Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: A B C D e A F G H I J K
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: A B C D e A F G H I J K
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: A B C D e A F G H I J K
Keywords: The paper reviews recent research and development activities in the field of hydropower technology. It covers
Hydropower digitalisation emerging and advanced technologies to mitigate flow instabilities (active and passive approach) as well as
Technology development emerging magneto-rheological control techniques. Recent research findings on flow instabilities are also pre-
Hydraulic turbines sented, especially concerning fluid-structure interaction and transient operating conditions. As a great number of
Pumped hydropower storage
the existing large-scale hydroelectric facilities were constructed decades ago using technologies that are now
Small-scale hydropower
Hydraulic machines
considered obsolete, technologies to achieve the digitalisation of hydropower are also analysed. Advances in the
electro-mechanical components and generator design are presented; their potential role to adapt hydropower to
the current operating conditions is also highlighted. The text explores current efforts to advance hydropower
operation, mainly in terms of European projects. It provides a detailed overview of the recent efforts to increase
the operational range of hydraulic turbines in order to reach exceptional levels of flexibility, a topic of several
recent research projects. Variable speed hydropower generation and its application in pumped storage power
plants are presented in detail. Moreover, revolutionary concepts for hydroelectric energy storage are also pre-
sented with the analysis focusing on underwater hydro storage and hydropower's hybridisation with fast energy
storage systems. Efforts to minimise hydropower's environmental footprint are also presented via the utilisation
of small-scale and fish-friendly installations.
Preprint submitted to Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews March 8, 2019.
Corresponding author. Via E. Fermi 2749, 21027, Ispra, Italy.
E-mail address: (I. Kougias).
Received 8 January 2019; Received in revised form 4 June 2019; Accepted 30 June 2019
1364-0321/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
respond to variabilities of electrical power systems (EPSs), markets and turbines meet new challenges associated with the variable demand on
climate. In particular, the increasing share of variable renewable energy the energy market as well as limited energy storage capabilities, re-
production creates additional challenges for hydro facilities. At the sulting in great flexibility required in operation over an extended range
same time, new hydropower development, as well as the upgrades and of regimes far from the turbines' best efficiency point (BEP) [4,5]. When
renovations of existing facilities need to comply with strict environ- hydraulic turbines operate at off-design conditions, a moderate- or
mental standards. high-level residual swirl occurs in the draft tube due to a mismatch
In the European Union (EU), a large share of the available hydro between the swirl generated by the wicket gates (guide vanes) and the
potential has been already utilised and many stations have been de- angular momentum extracted by the turbine runner [6]. At such off-
veloped before the 1970s [1]. Upgrading and renovating such stations design operating regimes, hydraulic turbines with a fixed pitch runner
is, thus, of particular interest in the EU context. The ageing hydropower (e.g. Francis and propeller turbines), experience an abrupt decrease in
fleet will require refurbishment to extend its lifespan, address owner- efficiency [7,8] and severe pressure fluctuations [9–14]. As a result,
ship and operation issues and increase the level of security. Such in- unsteady phenomena occur in hydraulic turbines operated far from the
terventions mainly need to focus on the electro-mechanical equipment BEP. These phenomena interrupt the turbines’ regular operation
(i.e. guide vanes, turbine, generator) and the associated control sys- through severe pressure fluctuations [15] that lead to vibrations
tems. [16,17], damage of the mechanical components [18–20], failure of the
Hydropower technology development involves trans-technology runner blade [21,22] and power swing [23–25]. Therefore, the research
knowledge transfer as it has benefited from new concepts and the latest topic summarised in this section is associated to the flow control
advances in other sectors. Hydropower facilities are complex systems techniques to mitigate self-induced instabilities and their potential use
that incorporate a wide spectrum of different technologies into their in new projects as well as in refurbishment/rehabilitation projects of
components. Hydro stations, thus, function as a system of components. aged hydropower units.
Accordingly, the operational characteristics and capabilities of each The standard approach to simulate the performance of a prototype
system depend on the technological features of its elements. It is im- hydraulic machine includes experiments on model turbines to evaluate
portant to highlight that every hydropower station is a unique system the turbine efficiency for the whole range of admissible discharge and
specifically designed to fit the particular site. And this is an important head. The efficiency “hill chart” usually displays peak efficiency at the
difference between hydro and conventional thermal power-plants or so-called BEP. The draft tube, the machine component where the flow
modular renewable energy source (RES) (e.g. wind, solar photovoltaic exiting the runner is decelerated, converts the excess kinetic energy to
(PV)). static pressure. It displays an abrupt increase in hydraulic losses as the
The article describes recent research and development (R&D) ac- operating regime departs from BEP. Practically, the shape of the hill-
tivities and trends that have brought innovation in hydropower and/or chart is dictated by the losses in the draft tube for modern medium/low
improved its operational characteristics. It also analyses components head hydraulic turbines [6].
and their current technology readiness level (TRL); relatively low TRL The unsteady phenomena associated to the rotor-stator interaction
values indicate an available potential for R&D activities. In 2017, the (RSI) are significant for high head reaction hydraulic turbines [26,27]
European Commission (EC) published the “Guidance Principles” [2] to and pump-turbines [28] due to narrow gap between the leading edge of
define hydropower TRL. In general, hydropower system-wide TRL is the runner blades and the trailing edge of the guide vanes.
very high with the exception of novel concepts that this article aims to The hydraulic turbine operation on a wide range is hindered by self-
highlight. induced instabilities during the different off-design operating regimes
This research does not follow the typical procedure to prepare a and transient conditions (e.g. start-up, emergency shut-down, load re-
review type article i.e. extensive bibliographic research. On December jections, and runaway) [29–35]. Therefore, both the structural integrity
2017, the authors met in a workshop organised by the EC Joint and the lifetime of the hydraulic turbine are diminished due to fatigue
Research Centre. There, they discussed emerging technologies related damages [36–39]. As a result, several techniques have been tested and
to hydropower, analysed their TRL maturity and considered existing developed to mitigate the effects. They are distinguished as either ac-
technical challenges and knowledge gaps relevant to their further de- tive or passive depending on the energy injected in the main flow [40].
velopment. In many cases, the technologies assessed were related to the A successful control technique that supports the flexible operation
authors' institutional R&D activities. The article is by no means an ex- of hydropower plants within a wide range has the following features: (i)
haustive collection of research activities related to hydropower. It is, to the control technique addressed the main cause of the self-induced in-
the best of authors’ knowledge, an outline of important fields that can stability rather than its effects; (ii) the method has a minimal (no) effect
shape the future role of hydropower. on the efficiency; (iii) the control technique can be switched-off at
The analysed technologies and concepts can be distinguished into operating points where it is not needed.
six groups, each one analysed in a separate section.
