44 of 1954

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ravi bhateja <ravibhateja1978@gmail.


FOR SUIT KESHO DASS (Deceased ) v/s Baldev Raj and others currently in
process at room no.350 Tees Hazari Court Complex .
1 message

ravi bhateja <[email protected]> 24 May 2018 at 23:33

To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]

Respected counsels,

It is most respectfully and humbly submitted BY THE APPLICANT that yourself MAY KINDLY be pleased to kindly
spare a min or two from your precious time to have a look at a document annexed as an attachment for your kind
consideration & perusal as the document pertains to a question which the Ld. P.O has raised regarding the Act under
which the migrants after partition were paid cash and 
were allotted 
assets in lieu of their verified claims for their
properties  which they were forced to abandon and abjure during partition while leaving pakistan WHICH WERE
SUIT PROPERTY h-10 kirti nagar , Delhi


ACT, 1954
[ACT 44 OF 1954)
1. Short title.
2. Definitions.
3. Appointment of Chief Settlement Commissioner, etc.
4. Application for payment of compensation.
5. Determination of public dues by Settlement Officers
6. Relief to certain banking companies •.
7. Determination of the amount of compensation.
8. Form and manner of payment of compensation.
8-A. Payment of compensation in cases of Mortgaged Properties.
9. Payment of compensation in cases of disputes.
10. Special procedure for payment of compensation in certain cases.
11. Rehabil Hation and other grants to di sp laced persons.
12. Power to acquire evacU.~~ property for rehabilitation of displaced persons.
13. Compensation for evacuee prpperty acquired under this Act.
14. Compensation pool.
15. Exemption of property in compensation pool from processes of courts.
16. Management of compensation pool.
17. Functions and duties of managing officers and managing corporations.
18. Dissolution of Managing Corporation.
19. Power to vary or cancel lease or allotment of any property acquired under this Act
20. Power to transfer property out of the compensation pool.
20-A. Utilisation of compensation pool in connection with restoration of evacuee 'property
in certain cases.
20-B R"estriction on restorations of certain property.
21. Recovery of certain sums as arrears of land revenue.
22. Appeals to the Settlement Commissioner.
23. Appeals to the Chief Settlement Commissioner.
24. Power of revision of the Chief Settlement Commissioner.
25. Review, and amendments of orders
26. Powers of officers appointed under this Act etc.
27. Finality of orders.
28. Power to transfer cases.
·29. Special protection from ejectment to certain classes of persons.
30. Exemption from arrest.
31. Advisory Board.
32. Power to give directions.
33. Certain residuary powers of Central Government.
34. Delegation of powers.
35. Penalty.
36 •. Bar of Jurisdiction.
37. Officers appointed under the Act to be public servantS.
38. Protection of actio.n taken in good faith.
39. Validation of certain action before the commencement of the Act.
40. Power to make rules.
ACT, 1954
(ACT NO. 44 OF 1954)
(as amended up-to-date)
[9th October, 1954]
An Act to provide for the payment of compensation and rehabilitation grant to displaced persons
and for matter connected therewith.

Be it enacted by Parliament in the Fifth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-

1. Shorttitle.-This Act may be called the Displaced Persons (Compensation and Rehabilitation)
Act, 1954.

Definitions.-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a) "compensaton pool" means the compensation pool constituted under section 14;
(b) "di sp 1aced person" means any person who, on account of the setting up of the Dominions of
India and Pakistan, or on account of civil disturbances ~r the fear of such dis~urbances in any area
now forming part of West Pakistan, has after the first day of March, 194-7, left, or been displaced
from, his place of residence in such' area and who has been subequently residing in India, and includes
any person who is resident in any place now forming part of India and who for that reason is unable
or has been rendered unab 1e to manage, supervi se or control any immovable property bel ong1og to him
in West Pakistan, and also includes the successors-interest of any such person;
(c) "evacuee property" means any property which has been declared or is deemed to have been
declared as evacuee property under the Administration of Evacuee Property Act, 1950 (XXXI of 1950),
(d) "public dues" in relation to a displaced person, includes-
(1) arrears of rent in respect of any property allotted or 1eased to the di sp 1aced person by
the Central Government or a State Government or the Custodian
(ii) any amount recoverable, whether in one lump sum or in instalments, from the displaced person
on account of loans granted to him by the Central Government •ora State Government or
the Rehabilitation Finances Administration Act, 1948 (XII of 1948), and any interest on
such loans;
(i i i) the amount of purchase money or any part thereof and any interest on such amount or part
remaining unpaid and recoverable from the displaced person on account of transfer to him
}[of any property or interest therein by-
fa) the Cen~ral Government; or
\b) any State Government; or
(c) any body corporate or other authority or person fi nanced by the Central Government or a
State Government for the p",rpose of the' acquisition; development or consttuction of any
immovable property for the rehabilitation of displaced persons;
2(iiia) any dues payable, whether in one lump sum or in instalments, to a co-operative society,
registered as such under any law for the time being in force, by the displaced person on
account of loans granted to him by the co-operative society, where such loans have been
granted out of funds placed at the disposal of the co-operative society by the Central
Government or a State Goverment and such dues have been declared by the Central Government,
by notification in the Official Gazette, to be public dues;
(iv) any other dues payable to the Central Government, a State Government, or the Custodian whict
may be declared by the Central Government, by notification in the official Gazette, to be
public dues recoverable from the displaced persons;

