BMS Spec's

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The document outlines the specifications for installing a Building Management System (BMS) at the Security Forces Medical Center project.

The BMS system will manage components like HVAC, lighting, security, and other building systems. It will integrate with the Integrated Intelligent Building Solution (I2BS).

Over 30 other sections are listed that interface with the BMS, including electrical, mechanical, fire alarm, and communication systems.

The Security Forces Medical Center Project





A. Drawings and general provisions of contract, including Conditions of Contract and

Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. The BMS contractor shall provide the Building Management System (BMS), shall implement
all features called for in this specification and shall implement the necessary sequences for
satisfactory operation of the system. The BMS contractor shall be a BMS specialist. The
BMS contractor shall coordinate with other trades as necessary to provide a fully functional
system that meets the requirements of these specifications.


A. The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section:

1. Division 13 “Clock Control”
2. Division 13 "Closed Circuit Television Video"
3. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Requirements"
4. Division 15 Section "Hydronic Pumps”
5. Division 15 Section "Terminal Units"
6. Division 15 Section "Valves”
7. Division 15 Section "Packaged Booster Pumps”
8. Division 15 Section "Sewage Pumps" and "Sump Pumps"
9. Division 15 Section "Water Distribution Pumps"
10 Division 15 Section "Fans"
11. Division 15 Section "Central Station Air Handling Units"
12. Division 15 Section "Testing, Adjusting and Balancing"
13. Division 15 Section "Security Systems"
14. Division 15 "Integrated Intelligent Building Solution"
15. Division 15 Section “PLC SCADA System and Instrumentation”
16. Division 16 Section "Wiring Devices for Lighting Control"
17. Division 16 Section "Fire Alarm System"
18. Division 16 Section "Medium Voltage Switchgear"
19. Division 16 Section "Uninterruptible Power Supply"
20. Division 16 Section "Main Distribution Boards"
21. Division 16 Section "Motor Control Centres" (includes Variable Speed Drives)
22. Division 16 Section "Diesel Generators"
23. Division 16 Section "Central Battery System".


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24. Division 16 “Basic Electrical Materials and Methods"

25. Division 16 “Grounding and Bonding"
26. Division 16 “Conductors and cables"
27. Division 16 “Raceways and Boxes"
28. Division 16 “Cable trays and ladders"
29. Division 16 “Static UPS"
30. Division 16 “Low voltage Distribution Components and Accessories"
31. Division 16 "Structured Cabling Networks"
32. Division 16 "Management Information System"
33. Division 16 "Communication Network Equipments"

B. The MEP Contractor, the Main Contractor and the I2BS contractor shall be responsible
for all necessary coordination and liaison between the BMS contractor and the third party
system contractors to ensure that the intent and requirements of these specifications are

C. The BMS Contractor shall become familiar with the Integrated Intelligent Building
Solution (I2BS) specification and shall comply with all of the requirements of the I2BS
specification that are relevant to the BMS. Coordinate with the I2BS Contractor to
ensure that there is full interoperability between the BMS and the I2BS


AGP - Advanced Graphics Processor

ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
BTL - BACnet Testing Laboratory
BIBB - BACnet Interoperability Building Block
BMS - Building Management System
BSI - British Standards Institution
CCP - Communications Control Panel
CCR - Central Command Room
CD-RW - Compact Disk with Read and Write capability
CIBSE - Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CPU - Central Processing Unit
DAT - Digital Audio Tape
DCP - Distributed Control Panel
DDC - Direct Digital Control
DDR - Double Data Rate
EP - Electric-to-Pneumatic
FAS - Fire Alarm System
FCU - Fan Coil Unit
FMS - Facility Management System
HHWT - Hand Held Wireless Terminal
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HVAC - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
I2BS - Integrated Intelligent Building Solution
ICT - Information and Communications Technology
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics (hard disk)
IEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers
ISO - International Standards Organisation
ID - IDentification
I/O - Input/Output
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ISA - International Society for Automation

LAN - Local Area Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LIT - Level Indicating Transmitters
LON - Local Operating Network
LSF - Low Smoke and Fire
MSTP - Master Slave / Token Passing
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NIU - Network Interface Unit
NPT - National Pipe Taper (pipe thread specification)
ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OIW - Operator Interface Workstation
OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
OPC - OLE for Process Control
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act
PABX - Private Automatic Branch eXchange
PC - Personal Computer
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PE - Pneumatic-to-Electric
PICS - Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PIM - Process Interface Module
PIT - Pressure Indicating Transmitter
POT - Portable Operator Terminal
PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon)
PT - Pressure Transmitter
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RH - Relative Humidity
RTD - Resistance Temperature Device
SAMA - Scientific Apparatus Manufacturer’s Association
SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
SCPT - Standard Configuration Property Type
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SMS - Short Message Service (cellular phones text messaging)
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SNVT - Standard Network Variable Type
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
SQL - Structured Query Language
SSPC - Standing Standard Project Committee
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Adapter
TDS - Technical Data Sheets
TIT - Temperature Indicating Transmitter
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
UC - Unitary Controller
UCPT - User-defined Configuration Property Type
UNVT - User-defined Network Variable Type
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
VAV - Variable Air Volume
VDU - Video Display Unit
VFC - Volt Free Contacts
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VPN - Virtual Private Network

VSD - Variable Speed Drive
WAN - Wide Area Network
XIF - eXternal Interface File
XML - eXtensible Mark-up Language


A. Algorithm: A logical procedure for solving a recurrent mathematical problem.

B. Analogue: A continuously varying signal value (temperature current, velocity, etc.).

C. BACnet: The Building Automation and Control Network open protocol communication
standard developed by ASHRAE (ASHRAE SSPC/135) and which is now an ISO and
ANSI standard. BACnet can operate over multi media including Ethernet, ArcNet and
MSTP. The BACnet components shall be fully compliant with British standards DD
ENV 1805-1:1998 (Data communication for HVAC Application Management Net.
Building automation and control networking), DD ENV 13321-1:1999 (Data
communication for HVAC application automation net. BACnet, Profibus, World FIP),
ASHRAE BACnet standard SSPC/135 and all other applicable codes.

D. BACnet Object: A physical or virtual point with a set of associated properties such as a
temperature sensor that has properties including, name, current value, maximum and
minimum values, high and low alarm levels, etc.

E. BACnet Conformance: A description of the capabilities of a device for communicating

information to other BACnet devices. It is usually a set of requirements to be met in
order for a device to conform to BACnet standards. There are 6 levels of conformance
for standard BACnet objects and services. The higher the conformance class the more
features that are covered. The BACnet devices furnished under this contract shall, at
minimum, be conformance class 4.

F. BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs): A BIBB defines a small portion of

BACnet functionality needed to perform a particular task. BIBBs come in pairs, A and
B, which reflect the client/server nature. The A BIBB represents the client, i.e. the
device requesting information or commanding an action. The B BIBB represents the
server, i.e. the device furnishing the information or executing the command. For 2
devices to be interoperable the A BIBB and the B BIBB must be the same.

G. BACnet/IP: The building automation and control network open protocol communication
standard which complies with Annex J to the ASHRAE SSPC/135 standard.

H. Binary: A two-state system where a high signal level represents an “ON” condition and
an "OFF" condition is represented by a low signal level.

I. BMS: This shall mean the complete Building Management System including the
components at the Field, Automation and Management Levels.

J. Component: Any individual element of the BMS furnished under this contract including
hardware, software and materials.

K. Contractor: The BMS Contractor who shall provide the Building Management System
and shall be responsible for the integration of the BMS with the other low voltage


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building systems as detailed in the specifications. The BMS contractor shall be a BMS

L. Control Wiring: This includes conduit, wire, and wiring devices to install complete
HVAC control systems, including motor control circuits, interlocks, sensors, PE and EP
switches, and like devices. This also includes all wiring from node to node, and nodes to
all sensors and points defined in the I/O summary shown on drawings or specified
herein, and required to execute the sequence of operation. Does not include line voltage
power wiring.

M. Diagnostic Program: Machine-executable instructions used to detect and isolate system

and component malfunctions.

N. Direct Digital Control (DDC) involves the connection of microprocessor-based

controllers to field level sensors and actuators. The signals received from field level
instrumentation are converted from analogue to digital format so that the data can be
used in software logic. Control signals are determined by software logic and they are
converted from digital to analogue format so that the final control elements can be

O. Distributed Control: A system whereby all control processing is decentralized and

independent of a central computer.

P. MOI/SFMC: Ministry of Interior/Security Forces Medical Center or their appointed


Q. Engineer and project manager: Dar Al-Handasah or their appointed representative.

R. Furnish: Purchase and deliver to the appropriate installing Contractor, complete with
every appurtenance, document, commission and warranty.

S. Gateway: A device that contains an input/output (I/O) software driver to translate input
data from one communications protocol to output data in a second communications

T. Human-Machine Interface (HMI): Human-machine interfacing allows the operator to

manage, command, monitor, and program the system.

U. Integration: Establishing communication and meaningful data transfer between two

devices based on a standard protocol or through the use of a standards based gateway.

V. Interoperability: The ability of systems from different manufacturers and of different

types to share information with each other without losing any of their independent
functional capabilities and without the need for complex programming.

W. LonMark Interoperability Association: Standards committee consisting of numerous

independent product developers and systems integrators dedicated to determining and
maintaining the interoperability guidelines for the LONWORKS® industry.

X. LonMarked•: Device has been certified for compliance with LonMark standards by the
LonMark association.

Y. LonTalk•: Open/standard communication protocol developed by the Echelon



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The Security Forces Medical Center Project

Z. LonWorks: The overall communications technology for control systems developed by

Echelon Corporation. The technology employs routers, gateways, bridges, and
multimedia transceivers to permit topology and media-independent control solutions.
Refer to standard ANSI/EIA - 709.1

AA. Native BACnet: This term is used to imply that BACnet devices (i.e. the BMS
controllers and workstation) only communicate in BACnet protocol and do not require a
gateway for protocol conversion. The BACnet devices shall be connected on a peer-to-
peer network using one of the approved LAN technologies such as Ethernet, ARCNET,
MS/TP, LonTalk or BACnet/IP.

BB. Network: A system of distributed control units that are linked together on a
communication bus. A network allows sharing of point information between all control
units. Additionally, a network provides central monitoring and control of the entire
system from any distributed control unit location.

CC. Operating System (OS): Software that controls the execution of computer programs and
which provides scheduling, debugging, input/output controls, accounting, compilation,
storage assignment, data management, and related services.

DD. Operator Interface Workstation (OIW): The OIW consists of a high-level processing
personal computer and peripheral I/O devices that enable access to the PC and to the
entire Management Level Network.

EE. Operator: The operator shall refer to the operator at an I2BS workstation, an operator at
the POT and an operator at the HHWT.

FF. Peer-to-Peer Communication: Communication directly between devices that operate on

the same communications level of a network, without intervention from any intermediary
devices such as a host or server.

GG. Peripheral I/O: Input/Output (I/O) equipment used to communicate to and from the
computer and make hard copies of system outputs and magnetic files. Peripherals
include VDU, printers, hard drives, disk drives, and modems, etc.

HH. Portable Operator Terminal (POT): Permits remote operator interface to facilitate
network management, node commissioning, diagnostics, and general operator interface
with the BMS. This is a Thin Client PC that shall be able to perform any function that
can be undertaken from any other Thin Client PC on the system.

II. Programmable Device: A device that does not have a pre-established built in
application. An application creation software tool is required for an application to be
created and downloaded to the device.

JJ. Provide: Furnish, install, commission, test and warrant. Refer to the definition of

KK. Router: A device that routes messages destined for a node on another segment sub-net or
domain of the control network. The device controls message traffic based on node
address and priority. Media converters which serve as communication links between
power line, twisted pair, fibre, coax, and RF media are sometimes referred to as Routers.

LL. Standard Network Variable Type (SNVT): LonWorks controllers use SNVTs to define
data objects. Each SNVT is identified by a code number that the receiving controller can
use to determine how to interpret the information presented.


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MM. Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC): ASHRAE terminology for a technical
committee that oversees the maintenance of a standard.

NN. Software: Generic term used for those components of the computer systems that are
intangible rather than physical. The term "software" is used to refer to the programs
executed by the computer systems as distinct from the physical hardware of the computer
systems and encompasses any programs such as operating systems, applications
programs, operating sequences and databases. The term "software" shall be interpreted
to include firmware if, in the context in which it is used, the term "software" does not
exclude the use of read-only memory and the use of firmware meets all of the applicable
criteria detailed in these specifications.

OO. Thin Client: Thin client technology involves delivering windows applications to client
workstations from a centrally based server. The thin client workstation has the ability to
process information but data storage, applications and administrative functions reside on
the terminal server. The applications run on the server and screen updates are sent from
the server to the client. The thin client workstation displays the screen updates and sends
operator entered requests/commands via the keyboard and mouse back to the server for

PP. Unitary Controller: A controller generally designed for a specific application and for a
single piece of equipment. They are generally of two types: application specific and
“freely” programmable. The “freely” programmable unitary controllers shall be
provided for this project.

QQ. Virtual Private Network (VPN): This is a network that uses encryption and other
technologies to provide secure communications over the Internet or an Intranet.

RR. XIF: “External Interface File” contains the contents of the manufacturer’s product

SS. XML/SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a simple eXtensible Mark-up
Language (XML) based protocol that enables applications to exchange information over
HTTP. Or more simply: SOAP is a protocol for accessing a Web Service.

TT. The above definitions shall apply to the words:

1. When they are in upper case, when they are in lower case and when they are
2. In the singular and in the plural.
3. In all grammatical tenses.


A. The following is a description of the overall BMS philosophy that shall be applicable to
all BMS installations in the Security Forces Medical Center Project. It is provided for
the purpose of placing the work of this contract in context with the total work involved in
the Extra Low Voltage (ELV) Building Systems.

B. The Integrated Intelligent Building Solution (I2BS), provided under a separate contract,
shall provide the management level functions for the BMS. The BMS provided under
this contract, therefore, shall not have a workstation or head end PC. The BMS
controllers shall communicate with the Integrated Intelligent Building Solution (I2BS)
directly or via a Network Interface Unit (NIU), which shall be provided by the I2BS
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contractor. The provision of the I2BS is not in the scope of work of this contract. The
I2BS shall be capable of accessing all the information available at the BMS controllers.

C. A Wide Area Network (WAN) shall be provided by the Telecom Contractor. This WAN
shall serve as the medium of communication between the building ELV building services
systems and the I2BS.

D. The building BMS system that is to be provided as a part of this work shall be integrated
to the I2BS system via a Network Integration Unit (NIU) panel provided by the I2BS
contractor. The BMS installation shall be closely coordinated with the I2BS Contractor.
The interface with the NIU is a part of this work and the BMS contractor is responsible
for coordinating with the I2BS contractor.

E. The NIU Panel, provided by others, shall provide the interface between the BMS
Automation Level controllers and the Converged IP Network and shall provide global
supervisory control functions over the Automation Level controllers connected to the
NIU Panel. The NIU shall reside on the Converged IP Network. The NIU Panel shall be
capable of executing application control programs to provide:
1. Calendar functions.
2. Scheduling.
3. Trending.
4. Alarm monitoring and routing.
5. Time synchronization.
6. Integration of LonWorks and BACnet BMS Automation Level controller data.
7. Graphics. (These shall reside at both the NIU panel and the I2BS Application

F. The BMS shall communicate with the NIU in one of the following native protocols:
1. BACnet
2. LonWorks

G. The use of BMS proprietary protocols and gateways shall not be permitted.

H. Provide comprehensive documentation to the I2BS Contractor regarding the protocol and the
format/address of the data communicated to the NIU. In particular a BMS Contractor who
provides Automation Level controllers that communicate using BACnet shall provide complete
details of all BACnet object IDs and a BMS Contractor who provides Automation Level
controllers that communicate using LonTalk shall provide details of all LON SNVT IDs.


A. These contract documents cover the following scope of work:

1. The provision of a fully functioning BMS that will undertake the monitoring and
control of the HVAC systems for the facility. This shall include but shall not be
limited to the following monitoring and control functions:
a. The monitoring and control of the air handling units, fan coil units,
VAV terminal units, extract fans and other miscellaneous fans used for
the distribution of airflow.
b. The monitoring and control of the various plumbing systems.
c. The monitoring and control of water leak detection systems, if
d. The monitoring and control of the variable speed motors. The variable
speed drive (VSD) controllers shall interface directly to the BMS
Automation Level through a BACnet or LonWorks to third party
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gateway, depending on whether the associated DDC controllers are

BACnet or Lon. The gateway shall reside on the same network as the
BACnet or Lon DDC controllers that provide monitoring and control of
the VSD motors. The intent is that the exchange of information
between the VSD controllers and the DDC controllers associated with
the variable speed drives shall not be lost in the event of a Management
Level component failure. The gateway shall be provided and connected
into the data port of the VSD controller by the VSD supplier. The BMS
contractor shall connect the gateway into the BMS network. The BMS
contractor shall obtain a list of the BACnet objects or Lon SNVT
IDs/names, as applicable, from the VSD supplier and shall map the
BACnet objects or Lon SNVT into the DDC controllers. The BMS
contractor shall provide the VSD supplier with the BACnet object or
Lon SNVT IDs, as applicable, for points that are to be mapped from the
BMS DDC controllers into the VSD controllers and the VSD supplier
shall map these points into the VSD controller. The BMS contractor
shall be able to incorporate points from the VSD controllers into the
various BMS sequences of operation in exactly the same manner as any
points monitored directly by DDC controllers. These points shall be
treated in exactly the same manner as any points monitored/controlled
by the BMS DDC controllers directly.
e. The monitoring of the switchboard electronic meters.
f. Monitor ambient conditions and air quality.
g. Monitor and control other points as determined during the detailed
system design.
h. The BMS contractor shall be responsible for mapping any points that
are sent via the I2BS to the BMS into the BMS. The BMS contractor
shall request details of the points to be mapped from the I2BS
i. A hardwired interface shall enable the BMS to monitor the status
(on/off/, healthy/fault) of the CCTV components.

B. The BMS shall be a turnkey installation and shall include the interface to the NIU and
testing of the BMS as detailed in these specifications. Each BMS shall comprise, at
minimum, the following components:

1. Distributed Control Panels (DCP).

2. Unitary Controllers (UC).
3. Hand Held Wireless Terminals (HHWT).
4. Portable Operator Terminals (POT)
4. Automation level Local Area Networks (LAN).
5. Field instrumentation including intelligent sensors.
6. Automatic Valves.
7. Actuators for automatic valves and motorised dampers.
8. Software as detailed herein.
9. Cable and containment.
10. All power supplies and conditioners, interlocking and control relays, equipment
enclosures and other components, materials and services required for a
completed and fully operational turnkey BMS installation meeting these

C. The BMS shall meet the following general criteria:

1. Fully networked.
2. Real time.
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3. Distributed processing.
4. No single point of failure.
6. Native BACnet or LonWorks

D. The BMS shall be configured to ensure reliability of systems operation and control of
critical functions/systems. In general, all monitoring and control of separate systems
shall be achieved via single control panels. Critical inputs of a system shall be wired
directly to the controlling panel. Where required, dedicated control panels shall be
provided and shall not share any point monitoring or control with other systems.

E. All components of the BMS at the automation level, except for the unitary controllers,
shall operate on UPS. The BMS contractor shall not provide the UPS. The BMS
contractor shall advise the Electrical contractor within 8 weeks of award of contract what
the BMS load will be for UPS power.

F. The components furnished under this contract shall be the most recent products offered
by the BMS manufacturer that meet the specifications. If there are improved models of
any components furnished under this contract that become available before the on-site
commencement of installation then these shall be offered by the BMS contractor to
MOI/SFMC at no additional cost to MOI/SFMC. MOI/SFMC shall have the option to
accept or decline the offer. The components offered shall have been in successful
operation in at least 2 similar applications for a minimum of 12 months.

G. The BMS contractor shall provide a Portable Operator Terminal complete with BMS
management level software installed for testing of the BMS functions as detailed in these
specifications. The POT shall be provided with all configuration tools necessary to
configure all components furnished under this contract. The BMS contractor shall
provide all software licenses necessary for the legal operation of the components
furnished under this contract. The licensing requirement shall not be based on the points
in the system. MOI/SFMC shall be able to expand the system without being required to
buy any additional licenses.

H. The BMS contractor shall provide all necessary configuration tools for all equipment
furnished to MOI/SFMC. The configuration tools shall be installed onto the I2BS
system server and onto the POT to allow for remote configuration of the equipment.
Provide all necessary software licenses.

I. All electrical equipment, devices and components and their installation shall comply with
the latest edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations (BS 7671:2008 Wiring Regulations) and
all associated addenda, the electrical contract specifications for the project and all other
applicable codes, regulations and statutes.

J. All components shall be IP 2X finger protected to BS 60529 such that live components
cannot be accidentally touched. Interior enclosures shall be, at minimum, IP 45 to BS
60529 and exterior enclosures shall be weather proof IP 65 to BS 60529 unless
specifically noted otherwise within these contract documents.

K. All electrical installation work shall conform to the requirements specified in the
electrical trade contract documents. Where there is any conflict between the
requirements of the different project trade contract documents, statutes, codes,
regulations, local ordinances and any requirement of an agency having jurisdiction over
the project, the most stringent requirement shall apply unless determined otherwise by
MOI/SFMC. Advise the Engineer of any discrepancy between the various requirements
for the project.


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L. Each component shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Manufactured by experienced manufacturers of the specific component and

2. Designed to minimize the requirement for field repair or maintenance.
3. Modular design.
4. Electronic components shall have internal failure diagnostics.
5. Each component shall be maintainable without significantly affecting the
ongoing operation of the other components.
6. Components, test ports and cable terminations shall be readily accessible.
7. Damage caused by the failure of one component will be limited to the
component that has failed without affecting the ongoing operation of the other

M. Equipment, devices and materials shall conform to all performance requirements of the
specifications when exposed to the following interferences:

1. Project lighting, telephone and elevator equipment.

2. VHF and UHF signals as generated by external or internal portable or fixed
3. AM signals as generated from transmitters.
4. Electrical noise on the building power system, both spurious and harmonics.
5. The installations shall not radiate signals that cause interference to the correct
operation of MOI/SFMC’s on-site equipment.
6. The BMS and all individual electrical equipment, devices and components shall
comply with the requirements of BS EN 50081-1 (General Emission Standard)
and BS EN 50082-1 and 2 (General Immunity Standard), the requirements of the
Federal Communication Commission rules and regulations Part 15, sub part J
and all other applicable codes and statutes with respect to the radiation and
conduction of radio frequency interference.

