Mitsubishi A6M Series: Paint Schemes For The Mitsubishi Type Zero Carrier Fighter 1939 To 1945
Mitsubishi A6M Series: Paint Schemes For The Mitsubishi Type Zero Carrier Fighter 1939 To 1945
Mitsubishi A6M Series: Paint Schemes For The Mitsubishi Type Zero Carrier Fighter 1939 To 1945
A slightly different overall paint scheme, herein designated N-01, was applied by the Nakajima company to its
Zero production run. One preserved sample of rudder fabric in the National Archives Collection was obtained
from a Nakajima production Zero model 21 (s.n.6544) recovered from the Russell Islands in February 1943.
This component may be described as being a glossy "medium gray" color. The gray was matched to Munsell
color notation 5 GY 5/1. No exact equivalent was found on the FS colors key, however, it was between FS-
16314 and 16251. It is probable that Nakajima did not always over paint the gray doped fabric control
surfaces after attaching them to the main aircraft components. Several exterior metal components of
Nakajima manufactured Zero model 21s produced prior to March 1943 were most like FS-24201. A weathered
and soiled metal sample from a Nakajima A6M2-N float fighter ("Rufe") more closely matched the color of FS-
20277. Two different metal skin samples of Nakajima production Zeros, were provided by Marine ace Ken
Walsh and Navy veteran Bill Scarborough to researcher and aviation author Robert C. Mikesh. Both samples
were found by Mikesh to be an exact match to FS-16160. However, noted aviation artist Roy Grinnell matched
the Walsh sample to FS-24201. Oxidized and faded samples of weathered Nakajima relics had the appearance
of a chalky gray color similar to FS-36492. When the oxidized Nakajima samples were lightly buffed, the color
revealed was more often a matched FS-26350 or
FS-24201. Another distinguishing feature of the
Nakajima applied finish was the fuselage
hinomaru. Nakajima factories applied a 75 mm
white outline to the fuselage hinomaru from mid
1942. Samples examined from the cowling and
rear canopy deck of Nakajima produced Zeros
were a close match to FS-27038.
The Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai carried out a series of research experiments testing camouflage schemes for the
Zero between November 1941 and February 1942. Report No.0266 "Research on Camouflage for the Type
Zero Carrier Fighter" contains information which validates
Color Stated in Report No.0266 FS Equivalents According To: and supplements the foregoing report. A copy of
Official Color No. Color Description Lansdale Nohara Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai Report No.0266 was provided to
this author by noted Japanese aviation expert and artist
(Not listed, called glossy "J3 gray FS-24201 to No comment
ameiro, perhaps J1) toward amber."
Shigeru Nohara. Excerpts of material gleaned from this
FS-16350 or document are noted to the box on the left.
FS-10277 to
On page 3 of Yokosuka Kaigun Kokutai Report No.0266,
FS-16160 (?)
dated 25 February 1942, appears the statement "Presently
J2 blue-gray FS-26307 or FS-36314 used color of the Type Zero carrier fighter is J3 (gray)
toward amber with luster." This statement may be a
technicians description of a color which varied from olive-
J3 gray FS-36357 FS-36357 gray (FS-14201/16350) and perhaps to gray-browns (FS-
D1 dark black-green FS-34052 or FS-34036 10277/16160). It is now possible to state with a higher
degree of certainty that the Type Zero carrier fighters in
FS-34084 schemes M-01 and N-01 did not leave the production lines
D2 black-green FS-34077 FS-34092 in the overall light gray or light blue-gray livery in which
they have often been portrayed.
Thorpe No. Lansdale No. Color Description
Summary of IJNAF Camouflage Systems
O.4 M-O1 FS-14201 Mitsubishi: Overall glossy "light olive -gray" (so-
*Note: For the following appendixes, delete first
digit of coded serial numbers (s/n) in order to
N-O1 FS-16160 Nakajima (?): Overall glossy "light olive/gray -
brown" ("ameiro") obtain the true constructor's number for Mitsubishi
to built A6M2 model 21s and all models of Nakajima
FS-10277 produced A6Ms. In order to obtain the true
S.1 M-O2 FS-34052 Mitsubishi: Flat "dark black -green upper and flat constructor's number for Mitsubishi produced
gray lower" (D1 over J3)
A6M3 models 32 and 22 and A6M5 model 52s,
subtract 3000 from the coded serial number.
at Lae, N.G.