1. Subs;by Act 86 of 1956, S. 2 for certain words (w.e.f. 22-10-56)

2. Ins. by Act, 2 of 1960, S.2 (il.
(e) "verified claim" means any claim registerid under the Displaced Persons (Claims) Act, 1950
(XLV of 1950) in respect af which a final order has beeri passed under that Act or und~r
the Displaced Persons (Claims) Supplementary Act, 1954 (12 of 1954),l[and includes any claim
re9istered on or before the 31st day of May, 1953 under thel[East Punjab Refuges (Registration
of Land) (Claims~ Act, 1948J (East Punjab Act, XII of 1948) or under the Patiala Refugee(Reg
istration of Land (Claims) Ordinance, 2004, (Order 10 of 2004 BK) and verified by any authority
appointed for the purpose by the Government of Punjab, the Government of Patiala and tile
Government of Patiala and East Punjab States Union, as the case may be, which has not been
satisfied wholly or partially by the allotment of any evacuee Jand under the relevant notification
specified in section 10 of this Act, but does not include]-
(i) any such claim registered in respect of property held in trust for a public purpose
of a religious or charitable nature;
(ii) except in the case of a banking company for the purpose of sub-clause (i) of clause(b)
of sub-section(3) of section 6, only-
(a) any such claim made by or on behalf of any company or association, whether incorporated
or not;
(b) any such claim made by a mortgage or other person holdin~ a charge or lien on immovable
property belonging to a displaced person in West Pakistan;
(f) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(g) "West Pakistan" meanS the territories of Pakistan excluding the Province of East Bengal
and includes the tribal area of Tochi and Kurram and such other tribal areas adjoining the
North-West Province as may be specified in this behalf by order of the Central Government;
(h) all other words and expressions used butnot,defined in this Act and defined in the Administration
of Evacuee Property Act, 1950 (XXXI of 1950) have the meanings respectively ass.igned tc
them in that Act.

PayNent of Ca-pensation and Rehabilitation Grants to Displaced Persons

3. AppoinwentofChief SettlellentC~issioner, etc.-(1) The Central Government may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, appoint a Chief Sett~ement Comissioner a Joint Chief Settlement Commissioner,
3"[and as many Deputy Chief Settlement Commissioners, Settlement Commissioners, Additional Settlement
Commissioners, Assistant Settlement Commissioners], Settlement Officers, Assistant Settlement Officers
and Managing Officers as may be necessary for the purpose of performing the functions assigned to them
by or under this Act and may, by general or :specia1 order, providef,or the distribution or allocation
of work to be,performed by them·under this Act.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Joint Chief Settlement Commissioner,~[a11 Deputy
Chief Settlement Commissioners, Settlement Commissioners], Additional Settlement Commissioners,Assistant
Settlement Officers and Managing Officers shall perform the functions assigned t~ them by or under this
Act under general superintendence and control of the Settlement Commi~sioner.
5.4. Application for pQIIeftt of c-..ensation.-(1) The Central Government shall •. from time to
time, but not later than the thirtieth day of june, 1955, by notification in the Official Gazette,
require all displaced persons having a verified claim to make applications for the payment of compensation
and any such notification may be issued with reference to displaced persons residing in any State
or in anyone of a gr~up of States.
(2) Every displaced person who, by a notification issued under sub-sec.(1) is required to make

1. Subs. by Act 86 of 1956, S.3 but for "does not include" (w.e.f. 22-10-56). Note that Act
86 of 1956 has ~ince been repealed by Act 58 of 1960.
2. Subs. for the word~, brackets figures, "East Punjab Refugees (Registration of claims) Act,
1948" by Act 2 of 1948, S.2 (ii) retrospectively.
Subs. for the words "a Deputy Chief Settlement COIl'Illissioner
and all Settlement COIlIlIissioners"
fly Act-2 of lf60, 5.3(1). \
';""5. for the words "the Deputy thief SettletllentCOllll1lissionerlnd
all Settlement Commissioners"
t.rt-2 of 1960, S.3(11).
an application for the payment of compell;;ation shall make such applicati()nin the' prescribed f9nn to
the Settlement Officer having. jurisdiction, within three months of the date of the notification:
Provid~d that the Settlement Officer may entertain any such application after the expiry of the
s'aid period of three months, if he is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient cause
from filing the application in time.
(3) An application for the payment of compensation under this section shall'contain the following
particulars. namely:.
(a) the name and adress of the applicant;
(b) the amount of the verified claim;
(c) the encumbrances. if any, on the property to which the verified claim relates;
(d) the form in which the applicant desires to receive compensation;
(e) the amount,-if any. of the public dues recoverable from the aplicant;
(f) the property. if any, allotted or leased to the applirant by the Central Government or a
State Government or by the Custodian;
(g) such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(4) Any notification issued by the Central Government before the co~encement of this Act requiring
displaced persons of any class or description to make applications for the payment of compensation,
shall be deemed to have been issued under this section and all applications for the compensation made
in pursuance of any such not ifi cat 1on shall be deemed to have been made under thi s sect i on and any
proceeding in relation to any such application pending at the commencement of this' Act shal.1 be disposed
of in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
Pr.ovided that a displaced person who made an application for payment of compensation before the
commencement qf this Act may. within one month of such commencement, intimate in writing to the officer
,or authority to whom the appl ication was made or to the $uccessoi'-in-office of any such officer or
authority. the form in which he desires to receive the compensation.
5. Deterlli,ultion of. pUbli.c dues by Settlement Officers.-On receipt of an appl ication und'er
S.4 the Settlement Officer shall. after making an inquiry .in such manne" as may be prescribed, pass
an order determining the amount of public dues. if any, recoverable from the applicant and shall forward the
application and the record of the caset<l the Settlement Commissioner. '
6. ReHef to certain banking cOllPanies.(1) Where a debt due to a banking company is secured
by a mortgage. charge or ben on any immovable property belonging to a displaced persor. in West Pakistan
in respect ~f which compensation is payable under this Act and such mortgage. charge or lien was subsisting
at the date when the claim of the banking company was registered under the Displaced Persons (Claims)
Act. 1950 (XLIV of 1950). the banking company shall be entitled to relief in accordance with the provision
of this section •
. (2) Where the displaced person is· entitled to receive compensation in respect of any such property
as is referred to in sub-section (1), the banking company shall be entitled:-
if the. compensation t,o the displaced person in respect of such property is payable in cash,
to receive such amount as bears to the total debt, the same proport i on as the compensat i on
pdycob1eto the displaced person bears to the value of the verified claims of the displaced
person in respect of such property;
if the compensation to the displaced person is payable in the form of tfansfer of any property
from the compensation pool. then, subject to a prior charge under sub-section (3) of section20
to a second charge on such property for the amount which would have been payable to the
banking company under clause(a) if the displaced person had been paid compensation in cash;
if the compensation to the displaced person is payable i,n any other form. to such rel ief
as the Settlement Officer. haVing regard to the principle specified in clause (a) or (b),
may determine.
For the purpose of this section.-
the.",pression'bankin9 company'. means any of the displaced banks specified in the Schedule
and includes any other bankinq company which before the fifteenth day of August, 1947 carried
Uti the business of banking. whether wholly or .partially in any area now forming part of
West Pakistan. an9 which the Central Government may, having regard to· the dislocation of
such· business on ·account of the partitior of the country. by notification in the official
Gazette.specifiedin this behalf;
(b) the expression 'total·debt' means.-
(1) where the banking company has preferred a claim under the .Displaced Persons (Claims)
Act. 1950 (XLV· of 1950) and the claim has been verified. the amount of the verified
claim. subject to suct. adjustment as the Sett.lemen~ Officer. having regard to the provisions
of the Displaced Persons (Debts Adjustment) Ait. 1951 (LXX of 1951) applicable to secured·
debts. may make;
(ii) where the banking company has preferred such claim but the claim has not been verified.
such amount as tbe Settlement Officer. having re9ard to the provisions of the Displaced
Persons. (Debts Adjustment) Act. 1.951 (UCX of 1951) applicable to secured debts. may
7. Detenlinllit ion of the aMmt of c(Jllpensation. - (1) On recei pt of .an app 1i cat i on for payment
of compensation together with the record of the case forwarded under section 5, the Settlement Commissioner
shall make an inquiry in such manner as may be prescribed ilnd having due regard to the prescribed scales
of compensation. the nature of the verified claim and other .circumstances of the case. shall ascertain
the amount of compensation to which the appricant is entitled.
(2) On ascertaining the amount of compensation to which an applicant' is entitled under sub-section
(1). the Settlement Commissioner shall deduct therefrom the followng dues recoverable from the applicant.
1n the order of priority mentioned below.-
(a) the amount. if any. of the public dues recoverable from the applicant under section 5;
(b) the amount. if any. payable to a banking company under section 6. and the amount. if any.
of the prior charge declared under sub-section (3) of section 10' o"! the Displaced Persons
(D~bts Adjustment) Act, 1951 (LXXof 1951) in respect of which any c~unication is received
from tribunal under section 52 of that Act;
(c) where any communication is received from any tribunal under section 52 of the DiSplaced
Persons (Debts Adjustment) Act 1951 (Lxx of 1951) in respect of any unsecured debts. the
amount of such debts. payable by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of that
(3) After deducting the dues referred to in sub-section (2) the Settlement Commissioner shall
make an order determing the net amount of compensation. if any. payable to the applicant.
(4) The amount. if any, deducted under sub-section (2) shall be paid to the person entitled
to it.

