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An Exploration of and Case Studies in Demand Forecast Accuracy:

Replenishment, Point of Sale, and Bounding Conditions


Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy
in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University


Kevin Barry Smyth, M.S.

Graduate Program in Business Administration

The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee:

A. Michael Knemeyer, Advisor

Keely L. Croxton

Rod Franklin

Xiang (Sean) Wan

Copyright by

Kevin Barry Smyth


Forecasts are a critical input that drive actions within the firm and throughout the

supply chain. For good reason, there is a tremendous focus on accuracy for this input.

This dissertation addresses three areas regarding forecast accuracy in logistics and the

supply chain relating to three questions posed by demand planners at a logistics provider

firm that partnered with this research. In attempting to determine “What is causing our

replenishment forecast error?”, “What predictive factors can help improve our demand

forecast accuracy?”, and with regards to forecast accuracy “How good is good enough?”,

we explore three interrelated topics that have a broader impact on the academic

conception of forecast accuracy than the original questions posed.

In three essays, we identify governance form factors that affect replenishment

forecast deviation and bias, demonstrate accuracy improvement though the inclusion of

uncertain weather forecast information in demand forecasts, and identify themes that

serve to bound achievable and desirable demand forecast accuracy through a systematic

literature review of logistics and supply chain journals. Our first study measures the

deviation and bias related to franchise governance form, but also demonstrates a novel

approach to contextualize the heterogeneity of effects across regionally, temporally and

product category related conditions. Our second study expands on previous work linking

the inclusion of uncertain weather forecast variables to improvements in demand forecast

accuracy by examining a wider range of products and locations in a new industry, but

also by demonstrating the limits to the value of uncertain information. Finally, our

systematic literature review comprehensively presents the current state of research on the

thematic drivers of forecast accuracy.

Each essay expands theoretical understanding of management phenomena, and

reframes the manner in which previous research can be applied in practice. In each we

also propose future avenues to expand on the work here, and on forecasting in general in

the context of logistic and the supply chain.


I first wish to thank my committee and, and especially my advisor for guiding me

through this process. Their advice, constructive criticism, and at times moral support

helped get me through a long and arduous effort. Drs. Mike Knemeyer, Keely Croxton,

Rod Franklin and Xiang Wan all dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy to

ensure the success of my research. By their support, this product is superior to what

would be possible through my work alone.

I want to thank the supply chain planning division of our practitioner company

research partner for their patience and support as we worked with them on multiple

projects. To Scott Saunders and Chris Karsten for facilitating our research through the

Global Supply Chain Forum at The Ohio State University. To Chris Awalt for his

continued effort to guide, inform and provide for the collaboration between our research

team and their firm. To Jagadeesh Deva, Brent Labhart, Jim O’Rourke and Caroline

Francisca for their guidance and facilitation of data collection. Without all of their

efforts, none of this research would have been possible, and it is my sincere hope that this

work contributes to their success as well.

Thanks to Dr. Douglas Lambert and the all those that help run the Global Supply

Chain Forum. Their work facilitating a collaborative research environment for

practitioners and academics served as the genesis of this research, and enabled the

required resources to see it through.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank my wife Emily. Her love and

support gave me the strength to complete this project. She sacrificed her time and

shouldered additional burdens with our family, all while excelling as the communications

director at the Virtual Labs School at The Ohio State University and pursuing a Master’s

of Social Work at Indiana University.


2008 B.S. Nuclear Engineering with a Minor in Aerospace

Studies, Oregon State University

2012 M.S. Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Air Force

Institute of Technology (AFIT)

2012 Graduate Certificate, Nuclear Weapon Effects,

Proliferation and Policy, AFIT

2008 to present Munitions and Missile Maintenance Officer, United States

Air Force

2014 to present Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Marketing

and Logistics, The Ohio State University

Fields of Study

Major Field: Business Administration

Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................. iv

Vita..................................................................................................................................... vi

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. vii

List of Tables ................................................................................................................... xiii

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... xv

Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2: “The Effect of Governance Form on Replenishment Forecast Deviation and

Bias: A Case Study in the Quick-Service Restaurant Industry” ........................................ 7

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7

Research Context............................................................................................................. 9

Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 13

Transaction Costs ...................................................................................................... 13

Resource Scarcity ...................................................................................................... 14

Agency Costs or Administrative Efficiency ............................................................... 15

Post-Contractual Performance.................................................................................. 19

Hypotheses .................................................................................................................... 21

Model Development ...................................................................................................... 24

Data Collection and Analysis .................................................................................... 24

Variable Evaluation and Selection ............................................................................ 26

Training Data Set Formation .................................................................................... 28

Data Processing ........................................................................................................ 30

Data Exploration ....................................................................................................... 32

A Novel Regression-Based Approach ........................................................................ 34

Accounting for Cases of Non-Deviation .................................................................... 38

Outlier Identification ................................................................................................. 43

Results ........................................................................................................................... 44

Deviation Model ........................................................................................................ 45

Bias Model ................................................................................................................. 47

Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 49

Effects of Governance Form ...................................................................................... 50

Extensions to the Post-Contractual Effects from Governance Form ........................ 51

Methodological Implications ..................................................................................... 52

Limitations .................................................................................................................... 55

Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 56

Chapter 3: “The Impact of Including Forward Indicators on POS Demand Forecast

Accuracy: The Case of Short-Term Weather Forecast Data” .......................................... 58

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 58

Literature Review .......................................................................................................... 63

Observed Weather’s Effect on Demand..................................................................... 63

Weather Effects on Retail and Service Sectors .......................................................... 64

Explanations for Consumer Behavior ....................................................................... 67

Problems with Using Observed Weather as a Proxy for Weather Forecasts ........... 68

Advances in Weather Forecasting ............................................................................. 69

Forecasted Weather to Predict Demand ................................................................... 71

Data ............................................................................................................................... 73

Hypotheses .................................................................................................................... 79

Methodology ................................................................................................................. 81

Autoregressive Models .............................................................................................. 81

Models for Comparison ............................................................................................. 85

Models Including Exogenous Observed and Predicted Weather Indicators ............. 86

Forecast Evaluation .................................................................................................. 88

Addressing Computational Scale............................................................................... 89

Output Analysis.......................................................................................................... 90

Results ........................................................................................................................... 93

Discussion ................................................................................................................... 107

Specification Errors ................................................................................................. 107

Confounding ............................................................................................................ 109

Weather Forecast Reliability ................................................................................... 109

Differential Effect between Demand Forecast Quality Measures ........................... 111

Limitations .................................................................................................................. 112

Managerial Implications .............................................................................................. 113

Future Research ........................................................................................................... 114

Chapter 4: “A Systematic Literature Review and Typology of Factors that Bound

Demand Forecast Accuracy” .......................................................................................... 117

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 117

Defining Accuracy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research ............... 118

Basic Overview of Systematic Literature Review ...................................................... 120

Criteria for Inclusion in the Literature Review ........................................................... 121

Topics for the Literature Search .............................................................................. 121

Scoping the Literature Search ................................................................................. 126

Individual Article Criteria for the Literature Search .............................................. 129

Collecting Relevant Research and Applying Search Criteria ..................................... 130

Overview of Thematic Findings .................................................................................. 132

Technical Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds ........................................................ 137

Forecastability ......................................................................................................... 137

Horizon .................................................................................................................... 141

Overfitting and Misspecification ............................................................................. 143

Tradeoffs of Metrics................................................................................................. 144

Level of Aggregation and Hierarchy ....................................................................... 152

Data Quality and Availability.................................................................................. 156

Managerial Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds ..................................................... 160

Error Amplification ................................................................................................. 160

Cost Tradeoffs.......................................................................................................... 163

Supply Chain Integration......................................................................................... 173

Supply Chain Flexibility .......................................................................................... 178

Manual Adjustments ................................................................................................ 180

Risk .......................................................................................................................... 182

Production and Inventory Control Policy ............................................................... 185

Limitations .................................................................................................................. 192

Conclusion................................................................................................................... 192

Chapter 5: Conclusions ................................................................................................... 197

Appendix A: Boolean Keywords for EBSCO Business Source Complete..................... 233

List of Tables

Table 1: Predicted Weather Indicator Point Forecast Reliability ..................................... 76

Table 2: Predicted Weather Indicator Probability Forecast Reliability ............................ 77

Table 3: Restaurant Sample by NOAA Region ............................................................... 93

Table 4: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by Included Exogenous Weather

Variable ............................................................................................................................. 90

Table 5: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by NOAA Region for Evaluation

Models............................................................................................................................... 91

Table 6: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by Menu Category for Evaluation

Models............................................................................................................................... 91

Table 7: Regression Effects of Observed Weather in Demand Forecasts on Forecast

Quality Measures .............................................................................................................. 95

Table 8: Regression Effects of Predicted Weather in Demand Forecasts on Forecast

Quality Measures .............................................................................................................. 95

Table 9: Summary of Hypothesis Test Results ............................................................... 106

Table 10: Journals Included in Initial Keyword Search................................................. 129

Table 11: Keyword Search Results in Initial and Cascaded Search .............................. 132

Table 12: Types of Analysis in Article Sample ............................................................. 133

Table 13: Forecast Accuracy Measures Explored in Article Sample ............................ 134

Table 14: Focal Supply Chain Entities in Article Sample ............................................. 135

Table 15: Technical and Managerial Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds ................ 136

Table 16: Summary of Technical Drivers of Demand Forecast Accuracy ..................... 159

Table 17: Summary of Managerial Drivers of Demand Forecast Accuracy .................. 191

List of Figures

Figure 1: Restaurant Firm Data Flows .............................................................................. 10

Figure 2: Prevalence of Deviation Existence by Governance Form ................................. 41

Figure 3: NOAA Climate Regions ................................................................................... 92

Chapter 1: Introduction

The origin of this research is a collaboration with a fourth party logistics (4PL)

provider for a large multinational quick service restaurant firm. Through the Global

Supply Chain Forum at The Ohio State University, we met with the 4PL and discussed

research opportunities. The firm had been experiencing three related issues in their

demand planning. After discussing their concerns, we determined that their issues

coincided with under-investigated themes in logistics research all relating to demand

forecast accuracy. These three issues were then transformed into three sets of research

questions with the aim of creating a better understanding of demand forecast accuracy.

The following research is divided into three essays. Each essay relates to a distinct, but

related aspect of forecast accuracy.

The first essay stems from the first question posed by the 4PL: “What is causing

our replenishment forecast error?” This question relates to the way that the restaurant

firm generated replenishment forecasts. The 4PL first collaborates with their restaurant

firm client to generate a demand forecast for each menu item at each restaurant. This

occurs each week on a rolling basis. Each restaurant location is given the estimate for

demand for the upcoming week, and is responsible to purchase the raw materials required

to meet the predicted demand.

To inform this process, the 4PL generates a forecast for bi-weekly replenishment

derived from their own demand forecasts. This estimate includes safety stock and waste

factors peculiar to each restaurant location. For instance, lead time from a distributor and

available storage space may affect how much can be stored at one time, and how much

may be discarded at each restaurant. By policy, each restaurant receives a supply

shipment twice each week from one of the firm’s distribution partners. The individual

restaurant, as the entity most affected by errors in a replenishment forecast and

presumably in the best position to understand local conditions not captured in a statistical

forecast, is given the final say on replenishment orders.

The problem that arises is that while restaurant order edits may help the individual

restaurant, they introduce variance upstream in the supply chain. Distributors, who also

receive predicted replenishment orders from the 4PL, have to react to changes in

replenishment orders initiated at the restaurant level in order to meet contractually

mandated service levels. This increase in variance increases required levels of safety

stock at distribution centers, as most often distributors have already placed orders with

their suppliers by the time restaurant replenishment orders are made. This is costly not

only because inventory and warehousing costs increase, but as the products are largely

perishable, increased stock levels also increase product loss to spoilage.

In our first essay, we examine the potential reasons why restaurants edit their

orders in a data exploration case study. We frame the investigation around the theme of

agency costs arising from governance form. Previous works (Brickley and Dark 1987,

Norton 1988a, Bertagnoli 1989, Krueger 1990, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991, Kaufmann

and Lafontaine 1994, Michael 2000, Yin and Zajac 2004, de Leeuw, Holweg and

Williams 2011) indicate franchise owners are more likely than corporate outlet managers

to act independently of the best interests of the parent franchisor firm, and consistent with

local incentives. Profit motivated franchise owners are also more likely than revenue

motivated corporate outlet managers not to shirk, more actively monitor costs, and waste

less (Rubin 1978, Krueger 1990, Noren 1990, Norton 1988a, Norton 1988b).

This first work, titled “The Effect of Governance Form on Replenishment

Forecast Deviation and Bias: A Case Study in the Quick-Service Restaurant Industry”,

promises to answer the 4PL firm’s question of what may be driving their replenishment

forecast error. In it, we simultaneously address a deficiency in management literature on

the post-contractual operational effects of utilizing the franchise governance form.

The second question posed by the 4PL, and the genesis of our second essay, is:

“What predictive factors can help improve our demand forecast accuracy?” The firm was

eager to incorporate additional information into their demand forecasts, but were unsure

of what information was valid to include, and what effect it may have on their forecast


The firm’s demand forecasts, as described above, are generated once each week

and cover two replenishment periods. To be predictive, information must be available to

the decision maker prior to a decision being made. This means that demand planners at

the 4PL must have knowledge of events up to and including one week in the future in

order to effectively include the information in a demand forecast.

We frame our second essay around the inclusion of uncertain information in a

demand forecast, and our prediction for if and how consumers will respond to these

external factors. For predictive information to hold value, it must be sufficiently reliable

over a forecast horizon, and managers must be able to make material changes as a result

of the information (Thompson and Brier 1955, Thompson 1962, Murphy 1977, Katz and

Murphy 1990, Katz and Lazo 2011). One readily available source of predicted future

information is that of short term weather. Weather sensitivity research, though well

established in fields like agriculture and mining, is lacking in restaurant and service

industries (Lazo et al. 2011, Bujisic et al. 2016). Work that incorporates weather

forecasts into demand forecasts is similarly sparse, but also currently extant only in

industries unrelated to the focal firm.

In our second essay, titled: “The Impact of Including Forward Indicators on POS

Demand Forecast Accuracy: The Case of Short-Term Weather Forecast Data”, we

measure the effect of including predicted weather on demand forecast accuracy. We

predict demand effects are driven by consumer mood and utility (Steele 1951, Starr-

McCluer 2000, Tran 2016), and that this effect is heterogeneous across regions and

product categories.

This not only answers the 4PL’s question of whether this particular set of forward

indicators can improve their demand forecasts, but also addresses two deficiencies in

management literature. Namely, it more systematically answers what effect does weather

have on demand in the restaurant industry, and what are the positive or deleterious effects

of using uncertain weather information to generate demand forecasts.

The third question from the 4PL firm, “How good is good enough?”, is the origin

of our third essay. By “good enough”, they mean that they wish to know when the

pursuit of greater accuracy in demand and replenishment forecasts is a lost cause. We

recognized that there does not appear to be any work that addresses this question

holistically, and endeavored to map out a current understanding of all potential bounds

for demand forecast accuracy.

To this end, we sought to answer this question through a systematic review of

logistics and supply chain management literature. In our third essay, titled: “A Literature

Review and Typology of Factors that Bound Demand Forecast Accuracy”, we explore

relevant supply chain and logistics academic journals in an attempt to identify a typology

of factors that form tradeoffs in forecast accuracy.

Relevant search topics aim to identify conditions that drive requirements and

capabilities for greater forecast accuracy, but also situations when it is only possible or

indeed desirable to accept lower levels of forecast accuracy. As the voluminous literature

on demand forecasting can be quite diverse in focus, it was imperative that we properly

scoped our search to those topics most relevant to a logistics or supply chain setting.

General conditions for consideration included the effects of error signal amplification

through a supply chain, cost tradeoffs of information gathering and processing, level of

aggregation, impact of manual forecast adjustments, effect of information sharing, effect

of accuracy metrics used, effects of overfitting, degree of supply chain integration and

collaboration, length of lead time and forecast horizon, the impact of product substitution,

supply chain flexibility and resilience, and effect of demand variability. Together, this

body of literature on tradeoffs in various dimensions of forecast accuracy is formed into a

general typology. Such a framework can be used to inform future research defining

individual tradeoffs as well as the interplay between multiple factors, and the identified

types that require further investigation for full understanding are identified. This

typology also serves as a self-assessment tool for the 4PL, addressing their third question.

In answering the three questions posed by our 4PL research partner: “What is

causing our replenishment forecast error?”, “What predictive factors can help improve

our demand forecast accuracy?”, and “How good is good enough?”, we also fill shortfalls

that currently exist in management literature in three dimensions. Our first essay

explores factors that drive error in upstream forecasts, framed around governance form

effects on post-contractual performance. Our second essay examines the effect of

including uncertain predictive factors in demand forecasts, framed on information

uncertainty and heterogeneous consumer response. Our final essay reviews the current

academic understanding of factors that form trade-offs in demand forecast accuracy, and

proposes a typology for future research development. All three essays include forecast

accuracy as their focal construct, and contribute to a better understanding of factors that

affect it.

Chapter 2: “The Effect of Governance Form on Replenishment Forecast Deviation and
Bias: A Case Study in the Quick-Service Restaurant Industry”


The strategic decision to outsource the rights to use one’s business model and

brand to an outside party through franchise agreements is one that is made by many

different types of firms. As of the 2012 census, franchisors account for 12.1% (560,086)

of all establishments and 17.4% ($1.454 Trillion) of all revenue among U.S.-based

businesses (Census Bureau 2012). As a result, researchers have developed a body of

literature focused on the antecedents of and causes for the managerial decision to pursue

this business approach. In the process they have identified firm, market, and situational

characteristics that significantly contribute to the ex-ante development of franchise

governance form. However to date, an examination of the ex-post supply chain

performance characteristics of firms pursuing this business model is lacking.

Franchise agreements are developed with the intent of maximizing realized long-

term profits to a parent firm. Management literature to date has identified multiple

sources of potential drivers for pursuing a franchise business model, and the vast majority

of this research has been dedicated to identifying the significant antecedents of a firm’s

decision to implement this organizational form. But how might the use of the franchise

governance form influence the supply chain performance of the firm after a contract is in

place? In their comprehensive review of recent management literature on franchising,

Combs et al. (2010) note a dearth of “operations management” franchising research.

Specifically, they identify no articles exploring how parent firms can create value for

their franchisee clients (and vice versa) via supply chain activities. de Leeuw et al.

(2011) examined inventory performance in franchised business units in the automotive

industry. While they did not directly compare forms of governance, they did observe

differential performance between distributed outlets with decentralized inventory control.

The heterogeneity stemmed from incentives unique to each outlet. As a result, they call

for research comparing inventory policies in devolved supply chains, which most notably

includes firms employing the franchise governance form.

In an effort to understand the operational supply chain implications of pursuing a

franchise model, we measure whether governance form has a significant effect on

replenishment forecast deviation and bias beyond what can be explained by other factors.

We examine rates of deviation and bias in the replenishment forecast of a focal firm that

utilizes both company-owned and franchised outlets, and discuss the ramifications of

governance form with respect to outlet inventory and replenishment policy. To

accomplish these research goals, we collected distribution center level replenishment

forecast and inventory data from a major U.S.-based restaurant chain that utilizes

company-owned and franchised retail outlets. The analysis will identify whether

franchised outlets experience higher levels of replenishment forecast deviation and

whether this deviation has a greater negative bias than their company-owned

counterparts, when controlling for other factors. We will observe whether these results

are consistent with extant management literature on governance form as a result of

agency costs. Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings will then be


Research Context

The origins of this study stem from an ongoing relationship with corporate

members of a university-affiliated research group. Through the group, we started

working with the primary fourth party logistics (4PL) provider for a major international

quick service restaurant to develop research questions that simultaneously address

relevant theoretical management issues and solve multiple supply chain issues their major

restaurant customer was experiencing. One such problem was significant order deviation

by individual restaurant outlets in their centrally developed replenishment forecasts.

Managers and owners at individual restaurant locations are permitted the freedom to

deviate from centrally planned order levels due to the likelihood that they would have

greater knowledge of local conditions that would drive demand. While this policy is

likely to improve operations at the outlet level, deviations drive uncertainty in

replenishment and are viewed as error by distributors.

The restaurant firm in our research operates almost 15,000 retail outlets

domestically, of which more than 80% are contracted to franchise companies. The firm

utilizes the aforementioned 4PL to centrally develop sales forecasts and plan

replenishment for all restaurant outlets, and five third party logistics (3PL) companies

provide warehousing and distribution services for the restaurant chain. The restaurant

chain manages national and regional promotions as part of their demand planning

process, but each outlet may add local promotional activity that tends to be underreported

and can impact centralized forecast accuracy. All involved firms, i.e. the restaurant firm,

its 4PL provider, its 3PL providers, and the franchise companies, utilize a management

information system (MIS) curated by the 4PL. Each entity’s relevant MIS data are

visible to at least the adjacent link in the supply chain. Figure 1 illustrates the relevant

data flows within and between firms.

Figure 1: Restaurant Firm Data Flows

With this complex replenishment process involving so many parties, we had to

determine our best course of action to identify potential causes of deviation in the

replenishment forecast. Interviews within the 4PL firm, and with one 3PL provider

indicated that demand information asymmetry (Lee et al. 2000, Cachon and Fisher 2000)

was not likely a cause of deviation, as multiple echelons share data that are updated daily.

Nor were delays in information (Chen 1999), as MIS data are updated daily reflecting

both distribution center (DC) and restaurant inventory levels, as well as the projected

effect of daily orders. Anecdotally, data entry errors, particularly at the individual

restaurant level introduce some noise in the replenishment process and may lead to

deviation, but this did not appear to be a primary source. Interviews with the restaurant

firm’s promotions team, as well as with one 3PL distribution team, indicated restaurant

governance form could be a source of deviation. Specifically, these teams perceived

franchised outlets to exhibit higher levels of deviation and a more positive bias in their

deviations than the restaurant company-owned outlets. The restaurant firm’s financial

disclosures corroborated this account by indicating outlet governance form was a

significant operational risk factor, as franchised locations were seen as more likely to

deviate from corporate standard procedure.

The logic in permitting both franchised and company-owned outlets the discretion

to edit the centrally developed replenishment forecasts is that outlet-level management

are more likely to have an understanding of local demand conditions (including locally

planned promotions) beyond what is captured in the statistical forecast. This notion is

heavily supported in forecasting literature (Fildes et al. 2008, Syntetos, Boylan and

Disney 2009, Eroglu and Knemeyer 2010, Eroglu and Croxton, 2010), and subjective

adjustments are often incorporated in the demand planning process. However, any order

from the outlet that differs from the forecast replenishment amount constitutes a deviation

that must be accounted for with buffer stock at the DC (Zinn et al. 1989, Gardner 1990).

Each 3PL-operated DC receives a recommended buffer stock level from the 4PL

planning firm, but has the discretion to establish their own stock levels. These DC

operators are contractually obligated to meet service level requirements of all company-

owned and franchised outlets, and are responsible for any charges incurred from stock-

outs and emergency shipments. The result of deviation by the restaurant outlet operator

is that the restaurant firm’s supply chain holds excessive system-wide inventory across

echelons. In addition to incurring unnecessary holding costs, many stock keeping units

are perishable or tied to a finite promotion, so some portion of excess inventory will

constitute an irrecoverable loss. DC operators will inevitably pass these costs on to their

supply chain partners.

Replenishment forecasts are currently developed in the same way regardless of

governance form. While this may lower the cost and complexity of demand management

for the firm, management literature on governance form suggests that franchisees may

behave differently when it comes to replenishment, which contributes to additional

inventory carrying costs at the next higher echelon in the supply chain (de Leeuw et al.

2011). As residual claimants of their local business unit, franchisees are more likely than

their firm-employed managerial counterpart to behave in a manner that maximizes their

local interests (Lafontaine 1992, Michael 2000, Kaufmann and Lafontaine 1994, Shelton

1967, Krueger 1991, Brickley and Dark 1987, Rubin 1978). To date, studies have used

aggregated factors to describe ex-ante determinants of organizational form. This research

is positioned to identify specific ex-post performance effects of the choice of

organizational form.

Literature Review

In order to understand the franchising governance form and the performance

implications of its adoption, we first examine extant literature on governance form.

Many possible theoretical explanations for the strategic decision to pursue a franchise

approach have been posited; most prominently transaction costs, resource scarcity and

agency costs. We review each briefly, but derive our primary theoretical motivation from

agency theory.

Transaction Costs

Transaction cost theorists see franchisor firms as an interstice or hybrid of pure

vertical integration and the open market (Rubin 1978, Norton 1988a, Norton 1988b).

Caves and Murphy II (1976) describe franchising as an “intracorporate management of

decentralized units”. Ex-ante investment in a franchise by an entity legally separate from

the firm acts as a “hostage” in Williamsonian terms, bridging the gap between a pure

market and internal corporate transactions (Noren 1990). While most authors agree that

this hybrid form exists, the argument for causal mechanisms that drive the level of firm-

like or market-like characteristics of this organization form, as well as the extent to which

a firm chooses to franchise their outlets tends to split between a resource based view and

an administrative efficiency view.

Resource Scarcity

The idea that a firm chooses to franchise its outlets as a result of a lack of access

to resources, which are then supplied by franchisees, was originated by Oxenfeldt and

Kelly (1969), and further asserted by Caves and Murphy II (1976). Rooted in the

resource based theory of the firm, franchising allows for firm growth even when

resources for expansion are scarce. Rapid growth is viewed as desirable, as it allows a

firm to build brand capital, take advantage of a market opportunity to seize a larger share

of total demand, or achieve economies of scale in promotion and production (Carney and

Gedajlovic 1991). Growth of a firm permits further acquisition and dynamic

replenishment of the available pool of productive resources (Penrose 1959), and is

limited primarily by the market, capital resources and managerial resources.

Due to the problem of adverse selection, in which lenders have inadequate cues to

evaluate the availability of alternatives, Combs and Ketchen (1999) assert franchising can

alleviate the problem of resource scarcity by giving firms access to capital that can be

less costly than capital from debt and equity markets. Firms may also access additional

entrepreneurial capacity by changing investors into managers. Franchising transfers

increased residual ownership and risk to managers, eliminating the need for a loan or

capital market investment while controlling net monitoring (or those associated with

observing and controlling actions of outlet managers) costs (Norton 1988a). Carney and

Gedajlovic (1991) and Mathewson and Winter (1985) both support this resource scarcity

view, but in an effect moderated by administrative efficiency and stage of firm


However, multiple studies refute the logical development of a resource scarcity

based motivation for franchising. Franchising as a capital scarcity expedient is countered

with the proposition that passive investment is diversified over all of a firm’s outlets,

presumably demanding a lower return on this lower risk (Rubin 1978, Brickley and Dark

1987, Lafontaine 1992). Detractors found either no significant effect from scarcity on

organizational form, or found that effect to be dominated or heavily moderated by the

effect from agency costs (Rubin 1978, Brickley and Dark 1987). In a meta-analysis of 44

previous studies on the causes of governance form choice, Combs and Ketchen (2003)

conclusively redirect the argument, finding no significant resource scarcity drivers for the

choice of organizational form. They did, however, find numerous significant agency

costs that may help explain the choice to franchise.

Agency Costs or Administrative Efficiency

For this research, the most relevant theoretical explanation for the determination

of governance form is agency theory, which describes the two-sided moral hazard that

exists between principals (firm owners) and agents (firm employees). In the context of

this research, this hazard exists between the parent restaurant firm central planners and

outlet owners or managers. Both work toward their own self-interest where possible, but

agency loss can be mitigated through bonding by the agent and monitoring by the

principal. Franchising is a hybrid of these two control mechanisms (Brickley and Dark


Franchise bonding occurs by transferring residual risk and claim to a legally

(though not practically) separate firm (Rubin 1978). This is typically in the form of an

ex-ante investment by the franchisee, usually as a franchising fee and a non-returnable

real investment, who in turn receives excess rents as the principal of their own firm.

Bonding may also include elements beyond simple claims on expected profit; such as

supernormal ex-ante and ex-post rents left unclaimed in franchise contracts (Kaufmann

and Lafontaine 1994), expectation for contract renewal, or promise of additional lucrative

contract award (Bertagnoli 1989).

This method of ex-ante bonding investment is intended to capture all of the

expected excess profits for the parent firm after discounting a reasonable return to the

franchisee, monitoring costs and residual agency costs such as those related to shirking.

Due to bounded rationality (or the inability of the parent firm to predict all future profits

with certainty), incomplete franchise agreements (Mathewson and Winter 1985)

necessitate ex-post royalties that are some percent of revenue (Caves and Murphy II

1976, Rubin 1978, Noren 1990, Combs and Ketchen 2003) in addition to the initial fee.