2.1. Passive control techniques
1. Techniques supporting the wide-range operation of hydraulic tur-
bines; The earlier attempts to analyse passive control techniques that ad-
2. Instabilities in Francis turbines of pumped hydro energy storage dress hydraulic instabilities in turbines’ draft tubes were provided by
stations; Thicke [41] and later on in Ref. [13]. Passive control techniques do not
3. The digitalisation of hydropower operation; require auxiliary power and control loop while the active ones require
4. Hydro generators with current-controlled rotors; energy. A number of passive control techniques have been developed
5. Variable speed hydropower generation and/or tested in recent years. These passive methods are listed in
6. Innovative concepts in hydroelectric energy storage; Table 1 together with their advantages/drawbacks and technological
7. Novel technologies in small-scale hydropower; readiness level (TRL) defined by De Rose et al. [2] stabiliser fins [42], J-
8. Fish-friendly hydropower technologies; grooves [43,44], runner cone extensions including freely rotation
(FRUCE) concept [45–50], stator installed immediately downstream to
2. Emerging control technologies to mitigate flow instabilities the runner [51], adjustable diaphragm installed in the draft tube cone
adjustable diaphragm [52,53]. Although passive control techniques
The variable electrical energy production from renewable sources lead to significant improvements in turbine operation at far off-design
(wind and solar) requires that hydraulic turbines operate at a wide regimes, their components cannot be removed when their presence is
range and variable conditions [3]. Therefore, the modern hydraulic no longer required. This leads to unnecessary hydraulic losses and
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
Table 1
Passive control methods.
Passive control method Advantages Drawbacks TRL
stabiliser fins [42] diminishing the draft tube surge local hydraulic losses, effective to limited regimes #9
J-grooves [43,44] diminishing the draft tube surge additional local hydraulic losses, effective to limited #4
runner cone extensions including freely rotation diminishing the draft tube surge lateral forces, decrease in kinetic energy recovery #6
(FRUCE) concept [45–50] within the cone, effective to limited regimes
stator installed immediately downstream to the diminishing the draft tube surges additional hydraulic losses, effective to limited #2
runner [51] regimes
adjustable diaphragm [52,53] diminishing the draft tube surges on wide range regimes additional hydraulic losses #3
water injection with flow feedback method (FFM) diminishing the draft tube surge on wide range regimes, no not identified yet #3
[52–55] additional volumetric losses, self-regulating,
unexpected pressure fluctuations at different operating regimes. An boost is provided by the ejector pumps, diminishing the volumetric
alternative approach is the axial control jet supplied by collecting a losses (Fig. 1).
fraction of the discharge from downstream the runner at the discharge
cone outlet by installing a small spiral collecting case connected
through return pipes to the turbine tubular shaft and the jet nozzle [54]. 2.3. Magneto-rheological control techniques
The pressure excess at the discharge cone wall, mainly due to the swirl,
with respect to the pressure deficit at the runner crown tip, drives the The magneto-rheological control technique was recently introduced
control jet [55]. This method is self-regulated, since the pressure dif- in Ref. [31]. They considered magneto-rheological brake (MRB) to slow
ference that drives the control jet decreases near the best efficiency down the speed of the runner in order to control the swirling flow
regime, thus reducing or cancelling the jet discharge when it is no configuration downstream of it and associated self-induced instabilities.
longer needed. This passive method is called flow feedback (FFM) The MRB device was designed, manufactured and installed on a swir-
[53,54] no additional volumetric losses occur, and no additional energy ling flow test ring to assess its performance. The swirling flow config-
is required to drive the control jet. urations and its associated unsteady effects are controlled by changing
the speed of the MRB [79,80]. This active magneto-rheological tech-
nique diminishes, thus, the axial flux of the circumferential momentum
2.2. Active control techniques
by controlling the speed of the runner. An approach to keep the swirling
flow ingested by the draft tube closed to the optimal configuration (i.e.
The active flow control methods generally use either air or water
flow with minimum draft tube losses and maximum pressure recovery)
injection, using an external energy source. The main active control
while the turbine operating point spans a wide range of discharge va-
techniques are listed in Table 2: air injection/admission [56–59], tan-
lues was introduced in Ref. [81], named “Francis turbine with tandem
gential water injection at the cone wall [60,61], axial water injection
runners”. With this approach, a downstream variable speed runner
with high/low velocity and low/high discharge [62–67], water injec-
named “low-pressure runner” operates in tandem with the Francis
tion with flow feedback method and additional energy (FFM+)
runner with constant speed.
[54,68], axial water injection with co-flow and counter-flow tangential
This concept is functionally different from various counter-rotating
component [69], inverse modulate water jet [70–72] and two-phase
tandem-runner axial machines such as the bulb turbine [82], the
air-water injection along the axis [73,74]. The water injection at the
counter-rotating micro-turbine [83], or the counter-rotating pump-
trailing edge of the wicket gates is developed to mitigate unsteady
turbine [84]. Using an additional axial runner in tandem with the main
phenomena induced by the rotor-stator interaction [75–77]. An active
radial-axial runner has also been proposed in Ref. [85] for a radial-axial
FFM with additional energy called FFM+ was developed in Ref. [68],
pump-turbine (the RAPT concept), but in this case, both runners are
installing two ejector pumps on the return pipes. The ejector pumps
installed on the same shaft and rotate with the same speed.
partially compensate for the hydraulic losses in the return pipes to
reach the required threshold value of the jet discharge. Extensive ex-
perimental investigations showed that the wall pressure fluctuations are
successfully mitigated when the jet reaches 12% of the main flow dis-
charge for a typical part load turbine operating regime [54]. About 10%
of the jet discharge is supplied by the plain flow feedback, and only 2%
Table 2
Active control methods.
