Mitsubishi A6M Series: Paint Schemes For The Mitsubishi Type Zero Carrier Fighter 1939 To 1945

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Mitsubishi A6M Series

Paint Schemes For The Mitsubishi Type

by James Lansdale Zero Carrier Fighter 1939 to 1945
Conflicting accounts in the literature regarding factory applied paint schemes on the Mitsubishi A6M series
Type 0 carrier fighter (Zero) led to a study and examination of existing Zero relics. Historians and scale-model
builders frequently cite a variety of publications as legitimate sources for World War II Japanese aircraft paint
schemes. The sources cited, including many published in Japan, often quote each other or present unreliable
interpretations of color values from monochromatic photographs. Substantiating evidence is seldom presented
or documented. The color values of factory applied paint schemes on the Japanese Zero presented in this
report have been obtained by the systematic analysis of documented Zero relics in the collections of private
individuals, museums, and the National Archives.
Supporting material has also been obtained from World War II intelligence reports of captured Japanese
aircraft, field notes of Japanese aircraft wreckage made by Dr. Charles Darby, and a corroborated statement by
the chief designer of the Zero, Jiro Horikoshi. The study established two distinctive factory applied color
variations of one overall exterior finish on Zeros manufactured from 1939 through the early part of 1943. Also
documented are two distinctive factory applied variations of a two-color camouflage scheme introduced on
Zeros around March 1943.

Type Zero Carrier Fighter Paint Schemes

The Mitsubishi aircraft company's first Zero paint scheme, herein designated M-01, has been described as a
glossy pale olive-gray or "a glossy grey-green." It covered all exterior surfaces to the exclusion of the engine
cowling and upper canopy deck aft of the cockpit. In time, the exposed surfaces faded and weathered to "a
dove gray color" or a flat "pale gull gray." The cowling
and the rear fuselage deck under the canopy were
painted a glossy gray-black (Note: A few canopy deck samples
examined were reported to have been left in the red primer paint).
Author Donald W. Thorpe labeled this scheme "O4" and
described the colors as "medium-grey N.9" overall with
"black-grey N.7" cowlings (Thorpe:1977, p.32). Jiro
Horikoshi, chief designer of the Zero, described the first
Zero prototype as being painted "a dimly-shining ash
green (hairyokushoku) except the engine cowling,
which was black" (Horikoshi:1970, p.61).

Preserved Mitsubishi relics from two separate Zeros

which crashed during the Japanese attack on Pearl
Harbor, one at Kaneohe Bay and the other at Fort
Kamehameha, were examined. The glossy pale olive-gray of these aircraft was an exact match to Munsell
color notation 7.8Y 5.5/2.5. No exact match was found within the Federal Standard (FS) colors key 595 B.
However, the color value of these aircraft may be placed within the range of FS-24201 and FS-16350 with the
closer match being FS-16350. Weathered pieces examined from the cowling and canopy deck areas of Zero
remains in the John Sterling collection were a black-gray color which closely matched the darkness of FS-
25042 and the hue of FS-26081. Researcher James I. Long concluded that the canopy deck samples were
more of a "black-green" color most like FS-14050.
All parts from the wings, fuselages, and tail surfaces
of two Zeros (models 32 and 22) examined had
faded and/or oxidized to produce a chalky pale gray
similar in appearance to FS-36357 or FS-36495. It
was also discovered that oxidized paint samples
obtained from Nakajima production Zeros (model
21) mimicked those produced by the Mitsubishi
company. The similarity in the appearance of the
two weathered schemes influenced many previous
investigators to conclude that all Zero finishes had
the same chalky-gray color. However, when the
oxidized samples from Mitsubishi produced Zeros (models 32 and 22) were lightly buffed, the pale olive-gray
color beneath the oxidation was an exact match to FS-26350. Another oxidized sample, possibly from a
Nakajima produced Zero model 21, had a hue between Munsell 5Y 5/2 and 5Y 5/4 or FS-20277. One sample,
an access panel in the Darby collection, had an interesting variation. A coating similar to varnish had been
applied over the original paint. The overall effect of the sizing was to give a golden cast to the color beneath.
It is possible that this clear coat had been applied after 1945 as a preservative by the collector.