Bonding is a less direct means of minimizing the two-sided moral hazard, in

which it is difficult or expensive for the principal and agent to observe the other’s actions,

by both eliminating the agent’s incentive to shirk (Bertagnoli 1989, Noren 1990, Krueger

1991, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991, Michael 2000) and ensuring the principal’s continued

assistance and interest in the outlet’s performance (Rubin 1978, Combs and Ketchen


Post contractual monitoring is the primary mechanism designed to eliminate the

remaining moral hazard after bonding costs are established in the contract (Rubin 1978,

Fama and Jensen 1983, Yin and Zajac 2004, Paik and Choi 2007). Monitoring refers to

continued costs related to observing and controlling agent actions after contract formation

and bonding, which could include formation and dissemination of corporate policies to

outlets, or travel and technology costs to observe outlet behavior. This is a more direct

approach that is effective when there is direct coercive control and outlets are easily

accessible. Where monitoring is relatively more expensive, such as when outlets are at

greater distances from a corporate headquarters or in a market with unknown or transient

conditions, bonding is substituted (Fama and Jensen 1983, Norton 1988a, Norton 1988b,

Lafontaine 1992, Combs and Ketchen 2003). Monitoring costs are found to be more

significant among franchised outlets (Brickley and Dark 1987, Norton 1988a, Norton

1988b, Lafontaine 1992, Combs and Ketchen 2003), but some elements of cost are

mitigated in recent years by advances in telecommunications and MIS (Yin and Zajac

2004, Cochet et al. 2008).

After implementing both control mechanisms, there remains a residual loss as a

result of self-interested actions that could not be controlled (Mahoney 2000, Jensen and

Meckling 1976). Firms choose the franchise governance form more often for firms with

high monitoring costs, and in doing so substitute bonding costs to a greater extent.

Therefore, residual agency loss among franchised units is more likely to come as a result

of inefficient bonding than inefficient monitoring. We should expect the manner of

royalty collection between the two governance forms to reflect this difference in


Managers of firm-owned outlets are typically compensated on a fixed or revenue-

based scale, so additional costs from inefficiencies, shirking and perquisite taking do not

significantly affect their personal income. This revenue basis of evaluation is due to the

fact that it is difficult for parent firms to attribute drivers of revenue or cost to actions of a

manager independent of the firm. Franchisees, on the other hand, typically pay royalties

based on revenue and claim any realized profit (Rubin 1978, Krueger 1991). This

increased claim comes with increased risk. Franchisees, who may have large proportions

of their personal wealth tied up in an outlet, and may be restricted in their property rights

to quickly sell assets (Noren 1990), directly feel any costs from inefficiencies. Given this

greater risk experienced by franchisees, they have a greater motivation than managers at

corporate outlets to actively monitor their own operations. An example of this is in labor

costs. Franchise governance form is positively related to cost structures with large labor

components (Norton 1988a, Norton 1988b). Presumably as a result of more engaged

management, franchise employees are found to report higher levels adequate managerial

supervision, and outlets experience lower rates of perquisite taking, lower mean wage,

and lower rate of wage increase (Krueger 1991).

Though residual loss components are more prevalent in choosing the franchise

model, inefficient risk bearing, free ridership, and quasi rent appropriation drive the use

of the corporate owned outlet. Increasing risk (and thereby interest and effort) of the

franchisee may cause inefficient risk bearing, or the unwillingness to make optimal

investments as a result of heavy undiversified investment in a single outlet. This cost is

found to be more significant in choosing the franchise governance form (Brickley and

Dark 1987, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991). Underinvestment may also relate to what is

known as the externality or free rider problem, where the franchisee bears less risk from

underinvesting in advertising, customer experience, and overall quality (Rubin 1978,

Mathewson and Winter 1985, Brickley and Dark 1987, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991,

Michael 2000). This effect is found to manifest among franchisees of a parent firm with

high brand value who receive a significant portion of their patronage from customers

unlikely to return, as is the case with business catering to travelers (Norton 1988b),

though this also has contrapositive examples (Brickley and Dark 1987). Free riding loss

can be based on brand value of the parent firm, or on local reputation (Mathewson and

Winter 1985). Finally residual loss may include quasi-rent appropriation (Brickley and

Dark 1987, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991, Michael 2000). In this case, franchisees may

own assets (as part of the business) that hold higher value with alternative uses, and use

this as leverage in contract renegotiation. Alternatively franchisees may demand lower

initial fees or royalty rates for higher levels of asset specificity.

Post-Contractual Performance

The majority of franchising research is focused on the ex-ante determination of

governance form. However, some more recent work examines the post-contractual

operational performance implications of the franchise governance form. The opportunity

for the current research lies in the ex-ante incompleteness of contracts and the inability to

perfectly monitor ex-post, allowing for residual agency loss. The agency loss

component, found to be most prevalent in choosing the franchise outlet form, also serves

as the basis for explaining ex-post performance. Existing research on ex-post

performance takes on three dimensions; plural form, relational governance, and the fit of

strategy to organizational form.

The first dimension of franchise performance research is the limits to adoption of

organizational form. In other words, firm performance is observed from the perspective

of plural form, or one where neither franchised nor firm-owned outlets completely

dominate. Research on choice of organizational form describe a plural arrangement, but

only as a result of balanced agency factors, transaction costs, or resource limitations.

This economic equilibrium view does not recognize that under the plural form, a firm is

able to symbiotically exploit unique performance characteristics of both firm-owned and

franchised outlets. The plural arrangement permits system-wide uniformity, but also

adaptation to local opportunities (Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004). Through

performance benchmarking referred to as ratcheting, both organizational forms benefit

from the advantages of the other (Bradach 1997). Managers at firm-owned outlets,

motivated by promotion within a corporate hierarchy, are incented to maintain standards

and contribute to brand value. Conversely, franchisees have more leeway to try new

strategies (Rubin 1978, Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004, Paik and Choi 2007), and are

motivated by residual claims to innovate. More precisely, franchisees are more willing to

deviate from corporate guidance if they believe it will contribute to their outlet’s profit

(Brickley and Dark 1987, Norton 1988a, Bertagnoli 1989, Krueger 1991, Carney and

Gedajlovic 1991, Kaufmann and Lafontaine 1994, Michael 2000, Yin and Zajac 2004, de

Leeuw, Holweg and Williams 2011). The parent firm, monitoring via integrated

information systems, has the capability to benchmark franchisee performance and adapt

corporate strategy if franchisee deviations prove effective. Exploiting the advantage of

franchisee adaptability can then be achieved by fiat at corporate owned outlets.

If, however, the parent firm observes superior performance at corporate owned

outlets relative to franchised outlets, it has limited power to coerce franchised outlets to

adopt the effective policy. Contracts permit greater freedom to franchisees, and

monitoring is relatively more expensive for franchisees. This introduces the second

dimension of post-contractual performance, relational governance. Marketing channel

theorists posit that non-coercive interactions are more effective at influencing behavior

with corporate partners that parent firms have limited contractual influence over (Paik

and Choi 2007, Cochet et al. 2008). Bradach (1997) supports the notion that persuasion

is far more effective than threat of contract termination or even monitoring for franchised

units. High performance of corporate outlets can be a persuasive tool to convince

franchisees to similarly uphold standards.

The third dimension of post-contractual performance is fit of form and strategy.

Contingency theorists observe that the choice of plural form exists as a result of matching

compatible strategies and outlet forms (Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004, Barthélemy

2008). Outlets have agency costs that are more significant to each form, and advantages

that are specific to their form. Performance depends on developing a strategy that

minimized the form specific residual loss and maximizes the advantages of the plural



The literature predicting governance form informs the extension to the effect of

governance form on operational performance. By determining sources of residual agency

loss, we can suggest remedies tailored for the conditions of incomplete control as in the

franchise contract model. In this way, we will contribute to research on post contract


Research on the agency theoretical drivers of governance form and more recent

work on performance implications of franchising indicate that franchisees, as residual

claimants of their local business unit have incentives that focus on local profit rather than

the goals of the parent firm and third party distributors, and as a result are more likely to

act independently of the franchisor (Brickley and Dark 1987, Norton 1988a, Bertagnoli

1989, Krueger 1991, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991, Kaufmann and Lafontaine 1994,

Michael 2000, Yin and Zajac 2004, de Leeuw, Holweg and Williams 2011). Despite the

limited previous research on the performance outcomes of franchising focus on

aggregated external business measures and not internal indicators, this notion is

supported by discussions with the 4PL firm and 3PL DC operator. Therefore, we

hypothesize that franchised outlet owners are more likely to order supplies in quantities

different from the forecasted replenishment.

H1: Replenishment forecast deviation from proposed order levels by a restaurant

will be relatively higher among restaurants owned by a franchisee than those
corporately owned.

Similarly, franchising researchers have indicated that franchisees are motivated by

profit and not revenue like their corporate manager counterparts. This gives them

incentive not to shirk, more actively monitor costs, and waste less (Rubin 1978, Norton

1988a, Norton 1988b, Noren 1990, Krueger 1991). This would imply bias in

replenishment forecast adjustments would be negative, and helps the local performance

of a restaurant outlet. However, there are alternative explanations for this hypothesis, and

potential for a competing hypothesis.

An alternative explanation for negative bias supported by prior literature is that of

incomplete accounting for residual agency costs. Inefficient risk bearing by franchisees

could include inventory underinvestment in addition to the more traditional concerns of

capital and marketing underinvestment (Brickley and Dark 1987, Carney and Gedajlovic

1991). Free ridership by franchisees could also be an explanation for negative bias in

cases where repeat patronage is low or if local competition is not significant. In these

cases, negative bias would reflect scarcity rather than efficiency, and hurt local

performance. The effect for upstream distributors would be the same, however, so we

include this as merely an alternative explanation for our existing hypothesis rather than a

separate competing hypothesis. If a franchise owner observes a centrally developed

forecast higher than their own perceived knowledge of projected demand, they are more

likely than their corporate manager counterpart to revise their replenishment order


H2: Bias in replenishment forecast deviations will be relatively more negative

among restaurants owned by a franchisee than those corporately owned.

A competing hypothesis arose from interviews with the focal restaurant firm’s

promotions team as well as from one 3PL distribution team. They indicate positive

expected bias in replenishment order deviations driven by a desire to minimize lost sales

by franchise owners. Prior literature could provide support for this view, as particularly

in cases where local competition is high (Cochet et al. 2008) and repeat patronage is

likely (Norton 1988b), service level and market share considerations could increase
positive replenishment order deviation bias among franchisees to the point of dominating

the negative effects described above. We do not measure levels of competition or travel

intensity (indicating degree of free ridership) in this work, so do not include this as a

formal hypothesis. This could, however, serve as a direction for future research if H2 is

not supported.

Model Development

To test these hypotheses, we built models to predict replenishment forecast

deviation and bias with the primary predictor being restaurant outlet governance form

(𝐺𝑂𝑉), defined and measured as the binary existence of a franchise contract at an outlet

(0 indicates a corporate restaurant and 1 indicates a franchisee owned restaurant).

Franchised locations are treated as equal, even if a single franchise owner operated

several restaurants.

Data Collection and Analysis

We began collecting data with the aim of gathering a sample representative of the

almost 15,000 distributed outlets and 8,100 stock units. In the population, there was the

potential for more than 120 million daily transactions to evaluate. Data also were stored

in multiple segregated repositories, and included a mixture of numeric and non-numeric

data. With this combination of volume, variety and velocity, our data were consistent

with the most widely used definition for “big data” (McAfee and Brynjolfsson 2012,

Megahed and Jones-Farmer 2013, Kitchin and McArdle 2016).

While the “bigness” of data provided tremendous opportunities to explore

unexpected relationships, it presented unique challenges and demanded a different

analytical approach. Aside from technical and computational limitations related to the

scale of data, described separately in a working paper (Smyth et al. 2017), there are two

interrelated inferential challenges in big data analysis. First, the increased size and

complexity of big data drive exponential increases in the prevalence of false positives

(Waller and Fawcett 2013a). That is, both unsupervised and supervised machine learning

algorithms identify (typically) correlative relationships that may have no practical or

theoretical meaning (known as epiphenomenality), may be confounded by other

unexplored factors (spuriousness), or if practically related, may have a causal implication

that is the exact reverse of reality (Darlington and Hayes 1990). The second challenge

arises when researchers treat big data as any other, and pursue traditional hypothesis

testing and analytic methods. Though theoretically grounded, the results will almost

certainly produce a so-called statistically significant result, as the statistical power of a

test increases with the size of data (Hair et al. 2006, Wooldridge 2015).

For these reasons, both Waller and Fawcett (2013b) and Cotteleer and Wan

(2016) suggest pairing theoretic grounding with big data exploration. A-priori theorizing

limits false positives in exploration, and exploration lends credibility to an observed

effect by providing necessary context. As such, we explored the additional relationships

in our data sample to augment the hypothesis testing of the effect of governance form on

replenishment forecast deviation and bias.

To accomplish this task, we required data that was not just “big”, but also

multidimensional. Only under this condition do complex and unexpected patterns arise.

As a result, our goal was to bring in enough relevant explanatory variables so we could

train a process of exploratory knowledge extraction on a representative subset, which

could then be applied in cases of larger data in an automated fashion. Data training is a

common approach when developing a supervised machine learning algorithm for labeled

data (Megahed and Jones-Farmer 2013), and is consistent with the Waller and Fawcett’s

(2013b) call to combine big data methods with theoretically grounded empirical research.

Variable Evaluation and Selection

Our outcome variables of interest, replenishment forecast deviation (𝐷𝐸𝑉 ∈ ℤ+ )

and bias (𝐵𝐼𝐴𝑆 ∈ ℤ), were both derived from individual replenishment transaction data

furnished by the 4PL. Replenishment orders are in units of cases of menu item

ingredients. Deviation is the absolute difference between recommended and ordered

amounts, and bias is simply the difference. Replenishment forecast deviation and bias

was internally tracked by stock keeping unit, individual restaurant outlet, and daily order.

Restaurant outlet-level replenishment forecasts and actual ordered quantity were

available from a single database.

In an effort to relate this research to the limited extant research on post-

contractual performance in firms with franchised or plural form, we also strove to

identify common predictors and control variables from extant literature. However, due to

the nature of the data in existing research, few commonalities emerged. Previous work

either relied on perceptual measures, did not measure governance form, were at a higher

level of aggregation, or measured information unavailable to us such as multiunit

ownership among franchisees (Bradach 1997, Paik and Choi 2007, Barthélemy 2008).

Only Yin and Zajac (2004) utilize governance form as a variable. Theirs is also the only

existing study that includes data that is directly measured, rather than perception-based.

As a result of this limited comparability, we derive control variables and later exploratory

constructs primarily from within the available temporal, geographic, and product-based

structure characteristics of the available transaction data. In their review of the supply

chain forecasting literature, Syntetos et al. (2016) note these grouping dimensions have

been shown to effectively account for demand variance, and multiple papers have utilized

each to find significant effects (Mentzer and Cox 1984, Fliedner and Lawrence 1995,

Zhao et al. 2002b, Zotteri et al. 2005, Williams and Waller 2011b, Rostami-Tabar et al.

2013, Jin et al. 2015, Moon 2015, Paul et al. 2015).

As each deviation represents some edit on the transaction between an individual

restaurant and their servicing DC, we included an indicator for which DC would fulfill

each order (and would be affected by each deviation). Restaurants are geographically

nested in a DC, in that each DC services all stores within a defined geographic area for all

products. Advertising is coordinated through a geographically organized group of

restaurants, called a cooperative, and since advertising patterns could have a great effect

on the variance of replenishment forecasts (and resulting deviations) for a product, we

need to track the advertising cooperative to which each store belongs. Stores are nested

in cooperatives much as they are in DCs, but DCs and advertising cooperatives are not

nested in or coincidental to each other. That is, a cooperative of restaurant outlets could

be serviced by multiple DCs, and vice versa. Cooperative membership is geographically

nested in a television market, which is then geographically nested in a region. Therefore

we included cooperative membership, television market, and region for each transaction

from a separate database.

As our measures of interest were scale dependent, we needed to include controls

for restaurant throughput. Historical usage (𝐻𝐼𝑆𝑇 ∈ ℝ+ ) was included as a scaler for the

level of consumption at a restaurant outlet over the previous replenishment period.

Restaurants with high historical usage tended to have higher deviation levels, but merely

as a function of higher throughput volume. The same is true for recommended order

quantity for the upcoming replenishment period (known as proposal amount or 𝑃𝑅𝑂𝑃, ∈

ℝ+ ), though in a manner somewhat independent of historical usage. For this reason, we

included both PROP and HIST.

Training Data Set Formation

As described in Megahed and Jones-Farmer (2013), model building in an

environment with large multidimensional data can quickly become overwhelmingly

complex. That is why they recommend training a model on data that is relatively simple,

yet can be expected to represent effects beyond the limited scope. When gathering a

sample to train a big data exploratory model, we had to strike a balance between

complete representation and tractability. If our sample was too large, we may get bogged

down by limitations relating to computational complexity. If our sample was too small,

we run the risk of identifying anomalous effects and limiting the general applicability of

our results. To achieve this balance, we limited the stock keeping units, date range, and

restaurants examined to be a representative sample of a wide range of menu offerings,

demand patterns, geographic regions, and seasons. The representativeness of our sample

was achieved through multiple discussions with the 4PL firm’s analysts. In this way, we

could develop a machine-operated process guided by domain knowledge. We could test

theoretically-based hypotheses on a limited range of data that can then be applied via a

supervised machine learning algorithm to the exhaustive set of transactions for use by the

restaurant firm and 4PL.

We included one full year to capture the seasonal effects and annual promotions

observable in the data. We also limited our sample to one year of data, as firm

forecasters were still in the process of refining their approach to restaurant replenishment

forecasts, and the process had changed in the previous two years. As a result, the types of

information collected before the identified range differed in nature and quality.

Following this period, increased competitive pressure caused the parent firm to make

significant menu changes. Therefore, data after the identified range differed in products

offered and in maturity of product demand. We selected 39 of over 8,100 stock keeping

units, representing multiple of the highest volume limited promotional items, perishable

refrigerated items, frozen items, fresh produce, meats, dry goods, condiments and paper

products. The restaurant firm’s 4PL indicated that this sample was representative of all

major demand patterns they experience in their forecasting. Similarly, we selected the

restaurants serviced by only 8 of 34 domestic DCs. This resulted in only 4,173

restaurants spread fairly evenly across the contiguous U.S., with the greatest

concentrations of outlets being in the greater Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C.

and Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan areas. Again, the firm’s 4PL partner indicated this

was a representative sample of DC locations and operators. The result was a more

manageable sample of 15.5 million observations, each representing an individual

transaction between a restaurant outlet and their servicing DC. Training samples would

then be randomly drawn from this pool, depending on the complexity requirements of the

analysis method, and retaining some portion of the data as a holdout or verification


Data Processing

As noted in Cotteleer and Wan (2016), rich datasets from a large company with

unintegrated databases can pose significant difficulties and require a tremendous amount

of time to process and understand, especially in the early stages of analysis.

Understanding the data meant understanding the business operations that drive data

generation; by whom, how, and for what reason each element of data was recorded. It

also meant reconciling inconsistent labeling, definitions and usages for data elements

between the various repositories we drew from. For this we are grateful to the steadfast

(and patient) support from the 4PL analysts and corporate liaison as we gained an

understanding of the vast pool of data we were analyzing. Their assistance was integral

as we assessed data quality, integrated data samples from each separate source, recoded

and parsed our data prior to our exploratory analysis.

Data entry errors, database anomalies and other intrinsic quality issues are

magnified in big data. As manual scrubbing of data for errors is not possible, we

calculated descriptive statistics for all numeric indicators, as well as factor summaries for

all non-numeric indicators to identify anomalies. We relied on the guidance of the 4PL’s

analysts to determine what constituted an “unreasonable” value in order to assess whether

a mathematical outlier must be cleansed from the data. If any null cells or unreasonable

values existed, the value was recoded (if evident the null indicates zero), or the

observation was eliminated (if an unexplainable value).

Integrating or merging data may also be more difficult with big data, as

information gathered for different purposes even within the same business may have

differing levels of aggregation, dissimilar time windows and date coding, and may have

no common features required for seamless merging. We merged our data by identifying

common factors in the multiple databases we drew samples from, making sure along the

way that definitions of these common factors were consistent. Often this entailed

incorporating data from unrelated repositories solely as a “cypher” linking data elements

we were interested in. This also required frequent recoding of date formats, stock unit

identifiers, and location codes in nested levels.

The process of merging multiple databases left many redundancies and irrelevant

indicators, so parsing was a necessary step. The remaining variables after parsing were a

replenishment forecast deviation and bias (DEV, BIAS) terms as the dependent variables,

governance form (GOV) indicator as the primary independent variable, the scaling

variables HIST and PROP, multiple nested multicategorical location indicators, date

indicator and multicategorical product indicators.

To numerically analyze multicategorical variables, they had to be transformed

into indicator variables for each category level. This increased the number of

independent indicators to be roughly the sum total of factor levels in each of the original

variables. We chose to use a weighted effects coding scheme, as each treatment

combination did not have equal sample sizes. In this scheme, the numeric value of the

indicator variable represents the deviation from the overall mean through membership in

a level of a multicategorical variable. Any multicategorical variable with g levels

becomes 𝑔 − 1 indicator variables (𝐷1 through 𝐷𝑔−1 ), where levels 1 through 𝑔 − 1 are

denoted by only one indicator variable taking the value of 1, and the rest 0. The

reference level g is denoted by all 𝑔 − 1 indicator variables taking the value of a

counterweight −ℎ𝑗 ⁄ℎ𝑔 , ∀𝑗 ∈ {1,2 … , 𝑔 − 1}, where ℎ𝑗 is the number of observations in

each treatment level 1 through 𝑔 − 1 and ℎ𝑔 is the number of observations in each

treatment level 𝑔 (Darlington and Hayes 1990, Cohen et al. 2013).

Data Exploration

After data processing was complete, we could begin exploring the sample for

contextual factors, clusters, or variables to better characterize the effect of governance

form on deviation and bias. Our collected data permitted exploration over a limited range

of products, restaurant outlets and dates, such that a more general pattern could emerge.

We attempted multiple extant data mining approaches as suggested in Hand et al. (2001),

Han et al. (2011), and Kuhn and Johnson (2013), with the intent of demonstrating

effective data grouping and reductive techniques scalable to the population, and

replicable in different contexts. These group constructs would then be included, along

with governance form indicators, in a regression model predicting forecast deviation and

bias. We had limited success with these approaches due primarily to the scale of our

dataset. The exploratory approaches we tried, and ultimately abandoned, are described in

more detail in a separate working paper (Smyth et al. 2017). A brief summary of our

efforts is listed below. The primary subdivisions among the exploratory approaches are

observation-based and covariance structure-based grouping mechanisms.

We employed the observation-based grouping mechanisms of k-means and both

agglomerative and divisive hierarchical clustering, but were unsuccessful for two reasons.

First, a distance matrix must be calculated between all n observations, thereby increasing

the temporary or random access storage requirements. For samples as small as one

million, storage requirements are on the order of terabytes or more (Buchholtz 1962);

well beyond the current capabilities of most computers. This meant that our training

sample size was limited in size. The second and even more hindering reality is that

observation-based methods require manual interpretation of a stable structure. When

attempted, the resultant clusters were neither stable nor interpretable, so we moved on to

covariance structure-based grouping mechanisms.

Factor analysis, our chosen covariance structure-based approach, had the

computational advantage of requiring less temporary memory (Sharma and Paliwal 2007)

than observation-based methods. This is because they identify structures that may exist

between m predictor variables, typically far fewer in number than n observations. This

method also has the advantage of established statistical indicators to aid selection of

factor models (Horn 1965, Velicer 1976, Zwick and Velicer 1986). Unfortunately as

with observation-based methods, structures were neither stable nor interpretable, and

each statistical indicator specified a different model.

The instability and uninterpretability of models developed by both observation-

based and covariance structure-based exploratory methods was likely due to complex and

unexplainable interactions of effects due to high dimensionality (Gu et al. 2012). In

response, we shifted our exploration to be based on a more parsimonious set of temporal,

geographic, and product-based structure characteristics in regression-based exploratory


A Novel Regression-Based Approach

Making use of the hierarchical structure of the available data, we formulated a

process to predict replenishment forecast deviation and bias from governance form, as

well as temporal, geographic and product indicators. In this method of analysis, we only

estimated first order linear effects. While this omits the more complex interactions that

may exist between variables, it also greatly reduces the manual interpretation of the vast

number of variable combinations that are possible in higher order effects. By eschewing

interaction effects, we avoid one of the major pitfalls of massive and highly dimensional

data (Gu et al. 2012), and permit additional scalability of our model (National Research

Council 2013). In terms of computational parsimony, regression models estimated by

ordinary least squares (OLS) are highly scalable (providing that 𝑚 ≪ 𝑛, and Cohen et al.

2013 recommend 𝑛⁄𝑚 ≥ 40 for data-driven hierarchical analysis) when compared to

interdependence techniques such as cluster and factor analysis.

The concept behind the approach is that initially only aggregate level nested

dummy indicators for categorical variables such as region or month are used as predictor

variables in linear models with replenishment forecast deviation and bias as the

dependent variables. Only the indicators with the highest aggregation are initially

included to limit the number of terms to evaluate, similar to the fixed effects approach to

clustering described in Cohen et al. (2013). Should a term prove to be a significant

predictor of deviation or bias, we remove only the significant predictor and replace it

with the nested disaggregated indicators contained in it, for instance television market in

place of region and week rather than month. As the data are nested, and we are already

using a weighted effects coding scheme, we can interpret the other unremoved

coefficients as nearly equivalent to their interpretation in the original model with only

aggregated terms. This iterative process requires an evaluation of terms after each stage

of disaggregation, with the number of iterations being dependent on the number of

hierarchical tiers present in the data. As terms are iteratively disaggregated, we approach

a model similar to Cohen et al.’s (2013), disaggregated analysis that has completely

atomized indicators and numeric independent variables. This method, that we call

hierarchical progressive disaggregation (HPD), permits an analyst or manager to

identify relatively few aggregated identifiers that have some significant effect prior to

diving deeper. This is particularly useful as this method is scaled up from our sample

with only 39 disaggregated product indicators and 4,173 disaggregated restaurant outlet

indicators to one that potentially includes all 8,100 stock units, nearly 15,000 restaurant

locations, and longer time windows.

We estimated separate models for replenishment forecast deviation (DEV) and

replenishment forecast bias (BIAS). To estimate these two dependent variables, we

initially fit linear regression models via OLS. Under this estimation method, we had to

satisfy certain assumptions: (1) linearity in the relationship between independent and

dependent variables, and in the residuals, (2) normality, (3) homoscedasticity and (4)

independence (Cohen et al. 2013).

Predictors in our model that are multicategorical were subsequently recoded as

weighted effects coded binary indicator variables, so the assumption of linearity for these

were assured. With only two treatment levels possible for each condition, we would not

be able to characterize a more complex relationship between independent and dependent

variables. However, HIST and PROP both are either continuous or have enough

treatment levels where nonlinearity could be an issue. Both DEV and BIAS are counts,

but deviation is strictly non-negative whereas bias can be either negative or positive.

Both counts also include a large proportion of observations with zero values, meaning the

restaurant accepted the centrally developed replenishment forecast. Of note, we had

eliminated the multicategorical DC indicator during previous exploratory analysis due to

high multicollinearity with other location indicators. This made factor models

inestimable. The terms were also left out of subsequent analyses both for high

collinearity and because DC indicators were not nested like location indicators restaurant,

cooperative, and region.

When fitting initial OLS models for deviation and bias, we found that our

residuals exhibited non-normality and heteroscedasticity. While both sets of residuals

still had the characteristic bell shape indicating normality, they were bimodal with a

heavy concentration near zero. This indicated error in the model prediction when the true

deviation or bias was zero, with a more normally distributed second error source.

Plotting residuals against predicted values, we found similar tight groupings around zero,

with a more homoscedastic grouping of observations away from zero. This result implied

model misspecification, and as a result we had to explore alternative model conceptions.

Cohen et al. (2013) recommend generalized linear models (GLM) to account for

such heteroscedasticity, and as deviation occurs as positive integer counts, we initially

pursued a Poisson distribution for the outcome variable. We encountered two main

issues with fitting such a model. One is that the computational complexity in iteratively

fitting a ML regression equation exceeds that of OLS (Minka 2003) and lacks scalability

(Toulis and Airoldi 2015). Even with a (relatively) small training sample of five million,

the difference in computation time between ML (using Fisher scoring or Newton-

Raphson iteratively weighted least squares algorithms) and OLS (using the QR

decomposition algorithm) is quite noticeable (Fox and Weisberg 2010). This of course

would be exacerbated in the larger enterprise-sized samples, though can be mitigated

partially by capping the number of iterations in the ML estimation (Cohen et al. 2013).

The second issue is that a Poisson model ended fitting poorly to our data. Standard

indicators of fit will tend to fail (asymptotically) as sample size increases (Maydeu-

Olivares and Garcia-Forero 2010). Fit indices are based on the assumption of an

approximate fit to a theoretic distribution. As sample size increases, the credible interval

window will narrow and a null hypothesis will invariably be rejected, thus violating the

assumptions of such a model. Observed phenomena rarely (if ever) converge perfectly to

a theoretic shape, and as the fidelity of the sample grows, the likelihood that it will

deviate from a theoretic distribution shaped (in this case) by only one parameter

increases. It is likely that a Poisson distribution poorly approximates a non-negative

observed value that is actually an amplified reflection of negative and positive count


Jöreskog (2002) notes that this particular data structure may better be

approximated with a Tobit model that assumes a censored normal distribution in the

response variable. A histogram of deviation in our data appeared to support this

assumption, with a large proportion of values (~70%) accumulated around the censored

tail at zero. Unfortunately, this type of model shares the same weaknesses of a Poisson

model in that it is estimated by ML, so lacks scalability (Jöreskog 2002) and

asymptotically violates its (in this case three) parameter assumptions (Henningsen 2010).