Active control method Advantages Drawbacks TRL
air injection/admission [56,59] diminishing the draft tube surges on wide range additional losses, amplification of the self-excitation #9
regimes at a few operating points
tangential water injection at the cone wall [60,61] diminishing the draft tube surge additional volumetric losses #6
axial water injection with high/low velocity [62–67] diminishing the draft tube surge additional volumetric losses #4
water injection with flow feedback method and additional diminishing the draft tube surge not identified yet #3
energy (FFM+) [54,68]
water jet with tangential component [69] diminishing the draft tube surge additional volumetric losses #3
inverse modulate water jet [70–72] diminishing the draft tube surge, modulated additional volumetric losses #4
frequency targets a specific value
two-phase air-water injection [73,74] diminishing the draft tube surge on wide range additional losses #4
water injection at the trailing edge of the wicket gates diminishing RSI effects additional volumetric losses #2
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
Fig. 1. Swirl generator test rig designed to investigate different control techniques: a) photo of the test section installed on test rig b) axial water injection [62–65] c)
magneto-rheological control technique [78–80].
3. Instabilities in Francis turbines of pumped hydro energy distorted and the mesh should, therefore, be repaired or iteratively
storage stations adapted.
The fully coupled and the stepwise methods require validation and
3.1. Fluid-structure interaction verification on simplified (disc or blade cascade) and real runner geo-
metries’ and high-quality model and prototype test data of natural
Wider range and frequent changes in operating conditions including frequency, pressure (including pressure propagation speed and dam-
a large number of starts and stops, thin blade- and vane profiles due to pening of pressure amplitudes), stress, speed, etc. at steady state and
high-performance requirements, and weight optimization, add com- transient operating conditions.
plexity on hydro turbines' analyses of vibration behaviour and fatigue. The HiFrancis project performs experimental and numerical ana-
Simulations during the design phase require the accurate determination lyses of fluid-structure interaction focusing on the role of hydrodynamic
of the dynamic response including dynamic stresses, hydrodynamic damping, added mass effects on frequency, amplitudes of RSI, re-
mass, and damping properties by means of reliable numerical simula- sonance and corresponding mode-shapes of high-head Francis runners.
tions of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) [86]. Understanding the fundamental physical mechanisms will help to de-
An important factor affecting the turbine lifetime and reliable op- velop accurate modelling and robust design procedures with increased
eration are fatigue cracks in the runner, mainly from the rotor-stator dynamic loading of hydro turbines.
interaction (RSI) and related pressure pulsations in the turbine. When An important challenge is ensuring sufficient quality of laboratory
the runner natural frequency is close to the RSI frequency, hydro- and on-site tests to verify numerical tools. In the last 10–20 years,
dynamic damping is an important parameter in controlling turbine measurement techniques for strain gauge tests in rotating systems have
blade-forced response. A reliable technique that can predict the change been systematically improved. Nowadays, the stresses and other re-
in the runner natural frequency and damping is required. The frequency levant parameters in a Francis runner are measured and transferred by a
is mainly dependent on the added mass, but also on flow rate and flow telemetry system [91–93]. Evaluations of strain gauge measurements in
conditions of the upstream and downstream of the runner and espe- Francis runners show that RSI-induced stresses are especially relevant
cially the draft tube. For a structure like the hydro turbine runners, the for medium to high head runners. The onboard measurements provided
modal response is complex exhibiting many natural frequencies with evidence of high mechanical stresses on the runner blades during the
entangled mode-shapes. Since for high head Francis turbine runners synchronization of the machine at speed no-load (SNL) operating con-
dynamic excitation due to RSI can be the main fatigue contributor, dition. There is also evidence of the large fluctuations of the strain rate
there is currently a big cooperative effort for investigating this problem, at the trailing edge of the runner blades close to the junction with the
in terms of the HiFrancis project [87]. hub during the part load operation. Furthermore, damping assumptions
FSI-analysis of hydro turbines can be carried out in steps between are derived from strain gauge measurements. However, the extrapola-
the Fluid- and Stress analysis or fully coupled. Added-mass effect of tion of these measurement results to new runner designs may lead to
surrounding water can be modelled with sufficient accuracy by an inaccuracies, because the influences of vibration mode shapes and flow
acoustic fluid approach, but the consideration of hydrodynamic conditions at different operating points are not fully understood yet.
damping effects and the identification of hydroelastic instabilities re-
quire more realistic descriptions of the fluid flow using Navier-Stokes 3.2. Transient operating conditions
(CFD) solvers. In contrast to aeroelasticity, where loose coupling
schemes of different solvers are common, hydroelastic systems require In the operation of hydro turbines, the transient processes such as
strongly (iteratively) coupled solution procedures [88] or even mono- start-up, no-load, load rejection and very low load are among the most
lithic formulations [89] in which the coupled system is assembled and damaging. Even though there is no power generation, there is still a
solved in a single set of equations. The coupling between the Fluid and significant amount of energy which needs to be entirely dissipated,
Stress analyses can be one-way or two-ways [90]. Structure's dis- mainly in the runner, where the flow is quite complex, with flow
placement affects the results of one-way and two-way coupling. Con- blockage and unsteady vortices resulting from partial pumping.
