Islam and Science Preview Questions

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Nama : Irid Alpala

Nim : 11920212146
Tugas bahasa inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Darul Kholis,M.P.d

7. Islam and Science

Preview questions

1. like, learning science properly can train us to think using logical principles. This is a
very important foundation when we want to study any discipline.
2. there, including Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Al - Zahrawi, Al - Khawarizmi, etc.
3. Biology, because it is very important in everyday life and has many benefits such as:
knowing the structure and function of organs, studying the various types of living things
that exist, etc.
4. The optical world of Ibn al-Haytham. A Muslim Arab scientist named Ibn al-Haytham is
a person who has a major contribution in the world of optics, astronomy, and
mathematics. He is even called the father of optics. His major contributions were his
experiments and studies of light. He theorized that light travels in straight lines and is
distinguished by the object that light reflects.
5. It is recognized that there are similarities between science and religion that can be
discussed, even mutually supporting each other.
6. These two groups are related to each other and cannot be separated from each other.
7. although science cannot guarantee that its theory is correct, with its ability to continually
improve itself, science can bring us closer to the truth.
8. very important, because studying natural science is being able to understand various
things that are around. Generating curiosity about the condition of the natural
environment. Able to maintain, care for, and manage and preserve nature.
Vocabulary : Study the vocabulary below

Charity : Amal Conscious : Sadar Circumferunce : Lingkar

Derived : Diturunkan Enclipse : Gerhana Exert : Menggunakan
Eminenten : Terkenal Lighten : Meringankan Faith : Iman
Harmful : Berbahaya Holy : Suci Humbly : Dengan rendah hati
Notably : Terutama Restrain : Menahan Revelations : Wahyu
Submisson : Pengajuan Treatise : Risalah Invinite : Menuduh
Interprate : Evidence : Bukti Confirm : Konfirmasi

Divine : Ilahi Discrepancy : Perbedaan

Exist : Ada Equality : Persamaan
Fetus/feotus : Embrio/janin Generosity : Kemurahan hati
Monoyheistic : Monoteistik Mundane : Duniawi
Spherical : Bulat Scientific : Ilmiah
Limit : Membatasi Define : Menetapkan
Contradict : Bertentangan Coincidence : Kebetulan

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