Alegarme, Kathie

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Lesson 1

Date: to be submitted on or before December 13, 2020

I. Topic: Christus Vivit (Apostolic Exhortation to Young People and to the entire people
of God)
II. Activities to engage students:
 Experience (content)
Situational Analysis
Instructions: Observe young people in today’s context. Describe their way of life, dreams, and
1. Who are the youth?
This generation wants to do everything quickly. We want everything on our fingertips, the quick and
easy way. That roughly translates to being impatient. The generation is impatient, aggressive,
disrespectfully blunt and very very reactive. Now, while that is not necessarily a good thing, it is not
necessarily a bad thing either

2. What challenges are they facing today? Describe.

We get into and get over things very easily. The speed at which trends are set and forgotten is remarkably fast.
Making us more adaptable than our most of our rigid ancestors.People blame us for being unhealthy and not
going out and being lazy etc etc, but what they don’t see is that it was them who cut out all the trees and
wreaked havoc on our playgrounds, it is them who bought and drove all those polluting vehicles, and it is them
who are training us to be3.lazy.
What are some forces affecting young people that might tumbledown their lives? Discuss.
The youth have always affected the world. Teens are the children of their parents and often carry with
them any prejudices passed. They encounter the microcosm of life in schools and encounter good and
bad just like their parents did and do in the professional life. Parents learn a lot more, in my
experience, from raising their children more so than being married. The innocence of a child can
change a parents outlook. The openness of a parent can change the child as they grow up. Until you’re
out of the house, great changes can’t quite be made in that you have no resources to travel freely even
as an adult, you have to work for money to enable you to do this..

 Action (Application)

Guide Questions:

1. How can adult best support these challenges and forces to help transformed the young?
Give suggestions/recommendations.
 Reduce gadget usage
 Teach good manners and respect
 Have more than enough family bonding
 Observe their likes and dislikes
 Try to understand their side
 Do not spoil them

III. Assessment and Reflection

Instructions: Watch and read the summary of ‘Christus Vivit’ then identify three important
points that opens a new awareness to you and keep these words in your heart as a young

 Friendship is one of life’s gifts and a grace from God. Through our friends, the Lord refines us
and leads us to maturity.
 Faithful friends, who stand at our side in times of difficulty, are also a reflection of the Lord’s
love, his gentle and consoling presence in our lives.
 Friendship is no fleeting or temporary relationship, but one that is stable, firm and faithful, and
matures with the passage of time.

IV. Feedback
Exit Slip
1. Things I Learned from this topic…

2. Things I Found Interesting…

3. Questions I Still Have…

V. Additional Resources
Lesson 2
Date: to be submitted on or before Dec 19, 2020
I. Topic: Fratelli Tutti (Pope Francis latest Encyclical)
II. Objectives: Identify the deeper meaning of Fratelli Tutti in this trying time.
Examine the purpose of writing this encyclical in this time of
frustration, isolation, and despair.
Summarize the essence of Fratelli Tutti towards our relationship with
others; wounded brothers and sisters.

III. Activities to engage students:

 Experience (content)
Contextual Evaluation: Describe your own experience about the effects of the world’s
crisis brought about by COVID-19 pandemic.
Guide Questions:
How pandemic affected your life and your family?
We have spent a long time in quarantine and i have spent a lot of that time with myself and of
course I developed new interests and formed new opinions about things. I’ve been influenced
by the media a lot and not in a bad way, like my sense of fashion have changed and some
opinions about things too. I have also changed a bit physically, for example my hair, growing
a few inches and gaining a bit of weight. Overall though, I don’t think i have completely
changed, just a bit of things added to my personality.

What feelings or emotions evoke while this crisis continue to worsen?

My life plan has been adapted to any decision that has been made by anyone or anything
outside of my control. I have a very clear cut plan, that likely some of what I want to do will
like not be a choice in the future

What important things have you done for your brothers and sisters in need during this trying

I will try to help them as much as I can as living in this pandemic is very hard and I, a
fortunate citizen will try to give them all the sufficient needs so that it can be a relief for
Action (Application)
After watching and reading the highlights and overview of Pope Francis latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti,
answer the following questions:

1. Which statement in the eight chapters of this encyclicals struck you the most? Why?
“To care for the world in which we live means to care for ourselves.”. It means that we humans should
love one another and not destroy each other because this will just bring the world to chaos. We need to
be as one and be united for the good of the world. That way, we can save the world from all kinds of
danger and we can help each other when such danger will strike.

2. In this time of pandemic, how can we become brothers and sisters to others?
(Example of others maybe injured strangers, the outcast, wounded family, etc.,)
I will try to help them with all I can do and provide their necessities as long as it can
help them survive this situation. But then I will try to ask help for other people also
because I cannot do it alone as I need more helping hands in order to sustain this
numerous citizen in need

IV. Assessment and Reflection

Song Writing
Instructions: Compose a song to summarize your new realizations about this latest encyclical. A
challenging song that may evoke the consciousness of the listener. Create your own tune, be
creative. If you are good in creating music video, much better. In your song composition y
can use three languages (English, Filipino, Visayan)
Rubrics: Content = 15 points Impact to the listener = 10 points
-Watch the Rain-

When I have so much

But it feels so small
When I wanna cry
But I have it all

I know so many people

But I’m still so lonely
And I know I can’t speak
Cause you prob’ly have it worse than me

I watch the rain

Looking out of broken glass
I watch the rain
Waiting for the storm to pass

If I wait a little longer

Maybe the sun will come
If I work a little harder
I could get out of this dump

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