N. Provide adequate earthing on all equipment to prevent the build-up of electromagnetic

voltage potentials. Provide screening of panels, enclosures, devices, or components that
emit interferences. All monitoring and control and communications cables shall be
screened with one end earthed.

O. Provide the following support for all components furnished under this contract:

1. Warranty and service during the defects liability period.

2. Submittals, samples and record documentation.
3. Comprehensive commissioning and testing, including pre-acceptance integrated
testing with the I2BS and other ELV systems as necessary.
4. Detailed theoretical and practical training services for the Supervisors and
5. Coordination with other site contractors.
6. Reporting to MOI/SFMC and Engineer for the coordinated and timely execution
of the Work
7. Comprehensive and complete interoperability documentation and method
statement for third party systems. The BMS contractor shall provide separate
interoperability documentation at the end of execution of the project, which shall
detail integrating BACnet objects or LON SNVT’s, details of the interfacing of
controllers with the NIU


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P. The BMS contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with the I2BS contractor for
all information that is to be sent from the BMS controllers to the NIU or received from
the NIU by the BMS controllers.

Q. The BMS contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that any changes made to the BMS
system via the POT or HHWT shall be broadcast to the relevant controllers as well as to
the NIU. Similarly, any changes sent via the NIU should be broadcast to the applicable
controllers and updated on the POT and HHWT the next time they are connected to the
BMS network.


A. The BMS, as installed, shall incorporate a minimum of 20 percent additional hardware

(field) points without adding controllers or I/O Point Interface Modules (PIM). The
number and type of the installed spare points shall be uniformly distributed between the
installed controllers.

B. The Automation level network and network components shall not be more than 30%

C. Network architecture shall allow unlimited expandability by the addition of new sub
networks and associated routers, gateways, etc.

D. Subsequent to the potential expansion detailed in 1.08.B and .C above:

1. The BMS performance shall not be degraded in any manner and shall meet all
performance criteria detailed in these specifications.
2. Equipment installed under this Contract shall not become redundant as a result
of implementing these BMS expansion requirements.


A. Repair work shall only be undertaken at times approved by MOI/SFMC.

B. Repair work shall not include routine maintenance during the Defects Liability Period.
The cost of providing routine maintenance during the Defects Liability Period shall be
provided separately as an Optional Price as detailed below.

C. Replace or repair all supplied defective installations. Respond and be on site within 2
hours of the Engineer and/or MOI/SFMC placing a system trouble call for items of an
immediate nature (e.g.: failed component, non-functioning controller, etc.). Response to
warranty calls by the Engineer and/or MOI/SFMC shall be within 24 hours for items not
requiring immediate attention. Work to troubleshoot and identify the cause of the BMS
system or component failure shall begin immediately and shall continue until repaired to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and MOI/SFMC.


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A. Submit an Optional Price for routine maintenance services during the Defects Liability
Period. The provision of such services shall be at the sole discretion of MOI/SFMC who
may instruct accordingly.

B. Provide routine maintenance services during the Defects Liability Period. The
maintenance services shall cover routine preventative maintenance but shall not include
emergency maintenance or the cost of replacing defective materials during the Defects
Liability Period.

C. Under routine maintenance components of the BMS shall be selectively inspected and
serviced during the Defects Liability Period. Provide, at minimum, four (4) preventative
service inspections during the Defects Liability Period. Perform, at minimum, the
following during each preventative service inspection:

1. Verify the proper operation of Portable Operator Terminal (POT) and Hand
Held Wireless Terminal (HHWT)
2. Verify proper operation of each digital controller and network, including any
hubs, network interface cards, routers, etc. Clean enclosures.
3. Verify the satisfactory operation of at least 25 percent of each type of field
device including valves and dampers. All field devices shall be checked at least
once during the initial Defects Liability Period and shall be calibrated and
adjusted as necessary.
5. Provide a comprehensive written report to MOI/SFMC indicating the results of
each inspection and all repairs and adjustments made.
6. Perform complete backup of all software.

D. The routine maintenance services during the Defects Liability Period shall include 20
hours per year of programming changes to the BMS as requested by MOI/SFMC.

E. Any software upgrades and new software programmes that become standard product
offerings from the BMS contractor and/or BMS equipment vendors during the Defects
Liability Period shall be brought to the attention of MOI/SFMC together with the cost
and, if MOI/SFMC wishes, he shall purchase the software. If at any time during the
Defects Liability Period, software patches that correct software errors become available
MOI/SFMC shall be notified immediately and they shall be made available to
MOI/SFMC at no additional cost.

F. Update as-built documentation, submitted at the time of taking-over of the Works as

necessary to reflect any changes that may have been introduced during the Defects
Liability Period.

G. Detail the minimum number of hours to be spent on routine maintenance during the
Defects Liability Period in the tender submittal.

H. The BMS contractor shall maintain an inventory of common components in the local
office for the replacement of failed components as detailed under “Spare Parts”.

I. Provide replacement components within the specified time periods for the following
components. The contractor shall guarantee to MOI/SFMC that the delivery of
replacement components will be provided within the specified time periods.


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BMS Component Delivery Time

1. Portable Operator Terminal Five (5) days

2. Primary and secondary BMS communication
LAN components including any hubs,
network interface cards, bridges, routers, One (1) days
concentrators, protocol converters, termination
plugs, etc.
2. DCP including any required input/output point interface
modules. Two (2) days
3. Unitary controllers including any input/output point
interface modules. Two (2) days
4. Temperature sensors One (1) days
5. Any other items of instrumentation Two (2) days

J. The BMS contractor shall replace all used consumable items during the Defects Liability
Period. Consumable items shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Batteries for equipment furnished under this Contract.

2. Other consumable items furnished under this contract that have a life expectancy
that would render them less than 100% effective before the end of the Defects
Liability Period.

K. During the Defects Liability Period the BMS contractor shall maintain a minimum of
10% spare DCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract. At the end of
the Defects Liability Period the BMS contractor shall hand over DCP and UC of each
type to MOI/SFMC which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed
DCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract.

L. During the Defects Liability Period the BMS contractor shall maintain a minimum of
10% spare sensors of each type installed on site under this contract. At the end of the
Defects Liability Period the BMS contractor shall hand over sensors of each type to
MOI/SFMC, which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of installed
sensors of each type installed on Site under this contract.



A. Submit an Optional price to extend the Defects Liability Period and the maintenance
during that period for ten (10) one (1) year periods. The maintenance service contract
shall be an all-inclusive labour and parts contract but MOI/SFMC reserves the right to
obtain parts from alternative sources. The requirements during each additional year shall
be exactly the same as those detailed in Part 1.10 of this Section.

B. The BMS contractor shall enter into a direct contract with MOI/SFMC to provide the
maintenance services for a minimum period of ten (10) years. The signing of a
maintenance services contract, if MOI/SFMC so chooses, shall be a pre-requisite to
obtaining substantial completion. MOI/SFMC shall have the option to renew each year
if MOI/SFMC so wishes. The BMS contractor shall submit the cost for the maintenance
service agreement in one of the following ways:

1. A fixed price for a ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out between labour and
parts, or


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2. A fixed price for the first year of the ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out
between labour and parts for the first year and a percent value or a table of
percent values that the labour portion of the cost would be escalated at during
the succeeding nine (9) years and a percent value or a table of percent values
that the parts portion of the cost would be escalated at during the succeeding
nine (9) years, or
3. A fixed price for the first year of the ten (10) year Agreement with a break-out
between labour and parts for the first year with the annual increase for labour
and parts over the succeeding nine (9) years based on the annual percent
increase in a cost of living index from one year to the next, the cost of living
index to be used is to be specified by the BMS contractor in the tender submittal.

C. If at any time during the maintenance service contract, software patches that correct
software errors become available MOI/SFMC shall be notified immediately and they
shall be made available to MOI/SFMC at no additional cost.

D. During the period of the maintenance contract the BMS contractor shall maintain a
minimum of 10% spare DCP and UC of each type installed on site under this contract.
At the end of the maintenance contract the BMS contractor shall hand over DCP and UC
of each type to MOI/SFMC, which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of
installed DCP, and UC of each type installed on site under this contract.

E. During the period of the maintenance contract the BMS contractor shall maintain a
minimum of 10% spare sensors of each type installed on site under this contract. At the
end of the Defects Liability Period the BMS contractor shall hand over sensors of each
type to MOI/SFMC, which shall, at minimum, be equal to 10% of the number of
installed sensors of each type installed on site under this contract.


A. Obtain all required permits and inspection certificates. All permits and certificates shall
be made available to MOI/SFMC.

B. The latest requirements of all national, county, municipal and other authorities having
jurisdiction shall be met.

C. Work shall be performed in compliance with MOI/SFMC's insurance underwriters'


D. All electrical work shall comply with the latest edition of the IEE wiring regulations (BS


A. Complete all requirements of the BMS contract in accordance with the project
programme and prior to the scheduled Substantial Completion date for each phase.

B. Attend project meetings as requested by the Engineer.

C. Provide to the Engineer a schedule indicating the sequence of work, durations of

individual tasks, delivery dates for all material, devices and equipment and detail any
interface that must be coordinated with any other Contractors.


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D. Provide written status reports at required intervals and in a format acceptable to the
Engineer. An updated schedule of work shall be included in each status report.

E. Comply with the Project Construction Schedule. Provide additional staffing or work
overtime as required to comply with the Project Schedule so as not to interfere with other
on-site Contractors in their effort to comply with the Project Schedule. Confirm, prior to
tender submittal, that all equipment, devices, material and services proposed are
available and will be delivered accordingly to comply with the Project Schedule.

F. Provide written Request For Information notices to the Engineer when specific
information or clarification of the specifications is required. Request For Information
notices shall be provided at least two (2) weeks prior to the need for the information.


A. The BMS contractor shall:

1. Have a local staff, within 50 kilometres of the project site, of trained personnel
capable of giving instructions and providing routine and emergency maintenance
on the BMS, all components and software/firmware and all other elements of the
2. Have a proven record of experience in the supply and installation of equivalent
systems over a minimum period of 10 years in the Middle East Region
3. Have comprehensive local service and support facilities for the total BMS that
shall be capable of responding to call-out within 2 hours, 7 days a week.
4. Maintain local, or have approved local contracted access to, supplies of essential
expendable parts.
5. Undertake to maintain necessary project staff and maintenance personnel as per
MOI/SFMC’s requirements.
6. Have staff experienced with integration projects with similar past project
experience. Staff must have solid understanding of the requirements to integrate
with the NIU. Staff must be experience in the use of BACnet and/or LonWorks
based systems depending on the BMS system provided.

B. The BMS shall be listed and manufactured to ISO 9001 and ISO 9002.

C. The BMS contractor shall only offer equipment that meets UL 916 and UL864 UUKL
requirements and all electrical components shall be UL listed and shall carry the UL

D. The BMS contractor shall only offer controllers that are fully BACnet and/or LonWorks
compliant. BMS contractor shall submit interoperability certificates for LonMark and
BTL as applicable.

E. Approved BMS manufacturers are:

1. Honeywell Building Solutions
3. Alerton.
4. Johnson Controls.
5. Distech Controls.
6. Or approved Equals.


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A. Work shall comply with all the requirements of the Health and Safety Commission and
with all of the instructions of the Engineer and Project Manager.


A. All equipment and materials shall be new and without any defect. All components of
one type shall be products of one manufacturer (temperature sensors, dampers, etc.).

B. Hazardous Materials Notification: In the event no product or material is available that

does not contain asbestos, PCB, or other hazardous materials as determined by the
Engineer, a written application shall be made by the BMS contractor to the Engineer
providing all relevant details concerning a proposed product or material that contains
hazardous material prior to installation.

C. Asbestos and PCB Certification: After completion of installation, but prior to Substantial
Completion, the BMS contractor shall certify in writing that products and materials
installed, and processes used, do not contain asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls


A. The BMS contractor shall certify in writing with the tender submittal that all components
proposed for this project comply with all of the following requirements:

1. Complete and thorough testing has proven that performance shall not be affected
when the building electrical distribution system experiences disturbances of the
type and magnitude normally encountered in buildings of this nature.
2. An independent testing laboratory has verified that the VAV terminal unit
unitary controller meets the performance requirements detailed in these
specifications. If so required by MOI/SFMC, the testing laboratory shall test a
project VAV terminal unit complete with the BMS unitary controller and the
BMS contractor shall demonstrate that the VAV terminal unit UC can meet all
of the requirements for monitoring and control accuracy and can undertake all of
the sequences of operation associated with the VAV as detailed in these
specifications. The independent testing laboratory test report is to be submitted
with the shop drawings.
3. Power line disturbance tests involving the cycling of mains voltage showed that
all components operated satisfactorily when the voltage dropped to 75% or less
of the nominal mains voltage and normal operation resumed when the voltage
returned to less than 85% of the nominal mains voltage. Following these
brownout conditions the components were free of any stress and/or damage,
operated as normal and no data at the DCP and/or UC was lost or corrupted.

B. The BMS contractor shall certify in writing with the tender submittal that all components
are free of date related problems and that the BMS complies with all aspects of British
Standards Institution standard BSI DISC PD2000-1.



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A. Provide equipment, devices and materials for interior and exterior applications that shall
be capable of withstanding and operating satisfactorily in, at minimum, the following
ambient conditions:
1. Outside Temperatures Summer:
Dry Bulb : 46 deg. C
Wet Bulb : 17.8 deg. C
Daily Range: 14 deg K

2. Outside Temperatures Winter:

Dry Bulb : 5 deg. C

B. Electrical power service of single phase 230 Vac, 60 Hz nominal with tolerances in
compliance with the applicable statutes, codes and regulations.


A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle products to site under provisions of the Contract

B. Accept products on site and verify damage.

C. Protect products from construction operations, dust, and debris by storing in conditioned


A. As soon as practicable after approval of materials and equipment and, if possible, not
later than 4 months prior to the date of practical completion, submit spare parts data for
each different item of equipment furnished. Data to include a complete list of the
sources of supply, a list of parts and supplies that are either normally furnished at no
extra cost with the purchase of the equipment, or specified hereinafter as EXTRA
MATERIALS to be furnished as part of the Contract; and a list of additional items
recommended by the manufacturer to assure efficient operation for a period of 360 days
at the particular installation. The foregoing shall not relieve the Contractor of any
responsibilities under the guarantee condition.


A. Provide special hardware and software tools required for maintenance.

B. Provide two of each plug-in circuit board.


A. Provide anti virus software for all components that are vulnerable to viruses. At
minimum, antivirus software shall be installed on the Portable Operator Terminal (POT).
Anti virus software shall be provided with free virus definition updates for the duration
of the warranty. Anti virus software should automatically scan the computer bios and all
files opened, created, copied, and/or received for viruses. Include directions for updating
virus definition files upon expiration of warranty within the record documentation.


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A. The term "interactive" is used to mean that the system shall operate in a conversational
mode whereby the operator shall receive English language prompts in the form of:

1. Tables into which the operator enters data.

2. Questions that are responded to by the operator.
3. Selections that are made by the operator based on a list of suggested alternatives
that is generated by the BMS.

B. Interactive procedures shall be such that the operator can readily execute a task without
reference to instruction manuals and without knowledge of the BMS control language.

C. All setpoints, alarms limits, deadbands, software time delays, report configuration and
requests, operating time limits, etc. shall be operator definable through an interactive
procedure via the associated NIU and POT. Coordinate this work with the I2BS
contractor, who is responsible for providing the NIU.


A. General: maintain a complete test, inspection and documentation program covering all
phases of construction and implementation of the instrumentation and control systems.
Also maintain an engineering assurance program throughout final design and equipment
selection phases of the project. Quality control and engineering assurance programs to
be fully documented in a project procedures manual which is to be submitted for

B. Project procedure manual is to detail, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

1. Equipment selection criteria.

2. Design standards.
3. Installation standards.
4. Field personnel qualification procedures such as for welders and non-destructive
testing personnel.
5. Equipment calibration procedures.
6. Calibrated loop check procedures.
7. System test and start-up procedures.
8. Interoperability assurance procedures.

C. Start up procedures: portions of the manual may be equipment dependent such as start
up procedures. In such cases submit these portions in accordance with the requirements
of sub-section SUBMITTALS. However, selection criteria, design standard, and
installation standards to be established and approved before detailed design starts.

D. Inspection: the Engineer has the right, at all times, to inspect the work, equipment, or
quality assurance procedures as applicable to confirm that requirements as set forth are
being complied with. Provide all tools, instruments and equipment necessary to
facilitate these inspections.

E. Inspection: cooperate with the Engineer in establishing when the various inspections or
tests will be performed during progress of the work.


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F. Obligations: the presence or activities of the Engineer are in no way to relieve the
Contractor of his obligations.

G. Inspection duties assigned to the Contractor's personnel are to include, but are not
limited to, the following:

1. Verify that all non-destructive testing personnel are qualified for the work being
2. Verify that all components received comply with the Specification and receipt,
inspection and storage of materials comply with requirements of the
3. Verify that the Contractor's storage facilities are maintained.
4. Verify that rack wiring check and electrical continuity tests are conducted in
accordance with the Specification.
5. Witness that all hydrostatic tests performed on instrument sensing lines are in
accordance with the Specification and that all tests are properly filled in signed
and submittal for approval.
6. Witness all pneumatic leak tests performed on instrument sensing lines and
pneumatic tubing required by the Specification.
7. Verify that all wiring insulation tests are performed in accordance with the
Specification and that all test reports are properly filled in, signed and submitted
for approval.
8. Verify that assembly and nameplates of the transmitter racks are in accordance
with the Specification.
9. Verify that all racks, panels and local instruments have been located in
accordance with the Specification.
10. Verify that all tubing supports are in accordance with the Specification.
11. Verify that all tubing has been installed in accordance with the Specification.
12. Verify that all repairs and revisions to instrument components and assemblies
are in accordance with the Specification.
13. Verify that all repairs and revisions to instrumentation, tubing and their
components are in accordance with the Specification.
14. Inspect in detail the tubing system or portions of the system as completed to
verify that system or portion of system is correct and complete as specified prior
to the initiation of any flushing, hydrostatic test, or leak test operation.
15. Witness the construction loop inspection performed by the Contractor. All
items control components to conform to the specification requirements and
drawings. Equipment and components to be undamaged as determined by
visual examination. All documentation as required to be complete and on file.
Construction loop inspection, as performed, to comprehensively and
conclusively prove completeness and conformity of the installation to the
Drawings and Specification.
16. Verify that calibration of instrumentation and control loops is in accordance
with the approved procedures as submitted in the project procedures manual.
17. Witness the calibrated loop check and verify that all calibration reports are
properly filled in, signed and submitted for approval.
18. Witness the system operational tests on a sub-system basis to assure operational
integrity and conformance to operational requirements as specified.
19. Verify all plant documentation required for plant acceptance is in accordance
with sub-section SUBMITTALS for completeness and conformance.



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A. Technical proposals shall be prepared in accordance with these specifications. Three

copies of the proposal shall be submitted. The technical proposal shall include the
following data/information as a minimum. The order of listing here is not intended to
indicate, nor should it be construed to indicate, the relative importance of the

1. Information on organizational capability to handle this project (management,

personnel, manufacturing, single source responsibility, etc.)
2. Information on training program to demonstrate specification compliance.
3. System Configuration as proposed with specific reference to interoperability:
a. Describe system architecture including a schematic layout with location
and type of all control panels.
b. Describe system operation, functions and control techniques.
c. Modularity.
d. Provisions against obsolescence due to technological advancement.
4. Technical data to support the information on the hardware configuration in No. 3
5. Detailed description of all operating, command, application and energy
management software provided for this project.
6. A signed certificate stating the Contractor "has read the performance and
functional requirements, understands them and his technical proposal will
comply with all parts of the specification."
7. The BMS contractor shall provide necessary documentation in the technical
submittal to convince the engineer and MOI/SFMC about the BACnet or
LonWorks interoperability capability of the system proposed. This shall include
capability to integrate 3rd party systems data as providing all the data of the
proposed BMS to another system. The information provided shall include
interoperability schematics, method statements and certifications.
8. Other requirements for inclusion in the technical proposal are located throughout
this specification.

B. Submit Unit Price schedule with the proposal.

C. Submit technical proposals with pricing in accordance with Instructions to Bidders.


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A. Provide panels and enclosures for all components of the BMS except where it is
specifically identified within these contract documents that the enclosure shall be
furnished by another trade. Panels and enclosures shall meet, at minimum, the following

1. Painted steel panels with locking door. All panels shall be lockable with the
same key.
2. Ventilated to prevent excessive heat build-up, where required.
3. Field cabling shall be terminated on a terminal strip. Provide strain relief.
4. Internal components shall be installed to allow easy access for diagnostics,
maintenance, removal or replacement.
5. Panel or enclosure shall be suitable rated for the environment for which it is to
be installed. Interior enclosures shall be, at minimum, IP 45 to BS 60529 and
exterior enclosures shall be weather proof IP 65 to BS 60529 unless specifically
noted otherwise within these contract documents.

B. Panels and enclosures shall only be located as indicated on the drawings and at Engineer
approved locations.
C. The BMS contractor shall not furnish MCC panels, motor starters, variable speed
controllers and local disconnect switches. The trade furnishing the motor starters and
variable speed drives shall provide an interface terminal strip in a dedicated enclosure
which may be a separate external enclosure or may be a compartment within the motor
starter enclosure or VSD enclosure. Refer to the contract documents for the trade
furnishing the motor starter and the variable speed controllers for the details of the
enclosures. The DDC controllers shall not be located in the MCC panels.


