injury; CP, cerebral palsy; SCI, spinal cord injury; VI, visual
294 Scaramella et al

Benefits of optimal vitamin D status in athletes

Vitamin D can impact morphology and functionality of human skeletal muscles, sub-
strate utilization, including long-chain fatty acid oxidation and glycogen metabolism,
aerobic fitness, and maximal oxygen uptake.8,9 Optimal levels of vitamin D also help
enhance the ability of muscle to make quick, explosive movements as supported by
the positive effect of vitamin D on velocity, jump height, power, and force.9 According
to Allison and colleagues,25 athletes with lower vitamin D status (<25 nmol/L) had
smaller atrial and ventricular structures compared with those who had vitamin D status
of more than 50 nmol/L. Innate and adaptive immunity is closely related to vitamin D
status, and some studies support the possibility of the capacity of vitamin D to reduce
upper respiratory infections, commonly reported by highly trained athletes due to high
training volume and intensities.9

Causes of vitamin D insufficiency

Vitamin D deficiencies and insufficiencies in athletes with SCI are well documented. A
recent meta-analysis reported a 32% to 93% prevalence of suboptimal vitamin D sta-
tus in athletes with SCI from a range of indoor and outdoor sports, higher than able-
bodied counterparts.26 Risk of low vitamin D status seems to increase after ABI.
Jamall and colleagues27 found 46.5% of 353 patients tested 0.3 to 56.5 months
post injury were vitamin D deficient, with a total of 80.2% being insufficient. Impor-
tantly, those deficient in vitamin D were found to have lower scores on a cognitive ex-
amination.27 Inadequate vitamin D levels may be due to poor dietary intake, living/
training location (northern latitudes), type of sport (indoor vs outdoor), insufficient
skin exposure to sun due to the nature of the impairment and/or thermoregulatory
challenges, low or high body-fat levels, darker skin pigmentation, sunscreen use,
and time spent outdoors.28 Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in athletes include
low BMD, stress fractures, fatigue, unexplained muscle and joint pain, and frequent
Anticonvulsants are often prescribed to populations with ABI, CP, SCI, and intellec-
tual impairments to manage seizures, but these may decrease serum vitamin D by
increasing catabolism of 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D,29 and impair calcium metabolism
by reducing absorption.30 Prophylactic intake of calcium and vitamin D is recommen-
ded for all patients on anticonvulsants to protect against altered bone health.31

Vitamin D testing in athletes

Due to the impact vitamin D can have on both bone health and performance, and the
high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in Para athletes, testing vitamin D status is
highly recommended. Table 8 presents the reference ranges of vitamin D status in
athletic populations. In addition, routine assessment of BMD, such as dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry, parathyroid hormone, bioavailable vitamin D,32 and dietary cal-
cium intake, are important to detect risk factors of suboptimal bone health.

Recommendations to optimize vitamin D status

Reported dietary intake of vitamin D in elite athletes with SCI is between 115 and 121
IU per day,36 which is well under the current dietary reference intake for vitamin D of
600 IU per day.35 Safe exposure to sunlight and promotion of vitamin D–rich food sour-
ces, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and vitamin D–fortified milks and cereals should
be encouraged in Para athletes, as they may consume insufficient amounts of these
Because the evidence presented suggests it is challenging for many Para ath-
letes to meet daily vitamin D needs with dietary sources, supplementation may
be warranted to restore optimal status, such as that outlined in Table 9. Flueck
Nutritional Strategies for Para Athletes 295

Table 8
Reference ranges for vitamin D in athletes

Vitamin D Status ng$mLL1 nmol$mLL1

Vitamin D toxicity >150 >375
Optimal status (bone and muscle) 40–70 100–175
Normal vitamin D status 30–80 75–200
Vitamin D insufficiency 21–29 52.5–72.5
Vitamin D deficiency 20 50

Conversion factor between units is 2.5.

Data from Refs.33–35

and colleagues37 reported that 12 weeks of supplementation with 6000 IU vitamin D

in Swiss wheelchair athletes with insufficiency significantly improved their vitamin D
status and improved their performance in an elbow isokinetic dynamometer test on
their nondominant hand. Furthermore, Stark38 show the supplementation protocol
in Table 9 was effective in restoring or maintaining adequate vitamin D status in
91% of athletes with an SCI over 12 to 16 weeks, and improved handgrip

Recommendations to optimize bone health

As discussed previously, many Para athletes are at higher risk of low bone density.
There is also increasing evidence of low bone density due to participation in certain
sports, such as swimming and cycling.39 Therefore, it is important to optimize all nu-
trients and factors that support bone health. Calcium-rich foods, such as dairy prod-
ucts, tofu, fish with soft bones, and calcium-fortified foods, should be encouraged,
as Para athletes are often found to consume insufficient calcium.1,2,4–6 Calcium
loss via sweat has been investigated as a factor contributing to athletes’ low bone
density. Haakonssen and colleagues40 reported on the feeding of a calcium-rich
dairy-based preexercise meal 2 hours before 90 minutes of high-intensity exercise
in 32 female cyclists. This resulted in an attenuation of the exercise-induced rise
of bone resorption markers, thereby protecting bone in addition to supporting
adequate total daily calcium intake.40 Other micronutrients important to bone health,
such as magnesium and phosphorus, also were below the estimated average re-
quirements in surveyed Para athletes1,2,4–6 and should be encouraged as part of a
nutrient-dense diet. Finally, strategies to increase load-bearing activity and other
forms of bone stimulation should be encouraged in all Para athlete populations.
For example, amputees who wore a prosthesis for more than 6 hours per day had
significantly greater hip BMD than those who wore a prosthesis for less than 6 hours
per day.24

Table 9
Proposed supplementation protocol for ages 18 years and oldera

Vitamin D Status,
ng$mLL1 Supplementation Duration, wk Maintenance, IU/d
20 50,000 IU/wk or 10,000 IU 5 d/wk 8 1500–3000
21–30 35,000 IU/wk or 4000–5000 IU/d 8 1500–2000
30–40 2000–4000 IU/d 1500–2000
US Olympic Committee, (Shawn Hueglin, personal communication, 2014).
296 Scaramella et al


Analysis of Para athlete dietary intakes, specifically carbohydrate, protein, iron, and
vitamin D status, are important to detect nutrient insufficiencies that greatly impact
athletic performance. Negative effects on performance from suboptimal nutrient sta-
tus include inadequate muscle glycogen to sustain power output, impaired recovery,
diminishing bone health, delayed injury repair, decreased aerobic capacity and
training adaptations, and increased susceptibility to illness and injury. Individualized
dietary approaches are most effective in achieving behavior change and should be
used when working with Para athletes to account for differences in impairment
type, learning style, and dietary preferences. Sport nutrition support is critical to
empowering Para athletes with the knowledge to understand their individual nutrition
needs and risk factors for nutrient insufficiencies, to achieve optimal health and ath-
letic performance. More research is needed on nutrition-related topics that affect per-
formance measures in Para athletes.


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