sidering the large number of the parameters, two-way coupled analysis Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has proved to be a tool for
requires very large computing power and time. In addition, when the assessing the transient operating conditions with sufficient accuracy
structure undergoes large deformations, the fluid mesh may be highly compared to measurements [94–96]. These simulations help the
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
investigation of unsteady pressure pulsations during challenging oper- fleet offer the opportunity to digitise the way hydropower equipment
ating conditions allow a better understanding of transient operations. operates. Apart from the prolongation of the lifetime and addressing
3D-CFD simulations are also used to study the influence of the changes cyber-security risks, rehabilitation and digitalisation involve increasing
of internal flow to the external characteristics during transient pro- the overall efficiency and, thus, the produced energy. Current estima-
cesses. Moreover, most of the transient processes are associated with tions show that the digitalisation of the world's 1225 GW installed hy-
significant discharge changes, causing water hammer waves, travelling dropower capacity could increase by 42 TWh the annual production
back and forth through the whole piping system. These compressible [60], which is equal to USD 5 billion in annual operational savings and
effects introduce additional dynamics in transient processes and com- significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
plexity to the simulations. The aforementioned enhanced services to the grid will be achieved
Simulations of the transient processes calculate the flow in the by increasing the operating range of turbines to enhance the opera-
turbine (from the inlet of the spiral case to the exit of the draft tube) tional flexibility of hydropower plants. Digitalisation will enable re-
with 3D unsteady CFD analysis and the flow in the rest of the hydraulic ducing drastically the response time of generating units or reversible
system with a simplified 1D model that models the water hammer pump-turbines. It will also allow assessing the economic impact of of-
waves in the piping system, surge tank, valves etc. The coupling is fering additional reserve flexibility. Overall, it still supports high-level
realised by partly overlapping the 1-D and 3-D parts while guide vane safety and reliability standards for the hydropower plants.
closure/opening is treated by a moving dynamic mesh method. The requirements for extended operating range and fast dynamics
Time-varying boundary conditions according to on-site measure- are stressing tremendously both the reliability and safety of the hy-
ments are crucial for the accurate prediction of transient pressure dropower plants; unexpected outage being at risk. Therefore, only a
fluctuations. In the event that experimental data are unavailable, disruptive approach could breakthrough this risk by linking physical
boundary conditions are taken from 1-D hydroacoustic simulations, engineering and data science to develop and validate turbine and sys-
imposing machine speed, flow rate and for the load-rejection case also tems digital avatar for harnessing the dynamics of the hydropower
the guide vane position. In case of pump-turbines, the computations plant. The objective is to develop methods and tools for creating the
extend through the S-shaped region of the machine in the turbine-brake “Digital Avatar” of hydropower plant dynamics and, therefore, enabling
and reverse pump domains, showing that such computations can be enhanced services to the grid. A multidisciplinary approach covering
performed on a more regular base, although they are quite time-con- hydraulic machinery, EPS and its associated control and components
suming. fatigue modelling is required for the development of the Digital Avatar
A better understanding of transient operating conditions of hydro of hydropower plant dynamics (Fig. 2).
turbines may lead to further improvements of hydraulic and mechanical State of the art methodology for engineering and operating hydro-
designs, machine stability, and reliability. Findings would indicate electric units includes advanced electromagnetic, flow and structural
problematic regions in terms of structural load or load changes. This numerical simulations of the different hydraulic, mechanical and elec-
would allow improving the turbine start procedure in order to reduce trical components of the machine, [97,98]. Furthermore, extensive tests
stress and increase lifespan. Cavitation, in particular, would also be are performed to validate the aforementioned numerical simulations
worth including in the simulations since it seems to play an important and, then, to secure the installation and operation of the units for re-
role during the start-up and runaway processes. liable commercial operation. Therefore, gathering all the corresponding
information into a comprehensive set of data enables to develop a di-
4. Digitalisation of hydropower operation gital avatar of the unit made available for supporting the flexible unit
operation. In particular, the impact of transient operations such as start-
Most of the hydropower plants were designed decades ago, to work stop can be assessed in terms of stresses, wear and tears and structural
in conditions different from those required to them today. The massive fatigue of the hydroelectric units.
penetration of solar and wind intermittent generation yields new con- Therefore hydroelectric infrastructure may become more compliant
ditions for the electrical power system (EPS), putting at risk its stability to changing and dynamic context conditions (climate, market and en-
by a lack of inertia. Therefore, a key challenge for modern hydropower vironmental safeguards) by introducing new design and operational
plants is to enhance drastically their flexibility by providing storage paradigms (renewal, development). Current TRL is estimated at level 3
capacity and advanced system services that need to be further devel- but the methods and tools to be developed are based on the latest
oped to support the integration of variable renewable energy (VRE). findings and ongoing R&D. The tools and methods to be developed are
However, hydropower plant units actually experience hydrodynamic expected to mitigate the risks for the next technology development
phenomena (see §1–2) that limit their flexibility. stages of hydro units. As the extension of the operating range may entail
The objective is, therefore, to gather and elaborate real-world (big) additional stresses on the electromechanical equipment, the digital
data on the actual working conditions of the turbines to enhance the avatar of the hydropower generation system including turbine, gen-
capacity of hydropower plants to provide advanced grid supporting erator and control, avoids said stresses by accurately and safely mi-
services, without compromising their safety and reliability. The objec- micking the dynamic behaviour of the equipment [99]. The advanced
tive of the emerging technology presented herein is to support hydro- tools used include data analysis, advanced modelling, lifetime predic-
power plants to fulfil the future EPS requirements, by enabling fast tion and methods for predictive maintenance [100] or condition mon-
frequency containment reserve (FCR), frequency restoration reserve itoring [101,102]. Such tools will further contribute to increasing the
(FRR) and black start in emergencies. This novel concept has not been robustness and reliability of the path towards the next technological
studied so far and builds on the knowledge acquired in terms of recent stages. Furthermore, the hydro technology performance will be further
research projects [4] where an extensive series of testing and experi- increased because digitalisation will enable new features to the hy-
ments analysed the phenomena that need to be monitored and con- dropower plant, namely enhanced flexibility, which, therefore, will
trolled. enhance the role of hydropower for wind and photovoltaic energy in-
Such a technological advance would build on the so-called digita- tegration and for the stability of the electrical system.