A. Provide labelling for all DDC controllers, gateways, routers, hubs, field level
components, etc, panels and enclosures. Labelling shall meet, at minimum, the following

1. Plastic laminated label that shall be affixed to the panel or enclosure with rivets
or permanent adhesive.
2. Lettering 6mm (0.25 inch) high that sharply contrasts the background colour.
3. Consistent throughout the project.
4. Indicated on the record documentation.

B. Provide labelling of all cabling and containment. Labelling shall meet, at minimum, the
following requirements:

1. Identified with permanent tag or self-adhesive label within the panel.

2. Cross referenced on the associated record documentation and laminated record
drawing within the panel enclosure.
3. The BMS contractor shall provide labelling for all cable furnished and installed
by the ICT contractor for the use of the BMS contractor.


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A. Provide warning notices at all equipment controlled by the BMS and at all associated
motor starters and MCC panels where notices of a similar manner have not been
provided by other trades. Warning labels shall be installed, at minimum, at the following
locations (if applicable):

1. AHU access doors.

2. AHU motor starter and VSD controllers.
3. Pump motors.
4. Pump motor starter and VSD controllers.
5. Fan enclosure or access panel.
6. Fan motor starter and VSD controllers.
7. Chiller control panel.
8. Chiller disconnect/power panel.
9. Cooling tower access ladders.
10. Cooling tower MCC.
11. All other equipment and installations that are monitored and/or controlled by the

B. The warning notices shall be 75 mm by 125 mm (3in. by 5in.) minimum, with yellow
background and with black lettering. The notices shall state the following:



C. The warning notices shall be securely attached to the equipment at a location approved
by the Engineer and shall be highly visible. Submit a sample with shop drawings.


A. The BMS contractor shall provide containment and cables as necessary for a fully
functioning system as detailed in these specifications.

B. Flexible metallic rustproof conduit shall be provided for the final one (1) metre before
connection from a non-vibrating location to equipment subject to vibration or movement.
Flexible metallic conduit shall be provided for between the last 300mm and the last
1000mm of connection to field instrumentation, relays and final control elements as
necessary to facilitate the removal of devices without the disconnection or the bending of
the non-flexible conduit. Watertight conduit to be provided where appropriate.

C. Conduit and trunking shall be securely mounted in accordance with IEE Regulations and
shall be concealed in all areas to which the public have access.

D. Conduit and trunking shall run parallel or perpendicular to the building lines and shall be
installed in a workmanlike manner. Avoid obstructions and crossovers where possible.

E. Conduit/trunking shall be installed such that any condensation in the conduit cannot run
into BMS equipment. Where necessary conduit shall enter enclosures from the bottom
or shall be sloped up to the enclosure.


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F. Junction and pull boxes shall be securely fastened to the conduit, shall be accessible, and
shall be provided where required by code and where necessary to facilitate the pulling of

G. Coordinate installation of conduit/trunking with building structure and other trades.

Conduit/trunking installation above accessible ceilings shall be such that there will be no
interference with the installation of lighting fixtures, fire protection devices, air
distribution devices or any other devices.

H. The BMS contractor shall colour code all conduit/trunking at least every 3,000 mm (10
feet) along the conduit with a blue and green band at least 50mm wide and colour code
every junction box in a bright yellow

I. Containment shall be provided for all BMS cable except where specifically noted

J. BMS monitoring and control cable shall not share conduit with cable carrying voltages in
excess of 48 volts and shall be partitioned from higher voltage cable in trunking.

K. LAN cable shall not share conduit with any other cable or shall be in a dedicated
partitioned compartment in trunking.

L. When cable for digital outputs is installed in conduit it shall be in dedicated conduit and
when installed in trunking shall be partitioned from other cable.

M. All trunking, conduit and accessories shall comply with all applicable codes and

N. Containment shall meet all of the requirements detailed in the Division 16 electrical
contract documents.


A. Provide all cables for the BMS Automation and Field Levels and cable to interconnect
the Management Level devices and the Management Level Network as detailed in these
specifications. Cable shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Minimum 98% conductivity copper.

2. Stranded conductors.
3. Proper impedance for the application as recommended by the BMS component
4. Monitoring and control cable shall be screened #18 AWG ( or larger
dependent on the application.
5. LAN cable shall be screened #24 AWG ( CAT 5, CAT 6, CAT 7 or
twisted pair as identified elsewhere in these documents.
6. All monitoring and control cable shall be screened with the screen earthed at the
DCP, UC or control panel end only so as to avoid earth loops.
7. Continuous runs without splices.
8. Identification of each end at the termination point. Identification should be
indicated on and correspond to the record drawings.
9. All cabling installed without conduit shall be suitably rated for the application
and the cable jacket shall be clearly marked. Use unique colour schemes for easy
identification and prevention of inadvertent splicing of cabling.


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B. Power wiring shall be sized in accordance with the applicable codes and shall be a
minimum of 1.5 sq. mm stranded copper. The BMS contractor shall provide all power
cable and containment and shall terminate the power cable at a power outlet close to the
component to be powered and shall provide the power outlet. The MEP contractor shall
terminate the power cable at the MCC/distribution board as applicable.

C. Cable for all applications shall be LSF.

D. Terminations shall be mechanically and electrically secure. Twist type wire nuts shall
not be acceptable. Insulated tinned copper lugs shall be provided.

E. Cable within panels or enclosures shall be installed in wiring guides.

F. LSF cable not required to be in conduit (refer to requirements for conduit above) shall be
routed parallel and perpendicular with the building column lines. Provide cable rings
and supports to support the cabling. Supports shall be positioned in accordance with BS

G. All wiring terminations within field panels shall be terminated at terminal stripes and
shall be identification tagged on both sides of the terminal strip.

H. Cable run in vertical trunking shall have means of cable support, at minimum, every 3m.

I. Cables shall comply with all applicable codes including, but not limited to, the IEE
wiring regulations latest edition and the electrical contract documents. Where there is a
conflict between any codes, standards, ordinances, regulations or the requirements of the
jurisdiction having authority, the most stringent requirements shall apply.


A. Fibre optic cable may be used for data communication.

B. Fibre optic cable (data transmission) shall meet, at minimum, the following

1. 50 micron core (multi-mode/single mode fibre as necessary to match the fibre

provided by the Telecom contractor).
2. 850 nm or 1300 nm LED compatible operation, as required.
3. Minimum 125 micron cladding.
4. Maximum attenuation of 4.5 db/km (850 nm).
5. Outdoors and below grade fibres shall be run in gel filled tube to protect against
moisture and micro bending. Tube and fibre shall have a kevlar braid
surrounding, with suitable outside protective jacketing.
6. Cable shall contain 100% more fibres than required for a single point-to-point
communications connection.
7. Outdoor fibre shall be equipped with a central non-conducting member for long
pull applications.

C. Fibre optic cable shall comply with BS EN 60794-1-2:1999 (Optical fibre cables.
Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures) and all other applicable


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A. BMS contractor shall provide 1 No. POT with all necessary tools/software required. The
POT shall be provided with all configuration tools necessary to configure all components
furnished under this contract. The POT shall be provided complete with BMS
management level software for standalone testing of the BMS. The BMS management
level software shall be used for testing and configuration purposes only. During normal
operation all management programming shall reside in the NIU and at the individual
BMS controllers as detailed in these specifications.

B. Provide a jack at each DDC controller and at each mechanical and electrical room for the
plug connection of the POT. Provide two spare cables for plug connection for each POT.
The operator shall be able to communicate with the BMS via the POT.

C. The POT shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Pentium motherboard, 256 megabyte RAM memory capability.
2. Minimum Processor speed of 2.0 GHz.
3. 80 Gigabyte hard disk.
4. 512 megabytes SDRAM memory.
5. 100/1000Mbps Ethernet adapter.
6. 350mm minimum active matrix display.
7. Internal analogue 56 Kbps modem.
8. One 1.44 floppy disk drive (interchangeable).
9. 24X Speed CD-RW drive (interchangeable) with disc burning software.
10. Microsoft IntelliMouse.
11. Integral power supplies which shall be suitably rated for the service.
12. Integral QWERTY keyboard with full ASCII character set.
13. Weight, including carrying case, not to exceed 3.5kg.
14. Provide a carrying case designed specifically for the POT that ensures adequate
15. POT shall be powered by a rechargeable battery and shall also be powered by a
220 Vac, nominal 50 Hz source. Provide batteries adequate for a minimum of 4
hours of operation.

D. All PCs shall be the latest model at the time of purchase and shall be from a recognised
manufacture of PCs. Purchase of the PC shall be delayed until the latest time possible
without causing a delay in the schedule in order to ensure that it is state-of-the-art and is
based on the latest proven technology is purchased.


A. Provide 2 HHWT. These devices shall not be used by the BMS contractor for
commissioning the BMS or for any other purpose and shall be delivered new to
MOI/SFMC immediately prior to acceptance testing.

B. Provide HHWT with all necessary configuration tools

C. The operator shall be able to communicate with the BMS via the HHWT from any place
in the facility. The hand held wireless terminal shall have a web browser and shall be
able to communicate with the BMS either via the browser or through the configuration
tool. The operator shall, subject to password access control, be able to undertake the
same functions from the hand held terminal as from the POT. Detail any limitations of
this device in the tender submittal.


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C. The required transceiver hubs shall be part of the Management Level Network and shall
be provided by MOI/SFMC. The BMS contractor shall advise MOI/SFMC of any
distance limitations on the hand held wireless terminal.

D. The HHWT shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Weight, including carrying case, not to exceed 0.2kg.

2. Provide a carrying case designed specifically for the HHWT that ensures
adequate protection.
3. HHWT shall be powered by a rechargeable battery and shall also be powered by
a 220 Vac, nominal 50 Hz source. Provide batteries adequate for a minimum of
4 hours of operation.
4. The HHWT shall have a colour LCD screen with a minimum display of 12 lines
of up to a minimum of 20 characters minimum per line.
5. Minimum communications speed shall be 10Mbps.
6. This device shall be a PDA.


A. Unless determined otherwise at a future date by MOI/SFMC the system shall remain a
private intranet that is not accessible from the Internet. The Intranet shall enable access
to the systems via a standard web browser interface such as Microsoft Internet Explorer
or Netscape Navigator.


A. There shall be 2 types of BMS control panels:

1. Distributed Control panels (DCP).

2. Unitary Controllers (UC).

B. All BACnet controllers shall be based on native BACnet and shall support all applicable
BIBBs from the data sharing, alarm event, schedule, trend and device manager groups.
Standard BACnet object types supported by the controllers shall include:

1. Binary input and output and value.

2. Analogue input, output and value.
3. Multi-state input and output.
4. Loop, calendar, notification class, command, file, program, schedule, group,
event enrolment and device.
5. Proprietary object types shall not be used unless specifically approved by

C. All LonWorks controllers shall use SNVTs which are approved by the LonMark
Association and which are published by the LonMark Association. Configuration
properties shall be standard property types (SCPTs) as defined by the LonMark

D. DCP shall be located at the Automation level and shall meet the following requirements:

1. DCP controllers shall be freely programmable and shall have an I/O capability to
handle major items of equipment such as air handling units.


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2. DCP shall be software programmable controllers at the Automation Level and

shall interface via Point Interface Modules (PIM) to the field instrumentation
and final control elements.
3. DCP may be used for any equipment monitored and controlled by the BMS. A
dedicated DCP shall be provided, at minimum, to monitor and control:
a. A single air-handling unit. Each AHU shall have a dedicated DCP.
b. Other major items of equipment.
4. The DCP shall control its own communications so that the failure of any one
node, shall not inhibit communications on the network between the remaining
nodes. Provide integral network communication connections.
5. DCP shall be totally independent of any other primary and secondary LAN
nodes for their monitoring and control functions. DCP shall monitor and control
entire systems, multiple DCP for a single system shall not be allowed. Where a
DCP receives data from other nodes, such as an outdoor air temperature, which
is used for a global system program strategy executed at that DCP, then
alternative control strategies shall be automatically initiated, based on operator
definable default values, if there is a loss of communication of the required data.

6. DCP failure shall not place any BMS component or any BMS controlled
component in a situation that may cause damage to equipment or harm or
discomfort to building occupants and operations staff. The failure of a DCP
shall not affect the operation of any other network node.
7. The failure of any DCP shall be annunciated as a critical alarm at the NIU.
8. Cabling shall be terminated on rugged and easily accessible terminal strips.
Each termination shall be clearly marked and shall be as detailed in the shop and
record drawings.
9. Each DCP shall have its own power supplies that shall be rated such that they
will adequately accommodate all foreseeable uses of the DCP.
10. Each DCP shall have, at minimum, a 16-bit microprocessor.
11. All operating sequences, schedules and trend data for equipment controlled by
the DCP shall reside at the DCP.
12. Provide each DCP with a battery back up for the protection of volatile memory
for a minimum of 72 hours. Provide a 10-hour minimum full function battery
support capability.
13. Provide a real-time clock at each DCP. The real-time clock at the DCP shall be
synchronized from the NTP clock as detailed in these specifications. Time
synchronization shall occur at least once every 24 hours.
14. The DCP shall have a port for the connection of the POT.
15. DCP shall be housed in enclosures that shall meet the requirements detailed in
Section titled “Panels and Enclosures” of these specifications. The DCP shall be
placed at the same location as the equipment they control. The BMS contractor
shall provide a suitably rated enclosure for all associated BMS components,
including the controllers, relays, wiring guides, terminal strips, etc. The
installation of the control enclosure and the installation of all cable and
containment between the field instrumentation, including any current sensing
relays in the MCC panels, and the DCP shall be by the BMS contractor.
16. Interfaces to field instrumentation and final control elements shall have Point
Interface Modules (PIM) that shall:
a. Enable the DCP to receive signals from the digital and analogue
b. Enable the DCP to output control signals to the final control elements.
17. PIM shall be incorporated into the DCP by one or the following methods:
a. Plug in type modules with specific or universal input/output
b. Integral to the DCP controller board.


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18. PIM shall accommodate the following point types:

1. Analogue and digital inputs.
2. Analogue and digital outputs.
3. Pulse inputs.
19. Analogue input PIM shall have a minimum 10-bit analogue-to-digital
conversion and shall interface to all of the signal types listed in the Schedules of
BMS Control Points. Provide LED indication of the status.
20. Analogue output PIM shall have a minimum 10-bit digital-to-analogue
conversion and shall meet all of the output signal requirements detailed in the
Schedules of BMS Control Points. Provide LED indication of the status.
21. Digital input and output PIM shall have electrical isolation and all relay contacts
shall be suitably rated for the application. Provide LED indication of the status.
22. All PIM shall be easily exchanged and the failure of one PIM shall not affect
any other PIM. Field terminations shall be such that the removal of a failed PIM
shall not require the removal and reconnecting of field device cable
23. Provide LED on the PIM to indicate the status of each PIM.
24. All PIM shall be such that all output points can be manually positioned via an on
board on-off-auto or potentiometer dial as applicable to the individual point.
25. Control shall be based on either three term algorithms, i.e. proportional plus
integral plus derivative, or two term algorithms, i.e. proportional plus integral,
unless specified otherwise.
26. DCP mounted on vibrating equipment, such as on air handling units, shall have
vibration isolation protection that ensures their satisfactory operation.
27. DCP shall have opto-isolation or equivalent.
28. DCP shall be native BACnet or LonWorks controllers and shall comply with all
of the requirements of ASHRAE SSPC/135 and ANSI/EIA-709.1 respectively.
29. The BMS contractor shall provide interoperability documentation for the
BACnet DCP. All the data related to the DCP shall be presented along with
their respective BACnet object ID created in the system, along with their PICS,
BIBBS, addresses and method statements to read and write data via integration
of the DCP with another system in future. This may be part of the overall
interoperability documentation.
30. The BMS contractor shall provide full documentation for the LonWorks
controllers (if provided) including details of all SNVTs, SCPTs, UNVTs,
UCPTs and External Interface Files (XIF). The LonWorks interoperability data
shall also include their respective BACnet object ID generated in the system
against their LonWorks SNVT/SCPT data and method statements to read and
write data via integration of the DCP with another system in future. This may
be part of the overall interoperability documentation.

H. Unitary Controllers - General:

1. Unitary Controllers (UC) shall be "freely programmable" controllers with pre-

packaged operating sequences maintained in EEPROM or flash EPROM. If
LonWorks UC are provided they shall have a 3120 or 3150 Neuron
microprocessor controller. Unitary controllers shall reside at the Automation
level. Customisation of "freely programmable" controllers shall be possible to
the extent that variable operating parameters, such as sequences of operation,
setpoints, control loop parameters, control constants, and schedules shall be
changeable on-line by the operator at the I2BS via the NIU and from the HHWT
and POT. Provide all necessary configuration software and licenses to achieve
this. UC shall be on a BACnet or LonWorks BMS LAN and shall provide an
interface via PIM to the field instrumentation and final control elements of the
following types of equipment:


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a. 1No. VAV terminal unit.

b. 1No. fan coil unit
c. Up to 6No. miscellaneous fans.
d. Up to 4No. miscellaneous pumps.
e. Up to 2No. self-contained AC units.
f. Lighting control relays.
g. Miscellaneous input monitoring.
Panels meeting the requirements of DCP shall control all other types of
equipment and systems.
2. The UC shall be a node on the primary BMS LAN if it is a native BACnet
controller and shall be a node on the secondary BMS LANs if it is a LonWorks
controller. The UC shall control its own communications so that the failure of
any one node shall not inhibit communications on the network between the
remaining nodes and the Management Level Network.
3. UC shall be totally independent of other secondary LAN nodes for their
monitoring and control functions.
4. UC failure shall not place any BMS component or any BMS controlled
component in a situation that may cause damage to equipment or harm or
discomfort to building occupants and operations staff. The failure of a UC shall
not affect the operation of any other secondary network node.
5. The failure of any UC shall be annunciated as a critical alarm at the I2BS via the
6. Cabling shall be terminated on rugged and easily accessible terminal strips.
Each termination shall be clearly marked and shall be as detailed in the shop and
record drawings.
7. UC shall be powered from the electrical service that serves the equipment
monitored and controlled by the UC. The BMS contractor shall furnish
transformers suitably rated for the application. The UC shall be housed in an
enclosure that provides adequate physical and electrical protection.
8. Each UC shall have, at minimum, an 8-bit microprocessor.
9. Provide each UC with a battery back up for the protection of volatile memory
for a minimum of 72 hours. Batteries shall be rated for a 7-year life. The UC
serving VAV terminal units and FCU shall not be placed on UPS power.
10. Provide a real time clock at each UC. The real-time clock at the UC shall be
synchronized from the real-time clock at the terminal server at least once every
24 hours. The clock shall have a battery back up of at least 72 hours.
11. UC shall be housed in enclosures that shall meet the requirements detailed in
Section titled “Panels ” of Part 2 of these specifications. The UC shall be placed
at the same location as the equipment they control. The BMS contractor shall
provide a suitably rated enclosure for all associated BMS components, including
the controllers, relays, wiring guides, terminal strips, etc. The installation of the
control enclosure shall be by the BMS contractor and all cable between the field
instrumentation and the BMS contractor shall furnish the UC.
12. Interfaces to field instrumentation and final control elements shall have integral
PIM that will:
a. Enable the UC to receive signals from the digital and analogue
b. Enable the UC to output control signals to the final control elements.
13. PIM shall accommodate the following point types:
a. Analogue and digital inputs.
b. Analogue and digital outputs.
c. Pulse inputs.
14. Analogue input PIM shall have a minimum 8-bit analogue-to-digital conversion
and shall interface to all of the signal types listed in the Schedules of BMS
Control Points.


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15. Analogue output PIM shall have a minimum 8-bit digital-to-analogue

conversion and shall meet all of the output signal requirements detailed in the
Schedules of BMS Control Points.
16. Digital input and output PIM shall have electrical isolation and all relay contacts
shall be suitably rated for the application.
17. UC shall control and monitor all points associated with a system. Multiple UC
shall not be used to control and monitor a single system.
18. All applications programs shall reside at the UC.
19. Operating sequences for UC shall be resident at the UC. Database changes shall
be undertaken from the I2BS via the NIU and from the POT. Schedules and
trend data shall reside at the UC. They shall be accessible from the I2BS via the
NIU and from the POT.
20. Control shall be based on either three term algorithms, i.e. proportional plus
integral plus derivative, or two term algorithms, i.e. proportional plus integral,
unless specified otherwise.
21. UC mounted on vibrating equipment, such as on FCU, shall have vibration
isolation protection that ensures their satisfactory operation.
22. UC shall be native BACnet or LonWorks controllers and shall comply with all
of the requirements of ASHRAE SSPC/135 and ANSI/EIA-709.1 respectively.
23. The BMS contractor shall provide interoperability documentation for the UC.
All the data related to the UC shall be presented along with their respective
BACnet object ID created in the system, along with their PICS, BIBBS,
addresses and method statements to read and write data via integration of the UC
with another system in future. This may be part of the overall interoperability
24. The BMS contractor shall provide full documentation for the LonWorks
controllers (if provided) including details of all SNVTs, SCPTs, UNVTs,
UCPTs and External Interface Files (XIF) together with all addresses. The
LonWorks interoperability data shall also include the respective BACnet object
ID generated in the system against their LonWorks SNVT/SCPT data and
method statements to read and write data via integration of the UC with another
system in future. This may be part of the overall interoperability documentation.