Accounting for Cases of Non-Deviation

In our attempts to characterize the data via ML models with parametric

assumptions, we began to recognize a different character in those orders in which no

deviation or bias occurs. As mentioned previously, heteroscedasticity occurs mainly

around the zero values, indicating that linear or parametric models estimate non-zero

values fairly well, but that zero values are potentially determined by a separate function.

This problem is known as nonrandom sample selection driven by incidental truncation

(Wooldridge 2015). If this truncation is ignored and we attempt to estimate a parametric

model of the whole sample, there exists a sample selection bias (in a direction determined

by the nature of truncation). One method for correcting this bias is via the Heckit

method, which estimates the existence and magnitude of a dependent variable in separate

equations. The existence estimate is accomplished via logit or probit regression on the

whole sample, which permits estimation of an inverse Mills ratio 𝜆(𝑧𝑖 𝛾𝑖 ), 𝑖 ∈ {1: 𝑚}. In

this function, 𝑧𝑖 represents the list of variables predicting 𝑠, the existence of deviation

(which contain 𝑥𝑗 , the predictor variables for 𝑦, nonzero deviation magnitude), 𝛾𝑖 is the

list of regression coefficients. The magnitude model is then estimated via OLS with the

Mills ratio included as 𝐸(𝑦|𝑧, 𝑠 = 1) = 𝑥𝑗 𝛽𝑗 + 𝜌𝜆(𝑧𝑖 𝛾𝑖 ), 𝑗 ∈ {1: 𝑘 ∈ 𝑚}, and 𝜌 is the

correlation between error terms of the two models (Wooldridge 2010). Models estimated

in this way have been found to be both consistent and unbiased (Heckman 1976).

This sample selection observation has a rationale beyond data mining and

exploration of residuals. A restaurant outlet manager or franchisee may be predisposed to

avoid deviating from the forecasted replenishment under certain conditions that are

independent of the conditions that affect how much they would deviate. Perhaps in

instances where they have low volume in or low proportion of profit derived from a

particular product, or little past knowledge of the sales performance of an item, they

would defer to the centrally developed replenishment. Consequently, we would not

expect these (or other) factors to have the same effect for an observation in which no

deviation or bias occurs as we would for those in which we observe at least some

deviation or bias. With such a large proportion of observations with no change to the

proposed forecast, it may make more sense to truncate those observations rather than

censor or try to parameterize them in a single model.

We coded a new variable to be a deviation existence indicator (𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑋 ∈ {0,1}),

and estimated a logit model to try and predict DEVEX. Utilizing the purposeful method

of fitting logit models (Hosmer Jr. et al. 2013), our preliminary main effects model

retained all predictor variables included in the original OLS model. This is based on their

Wald test significance and consistent with their logical and theoretic justification for

inclusion. Though removing terms with the lowest Wald test p-values did not heavily

influence the remaining regression coefficients (change of < 15%), nested models were

significantly different from each other as measured by the likelihood ratio test. Therefore

we retained all original predictors. Evidence of a main effects model was supported by

estimating a model via the method of fractional polynomials, which indicated that

deviance is minimized when only first order terms are included. Thus the preliminary

final model contained only predictor variables included in the original OLS model, and

the model’s log-likelihood indicates a significant increase in deviance explained over a

null model (𝑝 ≪ 0.001).

The logit model indicated franchised outlets were 39% more likely than corporate

restaurants to deviate from a forecast, and that this effect was highly significant (𝑝 ≪

0.001). This is further support of cross-tabulations and descriptive statistics that indicate

increased likelihood among franchisees. The mosaic plot in Figure 2 indicates a larger

proportion of orders placed by franchisees were non-zero when compared to orders

placed by corporate managed outlets. The width of the mosaic tiles serve to indicate the

relative number of franchised and corporate transactions. 89.5% of observations in our

sample were from franchised restaurants (which made up 87.5% of sampled locations).

Figure 2: Prevalence of Deviation Existence by Governance Form

However, our logit model had marginal discrimination (𝐴𝑈𝐶 = 0.649), meaning

that given two observations where one has zero deviation and the other has non-zero

deviation, the model will only correctly classify these observations 65% of the time.

Beyond classification weaknesses, our model also had a number of indicators of poor

model calibration. LOWESS smoothed plots of numeric (treated as continuous) variables

HIST and PROP against DEVEX reveal monotonic behavior, which would be expected in

a properly fitting logit model. However, when logit transformed, these plots exhibit

nonlinearity in the lower range of values, indicating possible model misspecification.

Both the Pearson’s Chi-Square and the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit tests indicate

poor model fit (𝑝 ≪ 0.001). Similarly, the McFadden pseudo R2 measure that represents

a proportional reduction in error variance (not to be confused with the R2 measure from
OLS) indicates sub-par explanatory power of the model at 𝑅𝑀𝑐𝐹 = 0.048 (Wooldridge

2010). Due to these limitations, we cannot have a reasonable estimate for the Mills ratio.

This lack of fit may be due to the lack of an exogenous variable in 𝑧𝑖 ∉ 𝑥𝑗 (Wooldridge

2015), and requires the assumption (that we later examine) that 𝜌 = 0.

We then conducted a separate OLS analysis only on those observations in which a

deviation occurs. We did so following the HPD procedure described previously. The

initial model is the most highly aggregated, with indicators only for month

(𝑀𝑂𝑁𝑇𝐻𝑐 , 𝐶 = {1,2, … 12}), region (𝑅𝐸𝐺𝑘 ) and an aggregate indicator for product

grouping (𝐺𝑅𝑃𝑟 ). Every day (𝐷𝐴𝑌𝑎 , 𝐴 = {1,2, … 365}) is nested in a week (𝑊𝐾𝑏 , 𝐵 =

{1,2, … 52}), that is then nested in a month by the month a week began. All 𝐼 = 4,173

restaurants (𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑇𝑖 ) are nested in 𝐽 = 56 advertising cooperatives (𝐶𝑂𝑂𝑃𝑗 ), which in

turn are nested in 𝐾 = 16 geographic regions. Each of 𝑃 = 39 products (𝑃𝑅𝑂𝐷𝑝 ) fall

into 𝑅 = 6 aggregate product grouping indicators that we jointly determined with the

restaurant’s 4PL to be most likely to have common advertising, storage and handling

characteristics. Frozen, refrigerated, paper, dry goods, promotional items and bread

products were all determined to be unique groupings that would be expected to behave

similarly in terms of replenishment forecast deviation and bias. By initially using such
aggregated terms and estimating only first order effects, we were able to initially evaluate

and interpret only 34 regression coefficients. The initial evaluated model for deviation is

of the form:

𝐷𝐸𝑉𝑎𝑖𝑝 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝐺𝑂𝑉 + 𝛽2 𝐻𝐼𝑆𝑇 + 𝛽3 𝑃𝑅𝑂𝑃 + 𝛽3+𝑐 𝑀𝑂𝑁𝑇𝐻 + 𝛽3+𝐶+𝑘 𝑅𝐸𝐺

+ 𝛽3+𝐶+𝐾+𝑟 𝐺𝑅𝑃

And the model for bias is simply:

𝐵𝐼𝐴𝑆𝑎𝑖𝑝 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝐺𝑂𝑉 + 𝛽2 𝐻𝐼𝑆𝑇 + 𝛽3 𝑃𝑅𝑂𝑃 + 𝛽3+𝑐 𝑀𝑂𝑁𝑇𝐻 + 𝛽3+𝐶+𝑘 𝑅𝐸𝐺

+ 𝛽3+𝐶+𝐾+𝑟 𝐺𝑅𝑃

Outlier Identification

As with the OLS models that included all observations, we estimated separate

models for bias and deviation, but now among transactions with strictly nonzero values.

While fitting the models, we tested for and observed outliers in both models based on the

∑(𝑌̂−𝑌̂ )2
global influence measure Cook’s Distance 𝐷𝑖 = (𝑚+1)𝑀𝑆𝑖 with 𝑚 predictors (Cohen et

al. 2013). We selected a global influence measure over a specific influence measure such

as DFBETA because estimation requires m times less computation time in the global

measure. This was significant given our training sample size of five million. While

many cutoff thresholds are proposed as being worth examining, we selected a value

4⁄(𝑛 − 𝑚 − 1) with 𝑛 observations and 𝑚 predictors, which is more appropriate for

large data samples (Fox and Weisberg 2010). Despite this being a more stringent cutoff

designed to limit the amount of outliers an analyst must examine, the deviation and bias

models had 53,144 and 58,023 respectively (out of 1.6 million observations). In the end,

four observations were removed based on Cook’s distances that were several times larger

than all other highly influential observations. While it is unwise to remove observations
simply due to their large influence (Hair et al. 2006), we observed these four transactions

also to have order values 23.5-91.7 times larger than historic usage and 76.3-80.2 time

larger than the proposed order size. These are not reasonable values and constitute

obvious entry errors. Worth noting: while outliers manifested in a fairly proportional

manner to all predictor factor levels, two stood out. Bun and fry transactions made up

91.8% of the most influential observations in the deviation model and 93.2% of the most

influential observations in the bias model. In fact, fully 40.3% of bun and 15.7% of fry

transactions in the deviation model and 43.7% of bun and 18.5% of fry transactions in the

bias model were considered “outliers”. This indicates that these products behave

differently than the others in this model, and that the linear prediction may not be

sufficient for these products.


After removing erroneous outliers, we began the disaggregation process and

report the results starting with the deviation model. Starting with terms at the highest

level of aggregation, we fit a model that explains 50.3% of the variation in order

deviation. The results of the aggregated model indicates nearly all predictors had a

significant effect by traditional alpha-level cutoff standards. This is to be expected, as

our sample size is extremely large. In fact, as this process is scaled to larger portions of

an enterprise dataset, it would be unlikely to calculate an effect that wasn’t significant by

traditional statistical cutoff levels (i.e.: 𝛼 = 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001). Using any fixed level

of statistical significance as a threshold becomes problematic in large data sets, because

significance depends not only on effect size and dispersion, but increasingly on the

number of observations in any treatment level (Hair et al. 2006, Wooldridge 2015). We

therefore used a relative threshold to select and disaggregate only those factors whose

effects are least likely to be due only to chance. As governance form is the focal

predictor in this model, we defined statistical significance of covariates in relation to the

statistical significance of that term. Alternatively, if the analysis is purely exploratory, or

if there is a much larger set of variables, some percent of the most statistically significant

terms may be candidates for disaggregation.

Deviation Model

For the deviation model (when deviation is nonzero), only two regions and two

product categories had higher significance than the effect of governance form. For the

first disaggregation, we replaced the indicators for the Heartland and Southern California

regions and the frozen and refrigerated product categories with the 16 and 15 respective

nested terms that make up those aggregated categories. We then re-estimated the model

with the disaggregated terms. Not surprisingly, the disaggregated model explained more

of the variance in deviation at 52.0%. In this model, deviation in orders made by

franchised outlets are expected to be 8% higher than those made by corporate outlets, all

else equal. We should expect a greater number of terms to represent a higher proportion

of variance given that all information contained in the aggregated terms is implicitly

contained in the disaggregated replacement terms. By again observing only some subset

of terms (bound by either the significance of a focal term or some percent of variables),

we see the value of such a hierarchical procedure. Restaurants orders were on average

3.1 cases different from recommendations when they made replenishment forecast

revisions, so all effects are cited relative to this.

The partially disaggregated location indicator narrowed the search for the source

of variance from two very expansive regions, to many of the constituent marketing

cooperatives. The result is that the Los Angeles cooperative is now the only location

whose effect is less likely than governance form to be simply attributable to chance.

Orders in the Los Angeles cooperative deviate on average 0.3 cases less than other

cooperatives and regions, all else equal.

Interesting results also come from disaggregating product terms. The

disaggregated model includes 3 product groups and 20 individual products that have a

greater significance than governance form. This result is slightly more complicated in its

interpretation, as three indicators (representing the dry goods, bun and paper product

categories) that had previously been less significant than franchising are now more

significant with the removal of some terms and the addition of others. This relative

change is due to collinearity that exists between removed and retained variables. As

indicators of product category that were removed are mutually exclusive of product

category indicators that remain, it is only the removed indicators of region that covaried

with the remaining product category terms. In the same vein, the additional cooperative

indicators (as nested product indicators also are mutually exclusive of product category

indicators) covaried less than the original aggregated terms and so had less of a

confounding effect on the remaining product category indicators. This result provides

useful information about the effect of specific product categories and products on

replenishment forecast deviation. For instance, among those significant predictors

(relative to governance form) only small beef patties, buns, fries and ice cream had a

positive effect on deviation (0.9, 2.7, 3.7 and 0.5 cases respectively). However, these

items constituted 69.2% of all products ordered at the restaurant level. In essence, the

products that have the greatest volume of orders (and thus likely the greatest impact on

costs) are driving positive deviation by the greatest extent.

As we are observing independent variable significance relative to the significance

of governance form, we should also note changes in the significance of governance form

as a predictor of replenishment forecast deviation. The likelihood that the effect of

governance form on deviation is likely to be due only to chance has increased with the

introduction of disaggregated indicators. This is because the newly introduced indicators

covary with governance form. We should expect such confounding with the introduction

of additional terms. If governance form is heavily confounded by the introduction of

additional terms, then a more stable point of comparison may be desirable (such as some

fraction of the most significant terms, as suggested above). For our current analysis,

however, we retain a consistent logic for selecting terms to disaggregate.

Bias Model

For the model predicting nonzero bias, two of 12 months, eight of 16 regions and

five of six product categories had a significant effect on bias relative to the significance

of franchising. The aggregate model explains 46.1% of variance in nonzero bias. After

disaggregation, 54.8% of variance is accounted for by the model. In this model, bias in

orders made by franchised outlets were 3% higher than those made by corporate outlets,

all else equal. This increase in explained variance is expected when expanding the

number of temporal, geographic and product-based terms via disaggregation. Restaurants

tended to revise their orders up by an average of 2.2 cases if they revised a replenishment

forecast, so all effects are cited relative to this.

The partially disaggregated time indicator provided additional fidelity in

determining which time periods may have significant effects on order bias. Five months

that had previously had less statistical significance than governance form, as well as

seven weekly indicators were now relatively more significant in predicting order bias.

This increase of significant terms had less to do with the disaggregated covariates than it

had to do with the decreased significance of franchising. After disaggregation, it became

8.043 × 1031 times more likely (though still with 𝑝 ≪ 0.001) that the effect of

governance form on bias was purely due to chance. The introduction of disaggregated

terms confounded governance form’s effect to a greater extent than the retained

aggregated terms, thus reducing its apparent effect. Additionally, the removal of

aggregate non-temporal terms that acted as confounders caused the retained aggregate

time predictors to gain significance. The greatest effects occurred in the second week of

May (0.5 cases larger), and three of four weeks in December, all of which coincide with a

significant negative bias effect (0.4, 0.6, and 0.7 cases smaller respectively). This

disaggregation has identified multiple more specific time periods to evaluate possible

reasons for the observed effects. For instance, the advent of the holiday season may

signal lower levels of sales throughout the system that are not currently being captured in

the restaurant firm’s demand planning process. Individual restaurants are recognizing

this, but for some reason the corporate forecasters may not. Worth noting, we do not

compare the bias in restaurant level orders to actual sales data, so it may be some

cognitive dissonance in the individual restaurant owners and managers (and not in

corporate demand planning) that is driving this observed behavior.

Location indicators in the partially disaggregated model included 3 regions that

were not previously significant, as well as 25 advertising cooperatives as statistically

significant. Among those regions and cooperatives considered statistically significant,

the largest positive bias effect occurred in two cooperatives between Oklahoma City and

Dallas (1.7 and 1.2 cases higher on average respectively), as well as two in central

Missouri (1.4 and 1.5 cases). The largest negative bias effect was experienced in a

cooperative in rural west Texas (1.2 cases), but also the two urban cooperatives in Las

Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California (0.7 and 0.6 cases).

Finally, in the disaggregation of product terms in the model predicting bias, one

previously non-significant product category and 33 individual products were relatively

more significant in predicting order bias than governance form. In fact, the only non-

significant product term was lemonade. The largest positive bias effect was observed in

buns (2.1 cases) and fries (2.8 cases), whereas the largest negative effects manifested in

napkins (1.1 cases) and apple slices (0.9 cases).


These results have implications for our hypotheses regarding the effect of

governance form on replenishment deviation and bias, extensions to post-contractual

performance management, and methodological implications from our proposed technique

of disaggregation.

Effects of Governance Form

Through our analysis, we found mixed support for our hypotheses. H1 was

supported; replenishment forecast deviation from proposed order levels by a restaurant

was relatively higher among restaurants owned by a franchisee than those corporately

owned. This finding is consistent with both restaurant firm expectations and extant

literature on governance form, but now applied to internal measures of supply chain

performance (deviation).

However, H2 was not supported; bias in replenishment forecast deviations was

relatively less negative among restaurants owned by a franchisee than those corporately

owned. This would seem to support the proposed unofficial competing hypothesis, where

service level and market share considerations could increase positive replenishment order

deviation bias among franchisees to the point of dominating the negative bias effects

from improved oversight and frugality, or inventory underinvestment from inefficient

risk bearing or free ridership. Further work to confirm this alternative explanation would

require additional measurement of proxies for proportion of wealth tied to a franchise

such as multi-unit ownership (indicating degree of inefficient risk bearing), and levels of

competition or travel intensity (indicating degree of free ridership).

This unexpected result could also be the result of greater levels of unreported

local promotions by franchisees, or improperly reported inventory levels. Alternatively,

as we did not assess the accuracy of the proposed replenishment forecast against point of

sale consumption, the franchisees could be compensating for a systematic

underestimation of demand. It could also be some combination of these causes. Each of

these possible alternative explanations challenges the accepted paradigm among

governance form scholars that franchisees more parsimoniously steward their resources,

and merits further investigation.

Extensions to the Post-Contractual Effects from Governance Form

Firms that utilize franchise governance can use these findings on deviation and

bias to address how internal order deviations are structured in contracts. This could be

implemented in future contracts as a limit to how much an order can be edited, or a

simple cue so that changes over a certain threshold require an explanation or update of

previously misreported local inventory or promotional activity. Parent firms can also

implement these findings in ways described in recent research on post-contractual

franchise performance, as described below.

Those firms that utilize the plural form of governance can use these findings (or

rather, employ these methods to their own replenishment data) to ratchet franchisee order

edits if it is found that they improve replenishment forecast accuracy relative to point of

sale consumption (Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004). By recognizing local information

advantages, parent firms can incorporate the information in an attempt to improve

replenishment forecasts, which in turn requires less system wide inventory to account for


Conversely, if it is found that franchisee order edits degrade accuracy relative to

point of sale, this provides evidence to convince franchisees to act in their own best

interests. Given that franchise contracts provide for less coercive control by the parent

firm, such information is integral to the relational governance proposed by Bradach

(1997), Paik and Choi (2007), and Cochet et al. (2008).

Finally, knowing that franchisees exhibit higher deviation and more positive bias

can aid the restaurant firm in aligning fit of form and strategy. If the cost of this

increased variance in their replenishment system outweighs the marginal benefit of

franchising, the restaurant firm may consider changing their policies for managing

franchisees or their mix of franchised restaurants. Bradach (1997), Yin and Zajac (2004)

and Barthélemy (2008) all suggest properly accounting for and mitigating agency costs

particular to a governance form can contribute to minimizing form-specific residual loss

and maximizing the advantages of the plural form.

Methodological Implications

The contextualizing effect of HPD can help target responses to only those

temporal, regional or product category peculiarities that have a distinct positive or

negative effect. For instance, knowing that replenishment forecast deviation is much

higher among only small beef patties, buns, fries and ice cream or that positive bias is

driven overwhelmingly by buns and fries may reduce unintended consequences of

broader policy changes. The higher bias observed in mostly rural Midwestern areas may

be either systematic under-forecasting, or could be a response by restaurant outlets for

unreliable service from a common distributor. This allows the parent firm to target

resources to either improve point of sale demand forecasts, or to evaluate potential poor

service of a regional distributor. The same is true for identifying benchmarking

opportunities. The lower observed deviation in the Los Angeles cooperative, and lower

bias observed in many urban cooperatives can serve as an example for how to structure

future contracts, or how to interact with restaurants after contracts are established.

Regardless of how these outlet level order edits are affecting point of sale demand

accuracy, deviation and bias is causing additional variance for upstream distributors.

The results indicate that HPD provides targeted information to managers at the

restaurant firm with minimal computation and human interpretation in a supervised

learning process. This principle can be extended to any large enterprise with an

independently nested structure. This includes most restaurant chains like the focal firm

of this study, retail chains, but also firms that provide primarily services rather than

goods. Take for instance a large cable company trying to forecast the consumption of

cable during its service calls. In terms of regional and temporal aggregation, they may

observe higher consumption in northern regions during periods with known severe

weather that may damage lines. This would indicate they should provide offices region-

wide with greater supplies of cable and possibly shift their staffing. After disaggregating

the most highly significant terms, they may find that the variance of the region is actually

driven by a single office or small subset of offices. This would indicate a different

response, perhaps related to local management or training. While this example is

fictional, it demonstrates the possibility for surprising insights through HPD for alternate

large hierarchical organizations where data volume makes manual and even

computational identification difficult. The process is also not limited to those firms that

use the franchise contract model, as any factor to be examined can be contextualized by

pairing with such an exploratory process.

In this paper, we demonstrate only one level of disaggregation in our model,

though the data structure of our temporal and geographic indicators would permit

additional iterations as they both include three nested levels. This is because we wish

only to demonstrate the potential value of HPD by showing that it can parsimoniously

isolate heterogeneous effects. We do not test any theories about regional, temporal, or

product-based effects, so end our analysis at one level of disaggregation. Our models

predicting deviation and bias in replenishment forecasts are a small-sized example, but it

is evident the value the HPD process can bring to a large sized data set. Instead of an

over-specified model with thousands of confounding indicators, as would be the case if

the lowest level of disaggregation were used, the analysis begins with a relatively simple

model with coarse indicators. Besides being easier to interpret, this aggregate model is

more scalable, given the time complexity of calculating an OLS regression model in a

population of billions (or more) of transactions and thousands of indicators. The

disaggregation process then can refine a search based on coarse indicators that

demonstrate a significant effect on the dependent variable (in our case replenishment

forecast deviation or bias). This process can be set up as a simple machine learning

process as it uses simple logic to disaggregate. The “supervised” portion of the process is

then an evaluation of the various iterations of disaggregation. Each level will be an

increasingly complex model to interpret, so it is up to the analyst to decide when to end

the process. The nested structure of the data also acts as a natural termination for the



This study provides contributions to both management theory and explanatory

methods. However, as with all research, it suffers from a number of limitations. The

initial limitation is that the sample this analysis is based on comes from a single large

quick service restaurant firm. While this limits generalizability of our results, there are

several mitigating factors. First, we include data from over 4,000 geographically

dispersed restaurant outlets in our model, which accounts for about 1.9% of all domestic

quick service restaurant outlets (Census Bureau 2012). Second, we worked with the

restaurant firm’s demand planners to sample products that represent a wide range of

demand, advertising, storage and handling characteristics. Finally, as an industry leader

(Hoover’s 2016), the characteristics of this firm’s outlets can be expected to represent

large portions of the industry.

A second limitation is the use of a truncated sample examining only transactions

with non-zero values of deviation and bias. This requires the assumption 𝜌 = 0, or that

the error terms of the two models in the Heckit method are uncorrelated. This

assumption holds if model coefficients are observed to be consistent in the truncated

sample (Wooldridge 2015). Using a random holdout sample of five million transactions,

we observed an OLS model with the same aggregate terms found to be significantly

related to changes in deviation and bias. Coefficient estimates were directionally

identical between samples and changed by at most a few percent (acceptable under

thresholds established in Hosmer Jr. et al. 2013). This represents a very small effect

difference and so can be considered consistent.

This truncation relates to a third limitation of our study. When fitting GLM

models, parametric assumptions fail asymptotically as sample size increases (Maydeu-

Olivares and Garcia-Forero 2010). As researchers set out to explore larger datasets,

traditional fit measures may indicate rejection of model types that are logically and

practically appropriate for representing the data. Future research needs to address this

weakness in fitting GLM models to larger sample sizes.

A fourth limitation of the study is that it ignores complex interactions and higher

order effects. It is likely that some combinations of factors have significant effects on

deviation and bias. However, in an effort to limit required manual interpretation of

complex interactions as HPD is scaled to massive datasets with thousands of indicators,

we purposely limit our scope to first order effects.

Finally, deviation and bias in restaurant level orders are not compared to point of

sale data, so it is unknown whether restaurant level adjustments of replenishment

forecasts relate to actual end consumption. While deviation and bias will cause adverse

effects in higher echelons of the supply chain regardless of this information, it would be

useful to know whether the source is local information advantage or the result of some

cognitive dissonance by the individual restaurant operator.


In this research, we examined the operational effects of governance form that, in

part, addressed the claim by Combs et al. (2010) on the relative lack of research on

franchising operational performance after contract formation. As part of our inquiry, we

incorporated the call of Waller and Fawcett (2013b) and Cotteleer and Wan (2016) to pair

theoretical inquiry with big data exploration. This tactic helped protect against the risk of

false positives inherent to big data exploration and of over-inflated statistical power when

testing theory in big data. This also permitted rich contextualization of the effect of

governance form on replenishment forecast deviation and bias. In doing so, we also

developed a scalable method for examining and isolating effects in a hierarchical

framework, called HPD. Our proposed method of analysis permitted rapid

characterization of effects from millions of individual transactions with limited manual

interpretation. This process, scalable to much larger populations, isolates temporal,

regional, and product based peculiarities of the impact of governance form on our two

dependent variables. Finally, our mixed results support previous findings on the effect of

governance form on replenishment forecast deviation, but indicate greater theoretical

work must be done to characterize and predict the effect of governance form on

replenishment forecast bias. Future work must aim to identify the alternative causes or

combinations of causes that drive higher bias in franchised restaurants.

Chapter 3: “The Impact of Including Forward Indicators on POS Demand Forecast
Accuracy: The Case of Short-Term Weather Forecast Data”


Demand forecasting attempts the unenviable task of predicting complex human

preference and behavior with incomplete information. Short term demand predictions at

the product level are most often executed through a statistical forecast developed from

records of past demand, and extrapolated forward (Jain 2001, Fildes et al. 2015).

Remarkably, this simple approach has managed to produce some highly accurate

forecasts over wide ranges of industries, products, and locations, despite assuming

stationarity of conditions which drive changes in demand (Armstrong 2002). Weather, an

established driver of mood, preference, and ultimately consumer demand, has long been

incorporated into statistical forecasts via estimates of decomposed seasonal effects.

However, such estimates carry the implicit assumption that past seasons and their effects

will occur again in the same way.

What seasonality estimates fail to capture is that weather can change drastically

on a day to day basis, and has an immediate impact beyond a mean seasonal effect. This

has motivated many forward-leaning firms to incorporate short-medium term weather

forecasts into their demand planning processes. Increasingly accurate short-medium term

weather forecasts are available to demand planners from a variety of sources, and

predictive weather indicators have increasingly shown promise in the last few years,

though with some mixed results.

Nestle began incorporating weather forecast data into their bottled water demand

forecasts in 2008, improving weekly sales forecasts by 2-6% (IGD 2009) and saving

them as much as $12 million annually (Banker 2009). British grocery chain Tesco even

started employing their own weather forecasters in 2009 to improve their demand

forecasts (Werdigier 2009). Giants like Walmart and Proctor and Gamble paired with the

Weather Company (owner of The Weather Channel and in 2013 to match

their point-of-sale (POS) data with weather data to identify trends down to the individual

consumer level (Suddath 2014). IBM, recognizing a growing demand among businesses

for accurate weather forecast data, purchased the sensor, digital and data assets of the

Weather Company for $2 billion in late 2015 (Hardy 2015). Combining the Weather

Company’s assets with sensors from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA), NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey (Dillow 2011), IBM

launched their Deep Thunder hyperlocal custom weather forecast engine in 2016,

providing weather-based insights for their business clients (Stockton 2016). This

expanding interest and investment in predictive weather indicators demands a greater

academic investigation into implications of predictive weather indicators for business


Observed weather’s immediate effect on demand has been examined in a number

of contexts and industries, with mixed conclusions on its nature, magnitude, and even

direction within the academic literature (Bertrand et al. 2015, Arunaj and Ahrens 2016,

Bujisic et al. 2016, Tran 2016, Li et al. 2017, among the most recent). Though consensus

exists that weather has an effect on demand, the causal linkages are still not

comprehensively understood. Practically applying the limited understanding of the

effects of weather on demand is further hampered by the fact that almost all research

focuses on the effect of observed weather; information unavailable to demand planners

when they make critical predictions for their supply chain. To date, despite growing use

of predictive weather indicators among practitioners, little has been published on

forecasting short term demand from predicted weather indicators (Nikolopoulos and

Fildes 2013, Steinker et al. 2016).

