Anju Duhan and Satbir Singh
Anju Duhan and Satbir Singh
Anju Duhan and Satbir Singh
To interact with the other factors of al., 2008). Weather and natural variables
production, agricultural information is an affect agriculture sector and its productivity
essential factor. To control over their due to which, it is considered as unique
resources and decision-making processes sector. An institution or individual that creates
information empowers farmers. The farmers or brings about a message is considered as an
are facilitated in decision-making towards information source. Relevance, timelessness,
improved agricultural production, processing, accuracy, cost effectiveness, reliability,
trading and marketing through an effective usability, exhaustiveness and aggregation
and efficient release system of essential level are the main characteristics of a good
information and technology services information source.
(Maningas et al., 2005). Research, education
and agricultural organizations can help To be certain that decisions made on the farm
farmers by supplying adequate information in will give effective outcome, it is important to
better decision making. So, to manage and to recognize and evaluate the risks in
improve the functioning of a particular agriculture. Considering the fact that
agricultural information system, there is a agricultural products are related to natural
need to understand it initially (Demiryurek et processes, so the farmers are more likely to
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
face risks than other businesses. The natural relationship between the increased flow of
events such as poor weather conditions have a knowledge and information and agricultural
negative impact on the production in farming. development (Fawole, 2008). The large
There may also a further increase in the amount of knowledge and the relevant
economic costs due to the major climatic information exists in research institutions,
disasters. Therefore, the farmers have to universities and public offices of the country
develop the strategies with the assistance of but, only a small amount of this agricultural
government to cope with these adverse information is accessible to rural farmers.
natural events (Girdziutea, 2012). The This status largely depicts the weak linkages
essential features in agriculture are between research, extension and farmers.
uncertainty and risk. The sources of Thus the poor linkage between these
uncertainty and risk in agriculture are the institutions and farmer is the main reason
events related to climate and weather farmers could not use new technologies to
conditions, changes in prices in agriculture improve their farming activities in the
produce and inputs such as fertilizer and developing countries (Lwoga et al., 2011).
pesticides, farm machinery etc. and risks
related to financial policy and regulatory Materials and Methods
risks. All the risks involved in agriculture are
linked rather than their independency (Aimin, The present study is mainly based on primary
2010). Farm production is affected by several data and exploratory in nature. The data has
kinds of risks. Farmers´ production decisions been collected with the help of a well-
and wellbeing are directly affected by these structured questionnaire from the respondents
risks. Due to weather conditions, plant through an interview schedule. The
diseases and price instability farmers have to questionnaire is administered on 567
face many challenges in their economic randomly selected farmers from all over the
activity. Weather, market developments and Haryana. The collected data has been
other events are beyond the control of farmers analyzed by using the statistical tool
but have a direct effect on the returns from percentage analysis.
agricultural activities (Aidoo et al., 2014).
Therefore, this study was undertaken with the Results and Discussion
objective to trace out the source of
information used by the farmers for The sampled data is analyzed to investigate
performing agricultural activities in Haryana. the sources of information used by the
farmers for weather forecasting and
To utilize information and knowledge to performing agricultural activities accordingly.
improve productivity especially in agriculture, The existing literature pointed out the number
advancements in the information and of information sources available to the
communication technologies provide an farmers but they approach them according to
opportunity for developing and agrarian their age, understanding level etc. The
countries like India (Lwoga, 2010). Due to proportions of responses sharing the
differing literacy, technical skills and agreement with a particular source of
functional digital content, the farmers who are information used are computed for all data set
poor from available resources are mainly and also for different age groups and
affected in their ability to use information and educational qualification groups with the
communication technologies unfortunately reference of information sources used
(Ghatak, 2007). There is a positive presented in Table 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
Sources Education
Below Matric Senior Graduate Post
matric Secondary Graduate
Agricultural universities 24 (7.5) 64 (14.6) 35 (14.4) 46 (27.1) 17 (23.9)
State agriculture department 41 (12.8) 67 (15.3) 50 (20.6) 36 (21.1) 17 (23.9)
Private companies 32 (10.0) 30 (6.8) 16 (6.6) 5 (2.9) 0 (0.0)