I. Unitary Controller - Fan Coil Units:

1. Each fan coil unit shall have a UC that shall meet all of the requirements
detailed in Part H. above. The number, type and location of FCU shall be as
indicated on the Mechanical Drawings.
2. The FCU manufacturer shall provide the following components for each fan coil
unit for interface and mounting of the UC:
a. 24 Vac fan control relay interface.
b. Suitable mounting device for the temperature sensors for those FCU
that have the temperature sensor located in the recirculation port. The
FCU manufacturer shall provide a suitably constructed enclosure with
electrical barriers as required by the applicable codes and standards.
3. The BMS contractor shall furnish the following components for each FCU to the
MEP contractor for installation by the MEP contractor:
a. Unitary controller.
b. 24 Vac control transformer.
c. Temperature sensors for those FCU that have the temperature sensor
located in the recirculation port.
d. Chilled water valve and actuator. The MEP contractor shall install the
e. Provide the FCU manufacturer with the following documentation to
coordinate the mounting of the UC and related components:


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i. Multi-colour point to point wiring diagram detailing the wiring

and tubing of the UC and other control equipment installed on
the terminal devices.
ii. Written instructions and drawings containing sufficient
information to enable the terminal unit manufacturer to
undertake the installation satisfactorily.
4. Provide a wall mounted space temperature sensor for the monitoring of the space
temperature associated with the FCU. The sensor shall be provided with LCD
display and shall meet the following minimum requirements:
a. RTD or thermistor sensors meeting the specifications detailed in Section
titled “BMS Field Instrumentation” together with their associated signal
conditioning facilities.
b. Temperature reported shall have an accuracy of + or – 0.5 Deg. C.
c. Enclosure shall be rugged plastic and shall be white. There shall be no
logos, trademarks or names on the enclosure and there shall be no
evidence of their removal. Refer to the Schedules of BMS Control
Points and to the sequences of operation of the project documents to
determine which functions shall be displayed on the LCD display.
Temperature reported at the LCD shall have an accuracy of + or – 0.5
Deg. C. and the difference between the LCD and the I2BS/POT
reported temperatures shall not differ by more than 0.2 Deg.C. Cover
shall be removable to allow access to the plug for the POT. The
enclosures shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and shall be
amended as instructed by the Engineer at no cost to MOI/SFMC.
Temperature sensor housings with LCD display shall be intelligent and
shall communicate with their associated UC via a digital
communications network over screened twisted pair cable or equivalent.
This communications network may use a proprietary protocol.
Enclosures associated with FCU that have speed control shall also
incorporate speed selection buttons.
d. The temperature sensor enclosure shall be temporarily mounted
alongside the FCU and shall be subsequently relocated as required by
the fit-out design. Those temperature sensor enclosures that are wall
mounted shall be located 1500 mm above finished floor level.
Coordinate exact locations with Architectural Plans.
e. Space temperature sensors for UC serving public areas shall use button
type sensors as specified in Section titled “BMS Field Instrumentation”.
5. Temperature sensors located in the recirculation port shall have appropriate
protection from physical damage and shall be mounted by the FCU
manufacturer. Refer to the Point Schedules and to the sequences of operation
that are in Section 15940 of the project documents to determine whether the
temperature sensor shall be wall mounted or mounted in the recirculation port.
6. Provide the MEP contractor with the following documentation within 4 weeks of
receiving the request from the MEP contractor:
a. Multi-colour point to point wiring diagram detailing the wiring of the
FCU controller and other control equipment installed on the terminal
b. Wiring instructions for those units controlled by the intelligent
thermostats. The BMS contractor shall provide a list of all FCU that
shall have programmable thermostats.
c. Written instructions and drawings containing sufficient information to
enable the MEP contractor to undertake the installation satisfactorily.
d. The BMS contractor shall provide a list of all FCU that shall have the
temperature sensor located in the recirculation port.


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7. The BMS contractor shall meet with the MEP contractor before commencement
of the UC installation and cabling to ensure that the proposed installation
procedures are satisfactory. The MEP contractor shall prepare a drawing of the
wiring for the UC and all associated instrumentation and final control elements
based on the information provided by the BMS contractor. The MEP contractor
and the BMS contractor shall both certify on the drawing that the drawing is
correct and the drawing shall be submitted as a shop drawing for review by the
8. UC for each production run shall be handed over to the MEP contractor at least
two weeks prior to the scheduled shipment dates to the job-site. Obtain the FCU
shipping dates from the MEP contractor.
9. The BMS contractor shall periodically meet with the MEP contractor to inspect
the installation of the UC and to verify proper operation via a POT.
10. The BMS contractor shall enter all data into the UC at the site after the FCU has
been installed.
11. The UC shall monitor and control the following parameters for FCU:
a. Space temperature.
b. Fan on/off control.
c. Cooling coil valve.
d. Setpoint reset (applicable only to those units with wall mounted
enclosures having a setpoint reset capability).
e. Fan speed control selection (applicable only to those units with wall
mounted enclosures having a setpoint reset capability).
12. PID algorithms shall maintain the system operation within + or - 0.5 Deg. C. of
the space temperature setpoints.
13. The operator shall be able to access the UC by connecting the POT to the LAN
at the space temperature sensor enclosure. It shall not be necessary for the
operator to obtain access to the ceiling plenum in order to obtain an operator
interface to the UC. At minimum, the operator shall be able to undertake the
following functions via the POT when connected at the temperature sensor
enclosure, DCP and UC, via the HHWT and via the I2BS:
a. Change space temperature setpoints for a single FCU.
b. Change an alarm limit/value.
c. Change the operating mode for a single FCU.
d. Change the schedules for a single FCU.
e. Turn the fan on/off for a single VAV FCU.
f. Set the cooling coil valve to fully open and fully closed and any
intermediate position.
14. The BMS contractor shall install data into the UC on site as necessary for the
correct operation of the FCU including:
a. FCU-UC LAN address.
b. Occupied space temperature setpoints.
c. Unoccupied space temperature setpoints.
d. Control constants.
e. Engineering units conversion factors.
f. Default operating schedules.
g. Definition of FCU type.
h. Other parameters as necessary to define the operation of the FCU in
accordance with these specifications.
15. The BMS contractor shall calibrate the space temperature sensor at the project
16. Following the installation of the FCU the BMS contractor shall undertake the
following tasks:
a. Physically connect the UC into the BMS LAN.


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b. Enter all parameters that may not have been entered before shipment of
the FCU to the site.
c. Verify that the UC modulates the cooling coil valve from fully open to
fully closed and vice versa.
d. Verify that the FCU-UC is satisfactorily integrated into the LAN.
e. Verify that the operating sequences are correct and that there is stable
modulation of the cooling coil valve.
f. Calibrate the temperature sensor.
17. UC shall have opto-isolation or equivalent protection.
18. UC shall be native BACnet or LonWorks controllers and shall comply with all
of the requirements of ASHRAE SSPC/135 and ANSI/EIA-709.1 respectively.
19. The BMS contractor shall provide interoperability documentation for the UC.
All the data related to the UC shall be presented along with their respective
BACnet object ID created in the system, along with their PICS, BIBBS,
addresses and method statements to read and write data via integration of the UC
with another system in future. This may be part of the overall interoperability
20. The BMS contractor shall provide full documentation for the LonWorks
controllers (if provided) including details of all SNVTs, SCPTs, UNVTs,
UCPTs and External Interface Files (XIF) together with all addresses. The
LonWorks interoperability data shall also include their respective BACnet object
ID generated in the system against their LonWorks SNVT/SCPT data and
method statements to read and write data via integration of the UC with another
system in future. This may be part of the overall interoperability documentation.

J. Following a loss of power the DCP and UC shall reboot in an orderly fashion and attain a
normal operating status within 2 minutes of the return of power. This shall be
accomplished without operator intervention.

K. Unitary Controllers – VAV Terminal Units

1. Each VAV terminal unit shall have a UC. The number and location of terminal
units and airflow rates shall be as indicated on the Mechanical Drawings.

2. The terminal unit manufacturer shall provide the following components for each
VAV terminal unit for interface and mounting of the UC:
a. Damper to be controlled by the UC.
b. Suitable means of mounting the UC inside or on the exterior of the VAV terminal
unit. The terminal unit manufacturer shall provide a suitably constructed
enclosure with electrical barriers as required by the applicable codes and
c. Multi-point averaging type flow sensor at the air inlet to the terminal unit and
calibration curve (differential pressure versus flow rate). Calibration curve shall
be maintained in a sturdy plastic pouch that shall be available on the underside of
the terminal unit.

3. The BMS Specialist shall furnish the following components for each VAV
terminal unit to the VAV terminal unit manufacturer for factory installation by
the VAV terminal unit manufacturer:
a. Unitary controller. This shall incorporate a pressure transducer as required to
monitor the differential pressure signal generated by the multi-point averaging
type flow sensor at the inlet to the VAV terminal unit.
b. Damper actuator (this may be integrated with the UC controller)


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c. 24 Vac control transformer.

4. The BMS Specialist shall furnish the temperature sensor and shall connect the
temperature sensor and its housing to the VAV terminal unit controller in the
field and shall provide cables of minimum length 15m. The sensor housing and
cables shall be coiled and hung alongside the VAV box above the ceiling during
construction and enclosed in plastic wrap.

5. Provide the terminal unit manufacturer with the following documentation to

coordinate the mounting of the UC and related components:
a. Multi-colour point to point wiring diagram detailing the wiring and tubing of the
UC and other control equipment installed on the terminal devices.
b. Written instructions and drawings containing sufficient information to enable the
terminal unit manufacturer to undertake the installation satisfactorily.

6. The BMS Specialist shall visit the terminal unit manufacturer's facility before
commencement of fabrication to ensure that the terminal unit manufacturer's
installation procedures are satisfactory. The terminal unit manufacturer shall
prepare a drawing of the wiring for the UC and all associated instrumentation
and final control elements based on the information provided by the BMS
Specialist. The terminal unit manufacturer and the BMS Specialist shall both
certify on the drawing that the drawing is correct and the drawing shall be
submitted as a shop drawing for review by the Engineer.

7. UC for each production run shall be at the terminal unit manufacturer’s factory
at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled shipment dates to the job-site. Obtain the
terminal unit shipping dates from the MEP Specialist.

8. The BMS Specialist shall visit the terminal unit manufacturer's facility at the
completion of the initial production run, prior to the shipping of any terminal
units to the project site, to inspect the installation of the UC and to verify proper
operation via a POT.

9. The BMS Specialist shall enter all data into the UC and shall test the UC on site.
The BMS Specialist shall calibrate the pressure sensor and the flow rate
reported by the controller following the installation of the terminal unit in the
ceiling plenum. This shall be done in conjunction with the air-balancing
Specialist and shall be based on the flow sensor calibration curve (differential
pressure versus flow rate) provided by the terminal unit manufacturer. The
BMS Specialist shall calibrate the space temperature sensor.

10. It shall be the responsibility of the BMS Specialist to verify the following with
the VAV terminal unit manufacturer prior to the tender submittal:
a. The pressure differential generated by the multi-point sensors is compatible with
the instrumentation to be provided by the BMS Specialist for the specified
accuracy requirements.
b. The damper assembly is compatible with the actuator to be provided by the BMS

11. Provide a wall mounted space temperature sensor for the monitoring of the
terminal unit space temperature. The sensor shall meet the following minimum
a. RTD or thermistors sensors.
b. Temperature reported at the OIW shall have an accuracy of + or – 0.5 Deg. C.


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c. Enclosure shall be rugged plastic and shall be white. There shall be no logos,
trademarks or names visible on the enclosure and there shall be no evidence of
their removal.
d. Sensor shall have an LCD display. Temperature reported at the LCD shall have
an accuracy of + or – 0.5 Deg. C. and the difference between the LCD and the
OIW reported temperatures shall not differ by more than 0.2 Deg.C. Cover shall
be removable to allow access to the plug for the POT.
e. The functions displayed by LCD via selector button shall be space temperature
and space temperature set point.
f. The enclosures shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and shall be
amended as instructed by the Engineer at no cost to the Employer.
g. Temperature sensor housings with LCD display shall be intelligent and shall
communicate with their associated UC via a digital communications network over
screened twisted pair or equivalent LAN communication cable. This
communications network may use a proprietary protocol.
h. The temperature sensor enclosure shall be temporarily mounted alongside the
VAV box and shall be subsequently relocated as required by the fit-out design.
Those temperature sensor enclosures that are wall mounted shall be located 1500
mm above finished floor level. Coordinate exact locations with Architectural

12. Provide differential pressure transducers for the monitoring of the terminal unit
airflow rate. The sensors shall be an integral component of the UC. The
differential pressure transducer shall meet, at minimum, the requirements:
a. Monitor the differential pressures generated by a multi-point averaging device
located in the air duct. The terminal unit manufacturer shall provide the multi-
point averaging sensors. Coordinate with the terminal unit manufacturer for range
of pressure differential.
b. The pressure differential transducers shall be on the UC. The terminal unit
manufacturer as part of the factory installation shall provide tubing from these
sensors to the multi-point averaging devices.
c. The differential pressure sensors shall monitor the flow rates with an accuracy of
+ or - 5 percent in the flow range of 0.5 to 15 meters per second (100 to 3,000 feet
per minute). The BMS Specialist shall calibrate each differential pressure sensor
in the field following installation.
d. Provide a one-micron filter on the pressure differential sensor if it monitors a
moving air stream.

13. Furnish damper actuators, for factory mounting, meeting the following
a. Direct shaft mounting.
b. Adequate torque to properly operate the damper from fully open to fully closed
without binding.
c. Locking “V” groove or similar means to prevent slippage between actuator and
d. Removable without the requirement to remove any ductwork or flexible

14. The VAV box UC shall each have the capability of monitoring and controlling
the following parameters for VAV terminal units:
a. Space temperature.
b. Air flow rate.
c. Damper modulation.


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15. PI or PID algorithms shall maintain the system operation within + or - 0.5 Deg.
C. of the space temperature setpoints.

16. The operator shall be able to access the UC by connecting the POT to the
secondary LAN at the space temperature sensor enclosure. If there is a wall
mounted temperature enclosure it shall not be necessary for the operator to
obtain access to the ceiling plenum in order to obtain an operator interface to the
UC. At minimum, the operator shall be able to undertake the following
functions via the POT when connected to the UC at the associated temperature
sensor enclosure, via the POT when connected at the temperature enclosure, the
DCP and the CCP and via the OIW and the HHWT:
a. Change a space temperature setpoint for a single terminal unit.
b. Change a space temperature setpoint for a group of terminal units.
c. Change an alarm limit/value.
d. Change the operating mode for a single terminal unit.
e. Change the operating mode for a group of terminal units.
f. Change the schedules for a single terminal unit.
g. Change the schedules for a group of terminal units.
h. Set the air damper on a terminal unit to:
x The maximum cooling flow rate setpoint.
x The closed position.
x The fully open position.
x Minimum cooling flow rate setpoint.
i. Turn the fan on/off for a single VAV terminal unit.
j. Turn the fans on/off for a group of VAV terminal units.

17. The POT shall be plug connectable at the space temperature sensor housing.

18. The BMS Specialist shall install data into the UC as necessary for the correct
operation of the terminal unit including:
a. Terminal unit-UC LAN address.
b. Air damper flow rate setpoints.
c. Occupied mode space temperature setpoints.
d. Unoccupied mode space temperature setpoints.
e. Control constants.
f. Engineering units conversion factors.
g. Select the button to be an occupied/unoccupied switch, a valet parking interface or
no function.
h. Default operating schedules.
i. Definition of terminal unit type.
j. Other parameters as necessary to define the operation of the terminal unit in
accordance with these specifications.

19. Following installation of the terminal unit, the BMS Specialist shall calibrate on-
site the instrumentation associated with the following monitored parameters:
a. Space temperature.
b. Airflow rate sensor.

20. Following the installation of the terminal unit in the ceiling space the BMS
Specialist shall undertake the following tasks:
a. Physically connect the UC into the BMS LAN.
b. Enter all parameters as detailed above.
c. Verify that the UC modulates the air duct dampers from fully open to fully closed
and vice versa within the specified time and verify either visually or by feel that
the damper closes fully under UC control.


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d. Verify that the terminal unit-UC is satisfactorily integrated into the BMS LAN.
e. Verify that the operating sequences are correct and that there is stable modulation
of the air damper.
f. Assist the Air Balancing and MEP Specialists as required for the complete
commissioning, calibration and operational verification of the AC and terminal
unit systems.

21. UC shall be native BACnet or LonWorks controllers and shall comply with all
of the requirements of ASHRAE SSPC/135 and ANSI/EIA-709.1 respectively.

22. The BMS Specialist shall provide full documentation for the BACnet DCP
including the PICS and details of all BIBBs and addresses.

23. The BMS Specialist shall provide full documentation for the LonWorks
controllers (if provided) including details of all SNVTs, SCPTs, UNVTs,
UCPTs and External Interface Files (XIF) together with all addresses.


A. The times at all nodes on the Converged IP Network, including the BMS controllers,
shall have their real time clocks updated by the NTP clock. The ELV Building Services
Systems clocks shall be synchronised with the I2BS Application Server clock. The ELV
contractor shall coordinate this work with the I2BS contractor such that the BMS
controllers clocks are updated every 24 hours, at minimum.



B. Outside Air Temperature sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Ventilated white PVC sun screen.
2. Wall mount weatherproof enclosure with conduit fitting.
3. 100 or 1,000 ohm platinum RTD with a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance
of 0.00375 ohm/ohm/Deg. C.
4. Monitored temperature to be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0 Deg.F.).
5. Provide a two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter. Where necessary to meet monitoring
accuracy requirements provide a 3-wire or 4-wire configuration
6. Temperature Range of 0 Deg. C to 50 Deg C. (32 Deg. F to 122 Deg. F).


A. Provide duct mounted, single point, temperature sensor as follows:

1. In ducts less than 1 m2 in cross-sectional area.
2. In ducts greater than 1m2 in cross-sectional area if there is no heating coil and no cooling
coil and no mixing of air flows of different temperatures upstream.

B. Temperature sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Stainless steel probe of length between one-third and two-thirds of the duct width.


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2. 100 or 1,000 ohm platinum RTD with a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance
of 0.00375 ohm/ohm/Deg. C.
3. Monitored temperature to be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0 Deg. F.).
4. Provide a two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter. Where necessary to meet monitoring
accuracy requirements provide a 3-wire or 4-wire configuration.
5. Duct mounted moisture/waterproof housing with conduit fitting.
6. Temperature range of 0 Deg. C. to 50 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F to 122 Deg. F).


A. Provide duct mounted, averaging, temperature sensor as follows:

1. In ducts greater than 1 m2 in cross-sectional area..

B. Temperature sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Probe length of 3.66m (12 feet) minimum or 3.25m per m2. (one linear foot per square
foot) of duct cross-sectional area., whichever is greater.
2. Copper sheathed construction.
3. 100 or 1,000 ohm platinum RTD with a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance
of 0.00375 ohm/ohm/Deg. C.
4. Monitored temperature to be reported with an accuracy of ґ 1.0 Deg. C. (2.0 Deg. F.)
5. Provide a two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter. Where necessary to meet monitoring
accuracy requirements provide a 3-wire or 4-wire configuration.
6. Duct mounted moisture/waterproof housing with conduit fitting.
7. Suitable supports at all bends and at intermediate points to prevent movement in the air
8. Temperature range of 0 Deg. C. to 50 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F to 122 Deg. F.).


A. Provide wall mounted temperature sensor that meet the following:

1. White protective enclosure. There shall be no manufacturer's logos, name or
thermometer on casing.
2. Location shall be selected by the Engineer. No sensor shall be mounted until the
Employer gives specific location instructions.
3. 10,000 ohm at 25 Deg. C. (77 Deg. F.) thermistor or 100/1,000 ohm platinum RTD with
a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance of 0.00375 ohm/ohm/Deg. C.
4. Monitored temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0 Deg. F.).
5. Provide a two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter where required
6. Temperature range of 10 Deg.C. to 60 Deg.C.
7. Sensor shall have and LCD display.


A. Provide wall mounted temperature sensor that meet the requirements for temperature sensors as


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A. Provide wall mounted temperature sensor that meet the requirements for temperature sensors as


A. Thermowell mounted temperature sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Rigid stainless steel probe of length which is, at minimum, 20% of the pipe width.
2. 100 or 1,000 ohm platinum RTD with a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance
of 0.00375 ohm/ohm/Deg. C.
3. BMS shall report the monitored temperature with an accuracy of ґ 0.25 Deg. C. (0.5 Deg.
F.) accuracy.
4. Provide a two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter where required with a temperature range
that is appropriate for the application.
a. Range for chilled water and condenser water applications shall be:
1) Between 0 Deg.C. and +5 Deg.C. (+32 Deg.F. and +41 Deg.F.) at the low
end and
2) Between +40 Deg.C. and +50 Deg.C.(+104 Deg.F. and +122 Deg.F.) at the
upper end.
b. Range for hot water shall be selected such that it is between 30 Deg.C. and 50
Deg.C. (54 Deg.F and 90 Deg.F.) above and below the hot water temperature
5. Where necessary to meet monitoring accuracy requirements provide a 3-wire or 4-wire
6. Moisture/waterproof housing with conduit fitting.
7. Stainless steel thermowell.
8. Provided with thermal grease to aid temperature sensing.
9. Sensors required for the determination of temperature differential shall be matched with
a maximum variation over the entire temperature range of 0.1 Deg.C. (0.2 Deg.F.).


A. Provide strap-on mounted temperature sensors as indicated within the Field termination
schedules and/or control diagrams or where thermo well mounted sensors cannot be mounted.
Temperature sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. 6.35mm (0.25”) Stainless steel probe, 50 mm (2”)
2. Thermistor or RTD compatible with BMS, sealed in probe with a three part moisture
protection system
3. BMS shall report the monitored temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 C (1.0 F).
4. ABS housing with conduit entrance. (Optional metal or weather proof available)


A. Outside air relative humidity sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Non-corroding outdoors screen to minimize wind effects and solar heating.
2. Wall mount weatherproof enclosure with conduit fitting.


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3. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to relative humidity range of 0% to 100%.

4. 2% accuracy (5 - 95% RH).
5. Humidity sensor shall be replaceable.
6. Operating temperature range shall be appropriate for the climate. Sensor and transmitter
shall be rated for operation in ambient temperatures of, at minimum, 5 Deg.C. (9 Deg.F.)
below and above the lowest and highest recorded temperatures for the location


A. Duct mounted relative humidity sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Duct mount moisture resistant enclosure with conduit fitting.
2. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to relative humidity range of 0% to 100%.
3. Humidity sensor shall be replaceable.
4. 2% accuracy (5 - 95% RH).
5. 8 inch probe length.
6. Operating temperature range of O Deg. C. to 50 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F to 122 Deg. F.)