This distinction between observed and predicted weather indicators is important,

and is based in the inherent uncertainty of a weather forecast. Though the typical impulse

for a forecaster is to include as much information as possible to improve accuracy, there

is inherent risk in including information in a forecast which is itself uncertain. Thompson

and Brier (1955), Thompson (1962), Murphy (1977), Katz and Murphy (1990) and Katz

and Lazo (2011) all demonstrate, using cost-loss models, that imperfect weather forecast

information can only improve expected economic value for a business decision maker if

they are sufficiently reliable over the decision making horizon, and if it is possible to

make investments that protect against negative weather effects. If a decision maker

incorrectly estimates the reliability of the incorporated weather forecast, the cost or

efficacy of a loss preventive investment, or the loss that would be associated with a

weather event, they stand to lose money. Improper incorporation of uncertain

information like weather forecasts places businesses in a wide array of industries at risk.

For instance in February of 2017, incorporation of an improperly specified temperature

forecast that was only a few degrees off into a power load projection led to blackouts in

over 40,000 South Australian homes in the middle of a dangerous heatwave (Burton

2017). Regarding economic risk, an estimated 16-25% of U.S. GDP and 80% of US

companies are considered weather sensitive, or elastic to changes in weather (Bertrand

and Sinclair‐Desgagné 2011).

This risk generally increases as the uncertainty of the weather forecast increases,

or as the horizon of the demand forecast is extended, but differs by application. Demand

planners are interested in forecasting horizons, which at a minimum, extend through

decision points where changes can be made to material flows (Murphy 1993). This is, of

course, highly dependent on production and logistics lead time, as well as the degree of

inventory and production centralization. For an industry like agriculture, there is no

requirement to accurately predict weather on a day-to-day basis, but weather information

is required months in advance. Climate forecasts indicate with reasonable accuracy the

expected accumulated levels of rain, wind and sun a farmer might expect, and would

dictate which fields they may fallow or which crops they may plant. For sales and

operations planning, the required weather forecast information horizon is typically

shorter, but requires much greater day-to-day accuracy. Weather effects can only be

aggregated over the relevant planning horizon. For manufacturing concerns, weather

forecasts would need to span a production cycle. To impact logistics costs, weather

forecasts need to span a replenishment cycle.

Paradoxically, due to spatio-temporal aggregation mitigating the effects of short

term variation, long-term climate forecasts tend to be more accurate than short and

medium term weather forecasts (Camargo and Hubbard 1999, Janis et al. 2004). Short

and medium term weather forecasts do not benefit from this aggregation effect, and so

their accuracy significantly degrades at ranges past one-two weeks. Pepsi (France)

experimented with incorporating weather forecasts into their sales and operations forecast

in 2009, but ultimately abandoned the effort when they found weather forecast

degradation past a two week horizon countered any benefit from inclusion (Fustier 2011).

Their two-week production cycle was too long, or available weather predictions at the

time were too unreliable to provide value to their forecasts.

In this study, we demonstrate the effect of including short-medium term predicted

weather indicators in demand forecasts for the quick service restaurant industry.

Utilizing autoregressive prediction models, we introduce exogenous weather variables

into time series forecasts for 41 menu items at 2742 individual restaurants distributed

throughout the continental U.S. We expand on initial work by Nikolopoulos and Fildes

(2013), and Steinker et al. (2016) to estimate the effect of a greater variety of weather

forecast variables, across more products and locations. In the process, we demonstrate

actual improvement in various demand forecast quality measures through inclusion of

predicted weather, and possible improvements as weather forecast reliability improves.

Further, we demonstrate some instances where simple linear models that include

predictive weather factors show improvement over the proprietary forecast generated by

the restaurant firm over the same period. These improvements in forecast quality have

direct financial implications for the restaurant firm, and provide support for inclusion of

readily available predictive indicators in forecasting efforts in broader contexts.

The remainder of the paper is divided as follows: first we review the literature

regarding observed and predicted weather effects on demand and demand forecasts, next

we describe our modeling effort, report comparative results from our models, discuss

implications and draw conclusions from our results, present limitations, and finally

highlight opportunities for future research.

Literature Review

Observed Weather’s Effect on Demand

The economic effect of weather is well established in a number of familiar

contexts, and there is a significant body of literature dedicated to describing it. The

effects (and resultant implications) vary by industry, weather and demand forecast

horizon, specific weather phenomena and scope or level of aggregation.

Though weather has sizable demonstrated effects on financial markets,

manufacturing, retail, and services, the industries that have seen the most weather-related

research are those that are most directly impacted by (and thus sensitive to) weather

effects; agriculture and energy (Lazo et al. 2011). Agriculture depends directly on both

immediate and accumulated climate effects. Agricultural papers typically model effects

on crop yields (Mjelde et al. 1989, Potgeiter et al. 2003, Hamjah 2014), and depend on

long-range climatological, rather than short-medium range weather forecasts for most

predictive models. Energy related industries have an effect that is nearly as direct. Both

mining and energy utility demand increase under conditions of higher energy

consumption. Consumption tends to increase with both high and low temperature

extremes (Considine 2000, Auffhammer and Mansur 2014), and energy forecast models

may incorporate either short term weather forecasts for load balancing or long-term

climatological forecasts for capacity planning.

Restaurants are typically identified as part of the service industry (Howells and

Morgan 2017), though at times are grouped with retail (Starr-McCluer 2000), and share

multiple demand factors with retail. Lazo et al. (2011) notes a relative lack of research

on weather sensitivity in the service industry sector, relative to agricultural and energy

sectors. This is despite weather accounting for an estimated $60B in variation within

service industrial sector revenue, compared to less than $16B in either agricultural or

energy sectors (2008 dollars). Bujisic et al. (2016) cite a specific lack of research on

weather sensitivity in hospitality and restaurant segments of the service industry sector

outside of coarse climatic and seasonality effects. For this reason, we review the

literature of weather sensitivity of both retail and services.

Weather Effects on Retail and Service Sectors

Steele (1951) was the first to demonstrate the effect of weather on retail sales,

determining a negative impact from precipitation, snow accumulation, and ambient

cooling on daily department store sales. Early studies of weather’s effect on retail tended

to be either limited in scope (like Steele’s research to one store), or be regionally or

temporally aggregated. This is likely due to data availability and computational

limitations, and makes such studies of limited value for enterprise-level, short term and

distributed demand planning. For example, Johnston and Harrison (1980) used monthly

nation-wide average temperature and sunshine deviation on aggregate UK cider sales.

They found that increases in a combination of temperature and sunlight positively

affected cider sales, but this analysis was not location specific. Juselius (1985) similarly

used monthly nationwide averages, but of numbers of warm-temperature days,

determining a significant positive effect on sales of Finnish soft drinks. Later studies in

retail decreased the temporal or regional aggregation, or included additional effects.

Since these early retail studies, various specific weather effects, most notably

temperature, have been empirically explored in relation to numerous contexts.

Operationalizations of temperature have been found to have a nonlinear but generally

positive effect on demand for a wide range of products, including lawn care products

(Cawthorne 1998), aggregate nondurable products (Starr-McCluer 2000), soft drinks

(Divakar et al. 2005, Ramanathan and Muyldermans 2010), beer (Bratina and Faganel

2008), aggregate service industry sales (Lazo et al. 2011), demand for both cars and

homes with warm-weather features (Busse et al. 2012), online clothing (Steinker et al.

2016), and food and clothing retail sales (Arunaj and Ahrens 2016). This positive effect

is, however, diminished or even negative in restaurant sales (Starr-McCluer 2000, Bujisic

et al. 2016), winter sports demand (King et al. 2014), extreme temperatures (Parsons

2001, Tran 2016), or may be dominated by a negative effect from variation in

temperature (Koksalan et al. 1999, Mena et al. 2014, Bertrand et al. 2015). The

temperature effect can also be heterogeneous based on region (Divakar et al. 2005, Tran

2016), season (Johnston and Harrison 1980, Bahng and Kincade 2012), temporal position

in a season (Cawthorne 1998, Choi et al. 2011), channel (Divakar et al. 2005), and

product (Starr-McCluer 2000, Choi et al. 2011, Busse et al. 2012, Arunaj and Ahrens


In addition to temperature, retail studies have found precipitation (rain or snow) to

have negative impacts on demand in department stores (Steele 1951), outdoor malls

(Parsons 2001), purchases via mobile phones (Li et al. 2017), online clothing (Steinker et

al. 2016), food and clothing retail sales (Arunaj and Ahrens 2016), and sporting goods

stores (Tran 2016). Though, this effect is reversed in demand for winter weather

appropriate vehicles (Busse et al. 2012) or winter sports (King et al. 2014), and Lazo et

al. (2011) note an overall positive effect in service industry revenues related to

precipitation. Sunlight is found to reduce negative affect, increase demand for tea, coffee

(Murray et al. 2010), alcoholic cider (Johnston and Harrison 1980), purchases via mobile

phones (Li et al. 2017), and online clothing (Steinker et al. 2016), though not outdoor

mall foot traffic (Parsons 2001), and exactly the opposite in demand for cars with winter

weather features (Busse et al. 2012). Humidity reduces positive affect, and has a

negative impact on restaurant sales (Bujisic et al. 2016), though is not found to

significantly impact tea and coffee sales (Murray et al. 2010) or outdoor mall foot traffic

(Parsons 2001). Wind also has been found to coincide with lower restaurant sales

(Bujisic et al. 2016). As with temperature, these alternate weather effects tend to be both

nonlinear and heterogeneous across a number of dimensions (Arunaj and Ahrens 2016,

Tran 2016).

There are instances where we would not expect the effect of weather on quick

service restaurant demand to resemble retail demand, such as with online (Steinker et al.

2016) or mobile (Li et al. 2017) purchases, or in purchases of some durable goods (Starr-

McCluer 2000, Choi et al. 2011, Bahng and Kincade 2012, Busse et al. 2012, Bertrand et

al. 2015). This is due to the experiential nature of restaurants. Though they sell tangible

goods, those goods are typically consumed within a short time, and so are only purchased

when there is an immediate need. This makes restaurant demand, particularly for the

partially commoditized quick service restaurant industry, highly dependent on short term

inclinations of people to be out and to physically visit a store. Steele (1951) posits four

ways short term weather might affect a customer’s desire (or ability) to visit a business.

Explanations for Consumer Behavior

First, they may be physically prevented, as would be the case in an extreme

weather event. Second, a shopper may be disinclined due to inconvenience. This might

be the case with severe cold, heat, fog, snow or precipitation, which would require

additional planning, protective clothing, or caution. This notion is supported by research

that links increased outdoor leisure activity to increases in temperature (Smith 1993),

though the effects are regionally and seasonally heterogeneous (Tucker and Gilliland

2007), and negative in extreme temperatures (Zivin and Neidell 2014). These first two

mechanisms are facilitated by local infrastructure and individual adaptability, driven by

local weather norms (Tran 2016). Third, the shopper may face psychological barriers to

either go out, or once out, to make a particular purchase. There is a tremendous amount

of psychology and marketing literature which indicates linkages of weather with mood,

and mood with behavior (Cao and Wei 2005). Persinger and Levesque (1983) indicate

that 40% of mood evaluations can be attributed to weather. Increased temperature

(Cunningham 1979, Howarth and Hoffman 1984), sunlight (Cunningham 1979),

barometric pressure (Goldstein 1972), and decreased humidity (Sanders and Brizzolara

1982, Murray et al. 2010) all relate to positive affect; with negative affect mitigated by

sunlight (Murray et al. 2010). Positive affect is then positively related to purchase

interaction quality (Gardner 1985), positive perceptions of goods (Bitner 1992), and

increased spending (Donovan et al. 1994, Spies et al. 1997); with negative affect related

to a decreased willingness to pay (Murray et al. 2010). Some research also links “bad”

weather (increased precipitation, fog, and decreased sunlight) to risk-averse behavior

(Hirshleifer and Shumway 2003, Bassi et al. 2013, Li et al. 2017). Fourth, a shopper may

perceive different product utilities based on weather conditions. Unexpected rain may

spur the purchase of ponchos or umbrellas, and an early snow flurry may initiate the

season for selling winter garments. Subsequent studies (Starr-McCluer 2000, Tran 2016)

have measured this by incorporating weather variables into household production utility

models. This may also manifest as weather effect heterogeneity, and in cases of

substitution where weather has individual product effects, but not overall demand effects

(Choi et al. 2011, Bahng and Kincade 2012).

Problems with Using Observed Weather as a Proxy for Weather Forecasts

Previous work relating past observed weather effects to demand were either

descriptive, in that they did not claim to be able to predict future behavior with the

identified relationships, or they were implicitly forecasting weather along with demand.

Murphy (1997) and Armstrong (2002) refer to this as ex-post or conditional forecasting,

and note that while it can provide extremely accurate description of past behavior, it can

perform quite poorly when predicting behavior. The problem with this approach is that

the best known methods for statistically estimating future demand from a time series

differ substantially from the best known methods for forecasting weather.

Advances in Weather Forecasting

It is useful at this point to define what is meant by a short term or medium term

forecast. The National Weather Service (NWS) and American Meteorological Society

define short term forecasts as up to two days ahead, and medium range forecasts as being

between two and seven days ahead (AMS 2015). We use this definition for short range

weather predictions, though as has increasingly been the case in recent years (Hu and

Skaggs 2009) we extend the definition of medium range weather prediction out to ten


Short and medium range weather forecast accuracy has increased rapidly in recent

decades, and the reason for this is also the primary reason why it is advantageous to

estimate weather separately from demand. While demand forecasting is primarily limited

(at least mathematically) to statistical and probabilistic extrapolations, weather has (for

quite some time) been better estimated through an ensemble of methods that include

simulation. From the earliest manual attempts by Lewis Fry Richardson in 1922, to the

more successful computerized efforts in the 1940s by the mathematician John von

Neumann, large scale simulation of fluid mechanic and thermodynamic weather effects

have accuracy limited only by computing power and environmental sensor data

availability (Tribbia 1997). Significant public and private investments in environmental

sensors and exponential advances in computation have permitted steady improvements in

weather forecast accuracy via Monte-Carlo simulation based ensemble forecasts (Dutton

2002). NWS short term temperature forecast average error was cut in half between 1966

and 2014, now between 2.5-3.0oF for two-day ahead forecasts (Huntemann et al. 2014).

Between 1992 and 2012, temperature forecasts of five-six days achieved the previous

accuracy of three-four day forecasts (AMS 2015). Probabilistic forecast performance for

short and medium range precipitation have improved similarly (Hu and Skaggs 2009,

Huntemann et al. 2014). Overall, the reliable forecast range of most weather phenomena

has increased roughly one day each decade, and is currently greater than one week (AMS


Effort has also been made to forecast demand using simulation, but demand

planners still primarily rely on extrapolative time series methods for quantitative

forecasting (Fildes et al. 2015). The reason for this is that the required econometric and

behavioral simulation parameters for demand forecasting depend on much less reliable

information than Newtonian factors which are found to drive short term weather effects.

Forecasters have found limited success extrapolating exogenous effects in what

Armstrong (2002) terms static simulation, which supposes that an effect will not change

from period to period. Similarly, judgmental adjustment bootstrap simulations

outperform both manual adjustments and forecasts without subjective adjustments, but

only under a narrow range of stable exogenous conditions (Ritzman and Sanders 2001,

Fildes et al. 2008). This is clearly not a suitable assumption for most daily weather

conditions, and fails to leverage the tremendous advances in predictive power stemming

from an accurate understanding of physical forces, simulation, exponentially increasing

computing power, and an ever expanding network of physical sensors. Therefore, despite

so many previous efforts to extrapolate weather and demand concurrently, we choose to

incorporate separately generated weather forecasts as exogenous factors in a statistical

model for demand.

Forecasted Weather to Predict Demand

Although observed weather’s effect on demand is widely studied, if somewhat

less-so in restaurant and service contexts, it is of limited utility for prediction. As all of

the above listed research measures the effect of only observed weather, they imply an

ability for perfect weather prediction. We must acknowledge that information available

to demand forecasters is imperfect, and so should include accurately predicted weather

information rather than perfect observed weather information to estimate predictive

models. This is particularly true in a supply chain context, where immediate decisions

about sourcing, production, and material flow relate to sales and operations plan with

horizons of a week or more. The director of the NWS recently noted that weather

forecast accuracy drops off considerably after a few days, due to unpredictable lower

order effects from physical inputs (Palmer 2013). While the NWS and many other

providers now offer 10-day forecasts, and there is evidence of forecaster skill that extends

as far as 14 days (Stern and Davidson 2015), accuracy beyond that range tends to be no

better than what you may find in the Old Farmer’s Almanac (Samenow and Fritz 2015).

Silver (2012) notes that most temperature forecasts beyond nine days in advance actually

tend to perform worse than historical averages, and only slightly better than a naïve

persistence forecast. This limitation has in the past made weather forecast information

less valuable for businesses with longer production cycles or lead times, and certainly

calls into question the use of observed weather as a proxy for predicted weather when

demonstrating the effect of incorporating weather into demand forecasts.

The work of Thompson and Brier (1955), Thompson (1962), Murphy (1977),

Katz and Murphy (1990) and Katz and Lazo (2011) indicate that weather forecast

reliability over a business’s operational planning horizon is a necessary condition for it to

provide value. Weather forecasts with sufficient lead time to permit changes in material

flow or capital investments have only in recent years become more reliable than simple

historical trends or seasonality estimations (Stern and Davidson 2015), a requirement for

use in decision-making (Mjelde and Dixon 1993). To date, only two studies have

observed the impact of incorporating medium range weather forecasts on demand

forecast accuracy.

Nikolopoulos and Fildes (2013) published the first work that evaluates the effect

of incorporating medium range weather forecasts in a demand forecast. Highly context-

specific, they investigated the effect of including 10-day ahead temperature deviation

predictions in demand forecasts of beer sales in the United Kingdom. They indicate

significant improvement in demand forecast accuracy by this inclusion, especially in

warmer months of the year. These results also support previous indications that weather

effects vary by region, season, product, mood, and a number of other difficult to capture

factors. Steinker et al. (2016) expand on this initial inclusion of weather forecasts, but in

the (again) specific context of German online retail in only two cities. They examine the

effect of including seven-day ahead predicted sunlight, temperature and precipitation on

demand forecast accuracy. They first establish an upper-bound fitting a model to in-

sample data with observed weather, then validate the model in an out-of-sample forecast

generated with historical weather forecast data. They find sunlight and temperature are

positively related to online sales, with this effect increased on the weekend, whereas rain

is negatively related. This is consistent with expectations for weather impacting the time

spent indoors versus outdoors. They also note a significant improvement in demand

forecast accuracy through the inclusion of weather forecast indicators, though the effect

diminishes as forecast horizon increases.

In sum, previous research on the effect of observed weather on demand have

indicated significant effects from a number of weather variables in a variety of industrial

and regional contexts, though this effect tends to be heterogeneous across industries,

regions, seasons, temporal positions in a season, and product. Research also indicates

that predicted weather can improve demand forecasts, but to date this is limited to a

narrow scope and context. We wish to expand on the scope of previous work and test the

potential of weather forecast data to improve demand forecast quality over a broader set

of contexts and in a new industrial setting.


Our data were collected from multiple sources. Historical time series demand

data was furnished by the primary fourth party logistics (4PL) provider for a major

international quick service restaurant. Through an ongoing relationship with a university

research group, they enlisted our assistance in helping determine the effect of predictive

indicators which may improve their forecasting. To accomplish this, they provided us

with a large sample of forecasts and corresponding POS records they considered to be

representative of a wide range of menu offerings, demand patterns, geographic regions,

and seasons. The potential sample included 41 of the most popular menu-level products

at 4240 individual restaurants, covering a date range from 26 September 2014 through 1

February 2016. In total, we evaluated nearly 85 million individual observations, with

each corresponding to an individual menu item-location-day.

Demand planners at the 4PL currently generate rolling POS and replenishment

forecasts once each week for each menu item-location. If weather forecast information is

to be included in these POS forecasts, it must have a horizon of at least seven days, and

cover the same geographic regions and time periods as our POS sample. Though the

NOAA does not systematically store NWS weather forecasts, we were able to obtain The

Weather Company’s historical weather forecast data from a third party weather forecast

monitoring and assessment firm called ForecastWatch. The firm gathers forecasts from

multiple public and private sources, and regularly assesses their relative performance.

Most private weather forecasters use the NOAA network and even the NWS forecast as a

basis for improvement (Silver 2012), but they vary in how much (if at all) they improve

on the public forecasts. In a 2014 assessment, The Weather Company’s one-nine day

temperature forecasts were competitive with the best domestic forecast provider

(WeatherUnderground) and better than the NWS forecast (Floehr 2015).

We collected daily data from 836 available airport weather stations in the

continental US, providing widespread geographic coverage and tracked by International

Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) codes. Each daily prediction includes a nine, five,

three and one day prior forecast for high and low temperature, vector average wind speed,

five point Likert scale for cloud cover percentage, and five point Likert scale probability

of rain, thunderstorms, snow, and overall precipitation. ForecastWatch provided daily

observed high and low temperature, vector average wind speed, and accumulated

precipitation for each observation. We augmented their data with observed daily rain,

thunderstorm and snow occurrence for each ICAO code from the NOAA’s Local

Climatological Database (NCEI 2017). We include multiple measures of predicted

weather indicator reliability for all point forecasts (temperature and wind speed) in Table

1. Mean error (ME) is an indicator of bias and mean absolute error (MAE) is a measure

of accuracy for point forecasts. Bias decreases with increased forecast horizon, as the

further a projection is, the more closely it resembles long-term climatology. There is also

an indication of conservatism in the predictions, as bias (for all three phenomena) is

directionally away from extreme values. Accuracy degrades with longer horizons, which

may negatively affect the value of predicted indicators in longer horizons.

Point Forecasts One-Day Three-Day Five-Day Nine-Day
High Temp (oF) -0.64 -0.64 -0.56 -0.41
Low Temp (oF) 0.32 0.35 0.24 0.07
Wind Speed (mph) -2.46 -2.20 -1.97 -1.58
High Temp (oF) 2.22 2.89 3.78 5.75
Low Temp (oF) 2.28 2.84 3.61 5.05
Wind Speed (mph) 2.90 2.88 3.10 3.62

Table 1: Predicted Weather Indicator Point Forecast Reliability

Table 2 includes measures of predicted weather indicator quality for all

probabilistic forecasts (rain, thunderstorms, snow and overall precipitation). The Brier

Score is often used to assess probability forecasts, and is a special case of mean squared

error (MSE) bound by zero and one (Murphy 1997). As with all cases of MSE, lower

values indicate better forecasts. Unfortunately, this measure equally rewards correctly

predicting both occurrences and non-occurrences of a weather event. For rarer events

like snow or thunderstorms (that may have a significant effect on demand), this value is

artificially low. We, therefore include a measures of positive predictive value (PPV) and

sensitivity (Brenner and Gefeller 1997). PPV expresses the proportion of positive

occurrences given positive predictions of an event. For probabilistic forecasts, we use the

classification probability cutoff of 0.5, indicating that an event is predicted to be more

likely than not to occur. Sensitivity expresses the proportion of positive predictions given

positive occurrences of an event. As with the point forecast quality indicators, the

probability forecast quality indicators generally degrade with longer horizons. PPV and

sensitivity also indicate conservatism in predictions, as the predicted probabilities and

frequencies of weather events tend to be lower than the observed probability. For

example, 94% of one day ahead rain forecasts predicting a 50% or greater chance of rain

are followed by an observed occurrence of rain, but only 23% of rain events are


Probability Forecasts One-Day Three-Day Five-Day Nine-Day

Brier Score
Rain 0.306 0.309 0.326 0.365
Thunderstorm 0.067 0.072 0.073 0.072
Snow 0.035 0.041 0.044 0.054
Precipitation (all) 0.176 0.179 0.199 0.238
Rain 0.936 0.878 0.804 0.586
Thunderstorm 0.375 0.336 0.298 0.250
Snow 0.887 0.720 0.648 0.377
Precipitation (all) 0.956 0.889 0.816 0.595
Rain 0.228 0.239 0.215 0.208
Thunderstorm 0.512 0.563 0.491 0.282
Snow 0.333 0.301 0.265 0.127
Precipitation (all) 0.405 0.421 0.359 0.248

Table 2: Predicted Weather Indicator Probability Forecast Reliability

One limitation of our available weather predictions are the gaps in projection (i.e.

one, three, five and nine rather than one through nine day predictions). As a result, we

“bin” effects from projected weather into horizon categories. In each weekly demand

forecast, six-seven day horizons depend on weather projected nine days prior, four-five

on five days prior, two-three on three days prior, and next day symmetrically matched.

The resultant conservative application of proxies for full weather forecasts means our

results will serve as a lower bound estimate for weather accuracy at longer ranges.

Relevance of station forecasts to individual restaurants was also an area of

concern. In order to sufficiently capture geographic weather variance in the U.S.,

minimum sensor density is dependent on the weather measure of interest. Camargo and

Hubbard (1999) found that distances could not exceed 60 km in order to capture 90% of

inter-site variation in daily max temperature. This distance reduces to 30 km for min

temperature and sunlight, 10 km for wind, and five km for precipitation. Micro-climates

in mountainous areas can drive the minimum distance as low as one km. Unfortunately,

many of the 836 weather stations we gathered data from were too far distant from the

nearest restaurants in our sample to be relevant by this metric. In this case, we

compromise granularity of the measure with relevant sample size. We use the

conservative threshold of 30 km distance to identify a weather station as being relevant to

a restaurant. This ensures that temperature effects can be accurately estimated, and that a

less granular categorical characterization of wind and precipitation can be used. Applied

as the geodesic ellipsoid distance threshold between coordinates for stations and

restaurants (NGIA 2014, Hijmans et al. 2016), this eliminated about 25% of our original

restaurant sample (3162 remaining from 4240), and disproportionately from more

sparsely populated Western states.


As indicated in Nikolopoulos and Fildes (2013) and Steinker et al. (2016), we

expect predicted temperature variables to have a significant (if heterogeneous) effect on

demand, and so inclusion is likely to improve demand forecast accuracy. The direction

of the weather effect does not matter when estimating forecast models, so the

heterogeneity observed across several dimension (Johnston and Harrison 1980,

Cawthorne 1998, Starr-McCluer 2000, Divakar et al. 2005, Choi et al. 2011, Bahng and

Kincade 2012, Busse et al. 2012, Arunaj and Ahrens 2016, Tran 2016) will not affect the

accuracy of a prediction using weather predictors, providing the effect is correctly

estimated. By including both daily high and low temperature data, we capture the

expected effects from the most extreme possible values. During summer months when

high temperatures are more likely to have an effect, the high temperature indicator is

more likely to have an effect on demand. In winter months, the low temperature

indicator is more likely to have an effect on demand. Temperature is also one of the

more reliably estimated weather parameters over a short horizon (Camargo and Hubbard

1999), but accuracy degrades at middle ranges (Floehr 2015). This leads to the following


H1a: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous high temperature predictions
will be more accurate than models that do not.

H1b: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous low temperature predictions
will be more accurate than models that do not.

H1c: Demand forecast models that incorporate short range (one to three days)
exogenous temperature predictions will be more accurate than models that incorporate
medium range (five to nine days) exogenous temperature predictions.

Bujisic et al. (2016) indicate wind has a significant negative effect on restaurant

demand, and so inclusion is likely to improve demand forecast accuracy. Wind

prediction, though also quite accurate (Camargo and Hubbard 1999), degrades in quality

with longer forecast horizons. We therefore hypothesize the following:

H2a: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous wind speed predictions will be
more accurate than models that do not.

H2b: Demand forecast models that incorporate short range (one to three days)
exogenous wind speed predictions will be more accurate than models that incorporate
medium range (five to nine days) exogenous wind speed predictions.

The effect of sunlight on negative (Murray et al. 2010) and positive (Cunningham

1979) affect is well established, and it has been found to positively relate to willingness

to pay (Murray et al. 2010), interaction quality (Gardner 1985), perceptions of goods

(Bitner 1992), decreased risk aversion (Li et al. 2017), and increased spending (Donovan

et al. 1994, Spies et al. 1997). However, it is still unclear whether this translates to

customer propensity to physically patronize businesses (Parsons 2001). Based on

previous work that indicate a significant effect of this weather phenomenon on demand,

we predict its inclusion will improve demand forecast accuracy. We do not have an

indicator of weather forecast quality for sunlight (cloud cover), so will not speculate

differences in forecast horizon. The resulting hypothesis is:

H3: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous cloud cover predictions will be
more accurate than models that do not.

Various forms of rain and other precipitation have been found to have a

significant, but heterogeneous, effect on demand (Parsons 2001, Lazo et al. 2011, Busse

et al. 2012, King et al. 2014, Arunaj and Ahrens 2016, Steinker et al. 2016, Tran 2016, Li

et al. 2017). As posited in Steele (1951), this is likely negative (and more pronounced)

when more extreme weather such as snow and thunderstorms make business patronage

inconvenient or impossible. Unfortunately, precipitation forecasting tends to have lower

reliability, particularly for locations further from a weather station (Camargo and

Hubbard 1999). This is especially true as the forecast horizon increases. As a result, we


H4a: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous rain predictions will be more
accurate than models that do not.

H4b: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous thunderstorm predictions will
be more accurate than models that do not.

H4c: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous snow predictions will be more
accurate than models that do not.

H4d: Demand forecast models that incorporate exogenous precipitation (all kinds)
predictions will be more accurate than models that do not.

