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HyperMesh 8.0 Tutorials
HyperMesh Terminology
This image identifies various geometric figures found on models labeled with the terminology used in
HyperMesh for faces, edges, and points. Refer to the definitions below for each feature identified on
this image.
The quick edit panel will be used in this tutorial and can be accessed by one of two methods:
• Press F11
• On the Geometry menu, click Quick Edit
The quick edit panel allows you to split surfaces and washers, change the category (shared, free,
etc.) of edges, create or delete surfaces and points, project points, and trim fillets.
3. Click the Wireframe Geometry and Shaded Geometry & Surface Edges icons to
explore the different display modes.
The toolbar contains icons that control the display of the surfaces and surface edges. Surfaces
can be shaded with or without edges, or wireframe. Right-click the icons to access the drop down
menu for additional options. Place your mouse over the cursor to view a description of the
button’s functionality.
9. Click the Visualization icon, , and select only the T-junctions edges check box.
10. Observe the t-junction edges and make a mental note of where they are.
The t-junction edges show where there are more than two surfaces sharing an edge, which might
be incorrect connectivity. For this part, there yellow edges completely surrounding two areas.
This tells us there are probably duplicate surfaces in these locations.
11. Click the Visualization icon, , and select all the check boxes.
Step 5: Release the fixed points in the area of the collapsed edge.
1. On the Geometry menu, point to Edit, and click Point.
2. Go to the release sub-panel.
3. Rotate and zoom in on the area of the collapsed edge.
4. Select the point indicated in the image below to release the fixed point.
5. Two fixed points will separate, and the edges connected to them will all become free edges.
Step 8: Combine free edge pairs, one pair at a time, using the toggle.
1. Go to the toggle sub-panel.
2. In the cleanup tol = field, type 0.1.
3. In the graphics area, click on one of the free edges shown in the image below.
4. Rotate and zoom into the area if needed. When the edge is selected, it will change from red to
green, indicating that the free edge pair has been equivalenced.
Step 11: Observe the model again to identify any remaining free edges, or
missing or duplicate surfaces.
Use the topology display and shaded modes to perform this task. All of the edges in the model
should be displayed as green shared edges, indicating that we have a completely enclosed thin solid
• Click return to go to the main menu.
The midsurface feature can be accessed by:
• On the Geom page, click the midsurface panel
• On the Geometry menu, click Midsurface
The midsurface panel allows you to extract the midsurface representation of a solid part. It can be
used to generate a finite element shell representation of a solid geometry. It can also be used with
sheet metal stampings, molded plastic parts with ribs, and other parts that have thickness clearly
smaller than width and length.
5. On the toolbar, click the User Views icon , and restore pre-defined view1.
Notice how a midsurface is missing in this area.
Three of the main types of problems that can appear with generated midsurfaces are:
- The midsurface is incorrectly shaped.
- The midsurface is correctly shaped, but incorrectly positioned.
- The midsurface is incorrectly shaped and incorrectly positioned.
Most of the problem midsurfaces shown in the image above fall into these categories of
problems. Some specific examples of these will be covered in the next section.
Various tools and techniques can be used to correct these problems, and will typically produce
the same sought result: correctly shaped and positioned midsurfaces. Some of these techniques
are presented in the next sections as we take a closer look at the problems in our example
model. The techniques presented involve tools available on the midsurface panel itself.
In this section, you used the midsurface panel to generate midsurfaces for an entire part in a
single step. You then used the transparency tool to identify areas where various problems in a
pre-existing midsurface, such as missing or incorrect surfaces, may be present.
Notice how this surface is incorrectly positioned in the sense that it does not follow the midplane
of the section it represents.
2. Restore view4.
Notice how this same surface is also incorrectly shaped in the sense that one corner does not line
up the two corners of which it is a mid-representation, and also in the sense that one of the edges
is not straight.
One possible approach for resolving these issues is to simply delete the faulty midsurface and re-
generate one there manually. Before proceeding, it is important to have a clear understanding of
the geometry at hand as well as the behavior and requirements of the between surfs option.
For example, for this particular case, you would need to first suppress the shared (green) edge
between the two surfaces so that only one surface is left for selection as side1 or side2.
With our model, we will arbitrarily pick some of the bad midsurfaces, delete them and re-generate
For the remainder of this section, you can work either with shaded surfaces and the transparency
options, or in the default component color wireframe mode.
7. Use the between surfs function to re-create the 3 midsurfaces previously deleted.
- From to the midsurface panel select the create sub-panel.
- Select the between surfs option.
- For side1 select one surface from the lvl0 component that defines the first side of the given
- For side 2 select the surface on the opposite side of the section.
- Verify that the combine with adjacent plates check box is selected, and that the toggle is
set to new comp.
- Click extract.
- Repeat these steps for the other 2 midsurfaces to re-generate.
Hint Start with the larger 2 square midsurfaces and finish with the narrow rectangular
Notice how the midsurfaces that were re-generated now are correctly shaped and correctly
positioned. There are still some problems with the midsurfaces that we have not yet worked on,
and we will address these in the next section using a different approach.
