Research Tools

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RESEARCH TOOL & DATA COLLECTION METHOD INTRODUCTION oTools are instruments used to collect information for performance assessments, self- evaluations, and external evaluations. o Tools need to be strong enough to support what the evaluations find during research. |, oDepending on the nature of the information to i be gathered, different instruments are used to conduct the assessment forms for gathering data. might be unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing DEFINITION OF TOOL: olt is a testing device for measuring a given event, such as , a questionnaire, an interview or a set of guidelines or checklist for observation. olt is an instrument or machine that aids in accomplishing a task. is sharing your scree might be unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing MEANING OF RESEARCH TOOLS: Research tools are: ~ the Instruments used for the purpose of data collection, vare measurable and observable for data analysis & interpretation v constructed by researcher according to objectives. tbe unsafe cick for more detals. [Enable Eating _ PRINCIPLES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RESEARCH TOOL: er sy Arend influence the pee LC tiny ATS too long or too REA) Pook Pest rs sequence and eck sicul Oe aire) ere CTS eT) Senn tae Eee i) Cet) EPC Br Tat ‘be Unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing DEFINITION OF DATA Data collection is a systematic process of collecting detail information about desire objective from selected sample under controlled settings. is sharing your screen. ht be unsafe, Click for more details, | Enable Editing DATA COLLECTION: Primary data collection personal contact observations is needed face to face contact with the participants is required. Secondary data collection no direct contact to gather information. research_tools_date_collection_methods [Protected View] - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show Review View ht be unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION: - * to gain general answers to basic In-person one surveys Direct . har Ak i are cpr observation Tar , * usedto gain more in depth answers Interviews toc questions. * certain sample groups are asked their Focus groups ieetetereen subject or | * 4 research_tools_data_collection_methods [Protected View] ~ Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show Review View pe unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing | CONTD.....45 © These data collection tools: v allow for a true measurement of accuracy and let the | researcher obtain any unspoken observations about the participants while conducting research. o E.g. Socio-economic surveys, studies related to rural or tribal communities, nursing research, hospital management studies, knowledge awareness practice studies etc. research tools_date_collection_methods [Protected View] - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show Review View be unsafe. Click for more details. SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION: elteltrelaites mail e Web-based lelephone aT research_tools_data_collection_methods [Protected View] - Microsoft PowerPoint SlideShow Review View unsafe, Click for more details. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: oMethod refers to the way of gathering data, a tool is an instrument used for the method. (1) observation method (2) interview method (3) Questionnaire (4) physiological measurement research_tools_data_collection_methods [Protected View] - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show Review: View be unsafe. Click for more details. Enable Editing CIONE OR MORE METHODS HAS/HAVE TO BE CHOSEN. THE CHOICE OF AMETHOD DEPENDS UPON THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: o The nature of the study of the subject-matter. o The unit of enquiry. oThe size and spread of the sample. o Scale of the survey. o The educational level of respondents. | oThe type and depth of information to be collected. o The availability of skilled and trained manpower. ® research_tools_data_collection_methods [Protected View] - Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show ght be unsafe. Click for more details. | Enable Editing Q 1) OBSERVATION TECHNIQUE: Review View One of the basic method and oldest method. Data is obtained by investigator own direct observation without asking from the respondent. If observation is systematically planned and recorded can be used to checked for their validity and reliability. Assessed through senses with or without mechanical devices. Commonly used for behavioral studied. Slide Show Review View e unsafe. Click for more details, Enable Editing Types of Observation Technique: STRUCTURED UNSTRUCTURED ¢ Standardized condition * The observation of observation. does not take place * Careful definition of as in structured units to be observed. observation. * The style of recording + Eg. Explanatory the observed studies information ¢ E.g. Descriptive studies & olnstruments/ Tools for observation method: o Field notes oAnecdotes oChecklist Advantages & Disadvantages of Observation Technique: Advantages Disadvantages 1) Subject bias is 1) An expensive method eliminated. 