Detailed Lesson Plan B.P.Ed 110: By: Michael G. Bascon B.P.Ed-2 To: Mr. Delfin E. Escuro Jr. Instructor

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B.P.Ed 110
By: Michael G. Bascon

To: Mr. Delfin E. Escuro Jr.


- At the end of the period the students are expected to:

 Discuss what are the examples of Philippine Folk Dance

 Define the different folk dances in the Philippines

 Make an output regarding the subject matter


 Different Philippine Folk Dances


 Visual Aid, manila paper, marker, chalk, scotch tape, laptop and speaker, notebook and



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation:

“Good Morning Class”

“Good Morning Sir”

“Please all stand”

(Students Stand Up)

” Oliver kindly lead the Prayer”


“Classmate lets bow our head”

“In the Name of the Father, and of the son, and of the
Holy Spirit, Amen.”

“Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name

thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in

heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us

our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass

against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver

us from evil AMEN.”

“Before you take your seats, please pick up the

pieces of trash on and near your chair”

“Yes Sir”

(Students Picking up the pieces of trash)

“You may now take your seats”

“Yes Sir”

(Students now take their sits)

“Let’s check first your attendance, please say

present when your name is called”


” Present”


” Present”


” Present”

” Present”


” Present”



“Okey class before we start on our lesson for

today, First, I will give my classroom rules and


1. Always wear your complete uniform with


2. I will just give you 15 min. grace period (Students listening attentively)

before I close the door




6. Avoid using gadgets during discussion time

7. Always bring with you your notebooks and ” Yes Sir”


8. Make sure the chalk board is clean before

I enter the class

9. Stop talking when I having a discussion

10. Please raise your hand if you’re going to


“And also my grading System”

PT – 60%

WW – 20%

QA – 20%

All in all, 100% “Yes Sir”

“Am I clear Class?”

“Okay that’s good, now let’s start”

B. Motivation

” I have here a Video that I’m going to show and

this has a connection in our topic for today. Be “Yes Sir”

ready because afterwards I will ask questions

regarding the video.”

“Please watch properly”

“are you now ready?” “Yes Sir”

“Please Behave Accordingly” (Students Watching the video attentively)

“Class what can you say about the video?”

(Students raises their hands)

Yes Alvin?


“The videois about Philippine Folk Dance and the steps

are really great and also they executed the steps

properly with graceful movements of their body.”

“Very Good”

“Class what do you feel when you are watching

Philippine Folk Dance or what can you feel when

you are dancing Philippine Folk dance?” (students raises their hands)

“Yes Mary Love”

Mary Love

Sir we feel that our country has a unique culture and

has an abundant culture that really need to be

treasured and really need to be love by our own

Pilipino people.

“Thank you for that Brilliant answer”

C. Presentation

“Now Class are you familiar in Philippine folk


“Yes Sir”

” can you give me an example of Philippines Folk

dance? Anyone?”

“yes Oliver?”

“sir Cariñosa”

” That is Correct! Very Good”

” In the Philippines we have a lot of folk dances

Some of the examples are

Inday na Kunday, Jota Gumaqueña, kasaganman,

kinoton, kumakaret, lagundi, makonggo

These are some examples of Philippine folk dance (Students Listening Attentively)

we have.”

“So, what is inday sa kunday?”

“yes, Tan Tan?”

“It is vivacious courtship dance originated from

Panaon, an island south of Leyte.   It is a very popular

dance performed in social gatherings.  The dancers

usually sing as they dance.”

“Excellent answer”

“Now what is Jota Gumaquena?

“yes, Mary Love?”

“A dance from Gumaca, Quezon, featuring stomping

“Brilliant” and elegant postures”

“Kim, what is Kasaganman?”

” A dance Kasaganaan is danced during the

harvest festival as a means of expressing
gratitude for a bountiful harvest. Generous
“Bombastic” gesture is featured here as the landlords throw
coins to their farmlands and dancing workers.”
“Thiel, what is Kinoton folk dance?”

” Is a comic dance from Ilocos Sur. It depicts the

” Amazing answer” movement of a person bitten by ants.”

“Oliver, what is the kumakaret folk dance?”

“Kumakaret is a courtship dance of a person who

makes wine, tuba or vinegar from sasa in

“Very Good Answer” Dorungan, Pangasinan.”

“Lady Mae, what is Makonggo folk dance?”

A comic dance which originated in Sta. Maria,

Bulacan. A solo performer imitates the

movements characteristic of a monkey, its

“Excellent Answer” gestures and grimaces.

“all of your answer was good and its very


“now why Philippine folk dance is very important

specially in our country?”

“yes Arth?”

“because sir Philippine folk dance shows what we have

here in the Philippines, folk dances represent our

healthy leaving and also shows how beautiful our

country is. Philippines folk dances it is the easy way of

story telling where our country from and where our

“Very Excellent Answer” places came from.”

D. Comparison and Abstraction

“Okay class again what is our topic all


“Yes Arth?”

“Sir, about Different Philippine Folk


“Very Good”

“what are the different Philippine folk

dances we have?”

“Yes Thiel?”

“Inday na Kunday, Jota Gumaqueña, kasaganman,

“Marvelous” kinoton, kumakaret, lagundi, makonggo”

“Ok class do you have any further

“Very Good” “None Sir”

E. Generalization

“Did you already know class the Different

Philippine Folk Dances?”

“What are those?”

“Yes Sir”

“very good” “Inday na Kunday, Jota Gumaqueña, kasaganman,

kinoton, kumakaret, lagundi, makonggo”

“Ok class very good all of you did a great job”

(Now do you understand?)

(Ok class do you have any further “Yes Sir”


“None Sir”

(Very Good)

F. Evaluation/Application

“Now after discussing the different Philippine Folk

Dances, we will be having a quiz today regarding

to our topic for today 1-10 only.”

(ok please get ¼ sheet of paper)

“student getting ¼ sheet of paper”

(Ok class are you now ready?)

” Yes Sir”

(Ok Question No. 1)

1. For 7 points, what are those some

examples of Philippine folk dances?

1. Inday na Kunday,

2. Jota Gumaqueña,

3. Kasaganman

4. Kinoton

5. Kumakaret

6. Lagundi

7. makonggo

2. For 3 points, why Philippine folk

dances is important to our country?

” Philippine folk dance shows what we have here in

the Philippines, folk dances represent our healthy

leaving and also shows how beautiful our country is.

Philippines folk dances it is the easy way of storytelling

where our country from and where our places came


(Are you done)

(Yes Sir)

“Ok please pass your ¼ sheet of paper”

“any further Questions?”

(None Sir)

(Very good)

“That’s all for today have a nice day”

V. Assignment/Agreement: Date: May 10, 2020

1. With the use of the 5 Basic Fundamental Steps in Folk Dancing make a dance presentation that

containing those Fundamental steps and present it to your class.

* perform the final dance presentation

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