The midsurface that was missing from the beginning still needs to be created. We are saving its
creation until after most of the neighboring midsurfaces are corrected.
8. Use the between surfs function with the same options to generate the midsurface that was
missing all along.
In this section we used the between surfs function to not only create midsurfaces that were missing,
but also to re-generate new midsurfaces where inaccurate ones were initially produced. This is one
way of correcting potential problems that are produced when midsurfaces for entire parts are
generated. Another approach is presented in the next section.
This function uses various color codes to identify the original midsurface, the original surface
(source) for it, as well as an updated midsurface. It is therefore important to work in the default
component color mode (0) when using this function so that the various surfaces can be easily
The edge selector, located under edge to offset, is active and ready for you to select one
edge from the original surface (yellow) to match with the corresponding edge from the
opposite surface as pilot edge. The combination will define the mid point edge for the
midsurface to edit.
- Select one edge from the original surface (yellow).
- With the edge selector under pilot edge active, select the corresponding edge on the
opposite surface defining this section.
The free (red) edges remaining inside the boundaries of the set of midsurfaces are an indication
that some edge equivalencing is required.
The midsurface panel's edit sub-panel has the replace edge function that can be used to
equivalence free edges.
10. Restore view5.
The gap observed here could be closed by updating the definition of the midsurface we are
directly facing in this view using the same approach as we did in this section. In this case, it is
simply easier to close that gap by snapping the two free edges together.
11. Use the replace edge function to close the gap.
- From the midsurface panel select the edit sub-panel.
- Select the replace edge function.
- Under retained edge: select the line selector.
- Select the lower edge (see figure below).
- Select the upper free edge as the edge to move:.
- Click cleanup tol = and enter 0.5.
This tolerance represents how far apart the free edges can be to be equivalenced.
- Click replace.
This closes the gap and turns the free (red) edges into a shared (green) edge.
The defeature panel can be accessed by:
• On the Geometry menu, click Defeature
• From the Geom page, go to the defeature sub-panel
The defeature panel allows you to find and delete pinholes, fillets on surfaces and surface edges,
and duplicate surfaces .
This exercise uses the model file, clip_defeature.hm. The model file has geometry that has been
midsurfaced. (Surfaces have been created on the mid-plane of the part.) The model will be meshed
using an element size of 2.5. You can assume a simple structural analysis will be run on the part,
and thus does not require much detail. Based on this, there are features, which are not necessary
and can be removed.
Step 3 (Optional): Mesh the clip to view mesh quality before defeaturing.
5. Click return.
6. Press D to turn off the display of the elements in the lvl0 component.
3. If the surfaces are not shaded, click the Shaded Geometry and Surface Edges icon, .
4. For find fillets in selected, select surfs.
5. Select surfs >> displayed.
6. In the min radius field, type 2.0.
7. Click find to identify all the surface fillets with radius of 2 or greater.
8. Click remove.
6. Notice how the selector moves down to the fillets entity selector.
7. Right -click on one of the F fillet markers on the screen to deselect the fillet.
8. Click remove to delete the selected edge fillets.
All the fillets are removed.
The model is now represented in a much simpler form that suits the analysis that will be performed.
Holes, surface fillets, and edge fillets were removed that were considered too small to be captured by
the desired element size of 2.5.
The automesh feature can be accessed by:
• Pressing F12 on the keyboard
• On the Mesh menu, click AutoMesh
The automesh panel allows you to create meshes or re-mesh existing meshing interactively or
automatically on surfaces or groups of elements.
• Press F11
• On the Geometry, click Quick Edit
The following strategy is best practice for using the topology refinement feature.
5. If necessary, toggle the direction selector to N1, N2, and N3. Click N1 to make it active.
6. Press and hold your left mouse button, and then move it over the edge indicated in the figure
Once over the line, the cursor will change to a square with a dot in the center, . Release
your mouse button. Click two points anywhere along the edge. Do not click a third.
Nodes will be placed on the line for N1 and N2.
7. Press F4 on the keyboard to enter the distance panel.
The circles panel can be accessed in the following ways:
• On the Geometry menu, point to Lines, and click Circles
• On the Geom page, go to circles
The circles panel allows you to create circles and arcs by entering the center and radius, points and
a vector, or three points. It also allows you to find the center point of a circle or an arc.
3. With the active selector set to node list , pick node 2 from the
graphics area.
This will be the location of the circle’s center.
5. With the active selector set to base point , pick node 2 from the graphics area.
In this case, the base point defines the position of the plane on which the circle is going to be
6. Toggle to circle
7. For radius=, specify 5.
8. Click create.
9. Remain in the Circles: Center and Radius sub-panel.
Step 14: Split curves by tangent line, and delete redundant line.
1. Go to the line edit: split at line sub-panel.
2. Pick semi-circular line 7 for lines and tangent line 12 for cut line.
Note: Line ID may be different.
3. Click split to split line 7 by line 12.
4. Repeat steps 3-5 in order to cut curved line 8 by tangent line 13 in line edit panel.
5. Press the F2 key to jump into delete panel from line edit panel.
6. Select the curved lines between tangent lines 12 and 13.
7. Click delete entity to delete the curves.
8. Click return twice to go back to main menu.
Step 17: Create a line which connects two parallel lines on an X-Y plane.