S. 8 F:Onl and aanner of P•.••• t of cOlllpertsatton.-(1) A displaced person shall be paid out of
the compensation pool the amount of net compensation determined under sub-section (3) of section 7
as being.payable tohim and subject to any rules that may be made under this Act. the Settlement Commissioner·
,or any other officer or authority authorised by the Chief Settlement Commissioner in this bahalf may
make such payment in an.}·Jne of the following forms or partly in one and partly in any other form. namely;
(a) in cash;
(b) in Gcvernment bonds;
(J:) by sale to the displaced person of any property from the compensation pool and setting off
the purchase money against the compensation payable to him;
(d) by any other mode of transfer to the displaced person of any property from,the compensation
pool and setting off the valuation of the property against the compensation payable to him;
(e) by transfer of shares or debentures in any company or corporation;-
(f) in such other form as maybe prescribed.
(2) For the purpose of payment of compensation under this Act the Central Government may. by
rules. prOVide for all or any of the following :-
(a) the cla~ses of displaced .persons to whomcompensation may be paid;
(b) the scales according.-to whi.ch. the form and manner in which. and the instalment by which.
compensation may be paid to different classes of displaced persons;
(c) the valuation of all property. shares and debentures to be transferred to displaced person;
(d) any other matter which is to tie.or may be prescribed.
l[8_A P~t of cOllpeftsationin cases or IIOrtgaged properties.-(1) Where any compensation is
payable to any displaced person in lieu' of property abandoned by him in West Pakistan which on date
of his migration from West Pakistan was subject to a mortgage in favour of a person who is not resident
in India. the Settlement Commissioner shall. after giving a reasonable notice to the displaced person.
determine the principle sum for which the property was so mortgaged and such portion of the principle
sUIIIso determined as bears the same proportion as the compensation payable to the displaced person
bears to the value of the verified claim of the displaced person in respect of ~hat mortgaged property
shall be deductable from the compensation payable in respect of the mortgaged property:
Provided that where compensation has been pllid to any displaced person without such deduction
having been made. the displaced person shall pay to the Central Government the amount of such deduction
within three months of the determination thereof or such longer period as may be prescirbed :
Provided further that where compensation has been paid to any displaced person by sale or any other
mode of transfer to him of any propoerty from the compensation pool. the displaced person may. within
the aforesaid period of three months. or as the case may be. within 'the aforesaid prescribed period-
(a) either retain the property on his paying in cash the aforesaid amount.