lisation of hydropower, which will transform the way projects are de- Further to the Hydro Equipment Technology Road-map edited in
signed, developed/upgraded, operated and maintained. Existing hy- 2013 by the former Hydro Equipment Association [103], the concept of
dropower facilities were in many cases constructed several decades ago. a digital turbine has received increased attention and been extensively
Accordingly, the degree of digitalisation of their equipment is low publicised [104]. However, very little has been really achieved so far to
compared to that of the O&M components and systems of modern RES solve the scientific challenges of modelling and controlling the flow
e.g. wind turbines. The rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing phenomena [14,105] experienced by the hydraulic units from still up to
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
Fig. 2. Information flow & exchange of a Digital Avatar for hydropower plant dynamics. Source: authors' compilation.
full load operating range. In particular, recent knowledge advances in temperature, voltage and current sensors. Quite often, though, such
modelling and controlling turbines flow instabilities [66,106] and ca- sensors are only used for system protection and tripping of the unit.
vitation [107], pave the way to future technology development to en- The provided benefit would be increased if the components could
hance the operating range of hydro units. The European research pro- sense the status of the unit and actively. Thus, not only the components
ject HYPERBOLE [4] is worth to be mentioned with respect to the would report but they would also counteract e.g. the vibrations. In that
assessment methodology of the turbine operating stability at off-design way, the system would provide some form of self-healing capability
operating conditions. In particular, the prediction of the stability of during emerging problems. Segmented rotors [112] and current-con-
Francis turbine based on modelling and reduced scale model tests has trolled rotor magnetization equipment has the potential of providing
been validated [108–110]. such a tool for generator air gap unbalances.
In the case of reversible pump-turbine units, which are key com- Normally, an active system requires additional actuators, but in the
ponents for the grid stability, it has been recently demonstrated [111], case of the segmented —or split— rotor (Fig. 3) the existing poles are
that the time to change from the pumping operation mode to generating used as the actuators. However, additional components are needed in
mode can be drastically reduced to make this technology complying the magnetization equipment in order to control the current. The idea is
with the new grid specifications. closely related to self-bearing machines where the radial force is con-
The ultimate aim is to develop a technology that allows the pro- trolled in the electrical machine from the stator side [113,114]. Here,
duction of dispatchable hydropower in a changing context. This would the control is moved to the rotor instead and the circuit adapted to
allow an operation that provides inertia to the EPS and allows a higher achieve the control.
penetration of RES. Advanced monitoring would also provide advanced The system can also be thought of as a magnetic balancing system
levels of safety that are currently not available. The proposed techno- that evens out disturbances in the air gap flux density. As has been
logical development can also be applied in existing stations, trans- shown, the system reduces extra losses and voltage harmonics and vi-
forming their modus operandi. Naturally, the technology needs to be bration levels as well. It is a lifetime extender since it has the potential
transformed into tailor-made models that adapt to the particular to remove fatigue loads on the rotor and stator during operation.
characteristics of each power station. Additional research and devel- Modern power electronics with current-controlled power supplies
opment (R&D) challenges include the cost parameter as well as the provide new opportunities for the control of electrical machines. The
necessity to render water and energy storage at different scales com- idea of a segmented rotor could be combined with novel ideas on ex-
patible with environmental safeguards. citation [115,116] to open-up possibilities for reduced investment cost
and maintenance.
5. Current controlled segmented generator rotors to reduce The most obvious use of a segmented rotor system is to reduce
vibrations and add rotordynamic control unwanted forces as they occur inside the generator. However, since it is
a controllable force it can also be used to affect the rotordynamics of the
Frequent start and stops required to provide secondary regulation shaft. In Fig. 4 a simulation of a Jeffcott rotor with an electrical ma-
result in additional wear on the energy conversion components. chine inside is simulated with and without the added damping from the
Traditionally, inspections indicated to the maintenance engineer about split rotor system. The rotor starts-off excentric and as the rotor spins it
the need to conduct maintenance works. Currently, condition mon- will whirl in the journal bearings.
itoring is intended to provide information about the state of the com- If the damping is low, the whirling motion will persist. Adding
ponents. The next step that is being attempted is condition-based damping would change the situation. This could be of interest in ver-
maintenance. At the same time, sensors, data collection and data ana- tical machines where the stiffness of the journal bearings is quite low in
lysis (see §3) are becoming ever more available and cost-effective. the centred position of the shaft. Possibility to add a constant radial
Every large-scale hydropower unit is equipped with vibration, force would force the bearings to find a stable operating point. All
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
with respect to their synchronous speed, the plant can better adapt to
the to the hydrological regime of the river, thereby increasing the
plant's global efficiency and the units' lifetime, and can also increase its
contribution to the EPS ancillary services.
The above-mentioned speed variation is possible thanks to the use
of power electronic converters, in either of the two following ways:
converter-fed synchronous machine (Fig. 5a) and doubly-fed induction
machine (Fig. 5b). In the current context of increasing penetration of
non-synchronous VRE, variable speed hydropower units offer some
important advantages for the operation of the power system, namely:
better active and reactive power control, larger spinning reserve ca-
pacity. Variable speed pumped storage units are able to control both
active and reactive power in pump mode, as well as start-up in pump
mode and change the operation mode in a time shorter than conven-
tional pumped-storage units.
a) Converter-fed synchronous machine.
active systems require some form of sensors, in the case shown above
position sensors, strain gauges and flux sensors have been used to create
the control signal. However, it is possible to use sensor-less control to
remove dependence on sensors with a small loss of possible control
features. Power electronic converters open up new possibilities for
electrical machines. There is more to discover and it is expected that
new ideas will enhance the coupling of electrical machines with power
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Fig. 7. Advantages of variable speed operation for a centrifugal pump. Source: authors' compilation.
90 MW in turbine/pump mode. One of the units was equipped with a important challenges are [147]:
100-MW frequency converter (world's record for this type of applica-
tion) in May 2013 and is since then operating at variable speed in pump - Enlarge the stable operating range of hydraulic machines in order to
mode (the converter is bypassed in turbine mode) [149]. take full advantage of variable speed operation.