H4e: Demand forecast models that incorporate short range (one to three days)
exogenous rain, thunderstorm, snow, or precipitation (all kinds) predictions will be more
accurate than models that incorporate medium range (five to nine days) predictions.


Autoregressive Models

To as great an extent as practical, we replicated the 4PL firm’s forecast

conditions. This was to ensure enhanced comparability with their own forecasting

efforts. We did not have access to the forecast management system in use by the firm,

and so could not replicate individual forecast model decisions. The firm customizes

models, parameters, and adjustments in some cases to even the product-restaurant level

using a combination of quantitative extrapolation and subject matter expertise of local

conditions. By comparison, we use a single (albeit adaptive) method to generate all

forecasts, but include weather forecast indicators that are not included in the 4PL’s

models. Despite our inability to directly compare identical models, it is interesting to

observe whether the inclusion of predictive indicators can improve a generic time series

model to the extent that it might even outperform a more customized model.

We wished to generate POS forecasts for each product, at each restaurant, for

each day over a seven day horizon, once each week. This required that we generate as

many as 174,000 separate sets of rolling forecasts. Each set of rolling forecasts would be

replicated with each of eight weather effects under both perfect knowledge and

uncertainty, and include on average 10-15 re-estimated rolling forecasts. It was apparent

that an automated method of forecast generation was required. Automated forecasting

methods have been shown to outperform methods with static manual estimation, and

adaptive to multiple time series characteristics (Makridakis and Hibon 2000). In

addition, we needed a method that permitted effective control of exogenous effects. We

wished to observe the effect of including exogenous short term predicted weather

variables. In order to isolate these effects in a regression model, we had to include

corrections for violations of ordinary least squares regression. Specifically, we wish to

correct for autocorrelation, trend and seasonality if they exist. ARIMA is a flexible class

of model that can incorporate these corrections and include exogenous regressors, all in

an automated fashion.

ARIMA models include autoregressive (AR) terms, or lagged values included as

predictors of outcome variables. They include differencing or integration (I) terms, to

transform non-stationary time series to be stationary. They also include moving average

(MA) terms that express errors as linear combinations of current and lagged errors. Each

of these terms have positive integer orders denoted by p, d, and q, indicating the number

of lagged, differencing, and moving average terms respectively that the outcome variable

is regressed on. To account for seasonality, ARIMA models can be adapted to include

additional lagged, moving average, and differencing terms, denoted by P, Q, and D

respectively with backshift operators in multiples of m seasons. This model, denoted

ARIMA(𝑝, 𝑑, 𝑞)(𝑃, 𝐷, 𝑄)𝑚 , is expressed as (Cools et al. 2009, Arunaj et al. 2016):

𝜙𝑝 (𝐵)Φ𝑃 (𝐵𝑚 )(1 − 𝐵 𝑚 )𝐷 (1 − 𝐵)𝑑 𝑌𝑡 = 𝜃𝑞 (𝐵)Θ𝑄 (𝐵𝑚 )𝜀𝑡

Where 𝑌𝑡 is a time series observed value (daily sales) at time t, 𝜙𝑝 (𝐵) and

Φ𝑃 (𝐵𝑚 ) are the non-seasonal and seasonal autoregressive operators with respective

orders p and P, 𝜃𝑞 (𝐵) and Θ𝑄 (𝐵 𝑚 ) are the non-seasonal and seasonal moving average

operators with respective orders q and Q, (1 − 𝐵)𝑑 and (1 − 𝐵 𝑚 )𝐷 are the non-seasonal

and seasonal differences with respective orders d and D, and 𝜀𝑡 is a residual error term at

time t. All operators of form 𝛼𝑥 (𝐵) represent polynomials of backshift operators of

form: 1 − 𝛼1 (𝐵) − 𝛼2 (𝐵 2 ) − … 𝛼𝑥 (𝐵 𝑥 ).

To include the effects of exogenous variables, the seasonal ARIMA terms can be

represented as the stochastic error term in a multiple linear regression model (Aburto and

Weber 2007, Cools et al. 2009, Peter and Silvia 2012, Arunaj et al. 2016):

𝑌𝑡 = 𝛽0 + ∑ 𝛽𝑖 𝑋𝑖,𝑡 + 𝜂𝑡

Where 𝑌𝑡 , the dependent variable, is a time series observed value (daily sales) at time t, 𝑋

represents k separate independent regressors, 𝛽 represent multiple regression coefficients

of the k regressors, and 𝜂𝑡 is a residual series defined by the seasonal ARIMA


𝜃𝑞 (𝐵)Θ𝑄 (𝐵𝑚 )
𝜂𝑡 = 𝜀
𝜙𝑝 (𝐵)Φ𝑃 (𝐵𝑚 )(1 − 𝐵 𝑚 )𝐷 (1 − 𝐵)𝑑 𝑡

This model, referred to as seasonal ARIMA with external regressors

(SARIMAX), was estimated for each menu item-location combination. Since each time

series would likely exhibit distinct seasonality, trend, and autoregressive characteristics,

we chose an adaptive algorithm developed by Hyndman and Khandakar (2008), the

‘auto.arima’ function in the ‘forecast’ package v.8.0 in R (Hyndman et al. 2017).

As described above, when external regressors are used, ARIMA parameters are

estimated from the residuals of a linear model predicting the time series of interest. The

‘auto.arima’ function estimates seasonal ARIMA parameters automatically by, first,

selecting the order of differencing using successive unit root tests (Hyndman and

Athanasopoulos 2014). As Hyndman and Khandakar (2008) describe, it estimates

seasonal difference order (D) using the Osborn, Chui, Smith and Birchenhall unit root

test. This has been shown to perform favorably compared to other unit root tests for

seasonal differences (Rodrigues and Osborn 1999). Second, it estimates non-seasonal

difference order using the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test, as it corrects a bias

toward over-differencing found in other tests of stationarity by testing the assumption that

𝑑 = 0, rather than 𝑑 = 1. Once D and d are determined, it estimates values of p, q, P and

Q by minimizing the corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc), a correction of the

AIC for finite samples:

2(𝑟)(𝑟 + 1)
𝐴𝐼𝐶𝑐 = −2 log(𝐿) + 2(𝑟) +
(𝑛 − 𝑟 − 1)

Where L is the maximum likelihood function value for the model, n is the number of

observations used to fit the model, and 𝑟 = 𝑝 + 𝑞 + 𝑃 + 𝑄 + 𝑘 + 1 is the number of

model parameters. Model parameters include all order parameters, the variance of the

random error term 𝜀𝑡 , and 𝑘 = 1 when there exists bias in the ARIMA error, else 𝑘 = 0.

AICc rewards goodness of fit and penalizes both model complexity and small relative

sample size, resulting in high performing, but parsimonious models (Hyndman and

Athanasopoulos 2014).

Models for Comparison

In order to measure the effect of including predicted weather variables in seasonal

ARIMA models, what we will call the evaluation models, we include three benchmarks

as a mean for comparison. First are the baseline models, with no external predicted

weather indicators. This is the most direct method of comparison. Second, following the

example of Steinker et al. (2016), we generate upper-bound models that include observed

(rather than predicted) weather external covariates to forecast demand over the evaluation

period. This is obviously unavailable to the demand forecaster, but provides an idea of

the potential for weather’s inclusion as weather prediction continues to improve. The

third comparison, and least direct, are the 4PL forecasts. The baseline, upper-bound and

4PL forecasts are either generated or collected for each menu item-location for

comparison against the evaluation models.

We begin by estimating baseline seasonal ARIMA forecast models without

exogenous variables for each menu item-location combination. Each baseline model is

fit on a full year of in-sample POS data to capture all potential annual seasons. This

exceeds the requirements suggested by Hyndman (2007) of 𝑝 + 𝑞 + 𝑃 + 𝑄 + 𝑑 + 𝑚𝐷 +

1 minimum observations required to estimate a seasonal ARIMA model, which is based

on statistical estimability only. This does not take into account the potential for increased

model fidelity achievable when all annual seasonal variations are included in a training

set. This stringent requirement reduced our sample further, as not all menu item-

locations had the minimum training sample size.

The estimated model is then used to forecast over a seven day horizon. The out-

of-sample data, or all observations that occur after the minimum 365 days of in-sample

data, is then used for generating a successively updated forecast. This is a common

method of forecast validation (Armstrong 2002), but we augment this further by also re-

estimating model parameters with updated POS data. In seven day intervals, all model

parameters are re-estimated with the previous 365 days of POS observations. In this way,

we generate forecasts over the entire test period with the same frequency that the 4PL

firm would, and ensure models have the best possible fit over a forecast horizon. Of the

retained menu item-location combinations, re-estimation was conducted an average of

10-15 times.

Models Including Exogenous Observed and Predicted Weather Indicators

We include weather effects individually for four reasons. First, although we can

assess the relative significance of an external regressor in a seasonal ARIMA model, we

cannot know whether a significant predictor improves demand forecast quality.

Therefore, we must assess each regressor separately to determine whether it improves

predictive power. Second, each weather effect varies in its reliability. It is useful to

separately observe differences in demand forecast improvement from inclusion of factors

that differ in reliability. Third, this helps to prevent manual heterogeneous variable

selection. As we saw in previous efforts to quantify the effect of weather factors on

demand, the effects were heterogeneous over a number of dimensions. Each menu item-

location combination may indicate significance of separate weather factors that requires

either manual model fitting or potentially misspecified models. For thousands of separate

forecasts, this would not be practical, and would limit comparability of each forecast.

Fourth, and perhaps most limiting when incorporating external regressors in an

autoregressive model, high covariance among exogenous regressors makes a model

inestimable. This is of particular concern with weather effects that tend to be highly

correlated. Wind and rain, for instance, almost always coincide with thunderstorms, and

snow and low temperatures are strictly linked.

Just as in the baseline models, each model with exogenous observed and

predicted weather is fit on a full year of in-sample POS data. In-sample observed

weather phenomena is included to capture the effect of weather. As mentioned

previously, observed cloud cover (sunlight) data was unavailable, so we include one day

ahead forecasts as a proxy. One day ahead forecasts are presumed to be the most

accurate available substitute for observed data.

Each model is then projected forward with out-of-sample POS data. For the

upper-bound forecasts, this includes out-of-sample observed weather variables as

covariates. Evaluation models instead include out-of-sample predicted weather over a

seven day horizon. As with the baseline model, this forecast occurs every seven days,

and each successive forecast re-estimates model parameters with the previous 365 days of

in-sample POS and observed weather data.

Forecast Evaluation

From each successively updated forecast, we generate indicators of forecast

quality. As Hyndman and Koehler (2006) note, each proposed measure of forecast

quality has limitations. Some are scale-dependent, such as MAE or root mean squared

error (RMSE). These are more useful for calculating costs, but provide no value for

comparison of forecasts. Measures based on percent error, such as mean absolute percent

error (MAPE) are popular in practice because they are easy to calculate and can be useful

for comparison. This is also the measure currently in use by the 4PL. Unfortunately,

MAPE suffers from inflation in time series with low values and is inestimable for time

series with zero values. Because of these deficiencies, and because both Makridakis and

Hibon (2000) and Armstrong (2002) recommend using multiple measures of accuracy,

we also include the bias indicator mean error (ME), the relative error indicator Theil’s U

(Theil 1966), and mean absolute scaled error (MASE), a scaled error term suggested by

Hyndman and Koehler (2006). MASE removes scale by comparing a forecast to a

known method (usually naïve), and also permits multiple period out-of-sample error

estimation, not possible with relative error measures like Theil’s U. Error is scaled using

𝑒𝑡 (ℎ−1)
in-sample naïve forecast MAE (Hyndman and Koehler 2006) 𝑞𝑡 = ∑ℎ for
𝑡=2 |𝑌𝑡 −𝑌𝑡−1 |

nonseasonal data, or in-sample seasonal naive forecast MAE (Hyndman and

𝑒𝑡 (ℎ−𝑚−1)
Athanasopoulos 2014) 𝑞𝑡 = ∑𝑛 for seasonal data, where 𝑒𝑡 = 𝑌𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡 is the
𝑡=𝑚+1 |𝑌𝑡 −𝑌𝑡−1 |

difference between forecast and observed demand, m is seasonality and h is the length of

the forecast horizon. MASE is then simply ∑ℎ𝑡=1 |𝑞𝑡 |⁄ℎ. Of note, though we generate

daily forecasts, MAPE is generated over the relevant replenishment period to limit

inflation and ensure estimability. Restaurant replenishment occurs twice weekly, so each

seven-day forecast period is evaluated on two replenishment periods. We finally also

include weekly MAPE as this is how the 4PL firm tracks accuracy, so that a direct

comparison can be made.

Addressing Computational Scale

Automated parameter estimation permits an increase in the number of menu item-

location combinations to be forecast by limiting manual model estimation. However,

even after filtering out menu item-locations with too few observations or at distances too

far for reliable weather effect estimation, we estimated 105,875 baseline sets of forecast

models. After matching available observed and predicted weather data, we estimated an

additional 747,542 upper-bound and evaluation sets of forecast models. Finally, we

calculated forecast quality metrics for each individual seven day forecast model

contained in each rolling set, as well as for each individual seven day forecast period

provided in the 4PL sample. In total, we generated and (or) evaluated over 1.7 million

sets of rolling forecasts. Particularly since we re-estimated ARIMA parameters in

successively updated forecasts, this became computationally burdensome. As a result,

utilized extensive parallel computing for tractability. All forecasts were generated

through the Ohio Supercomputer Center’s Owens Cluster, a 23,392-core HP Intel Xeon

E5-2680 v4 machine capable of 750 teraflops (OSC 1987).

Output Analysis

In order to determine the effect of including predicted weather variables on

demand forecasts, we compare the eight generated forecast quality measures in separate

linear models. We include a categorical predictor of external weather variable used to

generate a forecast. Each of the aforementioned eight weather prediction variables

represents a factor level, with the baseline condition serving as the reference level.

We control for two expected continuous sources of variance in each of the

models. Increased volatility in times series is known to inherently reduce forecastability,

so we control for this by including the coefficient of variation (CV) as a covariate

(Armstrong 2002). Our method of matching restaurant locations via a single distance

threshold also likely has an effect on weather forecast accuracy, and thus demand forecast

quality derived from weather. Both observed and predicted weather relevant to each

ICAO weather sensor will more accurately reflect the weather conditions at restaurants

close by, but less so at restaurants close to the cutoff threshold. We therefore control for

potential differences by including geodesic ellipsoid distance as a covariate.

In addition to continuous predictors likely to influence accuracy, we also control

for two expected categorical sources of variance. To account for confounding effects

from regional and product-based heterogeneities in weather variable effects on measures

of demand forecast quality, we separate our analysis by product categories and regions.

As we have no hypotheses regarding the direction or size of the heterogeneous effects,

we chose a weighted effects coding scheme that merely measures differences from an

overall mean (Darlington and Hayes 1990, Cohen et al. 2013).

Regional heterogeneities are accounted for using weighted effects codes for the

nine climatic regions defined by the NOAA as exhibiting similar characteristics for

temperature and precipitation for more than a century (Karl and Koss 1984).

Figure 3 (Sanchez-Lugo 2017) displays the regional boundaries used in this

research, and relative frequency of restaurants for each climate region are reported in

Table 3. While more granular microclimate divisions exist that could account for

greater degrees of weather differentiation (Vose et al. 2014), these more aggregate

regions have more explainable differences in response to specific weather effects. For

instance, it is likely that consumer response to snow in the Northeast, where such weather

is common winter months, will not be the same as in the warm Southwest. However

responses in Albany and Buffalo, NY, who occupy different microclimate divisions

(Fenimore 2017) but the same climate region, would likely not differ substantially due to

similar weather patterns.

Figure 3: NOAA Climate Regions

NOAA Region No. of Restaurants
Central (Ohio Valley) 663
East North Central (Upper Midwest) 4
Northeast 300
Northwest 0
South 583
Southeast 375
Southwest 6
West 758
West North Central (Northern Rockies and Plains) 53

Table 3: Restaurant Sample by NOAA Region

We account for potential product-based demand response heterogeneities

similarly to Bujisic et al. (2016). They separate their full service menu items as main

courses, sides, as children’s or adult meals and by mealtime. We coded menu items as

breakfast entrees or sides, lunch/dinner entrees or sides, desserts or shakes, drinks, and

add-ons or specialty items.


Comparing output from the four sets of models (evaluation, baseline, upper-

bound and 4PL), we find some interesting results. We began with a preliminary

comparison of means for each of the forecast quality measures we generated as shown in

Table 4.

4PL -1.132 14.903 12.269 * 0.838 25.538 27.330 20.688
Baseline -1.514 18.095 15.015 0.860 0.908 18.302 19.473 14.932
High Temp. -1.291 18.116 15.024 0.858 0.908 18.018 19.124 14.712
Low Temp. -1.418 18.179 15.084 0.861 0.911 18.175 19.294 14.825
Wind Speed -1.492 18.097 15.019 0.860 0.909 18.303 19.494 14.948
Cloud Cover -0.676 18.833 15.900 0.901 0.987 22.253 23.282 17.927
Rain -1.526 18.126 15.045 0.862 0.911 18.365 19.528 14.983
Thunderstorms -1.731 18.147 15.061 0.854 0.905 18.144 18.990 14.690
Snow -1.717 18.189 15.084 0.858 0.912 18.800 19.852 15.223
Precipitation -1.494 18.090 15.013 0.860 0.909 18.275 19.417 14.882

High Temp. -1.295 18.116 15.024 0.858 0.907 18.020 19.155 14.709
Low Temp. -1.409 18.156 15.064 0.860 0.910 18.157 19.268 14.812
Wind Speed -1.304 18.180 15.084 0.864 0.913 18.362 19.604 15.073
Cloud Cover -0.923 18.832 15.930 0.901 0.991 22.409 24.045 18.232
Rain -1.754 18.144 15.066 0.863 0.912 18.518 19.693 15.141
Thunderstorms -1.773 18.166 15.075 0.855 0.905 18.168 19.014 14.708
Snow -2.157 18.322 15.203 0.865 0.919 19.257 20.433 15.687
Precipitation -1.821 18.132 15.060 0.863 0.912 18.574 19.761 15.198

Table 4: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by Included Exogenous Weather Variable
Bias (ME) across all models tended to be negative on average. This negative bias

was amplified in models with various precipitation-based effects (for both evaluation and

upper-bound models), and was lower in 4PL models. Mean RMSE and MAE were also

lowest in 4PL models, and were lower in the baseline models than in models that

included weather effects. A lone exception in the upper-bound models were models that

included overall precipitation data, which had on average slightly lower RMSE and

MAE. Scaled error (MASE) was on average slightly lower in both evaluation and upper-

bound models that included thunderstorm data, but equal or slightly worse than the

baseline models with all other weather effects. We could not calculate this metric for

4PL models, as it depended on unavailable in-sample data. Relative measures (Theil’s

U) returned similar results, with thunderstorm data (and curiously predicted high

temperature data) resulting in slightly lower Theil’s U scores on average. As with scale-

dependent metrics, 4PL models had the lowest relative measures.

Percent errors represent the most interesting results, as 4PL models that had

dominated scale-dependent and relative measures were on average worse for percent

errors. Mean MAPE, as measured over the first and second replenishment periods as

well as over the weeklong planning period, was significantly higher in 4PL models than

in baseline, upper-bound or evaluation models. Further, inclusion of high and low

temperature, as well as thunderstorm data resulted in lower average MAPE for both

evaluation and upper-bound models. Upper-bound models with overall precipitation

included also had lower MAPE. This curious result is likely due to the differences

inherent in the metrics in use. Scale-dependent metrics penalize large deviations,

regardless of demand volume, and percent metrics experience inflation when demand is

small. Therefore we can conclude that evaluation, baseline, and upper-bound models

tend to be more accurate when demand is small, but when they miss, they miss larger

than in the 4PL models. Further, it seems that by including external weather effects in

estimation, this effect is exacerbated.

In addition to the aggregate effects we observe between the forecast methods and

included predictive weather factors, we also examined differences in demand forecast

quality measures that were likely due to regional or product-related heterogeneities.

Table 5 and Table 6 display differences in forecast

quality metrics among evaluation models based on NOAA region and menu category


Central (Ohio Valley) -1.947 18.388 15.368 0.848 0.926 19.252 20.452 15.639
East North Central
(Upper Midwest) -3.371 19.814 16.506 0.850 0.885 20.113 18.179 15.039
Northeast -2.540 18.446 15.410 0.892 0.965 22.224 24.810 18.723
South -1.460 18.232 15.124 0.865 0.904 18.354 19.124 14.732
Southeast -1.579 17.897 14.854 0.885 0.951 19.895 21.614 16.614
Southwest -1.387 17.793 14.633 0.817 0.903 19.162 19.646 15.060
West -0.449 18.268 15.158 0.862 0.896 16.678 17.576 13.565
West North Central
(Northern Rockies and
Plains) -1.753 17.217 14.247 0.838 0.882 19.708 18.939 14.916

Table 5: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by NOAA Region for Evaluation Models
Menu Category ME RMSE MAE MASE Theil's U MAPE 1 MAPE 2 Weekly MAPE
Add-on/Specialty -0.317 9.739 8.060 0.859 0.849 13.701 13.973 10.727
Breakfast Entrée -2.386 13.836 11.483 0.889 0.893 20.085 20.840 15.804
Breakfast Side -5.445 32.840 27.100 0.909 0.916 20.597 20.962 16.014
Dessert/Shake -0.836 10.088 8.300 0.731 0.875 26.408 27.531 20.629
Drinks -2.242 16.522 13.721 0.876 0.909 15.675 16.706 12.956
Lunch/Dinner Entrée -0.035 19.842 16.583 0.886 0.954 16.962 18.809 14.662
Lunch/Dinner Side -2.420 27.614 23.035 0.893 0.956 18.039 19.159 14.777

Table 6: Mean Demand Forecast Quality Measures by Menu Category for Evaluation Models
Scale-dependent metrics tended to be worse in the Upper Midwest and Northeast

regions, which could be a result of greater proportions of inclement winter weather in

those areas. Severe weather can cause large misses in demand estimates, which are

indicated by scale-dependent measures. The evaluation period spans mostly winter

months, so these areas are more likely than Southern regions to experience inclement

winter weather. Scaled, relative and percent measures tended higher primarily in the

Northeast and Southeast.

Among menu categories, side items tended to perform worse among both scale-

dependent and scaled metrics. Dinner items performed worst among dependent

measures, and desserts were significantly worse than all others for percent errors.

Significant heterogeneities exist between both NOAA regions and menu categories, and

so the use of these indicators as controls is justified when evaluating the effect of weather

variable incorporation on demand forecast quality measures.

We next conducted an analysis of variance for upper-bound and evaluation

models that include all previously identified control variables. In the upper-bound

models that include observed weather, we observe the asymptotic limit of the effect of

weather forecast information on demand forecast quality measures. If the included

weather information did not introduce additional variance, these are the results we would

expect. Table 7 displays the

results from inclusion of error-free weather variables.

-2.204 27.217 22.836 0.938 0.893 6.899 8.005 6.472
Intercept *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Weather Variables
0.223 -0.002 -0.284 -0.349 -0.221
High Temp. *** * *** *** ***
0.096 0.004 -0.127 -0.179 -0.108
Low Temp. ** *** * ** *
Wind Speed
0.838 0.738 0.885 0.040 0.079 3.953 3.809 2.995
Cloud Cover *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
0.002 0.003
Rain . ***
-0.002 -0.003 -0.333 -0.529 -0.287

Thunderstorms . *** *** *** ***

0.171 -0.003 -0.006 -0.334 -0.579 -0.421
Snow *** * *** *** *** ***
1.878 -23.829 -20.388 -0.213 0.046 32.473 33.169 24.254
CV *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Station -5.47E-2 -4.80E-2 -2.29E-4 -1.23E-4 -1.81E-2 -6.91E-3
Distance *** *** *** *** *** ***
NOAA Region *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Menu Category *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Significance codes: ‘***’= <0.001, ‘**’= <0.01, ‘*’= <0.05, ‘.’= <0.1

Table 7: Regression Effects of Observed Weather in Demand Forecasts on Forecast Quality Measures
Evaluation models represent a more realistic state for demand planners. Each

weather prediction may have varying reliability depending on weather phenomena, range

and proximity of a restaurant to a weather station. Each of these considerations makes

the inclusion of predictive factors a more complicated and questionable decision. The

results of models that include weather predictions in the estimation of demand forecast

models are included in Table 8. A brief

discussion of the implications of these findings on each hypothesis posed earlier follows,

summarized in Table 9.

-2.248 27.219 22.845 0.939 0.895 6.814 7.895 6.379
Intercept *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Weather Variables
0.220 -0.002 -0.282 -0.318 -0.224
High Temp. *** . *** *** ***
0.106 0.002 -0.144 -0.205 -0.120
Low Temp. *** * ** ** **
0.210 0.004 0.006 0.131 0.141
Wind Speed *** *** *** * ***
0.592 0.737 0.915 0.041 0.083 4.109 4.573 3.299
Cloud Cover *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
-0.240 0.003 0.004 0.220 0.224 0.211
Rain *** ** *** *** *** ***

-0.002 -0.304 -0.468 -0.249

Thunderstorms . *** *** ***
-0.233 0.174 0.118 0.004 0.109
Snow *** * . ** .
-0.307 0.003 0.004 0.274 0.289 0.267
Precipitation *** ** *** *** *** ***
2.035 -23.854 -20.425 -0.216 0.043 32.833 33.358 24.492
CV *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
-2.64E-3 -5.41E-2 -4.77E-2 -2.29E-4 -1.29E-4 -6.73E-3 -1.44E-2 -6.17E-3
Station Distance * *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
NOAA Region *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Menu Category *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Significance codes: ‘***’= <0.001, ‘**’= <0.01, ‘*’= <0.05, ‘.’= <0.1

Table 8: Regression Effects of Predicted Weather in Demand Forecasts on Forecast Quality Measures
By including high temperature in demand forecasts, we demonstrated significant

reductions in negative bias, scaled and percent errors. However, there were no significant

effects on scale-dependent or relative measures. These effects are consistent between

upper-bound and evaluation models in both significance and relative effect size,

indicating that this effect is robust to some degradation in forecast accuracy. This

partially supports H1a, that inclusion of high temperature predictions improves demand

forecast quality.

Inclusion of low temperature in demand forecasts produced similar results, if

generally at a lower magnitude. Both upper-bound and evaluation models showed a

decrease in negative bias, and significant reductions in percent error measures. However,

there was no significant effect on scale-dependent or scaled measures, and a small but

significant increase in Theil’s U. This indicates partial support for H1b, that inclusion of

low temperature predictions improves demand forecast quality. However, improvements

tended to be in measures that face inflation from error coinciding with low demand.

Theil’s U, scaled by RMSE and therefore more sensitive to large errors regardless of

coinciding demand level, saw a slight increase.

H1c was also partially supported, that forecast models incorporating short range

predictions (one to three days) of temperature are more accurate than those incorporating

medium range predictions (five to nine days). While it is true that error was higher in

forecasts at a longer range, the effect of temperature predictions on percent error is

greater at longer ranges. Table 4 shows

that MAPE is higher for the second replenishment period under all upper-bound and

evaluation models, regardless of weather effect included. However, as shown in

Table 7 and

Table 8, the magnitude of error reduction through inclusion of temperature

variables is greater at longer ranges. This means that the potential for error reduction

through inclusion of external predictive factors is greater when the demand forecast is

more uncertain, regardless of the uncertainty of the predictive factor. This contradicts the

theory behind, if not the explicit statement of H1c.

Wind speed inclusion appears to have no effect on any measure of demand

forecast quality among upper-bound models, and in evaluation models actually increases

measures of scaled, relative and percent error. Despite also reducing negative bias in

evaluation models, the overall effect of wind prediction mostly contradicts H2a, or that

inclusion of wind predictions will increase demand forecast quality. H2b on the other

hand, is supported. Less accurate medium range wind forecasts tend to degrade demand

forecasts to a greater extent than short range wind forecasts.

Inclusion of cloud cover data in both upper-bound and evaluation models

significantly increases scale-dependent, scaled, relative and percent error, while

decreasing negative bias. As a result, H3 is mostly not supported. It is worth noting, this

measure also has no indicator of accuracy, so nothing definitive could be said about the

effect of including perfect cloud cover prediction.

Given perfect prediction of rain, as in upper-bound models, the only significant

effects are a slight increase in scaled and relative error. In evaluation models, predicted

rain significantly increases negative bias, scaled, relative and percent error. H4a, that

inclusion of rain predictions in demand forecasts will improve accuracy, is not supported.

Forecasts including thunderstorm data, on the other hand, demonstrated

significant improvements in scaled, relative and percent errors in upper-bound models,

and in relative and percent errors in evaluation models. As a result, H4b is partially


Inclusion of snow weather data resulted in significant reductions of negative bias

and improvements in scaled, relative and percent errors in upper-bound models.

However, these effects were reversed in evaluation models. Negative bias was increased,

and scale-dependent, scaled and percent errors all showed some degree of increase. H4c

was not supported.

Models that included overall precipitation data in upper-bound models showed no

significant differences in demand forecast quality measures of any kind. In evaluation

models, negative bias was exacerbated, while scaled, relative and percent errors all

increased. H4d was therefore not supported.