A slightly different overall paint scheme, herein designated N-01, was applied by the Nakajima company to its
Zero production run. One preserved sample of rudder fabric in the National Archives Collection was obtained
from a Nakajima production Zero model 21 (s.n.6544) recovered from the Russell Islands in February 1943.
This component may be described as being a glossy "medium gray" color. The gray was matched to Munsell
color notation 5 GY 5/1. No exact equivalent was found on the FS colors key, however, it was between FS-
16314 and 16251. It is probable that Nakajima did not always over paint the gray doped fabric control
surfaces after attaching them to the main aircraft components. Several exterior metal components of
Nakajima manufactured Zero model 21s produced prior to March 1943 were most like FS-24201. A weathered
and soiled metal sample from a Nakajima A6M2-N float fighter ("Rufe") more closely matched the color of FS-
20277. Two different metal skin samples of Nakajima production Zeros, were provided by Marine ace Ken
Walsh and Navy veteran Bill Scarborough to researcher and aviation author Robert C. Mikesh. Both samples
were found by Mikesh to be an exact match to FS-16160. However, noted aviation artist Roy Grinnell matched
the Walsh sample to FS-24201. Oxidized and faded samples of weathered Nakajima relics had the appearance
of a chalky gray color similar to FS-36492. When the oxidized Nakajima samples were lightly buffed, the color
revealed was more often a matched FS-26350 or
FS-24201. Another distinguishing feature of the
Nakajima applied finish was the fuselage
hinomaru. Nakajima factories applied a 75 mm
white outline to the fuselage hinomaru from mid
1942. Samples examined from the cowling and
rear canopy deck of Nakajima produced Zeros
were a close match to FS-27038.

According to Dr. Rene J. Francillon, the Imperial

Japanese Naval Headquarters issued a directive,
dated 3 July 1943, outlining a two-color paint scheme to be applied to Zero fighters (Francillon: 1967, p. 12).
The alleged directive specified that the Zeros be painted a "dark green on all upper surfaces and light grey" on
all lower surfaces (Francillon, op. cit.). The two-color camouflage schemes applied at the factory by Mitsubishi
and Nakajima have herein been designated M-02 and N-02 respectively. Relics from Zeros produced by each
company in the two-color scheme evidenced variations in the application and color of the camouflage. The
upper surface colors were often an exact match to the one described by Thorpe as "black-green N.1." FS-
24077 or FS-24052 closely matched the dark green of the Mitsubishi manufactured samples examined. The
upper surface color on Nakajima components matched FS-24094 or 24077. No samples from Zero model 52
engine cowlings were examined and it is presumed that the cowling colors applied by each company remained
unchanged. Contemporary photographs illustrate that the cowlings were either glossy or dull in appearance.
The Mitsubishi factories applied the pale olive-gray color (FS-26350) or gray (FS-36357) to the lower surface
areas of their production Zeros. The Nakajima company changed their lower surface color to light medium
blue-gray (FS-36307). It should also be noted that the two companies did not demarcate the upper surface
color from the lower surface color in the same manner. In scheme M-02, the Mitsubishi company marked the
separation of the two colors along a straight horizontal line aft from the
wing root to the tip of the tail cone. Nakajima, utilizing scheme N-02,
separated the two colors along a upward slightly curving or slanting line
from the wing root to the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. The
color separation then continued aft and downward from the trailing
edge of the stabilizer to the tip of the tail cone. Fuselage hinomaru
were outlined with 75 mm white borders by both companies. The upper
wing hinomaru were also outlined in white to a measured width of 75
mm or 30 mm. Contrary to some statements in the literature, the more
narrow outlining (i.e.30 mm width) of the wing hinomaru was not
merely an optical illusion created by their larger diameter when
compared to those of the fuselage. Frequently the white outlining to
the hinomaru was painted over in the field with a darker color and, as
evidenced by many contemporary photographs, the darker over-painting
of the white outline is imperceptible.

Different camouflage patterns in various colors were often applied in the

field to the original one color overall schemes (M-01 or N-01). A study
of field applied variations of Zero camouflage is best accomplished by
studying wartime photographs and noting the particular pattern of dark green color over the original M-01 or
N-01 factory finish. As previously stated, Mitsubishi and Nakajima did not introduce their respective two color
schemes on their factory lines until the spring of 1943. A simple test for a field application of a darker upper
surface color can be done by examining the area of the canopy framework of a Zero in a photograph. If the
canopy framework appears not to be camouflaged in the darker shade of the upper surface paint then the
scheme in question is most likely to have been field applied.

The Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai carried out a series of research experiments testing camouflage schemes for the
Zero between November 1941 and February 1942. Report No.0266 "Research on Camouflage for the Type
Zero Carrier Fighter" contains information which validates
Color Stated in Report No.0266 FS Equivalents According To: and supplements the foregoing report. A copy of
Official Color No. Color Description Lansdale Nohara Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai Report No.0266 was provided to
this author by noted Japanese aviation expert and artist
(Not listed, called glossy "J3 gray FS-24201 to No comment
ameiro, perhaps J1) toward amber."
Shigeru Nohara. Excerpts of material gleaned from this
FS-16350 or document are noted to the box on the left.

FS-10277 to
On page 3 of Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai Report No.0266,
FS-16160 (?)
dated 25 February 1942, appears the statement "Presently
J2 blue-gray FS-26307 or FS-36314 used color of the Type Zero carrier fighter is J3 (gray)
toward amber with luster." This statement may be a
technicians description of a color which varied from olive-
J3 gray FS-36357 FS-36357 gray (FS-14201/16350) and perhaps to gray-browns (FS-
D1 dark black-green FS-34052 or FS-34036 10277/16160). It is now possible to state with a higher
degree of certainty that the Type Zero carrier fighters in
FS-34084 schemes M-01 and N-01 did not leave the production lines
D2 black-green FS-34077 FS-34092 in the overall light gray or light blue-gray livery in which
they have often been portrayed.
Thorpe No. Lansdale No. Color Description
Summary of IJNAF Camouflage Systems
O.4 M-O1 FS-14201 Mitsubishi: Overall glossy "light olive -gray" (so-
*Note: For the following appendixes, delete first
digit of coded serial numbers (s/n) in order to
N-O1 FS-16160 Nakajima (?): Overall glossy "light olive/gray -
brown" ("ameiro") obtain the true constructor's number for Mitsubishi
to built A6M2 model 21s and all models of Nakajima
FS-10277 produced A6Ms. In order to obtain the true
S.1 M-O2 FS-34052 Mitsubishi: Flat "dark black -green upper and flat constructor's number for Mitsubishi produced
gray lower" (D1 over J3)
A6M3 models 32 and 22 and A6M5 model 52s,
subtract 3000 from the coded serial number.


N-O2 FS-34077 Nakajima: Flat "black-green upper and flat blue -

gray lower" (D1 or D2 over J2)



Model S/N Prod Recov Identity Description

Date Date Call No. Comment APPENDIX
12 Shi 201 3/16/39 ]-AM-1 The prototype "was painted
Proto. a dimly-shining ash green Documentation for paint scheme M-01 applied by
(hairyokushoku) except the
engine cowling, which was Mitsubishi to the A6M series carrier fighter planes,
black."/Jiro Horikoshi:1970,
models 21, 32, & 22 from March 1939 through
early 1943: glossy pale olive-gray (FS-24201 or
21 3277(?) 7/41 12/7/41 B1-151 Fuselage fragment (FS-
16350)/Janoff Collection &
FS-16350 (Munsell 7.8Y 5.5/2.5) overall with low
VMI Museum/IIDA Zero at gloss gray-black (FS-26081) or black-green (FS-
Kaneohe Bay.
14050) cowling and rear canopy deck.
21 5289 8/9/41 12/7/41 AI-154 Rudder fabric & fuselage
fragment (FS-16350)/
USAF Museum & Pederson
Collection/ HIRANO Zero at
Fort Kamehameha.

21 5349 10/4/41 2/19/42 B11-124 Rear fuselage (FS-

16350)/Darwin Aviation
at Melville Island.

21 3372 10/21/41 11/26/41 V-172 Rudder fabric (FS-

16350)/USAF Museum &
A.I.2 (g) Report
No.2103/INOUE Zero at
Luichow Peninsula, China.

21 1575 2/9/42 4/28/42 V-110 Rudder fabric gray (FS-

26314/Albert Makiel
document/MAEDA Zero at
Port Moresby.

21 4593 2/19/42 7/10/42 D1-108 A.I.2(g) Report No.2103

states Zero, s/n 4593, was
"finished in a glossy grey-
green"/KOGA Zero at
Akutan Island.

32 3035 7/6/42 11/43 2-181 Fuselage fragment (FS-

24201/Hickey Collection/

at Lae, N.G.

32 3148 & 9/11/42 12/91 S-112 Fuselage & wings (FS-26

350)/Sterling Collection/
3318 11/29/42 Y2-128
Majuro Island.

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