2) Relates to what is 2) Information is very currently happening. limited 3) Independent of 3) Unforeseen factors respondent. may interfere with the observational task. 2) INTERVIEW METHOD o The interview method of collecting of data involves presentation of oral stimuli and reply in terms of oral response. olt can be used through personal interviews and if possible, through telephone interview 216 gssentials of Nursing Research om der to be able t effectively use g —— jin jth its two major sections, y; 1a seat tt See a | soul ce materis a device (0 help the use op Wea NN ai the library. Catalogues may be avai i the i lable 4c, i, readi mate ok or according to the name of the ny 4 a tle of ve some knowledge about either autho, the ot ould ha) Wr er § ired publication. $0 ire 5 . rere teat da and periodicals, indices, eneye acs Reference a other literature. Researcher ShOUId be ating pilogsapies get the required information, ea how to local ees of Data Collection ‘Sout al information systematically collecteq na vay. Th ae a researcher should tap for collection ¢ <™*y study. They vary with his interests and the type of sti reser be classified as documentary sources, fieig a historical sources. : ources: Which provide data gathered at first hang vomiilty and promulgation remaining under the same autor orginaly gathered ther data from primary sources may be gateryt participant observation, personal interview, conferences, CorTespondens. questionnaire and other devices. Secondary sources: Which provide data that has been transite compiled from original sources and of which the promulgating aud is different from that which controlled the collection of data at firt hand, For example, the census of India is generally cited as the primary sare whereas the health statistics on India based on census of India Whether primary or secondary may be gathered by privat of pale authority. Usually, the secondary sources must be scrutinised catty by the scientific workers, ‘heir reliability for research work can be determined only by fees 10 the primary source which should be cited in notes or bibliogapty® a any one who desires to make himself responsible for the facts - dite original source, At times, discrepancies which app The pat Sources can be settled from the original source: Primary oma ‘sports of official bodies refer for the ae ee 4 "Epo alwaye : ae but it should not be taken for Cea xan these data should en, Primary sources materials. The perso! Auire into the sources of such data. Essentials of Nursing Resear + report scales: In relation t0 data collection, 4 eau that consists of a series of items designeg * ep, attributes being investigated. The subject is Tesenteg wets and responds to each item on the scale Provided, Seif ‘th a ne usually designed to be summated, i.e. each Tesponse ca Sea value and the responses for the entire scale can then be jit be gf, 2 single score. Four types of self-report scales. wit lg cae. Likert scales, semantic differential scales, ang Vinay % scales : i. A rating seale is a type of data-collection instrumen, tt respondents to place their responses, such as feelings or Ph scale that has a range of potential Tesponses, For example: Me + How would you rate the nursing care in th Very Good 1,2,3,4,5 Very Poor (Please check the appropriate blank) The number of response options on Fating scaj : considerably. Although five options occur most Frequent" appears to be the minimum acceptable number, SIX, seven, of cre tt options can also be presented. hat cone, iS hospital : ii. The Likert scale is a commonly used self-report m, designed primarily to measure attitudes. A Likert Scale consists of of statements, each of which has a number Of possible Tesponses « as strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, Strongly disagree, 4, % five responses is typical, up to seven responses may be provides There is a definite advantage in using scales that have an even ny of responses; these are called forced-choice scales. When given ay dt number of choices, subjects may respond to the middle choice and hg, appear to be neutral, choosing neither high nor low ratings, If a Scale ha an even number of options, however, the subject must Tespond with » i it ing. the previous question, the ee. numbered forced-choice rating scale compels the Tespondent to either like or dislike the nursing care: * The nursing care in this hospital is: Good -. Very poor CaSUTe th 'Y agree, strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagrt, Very strongly disagree, , In this instance, the Tespondent would probably be asked to cick @PPropriate respon: se, Often, adequate statist i done if the sample 218 isnt aod tical analysis cannot be don choice scales allow for the collapsing of cells (caegt"® vO (or dichotomization, of for bringing cells together in statistically ao if fesponses might otherwise have to be discarded or jving an unclear picture of the respondents’ feeling or atistude a a tic differential scale is uscd most often to elicit J. at. ode getty Wr, of respondents. The scale consists of a listing of bipolar | ‘ »« with a five-to seven point scale between them that may describe ive ing, object, profession, oF any other variable of interest. For example. “ cher who wanted to determine how people