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Health Talk

SUBJECT:Child Health Nursing
Miss Swati Sharma Priya Kumari
Lecturer M.Sc Nursing 1st year
Dept. Child Health Nursing NSCNP


Title of Course : M.Sc Nursing 1st year

Name of the Student Teacher : Priya Kumari

Subject : Child Health Nursing

Topic : “Weaning”

Description of learner : Group of mothers and family members


Duration : 28 minutes.

Place : Govt. Medical College Tanda

Previous knowledge : Mothers doesnot have adequate knowledge about “Weaning”.

AV Aids : Chart

General Objective:
At the completion of health education session, the group will be able to gain knowledge regarding “Weaning”.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of lecture students will be able to:

 to explain meaning of Weaning

 to define Weaning
 to explain qualities of Complementary Foods
 to explain importance of Weaning
 to explain principles of Weaning
 to explain various points that is kept in mind before and during preparation of Weaning
 to explain Complementary Feeding at different ages
 to explain advantages of Weaning

Sr. Time Specific Content Matter Teacher Learner Evaluation

No. Objectives activity activity
1. 10sec. To give self Good morning everyone. - - -
introduction My name is Priya, I am student of M.Sc nursing 1st year.
2. 10sec. To introduce the Today’s topic for presentation is “Weaning” - - Topic is
topic introduced.
3. 30sec. To assess the Previous knowledge assessment: - - -
previous knowledge Do you havean idea about “Weaning”
of students
4. 1min. To give an
Weaning is the process by which babies who were fully Explain Verbally Group Explain topic
introduction of thereliant on milk are introduced to solid foods. It starts with Listens briefly.
topic the first mouthful of food and ends with the last feed of Attentively
breastmilk or formula milk . When and how solid foods
are introduced is vital to establishing healthy eating habits
and limiting fussy eating.
5. 10sec. To explain meaning Weaning means- “to free from a habit”. Explain Verbally Group Explain
of weaning Listens meaning of
 Process of gradual and progressive transfer of the baby Attentively
from the breastfeeding to the usual family diet.
6. 2min. To define Weaning  DEFINITIONS Explain Verbally Group What is weaning ?
 Weaning is the process of gradual and progressive Attentively
transfer of the baby from the breastfeeding to the
usual family diet.

 Weaning is the process of gradually introducing an

infant human or another mammal to what will be its
adult diet while withdrawing the supply of its
mother's milk. The process takes place only in
mammals, as only mammals produce milk.

  Weaning is a systematic process of introduction of

suitable food at the right time in addition to mother’s
milk in order to provide needed nutrients to the
(UNICEF, 1984)

 Weaning does not mean discontinuity of breast

feeding. Weaning foods are given in addition of
breast feed when the amount of breastfeeding is
7. 1min. To explain qualities Qualities of complementary foods- Explain Verbally Group Explain qualities
of complementary Listens of complementary
foods. 1. Liquid at starting then semisolid and solid Attentively foods.
2. Clean and Fresh
3. Easily digestible & Palatable
4. Hygenic
5.Easy to prepare
6. High in energy
7. Based on cultural practice and traditional beliefs
8. Well balanced and nourishing

8. 2 min. To explain Explain

importance of Importance Of Weaning importance of
Weaning Weaning.

 Growth of the baby requires more food items, minerals Group

& vitamins Explain Verbally Listens
 To train GIT to digest starch & other solid foods. Attentively
 To educate the child independence by using spoon &
 Importance of Weaning Your Baby at the Right Time.
 When a baby is born, he remains on her mother’s milk

for the first few months of life. As he starts growing, his

appetite also starts increasing and requires the
introduction of solid foods step-by-step. This gradual
transition from breast milk to solid food is known as
 To reduce risk of nutritional problems like malnutrition
 To promote health of the children.
 To boostup immunity of the children.
 To improve mental health of the children by iodine
 To increase weight and height of the children.

9. 3 min. To explain principles Principles Of Weaning Explain principles

of Weaning.  Good quality food items and should be home made. of Weaning.
 Gradually the amount of food to be increased.
Introduced new food once at a time. Explain Verbally
 The baby may be given food as the rest of the family Group
takes. Listens
 Children are encouraged to feed themselves. Attentively
 Mother and child are taught hygienic habits.
 Breastfeeding to be continued with weaning up to 2
year or beyond No strict rules Food should be given
when the infant is hungry but never force the child Explain Verbally
to take the food.
 Observe any indigestion, pain in abdomen, diarrhea
or rash and report to the pediatrician.
 Weaning should be started at 6 months of age to
all children.
 Delayed weaning result in malnutrition and

growth failure.
Introducing solid foods
 Rice cereal
 Vegetables
 Fruit
 Higher- protein foods
 Finger foods

10. 3 min. To explain various The following aspects need consideration in this Explain Verbally Group Explain various
points that is kept in context:- Listens points that is kept
mind before and Carefull preparation and storage of the weaning food is Attentively in mind before and
during preparation of essential to prevent contamination. during preparation
weaning. The following aspect should need consideration this of weaning.
text....Preparing and storing the weaning foods-

1.Hands- carefully washed with soap and water before

preparing food
2.Utensils – washed and scrubed thoroughly.
3.Clean cooking place and chopping board.
4.Foods should be-
 Fresh for weaning
 prepared immediately
 cooked and boiled well -mashed with clean pestle,
fork or spoon
 use clean water for washing and making weaning
 not store for more then 2 hours


complementary AGE......... complementary
feeding at different Age Food items Amount Frequency feeding at

ages. At 5-6 Months different ages.

