Skor Nilai:: Critical Journal Review MK Tilda S1 Education Mathematics Bilingual
Skor Nilai:: Critical Journal Review MK Tilda S1 Education Mathematics Bilingual
Skor Nilai:: Critical Journal Review MK Tilda S1 Education Mathematics Bilingual
A. Background Theory and Research Objectives
Background Theory : Based on the National Education System Law
(UUSPN) No.20 of 2003 (In Munib, 2010) Education is one of the
conscious and planned efforts to create an atmosphere of learning and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and the skills needed by himself, society, nation and country.
In the implementation of a good educational program it takes a pleasant
atmosphere and learning process so that it can influence the improvement
of student learning outcomes in certain fields of education. Learning
achievement is a testament to the success of a student in conducting
learning activities according to the weight achieved (Winkel in Sunarto,
2009). Within the scope of education (school), the role of the teacher is
needed in improving student learning achievement. According to
Yuliastini (2015) Teachers as educators are not only focused on the
transfer of knowledge but also must be able to change behavior, provide
positive encouragement so that they are motivated, provide a pleasant
learning atmosphere so that students can develop as much as possible. In
the learning process, a teacher is said to have succeeded in carrying out
learning if the final results or student learning outcomes have satisfying
results ie the value achieved is above the KKM (Minimum completeness
criteria). Based on observations that have been made at SMK Negeri 1
Kersana on June 20, 2015 about the learning model conducted in the
multimedia department, according to the multimedia lecturer, Mr. Edy
Setiawan said that in general learning is done with lecture, demonstration,
presentation, and practicum models. In addition, the Department of
Multimedia is one of the majors that has just been established in the last 2
years, for this reason there is a need for new methods of learning that are
more innovative so as to be able to increase the teacher's insight in
teaching so as to improve student learning outcomes even better.
Furthermore, based on the findings of documents sourced from Mr. Edy
Setiawan as the Head of Multimedia Study Program and Mr. Mulyadi as
Subject Teachers, the average daily test scores of the last 2 years for basic
network subjects are still low, because the target completeness
determined by the subject teacher basic network that is equal to 80.
Likewise with the average value obtained decreased by that in the
2013/2014 school year by 76.83 and in the 2014/2015 school year by
75.95. Based on the existing problems, there needs to be a new learning
model that can increase student motivation so students can be more active
in class and can master the lessons as expected. Some experts believe that
a subject is really mastered a lot if students are able to teach other
participants (Mega, 2014). Silberman (2010) states that "teaching peers
provides an opportunity for students to learn something good at the same
time when he is a resource for others". In addition, basic network learning
especially network media teaching materials mostly contain theories, so
students are required to understand the material because the material in
basic network subjects is the basic material for students to recognize the
types of media that will later be used as provisions for entry into practical
lessons , so in theory students are ripe to learn these types of media. There
are several reasons why students tend to be more passive in class and
monotonous just listening to the teacher explain the lesson. According to
Richard (2007) Students who work weak individually tend to give up
when they are trapped but when they work cooperatively, they continue.
Likewise with strong students who are faced with the task of explaining
and clarifying material to weak students often find gaps in their
understanding, but Self-employed students tend to delay completing
assignments but when they know others are counting on them, they will
be motivated to do the work in a timely manner. In addition, Latuheru (In
Yuliastini (2015)) states that in learning, the role of multimedia becomes
increasingly important, because the media are designed to complement
each other so that the whole system becomes efficient and effective,
where a unity is better than the number of parts -party.
Research purposes: The purpose of this research is to find out how the
application of Take and Give learning models assisted with Adobe Flash
multimedia and increase student learning outcomes in teaching materials
for network data communication media.
B. Method Used
The method used : Based on the formulation of the problem and the
purpose of this study is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method.
The actions used in this study are by applying the Take and Give learning
model assisted by Adobe Adobe Flash in the teaching material of network
data communication media. CAR activities are divided into two cycles,
each cycle consisting of four steps, namely the action plan, action
implementation, observation and reflection. The object in this study, the
Take and Give learning model supported by Adobe Flash multimedia.
The subjects in this study were 40 class X students majoring in
Multimedia SMK 1 Kersana. In this study there are two variables, namely
the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). The
independent variable in this study is learning to network data
communication media with Take and Give models are supported by
Adobe Flash multimedia while the dependent variable is student learning
outcomes in teaching materials for network data communication media.
Data collection instruments in this study included observation sheets of
teacher and student activities, document review (documentation), media
and material validation questionnaires, and test questions. Analysis of test
questions using quantitative descriptive analysis. Analysis of student and
teacher observation sheets using descriptive qualitative analysis.
Indicators of success in this study, namely if there is an increase in
student learning outcomes in the Department of Multimedia class X in
teaching materials network data communication media if the percentage
of students who successfully complete the completeness criteria on the
test results is ≥75% of students get a grade of ≥80.
C. Results and Discussion
The results of this study : The results of research in the form of student
activity data sheets, assessment of teacher performance and the results of
student test questions during the study. Assessment of student activity
and teacher performance in learning media data communication is done
by teachers who are considered capable of making observations.
Assessment is carried out in cycle I and cycle II. Following the analysis
of the data obtained: Before the action is carried out, the researcher
conducts an examination of the media used, the material to be discussed,
as well as the test questions to be tested on students. The media test is
carried out to measure the level of feasibility of the media to be used in
learning network data communication media so that the information
conveyed through Adobe Flash media can be received by students. Media
testing was carried out by three experts who were considered capable in
their fields. The test results obtained indicate that the graph of the
variable shows the percentage of 85.18% (Good) and the media use
variable obtained a percentage of 90.28% (Very Good), so that the
percentage of validation obtained by 87.22%, which means the media
"Very feasible" to use. Then after the media is tested, the material
contained in the media needs to be tested for eligibility. Based on the
results of data analysis, a percentage of 93.33% was obtained in the
systematic variable of the material and in the material presentation
variable was obtained a percentage of 95%, so the final results showed
that the material used in the learning of network data communication
media is "very feasible" to be tested with a percentage of validation at
94.17%. As with material and media, the question instruments also need
to be tested for their level of eligibility so they do not come out of the
Basic Competencies to be discussed, in this case, which is about network
data communication media. Based on the results of testing the test
questions conducted by three experts (in this case subject teachers) who
are considered capable in their fields, it can be concluded that the
conditions of the test questions are in good condition which means the
questions are "worthy" to be tested on students.
Discussion of this research : Application Of Take And Give Learning
Model In Teaching Data Network Media Communication Media
D. Attachment