(b) surrender a portion of that property of a value equivalent to the amount of such.deduction.
such value being determined by the Settlement Commissioner in the prescribed manner.
(2) If any displaced person fails to pay any amount which is liable to be deducted from his
compensation under sub-section(1), or fails to surrender-the property of the value equivalent to such
amount, such amount may be recovered in the same manner as an arrear of land revenue.
S.9 Payment of cOlllpensatonin cases of disputes.-Where there any dispute as to the person or
persons who are entitled to the compensation (including any dispute as to who are successors-in-interest
of any deceased claimant to compensation) or as to the apportionment of compensation among persons
entitled thereto, such dispute shall, after such enquiry as may be prescribed, be entitled.-
(a) where the value of the verified claim does not exceed twenty thousand rupees. by the Settlement
(b) W:',erethe value of the verified claim exceeds twenty thousand rupees, by the Settlement
Provided that the Settlement Officer or the Settlement Commissioner, as the case may be, may refer
any dispute to the District Judge nominated in this behalf by the State Government. whose decision
thereon shall be final.
S.10 Special Procedure for payment of compensation in certan cases.-Where any immovable property
has been leased or allotted to a displaced person by the Custodian u'nderthe conditons published-
(a) by the notification of the Government of Punjab in the Department or Rehabilitation No.4895-
S or 4892-S, dated the 8th July, 1959, or .
(b) by the notification of the Government of Patiala and East Punjab States Union in the Department
of Rehabilitation No.8R or 9R, dated ttle 23rd July, 1949, and published in the official
Gdzette of that State dated'the 7th August, 1949.
and such property is acquired under the provisions of this Act and forms part ·of the compensation pool.
the displaced person shall, so long as the propoerty reamins vested in the Central Government. continue
in possession of such property on the same conditions on which he held the property immediately before
the date of the acquisition, and the Central Government may, for the purpose of payment of compensation
to such displaced person, transfer to him such property on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
Explanation.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that thenotifi':ation of the Government
of Patiala and East Punjab States Union Nos.7R: 8R and 9R, dated the 23rd July, 1949, and published
in the Official Gazette on the 7th August, 1949, purporting to have been made under the provisions
of Patiala and East Punjab States Union Evacuee (Administration of Property) Ordinance, 2006 (Ordinance
No.XIII of 2006) shall be deemed to have been issued under the provisions of the Patiala and East Punjab
States Union Administration of Evacuee Property Ordinance, 2006 (Ordinance No.XVII of 2006) and the
said notification shall not be inval id and shall be deemed to have been inval id merely by reason of
the fact that they were expressed to have been issued under the provisions of the said Ordinance No.XIII
of 2006, and anything done or any action taken {including any lease or allotment granted or made) under
t~e provisons of the said notifications shall, notwithstanding any defect in or invalidity of the said
notification, be deemed for all purposes to have been validly done or taken as if the said notifications
were issued under the provisions of the aforesaid Ordinance No.XIII of 2006 and this section were in
force on the day on which such thing was done or action was taken.
S.11. Rehabilitation and other .•grants to displaced persons.-(l) The Central Government may, for
the relief and rehabilitation of displaced persons,.direct payment of any rehabilitation grant or other
grant out of the compensation pool to a displaced person under such conditions and to such extent and
in such form and manner as may be prescribed.
1[* * * *]
C~nsation pool for purposes of p~nt of ca-pensation and rehabilitation
grants to displaced persons.
S.12 Power to acquire eavcuee property for rehabilitation of displaced persons.-(1) If the Central
Government is of opinion that it is necessary to acquire any evacuee property for a publ ic purpose,
being a purpose connected with the relief and rehabilitation of displaced persons, including payment
of cOlilpensat
ion to such persons, the Central Government m~y at any time acquire such evacuee property
by publishing in the Official Gazette a notification to the effect that the Central Government has
decided to acquire such evacuee property in pursuance of this section.
(2) On the publication of a notification under sub-section(1), the right, title and i:1terest
of any evacuee in the evacuee property specified in the notification shall, on and from the beginning
of the date on which the notification is so published, be extinguished and the evacuee property shall
vest absolutely in the Central Government from all encumbrances.
(3) It shall be lawf121·the Central Government, if it so considers necessary, to issue from time
to time the notification referred to in sub-section(1) in respect of-
(a) all evacuee property generally, or
(b) any class of evacuee property. or
(c) all evacuee property situated in } specified area
(d) any particular evacuee property.
(4) All evacuee property acquired under this section shall form part of the compensation pool.
13. Compensation for evacuee property acquired under this Act.- There shall be paid to an evacuee
compensation in respect ·of his property acquired under section 12 in accordance with such principles
and in such manner as maybe agreed upon between the Government of India and Pakistan.
14. C~nsation pooL-(1) For the purpose of payment of compet.<;ationand rehabilitation grants
to displaced persons, there shall be constituted a compensation pool whic~ shall consist of-
(a) all evacuee property acquired under section 12, including the <;ale proceeds of any such
property and all profits and income accruing from such property;
(b) such cash balances lying with the Custodian as may ~ by order of t~e Central Government,
be transferred to the compensation pool;
(c) such contributions, in any form whatsoever, as may be made to the compensation pool by the
Central Government or any State Government;
(d) such other assets as may be prescribed.
1. Sub-section (2) ommitted by Act 81 of 1956 section 3.
(2) The compensation pool shall be vestedin the Central Government free from all encumbrances
and shall be utilised in accordance with the provision of this Act and rules made thereunder.
S.16 Nanagelentof c~tion pool.-The'Central Government may take such measures as it considers
necessary or expedient for the custody. management and disposal of the compensation pool in order that
it may be effectively utilised in accord~nce with provisions of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the fClregoing power, the Central
Government may,for thep~rposes referred in sub-sect 10n( 1), by notification in th~Offi ci a 1 Gazette.-
(a) appoint $uch officers as it may deem fit (hereinafter referred to a managing off jeer );
(b) constitute such authority or corporation. as it may deem fit (hereinafter referred to as
managing corporation).
(3 ) Every, managing corporation shall be constituted under such name and shall consist of such
number of persons as may be specified in the notif1cation, and every $u.;h corporation shall ~e a body
. corporate having perpetual successi.s>n and a common seal and shall by the said name sue and be sued;
.~ ..•, -
Provided that one-third of the members of every managing corporaton shall be non-officials.
S.17 Functions and duties of manaing'officers and -.naging corporations.-(1) All managing officers
or managing corporations shall p~rform such functions as may be assigned to them by or under the general
superintendence and control of the Chief Settlement Commissioner.
(2), Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rul~s made there under. a managing Officer
or managing corporation may take such measures as tie or ft considers necess~ry or expedient for the
purpose of securing. administering, preserving, managing or disposi'ng of any prOJ!lerty in the compensation
pool entrusted to him or it and generally for the purpose of satisfactorily discharging any of the
duties imposed on ~im or it by or under this Act and may. for any such purpose as aforesaid. do all
acts and incur all expenses necessary or incidental thereto.
(3) Any amount due to the Custodian in respect of' any evacuee property acquired under this Act
for any period prior to the date of the acquisition shall vest in. and be payable to. the Central Government
and shall be recoverable by the managing officer or managing corporation from the person 'liable to
pay the same.
18. Dissolution of Malt~fng Corpor.tioil.-(1) Where the Centrtal Government is satisfied that
the property entrusted to a managing corporation for custody, management and disposal has been transferred
to any person or p~rsons under this Act or that for any other reason it is no longer necessary to continue
the mana.9ing corporation. the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette. dissolve
the managing corporation.
(2) Upon the pub 1i cat i on of a not ifi cat i on under sub-section (1) di sso 1ving a managi og corporati on, ~
(a) all the memberS of the managing corporation shall vacate their office as such members;
(b) all the powers and duties which may, by or under the provisions of this Act. be exercised
or p'erformed by or on behalf of the managing corporation shall be exercised and performed
by such perosn or persons 'as the Central Government may di rect;
(.c) all property vested in the managing corporation at the date of dissolution shall vest in
t~e Central Government.
19. Po.er to vary or cancel lease or allotment of· .y prt'J)erty acquired under tllis Act.-(1)
Notwithstanding anything contained in any contract or any other law for the time being in force but
subject to any rules that ·may be made under this Act. the managing officer or managing corporation
may cancel any allotment or terminate any lease or amend the terms of any lease or allotment under
which any evacuee property acquired under this Act is' held or occupied by a pt,;'son, whether such allotment
or lease was granted before or after the camencement of this Act.
(a) has ceas~dt..o be entitled to the possession of any evacuee property by reas(mofan~ action
taken under sub-section(1). or
\ (bj is otherwise in unauthorisedpossession of any evacuee property or any otber immovable property
forming part of the compensation pool.
he shall. after he has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against his eviction fr.om
such property. surrender possession of the property on demand being made in this behalf by the managing
officer or managing corporation or by any other person duly authorised by such officer or corporation.
(3) If any person fails to surrender possession of any property on demand made under sub-section
(2).'the managing officer or managing corporation may. notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in any other law for the time being in force. eject such person and take possession Of such property
and may. for such purpose. use or cause to be used such force as may be necessary)
184) Where a managing officer or a managing corporation is satisfied that any person. whether
by way of allotment or of lease, 'is, or has at any time been, in possession of any evacuee property
acquired under this Act to which he was not entitled, or which was in excess of that to which he was
entitled, under the law under which such allotment or lease was made or granted, then, without prejudice
to any other action wh'ich may be taken against that person, the managing officer or the managing corporation
may, having regard to such principles of assessment of rent as may be specified tn this behalf by the
Central Government, by order, assess the rent payable in respect of such property and that person shall
be liable to pay the rent to assessed for the period for which the property remain or has remained
jn his possession;
Provided that no such order shall be' made without giving to the person concerned a reasonable
opportunity of being heard.
(5) Where any person is, or has. at any time been, in unauthori sed possess i on of any evacuee
property' ,acquired under this Act, the managing officer or the managing corporation may, having regard
tO'such principles of assessment of damages as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government,
by order, assess the damages on account of the use and occupation of such property and may, by order,
require that person to pay the damages within such time and in such instalments as may be specified
in the order:
S.20 Power to transfer property out of ,the c~nsation pool.~(1) Subject to any rules that may
be made under this Act, the managing officer or managing corporation may transfer any property out
of the compens9tion pool-
(a) by sale of such property to a displaced' person or' any association of displaced persons,
whether incorporated or not, or to any other person, whether the property is sold by public
auction or otherwise;
(b) by lease of any such property to a displaced person'(for an association of displaced persons,
whether incorporated'or not, or to any perso~];
(c) by allotment of any such property to a displaced person or an association of displaced persons
whether incorporated or nQt, or ~o any other person. on such valuation as the Settlement
Commissioner may determine;
(d) in the case of a share of an evacuee in a company, by transfer of such share to a displaced
person3(for any association of diaplced persons whether incorr1rated or not) or to, any other
person, notwiths:tanding anything to the contrary contained in the, Indian Companies Act,
1913 (7 of 1913) ~ or in the memorandum or articles of association of such company;
(e) in such other manner as may be prescribed.
(2) Every mctnaging officer or managing corporation selling any immovable property by public
auction under sub;.sectfon (1) shall be deemed to be a Revenue Officer within the meaning of sub-section(4)
of section 89 of the I~dian Registration Act, 1908 (XVI of 1908).
(:'3) Where the ownershi p of any property has passed to the buyer before the payment of the whole
of the purchase money, the amount, of the purchase money of any part thereof remaining unpaid and any'
1." Ins. by Act 2 of 1960. section 4.
2. Ins. by Act 86 of 1956, 5.4
3. Ins. ibid S.5 (WEF)
4. See now the companies Act, 1956.
interest on such amount or part shall, notwithstaoding anything to the contrary contained in any other
law, be a first charge upon the property in the hands of buyer or any transferee from such buyer and
may, on a cert ificate issued by the Chi ef Settlement Commi ss ioner, be recovered in the same manner
as an arrear of land revenue.
4. [(IA) For the purpose of transferring any property out of the compensation pool under sub-
section (1) it shall be lawful for the managing officer 01" the managing corporaton to transfer the
same to a displaced person jointly with any other person or an association of displaced persons or
12O_A Utilization of cQlllM!ftSationpool in connection with restroation of evacuee property in certain
cases.-Where any evacuee or his heir is entitled to the restoration of any evacuee property on an application
made by him in this behalf under section 16 of the Administration of Evacuee Property Act. 1950. (31
of· 1950). hereinafter in this section referred to as Evacuee Property Act. and the Central Governmentis
'of opinion that it is not expedient or practicable to restore the whole or any par:t of such property
to the applicant by reason of the property or part thereof being in occupation of a displaced person
or otherwise. then. notwithstanding anything contained in the Evacuee Property Act. and this Act. it
shall be lawful for the Central Government-
(a) to transfer to the applicant in lieu of the evacuee property or any part thereof. lny immovable
property in the compensation pool or any part thereof being in the opinion of the Central
Government as nearly as may be of the same value as the evacuee property or as the case
may be, any part thereof. or
(b) to pay to the applicant such amount in cash from the compensation pool in lieu of the evacuee
property or part thereof. as the Central Government. having regard to the value of the evacuee
property or part thereof. may. in the circumstances. deem fit.
Explanation.-The provision of this sub-section shall apply. whether or not. a certificate for
the restoration of the evacuee proeprty has been issued to the applicant under sub-section (1) of section
16 of the Evacuee Property Act. as in force immediately before the commencement of the Administration
of Evacuee Property (Amendment) Act. 1956. if the evacuee property has not in fact been restored to
the applicant.
(2) Where in pursuance of sub-section(1) any evacuee or his heir has been granted any immovable
property from the compensation pool or has been paid any amount in cash from the compensation pool.
his application under section 16 of the Administration of Evacuee Property Act for the' restoration
of the evacuee property shall be deemed to have been disposed of. and his rfght. title and inte~est in
such evacuee property shall be deemed to have been extinguished but such extinguishment shall not affect
the power of the Central Government to acquire the evacuee property under section 12 of this Act.l
Note that this section was inserted by 5.4 of Act 86 of 1956. but the said Amending Act 86 of
1956. has since been repealed whoily by the Repealing and Amending Act. 1960 whiCh is set out in the
commentary under section 1.
[20-1. Restrictions on restoration of certain propeI"ty.-(1) Where any person is entitled to
the restoration of any property by virtue of any order made by the Custodian General undt:" section
27 of the Administration of Evacuee Property Act. 1950 (31 of 1950), or by the competent officer or
the appellate officer under the Evacuee Interest Separation Act. 1951 (64 of 1951). and the. Central
Government is of opinion that it is not expedient or practicable to restore the whole or any part of
such property to that person by reason of the property or part thereof being in occupation of a displaced
person or otherwise. notWithstanding anything contained in the said Acts or this Act. it shall be lawful
for the Central Government-
(a) to transfer to that person in lieu of the property to be restored or any part thereof, 4ny
immovable property in the compensation pool or any part thereof being in the opinion of the
Central Government as nearly as may be of the same value as the property to be ,restored or.
as the case may be. any part thereof. or
(b) to pay to that person such aIIlOuntin cash from the cOIllPensation pool in· Heu of the property
to De restoredOf' part thereof. IS the Central Gover,...t. haVing regard to tIte vilue of
the property to be restored or part thereof, .IIIY in the circlJllStances de. fit.
1. Ins. by Act ~ of 1960, S.5.
(2) Where in pursuance of sub-section (1) any person has been granted any inmovable property
from the compensation pool or has been paid any amount in cash from the ~ompensation pool, his right,
title and interest in the property to be restored shall be deemed to have been extinguished.
[21. Recovery of certain sums as arrears of land revenue.-(1) Any sum payable to the Government
or to the Custodian in respect of any evacuee property, under any agreement, express or implied,'lease
or other document or otherwise howsoever for any period prior to the date of· acquisition of such property
under .:t, which has not been recovered under section 48 of the Administration of Evacuee Property
J\ct, l~:>lI, (31 of 1950), and any sum payable to the Government in respect of any property in the compen-
sation pool may be recovered in the same manner as an arrear of land revenue.
(2) If any question arises whether a sum is payable to the Government or to the Custodian within
the meaning of sub-section (1) in respect of any property referred to therein, it shall be referred
to the Settlement Conmissioner within whose jurisdiction the property is situated and the Settlement
Commissioner shall after making such inquiry as he may deem fit and giving to the person by whom the
sum is alleged to be payable an opportunity of being heard decide the question; and the questi.on of
the Settlement Commissioner shall, subject to any appeal or revision under this Act, be final, and
shall not be called in question by any Court or other authority.
(3) For the purpose of this section, a sum shall be deemed to be payable to the Custodian, not
withstanding that its recovery is barred by the Indian limitation Act, 1908, (9 of'1908), or any other
law for the time being in force relating to Limitation of actions.
Appeal, revision and powers of officers under the Act
S. 22. Appeals to Chief Settlellent ee-issioner.-(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section
(2), any person aggrieved by an order of the Settlement Officer or a managing officer under this Act
may, within thirty days from the date of the order, prefer an appeal to the Settlement Conmissioner
in such form and manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that the Settlement Commissioner may entertain the dppeal after the expiry of the said
period of thirty days, if he is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from
filling the appeal in time.
(2) No appeal shall lie from an order of the Settlement Officer under section 5 if the difference
between the amount of public dues as determined by the Settlement Officer and that as admitted by the
applicant is less than one thousand rupees or such other amount not exceeding one thousand rupees as
may be specified by the Central Government in this be~alf by notification in the official Gazette.
(3) fhe Settlement Commissioner may, after hearing the appeal cbnfirm, vary or reverse the order
appealed from and pass such order in relation thereto as he deems fit.
23. Appeals to Chief Settlement C~issioner.-(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2),
any person aggrieved by an order of the Settlement Commissioner or the Additional Settlement Commissioner
or an Assistant Settlement Commissioner or a managing corporation under this Act may, within thirty
days from the date of the order, prefer an appeal to the Chief Settlement Commissioner in such form
and manner as may be prescribed:
Provided that the Chief Settlement Conmissioner may entertain the appe.,al after the expiry of
the said period of thirty days, if he is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause
from filing the appeal in time.
(2) No appeal shall lie from any order passed in appeal under section 22.
(3) The Chief Settlement Commissioner may, after hearing the appeal, confirm, vary or reverse
the order appealed from and pass such order in relation thereto as he deems fit.
S. 24. Pc..er of revision of the Chief Settl8lellt ee-issioner.-(1) The Chief Settlement Conmissioner
may at any time call .for the record of any proceeding under this Act in which a settlement Officer,
an Assi stant Settlement Offi cer, an Assi stant Sett lement Conmissioner, an Addit iona 1 Sett lement Commiss ioner,
a managing. officer or a managing corporation has passed an order for the purpose of satisfying himself
as to the legality or propriety of any such order and may pass such order in relation thereto as he
thi.,ks fit.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power under sub-section (1), if the
<'''ttlement COIIIlIissioner is satisfied .that any order for payment of compensation toa displaced
p i"y lease or allot.nt granted to such a person has been obtained by hi. by means of fraud,