1. Go to the lines panel.
2. Go to the at intersection sub-panel.
3. Select z-axis (located at the bottom of the panel);to represent the intersection plane.
The reason we choose the z-axis is because we want to create the line on the X-Y plane.
4. For base, choose the node with ID number 1 to be the base node.
5. Use the lines with plane option.
6. For line list, choose the two straight lines that are perpendicular to the X-Y plane.
A bold line displayed on the screen represents the result.
7. Click intersect to create the line.
Step 21: Trim a line by plane and delete a redundant line segment.
The surface creation from FE can be accessed by:
• On the Geometry menu, point to Surfaces, and click Create. Go to from FE sub-panel.
• On the Geom page, go to surfaces panel, then go to from FE sub-panel
The features panel calculates features (corners) in the current model and displays them by creating
one-dimensional plot elements or feature lines. It provides a visualization tool, allowing you to see
the edges of a complex model where the normals of adjacent elements differ by more than the user-
specified feature angle. If your mesh contains adjoining elements with normals pointing in opposite
directions, features are created between those elements (even if their true feature angle is less than
1. On the toolbar, click the collectors icon to go to the collectors panel and create a
component collector with the name surfaces. Select any color, and do not assign any card
image or material to the component.
2. Run the FE surf functionality on elements in the ^faces component as shown in the image
On the toolbar, click the User Views icon to restore previously saved views 1 thru 5 where
delineation lines are not intended.
4. Delete the surfaces that were generated by going to the Tool page and selecting the delete
5. Turn on the display of the elements in the ^faces component.
In this section, you have learned how to use the FE surf panel to generate some surfaces that can
later be meshed.
You have also seen that when the surface generation engine is asked to create surface delineation
automatically; the surfaces obtained may not necessarily have the specific delineation one may wish
to obtain.
In order to obtain specific delineation, plot elements can be used to define the boundaries of the
various surfaces, and can be supplied to the engine.
This generates plot elements representing the features of the mesh (see image above). These
plots elements are automatically created in a component collector named ^feature. For detailed
information, view additional details on the feature panel.
On the toolbar, click the user views icon to restore previously saved views 1 thru 5 where
the features are not as intended by the user.
Notice how too many plot elements are created to define the boundary in that area. We will try to
remove some to reduce the clutter.
Features to be removed
Features to be removed
6. Follow procedure in above step 4 and add two new feature lines (see image below).
You created plot elements that will be used in the surfaces panel to indicate the boundaries of the
surfaces to generate. These plot elements were generated in an attempt to capture the features
of the tria mesh. Obviously, the number and location of plot elements generated using this
approach is directly dependent on the value that is chosen for the feature angle.
In most situations, a lower feature angle will generate more plot elements while a higher one will
yield fewer plot elements.
It is often useful to experiment with different values for the feature angle as one value may bring
you much closer to the desired set of plot elements than another, limiting significantly the amount
of subsequent editing required.
In this section, you learned how to create and edit plot elements using the features panel. The
creation process was straightforward, but required some editing in order to obtain a set of plot
elements forming closed loops only. Various tools are available to make the editing process as
easy as possible and we used the ones that would allow us to get to our goal the most effectively.
Now that both the shell elements and the plot elements delineating the surfaces are available, let
us generate surfaces on the entire model.
Surfaces generated
The surfaces generated could now be exported or used for any surface editing or meshing
This concludes this tutorial. You may discard this model or save it to your working directory for
your own reference.
This concludes this tutorial. You may discard this model or save it to your working directory for
your own reference.
As this tutorial showed, this is a powerful tool in generating surface data where none is available,
but needed. It also provides you with a great deal of control over the surfaces that are generated
through the use of plot elements. Automated and semi-automated ways let you create and edit
plot elements quickly and easily.
The solids feature can be accessed in one of the following ways:
• On the Geometry menu, point to Solids, and click Create
• On the Geom page, and go to solids
The solids panel allows you to new solid entities from existing geometry such as lines and surfaces.
The solid edit feature can be accessed in one of the following ways:
• On the Geometry menu, point to Edit, and click Solid
• On the Geom page, and go to solid edit
The solid edit panel presents several tools for modifying solid entities, including trimming and/or
splitting solids, and merging solids into a single entity.
8. To confirm the material has been removed, click the shaded icon, , and rotate the model to
inspect the part.
1. Under with cut line:, activate the solids entity selector, and select the small, tetrahedral shaped
solid created in step 5.
5. Release the mouse button, and left-click anywhere along the edge.
6. A purple temp node appears at the location to indicate the selection for the base node.
7. Trim the solid.
8. Return to the main menu.
Step 11: Split the solid geometry by creating surfaces inside the solids.
1. Enter the surfaces panel.
2. Go to the spline/filler sub-panel.
3. Deactivate the auto create(free edge only) and keep tangency options.
4. Select the five lines shown in the image below.
8. Go to Geom > Solid edit > trim with plane/surf > with Surfs, select the solid and surface, and
click trim.
9. Create the surface.
10. Return to the main menu.