H4d, the supposition that forecast models incorporating short range precipitation

data (of all kinds) are more accurate than medium range is partially supported. While

longer range demand forecasts each tended to be less accurate regardless of which

weather forecast variable was included, the directional effect of including each variable

was amplified at longer ranges. This means that predicted thunderstorm data decreased

error to a greater extent at longer ranges. Conversely, predicted rain and overall

precipitation inclusion increased demand forecast error slightly more at longer ranges.

Variable Support Explanation
H1a High (oF) Partially Reduced negative bias, scaled and percent errors
Supported (supports), no other significant effects (does not
H1b Low (oF) Partially Reduced negative bias and percent errors
Supported (supports), increased relative error, no other
significant effects (does not support)
H1c Medium Partially Increased error at longer range (supports), error
Range Supported reduction greater at longer range (does not support)
H2a Speed (mph) Mostly Reduced negative bias (supports), Increased scaled,
Not relative and percent error, no other significant
Supported effects (does not support)
H2b Medium Supported Increased error at longer range and error
Range amplification greater at longer range (supports)
Cloud Cover
H3 Percent Mostly Reduced negative bias (supports), Increased scale-
Not dependent, scaled, relative and percent error (does
Supported not support)
Precipitation Related
H4a Rain Not Increased negative bias, scaled, relative and
Probability Supported percent error, no other significant effects (does not
H4b Thunderstorm Partially Reduced relative and percent error (supports), no
Probability Supported other significant effects (does not support)
H4c Snow Not Increased negative bias, scale-dependent, scaled
Probability Supported and percent error, no other significant effects (does
not support)
H4d Total Not Increased negative bias, scaled, relative and
Precipitation Supported percent error, no other significant effects (does not
Probability support)
H4e Medium Partial Increased error at longer range and error
Range (all Support amplification greater at longer range for rain and
kinds) total precipitation (supports), error reduction
greater at longer range for thunderstorms and error
amplification reduced at longer range for snow
(does not support)

Table 9: Summary of Hypothesis Test Results


Upper-bound models demonstrate the potential for improvement in demand

forecast quality through inclusion of a number of external weather data under ideal

conditions. In particular, future information on both high and low temperature and

extreme weather such as thunderstorms and snow promised to improve a number of

demand forecast quality measures, providing the weather data contained no errors. In

evaluation models, this effect persisted for high temperature, low temperature and

thunderstorm predictions, but reversed for predictions of snow. Despite potential

improvements in both upper-bound and evaluation models, the inclusion of some weather

variables degraded predictions, and all had disparate effects on the various measures of

demand forecast quality. These mixed results we experienced demonstrate that

incorporation of external variables do not have straightforward effects, and that the

decision to include predictive indicators in an effort to improve demand forecasts

depends on a number of factors.

Specification Errors

Estimating demand as we have depends on some key assumptions inherent to

linear regression models. As Cohen et al. (2013) note, these include a correct

specification of the form of the relationship between independent (in our case external

weather indicators) and dependent variables (demand), that independent variables are

correctly specified (are significant), and that the independent variables are measured

without error. When including uncertain weather information in demand forecasts, it is

likely that at least one of these assumptions is not strictly satisfied. However this does

not typically matter in practice, as models that perform better are chosen regardless of

adherence to strict statistical orthodoxy (Hyndman and Athanasopoulos 2014).

However, ignoring these assumptions can introduce error in estimation and lead to

over-fitting and misspecification. As SARIMAX models are estimated in two stages, the

risks of estimation error can be compounded. Even if we assume independent variables

are measured perfectly, as was the case in our upper-bound models, their relationship can

be improperly specified or result in non-significant (or weakly significant) relationships.

Such weak relationships often include some conflation of truly random error when

estimated, which is then carried to the next stage of estimation assumed to be a genuine

relationship. This has been shown to degrade prediction performance (Kolassa 2016a,

Katsikopoulos and Syntetos 2016). We assumed linear relationships between weather

factors and demand in the first stage, and estimated seasonal ARIMA terms from the

residuals of that model. This can result in spurious explanation of random variance, and

confound relationships that may exist in the second stage of estimation. Misspecification

of this type will inevitably explain additional variance, whether or not the measured

relationships are spurious, so we controlled for this by minimizing our automatically

generated models on a measure (AICc) that includes a penalty for model complexity.

Even so, overfitting can prove problematic with predictive models as evaluation

transitions from in-sample to out-of-sample. Our results in upper-bound models for

models including error free wind speed and overall precipitation data, which proved non-

significant or even deleterious across all forecast quality metrics, may have been a result

of such overfitting.


Significant effects of the inclusion of error free weather predictors on demand

forecast quality measures may have also been affected by confounding by product and

regional heterogeneities. We did control for NOAA region and menu category, and the

effects of these covariates were highly significant. However, errors in how these regions

or menu categories are specified can have confounding effects for a model. For instance,

boundary conditions between NOAA regions are likely similar in effect, but are assigned

the mean effect for their respective regions. These discrete differences make estimation

tractable, but can lead to distortion of effect estimation.

Weather Forecast Reliability

The varying reliabilities of weather factors may also have driven mixed results.

This is evident in the degradation of demand forecast quality between upper-bound and

evaluation models that included wind speed, cloud cover, rain, snow and overall

precipitation data. Each weather variable had differing reliability in evaluation models,

and therefore experienced different levels of degradation between upper-bound and

evaluation models.

For evaluation models including wind speed, the degradation of the effect of

predictive indicator inclusion on demand forecast quality measures indicates a possible

combination of effects. Insignificant effects from these predictors observed in upper-

bound models may have been from overfitting or misspecification. Including uncertainty

in the predictors introduces noise to models that are already potentially misspecified,

amplifying this effect.

The negative effect of including cloud cover is possibly a function of the available

data for cloud cover. Though many prior studies found support for levels of sunlight

significantly affecting demand (Johnston and Harrison 1980, Murray et al. 2010, Busse et

al. 2012, Li et al. 2017, Steinker et al. 2016), we only had predicted cloud cover data

available and thus no means of registering its relative accuracy. Our threshold of 30 km

for the distance between a restaurant and weather station are consistent with expectations

for reliable sunlight forecasts on the aggregate (Camargo and Hubbard 1999). However

Camargo and Hubbard (1999) directly measured solar radiation in their study, whereas

other studies measure binary sunny or non-sunny days (Li et al. 2017), hours of sunlight

(Johnston and Harrison 1980, Parsons 2001, Murray et al. 2010), sunlight as an input to a

composite weather measure (Steinker et al. 2016), or predicted percent of cloud cover

(Busse et al. 2012) to ostensibly measure the same effect. These proxies may all have

varying levels of reliability that corrupt their effect as previously reported and negatively

impact their value to demand forecasters.

Distinct aspects of rain, thunderstorm, snow and overall precipitation prediction

reliability may help explain our mixed results as well. Of the four precipitation-based

weather predictors, only models including thunderstorm predictions did not degrade

significantly in demand accuracy between upper-bound and evaluation models. Brier

scores alone could not account for this difference, as both snow and thunderstorm

predictions had low scores, and inclusion of uncertain snow forecasts in demand forecasts

degraded forecast quality measures to a greater extent than did inclusion of uncertain

thunderstorm forecasts. Thunderstorm predictions had the lowest PPV and highest

sensitivity of the four measures, indicating the lowest conservatism of the four

precipitation-based weather predictors. This implies that demand forecast quality is not

as adversely affected by false positives as it is by missed predictions. Demand managers

may use this insight to their advantage when selecting weather forecast services or

classification probability cutoffs for precipitation-based weather predictors.

Differential Effect between Demand Forecast Quality Measures

Variation in the effect of inclusion of exogenous weather predictors are also a

function of the metric in use. None of the included weather predictors in either the

upper-bound or evaluation models demonstrated an improvement in the scale-dependent-

metrics RMSE or MAE. In evaluation models, weather predictors tended to only slightly

improve and more likely degrade scaled and relative error metrics. For the included

weather predictions that significantly improved demand forecast error, improvement

came in the percent error metrics. These differences depend on the manner in which the

SARIMAX models were estimated, and the relative penalties imposed by each demand

forecast quality metric.

Predictive models were based on a minimization of AICc based on in-sample

demand and observed weather. That primary improvement occurred in percent error

metrics, that experience inflation in error coinciding with low demand, implies that

inclusion of external weather predictors improves accuracy when demand is low.

Increased error or insignificant effects on scale-dependent metrics imply that forecast

responsiveness is higher and may lead to larger individual errors when demand is higher.

Increases in scaled and relative errors imply an increase in responsiveness of demand

forecasts approaching that of a naïve forecast, with larger individual errors when demand

is higher.


Limitations of our research included deficiencies in the weather and POS demand

samples, lack of insight into the 4PL model parameterization and adjustments as a basis

of comparison, and subjectivity regarding assignment to NOAA regions and menu


One year of in-sample data allowed for a characterization of seasonal demand

patterns for both demand and weather. However, we are limited to the assumption that

conditions which drive changes in demand are stationary, which may not be the case

given shifts in local and national tastes and stages of menu-item life cycle. Without more

demand data, characterization of trends or shifts are more limited. Similarly, weather

patterns can demonstrate anomalies from one year to the next, even on a national level.

As noted in Hu and Skaggs (2009), though weather forecast reliability has increased in

recent years, anomalies and associated reductions in medium-range weather forecast

reliability are likely to increase in frequency as the effects of global climate change

continue to manifest. Our out-sample evaluation data covers primarily winter months.

Though we have demand history that would indicate effects during other seasons, we

have no indication of model performance other than in the winter season. Additionally,

our weather samples were drawn from a sensor network with sparse geographic coverage,

resulting us having to compromise station relevance for sample size.

By virtue of the sample’s nationwide scope, these findings are generalizable over

a large number of circumstances. However, the results of this research are limited to a

single (albeit industry leading) quick service restaurant firm.

As noted above, boundary conditions of NOAA region assignments may be a

cause for additional effect distortion, and menu categorization is an admittedly subjective

assignment. It is possible that a more exploratory clustering or principal components

analysis approach could reveal a better of regional or product based grouping mechanism.

Managerial Implications

This research suggests that inclusion of short term predictive weather indicators

for high temperature, low temperature and thunderstorms can significantly reduce

demand forecast percent errors. It also indicates that the benefits of including weather

predictions is greater as forecast horizon is increased, despite a decrease in weather

forecast accuracy. These results apply to a wide range of geographic and product specific

contexts. However, demand planners must take care when including other weather

predictions, as they can have negative effects on demand forecast quality. The positive or

negative effects of including predictive weather indicators in demand forecasts depends

on factors such as weather phenomena forecast reliability, demand forecast error metric

of interest, and heterogeneous effects that may exist between regions and products.

While such external predictive weather indicators are constantly improving, they

currently have a reliable range that is on the boundary of being useful for most

operational planning. As weather prediction technology and weather forecaster skill

increases, managers can place more trust in these external indicators. However, even

reliable indicators should be treated with caution for the specification and confounding

issues discussed above.

As each demand forecast quality measure responded differently to inclusion of

additional information, managers should also carefully select which quality measures are

important to their business. In our case study, inclusion of weather variables tended to

make demand forecasts more responsive. When this improved measures of demand

forecast quality, it occurred most in relative measures. This means that for businesses

where large misses in high volume locations are relatively more expensive than a series

of small misses in low volume situations, inclusion of weather in demand forecasts may

not help operations. This may be the case if inventory costs are high and include high

proportions of perishable goods. The opposite may be true for businesses where costs

from low customer satisfaction are relatively more significant. Outlets facing high levels

of competition may risk more from a stock-out than from overstocking. Therefore, the

unequal improvement between measures of forecast quality require a manager to assess

which measures are most relevant to their situation when including external weather


Future Research

The findings in this research provide support for a growing body of work relating

observed weather phenomena to demand and predicted weather to demand forecast

quality. We supported previous findings that inclusion of predicted temperature can

significantly improve demand forecast accuracy (Nikolopoulos and Fildes 2013, Steinker

et al. 2016), while motivating greater investigation into findings that were not supported,

relating predicted sunlight and precipitation to increased demand forecast accuracy

(Steinker et al. 2016). The results of this work are limited to a select few forecast quality

metrics. Future research must include more measures of quality, but also of overall


Some of the counterintuitive results also indicate other relevant information about

the observed weather. Previous work estimating the effect of observed weather on

demand includes studies that look specifically at how different the observed effect is

from the average (Johnston and Harrison 1980, Tran 2016). We include no indication of

the unusualness of a prediction or observed weather effect. Future research should

extend these previous works to include some indication of the unusualness of a predicted

weather effect on demand forecast accuracy.

We also do not include potential substitution indicators. Many of the restaurants

in our sample share a common weather station from which their weather predictions are

gathered. They could be close enough to serve as substitutes for each other’s demand.

The same may be true of similar competing restaurants. Future research should attempt

to control for the confounding effects of substitution.

Travel intensity is another potential factor that could significantly interact with

weather in its effect on demand. Restaurants that experience a significant portion of their

demand from traveling customers, as may be the case in airports and along highways,

may experience effects from weather unrelated to mood and psychology. Effects from

delayed flights, closed roads, or other travel delays may confound or amplify weather

effects and contribute to poor demand forecasts. Controlling for individual restaurant

characteristics could improve future efforts to incorporate predicted short term weather in

demand forecasts.

Previous work in the economic value of uncertain information (Arrow 1965, Katz

and Murphy 1997), especially research on cost-loss utility functions (Thompson and

Brier 1955, Thompson 1962, Murphy 1977, Katz and Murphy 1990, Katz and Lazo

2011), can help guide future extensions to convert demand forecast quality improvements

into calculations of expected value. This research included some discussion of

differential effects of included exogenous weather forecast variable reliability on demand

forecast quality. However, a more explicit treatment of the effects of accuracy, bias,

sensitivity and specificity by predictive weather factor is warranted in order to fully

quantify the effects on demand forecast quality, and eventually value.

Finally, this research estimated models based on linear and stationary effects of

predictive weather indicators. Prior research suggests that many weather effects are

nonlinear (Murray et al. 2010, Lazo et al. 2011, Bahng and Kincade 2012, Arunaj and

Ahrens 2016, Tran 2016) and short to medium term weather forecasts will face increasing

non-stationarity (Hu and Skaggs 2009), so future extensions ought to include more

general estimation techniques.

Chapter 4: “A Systematic Literature Review and Typology of Factors that Bound
Demand Forecast Accuracy”


Demand forecasting is the bellwether that synchronizes the supply chain.

Common thought regarding this critical input, among both practitioners and academics is

that achieving more accurate forecasts is universally beneficial to the supply chain.

Whether measured as the driver of safety stock, of variance in production processes, or

bullwhip propagating throughout the supply chain, accuracy in forecasts goes a long way

in ensuring efficient supply chain operations (Silver et al. 1998).

It is rare in academic literature for the somewhat counterintuitive question to be

asked: “How good is good enough?”. However, this is of central importance to the

demand planner. We know that demand forecast accuracy is critical and that more is

generally desirable in the supply chain, but what are the achievable limits? For that

matter, are there instances where demand planners ought not even pursue the achievable?

While a tremendous amount of academic literature investigates statistical, managerial, or

technological means to improve demand forecast accuracy (Winklhofer et al. 1996,

Fildes et al. 2008), few even concede the Pareto limits or costs to advances in precision

(Yokum and Armstrong 1995). Current exploration also exists in vertically isolated

channels, without an overarching frame to guide inquiry.

In this paper, we endeavor to identify the effects and contexts that have been

explored in logistics and supply chain management literature that bound the feasible

region for demand forecast accuracy. In doing so, we also identify areas that require

further inquiry with the hopes of guiding future academic engagement. This search

includes managerial, statistical, technological, and contextual facilitators and

impediments for forecast accuracy. To accomplish this, we conducted a systematic

review of the logistics and supply chain management literature, and identified structural

topics regarding drivers of both achievable and desirable levels of forecast accuracy.

This manuscript is organized as follows. First, we define forecast accuracy and

discuss general logistics and supply chain management research topics that may affect, or

be affected by, accuracy. Next, we detail our methodology of systematic literature

review, emphasizing transparency and replicability. Then, we discuss extant findings in

academic literature within identified logistics and supply chain management research

themes, describing managerial implications and suggesting future research areas for each

theme. Finally, we discuss limitations to this study, and draw conclusions regarding the

identified structural themes of demand forecast accuracy.

Defining Accuracy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research

Makridakis and Wheelwright (1989) refer to forecast accuracy as the “goodness

of fit” of some predictive model. This obviously has different connotations for each user,

application, and modeling approach. Murphy (1993) defines forecast accuracy as the

correspondence of individual observations and predictions. Though he was referring to

weather forecasts, this is equally applicable to demand forecasts. Box and Jenkins (1976)

express accuracy as the probability limits of a forecast such that some proportion of

realized values fall within it. This takes a statistical viewpoint, and implies a distribution

rather than point forecast. Armstrong (2002) defines forecast accuracy only in its relation

to forecast error, with error being the difference between a forecasted and observed

values. Wooldridge (2015), like Armstrong, defines accuracy in relation to error, but as

the additive inverse of Armstrong’s error. Both Armstrong’s and Wooldridge’s

definitions recognize that it is often easier and more useful to measure when a forecast is

wrong than when it is right. Silver et al. (1998) defines forecast accuracy simply as a

surrogate for overall production/inventory system performance. This definition lacks

precision, as many factors affect system performance beyond demand forecasting

accuracy. Makridakis and Hibon (2000) and Hyndman and Koehler (2006) note multiple

measures of forecast accuracy that each prioritize different aspects of error, and conclude

no one measure fully reflects accuracy. While neither work explicitly defines accuracy,

they do present strengths, weaknesses and applications for numerous proposed measures

of forecast error (as proxies for accuracy).

Among the various definitions, there is a general consensus that forecast accuracy

is a measure of absolute closeness of a prediction to observed conditions and a

complement to error. We choose to adopt this more general definition, as many slight

variations exist on how accuracy and/or error are measured and applied.

While this study focuses on forecast accuracy, many forecast evaluation

constructs are derived from, or are used as proxies for accuracy. Terms such as precision,

bias, deviation, error, quality, performance, consistency, and reliability all may overlap

the concept of accuracy, but have definitions that vary depending on source and usage.

We explore these concepts, in addition to the concept of accuracy, as they are discussed

in a wide range of supply chain management and logistics contexts that may help to

categorize our understanding of the effect of forecast accuracy.

Basic Overview of Systematic Literature Review

To address the question of “How good is good enough?”, we conducted a

structured literature review of research that has been done with respect to the bounds of

forecast accuracy. A structured or systematic review involves searching, selecting,

appraising, interpreting and summarizing of data from original studies (Crowther and

Cook 2007), and serves as the highest level in a hierarchy of evidence (Tranfield et al.

2003). In essence, it is the most complete manner of characterizing the state of

knowledge on a given subject, and a methodological advance over the narrative literature

review used more often in management research (Denyer and Neely 2004). Imposing

structure in a review helps make the process of knowledge collection and generation

transparent and replicable, while reducing the impact of researcher bias (Durach et al.


Following the advice of Tranfield et al. (2003), and expounded on by Durach et

al. (2017), we divide our literature review into several steps. The first is to define a

research question, as we have done above. All subsequent steps ought to be guided by

this original research question. Second, we determine the criteria for inclusion in a

review. This includes criteria to ensure relevance to the research question, but also to

ensure quality of source and tractability of the review itself. Third, we collect potentially

relevant research for review. We conduct this in multiple rounds. Based first on a

keyword search in a research database, and then on review of the cited and citing

literature of studies we have found to be relevant; a process we call “cascading”. Fourth,

we apply the inclusion criteria on the collected article sample. For each article returned

in the keyword search, this is done separately based on a review of the abstract, and then

on the full article for those abstracts that were deemed relevant. The same process is

conducted for cascaded articles considered for inclusion. Fifth, we synthesize the

relevant literature sample and develop themes around our research question. Sixth and

finally, we present the results of our search.

Criteria for Inclusion in the Literature Review

Topics for the Literature Search

Determining criteria for article inclusion began with the development of several

general topics and contexts that may have an effect on the upper and lower bounds of

demand forecast accuracy. These were identified through discussions within the author

team, and an initial search of the logistics and supply chain management literature for

forecast accuracy. General topics initially emerged as factors that may drive or inhibit

levels of forecast accuracy. These could be statistical, such as time series variability

limits to prediction or model over-fitting. Topics could be managerial, such as the cost of

gathering or processing information or the propensity of agents to distort or withhold

information. These could also be technological, such as advances in information sharing

technology or introduction of novel forecasting techniques. Below are the general topics

that emerged from our initial search, and the guide for our structured literature review.

The complete list of Boolean search terms can be found in Appendix A: Boolean

Keywords for EBSCO Business Source Complete.

Bullwhip Effect: Perhaps most prominent in the supply chain management

literature is the demand signal propagation effect originally known as industrial dynamics

(Forester 1958), but now more commonly referred to as the bullwhip effect (Lee et al.

1997). Forecast accuracy, and by extension all of the related constructs we listed, have

been observed to affect the nature and amplify the magnitude of the bullwhip effect.

Forecast error amplification can have significant negative cost effects within and between

firms of a supply chain, and it is useful to identify the importance of the accuracy of the

original demand signal relative to other factors contributing to the bullwhip effect. We

therefore included “bullwhip” and several variants in our keyword search.

Cost Tradeoffs: Accuracy improvements almost always come at some additional

cost. These costs must be balanced against the potential benefits derived from

incremental improvements. To capture this dimension, we included (primarily) empirical

research that strove to quantify either the incremental cost of forecast accuracy

improvements, or the costs borne from inaction. For each specific circumstance, we

preferred works that tried to calculate both. We included the term “tradeoff”, and several

variants as identified in two such works (Metters 1997, Sanders and Graman 2009).

Aggregation or Vertical Hierarchical Level: The hierarchical level at which the

forecast is generated, and the level for which it is intended significantly affect the impact

of forecast errors. While greater levels of aggregation tend to wash out noise and result

in higher levels of accuracy, the resultant forecasts also eliminate much of the detectable

signal. This makes more aggregated forecasts more useful for strategic purposes, but of

limited utility for operations. We include variations of “aggregation” defined in Clemen

(1989) and Zotteri et al. (2005) to select research that empirically defines the contextual

utility of various levels and types of forecast aggregation.

Impact of Manual Adjustments: Manual adjustments are often a necessity with the

reality of imperfect methods, insufficient information, or unquantifiable demand factors.

Furthermore, despite significant advances in both technology and methods to develop

reliable statistical forecasts, a large proportion of businesses rely very little or not at all

on quantitative forecasting methods. We include the term “judgement” and many

variations identified in Sanders and Ritzman (1995, 2004b) in order to explore the

significance of manual forecast adjustments on demand forecast error.

Impact of Information Sharing: A significant portion of research is dedicated to

the cost and efficacy of various types of information sharing in the supply chain. There

are many reasons to share information in the supply chain, but we are interested

specifically in the value generated in demand planning as outlined in Lee et al. (2000)

and Cachon and Fisher (2000). While obviously linked to the mitigation of the bullwhip

effect, it constitutes multiple separate streams of research and is but one of many means

of reducing the impact of forecast error signal amplification. For this reason, we include

“information sharing” along with various derivatives as a keyword search term.

Supply Chain Collaboration and Integration: Related to the idea of information

sharing, some supply chain partners go further and jointly forecast demand to smooth

supply chain operations. We differentiate collaboration from information sharing, and

include it on a continuum of integration between supply chain partners that in the extreme

results in vertical integration (Bowersox et al. 2013). We consider both vertical and

horizontal collaboration, between complementary and also competing members of the

supply chain. We included various instantiations of “collaboration” and “integration” as

keywords to identify work that discusses the forecast accuracy ramifications of different


Choice of Metric or Measure: Though we define accuracy above, there are still

many ways to measure the closeness of a prediction to an observed condition. We

include many ways of referring to this closeness in our search terms above, but we

needed additional search criteria to identify the implications of specific types of measures

in use. Answering the question “How good is good enough?” can have different answers

depending on the accuracy metric in use. Makridakis and Hibon (2000) and Hyndman

and Koehler (2006) served as a starting point to describe the contextual effects of the

choice of error metric on desired (or achievable) forecast accuracy. We therefore include

the search words “measure” and “metric”.

Overfitting and Misspecification: One noteworthy area for forecasting research

focuses on the difference between verification and validation. Forecast models typically

are fit on available data, and extrapolated forward. Modelers verify that their models fit

the available data, and the model is only validated when the extrapolation is sufficiently

close to the observed outcomes. A bedeviling reality for the modeler is that models that

fit very well to the past often do quite poorly in predicting the future (Armstrong 2002,

Kuhn and Johnson 2013). We include “over-fit” and its variations to capture the research

that defines the role of model misspecification on forecast accuracy.

Lead Time and Inventory Policy: With regards to inventory costs, demand

forecast inaccuracy likely has greater significance under conditions of longer lead time

and when paired with specific inventory policies (Silver et al. 1998, Fildes and Kingsman

2011). Some combinations of forecast inaccuracy and replenishment policy may also

significantly drive up transportation, handling, warehousing, ordering, and expiration or

obsolescence costs. As a result, we include terms related to “lead time” and “inventory”

in our search.

Forecast Horizon: As forecast horizons increase, demand forecast accuracy

diminishes. It is useful, however to forecast to various lengths for different operational

and strategic purposes. We include “horizon” and multiple variants as search keywords

to include research that considers the need for accuracy at various horizons.

Product Inimitability and Supply Chain Flexibility: As described in Rajaram and

Tang (2001), forecast accuracy may be relatively more important for supply chains in

which there are few or no substitutes for a product or component. Conversely, accuracy

may be substituted for with a more agile or flexible supply chain Christopher (2000),

Chopra and Sohdi (2004). As such, we include variants of “substitute”, “flexible” and

“agile” in our keyword search.

Tolerance, Resilience and Point Forecasts: Weiland and Wallenburg (2012)

describe a situation related to inimitability. Some supply chains are at greater risk, or

conversely have a greater tolerance for ambiguity. Demand forecasting in these cases

often includes not only extrapolating past events, but quantifying the probability of

demand factors as well. Forecasting for these purposes often requires more than just a

point forecast, particularly when the uncertain event is binomial in nature. We include

terms like “robust”, “resilient”, and “point” to capture this type of research.

Variability and Forecastability: The final set of search terms have to do with

achievable limits of accuracy. Increased demand variability, nonstationary demand

factors, lumpiness and intermittence all have been found to significantly limit the

possible forecast accuracy (Syntetos et al. 2005, Gardner Jr. and Acar 2016). To capture

research that systematically defines these conditions in the context of logistics and supply

chains, we include terms such as “variability” and “uncertainty”.

Scoping the Literature Search

Upon establishing the general search topics, our next step in developing criteria

for inclusion was to find ways to limit a sample so it could be tractably vetted for quality.

Initial searches in various databases returned thousands of articles, some from dubious

sources and of questionable relevance. Several means of limiting the sample of a

literature review have been suggested, including limiting the date range (Grimm et al.

2015), journal selection (Carter and Easton 2011), database selection (Winter and

Knemeyer 2013), and citation count (Tate et al. 2012, Ellram and Cooper 2014).

To ensure the quality of the sources (Crowther and Cook 2007), and to limit the

amount of unverified and un-vetted material we have to analyze (Eksoz et al. 2014), we

bound our search to be peer-reviewed work that has a focus on logistics or supply chain

management topics. In this way, we were able to define what the common academic

understanding of “How good is good enough?” was among logistics and supply chain

management researchers over a wide array of contexts.

Two previous systematic literature reviews of logistics and supply chain

management literature utilized Google Scholar, and scoped their search based on a

prescribed number of top cited results from their keyword search (Tate et al. 2012, Ellram

and Cooper 2014). We found three primary issues with this approach. First is that

Google Scholar results tended to include a tremendous amount of noise. That is, search

results that were not from peer reviewed sources, and citation counts that included non-

peer reviewed citations. The second problem is a bias toward older articles, as citation

counts (a heavily weighted criterion for relevance) for recent articles tended to be quite

low. Finally, this method undercuts the “completeness” of a systematic search. By

selecting an arbitrary number of highly cited or highly relevant articles, many practically

relevant works are omitted.

We instead decided to limit our search to journals that are widely recognized as

purveyors of high quality logistics and supply chain management research. We utilized

the EBSCO Business Source Complete database, as this provided the most

comprehensive collection of journals (and articles within journals) based on an initial

keyword search in multiple databases.

In their systematic review of sustainable supply chain management research,

Carter and Easton (2011) included a list of only seven journals as containing relevant

research. We found this to be too restrictive, and included also those journals from the

Supply Chain Management Journal list. This list, endorsed by over 300 university

professors conducting logistics and supply chain management research, expanded our

total number of journals to 12. After consulting a leading logistics and supply chain

management researcher who specializes in forecasting research, we expanded this list

further to ten additional journals that included the highest number of articles that met our

keyword search criteria, based on an unrestricted search.