A. Wall mounted relative humidity sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Wall mount enclosure with white cover. There shall be no manufacturer's logos, name or
thermometer on casing.
2. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to relative humidity range of 0% to 100%.
3. Humidity sensor shall be replaceable.
4. 2% accuracy (5 - 95% RH).
5. Operating temperature range of O Deg. C. to 50 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F to 122 Deg. F.).
6. With LCD display.


A. Provide a combination wet bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature sensor for exterior wall
mounting. Web bulb temperature/dry bulb sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Stainless steel probe with an IP65 to BS 60529 housing for an exterior housing.
2. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum wet bulb temperature range of -7
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (+20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
3. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum dry bulb temperature range of -29
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (-20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
4. Monitored dry bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0
Deg. F.).
5. Monitored wet bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 3% of reading.
6. Sensor shall have a solar screen.



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A. Provide a combination wet bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature sensor for duct
mounting. Wet bulb temperature/dry bulb sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Stainless steel probe with an IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing for an interior
application and an IP65 to BS 60529 housing for an exterior housing.
2. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum wet bulb temperature range of -7
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (+20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
3. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum dry bulb temperature range of -29
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (-20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
4. Monitored dry bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0
Deg. F.).
5. Monitored wet bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 3% of reading.
6. Probe shall be a minimum of 200mm.


A. Provide a combination wet bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature sensor for duct
mounting. Wet bulb temperature/dry bulb sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Stainless steel probe with an IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing.
2. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum wet bulb temperature range of -7
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (+20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
3. Two wire, 4-20 mA output proportional to minimum dry bulb temperature range of -29
Deg.C. to +49 Deg.C. (-20 Deg.F. to +120 Deg.F.).
4. Monitored dry bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 0.5 Deg. C. (1.0
Deg. F.).
5. Monitored wet bulb temperature shall be reported with an accuracy of ґ 3% of reading.


A. Duct mounted static pressure sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Input range shall be appropriate for the application. Select range such that it covers from
zero duct static pressure relative to the exterior of the duct up to a static pressure of
between 20% and 50% in excess of the maximum static pressure that could be
encountered in the duct relative to the duct exterior. Typically:
a. For low pressure duct consider using a range of 0 to 500Pa (0 to 2” wc.)
b. For medium pressure duct use a range of 0 to 1500Pa (0 to 6” wc.)
c. For high-pressure duct use a range of 0 to 2500 Pa (0 to 10” wc.).
2. 4-20mA, 0-5 or 0-10Vdc output proportional to pressure input range compatible with
BMS system.
3. 1% Full scale output accuracy
4. Operating temperature range of 0ºC to 60ºC (32ºF to 140ºF).
5. Easily accessible, integral non-interacting zero adjustment.
6. Minimum over pressure input protection of two times rated input or 7 kpa (20 psi)
whichever is greater.
7. LCD Display


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A. Space mounted static pressure sensors shall be designed for room pressure monitoring
applications with all electrical and pressure connection on back of unit. I addition, unit shall
meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Input range of –50 to +50 Pa. (-0.2” to + 0.2” wc.)
2. 4-20mA, 0-5 or 0-10Vdc output proportional to pressure input range compatible with
BMS system.
3. 1% accuracy of range
4. Operating temperature range of 0ºC to 60ºC (32ºF to 140ºF).
5. Easily accessible, integral non-interacting zero adjustment.
6. Minimum over pressure input protection of two times rated input or 7 kpa (20 psi)
whichever is greater.
7. LCD Display


A. Provide static pressure sensor that meet the requirements for a "differential pressure transducer"


A. Pressure sensors shall meet the following requirements:

1. Input range of 0 to 1400 kPa.
2. 4-20 mA output proportional to water pressure.
3. 0.5% accuracy of range.
4. Temperature range of 0 Deg. C. to 38 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F to 100 Deg. F.).
5. Easily accessible, integral non-interacting zero and span adjustment.
6. Over pressure input protection of two times rated input.
7. An IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing for an interior application and an IP65 to BS
60529 housing for an exterior housing.
8. Stainless steel wetted parts.
9. Burst pressure of 5 times rated input
10. Long-term stability of .25 percent of full scale.
11. Construction of pressure transmitter and associated components shall be rated for at least
twice the maximum static pressure.


A. Differential pressure sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Output shall be 4-20mA, 0-10Vdc or 0-5Vdc output proportional to pressure input range
compatible with BMS.
2. Select range as required, taking into consideration pressure drop across filter or coil.
Typically 0 to 500pa (0-2” wc) range for low-pressure commercial duct.
3. Operating temperature range of 0 DEG C to 60 DEG C (32 DEG F to 140 DEG F).
4. With LCD display


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A. Water differential pressure sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Cast aluminium an IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing for an interior application and
an IP65 to BS 60529 housing for an exterior housing.
2. Output of 4-20 mA proportional to the pressure sensed.
3. Over pressure protection of five times the rated input.
4. Easily accessible, integral non-interacting zero and span adjustment.
5. Operating range shall be suitable for the application. Select range such that it covers
from zero differential pressure up to a differential static pressure of between 20% and
50% in excess of the maximum static pressure that could be encountered. Remember
that if the sensor is used for the control of a chilled water bypass and is located across,
for example, a chilled water AHU coil, the pressure drop of both the coil and the
associated valve at full design flow have to be taken into account.
6. Accuracy of ґ 2% of full-scale reading.
7. Valved tappings shall be installed by the Mechanical contractor. Furnish the valves to
the Mechanical contractor.



A. Multipoint averaging airflow measuring station shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Sensor and sensor measuring flow range shall be appropriate for the application.
2. Multipoint averaging flow sensor complete with sensor, sensor housing and mounting
brackets. Sensor tubing shall be connected or removed without removing ductwork.
3. Sensing grid shall be of stainless steel construction.
4. Internal materials of the transducer shall be suitable for contact with air.
5. Integral signal integrator to minimize primary signal to noise from the output signal.
6. Output signal of 4-20 mA proportional to input pressure, into a 600 OHM load.
7. Temperature range of -18 Deg C to 60 Deg C (0 Deg F to 140 Deg F).
8. 5% accuracy of the measured value.
9. With LCD display.


A. Provide airflow rate sensors and transducers as indicated in the Field termination schedules
and/or control diagrams. Air flow rate sensors and transducer shall meet, at minimum, the
following requirements:
1. Hot wire anemometer type.
2. Self-compensation for changes in air temperature.
3. Probe and transducer housing shall be constructed of durable PVC.
4. Probe shall be adjustable from 50-185mm (2” - 7.3”).
5. Power supply shall be 24 Vac/dc.
6. Output signal of 4-20 mA or 0-10Vdc proportional to air flow speed equal to 0-16m/s
(3150 ft/min) or 0-8 m/s (1575 ft/min) jumper selectable.
7. Air temperature range of –10 DEG C to 60 DEG (14 DEG F to 140 DEG F)
8. 5% accuracy of measured value.


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A. Air differential pressure sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. An IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing for an interior application and an IP65 to BS
60529 housing for an exterior housing.
2. SPDT switch rated for 10 amps minimum at 120 Vac.
3. Setpoint trip adjustment with scale to indicate setting. Switches used for filter
differential pressures shall also have a display of the monitored differential pressure.
4. Deadband adjustment.
5. Select range such that it covers from zero duct static pressure relative to the exterior of
the duct up to a static pressure of between 20% and 50% in excess of the maximum static
pressure that could be encountered in the duct relative to the duct exterior. Typically:
a. For low pressure commercial duct use a range of 0 to 500pa (0 to 2 inches w.g.)
b. For medium pressure duct use a range of 0 to 1500Pa (0 to 6 inches w.g.)
c. For high pressure duct use a range of 0 to 2500Pa (0 to 10 inches w.g.)
6. Temperature range of -18 Deg. C. to 71 Deg. C. (0 Deg. F. to 160 Deg. F.).
7. Manual reset.


A. Water differential pressure switches shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. 316 stainless steel body.
2. Local display gauge.
3. End to end accuracy not to exceed ґ 1.0% over entire range.
4. Easily accessible, integral non-interacting zero an span adjustment.
5. Over pressure input protection to a minimum of five (5) times rated input.
6. The differential pressure transducer shall be rated to withstand the maximum rated.
pressure of the system in which it is installed.
7. Range to be coordinated with the chilling unit manufacturer.


A. Damper end switch shall meet the following:

1. Adjustable axle mounted collar for easy setup and adjustment
2. Electrical enclosure with ½" knockout allowing for easy installation
3. Dual, opposed switches for fully opened or fully closed position
4. Switches will have the option to be set as normally closed (NC) or normally opened
(NO) by user.


A. Liquid level float switches shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Polypropylene float, PVC cable, hermetically sealed mercury switch.
2. 13 amp running current @ 120 VAC, 11 amp current @ 240 VAC.
3. SPDT type.
4. Operating temperature of 0 Deg. C. to 71 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F. to 160 Deg. F.).
5. Operating pressure of 180 kPa.
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A. Turbine flow meter shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Stainless steel insertion probe with non-metallic rotors.
2. 24 ± 4 VDC @ 30 mA.
3. 2% accuracy of actual reading from 0.4 to 20 ft/s.
4. Turndown ratio of 30:1.
5. Combined linearity and repeatability not to exceed 1.5 percent.
6. Pulse output proportional to flowrate.
7. Insertion type with dual turbine blades.
8. Suitable for maximum flowrate in line.
9. Rated for as necessary to withstand the maximum pressure of the system.
10. Suitable for temperatures in the range of 0 Deg.C. to 50 Deg.C.
11. Wall mounted local flowrate display panel to indicate instantaneous flowrate.


A. Turbine flow meter shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Stainless steel insertion probe with non-metallic rotors.
2. 24±4 VDC @ 90 mA supply voltage.
3. 2% accuracy of actual reading from 0.4 to 20 ft/s.
4. Turndown ratio of 30:1.
5. DC linearity of 0.1% of span.
6. Pulse output proportional to flowrate.
7. Insertion type with dual turbine blades.
8. Suitable for maximum flowrate in line.
9. Rated for as necessary to withstand the maximum pressure of the system.
10. Temperature range-standard: 82 Deg. C. (180 Deg. F.) continuous, 93 Deg. C. (200 Deg.
F.) peak.
11. Bi-directional flow.


A. Electromagnetic flow meter shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. No moving parts.
2. Microprocessor-based.
3. 4-20 mA output.
4. Full lugged flanged.
5. Accuracy shall better than 5% of flowrate over a 33:1 turndown at all flow rates above 1
6. The integrally mounted meter housing and flow meter sensor with a an IP54 to BS 60529
transmitter housing for an interior application and an IP65 to BS 60529 housing for an
exterior housing. The flow sensor coil housing shall be steel and withstand 3500 kPa
external pressure in all conditions.
7. Electronics shall be remote mounted within the central plant either wall or column
mounted adjacent to the bypass piping area.


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8. Flow meter transmitter shall be furnished in -an IP54 to BS 60529 transmitter housing
for an interior application and an IP65 to BS 60529 housing for an exterior housing, with
a character, 2 line 16 digit backlit display. The alphanumeric display shall indicate user-
defined flow units and flowrate. All menu advice and commands shall be visible on this
9. The flow meter shall be suitable for operation at temperatures from -40 Deg F to 200
Deg F and at pressures from full vacuum to 2100 kPa.
10. The meter shall feature non-volatile sensor memory (EEPROM)) which shall contain all
the characteristics of the sensor (i.e. calibration factors, coil frequency, gain settings) as
well as user defined parameters on site. This memory shall facilitate automatic transfer
of pre-programmed data to new electronics in the event of a transmitter fault, without
requiring renewed calibration/programming.
11. The flow meter shall have a switching power supply having an operating range from 77-
265 VAC 50 Hz (12-60 VDC). Power consumption shall not exceed 20 VA.
12. Carbon steel body.
13. Flow meter shall distinguish between direction of fluid flow.
14. Construction of flowmeter and associated components shall be rated for at least twice the
maximum static pressure.


A. Current sensing relays shall meet, at minimum, the following specifications:

1. Rated and sized for the applicable load.
2. The output relay shall have an accessible trip adjustment over its complete operating
3. Current relay shall have input and output isolation via current transformer.
4. Current relay shall be self-powered with no insertion loss.
5. Relay shall be in a dustproof housing.
6. Accuracy to be <2% of full-scale max.
7. Temperature rating of –15 Deg C to 60 Deg C (5 Deg F to 140 Deg F).
8. Option: Provide LED indication of relay status.

B. Whenever the status of a single speed motor is monitored it shall be done via a current sensing
relay. Differential pressure switches shall not be used for this purpose. The BMS contractor
shall provide current sensing relays at the MCC starters. The BMS contractor shall provide the
current sensing relays for motors with local starters and no MCC starter.


A. Current monitoring shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. 4-20 mA, 0-10 or 0-5 Vdc output proportional to current draw.
2. Reverse polarity protected and output limited.
3. 50/60 Hz operation.
4. Accuracy of better than 1%.
5. Operating temperature range of 0 Deg C to 70 Deg C. (-20 Deg F to 120 Deg F).



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A. Voltage sensing relays shall continuously monitor 3-phase power lines for phase loss, phase
reversal and low voltage. Voltage sensing relays shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Dustproof ABS plastic housing.
2. The output relay shall have an accessible trip adjustment over its complete operating
3. Relay shall have over current and over voltage protection.
4. Automatic reset with adjustable reset delay.
5. Adjustable trip delay.
6. Transient protection - 2500 VRMS for 10 ms.
7. Accuracy - ґ 0.1% of setpoint.
8. Operating temperature range of -29 Deg. C. to 49 Deg. C. (-20 Deg. F. to 120 Deg. F.).


A. Voltage monitoring (phase-to-phase (or line-to-neutral) voltage) of 3 phase electrical systems

shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Rated for the appropriate voltage and frequency.
2. Output to the BMS of 4-20mA proportional to voltage for each of the 3 phases.
3. Accuracy - ґ 0.5% of FS voltage.
4. Operating temperature range of -29 Deg. C. to 49 Deg. C. (-20 Deg. F. to 120 Deg. F.).


A. Provide kW and kWh transducers as identified in Field termination sheets and/or control
drawings. Transducer shall include, at minimum, the following:
1. True RMS conversion.
2. 24 Bit DSP signal processor.
3. On board potential transformers for up to 600 Vac applications.
4. Configurable via RS-232C on personal computer.
5. RS-485 data port for communication with BMS.
6. 4-20 mA proportional to KW demand output.
7. Opto-isolated open collector solid state form a relay rated at 30 Vdc @150mA for kWH
8. Opto-isolated open collector solid state form a relay rated at 30 Vdc @150mA for phase
loss output.
9. Accuracy 1% or better of full scale.
10. Operating temperature of 0ºC to 70ºC (32ºF to 158ºF).
11. Provide disconnect/shorting bar and Current Transformer compatible with amperage
being sensed.
12. With LCD display.


A. Latching Relays shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Pickup rating, time and hold rating as required for individual applications.


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2. Rated for a minimum of ten (10) million mechanical operations and a minimum of
500,000 electrical operations.
3. Provide complete isolation between the control circuit and the digital output.
4. Located in the DCP, UC or other local enclosures.
5. Malfunction of an BMS component shall cause the controlled output to fail to the
positions identified in the failure procedure within the operating sequences.
6. 10 amp contact rating.
7. Pin type terminals.


A. Momentary Relays shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Coil ratings of 120 VAC, 50 mA or 10-30 VAC/VDC, 40 mA as suitable for the
2. Provide complete isolation between the control circuit and the digital output.
3. Located in the DCP, UC or other local enclosures.
4. 10 amp contact rating.
5. LED status indication.


A. Provide electronic to pneumatic transducers as identified in the field termination sheets and/or
controls drawings. Transducers shall include, at minimum, the following:
1. Accept a control signal of 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc compatible with BMS.
2. Output rating of 21-103 kPa (3-15psig) consuming 141 ml/s (515 scfm) maximum @
138 kPa (20 psig) supply.
3. Snap track mounted for panel applications or with an optional ABS enclosure.
4. Operating temperature range of 0ºC to 60ºC (32ºF to 140ºF)
5. Male barb fittings for flexible tubing.


A. Provide wall mounted air quality sensors as indicated within the Field termination schedules
and/or control diagrams. Sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOC) containing, at minimum, the
following gases:
a. Methane
b. Ethylene
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon Monoxide
e. Propane
f. Ammonia
2. Microprocessor based using a semi conductor element based on the Taguchi gas
3. White attractive ventilated cover.
4. 20-30 Vac/dc power supply, 100mA @24Vdc, 220mA @24Vac, 6VA max.


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5. Analog stepped output standard (0-10 Vdc) or optional 4-20mA and adjustable relay.
6. Programming and selection via internal push buttons and jumpers.
7. Temperature range of 0ºC to 40ºC (32ºF to 104ºF).


A. Provide duct mounted air quality sensors as indicated within the field termination schedules
and/or control diagrams. Sensors shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Measurement of air stream volatile organic compounds (VOC) containing, at minimum,
the following gases:
a. Methane
b. Ethylene
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon Monoxide
e. Propane
f. Ammonia
2. Microprocessor based using a semi conductor element based on the Taguchi gas
3. 20-30 Vac/dc power supply, 100mA @24Vdc, 220mA @24Vac, 6VA max.
4. Analog stepped output standard (0-10 Vdc) or optional 4-20mA and adjustable relay.
5. Programming and selection via internal push buttons and jumpers.
6. Temperature range of 0 C to 40 C (32 F to 104 F).
7. 200 mm (8”) duct probe.


A. Provide a space or duct carbon dioxide gas detection sensor as indicated within the field
termination schedules and/or control diagrams. Carbon dioxide detection sensors shall meet, at
minimum, the following requirements:
1. Set-up to be fully microprocessor based via plug and play LCD.
2. 4-20 mA, 0-10 or 0-5 Vdc output compatible with BMS proportional to 0 to 2000 ppm
(adjustable to 10,000 ppm in 500 ppm increments) of carbon dioxide concentration
3. Power supply to be 20-30Vac/dc @ 80 mA max for 24 Vac and 36 mA avg @24 Vdc.
4. No maintenance or period sensor replacement needed. The sensor shall have a 5-year
calibration interval, utilizing the Automatic Calibration Logic Program (ACLP).
5. Standard accuracy to be 3% of reading or 75 ppm, whichever is greater.
6. Operating temperature of 0ºC to 50ºC (32ºF to 122ºF).
7. With audible alarm


A. Provide CO monitoring systems for the enclosed levels of the parking garage. Provide
complete coverage of the enclosed levels of the parking garage and provide systems for each
level. A CO monitoring system shall not cover an area on more than one level and the failure of
any component shall not affect more than one level.
1. Sensors shall be of the electrochemical type.


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2. Locate sensing points on walls and columns at 1.5 to 2m (5-6ft) above floor level. Locate
one sensing point per 700 m2 (7500 ft²). Do not locate sensing points closer than 2m to
traffic lanes.
3. Sensor range shall be of 0 to 300 ppm for 7% accuracy cell or 500 ppm for 3% accurate
4. Provide two (2) relay contacts, at minimum, per sensor, to indicate CO warning level
(initially set at 50ppm) and CO alarm level (initially set at 200ppm) for each sensing
5. Unit shall be complete with 85 db audible alarm and have visual output reading via an
LCD display of the gas sensed.
6. Provide 4-20mA, 0-10 or 0-5Vdc output of Carbon Monoxide sensed compatible with
BMS system.
7. The proposed sensor locations shall be submitted at the shop drawing stage and shall be
amended as directed by the Owner and/or Engineer.
8. Sensor shall be factory calibrated and will only require calibration after a minimum one
(1) year service.


A. Provide refrigerant leak monitoring as identified within the point schedules and/or control
diagrams. Refrigerant leak detection monitors shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Power consumption: AC - 325 mA, DC - 250 mA.
2. Operating temperature range of 0 Deg. C. to 70 Deg. C. (32 Deg. F. to 158 Deg. F.).
3. Operating humidity range: 10% to 95% non-condensing.
4. Measuring range of 0-1000 ppm proportional to 4 to 20mA output range for each
sampling point.
5. Volt free contacts to indicate an alarm condition.
6. Meeting all applicable BSI standards including BSI standard 97/700630 DC
(Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental requirements.
Refrigerant compressors (prEN 12693))
7. Refrigerant gas system detection supplier/contractor shall be familiar with standard
practices of safety and installation for refrigerant gas detection systems.
8. Submit details of refrigerant monitors, breathing apparatus, control panel and diagrams
as part of the submittal process.
9. System shall detect the presence of the of the following types of refrigerants regardless
of refrigerant type using sequential sampling and multi-point monitoring method:
a. CFC
c. HFC
10. Diluted samples due to ventilation airflow currents shall employ multi-point monitoring
techniques strategically located according to regulation guidelines. In multiple chiller
applications it shall be considered whether mechanical room size and layout can
adequately be monitored to comply with regulation with a multi-point system. System
design considerations shall also be incorporated in leak detection monitoring sensing
locations for early warning indication to prevent a major loss of refrigerant without alarm
should a leak occur. Sensing ports shall be piped in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations with 8mm (1/4") copper tubing and fittings.
11. System shall annunciate to the BMS and locally alarm (audible and visual) upon
detection of alarm conditions. Provide silencing alarm button at control panel. Provide
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approved appropriate signage at all entry points to the chiller room. Initial alarm shall
comply with recommended Allowable Exposure Level (AEL). Adjustable 3 level alarms
for each point shall be supplied with common alarm output contacts. Provide local
digital indication of ppm level for a minimum of X 3 sample points. A sample point
shall be located close to each chiller and the refrigerant pump out unit location. Engineer
shall approve each location. Sample point if in alarm shall flash the associated LED.
Provide local alarm horns and visual (stroboscopic) beacons at the following locations to
activate upon alarm to an approved detail:
a. Outside of entrance doors to chiller machine room.
b. Inside rooms without an escape route other than through the chiller room.
c. At each chiller location.
d. At any other location in the chiller room as necessary to ensure that a person at
any location in the chiller room and room that can be entered from the chiller
room can see the visual alarm and hear the audible alarm and at any other location
required to meet the applicable codes.
12. System shall shut down all electrical equipment (chiller systems and associated pumps,
AHU, FCU, SRAC, etc.) and sequence emergency extract equipment as required to meet
regulations. Where combustion equipment is employed, refrigerant vapour monitoring
system shall automatically shut down the combustion process in event of refrigerant
leakage if other alternative acceptable conditions are not applied. Ventilation system,
chiller and associated pumps and other equipment shut down as a result of the refrigerant
leak alarm shall return to normal operation when the refrigerant monitoring system is no
longer detecting refrigerant levels above setpoints and alarms have been silenced.
13. Oxygen deficiency shall not be acceptable in lieu of TLV-TWA monitoring for human
safety exposure. At the TLV-TWA level the system shall activate purge ventilation
14. Analyzer shall be microprocessor based and employ infrared (IR) sensor technology to
sense to one part per million (ppm) and shall be compound specific and/or monitor
multiple compounds and be calibrated for refrigerant in use by approved chiller system.
Any installed unit shall be switchable to monitor another refrigerant type by changing
one part and re-calibration. System shall be factory calibrated.
15. Provide a sequential sampling system integrated into one or more analyser enclosures.
Microprocessor shall sequentially control required flow valves and communicate output
signals to allow monitoring from multiple remote sampling locations. Unit shall read
and hold output value of infrared sensor and control corresponding four point sequential
sampling assembly. Each sampling point shall have adjustable sampling time and
adjustable levels of alarm with sample line capability up to 500 feet.
16. System shall auto zero calibrate at one hour intervals and/or via operator control. Zero
calibration shall be achieved by drawing clean uncontaminated air. Sampling of outside
intake plenum shall be acceptable if it meets requirements. Include built-in sample pump
and differential pressure flow switch for low flow indication. Provide a separate 4-20
mA dc analogue output for each sampling point for BMS monitoring or one digital
communications link for the output of refrigerant level for BMS monitoring. Unit shall
be insensitive to vibration and temperature variations and shall provide for a continuous
sample. Intermittent dump and purge, batch type samples with long response time shall
not be acceptable. Response time shall be 20 to 90 seconds typical. Electrochemical
sensing technology employing depletion sensors and short-term life sensors, which
deplete as a normal part of their operation or storage shelf life shall not be acceptable.
17. System shall have self-diagnostics and supply common malfunction output. Loss of
sample flow at either sample or ZERO line and electrical malfunction shall annunciate to
the BMS.
18. Provide two (2) additional particulate filters and zero gas filter cartridges.