from different cultural ‘atnic backgrounds perceive hospitals might construct the following Methods of Data Collection oe is a checklist of words that describe a hospital. Please place a eck mark in the space that best shows how you feel about hospitals “ore to place a check mark on each line. Good Bad Quiet Cold ‘lean . Dirty \nalytical techniques specifically designed for semantic differential es would then be applied to the data to determine whether different cts perceive the hospital setting in different ways. Walker and Sofaer 198) developed a 12-item, 5-point semantic differential scale in their uy of psychological distress in patients attending pain clinics. The ¢ was validated by factor analysis and its reliability was obtained by test-retest method. They asked subjects to mark the box that resents how you feel Most Often these days”. For example: Or} ee eferreryre por Irritable HEDPY...c-csesacsseoses Sad ‘he visual analog scale (VAS) is a self-report paper and pencil scale consists of a straight line that has the extreme limits of the variable '# measured at each end of the line. The straight line may be either ‘sal or horizontal. The scale is designed to have the respondent “ae 4 point on the line that indicates where his or her pain is most like coe to) the intensity of the specific attribute being measured. The 2 MS proven to be a useful research tool to measure such subjective eee 5 pain and anxiety reported by subjects in a clinical setting, _jollowing is an example of a horizontal VAS that could be used to “Sure fatigue No fatigue |. 1 Fatigue as bad as it could possibly become po techniques of Data 14 Collection int data” is a plural of “datum” which means ‘information: it “dat ected inthe course ofa study. Here data iq tically ‘4 measurable phenomenon. Phenomena is = nce or experience that is apparent to the Senses and that | scientifically described or appraised. vilection techniques are described as being both objective ang Data oo Here ‘Objective’ means that data must not influenced by anyone who collects data. Whereas systematic means that the data must be collected in the same way by everyone who is involved in the collection procedure. The data collection methods of a study provide the operational vpnitions of the relevant variable. Variable is a phenomenon or attribue that needs to be measured. It is something which varies e.g., height, weight, body temperature, educational attainment. Most phenomena, characteristics, concepts or things have in common a capacity to vary or in other words, to have more than one number that describes them. Operationalisation is the process of translating the concepts that are of interest to a researcher into observable and measurable phenomena. Operational definition translates the conceptual definition into behaviours or verbalisations that can be measured for the study. ‘As stated atl that is system fact, circumsta can be sy tematically systematic. TYPES OF TOOLS The various techniques of data gathering involve the use of appropriate tonne forms. These are called tools or instruments of data collection. ey consist of: Observation sc} vati re schedule or observationnai * Intervie i : ionnair« * Interview schedule Mailed questionnaire Rating scale Check list Opinionnaire z Techniques of Data Collection gchedule/data sheet ose ft institutions + cope ‘ a 0107 ave tools is used for a specific method of ' he schedule for observation method, pivaniter lena, pl ride for interviewing, questionnaire and opioni refer ey ad 80 pl oo0!8 of data collection translate the research objectives into the westions/items, the responses to which will Provide the data fe na achieve the research objectives. In order to achieve this rea cach question/item must convey to the respondent the idea or pry ideas required by the research objectives, and each item must bw response which can be analyzed for fulfilling the research ionnaire for tives. on ‘tion gathered through the tools provide descriptions of prxterstis of individuals, institutions or other phenomena under ne characteristics may help to explain differences in behavioural =. and performance of objects under study. Mionnation gathered through the tools serve another purpose also. It suf for measuring the various variables pertaining tothe study. The variables and their interrelationships are analysed for testing the hypothesis oF for exploring the content areas set by the research abjectives. 2 ‘A brief description of the various tools of data collection is given telow. MEASUREMENT AS A TECHNIQUE OF DATA COLLECTION Measurement is central to the process of obtaining data. How and how well, the measurement in research project are made as critical in determining whether the project will be success. ‘The term ‘measure’ means to ascertain the dimensions, quantity or capacity of, to mark off, usually with reference to some units of ‘Measurement. Measurement is the assignment of numbers to object or tvenls according to rules. Measurement consists of a set of rules for ‘signing numerical values to objects to represent varying degrees of some attributes being measured. The purpose is to measure these ‘tributes quantitatively, A proaches Measurement h

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