The journals listed in Table 10 were included in the initial keyword search, which

we divide into journals where logistics or supply chain management is their primary

focus, and those that include relevant research, but have a primary focus elsewhere (such

as operations research or general management topics):

Logistics and Supply Chain Journals Non-Logistics and Supply Chain Specific
Manufacturing and Service Operations Computers and Industrial Engineering
International Journal of Logistics Decision Sciences
International Journal of Physical Decision Support Systems
Distribution and Logistics Management
Journal of Business Logistics European Journal of Operational
Journal of Operations Management Foresight: The International Journal of
Applied Forecasting
Journal of Supply Chain Management International Journal of Forecasting
Production and Operations Management International Journal of Production
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal of Production
International Journal Research
Transportation Journal Journal of the Operational Research
Transportation Research: Part E Management Science
Omega: The International Journal of
Management Science
Operations Research

Table 10: Journals Included in Initial Keyword Search

We opted not to limit our search based on date range, as we found no basis for

deeming older work to be non-relevant, and were able to scope a tractable sample with

existing limiters.

Individual Article Criteria for the Literature Search

Once the scope of the search is established, each article must be reviewed for

relevance to the research question. Keyword searches often return false positives if

search terms are too general, or omit relevant work if search terms are too specific. In

response, we erred on the side of generality in the keyword search and subject each

article (in both abstract and full article reviews) to the following criteria to ensure it

contributes to our intended research question. Each article:

1. Must help answer the question: "How good is good enough?"

2. Must at a minimum discuss the implications of differing levels of forecast

accuracy, and this should be a main focus of the paper.

3. Should explore unique (and in combination, comprehensive) contexts that may

affect requirements for accuracy that differ from simply "more accuracy is better".

4. Cannot simply assume greater accuracy is a sufficient goal across all contexts,

must be application-specific, and agnostic to forecasting method (assumes most

appropriate method used, and all reasonable control actions within the firm are


5. Must deal with demand forecasts (or those directly relating to the downstream

flow of goods or services in a supply chain). This excludes economic, financial,

demographic, managerial, technological, supply (or yield), or returns (though

permits closed-loop systems) forecasts.

6. If forecast accuracy is not the main focus, then there must be some unexpected

application or context-based insight regarding accuracy

Collecting Relevant Research and Applying Search Criteria

The first-round search returned 180 articles that met our keyword and journal

restrictions. We reviewed the abstract for each, applying the six criteria for individual

article inclusion, and categorized them on a five-point scale ranging from “clearly does

not meet criteria for inclusion based on abstract, and therefore removed” to “clearly

meets criteria for inclusion based on abstract, and therefore merits full review of article”.

Based on this scale, all but the lowest category was retained for a full review, resulting in

130 carried forward. We then applied the same criteria for individual inclusion reviewing

the full article. We found 107 articles met our criteria for inclusion after this second


From these 107 remaining articles, we began our cascading process. We

reviewed all article titles cited in the bibliography and all citing articles identified in

Google Scholar, using the individual article inclusion criteria. If a cited or citing article

appeared to merit inclusion, and it was published in one of our previously identified

journals, then it was carried forward for a review of its abstract. If it appeared in an

alternate journal title, then the keyword search in Business Source Complete was

expanded to include these journals. The result was an expansion to 191 articles, reduced

to 181 articles after reviewing first abstracts, then full articles. Table 11 provides an

overview of the cascading and vetting process.

Journal Initial Vetted After
Search Cascading
International Journal of Production Economics 18 23
International Journal of Production Research 9 16
Journal of Operations Management 15 15
International Journal of Forecasting 5 15
Foresight: The International Journal of Applied 5 14
Production Planning and Control NA 12
Production and Operations Management 10 11
Journal of Business Logistics 9 10
Decision Sciences 2 7
Omega: The International Journal of Management 4 6
European Journal of Operational Research 2 6
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 5 5
Computers and Industrial Engineering 4 5
Management Science 3 5
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 3 5
Journal of the Operational Research Society 3 4
Operations Research 1 4
International Journal of Physical Distribution and 3 3
Logistics Management
The International Journal of Logistics Management 3 3
Journal of Business Forecasting Methods and Systems NA 3
Journal of Forecasting NA 3
Naval Research Logistics NA 3
Decision Support Systems 1 1
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1 1
Transportation Research: Part E 1 1
Transportation Journal 0 0
Total 107 181

Table 11: Keyword Search Results in Initial and Cascaded Search

Overview of Thematic Findings

As we reviewed our sample of literature, we identified primary and alternate

themes (from the 13 general topics included in our search terms) that each article
included in their analysis. We noted the type of analysis conducted, the error

measurement each work included (if any), and the supply chain entity(s) that served as

their unit of analysis. Summary statistics for these characteristics can be found in Table

12, Table 13, and Table 14.

Type of Analysis No. of Articles

Simulation, Non-Empirical 46
Analytic, Non-Empirical 35
Statistical Forecast Model, Empirical Validation 28
Thought Leadership 22
Case Study 21
Analytic, Empirical Validation 14
Regression Analysis of Forecast Accuracy 11
Survey 8
Simulation, Empirical Validation 7
Literature Review 6
Statistical Forecast Model, Non-Empirical 4

Table 12: Types of Analysis in Article Sample

Kolassa (2016b) Accuracy Measure No. of
Classification Articles
Cumulative 6
Bias Mean (Median) 23
Scaled Mean 2
Mean (Median) 24
Mean (Median) Relative 8
Absolute Error Geometric Mean 2
Geometric Mean Relative 3
Mean (Median) Scaled 5
Cumulative 3
Mean (includes minor corrections) 42
Absolute Percent Median (includes Relative) 5
Symmetric Mean (Median) 12
Weighted Mean 4
Percent Error Mean (includes Symmetric) 10
Mean Squared 1
Percent Squared Error
Root Mean (Median) Squared 1
Sum (includes Root Mean) 2
Mean (includes minor corrections) 27
Root Mean 8
Relative Mean 2
Relative Root Mean (Theil's U) 1
Relative Geometric Root Mean 2
Geometric Root Mean 4
Coefficient of Determination 2
Univariate Normal 40
Univariate Non-Normal/Bayesian Updated 9
Multivariate 5
Coefficient of Variation 5
Loss Function Variants 5
Error Implication Statistics 3
Nonparametric (Ordered or Percent 3
Self-Reported 4
None 38

Table 13: Forecast Accuracy Measures Explored in Article Sample

Supply Chain Entity Studied No. of Supply Chain
Articles Echelons
General Demand Forecasting 59 One-Tier
Distributor-Retailer 27
Manufacturer-Retailer 23
Supplier-Manufacturer 10
Manufacturer-Multiple Channels 2
Manufacturer-Distributor 1
Supplier-Distributor 1
Manufacturer-Distributor-Retailer 6
Supplier-Distributor-Retailer 1 Three-Tier
Supplier- Manufacturer -Retailer 1
Supplier-Manufacturer-Distributor- 3
Production and Inventory Control 47
Residual Demand 10

Table 14: Focal Supply Chain Entities in Article Sample

We also found that we needed to edit our themes slightly to better reflect the

extant literature and form a typology of drivers of “How good is good enough?”. Themes

can be divided generally into technical drivers of forecast accuracy bounds, and

managerial drivers to accuracy bounds. Table 15 includes the six edited themes that we

categorized as technical drivers and seven edited themes that fell under managerial

drivers, and the numbers of articles where each theme was either a primary or an alternate

focus. We then describe the state of logistics and supply chain management research

regarding each theme, state what that means for our research question, and propose

directions for future inquiry in academic research.

It is clear that many of the works reviewed focused on multiple dimensions we

identified as being important to the question of “How good is good enough?”. The

classification of each of these works as contributing to each dimension, while systematic,

is ultimately subjective. Some research included merely a cursory and tangential

discussion of the implications of accuracy. Some of the classifications could be viewed

as equally contributing to another of the dimensions we set out. For instance, a study

describing the bullwhip implications of forecast accuracy almost certainly include

discussions of information sharing, the most prominent ameliorative tactic to reduce the

impact of supply chain demand distortion. In that vein, a discussion of information

sharing most certainly involves some focus on the degree of supply chain integration.

This is then related to issues of hierarchy, aggregation, and the inevitable cost tradeoffs

that occur within and between principals of a complex supply chain. Our judgement is

based on the subjective set of criteria set out above, and a qualitative assessment of which

dimension featured most prominently in a work.

Technical Drivers of No. of Managerial Drivers of No. of

Forecast Accuracy Bounds Articles Forecast Accuracy Bounds Articles
Forecastability 19 Error Amplification 8
Horizon 8 Cost Tradeoffs 43
Overfitting and
4 Supply Chain Integration 34
Tradeoffs of Metrics 31 Supply Chain Flexibility 9
Level of Aggregation and
21 Manual Adjustments 11
Data Quality and
12 Risk 24
Inventory and Control

Table 15: Technical and Managerial Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds

Technical Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds

While many elements of demand forecasting are under the control of managers or

demand planners, technical drivers are either only partially endogenous or completely

exogenous. These themes primarily drive achievable demand forecast accuracy.

Literature findings, implications for “good enough”, and proposed future research is

discussed below for each technical driver of forecast accuracy bounds, summarized in

Table 16.


Forecastability refers to the inherent limits to generating accurate future

predictions from a particular demand pattern. In their survey of Midwestern

businesspeople, Mentzer and Cox (1984) describe this concept of forecastability as a

distinction between potential and achieved forecast accuracy. The reviewed literature

seems to split between statistical and situationally-based inherent limits to forecastability.

Statistical limits relate to characteristics the time series itself that make that pattern

difficult to project. Situational limits refers to contexts likely to present these statistical

limitations. Mentzer and Cox (1984) note that most work in demand forecasting focuses

on methods to improve accuracy given an isolated context rather than a general

classification of what is possible, much less the situational characteristics that may

actually be under a manager’s control. Despite the intense focus on methods, the

discussion of what is forecastable remains underdeveloped. This is in part due to the

concept being a moving target.

Statistical forecastability depends on the current state of constantly evolving

forecasting methods and technology, the ability to gather data (covered more under a

separate theme), and numerous data characteristics such as times series trend, seasonality,

intermittence (Willemain et al. 2004, Hatzakis et al. 2010), (non)stationarity (Hosoda and

Disney 2006, Gaur et al. 2007, Pearson et al. 2010, Thiel et al. 2014) and variability in

both demand and supply (Lorentz et al. 2007, Fildes et al. 2009, Davis et al. 2016). As

Fildes et al. (2008) suggest, improvement in statistical forecasting methods is not nearly

as important as improving methods to match (particularly algorithmically) forecasting

methods to circumstance. Enhanced statistical sophistication has not led to universal

improvements in forecastability even though there is possibility for improvement.

Additionally the focus of our review was not a technical discussion of forecasting

methods, but instead of demand forecasting applications. As such, we include only data

characteristics in our theme of forecastability and exclude a discussion of methods.

Situational forecastability is simply an examination of contexts in which the

aforementioned statistical characteristics are likely. High demand variability can occur in

any industry, and can be exacerbated by lead time or production instability, supply

uncertainty, and the bullwhip effect between echelons in the supply chain. Davis et al.

(2016) demonstrate the effect of supply uncertainty on forecastability by modeling food

bank operations, though this can apply to other contexts such as nonprofits, agricultural

supply chains, and extended supply chains with sourcing in unstable or poorly regulated

areas. Lorentz et al. (2007) demonstrate the effect from lead time uncertainty in

unreliable Eastern European logistics infrastructure. Intermittence is also notoriously

difficult to forecast owing to both variability in demand size and pattern (Syntetos and

Boylan 2001), and has been studied in such contexts as residual demand for service parts

(Willemain et al. 2004) and service demand (Hatzakis et al. 2010). Non-stationarity is

observed in instances of rapidly changing demand conditions, and can be the result of a

number of factors including firm (or product) age, level of market competition, industry,

forecast horizon, level of aggregation, and market (or regulatory) maturity (Winklhofer

1996). Thiel et al. (2014) explore this in the effects of a health scare in the French

poultry industry. This involves drastic and unpredictable reductions of demand in a

tainted product, rapid increases in alternatives, uncertain supply, and unpredictable

regulatory intervention. Short lived products with highly elastic consumer responses, like

those found in the fashion retail (Pearson et al. 2010) and consumer technology (Gaur et

al. 2007) industries also contribute heavily to non-stationarity. Even relatively stable and

predictable point of sale demand can have non-stationarity introduced at higher echelons

via bullwhip demand distortion (Hosoda and Disney 2006).

What these studies on statistical and situational forecastability indicate for

practitioners is that some demand patterns commonly found in the situations described

above will necessarily have lower achievable accuracy, meaning “good enough” is lower

in these contexts. This also implies that alternate strategies to investing in more

sophisticated forecasts will bear more fruit. Fildes et al. (2009) suggests that in situations

of high variance (though not low), manual adjustments to forecasts are effective. Babai

et al. (2014) suggest introducing bias known to be incorrect results in better operational

outcomes than being able to correctly forecast intermittent demand complicated by such

factors as obsolescence. Chen and Blue (2010) suggest aggregating negatively correlated

demands to offset low forecastability. Kurtuluş et al. (2012) suggest greater operational

integration between supply chain echelons to limit variance inflation from bullwhip, but

concede that this also likely has Pareto returns. Morlidge (2014b) suggests adjusting the

manner in which forecastability is measured to prioritize how it is addressed. The most

common measure associated with forecastability is the coefficient of variation (CV), or

the ratio of standard deviation to mean in a time series. However, this is merely an

indicator of dispersion which happens to correlate with poor forecast accuracy in most

(but not all) cases (Morlidge 2013). Wallstrom and Segerstedt (2010) suggest also

including indications of intermittence as well as dispersion, and Morlidge (2013, 2014

a,b) proposes measures like relative absolute error (RAE) as an alternative. This

measure, which compares error in forecasts to error in a naïve forecast more

appropriately demonstrates the potential forecastability relative to a naïve approach. He

analytically demonstrates a theoretical lower bound of 0.7 and empirically finds a

practical lower bound of 0.5 across numerous demand signals. Using this metric and

some indicator of relative value contribution for each product, forecasters can better

target limited funds to improve on low forecastable items.

Much academic work focuses on improving accuracy for demand predictions in

the low forecastable situations listed above, and ought to continue in the future. However

future research on forecastability should also examine interactions between these

situations, and alternative means of both measuring and avoiding low forecastability.


It should come as no surprise that previous logistics and supply chain

management research has indicated that forecast accuracy degrades at higher forecast

horizons, demonstrated in self response among demand planners (Mentzer and Cox

1984), and in simulations of multi-echelon production systems as lead time increases

(Huang et al. 2011).

However lower accuracy does not necessarily mean they are not useful, as some

research indicates the necessity of lower accuracy, longer range forecasts for point of sale

demand. Inaccurate forecasts over longer horizons are necessary in products with long

development lead times and short product life cycles (Fisher and Raman 1996, Li et al.

2015), and shortening lead time or increasing responsiveness to early indications of lead

time inaccuracy promise greater returns than attempting to improve accuracy at those

ranges. Clark (2005) and Amornpetchkul et al. (2015) show that inaccurate longer range

forecasts also work as coarse indicators to suppliers, permitting production smoothing

and more effective capacity planning. Miyoaka and Hausman (2004) show that the use

of “stale” forecasts (longer horizon from previous period) for setting downstream base

stock levels can help better align stock policy to production as forecasts are updated.

Such examples of using inaccurate long range forecasts include benefits that are

unequally shared and costs unequally borne (discussed further under the cost tradeoffs

theme), often requiring built-in incentives or penalties in contracts.

The accuracy of longer range forecasts is also affected by the intended purpose of

the forecast. Though disaggregated demand forecasts degrade at longer horizons,

temporal aggregation for long term operations, capacity, marketing or strategic planning

tends to dominate the negative effect of forecast degradation due to horizon. Willemain

et al. (2004) found certain methods for estimating intermittent demand (based on

temporal aggregation) actually performed better with longer horizons as a function of the

central limit theorem. This tradeoff between the accuracy benefit of aggregation with the

deleterious effects of increased horizon is explored by Zhao et al. (2002b) in a simulation

of a two-tier soft drink bottling production system. As forecast error increases, however,

the benefits to suppliers of early order commitment decreases.

Increased horizon for disaggregated demand forecasts tends to lower achievable

accuracy, and so indicates “good enough” is lower for situation where longer forecasts

are warranted. Practitioners can offset this lower achievable accuracy by implementing

postponement, electronic data interchange with agile production, and expediting when

necessary (Li et al. 2015). Such investments, which can also be undertaken for short-

term operational forecasts, promise greater overall cost savings with longer horizon

forecasts (Rafuse 1995). However, these responses require a full understanding of both

the incremental cost of inaccuracy and the proportion of error attributable to forecast

horizon. This changes as the utility of the forecast is adjusted to longer range operational

or non-operational purposes. Due primarily to temporal aggregation, “good enough”

increases when longer range forecasts are combined for other planning purposes.

Future work regarding the effects of forecast horizon on demand forecast

accuracy needs to include comparisons of the relative effect of horizon across industries,

levels of hierarchy and various other contexts. It would also be useful to generate non-

linear models to characterize the degradation effect of increasing horizon on demand

forecast accuracy.

Overfitting and Misspecification

This topic was somewhat less explored in the logistics and supply chain

management literature, as it has a greater focus on pure statistical precision. Overfitting

revolves around the tradeoff that exists between model complexity and precision, with

regards to a training sample. As Kolassa (2016a) and Katsikopoulos and Syntetos (2016)

describe in their discussions of tradeoffs between bias and variance, models with higher

complexity are attractive as they tend to minimize bias and often “pass for intelligence”.

The problem is that unnecessary complexity attempts to explain variance that may be true

random error, particularly when the underlying signal is weak. Katsikopoulos and

Syntetos (2016) found more complex models increased out-of-sample forecast error by

an average of 27%, and Kolassa (2016a) often found misspecified (biased) models

outperforming correctly specified models. Even forecast model complexity increases that

have promised improvements tend to be based on extremely small validation samples,

and generalized claims from highly complex models should be viewed with skepticism

pending further validation (Goodwin 2011). Willemain et al. (2004) demonstrate

overfitting as a particular problem in intermittent derived demand situations. Empirically

derived distributions for spare parts demand were found to be unreliable in predicting

future demand when demand was non-stationary across 28,000 products. Their proposed

alternative to accuracy was aggregation via cumulative lead time demand.

This implies that “good enough” is often lower than what is achievable. This is a

more pernicious problem for demand planners, as overfitting is often a subjective

assessment a-priori. That is, until the predictions are proven false, there is limited

knowledge of their quality. The surest way to protect against this is to follow good

modeling practices of including validation or holdout samples when fitting statistical

models, and to employ demand forecasters that have a fundamental understanding of

what is inevitably being optimized in the statistical models employed. As overfitting is

likely amplified when demand is non-stationary, it is also useful to provide manual

adjustments where possible to account for model deficiencies where it is known that

demand pattern environmental conditions will change.

Future research on the effect of overfitting on demand forecast accuracy should

focus on providing additional guidance for practitioners to detect overfitting. More work

also needs to be done to describe the effect of the size and quality of the training sample

on overfitting or misspecifying prediction models.

Tradeoffs of Metrics

Each metric of accuracy rewards and penalizes different aspects of closeness or

difference of a prediction from reality. It is critical to match the measure appropriately to

the circumstances. Unfortunately, in many cases, the circumstance is a demand planning

function with little expertise that utilizes a deeply flawed, but simple to calculate and

interpret, measure. This mistake of using a single simple but flawed metric to analyze

accuracy pervades the logistics and supply chain management academic literature as well,

as the plurality of reviewed articles chose mean absolute percent error (MAPE) to

evaluate forecasts. This metric suffers from inflation at low levels of demand, tends to

drive systematic under-forecasting, is susceptible to outliers and is not estimable when

demand is zero (Armstrong and Callopy 1992, Fildes 1992, Makridakis 1993, Hyndman

2006, Hyndman and Koehler 2006, Kolassa and Martin 2011). The primary concepts

discussed in our literature sample were the tradeoffs of measuring bias and accuracy,

comparability of measures and the insufficiency of individual traditional error metrics.

Though error metrics tend to command a greater portion of focus in both

forecasting practice and research, and there is some indication that small nonzero bias in

either direction can have positive effects on supply chain operations (Kolassa and Martin

2011, Sanders and Graman 2009), several papers indicate that reducing bias is relatively

more important than reducing error to logistics and supply chain performance. Ebrahim-

Khanjari et al. (2012) show that positive bias in shared forecasts deteriorate trust between

wholesalers and retailers to a greater extent than error. Barman et al. (1990), Ritzman

and King (1993), Flores et al. (1993) and Huang et al. (2011) show bias dominates error

in its effect on cost reduction and delivery performance in production control systems,

particularly with large lot sizes and small buffers, and that the positive effects of reducing

error are due primarily to the reduction of the bias component of error. The same relative

effect size is demonstrated in labor and inventory costs in a warehouse (Sanders and

Ritzman 2004a, Sanders and Graman 2009, 2016), distribution network costs (Lee et al.

1993, Zhao and Xie 2002), and manufacturing supply chains (Chang and Yeh 2012).

Bias measured cumulatively has been found to have a greater effect on logistics and

supply chain costs for intermittent demand items (Willemain et al. 2004), and under some

control policies in a production control system (Sourirajan et al. 2008). Though

Sourirajan et al. (2008) find that control policies that depend on cumulative information

are more sensitive to bias, whereas rate based control policies are more sensitive to error

outliers. Most of these works at least mention a tradeoff between bias and accuracy.

That is, maximizing a measure of accuracy at best does not produce optimal bias, and can

end up increasing negative effects of bias (Huang et al. 2011).

Barman et al. (1990), Syntetos and Boylan (2010) and Katsikopoulos and

Syntetos (2016) present the tradeoff of bias and variance more explicitly as a

reformulation of mean squared error (MSE), the only error measure that is tractably

decomposed into bias, forecast variance, and random error variance components. This

implies that there is a theoretical limit to how small MSE can be, as random error is by

definition unexplainable. It follows that logistics and supply chain costs are minimized

only by balancing bias and error terms (Katsikopoulos and Syntetos 2016).

While it may seem an attractive and simple way to benchmark performance, most

metrics cannot effectively be compared across products, forecasters, forecasting methods

or over time. This is particularly true of scale-bound metrics like mean error (ME), mean

absolute error (MAE) (Moon 2015) and MSE (Chatfield 1992, Armstrong and Fildes

1995, Hyndman and Koehler 2006), but this applies to other error (and bias) metrics as

well. Since the time series characteristics (not to mention other significant production

and distribution considerations) differ between scenarios, we should not expect a

common metric to hold the same meaning.

Three primary alternatives have been proposed to address limited comparability,

and some eschew the use of accuracy measures altogether. The first alternative measures

are nonparametric comparisons such as ordered or percent better measurements (Syntetos

and Boylan 2005, Hyndman and Koehler 2006). However, such nonparametric

comparisons can have low construct validity and deviate from the consensus of a number

of other measures (Armstrong and Callopy 1992), making them potentially misleading in

isolation. Accuracy implication metrics and loss functions are the second alternative that

try to estimate the direct impact on the firm or supply chain (Lee et al 1987, 1993, Fildes

1992, Flores et al. 1993, Boylan and Syntetos 2006, Hyndman and Koehler 2006,

Syntetos et al. 2010), with forecast accuracy metrics possibly not even included as an

input. This may not be useful for diagnosing forecast misspecification, as accuracy

metrics often have little relation to loss function or cost performance (Lee et al. 1987), or

could have highly disproportionate effects on accuracy implication metrics with even

small changes in accuracy (Syntetos et al. 2010). A third suggestion by Moon (2015) is

to solely compare error rates over time, but even that admittedly assumes stationarity of

demand drivers.

Comparability of metrics is even lower between different principals in the supply

chain. Though many different may forecast demand, the level of aggregation, time

horizon, and ultimate use of the forecast require separate metrics and result in different

levels of both achievable and desirable accuracy. In a case study of a large industrial

production firm, Kerkkänen et al. (2009) demonstrate that different metrics ought to be

generated and utilized by different organizations generating forecasts. Sales, marketing,

finance, accounting, production, purchasing and logistics should all use metrics tailored

to their function. This all implies that the “goodness” of any metric is less important than

the metric being matched to the appropriate context. Hançerlioğulları et al. (2016) show

that optimization of metrics at one level can negatively impact metrics at another in a

study of financial data from 304 firms. They find negative bias, or what they call “sales

surprise” a boon for investors in the short term by increasing inventory turnover, but that

this negatively impacts production and long term customer goodwill. Conversely, they

find increased forecast accuracy reduces turnover and short term shareholder value. This

means that “goodness” of a metric is relative to the affected principal, and a firm, or a

coordinated supply chain should balance the “goodness” of the most appropriate metrics

between the multiple generators and beneficiaries of forecasts.

Finally, even metrics appropriately applied are found to be insufficient to

completely summarize a demand forecast’s quality. Knowing the level of error does not

indicate the cost of such error, the persistence of error, whether positive or negative

deviation affects the supply chain in different ways (Kolassa and Martin 2011), and

whether errors affect different parties in a supply chain the same way. Several works

present typologies of various forecast error metrics (Armstrong and Callopy 1992,

Mathews et al. 1994, Hyndman and Koehler 2006, Kolassa 2016b), and many others

describe potential defects and strengths of each measure. We loosely group our

discussion by the types identified in Kolassa’s (2016b) framework.

The first two types, absolute and squared errors, are both scale dependent, and so

have low reliability (comparability between forecasts) (Hyndman and Koehler 2006).

Additionally, absolute error metrics such as MAE and Median Absolute Error (MdAE)

rewards point forecasts for approaching the median, and so are sensitive to outliers

(Kolassa 2016b). Squared terms such as the sum of squared errors (SSE), MSE, and root

MSE (RMSE) rewards forecasts that approach the mean, are sensitive to outliers, exhibit

non-normality and low construct validity (tend to disagree with the consensus of forecast

measures) (Armstrong and Callopy 1992, Fildes 1992, Kolassa 2016b). Percent error

measures like MAPE, median symmetric and weighted variants of MAPE, as well as

mean percent error (MPE) each suffer in varying degrees from the limitations attributed

to MAPE at the beginning of this theme. Relative error metrics, that use a benchmark

forecast method (usually some variant of a naïve forecast) as a point of comparison share

some inflation and definability shortcomings with percent errors (Makridakis 1993,

Hyndman and Koehler 2006), scaled errors penalize over-forecasts more than under-

forecasts (useful for intermittent data) but increase reliability, and loss functions tend to

be highly context specific, complex (not easily interpreted) and non-generalizable

(Armstrong and Fildes 1995, Kolassa 2016b).

Insufficiency of traditional measures has led to two basic propositions. First is to

scrap traditional point forecasting methods in favor of predictive distributions, which then

require alternate means of reporting forecast quality. The second is to account for the

biases and informational deficiencies of single error metrics by including multiple

metrics to balance them.

Adopting the first proposal, Kolassa (2016b) demonstrates by forecasting over

2000 products in drug and grocery retailers that accuracy metrics in common use are

inadequate, particularly for items with intermittent demand. Further, the use of a normal

assumption when applying error metrics to determine safety stock ignores the asymmetry

of error effects from over and under-forecasting. Kolassa suggests distributional

forecasts rather than point forecasts to make up for the deficiencies he describes for each

individual error measure in his typology. Point forecasts of all types provide too little

information, particularly for very low and high demand values and skewed distributions.

Zhao and Xie (2002) support this call for using predictive distributions as they found the

type of forecast distribution, independent of either error and bias, significantly affected

costs in a simulated distribution network. Limits to using predictive distributions instead

of more traditional error metrics include the significant increase in data collection,

required demand planner skill, reduced interpretability (Kolassa 2016b) and bias

introduced from equal observation weighting in goodness of fit tests for distribution

(Boylan and Syntetos 2006).

Mathews and Diamanopoulos (1994) and Wallstrom and Segerstedt (2010) adopt

the second proposal. Mathews and Diamanopoulos find through principal components

analysis (PCA) that 14 error measures reduced to four distinct components accounting for

more than 85% of forecast variance. Ratio, volume, bias and fit-based measures (roughly

equivalent to percent, scale dependent, bias and the coefficient of determination

respectively) all account for different aspects of demand forecast variance. Also though

PCA of forecast error measures for smooth (low CV, frequent), intermittent (low CV,

infrequent), erratic (high CV, frequent), and lumpy items (high CV, infrequent),

Wallstrom and Segerstedt suggest traditional error measures (MAE and MSE

specifically) insufficiently describe the difference of predicted and observed phenomena.

Specifically, they find mathematically distinct and complementary explanatory power in

MSE, MAE, sMAPE (symmetric MAPE), CFE (cumulative forecast error), PIS (periods

in stock), and NOS (number of shortages). Morlidge (2014b) supports the approach of

including multiple metrics in his examination of 11,000 demand forecasts of items with

varying volumes and variance. He found that even though traditional measures of

accuracy tend to be lower among high volume (and cost) items, they perform the same as

low cost, low volume items on his proposed measure of RAE. This implies that

traditional measures motivate a misalignment of resources, as high volume, high RAE

items currently compose the largest possibility for cost improvements for demand

forecasters. Reliance on a single or small number of measures leaves demand planners

blind to potential areas for forecast improvement.