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19. Provide self-contained breathing apparatus that is OSHA approved and certified meeting
the following requirements:
a. Certified for 60 minutes of use.
b. Complies with BSI requirements.
c. Furnish in clearly marked wall mount metal enclosures to be located inside each
room that does not have an escape route apart from through the chiller room,
outside one exterior door serving the chiller machine room, within the chiller
room at locations such that no point in the chiller room is more than 20 metres
from an escape door or a SCBA and at all other locations required by the code.
Locations of SCBA to be approved by the Engineer.
20. Provide an emergency shut-off control button outside each chiller plant room
entrance/exit door. Button shall be mounted at 1200mm above finished floor adjacent to
refrigerant leak detection alarm light. Activation of any one of the buttons shall de-
energize all chillers and other electrical equipment within the chiller plant room. Button
shall be manually reset.


A. Provide water leak monitoring as identified within the Field termination schedules and/or
control diagrams. Water leak detection monitors shall meet, at minimum, the following
1. Corrosion and abrasion resistant.
2. Adjustable height.
3. Configured for normally open or normally closed as required by the application.
4. Form C output relay rated at 5 amps @ 120 Vac / 30 Vdc.
5. Operating temperature range of -40ºC to 85ºC (-40ºF to 185ºF).


A. Provide ambient light level sensors as indicated within the field termination schedules and/or
control diagrams. Light level sensor shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
1. Light sensor shall have a 12 – 35 Vdc power at maximum 22mA current draw.
2. 4-20 mA output proportional to the ambient light level where 4 mA is light and 20 mA is
3. Photo sensitive resistor with analog transducer.
4. Mounted on the exterior of a North wall on the roof.
5. Temperature range of -25ºC to 75ºC (-13ºF to 167ºF)


A. General requirements for valves shall be as follows:

1. Furnish all valves controlled by the BMS as detailed in the mechanical trade
documents and as indicated on the control drawings which form part of these
contract documents. The MEP contractor shall install valves. Provide full
documentation to the MEP contractor. All other valves such as check valves,
relief valves, pressure reducing valves, self regulating valves, manually operated
valves, etc. shall be furnished and installed by the MEP contractor. Provide


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details of the manufacturer's installation requirements to the MEP contractor.

Coordinate the valve body type and pipe connections with the mechanical trade.
2. Refer to the Mechanical plans and drawings and to the control drawings which
form part of these contract documents for the design conditions on which to base
sizing and ratings of the valves and their actuators.
3. The complete valve (body and trim) shall be rated for a pressure that is at least
50% greater than the maximum pressure to which it will be exposed. Where
noted in this Section, the valve shall be rated for a higher pressure. The
complete valve shall be rated for a temperature that shall be at least 50 deg. C.
(90 deg. F.) greater than the maximum temperature to which it will be exposed.
The Manufacturer shall certify that each complete valve is suitable for and meets
all relevant standards for the application.
4. All valves shall be rated appropriately for the fluid, temperature and pressure
and, at minimum, shall have a 16 bar rating. Valves shall comply with BS 5793
and BS EN 60534 and ASME B31.9 and ASME B31.1.
5. Valves of similar types shall be by the same manufacturer.
6. Valves shall have the manufacturer's name and the pressure rating clearly
marked on the outside of the body. Where this is not possible manufacturer's
name and valve pressure rating shall be engraved on a minimum 50mm (2 inch)
diameter stainless steel tag that shall be attached to the valve by a chain in such a
manner that it cannot be unintentionally removed.
7. Valves 13mm to 50mm (0.5 inch to 2 inches) shall have screwed ends. Screwed
ends shall comply with BS 21:1985 (Specification for pipe threads for tubes and
fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads - metric dimensions).
Valves 63mm (2.5 inches) and larger shall have flanged ends. Flanged valves
shall be furnished complete with companion flanges, gaskets and bolting
materials. Flanges, gaskets and bolting materials shall meet the appropriate BSI
8. Verify and certify that the materials of construction of the pipe, weld, flange,
bolts and valve will not cause any galvanic corrosion.
9. Valves shall be suitable for continuous throttling.
10. Valve schedules shall be submitted for review and shall clearly show the
following for each valve:
a. Associated system.
b. Manufacturer and model number.
c. Valve size and line size.
d. Flow rate, flow coefficient (CV) - and pressure drop at design
conditions and Valve authority, flow rate and pressure drop across the
valve at design conditions and pressure drop across the associated
mechanical equipment, e.g., coil, heat exchanger, etc., at design
e. Valve configuration (e.g. two way, three way, butterfly).
f. Leakage rate.
g. Maximum pressure shut-off capability.
h. Actuator manufacturer and model number.
i. Valve body pressure and temperature rating.
j. Normally open/closed and failure positions.
11. Where necessary to achieve the required performance and pressure drop a
control valve may be sized up to two nominal sizes below line size.
12. Valve bodies shall be cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel or bronze subject to
requirements for valve body pressure and temperature rating and suitability of
material for application. Valve trim shall be stainless steel.
13. Valve seats shall be replaceable. Valve seats shall be metal, ceramic filled PTFE
or equivalent and must assure tight seating.


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14. The BMS contractor shall certify that the materials of construction are
appropriate for the application. In particular, valves used for the control of
glycol solutions shall have a trim that is suitable for a glycol solution.

B. Two-way control valves shall be as follows:

1. Provide two-way globe control valves as indicated on the mechanical trade

2. Pressure drop shall not exceed 35 kPa and shall conform to the following
a. Valves shall be selected such that the valve authority (N) shall not be
less than 0.5 as defined by the relationship:


where P1= pressure drop across the fully open valve, and
P2= pressure drop across the remainder of the circuit (e.g. a coil, DRV,
isolation valves, strainers)
3. Valve shall be capable of tight shut-off when operating at system pressure with
the system pump operating at shut-off head. Leakage rate shall not exceed
0.01% of the rated valve capacity.
4. Valve shall be straight pattern type. Angle valves shall only be furnished where
the piping configuration does not permit the use of a straight valve.
5. Valves shall be single seat globe type. Double seat valves shall not be
6. Two-port valves when used to control heater and cooler batteries shall have an
equal percentage or modified parabolic characteristic. Two-port valves when
used in liquid applications systems not detailed above shall have a linear / linear
7. Actual valve kvs values shall not deviate from the quoted kvs value by more than
8. The kv of the valve shall not deviate from the stated characteristic curve by more
than ±10%.
9. Valve shall have a minimum rangeability of 50:1.
10. Suitable for continuous throttling.

C. Butterfly Valves shall be as follows:

1. Butterfly valves shall be the full lug type.

2. The pressure drop across modulating butterfly valves at maximum design flow
shall not exceed 20 kPa.
3. Disc pins, where required to secure shaft to disc, shall be 316 stainless steel.
4. The butterfly valve manufacturer shall certify compliance with bubble tight
shut-off requirements at a differential pressure not less than the full rated design
working pressure and temperature specified with the downstream flange
removed with flow in either direction.
5. Valve manufacturer shall guarantee zero leakage to the shaft.

D. Valves for instrumentation shall meet the following requirements:

1. Instrumentation, such as pressure sensors and flow rate monitors, which is

provided for the monitoring of parameters associated with liquid in pipes or
tanks, shall be removable and replaceable without the requirement to shut down
a pump and without the requirement to drain the pipe or tank and without


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causing liquid to leak from the pipe or tank. To facilitate this, the BMS
contractor shall furnish valves for installation by the mechanical trade.
2. Instrumentation that is mounted external to the pipe or tank and which is
connected to the pipe or tank by one or more sampling lines shall have a manual
two-way on/off valve in each sampling line meeting the following requirements:
a. Ball type valve
b. Valve body shall be 316 stainless steel
c. Ball and stem shall be 316 stainless steel
d. Zero leakage.
e. Rated for 1050 kPa or for a pressure 50% greater then the system
working pressure, whichever is the greater.
f. Rated for a minimum of 50 deg. C (90 deg. F.) greater than the highest
fluid temperature.
g. Brass or stainless steel trim.
h. Valve seats shall be metal, reinforced TFE or equivalent and must
assure tight seating.
i. Valve shall be Whitey 40 Series or 80 Series or approved equal if it
meets the requirements detailed above.
3. Valves for insertion flow meters shall be full port gate valves sized for the flow
meter in accordance with the flow meter manufacturer’s instructions. If the flow
meter manufacturer offers the valve as an accessory then it shall be purchased by
the BMS contractor from the insertion flow meter manufacturer and shall be
installed by the mechanical trade in accordance with the insertion flow meter
manufacturer’s instructions. The valve shall meet the pressure and temperature
requirements detailed for the control valves and shall have zero leakage at the
system maximum pressure.

E. Valve actuators - electric

1. The BMS contractor shall provide actuators for all valves that are furnished by
the BMS contractor.
2. Actuator shall be motor driven type. Valve stem position shall be adjustable in
increments of one (1) percent or less of full stem travel.
3. Actuator shall have an integral self-locking gear train, mechanical travel stops
and two adjustable travel limit switches with electrically isolated contacts.
4. Actuator gear assembly shall be made of hard-anodised aluminium or steel or
material of equivalent durability. No plastic components shall be acceptable for
the gear drive assembly. Disassembly of the gears shall not be required to
remove the motor.
5. Actuator shall be rated for continuous duty and have an input voltage of 220
Vac, 50 Hz or 24 V.
6. Actuator housing shall have a minimum IP 54 to BS 60529 rating. Actuators on
valves located in mechanical rooms or outdoors shall have covers of aluminium
or a material of equivalent strength and shall have captive bolts to eliminate loss
of bolts when removing the cover from the base. Housings for valves located
in a plenum and used for terminal unit or fan coil unit heating/cooling coils, may
be constructed of reinforced plastic. Materials of construction for all actuator
components shall be non-corroding.
7. Actuator motor shall be fully accessible for ease of maintenance.
8. Actuator shall be sized to meet the shut-off requirements when operating at the
maximum system differential pressure and with the installed system pump
operating at shut-off head.
9. Actuator shall control against system maximum working pressures.


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10. Actuator shall fail as indicated on the control drawings that form part of these
contract documents. Provide spring return to de-energised position on loss of
power or loss of control signal.
11. Actuator shall accept control signals compatible with the BMS analogue or
digital output subsystem as appropriate. The valve stem position shall be
linearly related to the control signal.
12. Actuator shall have visual mechanical position indication, showing output shaft
and valve position.
13. Actuator shall operate the valve from the fully closed to the fully open position
and vice versa in less than two minutes.
14. Actuator shall be constructed to withstand high shock and vibration without
operations failure. Materials of construction shall be non-corroding.
15. Actuator shall be equipped with an integral position potentiometer to indicate
the stem position of the valve where required by the control sequences. All
valve actuators shall have integral end position indicators.
16. Actuator and valve shall be mounted and installed only in the
location/orientation approved by the manufacturer. Installation drawings shall
clearly indicate the valve location.
17. Actuator shall have a manual declutch lever to enable manual operation of the
valve. It shall be possible for an operator to manually modulate valves located
in mechanical rooms in the event of loss of power. The operator shall be able to
manually modulate the valves without having to climb a ladder or other non-
permanent structure. It shall be ensured that the valve installation is such that
the valve cannot declutch under the influence of gravity and/or vibration.


A. General requirements shall be as follows:

1. Provide actuators for all motorised dampers excluding motorised fire and/or
smoke rated dampers.
2. Multiple section two position dampers shall be controlled by one BMS output
unless indicated otherwise within the Point Schedules or Sequences of Operation
that are in Section 15940 of the project documents.
3. Multiple section modulating dampers shall be controlled in sequence unless
indicated otherwise within the Point Schedules or Sequences of Operation that
are in Section 15940 of the project documents.
4. Actuators shall be mounted to allow complete access for maintenance and
removal. Wherever possible provide damper actuators mounted on the exterior
of the duct/damper section. The installation of actuators within air streams will
be permitted only where damper configurations and site conditions require.
Obtain approval for proposed installations of actuators within ductwork,
plenums, airstreams, etc. Furnish access doors where required to allow access.
5. Damper actuators shall be configured for normal and failure positions as
indicated in the operating sequences and as indicated on the MEP contractor
Mechanical Drawings and Specifications. Provide damper end switches on 2-
position actuators and position feedback for modulating damper actuators.
6. Provide actuators sized in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and
industry standards for accurate and stable control of airflow in each application.
7. Provide damper actuator installations to comply with the acoustical requirements
for the project. Noise generated from damper actuators in air streams shall not
be detectable in occupied building spaces.


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8. Damper actuators shall be controlled by the BMS where necessary to meet the
required sequences of operation. If the FAS also controls a damper then the
FAS control shall override the BMS control of the damper.
9. Dampers shall be provided by the Mechanical Contractor.

B. Damper actuators shall meet the following requirements:

1. Provide electric damper actuators for all motorised dampers. Electric actuators
shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:
a. Stroke by the rotating motion of a reversible, overload-protected
synchronous motor. Actuators shall be directly coupled to damper drive
blades with no intermediate linkages or shall be rotary type actuators
directly coupled to the damper drive shaft.
b. Protected against overload by an integral magnetic clutch or stall
protection by non-overloading impedance protected motor.
c. 220 Vac + or - 10%, 50 Hz or 24 Vac power supply.
d. One actuator for each damper section. Provide additional actuators to
ensure sufficient torque to meet the specified close off leakage
requirements. Damper actuators shall not be stacked.
e. Actuators shall be motorised/driven in both the open and closed
directions. Actuators shall have a spring return to the de-energized
position upon loss of power. Damper normal and failure positions shall
be as identified within the sequences of operation.
f. BMS controlled actuators for modulating Motorised Dampers shall be
controlled by a 0-10 Vdc, or 4-20mA signal. Provide actuators that are
fully compatible with the BMS analogue output subsystem. BMS
controlled actuators for two position dampers shall be controlled by
24Vac, 24Vdc or single-phase 220 Vac power switched by the BMS.
g. Complete with mounting brackets suitable for extended shaft mounting
or direct damper drive shaft mounting.
h. Stroke dampers from fully closed to fully open in accordance with the

Service Timing Requirement

Two position normal service 75 seconds
Modulating normal service 120 seconds
Emergency service (stair 15 seconds
pressurization, smoke
containment, etc.)

i. Actuators for non-fire and/or smoke rated dampers shall be rated for
operation at ambient temperatures of minus 40 Deg.C. to 50 Deg.C. (-40
Deg. F. to 122 Deg. F.).
j Complete with damper/actuator stroke position indicator.
k. Manual drive release mechanism and manual positioning mechanism.
2. Actuators shall be quiet in operation such that noise from actuator operation is
not detectable in any occupied spaces.

C. Hardwired interlocks and damper interface terminal strips shall meet the following


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1. Provide all required hardwired interlocks between fans and any motor actuated
dampers as identified within these contract documents.
2. Power for interlocked dampers shall be obtained from the associated air
handling fan motor control circuit. Coordinate actuator power supply wiring
and fire alarm system override control of dampers with MEP contractor.
3. Where dampers are specified to be hard wire interlocked with fan motors the
BMS contractor shall provide the damper position switches. Provide the damper
end switch(s) hard wire interlocked to achieve the operational requirements as
specified in the Point Schedules and the sequences of operation that are in
Section 15940 of the project documents, and as indicated in the MEP contractor
Drawings and Specifications. Provide damper end switches hard wire
interlocked to prevent fan motor operation in both the hand and auto position of
hand/off/auto motor control circuit. Damper position switches shall be set to
indicate the open position when they are open by more than 80%.
4. Provide for each damper that is controlled by both the BMS and the FAS, a
terminal strip and associated control relays such as to allow control and
monitoring as follows (as applicable):
a. BMS two position open-closed control - contact closure of a BMS relay,
thermostat or interlocking device shall control the damper. Contact
opening shall close the damper.
b. BMS modulating control - modulating signal from the BMS of 0-10
Vdc or 4-20 mA output to achieve the required sequence.
c. Damper open/closed status - allows FAS monitoring or interlock of
damper open and damper close status.
d. Damper open/closed status - allows BMS monitoring or interlock of
damper open and damper close status.
e. Override open control - contact closure of a FAS command relay or
localized smoke detector shall override any BMS modulating or
open/closed control to open the damper.
f. Override closed control - contact closure of a FAS command relay or
localized smoke detector shall override any BMS modulating or
open/closed control to close the damper.
g. Furnish and terminate cabling as follows:
i. Between all damper actuators and the associated damper
terminal strip.
ii. Between the BMS and the damper terminal strip for any
damper monitored and/or controlled by the BMS.
iii. Between the damper terminal strip and interlocked motors,
thermostats, pressure switches, generators, pumps, etc.
h. Coordinate exact FAS interface requirements and terminal strip
locations with the MEP contractor.


A. All programming, scheduling, alarm limits, integration requirements, etc. shall reside in
the DCP’s however a backup copy shall be maintained at the I2BS. Provide backup
copy to the I2BS contractor after final acceptance testing. Coordinate this work with the
I2BS contractor.

B. The BMS contractor shall provide a site-wide software license that shall permit
MOI/SFMC to add an unlimited number of controllers if required in the future without
the requirement to obtain an additional software license.


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A. Scan rates at the DCP and/or UC shall meet the following requirements:

1. Each analogue and digital input point shall be scanned at least once every 5
2. If a point is in alarm, then the alarm shall be annunciated at the NIU within 2
seconds of the termination of the time delay period following detection of the
alarm condition.

B. DDC outputs shall be updated at a frequency defined by the operator. The operator shall
be able to select a frequency, at minimum, in the range of 2 seconds to 256 seconds.

C. The operator shall be able to define a minimum time delay between successive starts of
equipment so that disturbances created on the building electrical system are minimised in
frequency and amplitude. It shall be possible for the operator to assign at least 6No. start
times and 6No. stop times in any 24-hour period.

D. BMS controller analogue and digital outputs shall change as the result of either an
operator entered command or a BMS generated software command. These two modes of
BMS controller output are referred to as the BMS MANUAL CONTROL mode and the
BMS SOFTWARE CONTROL mode and differ as follows:

1. In the BMS manual control mode, the signal to a final control element such as a
valve or a damper actuator and to a relay such as a motor control relay shall
change as the result of a command manually entered at one of the operator
terminals. When an output is in the BMS manual control mode, there shall be
no means by which it can switch to the BMS software control mode or by which
the value or state of the BMS output can change without operator intervention.
2. In the BMS software control mode, the signal to the final control element or
relay shall be changed automatically as the result of software such as a schedule,
operating sequence or Applications Package such as the Optimised Scheduling

E. The operator shall be able to select the mode of output control for each analogue and
digital output.

F. The operator shall be able to define the minimum time delay between the stopping of a
piece of equipment and its subsequent restart. This time delay shall be in effect for
motors in the BMS software control mode and for motors in the BMS manual control

G. If there is a discrepancy between the actual and BMS commanded state of a motor then
the motor control relay shall be set automatically to the OFF state, an alarm shall be
generated and the motor shall be placed in the BMS manual control mode In all cases a
motor shall only restart following an operator manually entered command

H. The BMS controllers shall not override any hardwired interlocks such as those provided
at motor starters for overload protection, damper interlock, pressure interlock, etc. and
those provided to facilitate control by the Fire Alarm System regardless of the BMS
output control mode.