Three more variable speed PSPPs will likely begin operation in the - Enhance the insulation system of converter-fed machines.
following three years, namely: Nant de Drance PSPP, in Switzerland,
will be equipped with six 150-MW pump-turbines, each coupled to a 7. Novel concepts in hydroelectric energy storage
DFIM [146,150]; Fengning PSPP, in China, will be equipped by twelve
300-MW pump-turbines (six units are already in operation), two of The increasing penetration of variable renewable energy (VRE) in
which will be coupled to a DFIM [151]; and Tehri PSPP, in India, will the electrical power system (EPS) is boosting the innovation in energy
be equipped with 4250-MW pump-turbines, each coupled to a DFIM storage. Even though PSPP is a mature storage technology, it continues
[152]. In addition, two old 303-MW pumped-storage units of Okuta- to evolve [160] to respond to the faster and more frequent mode
taragi PSPP, in Japan, are being upgraded for variable speed operation transition requirements i.e. from pump to turbine and vice versa. As for
and will begin operation soon [124,153]. The old pump-turbine runner other more recent energy storage technologies, VRE is acting as the
will be replaced with a new one specifically designed for variable speed main driver for such an evolution. This section summarizes the state-of-
operation, and the old synchronous machine will be replaced with a the-art of two emerging PSPP technologies which, in the authors’ opi-
DFIM [154]. nion, have significant potential.
As can be deduced from the above summary, variable speed hy-
dropower generation has already reached the highest possible TRL. 7.1. Coordinated operation of fast energy storage systems and hydropower
There are, however, only a few variable speed hydropower units (most
of which are pumped-storage units) in operation all over the world. The Renewable generation is usually connected to the grid through
reasons for the slow pace of installation of variable speed hydropower power converters (i.e. non-synchronous). Non-synchronous generation
units are of diverse nature. Some of these reasons are the following: is usually not required to provide synthetic inertia or load-frequency
control. Therefore, for a given demand load in a given power system,
− -It usually takes a long time from the conception of a hydropower the larger the instantaneous penetration of non-synchronous genera-
project to the commissioning of the hydropower plant, in part due to tion, the lower the synchronous inertia provided by conventional syn-
complex administrative procedures [155]. chronous generation and the larger the rate of change of frequency and
- New hydropower developments often raise a wide range of en- the frequency deviations (in absolute value) under contingency events
vironmental concerns [156]. [161–165].
- The extra revenue a variable speed hydropower plant can gain in the Hydropower turbines currently provide inertial response and are
electricity and ancillary services markets is not always worth the well suited to provide load-frequency control as established in Ref.
extra cost necessary for the plant to operate at variable speed [157]. [166]. However, when the system inertia is low, fast-acting frequency
This extra cost was estimated in Ref. [158] to range from 7% to 15% responsive units are needed to maintain the system frequency within
of the investment cost of a fixed speed hydropower plant. the standard frequency range [167,168].
- In some countries, there is no sufficient regulatory certainty for in- The coordinated operation of fast energy storage systems (i.e. in-
vestments in hydropower [159]. verter-coupled) and hydropower would allow a better frequency con-
trol in the electrical power system, with lower wear and tear of the
Despite the foregoing, there are still some technological challenges hydropower units. Among the various existing inverter-coupled energy
left that, once overcome, might contribute to enlarge the above-men- storage technologies, flywheels and supercapacitors are probably the
tioned advantages of variable speed hydropower generation. Two ones that are best suited for frequency control applications. Both are
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
able to withstand a large number of continuous charge-discharge cy- production, and thus to integrate more wind power in the electrical
cles, but usually, have a small energy storage capacity and can, there- power system.
fore, control their active power output/input for a small amount of time The coordination of a supercapacitor energy storage plant and a
(from a few seconds to a few minutes) [169]. Hydropower generation run-of-the-river hydropower plant equipped with a doubly-fed induc-
has, in turn, lower frequency response but can usually control its active tion generator to provide frequency regulation was studied in Ref.
power output for a longer time (from a few hours to a few days, or even [176]. The supercapacitor energy storage plant was assumed to provide
longer). Flywheels and supercapacitors can be easily integrated into a virtual inertial response, whereas the hydropower plant was assumed
existing hydropower plants and fully operational in a very short time to provide frequency regulation. The results presented in the paper
(few months). Their integration in existing hydropower plants might demonstrated the benefits, in terms of frequency quality, that providing
provide additional benefits to the voltage control in the vicinity of the an inertial response with fast-acting energy storage systems and fre-
power plant. It would be also possible to coordinate the operation of quency regulation with medium-fast generation units can bring to the
existing hydropower plants with a fast energy storage system connected EPS. The virtual inertial response provided by fast-acting energy sto-
to the transmission power system in another network node, or even rage systems helps reduce (in absolute values) the system rate of change
with a set of them geographically distributed. A potential layout of the of frequency). Thus, medium-fast generation units are able to contain
hybrid system can be seen in Fig. 8. the frequency deviation within a narrower band.
The coordination of fast energy storage systems and hydropower has The power generation system of Flores Island, in the Azores
not yet been demonstrated in an operational environment. The tech- Archipelago, is composed of 4 small hydropower units, 2 wind and 4
nology was partially brought to a TRL 4 by a research team of the diesel generators, and a flywheel [177]. Even though to our knowledge
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), as a result of a research there is no explicit coordination between the hydropower units and the
project titled “Wide-area energy storage and management system to flywheel, we believe it's worth mentioning such a unique power gen-
balance intermittent resources in the Bonneville Power Administration eration system.
and California ISO control areas". The International Hydropower Association (IHA) estimates that the
Phase–1 of the project [170] included the development of a control world's total installed hydropower capacity (including pumped-storage)
algorithm for an aggregate regulating unit, comprising a hydropower was 1267 GW at the end of 2017 [178]. Assuming that each existing
unit and a flywheel, to follow the area control error (ACE) signal. The hydropower and pumped-storage plant (PSPP) were complemented by
control algorithm was tested by means of computer simulations. The fast energy storage with e.g. 5% of the installed hydropower capacity,
results of the simulations showed that the aggregate regulating unit new 65 GW of fast energy storage systems, distributed among several
may provide a robust and accurate ACE signal tracking, and that the thousand projects, would have to be manufactured, installed and
flywheel may help to keep the hydro unit operating point close to the commissioned worldwide. This would definitely contribute to creating
best efficiency, while the hydro unit may help to hold the flywheel's appealing market opportunities for, and to strengthen the competi-
state of charge (SOC) within the desired range. tiveness of a wide number of agents.