false representation or concealment of any material fact, then notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act, the Chief Settlement C()IlIIIissioner may pass an order directing that no compensation sh.all
be paid to such a person or reducin9 the amount of compensation to him, or as the case may be, cancelling,
the lease or allotment granted to him; and if it is found that a displaced person has been paid compensa-
tion which is not payable to him, or which is in excess of the amount payable to him, such amount or
exoes$, as the tase may be, may ona certifi~ate issued by the Chief Settlement Commissioner, be recovered '~
in the same manner as an arrear of land revenue.
(3) No order which prejudicially affects any person shall be passed under this section without
giving him a reasonable opportunity of being hear. '
(4) Any person aggrieved by any order made under sub-section (2) may, within thirty days of the
date of the order, make an app 1icat ion for the revi sion of ~he order in such form and manner as may
be pressri bed to the Central Government and the Central 'Government may pass such order thereon as it
thinks fit.
25. Review and .-en~t of orders.-(1) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Settlement Officer
under Section 5, from which no appeal is allowed under section 22, may, within thirty days from the
date of the order. make an application in such form and manner as may be prescribed, to the Settlement
Officer for review of his order and the decision of the Settlement Officer on such application shall,
subject to the provisions of section 24 and section 33, be final.
S. (2) Clerical or ,arithmatical mistakes in any order passed by an officer or authority under
t~is Act or errors arising thereto from any accidental slip or omission may. at any time. be corrected
by such officer o~ authority or the successor-in-office of such officer or authority.
S. 26. Powers of officers appointed under this Act etc.-(1) Every officer appointed under this
Act shall, for the purpose of mak ing any inquiry or heari ng any appeal under thi s Act have the same
powers as are vested in a civil court under {he Cod~ of Civil Procedure. 1908 (Act V of 1908) when
trying a suit, in respect of the following matters. namely:-
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person any examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any document;
(c) requisitioning any public record from any court or office;
(d) issuing commission for examination of witnesses;
(e) appointing guardians or next friends of persons who are minors or of unsound mind;
(f) any other matter which may be prescribed;
and any proceeding before any such officer shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning
of sections 193 and 228 of the Indian Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860) and every such officer shall be
deemed to be a civil court within the meaning of sections 480 and 481 of the Code of Criminal Procedure~
1898 (~ct V of 1898).
[(1A) ,Every officer appointed under this Act may for the purpose of making an inquiry under
this Act and generally for the purpose of enabl ing him satisfactorily to discharge any of the duties
imposed on him by or under this Act, require any person to submit to him such accounts, books or other
documents or to furni sh to him such informat ion re1ating to any evacuee proparty acqui red under this
,Act as he may reasonably think ,necessary.] ,
(2) The Chief Settlement Commissioner or any other officer hearing an appeal under this Act shall
subject to the provisions of this Act, have such further powers as are vested in a court under the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Act V of 1908) when hearing an appeal.
S. 27. Finality of orders.-Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, every order made
,by any officer or authority under this Act. including a managing corporation. shall be final and shall
,not be c~lled in question in any court by way of an appeal or revision or in any original suit. application
or execution proceeding.
S. 28. Pa.er to transfer cases.-The Central Government or the Chief Settlement Commissioner may,
by order in writing at any time, transfer any case pending before ap officer appointed under this Act
to another officer and the officer to whom the case is so transferred may. subject to any special direction
in the order of transfer. proceed from the stage at which it was so transferred.
S. 29. Special protection fr~ ejec~nt to certain classes of persons.-Where any person to whom
the provisions of this section apply, is in lawful possession of any immovable property of the class
notified under sub-section (2), which is transferred to another person under the provisions of this
Act, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other law, such person shall, without prejudice
to any other right which he may have in the propertY,be deemed to be a tenant of the transferee on
the same terms and conditions as·to payment of rent or otherwise on which he held the property immediately
before the transfer: .
Provided that notwithstanding anyt~ing contained in any such terms and'conditions, no such person
shall be liable to be ejected from the property during such period not exceeding two years as may be
prescribed in respect of that class of property, except on any of the following grounds, namely;
(a) that he has neither paid nor tendered the whole amount of arrears of rent 'due after the date
of the transfer within one month of the date on which a notice of demand has been served on
him by the transferee in the manner provided in section 106 of the Transfer of Property Act~
1882 (IV of 1882);
(b) that he has,without obtaining the consent of the transferee in writing:-
(0 sublet or otherwise parted with the possession of the whole or any part of the property,
(ii) used the property for a purpose other than the purpose for which he was using it immediately
before the transfer;
(e) that he has committed any act, which is destructive of, 61" permanently injurious to, the property
(2) The Central Government may, from time to time by notification in the Official Gazette, specify
the ~lass of persons to whom, and the' class of immovable property in the compensation pool, other than
agricultural land, in respect of which, the provisions of this section shall apply and in issuing any
such notification the Central Government shall have regard to the following matters, that is to say,-