I. Unless stated otherwise elsewhere in these Specifications, the modulation of final control
elements by the BMS controllers in the BMS software control mode shall be based on a
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control algorithm. The control constants for the


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PID algorithm shall be definable by the operator. If self-tuning algorithms are provided,
it shall still be possible for the operator to manually tune the control loops. The software
shall incorporate facilities to enable the bumpless transfer of a modulating output from
BMS manual control to BMS software control and vice versa and the prevention of
integral wind-up. PID algorithms shall maintain the system operation within the desired
tolerance around the setpoint. Setpoint tolerances shall be as follows:

1. Supply air temperature control, + or - 0.5 Deg. C.

2. Space temperature control, + or - 0.5 Deg. C.
3. Duct static pressure control, + or - 50 Pa
4. Water differential pressure, + or - 15 kPa.
5. Space static pressure control, + or - 10 Pa
6. Relative humidity, + or - 3%

J. Software shall automatically inhibit the generating of an alarm on an analogue input

when the status of an associated digital input indicates that an alarm condition is to be
expected. Such would be the case, for example, when an air handling unit is off as it
would be expected that the supply air temperature would be outside the alarm limits
established for the operating state. An interactive procedure shall enable the operator to
link any analogue value to a digital input so as to inhibit unnecessary alarms. Points with
their alarms locked out shall continue to be displayed on reports and VDU displays. The
alarms shall remain locked out for an operator defined time delay following the start-up
of the associated equipment

K. If for any reason the operator wishes to terminate the monitoring of a particular digital or
analogue input, then it shall be possible to take the point out of service via an interactive
procedure. If the point is the monitored variable in a control loop, then the control loop
shall be disabled, any sequence dependent on the point shall also be disabled and all
associated BMS outputs shall go to the BMS manual control mode.

L. An interactive procedure shall enable the operator to add, delete and modify points
monitored and controlled by the BMS controllers.

M. An interactive procedure shall enable the operator to configure control loops. The
operator shall define Setpoints for control loops or they shall be derived from software
logic as detailed these specifications.

N. All configuration tools shall be provided to MOI/SFMC.


A. The sequences of operation shall be resident at the controllers and shall be as detailed on
the drawings.

B. Where terms are used, such as “operator determined”, “operator changeable”, etc., which
indicate an operator originated decision, it shall mean that an operator shall be able to
amend a value, such as a setpoint, alarm limit, time delay, etc. through an interactive
approach. The term "interactive" is used to mean that the system shall operate in a
conversational mode whereby the operator shall receive English language prompts in the
form of:

1. Tables into which the operator enters data.

2. Questions that are responded to by the operator.


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3. Selections that are made by the operator based on a list of suggested alternatives
that is generated by the BMS.

C. The procedure by which an operator amends a value or implements a selection shall be

such that the operator can readily execute the task without reference to instruction
manuals and without knowledge of the BMS control language.

D. All setpoints, alarms limits, deadbands, software time delays, report configuration and
requests, operating time limits, schedules, etc. shall be operator definable through an
interactive procedure at the POT, HHWT and I2BS via the NIU as detailed in the
Sequence of Operation shown on the Drawings. The BMS contractor shall be
responsible for ensuring that all interoperability data (BACnet IDs or Lon SNVTs) is
provided to the I2BS contractor in sufficient detail such that the I2BS contractor is able
to achieve this function. The BMS contractor shall ensure that all necessary
configuration tools are installed on the POT and provided to MOI/SFMC.

E. The equipment that is fed from emergency power and which is controlled by the BMS
controllers shall operate normally under emergency power conditions and shall be
monitored and controlled by the BMS controllers under emergency power conditions.
Ensure that all equipment furnished under this contract that is associated with the control
of equipment on emergency power is fed from the emergency power service and can
maintain normal equipment operations when the equipment is on emergency power.
Following a loss of normal power, the BMS CONTROLLERS shall resume normal
equipment control and monitoring functions for that equipment on emergency power
within 20 seconds of the availability of emergency power and similarly when there is a
return to normal power. If necessary provide an uninterruptible power source in order to
meet this 20 seconds resumption of operation requirement.

F. The BMS contractor shall identify on the cable and containment shop drawings which
components are to be fed from emergency power and which components are to be fed
from a UPS source.

G. The BMS contractor shall provide an easy to use means of defining the operating
sequences such as a high-level control language or a graphical/flowcharting facility.

H. The means provided for the creation of the operating sequences shall be suitable for the
implementation of the sequences detailed on the control diagrams that form a part of
these contract documents.

I. If the BMS contractor requires additional instrumentation to that indicated in the BMS
Point Schedules and Diagrams of the project documents in order to implement the
operating sequences as detailed on the control drawings then the BMS contractor shall
include such additional instrumentation within the tender price. Such instrumentation
shall meet the requirements detailed in the Section titled "BMS Field Instrumentation"
or, where specifications are not provided, details of such instrumentation shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.

J. The operating sequences shall be written in a readily understandable high level control
language such as Pascal, Basic, C or equivalent or they shall be constructed using an
easily understood graphics interface package. Provide adequate English language
notation in the software to assist the operator understand the intent of the programmed

K. The control language shall be capable of implementing 32-bit floating-point calculations

using. At minimum, the following arithmetic operators:


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1. Addition.
2. Subtraction.
3. Multiplication.
4. Division.
5. Roots.
6. Exponentials.
7. Natural logarithms.

L. The control language shall, at minimum, be able to implement the following logic
operations and relational operations:

1. and
2. or
3. not
4. nand
5. nor
6. If then else statement
7. less than
8. less than or equal to
9. equal to
10. greater than or equal to
11. greater than
12. not equal to

M. The BMS contractor shall be responsible for the stable operation of all control loops.
The BMS contractor shall provide self-tuning PID control algorithms. Verify that the
control loops are stable.

N. If any BMS controllers or system component should fail during the operation of a
system, then the BMS controllers shall execute the procedure detailed in the sequences of
operation. Where a failure mode is not provided for a BMS controlled item of equipment
the BMS contractor shall obtain details of the required failure mode from MOI/SFMC.

O. Where there are multiple filter banks the BMS contractor shall furnish a differential
pressure switch across each filter bank. The BMS contractor may elect to monitor each
filter alarm individually or may elect to wire the differential pressure switches such that
if any filter is in alarm a general filter alarm shall be monitored by the BMS controllers.

P. Any information required by the BMS contractor for the implementation of the software
shall be requested in writing from the Engineer at least four (4) weeks prior to the time it
is required. Submit the request for information in the form of tables or forms for
MOI/SFMC’s personnel to complete and return.

Q. The operating sequences detailed in this section shall only apply when the BMS
controllers is controlling and monitoring the system in the BMS software control mode.

R. In cases where outside air duct cross-sectional area exceeds a certain amount, multiple
damper sections rather than a single section shall be furnished and shall be controlled in
groups. Refer to the mechanical trade documents to determine the number of damper
sections and the number of actuators.

S. Where indicated on the control diagrams, the BMS contractor shall interlock motorised
dampers with fans such that when the dampers are closed the associated fans stop.


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T. The BMS contractor shall provide any modifications to the operating sequences as
requested by the Engineer without additional costs until the substantial completion of the
entire BMS.

U. The sequences of operation are detailed on the Drawings of the contract documents.
Where sequences have not been specifically identified for a mechanical, electrical or
public health system/component, the BMS contractor shall obtain instruction from the
Engineer and shall implement the required sequences at no additional cost to


A. Applications software functions associated with the control and monitoring of the
mechanical and electrical systems by the BMS controllers shall be resident at the DDC
controllers, POT and shall be provided to MOI/SFMC for installation at the I2BS. The
application of these features shall be in accordance with the details provided in the
Schedule of BMS Control Points and the Drawings “Sequences of Operation”. The
BMS contractor is to implement all applications programmes. Where additional
information is required the BMS contractor shall request the information in writing to
MOI/SFMC at least 4 weeks before it is required by the BMS contractor.

B. These application software packages shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Provide the following programs for the optimization of energy usage:

a. Electrical Load Control
b. HVAC control
2. Provide the following programs for the calculation of data:
a. Energy usage and demand
b. Psychometric properties
c. Equipment operating time
3. Provide the following programs for the restart of building mechanical systems:
a. Equipment restart following a fire alarm
b. Equipment restart following a power failure

C. Energy Management Features: BMS controllers shall perform all energy management
functions specified herein to reduce energy consumption. The system shall provide
energy supervisory management routines that improve the energy efficiency of the
building HVAC systems and the lighting. These routines shall coordinate the execution
of all energy management application features, acting as an executive software system for
them, and as an interface for their control strategy with other application features in the
system. These energy management functions to be categorized under load control and
HVAC control. These features shall reside at the DDC controllers and are to operate
independently of the POT and I2BS.

D. Load Control:

1. BMS contractor to provide predefined control algorithms to accomplish peak

demand control and power consumption reduction through Demand Limiting
and Duty Cycle control application. Although the primary focus of these
applications is towards electrical energy usage, the system to be capable of
applying these predefined algorithms to other energy sources, such as steam,
without software revisions. The load control functions shall be applied as
identified in the Schedule of BMS Control Points and the Drawings “Sequences
of Operation”.


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2. Demand Limiting and Duty Cycle control applications to be coordinated through

energy supervisory management routines. These routines to coordinate the
control action required by Demand Limiting and Duty Cycle between
themselves, all other energy features, and all application features within the
3. Load Shed systems/meters to support a minimum of 32 load control
systems/meters, each capable of being defined with a unique set of
parameters/characteristics. Each system/meter to support English or metric units
of measurement and be assigned a unique identifier used to request operator-
relevant load control status data. Each meter shall support Demand Limiting
and Duty Cycle. Load Shed systems/meters and their associated points and
parameters to be online definable. Any additions, modifications or deletions to
be made online. Each system/meter to be individually identified with a unique
English language descriptor.
4. Controllable loads to be able to be defined for Demand Limiting and/or Duty
Cycle. A load is to be considered eligible to be shed if its minimum on-time has
expired, and considered eligible for restoration if its minimum off-time has
expired, provided the energy operating conditions are met (e.g., online unlocked,
normal mode, eligible for control, etc.)
5. Each load shed system to provide a saving profile summary. The following
information, at minimum, is to be communicated to the I2BS and shall be
available in report form at the I2BS workstation and the POT:
a. Period start date as defined by operator.
b. Daily profile time (on, off, mid-peak or all).
c. Daily peak measured demand and its time of occurrence.
d. Daily peak projected demand and its time of occurrence.
e. Daily measured energy usage.
f. Daily projected energy usage.
g. Period profile time.
h. Period measured energy usage.
i. Period projected energy usage.
j. Period peak measured demand.
k. Period ratchet clause percentage and number.
l. Period billed demand.
These documented savings values to be automatically historically stored for the
current defined period and a minimum of twelve past periods.
6. Operator Output Information to be available from Load Shed program in a
minimum of two types of summaries. It is to be output upon operator request or
preselected time, as detailed under the Weekly Scheduling of this specification.
7. All summaries to include the Load Control system English language descriptor.
8. At minimum the following information is to be communicated to the I2BS and a
system summary shall be output on a scheduled basis or on a request basis at the
I2BS workstation or at the POT:
a. Demand interval.
b. Current KW power.
c. Current measured demand.
d. Projected demand usage.
e. Energy units defined for the energy system.
f. Maximum expendable load.
g. Average expandable load.
h. Current expandable load.
i. Maximum deferrable load.
j. Average deferrable load.
k. Current deferrable load.
l. Demand limit status.


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m. Demand limit target value.

n. Demand limit control action in the last minute.
o. Duty Cycle status.
p. Duty Cycle target value.
q. Duty Cycle control action in the last minute.
r. Convergence time.
s. Restore bandwidth.
9. A System Load Summary shall be available on a scheduled or request basis at
the I2BS workstation or at the POT. The following minimum information is to
be communicated to the I2BS and shall be included in the System Load
a. Expendable/deferrable load type.
b. Point type.
c. Point ID.
d. Point status.
e. Load rating.
f. Minimum off, maximum off and minimum on times.
g. Today’s shed time for each load.
h. Today’s shed frequency for each load.
10. Demand Limiting control algorithms/programs to monitor total power
consumption per meter and shed associated loads automatically to reduce power
consumption to an operator presentable maximum demand target value.
Program to use a floating window type demand determination to monitor
average rate of energy usage/demand and by comparing this usage to target
value and request control action to be taken to satisfy its requirements.
11. Duty Cycle control algorithms/program to briefly turn selected loads off
periodically to evenly reduce power consumption to an operator presettable
target value. Duty Cycle program to be properly integrated and interactive with
the Demand Limiting program specified above.
12. Loads to be shed automatically throughout Duty Cycle interval by selection of
groups on a priority factor and loads within a group to satisfy calculated control
action. If control action cannot be satisfied, the system is to notify the operator
through an advisory message.

E. HVAC Control:

1. BMS controllers to provide predefined control algorithms to accomplish

Optimal Run (start/stop) Time, Supply Air Reset and Enthalpy Switchover
Optimization applications.
2. Optimization applications to be coordinated through energy supervisory
management routines. These routines to coordinate control action required by
optimization applications between themselves, all other energy features, and all
application features within the system.
3. Each control system to support English or metric units of measurement and be
assigned a unique identifier which is to be used to request operator-relevant
HVAC control status data. Each control system to be capable of supporting
Optimal Run Time, Supply Air Reset, and Enthalpy Switchover Optimization.
4. Control systems and their associated points and parameters to be online
definable. Any additions, modifications or deletions to be made online. Each
system to be individually identified with a unique English language descriptor.
5. A savings profile summary shall be available at the I2BS and the POT which
shall document, at minimum, the following:
a. Period start date as defined by operator.
b. Calculated optimal start time daily saving values.
c. Calculated optimal stop time daily saving values.


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d. Calculated optimal start time daily saving values during current period.
e. Calculated optimal stop time daily saving values during current period.
f. Calculated SAR (Supply Air Reset) daily saving values.
g. Calculated SAR saving values during current period.
h. Calculated ESQ (Enthalpy Switch-over) daily saving values.
i. Calculated ESQ saving values during current per.
These documented savings values to be automatically historically stored
for the current defined period and a minimum of twelve past periods.
6. Optimal Run Time (ORT) Programme is to:
a. Control start up and shutdown of HVAC control equipment.
b. Provide the most efficient operation during potentially energy wasteful
periods of the day based on occupancy schedules, outside air
temperature, seasonal requirements and interior room mass
c. Start up systems by using outside air temperature and room
temperatures to "learn" the building's thermal characteristics through a
dynamic adaptive modelling technique.
d. Predict and self-adjust the HVAC control system for how long building
takes to cool down under different conditions, using the adaptive model
e. Determine how early it can shut down the system without adversely
affecting ventilation, by using the outside air temperature.
f. Automatically determine the seasonal mode and worse case condition
for each day, by analyzing multiple building mass sensors.
g. Analysis to require only easily obtained occupancy schedule data and
desired mass temperatures for implementation.
7. Supply Air Reset (SAR) Programme is to:
a. Monitor cooling loads in building spaces.
b. Monitor single zone unit discharge temperatures.
c. Adjust HVAC control discharge temperature to the most energy
efficient levels that still satisfy the measured load.
d. Raise cooling temperatures to highest possible value, and still cool and
dehumidify the warmest monitored room served by fan.

F. Electrical energy usage and demand:

1. Provide software to monitor electrical energy usage and instantaneous energy

demand. This feature shall also store data for recall via the historical data trend
2. The BMS controllers shall monitor the demand kW, kVA and kWh at the
switchboards. The BMS controllers shall also monitor and provide reporting on
kWh usage of controlled equipment within the building based on equipment
operating time and monitored kW for each piece of equipment. If an item of
equipment is not monitored then it shall be possible for the BMS contractor to
input the kW of the equipment as a constant to be used in the calculation. The
kW value shall be obtained from the manufacturer’s literature and shall be
verified by the manufacturer.
3. The BMS controllers shall provide a 15-minute interval counter for the metered
4. The BMS shall communicate the necessary data to the I2BS in order to enable
the I2BS to output a report on a scheduled and request basis detailing the
a. Demand (at each meter) at time of report.
b. Usage for present day to time of report.
c. Usage on previous day.
d. Usage for present week to time of report.


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e. Usage for previous week.

f. Usage for present month to time of report.
g. Usage for previous month.
h. Usage for year to time of report.
i. Usage for previous year.
j. Peak demand for the present day, week, month and year to time of
k. Peak demand for the previous day, week, month and year.
5. In addition to the above reporting of data the operator shall be able to assign any
monitored or calculated value to the real-time plotting and historical data trend
6. As part of the work of this contract the BMS contractor shall implement all
energy management calculations as requested by MOI/SFMC. Submit in
writing to MOI/SFMC, at least 4 weeks prior to the acceptance testing, a request
for points to be placed on the energy management calculation feature. The
written request will clearly indicate the information required from MOI/SFMC
and the format in which it is to be provided.

G. Psychometric properties:

1. Provide a software package to determine the following properties of ambient air:

a. Wet bulb temperature.
b. Dew point temperature.
2. The above parameters shall be calculated using the monitored values of ambient
air-dry bulb temperature and relative humidity
3. This software package shall also calculate the enthalpy of ambient air and ducted
return air on the basis of the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity
monitored in ambient air and the ducted return air.
4. These psychometric calculations shall be based on sea level data and shall cover
the dry bulb temperature range of +10 Deg. C. to +60 Deg. C.
5. The psychometric data shall be sent to the I2BS via the NIU. It shall also be
possible to view the data dynamically on the POT, when connected. With the
input of any two variables all other psychometric data shall be automatically
displayed on the psychometric chart.

H. Equipment operating time:

1. Provide a software package that will accumulate the operating times for motors
as selected by the operator using an interactive procedure. Any piece of
equipment that has its status monitored by the BMS controllers shall be
selectable for inclusion in this feature. It shall be possible to concurrently
monitor the accumulated operating time for every item of equipment monitored
and/or controlled by the BMS controllers. Data shall be stored at the local
controllers and shall be uploaded to the NIU at regular intervals. In the event of
loss of communications between the NIU and the local controller the local
controller shall continue to monitor and store data such that the data can be
downloaded when the communication is restored. The number of starts and
stops of motors shall also be accumulated.
2. The operator shall be able to establish on-line, using an interactive procedure, a
value for the accumulated operating time at which a suitably worded message
shall be output to the operator advising that the reporting limit has been reached
for a specific motor. The message shall be sent to the I2BS via the NIU.
3. The operator shall be able to change the accumulated total for any motor to any
4. The accumulated operating times shall be updated at least every 15 minutes.


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5. The operator shall be able to obtain a report on demand and on a scheduled basis
detailing the accumulated operating times.
6. Operating times and the number of equipment starts/stops shall be input by the
BMS equipment-scheduling programme to MOI/SFMC's Facility Management
System and shall be the basis of maintenance programming.


A. Data analysis, storage and presentation software shall reside at the I2BS and shall not be
in the scope of work of this project.

B. Data required for dynamic trending and dynamic graphical displays shall be
communicated to the I2BS at the required frequency by the BMS controllers. Data for
historical data trending functions shall be stored at the BMS controllers/NIU and
uploaded to the I2BS application and data servers on a scheduled or as requested basis.


A. General:

1. The BMS controllers shall communicate with other Extra Low Voltage Building
Services Systems via the I2BS except in the case of the variable speed drives
which shall communicate with the BMS controllers at the automation
(controller) level.
2. The VSD contractor shall provide the gateway and complete documentation to
the BMS contractor. The BMS contractor shall connect the gateway to the
Automation Level Network and shall map the BACnet object or Lon SNVT IDs,
as applicable, to the associated DDC controllers and shall advise the VSD
contractor of the BACnet objects or Lon SNVT IDs, as applicable, that are to be
mapped to the VSD from the BMS. Information that is provided by third party
systems at the Automation Level shall be available at the Management Level
Network. Coordinate this work with the third party VSD contractor and the
I2BS contractor.
3. The intent of this section is to identify the minimum information that shall be
sent from the VSD to the BMS and made available at the I2BS by the BMS. If
the VSD is able to supply additional information to the BMS then the VSD
contractor shall advise MOI/SFMC and MOI/SFMC shall determine which
additional information is to be transferred.
4. The BMS contractor shall liaise with the manufacturer and/or contractor
responsible for the VSD and shall provide all details regarding the
BACnet/LonWorks protocol as necessary for the VSD contractor to implement
the interface between the VSD and the BMS.
5. The interface between the Automation Level Network and the VSD shall be
demonstrated at an offsite location. The tests shall be fully coordinated by the
BMS contractor who shall liaise with all concerned parties including the VSD
contractor and the I2BS contractor. The BMS contractor shall provide all
additional hardware and software as necessary for the tests to indicate
conclusively that the BMS can communicate with the VSD. If the test is
successful the VSD contractor shall advise the Engineer and MOI/SFMC and a
time shall be established that is acceptable to the Engineer and MOI/SFMC
when the interface can be demonstrated to the Engineer at the VSD contractor’s
facility or some other location acceptable to the Engineer.


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6. A watchdog procedure must be implemented by the BMS contractor that enables

the identification of the point of failure, i.e. where in the communications chain
between the two systems did the failure occur. The watchdog function must
operate at a frequency that detects a communications failure within a maximum
of 30 seconds.

B. Interface between the Automation Level Network and variable speed drives (VSD):

1. The variable speed drive suppliers shall provide a BACnet or Lonworks

interface to the Automation Level Network
2. The digital communications interface shall be set up so as to provide the BMS,
at minimum, with the following monitoring and control points:
a. Start and stop control (this may also be accomplished via a hardwired
b. Speed control (this may also be accomplished via a hardwired analogue
c. Speed reference feedback.
d. Motor operating status.
e. VSD alarm.
f. Motor power in kW.
g. Motor kWh.
h. Motor current.
i. Motor voltage.
j. Hours run.
k. DC link voltage.
l. Thermal load on motor.
m. Thermal load on VSD.
n. Heat sink temperature.
3. The BMS contractor shall obtain all BACnet object or Lon SNVT IDs, as
applicable, together with all other relevant information from the VSD contractor
and shall map the information to the associated DDC controllers. The BMS
contractor shall provide an AutoCAD drawing of the schematic display of the
points to the I2BS contractor. The information shall be mapped to the I2BS
servers as BACnet objects in exactly the same manner as information monitored
by the BMS controllers directly is communicated to the I2BS.
4. The VSD interfaces shall be at the automation level such that the failure of the
Management Level Network shall not affect the interchange of information
between the associated BMS controllers and the VSD controllers.