In Phase–2 of the project, the PNNL successfully tested the control
algorithm with a 25-kWh, 100-kW flywheel provided by Beacon Power 7.2. Underwater pumped-hydro energy storage
by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulations [171,172]. Based on the
concept, an improved version of the control algorithm [173] and a An important limitation of PHES is that it can only be developed in
patent [174] were published. geographically suitable locations. The underwater pumped hydro en-
The contribution of a flywheel energy storage system to the fre- ergy storage (UPHES) is a novel pumped storage concept in which the
quency control of El Hierro wind-hydropower system was addressed in upper reservoir is the sea itself and the lower reservoir is a hollow
Ref. [175]. Different control strategies were tested by means of com- deposit (or a set of) located at the seabed. The seawater entering the
puter simulations. In order to properly distribute the frequency reg- deposit drives a turbine and generates electricity. The deposit is emp-
ulation effort between the flywheels and the hydropower units, dif- tied by pumping the water back to the sea, thus storing part of the
ferent control dead-bands were assigned to each technology. The results electricity consumed in the form of potential energy. The concept was
presented in Ref. [175] point out that, in El Hierro power system, a devised with the aim to enlarge the number of potential locations for
flywheel energy storage system with a power rating of 3% of that of the PSPP. The operating principle of UPHES is summarised in Fig. 9.
pumped-storage power plant can help significantly reduce the ampli- The technical viability of UPHES was analysed for the first time by a
tude of frequency oscillations caused by the variability of wind power research team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
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Fig. 10. Breastshot water wheel in Verolengo, Italy and its laboratory 1:2 model [201]. Source: authors' compilation.
undershot water wheel (few m3s−1). Preliminary experiments have manufacturers and hydropower consulting firms (point ii), and partially
been conducted with a small-scale prototype (30 cm wheel diameter, to the few technical challenges yet to be addressed regarding the PAT
scale < 1:10), indicating a current TRL 4 [208]. design and operation (part iii). Indeed, the current technology readiness
level of PAT technology is estimated at TRL–4 due to limited knowledge
8.2. Advanced design and operation of pumps as turbines on the design and operation characteristics of reversed pumps [218].
So far, existing PAT-based schemes typically feature a nominal
Pump as turbines (PAT) are hydraulic pumps operating in reverse power below 20 kW even though a few examples of larger installations
mode as turbines, thus producing energy rather than consuming it by exist [219]. The most outstanding field of application of PATs is pow-
means of a connected induction motor working as generator [209]. In ering off-grid rural electrification projects in remote areas, where local
Fig. 11 is displayed a standard centrifugal PAT linked to a torque meter hydro turbine suppliers are not available [209,220,221] and energy
and induction generator. Hydraulic pumps are mass-produced globally recovery in pressurised water networks [222].
and the main advantages of their application as turbines include com- The main research directions on the topic of PATs can be grouped
pact dimensions, short delivery time, easy maintenance and availability into 4 topics:
of spare parts, and reduced installation cost [210–214].
With respect to conventional turbines, the cost is 5–10 times lower a. The first aims for improved performance prediction of PATs and
[215]. This is particularly significant in the context of micro hydro- reduced design uncertainties by reliably predicting the character-
power schemes having installed power less than 100 kW where typi- istic curves of any machine with respect to their known behaviour as
cally the 35% of the total scheme cost corresponds to the purchase of pumps. The main efforts point towards the development of numer-
the turbo-generator unit [216,217]. At the same time, though, the use ical methods based on empirical data from tested pumps/PATs or
of PATs brings about a few drawbacks: the refinement and validation of CFD models [223–227].
b. A second topic aims at improved control of PAT installations under
vii. lower peak hydraulic efficiency with respect to a conventional variable flow and head conditions, typical in drinking and irrigation
turbine; water networks. Such methods rely either on mechanical devices as
ix. a general lack of performance data provided by the manufacturers; automated valves and hydraulic bypass ducts (hydraulic regulation),
x. design uncertainties and associated risks for designers and users; on the adoption of a variable-speed drive (electric regulation) or on
xi. the lack of in-built regulation devices (e.g. wicket gates, movable- a combination of both (hydraulic-electric regulation) [228–230].
pitch blades) commonly results in poor part-load performances. Intermittent Operations is an investigated design solution [130]
with a limited application in hydro schemes [222].
Despite the benefits associated with the use of PATs, their share in c. PAT geometry modification in order to improve the performance of
the hydro turbine market until now has been negligible. This is partially a pump when used as the turbine is a third thematic area. This in-
attributable to the lack of knowledge or interest on the topic from pump cludes measures such as inlet impeller rounding and suction eye
Fig. 11. Hydraulic test rig to evaluate the performance of Pumps as Turbines at Trinity College Dublin under the Dwr Uisce project: a) view of the assembled turbine,
inline torque meter and induction generator; b) overall view with a flow meter, control valve and pressure reading gauges. Source: authors' compilation.