Initiated with fruit juice
•1-2 Teaspoon at first
•Then 3-4 Teaspoon
•Increased gradually
•Breast feeding should be continued 4-6 Times per day
At 6-7 Month
•Soft mixture of rice and dal
•Mashed and boiled potato Group
•Bread or Roti soaked in milk or dal Explain Verbally Listens
•Mashed fruits like banana, mango, papaya Attentively
7-8 Month 9Month
•Egg yolk
•Curd or Khir
•enjoy bite of biscuit and Age Food items Amount
9-12 Months
• More variety of household foods can be added
• Can eat everything cooked at home
• Spices and condiments avoided
• No need to mash food but should be soft 5-6 teaspoons
• Increased gradually
• Breast feeding should be continued 4-5 times per day
12-18 Months
- All food cooked in family
- Breastfeed to be continued especially at night according
to child’s need 4-5 times or according to child’s need.

12. 4 min. To explain Advantages of Weaning

advantages of
Weaning.  Weaning is the most important transitional

phase for a baby as he starts tasting and Group

eating foods that add nutrients to his body. Explain Verbally Listens
 The need to wean babies generally starts and with the help Attentively
from the age of 6 months and can go on till of chart
that of 12 months to 2 years depending on
the baby’s intake, and the type of weaning
foods and portions. But since his stomach is
still very delicate, he needs food which is
easy on his digestive system.
 The foods that parents can start with once a
day are cooked and mashed vegetables, soft What are the
fruits, and baby cereals mixed with advantages of
breastmilk or formula. Weaning?

 The importance of weaning a baby at the

right time cannot be stressed enough as it is
the way to the all-round development.

Explain Verbally Group

 Babies Start Becoming Self-Dependent and with the help Listens
of chart Attentively
As babies grow, they start experimenting with food
by trying to eat it themselves, which can be messy.
But this promotes better hand-mouth coordination.
Thus, it is important to encourage babies to eat on
their own.

 Personality Development

He starts developing his likes and dislikes towards

food starting now. This, slowly but eventually,
shapes his food choices. Since the baby is now

included in mealtimes along with other family

members, he gains more confidence and his
personality improves.

 No More Making Special Food

Babies learn to taste different foods apart from milk

and food specially prepared for them. You can also
include baby versions of your meal in his diet and
introduce him to what you are eating. If you don’t
feel like preparing a different meal, you can always
opt for a meal which is suited to your baby’s delicate

 Free Time for Mommy Explain Verbally Group

and with the help Listens
There is a break from feeding duties, so now the of chart Attentively
mother can have some time for herself. No routine
breastfeeding and breast pumping mean that she has
more time to herself. This is the time to get the other
parent also actively involved in the baby’s feeding

 Balanced Diet

New, nutrient-rich foods mean that your baby has

now access to all the nutrients required for growth
and development. With breastmilk no longer being
the only source of nutrition, your baby’s body can
have its share of iron, protein, minerals, etc., from a
varied set of food items.

 Builds Important Developmental Skills

From learning how to coordinate his tongue, lips and

jaw movement to chewing and swallowing, babies
learn important motor and developmental skills
during weaning. They also learn to control hand-eye
and hand-mouth coordination as they pick up and eat
food on their own.

The benefits of weaning far transcend just the nutritional

needs of your baby. It sets the edifice of healthy eating
habits, builds his food likings, develops social and motor
skills, and gives you a break from being the only source of
food for your little.
13. 3 min. To explain problems Problems of Weaning Explain Verbally Group What are the
of Weaning Listens problems of
 Refusal to eat any solids after 6 months of age. Attentively Weaning ?
 Anemia confirmed by a routine screening test at 1
year of age.
 Tooth decay or baby-bottle caries.
 Obesity from overeating.
 Daytime withdrawal and lack of interest in play
because the child is always carrying a bottle around.
 Frequent awakening at night for refills of a bottle.
 Inability to stay with a babysitter because the child
is exclusively breast fed and refuses a bottle or cup.

14. 2min. To summarize the Summarization Explain Verbally Group Summarization

topic  Explain meaning of weaning. listens done .

 Define weaning. attentively

 Explain qualities of complementary foods. & clarify
 Explain importance of weaning. doubts
 Explain principles of weaning
 Explain various points that is kept in mind before
and during preparation of weaning.
 Explain complementary feeding at different ages.
 Explain advantages of weaning.
15. 3 min. Recaptulization of Recaptulization Verbally Asked Group Recaptulization
the topic  Explain meaning of weaning. Listens done.
 Define weaning. Questions
 Explain qualities of complementary foods.
 Explain importance of weaning. Actively
 What are the principles of weaning ?
 Explain various points that is kept in mind before
and during preparation of weaning.
 Explain complementary feeding at different ages.
 What are the advantages of weaning ?


Datta Parul,editor. Pediatric nursing. “Weaning”. 3rd edition, : Jaypee; 2014. P; 56 -57

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