A. Submit documentation and samples in accordance with the requirements of Division 1.

B. Shop Drawings: Indicate system configuration; interconnection wiring diagrams;

location, data characteristics, range and units for each input and output point; logic
diagram for each type of control routine; programming and operating reference for
central processing unit operating system; programming and operating reference for each
application and programming language provided.

C. Product Data: Provide for each component, including sensors, control drives and
elements, plug-in circuit boards, and enclosed equipment units. Include cabinet
dimensions, weights, and support point locations for each item of enclosed equipment.

D. Design Data: Indicate basis of optimization algorithms.


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E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate installation instructions.

F. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify system meets or exceeds listing requirements of

Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. for fire alarm and security equipment.

G. Submit software provider's license agreement stating limits on use, copying, and
transferring software.

H. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Indicate acceptance of component and equipment

installation, interconnecting wiring, and weekly progress on installation and start-up of
system software.

I. Where installation procedures, or any part thereof, are required to be in accord with the
recommendations of the manufacturer of the material being installed, printed copies of
these recommendations shall be furnished to the Engineer prior to installation.
Installation of the item will not be allowed to proceed until the recommendations are

J. System Schematics: The BMS contractor shall supply system schematics to the I2BS
contractor in an AutoCAD format. These drawings will illustrate the HVAC, Electrical
and other systems monitored and/or controlled by the BMS. The location of monitored
and controlled points and the associated BACnet/Lon object ID shall be shown on the
drawings at the appropriate location.

K. Technical Data Sheets: control and instrumentation technical data sheets (TDS) to be
prepared for each device. TDS to be similar to and meet the intent of ISA-S20, 1975.

L. Loop Diagrams: control and instrument loop diagrams prepared and furnished for all
instrument systems. Typical diagrams are not permitted. Loop diagrams are to be unique
for each loop.

M. Equipment Installation Plans: to indicate location of instrument junction boxes,

individual field instruments, transmitter racks, and routing of cable duct from junction
boxes to respective remote processing units and back to Central Control Room. This is
to be accompanied by a list of control points connected by each FPU, with indication of
related control functions. Interfacing provided is to be listed; these are to be grouped as
per standard sub- module size of digital and analogue input/output boards, comprising
similar requirements; such as interposing relays amplifiers, level translators, etc.

N. Instrument Installation: detail drawings for each field installation are to be furnished.
Details are to include but are not limited to instrument piping details, transmitter rack
details and pipe mounted equipment installation details.

O. Logic Diagrams detailing the operational logic are to be completed for the digital binary
operations. In addition to these drawings, operational logic descriptions are to be
prepared detailing the sequence of operation and operational constraints and limitations.
These drawings are to be in conformance with ISA-S5.2, 1976. Submit details for each
primary and secondary processing units separately, in addition to logic diagrams relating
Central Control Room processing functions and resulting operations.

P. Instrument Schedule listing all devices to be keyed to instrument loop number and
device numbers. Schedule to be submitted in two (2) formats; first, in an alphanumeric
listing by device type and second, a listing with equipment grouped by loop number.
Schedule to contain as a minimum the following information:


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1. Instrument identification number.

2. Service.
3. Flow diagram number.
4. Logic diagram number.
5. Piping drawing number.
6. Installation plan number.
7. Manufacturer’s name.
8. Processing units termination, interfacing and communication.
9. Wiring drawing number.

Q. Instrument Schedule to provide a comprehensive data source indicating where all

specific information may be found for each service. Schedule to include not only
balance of plant equipment but also that equipment furnished as part of packaged
systems and is to be noted as such.

R. All Input/Output schedules for each controller identifying the type of signal, device and
equipment location.

S. Prior to procurement of equipment submit for approval the following drawings and

1. Process and instrumentation flow diagrams.

2. Equipment specifications and completed technical data sheets.
3. Control logic diagrams and logic descriptions.
4. Input/output points charts for every processing unit.
5. Statement of specification compliance.
6. Interoperability documentation as detailed in these specifications.
7. All other certifications as detailed in these specifications.

T. Prior to start of system installation and construction submit for approval the following
drawings and documents:

1. Shop drawings for valves, dampers, transducers, transmitters, signal

conditioners, indicators, recorders, miscellaneous instruments, central operator
processing unit, consoles and ancillary.
2. Control loop diagrams.
3. Electrical elementary diagrams.
4. Instrument installation plans.
5. Detailed panel diagrams.
6. Point to point wiring diagrams.
7. Instrument schedule, including processing unit panel termination/interface.

U. Prior to commencing start-up activities the documents to be submitted for approval:

1. System construction inspection procedures.

2. Points calibration procedures.
3. Calibration technical procedures.
4. Plant operational system test procedures.
5. Operator and maintenance personnel training curriculum.

V. Prior to system acceptance and turnover and as a condition of system acceptance, the
following documents are to be submitted in four copies in accordance with requirements
of Division 1:

1. System user manual.


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2. Systems maintenance manual including specifications on each piece of

equipment, trouble-shooting charts, and preventive maintenance instructions,
technical data sheet for each instrument referenced for each application.
3. As-built drawings including equipment outlined dimension drawings, equipment
wiring and or piping connection drawing.
4. Complete supplementary information about software and hardware of system
supplied. This to include:

a. System block diagram (hardware).

b. Software "functional" flow diagram.
c. Memory map of all units.
d. Specific tasks performed by each processor, especially where a
distributed processing architecture is provided. These are to be clearly
indicated in functional form.
e. Source and object lists of software program.

5. Internal equipment wiring, complete with circuit diagrams for each processing
unit, board layout (single and double sided), plus edge connection schedule and
lists of all components (integrated circuits, transistors, regulators, resistors,
capacitors, etc.) plus edge-connection schedules.
6. Tests and calibration data pertinent to each item installed in the systems.
7. Password at all levels.
8. Meets LonMark™ Interoperability Association Standards.
9. Interoperability documentation as detailed in Part 1.07.N.7 of these
10. All documentation as detailed in paragraph V. above.
11. Documentation as detailed in Part 2.22.Q of these specifications.
12. All other documentation as detailed in these specifications.

W. The BMS contractor shall handover all programmes, database, configuration and
network data to MOI/SFMC.

X. The BMS contractor shall provide interoperability documentation for the BACnet and
components. All the data related to the components shall be presented along with their
respective BACnet object ID created in the system, along with their PICS, BIBBS,
addresses and method statements to read and write data via integration of the components
with another system in future.

Y. The documentation shall include comprehensive and complete details of the LonWorks
components (if provided) including details of all XIF, SNVTs, SCPTs, UNVTs, UCPTs
and External Interface Files (XIF). The LonWorks interoperability data shall also
include their respective BACnet object ID generated in the system against their
LonWorks SNVT/SCPT data and method statements to read and write data via
integration of the LonWorks components with another system in future.


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A. Submit an outline of the training courses to be given. This outline shall include a
schedule of the training sessions in at least one-half day increments, indication of the
topics to be covered in each session and any prerequisite requirements that should be met
prior to attendance. The training outline shall be submitted with the initial shop drawing
and submittals packages. Training shall not commence unless the Engineer has approved
a training outline. Training shall be coordinated with MOI/SFMC’s designated training

B. Training sessions shall include classroom type instruction and "hands on" instruction and
shall be given by the contractor at the BMS contractors facilities and on-site as detailed
below. The trainers shall be factory trained, shall be experienced with the hardware and
software and shall be experienced trainers. The resumes of the trainers shall be
submitted to MOI/SFMC and Engineer for approval. The resumes shall indicate clearly
the experience and expertise of the proposed training staff.

C. Training shall consist of, 8 No. 4-hour sessions at the BMS contractor’s facilities. These
training sessions shall be tailored to the construction schedule and they shall be presented
in accordance with a flexible schedule that shall be acceptable to MOI/SFMC. Follow
up training shall consist of 4 No. 4-hour sessions on-site using the installed components
that shall be given during the period immediately prior to the acceptance testing. Further
follow up training shall consist of 4 No. 4-hour sessions on-site during the warranty
period. These training sessions during the warranty period shall be scheduled with

D. Provide all training materials (hand-outs, textbooks, workbooks etc.) and any audiovisual
equipment required to execute the training.

E. Training sessions shall be formatted to maximize the usage of time of the attendees and
prevent redundant coverage of materials for advanced students. Training sessions shall
be designed on the basis of experience and knowledge of the attendees scheduled to
participate and shall differentiate between the requirements of supervisory, operations
and maintenance personnel. The training shall be specific to this project and shall cover,
at minimum, the following:

1. Data base features.

2. Operating sequence programming.
3. Interface to the NIU.
4. An overview of the BMCS topology.
5. Information access.
6. Executing operator commands.
7. Operator definable values.
8. Report customization.
9. Event message generation and modification.
10. Maintenance and calibration of instrumentation (Maintenance personnel only)
11. Use of the Portable Operator Terminals (POT) and the Hand Held
Wireless Terminals (HHWT)
12. Interfaces between the low voltage building systems.
13. Other subjects necessary to ensure that the operators, maintenance and
supervisory staffs will be able to operate the BMS without any on-going
assistance from any outside party.


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F. Provide sufficient training to MOI/SFMC’s staff such that they shall be able to add new
points to BMS controllers and send this information to the NIU.


A. Boring and patching for work undertaken by the MEP contractor to install BMS
components shall be undertaken by the MEP contractor but the BMS contractor shall
provide boring and patching of work in those instances where the BMS contractor has
caused damage requiring boring and patching. The BMS contractor shall provide boring
and patching for all installation work undertaken by the BMS contractor. Boring and
patching shall meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Before boring any structural components, obtain the Engineer's approval.

2. Make boring with clean, square and smooth edges. Patches shall be
inconspicuous in covered areas and visually undetectable in areas normally
accessible to the tenants.
3. Restore fire ratings if boring has violated the fire rated assemblies.


A. The MEP contractor shall provide fire stopping for components installed by the MEP
contractor on behalf of the BMS contractor but if the BMS contractor damages fire
stopping installed by another trade or the work undertaken by the BMS contractor
requires that fire stopping be replaced or added, the BMS contractor shall seal all
conduit, cable, or cable tray penetrations of fire rated assemblies. Seal or fire-stop shall
meet, at minimum, the following requirements:

1. Comply with all applicable codes, regulations and statutory requirements.

2. Approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
3. Firesafing system or device used shall not derate the ampacity of electrical
cables passing through it.


A. Install all equipment, devices, materials and components in compliance with the
manufacturers recommendations. Supports shall be suitable for the environment within
which the component is to be installed. Coordinate all hanging and supporting of
components with all trades.

B. Boring and cutting shall be kept to a minimum and conducted in a neat and workmanlike
manner. Provide reinforcing and fastening materials as necessary.


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A. General Requirements:
1. The BMS contractor shall not receive a Contract until it has been determined
that the interface between the I2BS Network Interface Panel and the BMS meets
all of the requirements of these specifications. Once the Pre-Approval testing
has determined that the I2BS and BMS controllers can meet the requirements of
their respective specifications and award of contract has been confirmed, the
following tests shall be undertaken:
a. Factory Tests – Software and hardware shall be thoroughly tested
before it is shipped to the site.
b. Inspection/testing during installation.
c. Components shall be tested on site and shall be individually accepted by
MOI/SFMC prior to the commencement of the acceptance testing of the
integrated I2BS and ELV Building Services Systems.
d. Acceptance Testing of the installed integrated components.
2. All components shall be tested by the BMS contractor to ensure compliance with
the specifications before they leave the BMS contractor's premises and shall be
tested again on-site by the BMS contractor before the commencement of
acceptance testing. The BMS contractor shall not ship components to the
project site until they have been found to be fully compliant with the
specifications and the BMS contractor shall not request the commencement of
acceptance testing until such time as the BMS contractor has made a complete
and thorough checkout of all equipment on site.
2. Any component furnished under this contract shall be made available for
inspections or tests, as deemed necessary by the Engineer. Use of any
component by MOI/SFMC and Engineer shall not imply acceptance of the
system or acceptability of any component. Availability and demonstration of
the systems shall not be withheld and the use of components shall not imply the
start of the Defects Liability Period.
3. Costs associated with the required inspections and testing shall be included in
this scope of work. Additional charges will not be accepted.
4. The BMS contractor shall make available all equipment, calibrated instruments
and ladders, as necessary to satisfactorily demonstrate the acceptability of the
components and systems. Instrumentation to be used for the verification of
monitored parameters shall be calibrated or supplied by an approved laboratory
or manufacturer. Provide copies of the calibration data with the component test
5. Installation, engineering, software and system personnel shall be available on-
site during the commissioning tests. These personnel shall be familiar with the
installation and shall undertake all tests as requested by the Engineer in order to
verify that the BMS components individually and in total meet the
6. The BMS contractor shall confirm that the person(s) who will be conducting the
commissioning tests on behalf of the BMS contractor has been actively involved
(on site) throughout the commissioning of the control system. Software shall be
developed, tested and demonstrated over a time span short enough to guarantee
continuity of personnel.

B. Pre-Approval Testing of the BMS Controllers:

1. The data transfer between the various Extra Low Voltage Building Services
Systems controllers and the I2BS shall be demonstrated at a test facility
established by the I2BS Contractor in DWC prior to the award of contract to the
ELV Building Services System Contractors. The tests shall be fully coordinated
by the I2BS Contractor. The BMS contractor is required to cooperate with the


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I2BS contractor to ensure that the testing is fully coordinated. The I2BS
Contractor shall liaise with each party concerned and shall ensure that the
necessary test facilities, including a data port to a 10-gigabit per second Ethernet
network, are available and operational. The IT & T Contractor shall provide the
10Gbps Data Network. The I2BS Contractor shall provide an I2BS
Applications Server, Operator Workstation and a NIU. The BMS contractor
shall provide all necessary BMS controllers. It shall be conclusively
demonstrated that the BMS can communicate via the NIU with the Applications
Server and vice versa. If the test is successful a time shall be established that is
acceptable to MOI/SFMC when the interface can be demonstrated. This test
must be completed within 90 days of the issue of the letter of intent to award a
contract for the BMS. Each party involved in the test shall provide the
applicable components necessary to perform the demonstration. Ensure the
presence of suitably skilled personnel at the tests. The components provided for
and the functions performed at the tests by each party shall be those that they are
required to provide for the actual installation. The testing of the interface
between the BMS controllers and the I2BS Management Level shall verify, at
minimum, that:
a. All points mapped from the BMS controllers to the I2BS Management
Level are reported correctly at the I2BS workstation.
b. All mapped points are identical with regard to value, the engineering
units and significant digits at both the BMS controllers and the I2BS
Management Level.
c. The communications watchdog is functioning correctly.
d. Communications speed between the systems is satisfactory.
e. Systems restart and communications between the systems resume
following a power failure without operator intervention.
f. All response times with respect to the annunciation of changes of state
and equipment alarms shall be shown to comply with the requirements
detailed in these specifications and in the I2BS System specifications.
2. Subsequent to the Pre-Approval testing detailed above at the I2BS Test Facility,
the BMS contractor shall submit a report to MOI/SFMC detailing the results of
the tests. If the BMS contractor cannot successfully demonstrate compliance
with the requirements of I2BS specification and the BMS specifications with
respect to the interoperability the contractor shall not be awarded a contract.
3. The I2BS Test Facility shall be a major tool for the training of MOI/SFMC
personnel. MOI/SFMC staff shall be involved in all aspects of the I2BS Test
Facility operation during interoperability compliance testing and during the set
up and testing of the Test Facility.

C. Factory Tests/Software Tests:

1. All components shall be tested by the BMS contractor to ensure compliance with
the specifications before they leave the contractor's premises and shall be tested
again on-site by the BMS contractor before the commencement of acceptance
testing. The BMS contractor shall not ship components to the project site until
they have been found to be fully compliant with the specifications.
2. Subsequent to the factory testing detailed above at the BMS contractors Facility,
the BMS contractor shall submit a report to MOI/SFMC detailing the results of
the tests.
3. If MOI/SFMC decides to witness the tests, MOI/SFMC, the I2BS Contractor
and BMS contractor shall establish a mutually agreed time for the testing to take
4. The BMS contractor shall not commence installation on site until the approval
of MOI/SFMC has been received and such approval shall not be given until such
time as all interfaces/data exchanges have been successfully demonstrated off


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5. The interfaces between the NIU and the BMS controllers shall be fully
demonstrated to MOI/SFMC prior to the installation of any microprocessor
based components at the project site. The demonstration shall include all
hardware and software components associated with the interfaces.

C. Inspection During Installation:

1. Prior to commissioning tests, the BMS shall be available for use by MOI/SFMC
and Engineer. Use by MOI/SFMC and Engineer shall not imply acceptance of
any component of the BMS or the commencement of the Defects Liability

2. Provide staff to assist the Engineer in the inspections made during the
installation period to review the progress and quality of the ongoing work. The
Engineer will generate Field Observation Reports on the findings of the
inspection. The Engineer shall advise the BMS contractor during the inspection
of any concerns noted with respect to the installation and shall repeat the
concerns in writing as soon as possible after the inspection is completed. The
BMS contractor shall take corrective action to meet the requirement of the
3. Failure of the Engineer to identify any error or omission during inspections shall
not relieve the BMS contractor of any of the specification requirements and shall
not imply that a deviation from the specification has been accepted.

D. Component Testing/Point To Point Testing:

1. Prior to the scheduling of the commissioning tests with the Engineer, perform a
complete and detailed operational check of each BMS component. Tests shall
be documented as detailed below and shall cover all of the testing requirements
detailed in this Section for the commissioning tests. The Engineer shall
undertake such random testing as the Engineer considers necessary to verify the
acceptability of the components.

2. All component testing involving the verification of air and water flow rate
monitoring shall be scheduled in conjunction with the air and water-balancing
contractors. In particular, this shall apply to the verification of all control and
monitoring parameters for terminal units.

3. Point to point checks shall be proven from the field device/interface operation to
the controller/outstation and from the controller to the presentation of the point
on the graphics. The results from the point-to-point tests shall be submitted for
approval on pre-defined schedules.

4. Point to point checks shall verify:

a. Correct location of the field device for the application.

b. Correct installation of the control device/interface with reference to
the manufacturers literature and check that sufficient access has been
provided for maintenance.
c. That the control device has the correct range for the application, that
the range is correctly entered in the controller and the display of
values is correctly engineered on the operator's terminal.
d. Correct operation of the controls device/interface, including any
associated alarm and alarm text.


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e. Correct installation of each valve and damper actuator, and ensure that
each valve and damper actuator is stroked correctly when checked
against the BMS output.
f. Calibration of the control device.
g. Labels provided on the control devices and mechanical equipment are

E. Final Acceptance Testing:

1. Final Acceptance testing shall not commence until all components have been
satisfactorily tested by the BMS contractor and the test results approved by
2. The BMS contractor shall schedule a repeat of the system testing at a time
convenient to MOI/SFMC. These tests for the verification by MOI/SFMC shall
not be scheduled until the BMS contractor has verified that all systems are
operating in accordance with the specifications.
3. Final acceptance testing of the BMS shall comprise a demonstration to
MOI/SFMC that all components meet specification. The demonstration shall be
performed by the BMS contractor and the I2BS Contractor and shall be
witnessed by MOI/SFMC. The BMS contractor shall remedy any BMS
deficiencies that are observed during the final acceptance testing and retesting
shall be scheduled at a time suitable to MOI/SFMC. If there are deficiencies
remaining after the follow-up final acceptance testing that require further testing
by MOI/SFMC, then the expenses of MOI/SFMC incurred in providing the
additional follow-up tests to verify compliance with the specifications, including
travel, subsistence, accommodation and normal consulting fees, shall be paid by
the BMS contractor at no additional cost to MOI/SFMC.
4. The following shall be demonstrated as a minimum:
a. Each and every software and hardware component of the BMS meets
b. All data transfer between systems is undertaken as specified.
c. All system alarms comply with the specification.
5. Testing of the BMS during the systems and integrated testing shall be
coordinated with all other trades associated with the system being tested. The
system shall be tested as a complete entity during these tests. The BMS portion
of the systems shall not be tested in isolation.

F. Testing Of VSD Interface:

1. The BMS contractor shall develop and fully test all software required for the
interface between the BMS and VSD prior to the delivery of the associated
hardware and software components to the project site. There shall be no
software development on site except that associated with the entry of database
items such as setpoints, alarm limits, control constants and schedules.
2. The VSD interface shall be fully demonstrated to the Engineer and MOI/SFMC
at the BMS contractor’s facilities prior to the installation of any BMS
microprocessor based components at the project site. The demonstration shall
include all hardware and software components associated with the interfaces.
3. The VSD interface shall be re-tested on site following the testing and acceptance
by the Engineer of the individual low voltage systems.
4. The BMS contractor shall fully demonstrate that the BACnet objects are
provided at the Management level network in accordance with the requirements
of these specifications.

G. Test Documentation:


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1. Test results shall be documented using test sheets. The test sheets shall be
prepared in an appropriate format for the various categories of component and
systems to be tested. Format of the proposed test forms shall be submitted by
the BMS contractor for approval at the shop drawing stage. The BMS
contractor shall make any changes requested by MOI/SFMC at no cost to
MOI/SFMC. It is the responsibility of the BMS contractor to provide test
verification sheets for each component and system that accurately reflect the
sequences of operation and appropriate data for the components and systems as
furnished under this contract.

2. Completed component test sheets indicating the test results for each BMS
component within the system shall be submitted to the Engineer, together with a
proposed schedule for system commissioning tests, at least two (2) weeks prior
to the proposed system commissioning tests. The Engineer shall determine on
the basis of the BMS contractor's component testing, whether or not it is
appropriate to commence system-commissioning tests. It shall be the Engineer’s
decision as to whether the system commissioning tests can proceed as proposed
by the BMS contractor or whether deficiencies have to be remedied and
additional testing undertaken before the system commissioning tests can

3. At minimum, component test sheets will be prepared to cover each of the

following items:

a. Digital input point.

b. Digital output point.
c. Analogue input point.
d. Analogue output point (one for each type of final control element, e.g.
valve, damper, etc.).
e. Information exchange between the BMS and I2BS.
4. All test documentation shall be maintained in electronic format and in hard copy.



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