I. Kougias, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 113 (2019) 109257
enlargement [231]; downstream fish migration, because fish tend to follow the main river
d. In a fourth thematic area PATs are coupled with innovative gen- flow i.e. the flow running through the turbine.
erator types and configurations other than induction alternators, Despite the high TRL of fish passages, recent analyses show that
such as permanent magnet or self-excited induction generator ma- most of them are not eco-efficient. In many cases, the river species are
chines [232]. not able to use them [241, 244]. The interaction between fish popu-
lations and the passages is a complex phenomenon and optimal designs
The ultimate goal is to produce a design methodology ultimately should consider fish behaviour and fish reaction to external stimuli
leading to a wider application of such units to tap a significant potential coming from the turbulent and hydraulic flow field [245,246]. From an
otherwise dissipated. To address the lack of performance data, a recent engineering point of view, it is still needed to better understand the
study proposes a statistical method to obtain the turbine mode char- optimal design of fish passage in relation to swimming ability of fish
acteristics from the pump manufacturer data [233]. Besides the aca- and determine the most suitable locations to install their inlet/outlet.
demic environment, examples of commercial R&D activities include Fish passages adopted for the downstream migration is generally
solutions for PAT utilisation in water networks developed by EPFL/HES different from the fish ladder used for the upstream one. Accordingly,
Wallis in terms of the DuoTurbo project [234] Tecnoturbines in the EU screens are placed before the turbine to prevent fish entrance and to
[235], Rentricity in the US [236] and a modular PAT-based turnkey divert them towards the passage. Such screens induce head losses, i.e. a
containerised powerhouse [237]. reduction in the power output of the hydro plant. The authors in Ref.
[244] underline the need to conduct in-depth investigations on the
8.3. Assessment of hydropower potential in existing infrastructure complex interaction between fish and such structures.
Recent scientific efforts have also focused on understanding the
Untapped hydro potential lies in existing small dams developed in relationships between turbulent hydraulic environments and animal
rural-agricultural areas to meet various needs not related to energy behaviour in the fishways to improve attraction, approach, entry and
production such as irrigation, drinking water supply [190] or flood passage for multiple species [247].
mitigation [238]. Dam construction and the required civil works con-
stitute up to 60% of the capital cost of new hydro [238]. Accordingly, 9.2. Fish-friendly turbine design
the transformation of such dams to hydroelectric facilities, when pos-
sible, typically involves a fraction of the total cost and time. In order to overcome the limitations of fish passages, recent R&D
The first large-scale assessment of such potential was conducted in efforts have focused on the development of fish-friendly turbines for
the U.S [239]. and the influential analysis revealed that the transfor- relatively higher head hydro stations. Accordingly, the Alden turbine
mation of the U.S. non-powered dams (NPDs) could add up to 12 GW of and the Minimum Gap Runner turbine have been introduced. The Alden
hydropower capacity. The analysis in Ref. [240] estimated the potential turbine specifically works with head differences of up to 25 m.
in NPDs of sub-Saharan Africa states at 243.5 MW. To date, a similar The Alden turbine is a relatively new design for a fish-friendly
analysis has not been performed for large parts of the world hampering turbine. It has only three blades to reduce fish mortality wrapped
the identification of the first-rate advantageous NPDs. around the shaft that rotates around a vertical axis. It also features a
slower rotational speed (120 rpm in the model) compared to conven-
9. Fish-friendly hydropower tional turbine technologies. The Alden turbine was initially con-
ceptualised and tested using CFD and experiments at a pilot scale in the
The environmental and ecological characteristics of hydropower Alden research laboratory [248]. A physical model (scale 1:8.71) has
plants have been the objective of several research projects. The objec- been developed and tested. The results indicate that the commercially is
tive of these projects has been the fish population, the design of fish- expected to allow maximum hydraulic efficiency of 93.6% and fish
friendly turbines and the development of water-lubricated bearings in passage survival rates of 98% or greater for fish less than 20 cm [249].
turbines to mitigate water pollution risk. Research activities related to The Minimum Gap Runner turbine (MGR) is a modification of the
water-related challenges such as securing the required environmental Kaplan turbine. Its design reduces the gaps between the adjustable
flows to enable ecological conservation and the water-energy-eco- runner blade and the hub as well as and between the blades and the
system nexus interactions exceed the scope of the present article as they discharge ring. These modifications resulted in decreased fish injury
are not of purely technological nature. and mortality and improved turbine efficiency [249].
Although hydropower is the largest source of clean electricity,
hydro plants may generate adverse effects on ecosystems. Allowing fish 10. Conclusions
migration is of primary importance in ecosystem preservation, espe-
cially during the spawning and migrating bio-period. Aiming at mini- The present article collects information on the challenges, innova-
mizing turbine-induced mortality of downstream migrating fish popu- tion trends and emerging hydropower technologies. It mainly covers
lations, an eco-hydraulics approach is adopted in hydropower plants’ European research projects related to various aspects of hydropower.
design. Contrary to the conventional turbines, low head gravity tur- Hydropower facilities are complex systems that employ a wide spec-
bines (water wheels, hydrodynamic screws) are considered fish- trum of methods and (sub-)technologies bridging knowledge of dif-
friendly. However, these turbines can be only employed at very low ferent scientific disciplines. This work is an attempt to analyse these
head sites. Therefore, two strategies have been developed for high head aspects in an integrated manner. Accordingly, it covers typical me-
hydropower: fish passage facilities and fish-friendly turbines. chanical technology research related to hydropower components also
presenting the progress of experimental and laboratory applications. It
9.1. Fish passages also includes aspects related to the generators and the electrical
equipment, a vital element of hydroelectric stations. The emerging need
Fish passages are hydraulic structures that allow the upstream and to digitalise hydropower design and operation is also presented. The
downstream migration of fish when a dam impedes their migration digital transformation of hydropower is expected to revolutionise the
[241]. Their application already dates a few decades in the past [242] way new and existing hydro stations operate especially given the fact
and is considered a technologically mature sub-system. Classical ex- that, so far, the hydropower field –a relatively conservative sector– has
amples of fish passages are vertical slot fish ladders [243] consisting of not adopted the latest advances of the information technology (IT)
a channel with typical bed slope between 5% and 10%, with pools se- sector. Novel concepts in hydropower energy storage and hybrid op-
parated by transversal baffles. However, fish ladders are not suitable for erations that include radically new designs have also been presented.
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