Agriculture input dealers 33 (10.3) 41 (9.4) 22 (9.1) 3 (1.8) 1 (1.4)
Radio 43 (13.4) 54 (12.3) 16 (6.6) 5 (2.9) 1 (1.4)
Television 52 (16.2) 82 (18.7) 39 (16.0) 21 (12.4) 9 (12.7)
Newspaper 54 (16.9) 76 (17.4) 44 (18.1) 29 (17.1) 15 (21.1)
Internet 5 (1.6) 3 (0.7) 8 (3.3) 23 (13.5) 11 (15.6)
Fellow farmers 36 (11.3) 21 (4.8) 13 (5.3) 2 (1.2) 0 (0.0)
Sources Age
55 and
18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 above
Agricultural universities 13 (13.3) 67 (19.2) 48 (13.2) 48 (13.7) 14 (7.1)
State agriculture
11 (11.2) 72 (20.6) 63 (17.3) 58 (16.6) 21 (10.7)
Private companies 6 (6.1) 13 (3.7) 31 (8.5) 27 (7.7) 20 (10.2)
Agriculture input dealers 5 (5.1) 21 (6.0) 35 (9.6) 36 (10.3) 27 (13.7)
Radio 10 (10.2) 19 (5.4) 37 (10.1) 40 (11.4) 29 (14.7)
Television 19 (19.4) 53 (15.2) 62 (17.0) 54 (15.4) 30 (15.2)
Newspaper 21 (21.4) 62 (17.8) 63 (17.3) 54 (15.4) 28 (14.2)
Internet 9 (9.2) 27 (7.7) 7 (1.9) 5 (1.4) 2 (1.0)
Fellow farmers 4 (4.1) 15 (4.3) 19 (5.2) 28 (8.0) 26 (13.2)
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
Sources Education
Below Matric Senior Graduate Post
matric Secondary Graduate
Newspaper 84 (31.6) 122 (33.9) 61 (34.5) 27 (24.5) 11 (22.9)
Radio 62 (23.4) 76 (21.1) 19 (10.7) 9 (8.2) 5 (10.4)
Television 56 (21.2) 85 (23.7) 37 (20.9) 16 (14.5) 7 (14.6)
SMS service on mobile 30 (11.3) 52 (14.4) 41 (23.2) 35 (31.9) 14 (29.1)
Internet 6 (2.3) 12 (3.3) 16 (9.0) 21 (19.1) 9 (18.8)
Fellow farmers 29 (10.2) 13 (3.6) 3 (1.7) 2 (1.8) 2 (4.2)
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
maximum number of farmers got latest towards using the sources of authentic
weather information from newspaper (55.9%) information about farming activities. The
followed by television (39.3%), radio (35.1%) farming activities involves number of
and SMS services on the mobile (31.0%). decisions which required varied information
Newspaper, the print media, was the most such as weather conditions, market prices,
reliable and authentic source of information seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, farm equipments,
considered by the farmers. Only 11.5% etc. There are various sources of latest
farmers used internet as a source of latest information available about farming activities
information about weather. In these days SMS applied by the respondents. The farmers use
services on the mobile of the farmers are also sources of information according to their
encouraged by the state agricultural education level. A very little percentage of
universities. Farmers also depended on the farmers got latest information from the use of
fellow farmers (13.1%) for the information internet. It shows that farmers were yet away
about weather. from the technology which is moving fast in
this era. Literacy level of the respondents may
The table provides the figures that how be the reason behind this. Low educated
education affects the farmers’ choices of farmers generally approach agriculture inputs
getting information about weather forecasting. dealers which are not considered as an
The sources of information were newspaper, authentic source of information. Newspaper
radio, television, internet, fellow farmers and was the most popular source of getting latest
SMS services provided by agricultural information about the agricultural activities
universities on the mobiles of the farmers, etc. followed by television and agricultural
The farmers used these sources according to universities. State agriculture departments
their reach and educational level. For which are the standardized source of
example, low educated farmers were not information about the agricultural activities,
comfortable in using internet or SMS were highly accessed by the farmers under the
services. Thus, the data showed that the age group of 25-35, followed by 35-45 and
maximum below matric (31.6%), matric 45-55. A very little number of farmers under
(33.9%) and senior secondary (34.5%) the age group of 55 and above used internet.
farmers used newspaper as a source of latest In current days SMS services on the mobile of
information about weather for performing the farmers are also encouraged by the state
farming activities accordingly followed by agricultural universities. Thus, it is concluded
radio (23.4%) and television (21.2%) in case that as education level of farmers’ increases,
of below matric, television (23.7%) and radio they use reliable and government authorized
(21.1%) in case of matric farmers. 23.2% sources of information. So, education means a
senior secondary farmers used SMS service lot towards using the sources of authentic
on their mobile phone for latest information information about farming activities.
followed by newspaper (34.5%). The
maximum percentage of highly educated Acknowledgment
farmers (post graduate) used information
through SMS services for their farming The authors are thankful to Dr. Ved Pal
activities followed by the newspaper. Thus, it sheera, Professor, Haryana School of
was concluded that as educational level of Business, Guru Jambheshwar University of
farmers’ increased, they used reliable and Science and Technology, Hisar for providing
government authorized sources of valuable guidance and suggestions during the
information. So, education means a lot study.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 1559-1565
Anju Duhan and Satbir Singh. 2017. Sources of Agricultural Information Accessed by Farmers
in Haryana, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(12): 1559-1565.