(a) the length of period for which any such persons may have been in lawful possession of the
(b) the difficulty of obtaining alternative accOllll1lOdation;
(c) the availability of any other suitable residential accommodation for the use of the transferee;
(d) such other matters as may be prescribed.
30. EXetlption fr~ arrest.- [(1) No person shall be liable to arrest or imprisonment in pursuance
of any process issued for the recovery of any sum due under this Act which is recQverable as an arrear
of land revenue.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) if the Chief Settlement Commissioner
is of ppinion thpt a person is refusing, or neglecting, or. has refused or neglected, to pay any sum
due ~nder this Act. he may after giving such persdn .n opportunity of being heard, by order in writing
stating the grounds therefor, direct that the provision of sub-section (1) shall not apply to him,
and thereupon such person shall cease to be entitled to the exemption conferred by that sub-section.]
31. Advisor1 Board.-(1) The Central Government shall, as soon as may be, cpnstitute a Board to
advise the Central Government on matters of policy arising out of the administration of this Act.
(2) The Board sha11 consist of a Chairman and such number of other members not exceeding six as
the Ce.ntral Government may think fit to appoint and the .members (including the Chairman) shall hold
office for a period of two years and.shall be eligible for reappointment:
Provided that the Chairman or any ·other member of the Board may resign his offic~ by writing under
his hand addressed to the Central Government and shall. on such resignation being accepted by that
Government, be deemed to have vacated his office. .
(3) The Board may. subject to the previous approval of the Central Government. make by-laws fiXing
a quorum and regulating its ownprocedore and the conduct of all busiress to be transacted by it.
(4) No act done or proceeding taken by the Board shall be questiC'ned on the grOund merely of the
existtnce of any vacancy in. or a defect in the constitution of the Board.
reS) If at any time the Central Government is of opinion' that the continued existence of the
Board is unnecessary, it may, by notification in the Official Gazette. declare that the Board shall
be dissolved with effect from such date as may be specified in th4! notification and the Board shall
be deemed to be dissolved accordingly).

1. Section 30 re-numbered as sub-section (1) and sub-section (2) added by Act No. 21 of 1959.Section2.
i. Ins. by Act 2 of the 1960, Section 8.
32. P•••• to give directions.-The Central Government may give direction to any State Government.
as to the carrying into execution in the State of any of the provisions 'contained in this Act or of
any rules or orders made thereunder.
33. Certain residuary ,.ers· of Central Gove.-.ent.-The Central Government may at any time call
for the record of any proceeding under "this Act and may pass such order in relation thereto as in its
opinion the circumstances of the case require llnd as is not inconsistent with any of the provisions
contained in this Act or the rules made thereunder.
34. Delegation of ,.ers.-(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazett~
direct that any power exercisable by it under this Act shall in such circumstances and under su~h conditions,
if any. as may be specified in the direction. be exercisable also by such officer or authority subordinate
to the Central Government ,or by the State Government or by such officer or authority subordinate to
the State Government as may be specified in the ·notification.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder, the Chief
Settlement Comissioner may. by general or special order delegate an or any of his powers under this
Act to the Jo\nt Chief Settlement Commissioner, lta Deputy Chief Settlement Commissioner] a Settlement
COIIIIIissioner. ~l'd Additional Settlement Commis~'loner or an Assistant Settlement Commissioner, subject
to such conditio'ns. if any. as may be specified in the order.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Act and of the rules and orders made thereunder, a Settlement
Commissioner may. by general or special order delegate all or any of his powers under this Act to an
Additional Settlement Commissioner. an Assistant Settlement Commissioner, a Settlemen~ Officer or an
Assistant Settlement Officer. subject to such conditions, if any. as may be specified in t~e order.
)5. Penalty.':'(1) Any person who furnishes in hls application for payment of compensation any information
which he knows. or has reason to believe to be false or which he does not believe to be true, shall
·be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
(2) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Act, save 4Pon co~plaint
in writing made by an officer authorised by the Chief Settlement Commissioner by general or special
~rder in this behalf.
36. Bar of jurisdicUen.-Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, no civil court shall
have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceedings in respect of any matter which the Central Government
or any officer or authority appointed under this Act is empowered by or under this Act to determine,
and no injunction shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or
to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act.
38. Protection of action taken in good faith.-No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against
the Central Government or any person appointed under this Act in respect of anything which is in good
faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or of any rules or orders made thereunder
39. VaUdation of certain action taken befere the c~eEnt of the Act.-Anything done or any
action taken (including any order made) by the Chief Settlement Commissioner, Settlement Commissioners,
Additional Settlement Commissioners or Settlement Officers for the purposes of. payment of compensation
~r rehabilitation grants or other grants to displaced persons shall, in so far as it is not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act. be deemed to have been done or taken in the exercise of the powers
conferred by or under this Act as if this Act were in force on the date on which such thing was done
or action was taken.
40. Power to ..te rules.-(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules
.ay provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the form and manner in which and the time within which, an application for payment of compensation
may be made and the particulars which it may contain;'
(b) the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which evacuee property may be acquired
under this Act;
(c) the sales according to which, the form and manner in which, and the instalments by which compensa-
tion maY,be paid to displaced persons;
t. $ubs. by Act 2 of'196O, S. 9 for' -the Deputy Chief Commissioner-.
(d) the dues which may be'deducted from the amount of compensation to which a displaced person
is entitled;
(e) the form and manner in which Government b~ds may be issued to displaced persons;
(f) the valuation of property, shares and debentures which may be transferred to displaced persons;
(g) the terms and conditions subject to which property may be transferred to a displaced persOn
under section 10; ,
(h) the circumstances under which, the extent to which and the manner in which, rehabilitation
grants and other grants may be paid to a displaced person;
l{hh) the manner in which any dispute as to who are the successors-interst of any deceased claimant
to a rehabilitation grant or other grant, and as to the apportionment of such grant among
persons entitled thereto, may be determined;
(i) the powers, functions and duties of managing officers and managing corporat~ons;
(j) the procedure for the transfer of property out of the compensation pool and the manner of
realisation of the sale proceeds or the adjustment of the valu~ of the property transferred
against the amount of compensation;
(k) the procedure to be followed by officers appointed under this Act for making e~quiries under
this Act;
(l) the form and manner in which appeals and applications for review or revision may be preferred
or made under this Act and the procedure for hearing such appeals or application for review
or revision;
(m) the powers vested in a civil court which may be exercised by an officer appointed under tnls
2 en) the form and manner in which records and books of accounts may be maintained under this Act;
[(nn) the fees payable in respect of appeals, revisions or other applications made under this Act;]
(0) any other matter 'which is to be or may be prescribed under this Act.

3[(3) Every rule made under this section shall be lalid as soon as may be after· it is made before
each House ot Parliament while it is in session for a period of thirty days which may be comprised
in one session or in two successive sessions and if before the expiry of the session in which it lS
so laid or the session immediately following, both House~ agree in making any modification in the rule,
or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in
such modified form or be of no effect, as the case maybe, so however, that any such modification or
annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously ~one under that rule.]

[See Section 6(3) (a)]
1. The Chawla Bank, Limited.
2. The Colony Bank, Limited.
3. The Commercial Bank, Limited.
4. The First National Bank, Limited.
5. The Front ier Bank,' Limited.
6. The Lakshmi Commercial Bank, Limited.
7. The National Bank of Sialkot, Limited.
8. The New Bank of India, Limited.
9. The Oriental Bank of Commerce, Limited.
10. The Prabhat Bank, Limited.
11. The Punjab and Kashmir Bank, Limited.
12. The Sahukara Bank, Limited.
13. The Simla Banking and Industrial Co. Limited.
14. The Trader's Bank, Limited.
15. The National City Bank,' Limited.
16. The Narang Bank of India, Limited.
17. The Sind National Bank, Limited.
1. Ins. by Act 2 of'196Q, s. 10 (a)(i) •
.2. Ins. ibid s. 10 (a)(ii).
3. Subs. by Act 2 of 1960, s. 10 (b).

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