The tradeoffs between metrics means that the question “How good is good

enough?” depends on the metric(s) in use and the type of forecast it is applied to. In

general, positive and negative deviation will generate distinct cost (and revenue) effects

that differ for each member of a supply chain. Extant literature suggests that error

minimization can increase bias, which may increase overall costs. It is also suggested

that regardless of what is considered “good enough” for a single product, that metric

ought not be applied across all products, as differing circumstances and demand patterns

make such comparisons inappropriate. “Good enough” should instead be based on more

comparable nonparametric functions, accuracy implication metrics, loss functions, or

solely be relative to past performance (assuming the demand pattern is more or less

stationary). Different metrics, and thereby different determinations of what is “good

enough” should be applied based on the creators and consumers of each demand forecast.

Marketers may be more interested in aggregate sales over a several month horizon,

whereas operations may be more interested in production and distribution demands for a

single product over several days. The negative impact of horizon and positive impact of

aggregation on achievable accuracy in such differing applications are discussed in

separate themes. Finally, research on the tradeoffs of metrics in logistics and supply

chain management literature indicate that traditional error metrics are insufficient to

communicate all of the relevant information regarding the difference in predictions from

reality. Predictions ought to capture distributions, rather than point forecasts, and

multiple measures are needed to convey all of the relevant information to decision

makers, each with their own level of “good enough”.

Future research on the tradeoffs of metrics must focus on quantifying the

additional costs and potential benefits of following the suggestions of extant research.

Shifting the focus of measurement from simple error to bias, or to a more holistic

complement of measures for forecasts with higher information density will inevitably

cost more in data collection, information sharing between supply chain partners,

information technology (IT) investment, and recruitment and training for demand


Level of Aggregation and Hierarchy

This theme can be viewed as a tradeoff of the level of aggregation at which the

forecast is generated, and the level of hierarchy for which the forecast is generated.

Aggregation can be accomplished by product characteristic (Fliedner and Lawrence

1995, Moon 2015, Paul et al. 2015), location (Mentzer and Cox 1984, Zotteri et al. 2005,

Williams and Waller 2011b), time (Zhao et al. 2002b, Rostami-Tabar et al. 2013, Jin et

al. 2015), and even by customer profile (Chung et al. 2012, Breiter and Huchzermeier

2015), and consistently has been found to have a positive effect on the level of achievable

accuracy. However, there exists a gap between theory and practice in aggregation

methods. Practitioners tend to aggregate by predetermined hierarchies rather than

covariance that would suggest effective grouping, which leads to mixed results in

aggregation in practice (Syntetos et al. 2016). Aggregation typically also implies that

forecasts are generated centrally (hierarchically), as upper echelons will have access to

greater resources, more concentrated talent, and increased data quantity and quality. This

also leads to greater degrees of accuracy in both demand and supply forecasts (Mentzer

and Cox 1984, Davis et al. 2016), though this effect degrades for very short term

forecasts and beyond the firm-level unit of analysis.

However, just because forecasts generated at a higher level of hierarchy or

aggregation are likely more accurate, does not mean that they are more useful. In the

end, the forecast must be tailored for the appropriate user, wherever they are in the

hierarchy. Reconciliation of forecasts between functions, as well as between hierarchical

levels remains a pressing issue for forecasters (Syntetos et al. 2016). A significant

amount of logistics and supply chain management research aims to determine whether an

automated means of reconciliation through a top-down strategy, in which aggregate

forecasts are developed and later apportioned for use at lower levels of hierarchy,

provides better accuracy (and supply chain performance) than a bottom-up strategy,

where disaggregated forecasts are later combined for use in higher levels of hierarchy.

Zotteri et al. (2005, 2014) suggests that the choice between these demand forecasting

strategies depends primarily on the relative import of sampling or specification error, and

that minimum error is achieved through some mixture of these approaches.

Sampling error occurs when time series samples are short, noisy, nonstationary,

contain errors, or include unrepresentative observations. Bottom-up approaches suffer

when this type of error is common. Widiarta et al. (2006), Chen and Blue (2010),

Hatzakis et al. (2010), Williams and Waller (2011b) and Rostami-Tabar et al. (2013) all

find examples of this limitation when aggregating positively autocorrelated (within a

demand pattern) or covarying (between demand patterns) demand signals. Williams and

Waller (2011b) and Jin et al. (2015) demonstrate that though bottom-up approaches more

often dominate top-down, limited disaggregated data can make bottom-up approaches

less accurate than top-down approaches.

Specification error occurs when disaggregated units of analysis contain

heterogeneous demand signals that are obfuscated by pooling demand, and thus top-down

approaches suffer in the presence of this type. Fliedner and Lawrence (1995)

demonstrate this in testing grouping mechanisms for diesel engine production spare parts

forecasting. Flores and Wichern (2005) demonstrate that this confounding has a

particularly acute effect on measures of bias. Caniato et al. (2005) show that a top-down

clustering approach to account for structural, managerial and random irregularities can

help save money on the (often) high costs of collecting diverse data, but that clustering

the random irregular data did not improve forecasts. This implies random effects wash

each other out and represent misspecification. Moon (2015) presents an alternate

example where relevant information is lost when grouping products that differ

substantially in profit contribution. In this case accuracy may indeed be improved, but

any sort of explanatory power for identifying causes of error in the relatively more

important products is masked.

“How good is good enough?” depends on both sides of the tradeoff in this theme.

Aggregation has been found to increase achievable accuracy, but forecasts must be

tailored to the proper level of hierarchy for use. Tailoring the proper level of aggregation

can be accomplished via top-down disaggregation or bottom-up aggregation, but the

effectiveness of each approach depends on the relative import of sampling and

specification error to a demand planner.

Future research on the effect of aggregation and hierarchy should attempt to

differentiate the effects of different types and interactions of sampling and specification

error on the effect of aggregation on demand forecast accuracy. For instance, if demand

signals are both noisy and heterogeneous, is specification error or sampling error more

significant. Also, we should expect the relative effect of these error types to differ based

on the mechanism of aggregation. Future work should estimate how temporal,

geographic, product and customer based forms of aggregation are affected differently by

sampling and specification error.

Data Quality and Availability

Data quality and availability have been shown to be critical limiters of achievable

demand forecast accuracy. The logistics and supply chain management literature on this

theme cover both aspects of data input with regards to their effect on demand forecast


Quality refers to errors in recording, undocumented substitutions, inventory

record inaccuracy, data dependent on already included information, and erroneous or

perhaps even dishonest reporting of data between supply chain principals. Quality has

been found to suffer when policies for collecting data are nonstandard, poorly enforced,

and involve judgement from personnel with low levels of familiarity or training. Such

conditions have been found to be prevalent in humanitarian logistics operations (van der

Laan et al. 2016), but varying degrees of these conditions have been found to be

prevalent in demand management functions across all kinds of industries and situations.

Sanders and Manrodt (2003) found that among 240 firms, forecasters were equally likely

to pursue a qualitative forecasting strategy with subjective inputs, despite this approach

achieving lower forecast accuracy regardless of industry, size or marketing strategy.

They found the effect of data quality on accuracy was moderated by both forecasting

expertise and degree of supply chain integration. This implies that the level of

information sharing and coordination between members of a supply chain can also affect

data (and therefore forecast) quality. Cachon and Lariviere (2001) demonstrate this

analytically, and find that poor information quality not only negatively affects forecast

accuracy, but that inaccurate shared information in a supply chain can erode trust and

eliminate the possible benefits from forecast information sharing. Clemen and Winkler

(1985) find also that data quality (and its value to a forecast) deteriorates monotonically

with the level of dependence the information has on previous data.

Availability refers to the lack of a capability to collect certain types of

information, whether it be a technological, cost, access, or legal or regulatory limitation.

Fildes and Petropoulos (2015) and Moon (2015) indicate that practitioners cite

availability of or access to data as their most critical forecasting deficiency. This implies

that demand forecasting processes, rather than technical capabilities, promise the greatest

opportunities for improvement. As is the case with data quality, availability of data is

lower in rapidly changing situations with fewer standard policies for data gathering and

management (van der Laan et al. 2016). Kelle and Silver (1989) and de Brito and van der

Laan (2009) find that reverse channels in closed loop supply chains often suffer from data

availability, as data collection often depends on customers being incentivized to provide

record rather than trained employees being compelled. Data collection in this case may

also involve significant IT investment or the use of potentially costly tracking

technology, which has mixed results on forecast accuracy (de Brito and van der Laan

2009). Holmström et al. (2006) find that in complex extended supply chains, different

members of the supply chain may have different capabilities to generate and share

accurate data, particularly at different stages of product, industry and firm maturity, as

well as channel mix. Sanders and Manrodt (2003) note that differing levels of IT

investment in firms also lead to lower levels of available data for qualitative forecasts at

various levels of a supply chain.

For demand planners trying to answer “How good is good enough?”, this means

that there are limits to both achievable and desirable demand forecast accuracy as a result

of these two dimensions of data inputs. Data can be of a lower quality due to unstable

circumstances, which would not be possible to mitigate with a reasonable amount of

investment. Availability may be lower due to the lack of technology to collect certain

types of information. These would both decrease achievable forecast accuracy. On the

other hand, some levels of quality and availability can be controlled, and end up as a

management decision of what level of accuracy is desirable. Data quality that is driven

by levels of demand planner training, enforced collection standards, IT sophistication,

and quality control is strongly influenced by overall levels of investment. Availability

can also be increased by incentivizing accurate information sharing with supply chain

partners, or investments in technologies to increase data sources. It is up to the managers

in a firm and across a supply chain to weight the costs and benefits of data quality and

availability on demand forecast accuracy.

Beyond estimating how less accurate and more limited data affect forecast

accuracy, the logistics and supply chain management literature has little that describes the

effect of data quality and availability on overall business or supply chain performance.

Future research in this area must attempt to quantify the effect of investments in quality

or availability on more than just forecast accuracy (particularly single measures). This

may include tying such investments into an integrated value model like the Economic

Value Added (EVA) model presented in Lambert and Pohlen (2001), or even just

counting it as a relevant cost in a decision model of tradeoffs.

Driver Implications Proposed Future Research
Low forecastable demand patterns have lower achievable accuracy, Examine interactions between
indicating “good enough” is also lower. May be better addressed with multiple low forecastable
Forecastability relative measures to target limited resources to only those demand situations, develop detection and
forecast accuracy increases that promise the greatest return. avoidance mechanisms when
forecastability is low.
Where longer-range forecasts are required achievable accuracy is Compare the effect of forecast
lowered, implying a lower “good enough”. Where temporal aggregation horizon in more varied contexts,
Horizon is not possible to offset the lower levels of accuracy, alternate strategies and increase the estimation of
such as postponement may be a better use of resources. nonlinear models.
Overfit models can seem more accurate than they end up being, Must focus on more effective
particularly when estimating (and extrapolating) weak effects. Lower detection of overfitting and of
desired accuracy (by reducing training samples and increasing holdout mapping the tradeoff of training
Overfitting and samples) implies a lower level of “good enough”. Resources are best and holdout sample sizes,
Misspecification spent training and recruiting forecasters with a sound understanding of particularly in cases of
modeling practices who are able to recognize overfitting. nonstationarity.
“Good enough” depends on the metric in use, as each measure imposes Increasing the number and
different penalties depending on the type of deviation. Single metrics complexity of measures to

Tradeoffs of
are inappropriate for comparison, and traditional error metrics evaluate likely increases cost of
Metrics insufficiently indicate the business impact of accuracy. demand planning, so benefits and
costs should be quantified.
“Good enough” depends on the level of aggregation (which increases Should explore relative import of
Level of accuracy) and level of hierarchy at which the forecast is used. Tailoring sampling and specification error
Aggregation and aggregation to required level of hierarchy depends on the relative when both are significant, and
Hierarchy importance of sampling and specification error. over multiple mechanisms of
Data quality and availability limitations make “good enough” lower. Should estimate the effect of data
Improving quality may be either impossible or cost prohibitive, and quality and availability on
Data Quality and improving availability may be limited by technology. Resources can business performance measures
Availability best be used to train the workforce on standard and accurate data such as EVA rather than
collection to improve quality, and relationship management to increase (especially singular) measures of
information sharing to improve availability. demand forecast accuracy.

Table 16: Summary of Technical Drivers of Demand Forecast Accuracy

Managerial Drivers of Forecast Accuracy Bounds

Managerial drivers are more under the control of managers and demand planners;

exhibiting a greater degree of endogeneity than technical drivers. They represent

differing degrees of capability or strategic emphasis on forecasting accuracy. They

include policy considerations, various interest tradeoffs, and inter-firm dynamics that

primarily affect the level of desired forecast accuracy. Literature findings, implications

for “good enough”, and proposed future research is discussed below for each managerial

driver of forecast accuracy bounds, summarized in Table 17.

Error Amplification

Error has long been known to amplify as a demand signal moves back up a supply

chain, in an effect known as the bullwhip effect. This means that at higher echelons,

achievable forecast accuracy is typically lower. While most research on the bullwhip

effect involves integration and information sharing efforts to mitigate this amplification,

we find three groupings within the theme of error amplification which either enhance or

diminish the importance of error between echelons.

First, there are situations where the effects of error amplification are expected to

be particularly acute. This implies that requirements for “good enough” are perhaps less

achievable, and that alternate means of mitigating extreme bullwhip may be more

effective. The case of no information sharing or inaccurate information sharing is

discussed in separate themes. Lorentz et al. (2007) find that underdeveloped distribution

networks with unreliable infrastructure, carriers, and suppliers exacerbate the bullwhip

effect. The mitigating effect of information sharing is enhanced in this context, though

through informal channels and individual relationships (increasing risk of corruption and

extortion). van der Laan et al. (2016) find similar results in humanitarian logistics

operations due to obsolescence of shelf-life items, highly fractious supply chains with

unintegrated agencies, short working histories and unstable supply. This also results in

potential underreporting and hoarding due to scarcity.

Second, we found work that examined effects other than error amplification

apparent in bullwhip. This implies that reducing error or error amplification will not

fully eliminate the damaging effects of bullwhip, relaxing requirements for “good

enough”. Sanders and Graman (2016) find significant bias magnification in addition to

error in a retail distribution simulation corroborated with survey responses. Hosoda and

Disney (2006) find inventory variance increases alongside demand variance in a cost

model of a manufacturing supply chain, and find that error reduction does not reduce

supply chain costs when inventory variance inflation exceeds demand variance inflation.

Ma et al. (2013a) similarly find significant costs from inventory, not demand or

production, variance inflation, and discuss the differential effects between supply chain

members. Bullwhip costs from inventory oscillation costs more for downstream

members, while upstream members bear more costs from production oscillation. This

indicates that upstream supply chain members benefit unequally from efforts to reduce

demand variance inflation.

Third, several research papers examined the relative role of demand forecast error

reduction in combatting the ill effects of bullwhip. This indicates that “good enough”

may not be as important as other factors, and may therefore be relaxed. In testing the five

drivers of bullwhip proposed in Lee et al. (1997), Agrawal et al. (2009) find that

information sharing (and therefore forecast accuracy) is dominated by lead time in

bullwhip reduction, and that some level of bullwhip is unavoidable. Doganis et al. (2008)

explore the bullwhip effect in the Greek dairy industry, and find that forecast error

reduction outpaces cost reduction. This implies diminishing returns on forecast accuracy

investments for upstream partners. Williams and Waller (2010) found that in grocery

store replenishment, if non-turn volume or information distortion was high, distributors

benefitted more from using order (rather than POS) data. This implies forecast accuracy

has a natural limit in instances where internal dynamics that distort information are high.

Lackes et al. (2016) find analytically that contract penalties for downward order revisions

can replace upstream forecast accuracy via POS information sharing. Though in price or

buyback penalty contracts, suppliers are found always to benefit from increases in

forecast accuracy (Amornpetchkul et al. 2015).

Currently, the logistics and supply chain management literature indicate that

while error is important to the costs borne from bullwhip amplification, there are other

significant effects and potential solutions to the costs of bullwhip. Even in contexts that

are prone to error inflation, considerations like bias and inventory inflation must be

weighed with error inflation, and may even deserve higher priority depending on industry

context and level of hierarchy. Reducing the costs of bullwhip can also be achieved

through means other than demand forecast error reduction, such as through lead time

reduction, contract incentives, or realignment of internal drivers of information distortion.

“How good is good enough?” is unfortunately complicated by all of these issues, and

practitioners must assess their susceptibility to bullwhip, the relative import of the error

amplification component of bullwhip costs, and feasibility of alternate means (other than

error reduction) to combat these costs.

Future research should aim to assist this effort. While efforts in the logistics and

supply chain management literature to date address identification of at most small

numbers of bullwhip cost drivers or mitigators, they must shift to more comprehensive

diagnoses and normative responses.

Cost Tradeoffs

While many of the themes previously discussed involve cost tradeoffs, the papers

in this theme address costs explicitly, and across a more diverse array of potential sources

in the supply chain. This includes works that discuss costs associated with increasing

demand forecast accuracy, relative direct and indirect costs resulting from forecast error,

offsetting costs affected by error, compensatory costs which may dominate the effect of

error, major production policy considerations of error levels, non-pecuniary error costs

that have been considered, and the unequal distribution of costs and benefits between

supply chain members.

In any discussion of “How good is good enough?”, there must be an accounting of

what it would take to improve on the current state of demand forecast accuracy.

Improvements rarely come free, and tend to be nonlinear and discrete with each type and

level of forecasting investment. Despite overwhelming evidence that such investments as

IT integration and systems to generate statistical forecasts improve accuracy, nearly half

of firms use simple spreadsheets to store demand data and generate forecasts (Canitz

2016), and firms are equally likely to use simple qualitative forecasting methods as more

accuracy quantitative methods (Sanders and Manrodt 2003). Numerous costs related to

improving forecast accuracy act as barriers to pursuing more accuracy forecasts.

Recruiting forecasters with technical talent or providing better training forecasters

improves accuracy (Mentzer et al. 1984, Chung et al. 2012, Canitz 2016, Doering and

Suresh 2016, van der Laan et al. 2016), and such training is readily available through

professional organizations as APICS, CSCMP, IBF and IIF. Accuracy can be improved

through investments to collect and store additional data such as customer profile

information (Chung et al. 2012), data collection technology, infrastructure or incentives

(Kelle and Silver 1989), exogenous environmental factors for integration into forecasts

(Trapero et al. 2012), product performance and failure data (Tibben-lembke and Amato

2001), and data storage capacity to store it all (Sanders and Manrodt 2003). Accuracy

investments may also include more sophisticated forecast support systems for generating,

tracking and managing forecasts (Trapero et al. 2012, Canitz 2016, Doering and Suresh

2016). In a supply chain, investments for sharing information are necessary for

improving forecasts upstream (Kelle and Silver 1989, Chung et al. 2012, Trapero et al.

2012, Babai et al. 2013, Canitz 2016, Lackes et al. 2016, Huang et al. 2017), and involve

potentially unbalanced costs between supply chain members. Each of these costs may

include some discrete up-front investment as well as maintenance, training and

continuation investments that differ by industry, product and supply chain relationship,

making it difficult for a firm to determine a marginal cost for accuracy improvement.

Additionally, such investments do not necessarily guarantee any measurable level of

improvement, merely greater forecasting capability. Actual accuracy improvement

depends on many (and in some cases all) of the themes we identify in this paper, though

increased capabilities have been shown to improve supply chain cost and service even

when accuracy is not improved (Doering and Suresh 2016).

To motivate investment in increased accuracy, what costs are relevant to

consider? We reviewed logistics and supply chain management literature that indicates

direct and indirect costs from demand forecast error, as well as costs that offset other

relevant costs but are also affected by levels of error. Forecast error has been found to

drive higher unfinished, buffer and finished inventory carrying costs (Schmidt 1984,

Wemmerlöv 1984, 1989, Sridharan and LaForge 1989, Ritzman and King 1993, Zhao

and Lee 1993, Tibben-lembke and Amato 2001, Kahn 2003, Sethi et al. 2007, Kerkkänen

et al. 2009, LeBlanc et al. 2009, Persona et al. 2011, Chang and Yeh 2012, Babai et al.

2013, Ma et al. 2013a, van der Laan et al. 2016), higher production and storage capacity

costs (Schmidt 1984, Kerkkänen et al. 2009), higher switching, freezing, lot sizing or

other production instability costs (Schmidt 1984, Sridharan and LaForge 1989, Zhao and

Lee 1993, Lin et al. 1994, Kahn 2003, Sethi et al. 2007, Yelland 2010), higher lost

primary and accessory sales, ordering, transportation, trans-shipping and expediting costs

due to shortages (Wemmerlöv 1989, Tibben-lembke and Amato 2001, Kahn 2003, Sethi

et al. 2007, LeBlanc et al. 2009, Persona et al. 2011, Chang and Yeh 2012, Canitz 2016),

higher trans-shipping and lower margins from overages (Kahn 2003, Chang and Yeh

2012), higher design and production costs from flexibility and postponement response

strategies (Wemmerlöv 1984, 1989, LeBlanc et al. 2009, Yelland 2010), higher

warehousing costs (Sanders and Ritzman 2004a, van der Laan et al. 2016), higher

spoilage or obsolescence costs (Kahn 2003, Chang and Yeh 2012, van der Laan et al.

2016), and higher information sharing costs (Yelland 2010).

Some indirect costs come as a result of higher forecast error reducing service

level, reducing customer satisfaction, increasing lead time, reducing value of information

sharing, and reducing growth and shareholder value (Wemmerlöv 1984, Kahn 2003,

Canitz 2016). Though these costs are harder to measure and are certainly influenced by

other factors, they are the most critical to securing top-level support for any major

investments in demand forecast accuracy. Without demonstrating the effect of

forecasting accuracy on shareholder value, such improvements will be up to operational

level leaders with fewer resources available.

The challenge of estimating the effect of a change in accuracy is the dynamic

responses from various offsetting costs. Both hard and soft constraints may drive higher

requirements for offsetting compensatory costs. Investments to increase accuracy can

reduce reliance on such compensatory measures, but likely in an asymmetrical manner.

For instance, increased service level requirements may be achievable through either

flexible production or increased inventory (Wemmerlöv 1984). Increased forecast

accuracy can also help achieve that service level, while simultaneously reducing the

required investment in flexibility or inventory. The difference is that flexibility

investments may be more capital intensive, and therefore have large discontinuities,

whereas inventory reductions would more likely be incremental. This implies that when

weighing the cost tradeoffs of forecast accuracy improvements, managers must consider

multiple real options for alternative compensatory investments. Realized cost savings,

however, will only be from the option exercised. Huang et al. (2011) demonstrate this

effect as they show lead time reduction replacing the need for accuracy to offset flexible

production or increased inventory costs. Sridharan and LaForge (1989), Tibben-lembke

and Amato (2001) and Persona et al. (2011) show this in offsetting costs of inventory and

lost sales, representing opposing signs of forecast bias, that are simultaneously reduced

with reductions in error. The tradeoff of buffer inventory costs and production switching

costs is shown to be moderated by forecast accuracy (Zhao et al. 2001). Yelland (2010)

demonstrates this in the tradeoffs of information sharing costs and flexible manufacturing

costs, as reliance on both are reduced by forecast accuracy.

Some studies have found these offsetting costs to be more effective than forecast

accuracy improvement at reducing overall costs. Sridharan and LaForge (1989) found

inventory savings to be greater from investments to reduce setup time than similar

investments to improve forecast accuracy. Ritzman and King (1993), Clark (1998) and

Venkataraman and D'Itri (2001) found costs associated with matching lot sizing and

inventory policies was more effective than forecast accuracy investments in reducing

inventory and production costs, though this is not supported in all cases (Fildes and

Kingsman 2011). Sanders and Ritzman (2004a) indicate warehouse workplace flexibility

can offset accuracy, though this is not as effective against bias. Finally, some cost

savings typically associated with error reductions are truly a result of reductions in bias.

As Chang and Yeh (2012) note, over-forecasting costs such as excess inventory carrying

cost, trans-shipping cost, obsolescence, reduced margin and labor; and under-forecasting

costs like expediting, higher per-unit production costs, lost sales, lost accessory sales,

reduced customer satisfaction, and delayed delivery are most often conflated as simply

error costs.

Beyond moderating a tradeoff of two or a few offsetting costs, achievable

accuracy levels may even dictate production control methods, involving differing costs

associated with aggregate production, labor, material, lot size, holding, shortage and

switching costs. Such drastic changes in cost basis have been observed in multiple

contexts, often involving estimation of policy tradeoff curves. Barman et al. (1990) show

that linear decision rules for production shifts, optimal under low or no forecast error, are

dominated by a proposed production switch heuristic when error is nontrivial. Johnson

and Anderson (2000) generate tradeoff curves for transition to a postponement

production strategy in the HP printer supply chain, dependent on forecast accuracy.

Jeong (2011) estimates a supply chain decoupling point, or lateral position in a supply

chain where production shifts from make to stock to make to order. The further back in

the supply chain the decoupling point is, the greater reliance a supply chain has on

forecast accuracy. High costs to accuracy, low achievable accuracy, high inventory costs,

and greater demand for customization drives this decoupling point forward and thus

reduces the reliance on highly accurate forecasts. Wemmerlöv (1989) demonstrate that

high achievable accuracy is a prerequisite to just-in-time inventory minimizing

production strategies.

Tradeoffs do not necessarily need to be of a pecuniary nature, as Niakan and

Rahimi (2015) demonstrate in a healthcare supply distributor and Ji et al. (2014) in a

manufacturing system that public externalities in the form of greenhouse gas emissions,

energy, and toxic chemical consumption can factor into a firm’s decision to invest in

forecast accuracy. However, these are increasingly becoming real costs through

environmental regulation. van der Laan et al. (2016) demonstrate in humanitarian

logistics operations that a particularly difficult proposition is determining the value of the

potential to save a life by increasing forecast investment. Wacker and Sprague (1998)

show that different cultural (as measured by Hofstedte’s cultural dimensions) values in

seven countries affect the required level of forecast accuracy and investment in

technology. For instance, greater power distance and individualistic cultures are more

likely to invest in demand forecasting technology and depend on more accurate statistical

forecasting methods, masculine and individualist cultures are more likely to depend on

qualitative factors and manual adjustments, and masculine cultures are more likely to

involve senior leadership in forecast development. These non-pecuniary biases, altruistic

impulses, cultural and societal pressures, and risk orientations (discussed separately) must

be considered with cost tradeoffs of forecast accuracy, even if they are not directly

implemented in a model of costs.

In a supply chain, the complex interdependent cost tradeoffs with forecast

accuracy are also unequally shared between different members of a supply chain. This

often introduces additional inducement, contracting, or information sharing costs to

balance this asymmetry, moderated by the balance of relational power and level of

information asymmetry. Hosoda and Disney (2009) and Chen and Xiao (2012) both

show that increasing forecast accuracy to minimize local costs can actually increase

overall supply chain costs, as additional costs from moral hazard manifest from

information asymmetry. Zhao et al. (2002b) and Sethi et al. (2007) both note that

downstream members of the supply chain typically bear higher costs from forecast

accuracy investments, and do not share equally in benefits of forecast accuracy.

Upstream members typically benefit from increased accuracy through reduced production

and distribution variance, whereas downstream partners benefit primarily from inventory

reductions (Hosoda and Disney 2009, Lackes et al. 2016). Taylor and Xiao (2010) find

this effect to be convex, and that manufacturers only enjoy cost benefits from accuracy

improvements when downstream demand planners already have acceptable forecast

accuracy. Miyaoka and Hausman (2008) show that cost benefits enjoyed by upstream

supply chain members from increased downstream demand forecast accuracy are only

realized if they set the wholesale price (either by enjoying greater market power or as the

Stackleberg leader). Downstream members are motivated to over-order (Chen and Xiao

2012, Lackes et al. 2016), particularly in cases where buybacks or cancellations are

permitted. In such situations, upstream supply chain members can bear the additional

cost of incentives, contract costs to implement buyback or cancellation penalties (Zhao et

al. 2002b, Sethi et al. 2007), or information sharing costs (Huang et al. 2017) in order to

motivate forecast accuracy investments by downstream members in order to avoid excess

production variance costs. Inducement costs can increase with information asymmetry

between supply chain members, the relative power of principals, and the risk orientation

of each (Lackes et al. 2016). Chang and Yeh (2012) propose a method for objectively

controlling cost sharing in demand planning collaboration in a steel manufacturing supply

chain through a prior agreement on exception thresholds defined by Taguchi loss function

for the supply chain, thus helping to minimize additional costs from moral hazard.

For implications on “How good is good enough?”, cost tradeoffs are the most

difficult to accurately (and completely) identify, but likely the most important in

determining a final level of desired accuracy. Improving forecast accuracy can involve

significant investments in forecaster skill, as well as IT tools for gathering data,

generating and tracking accurate forecasts, and sharing relevant information with supply

chain partners. Though even with such investments there is no guarantee of accuracy

improvement, there are significant potential cost reductions from pursuing these

capabilities. Managers must determine which costs are relevant to their situation,

accurately measure them, and determine the potential improvements from incremental

changes in forecast accuracy. Cost savings from increased accuracy can be direct, such

as through reduced inventory or production variance costs, or indirect, by reducing those

costs associated with lost shareholder value from lower customer satisfaction. Multiple

offsetting potential costs must be weighed against forecasting investments, and in some

cases alternate compensatory investments may be preferred to investments to improve

accuracy. The achievable level of accuracy may also dictate the policies and types of

investments necessary to meet demand at the lowest cost. Improvements in demand

forecast accuracy can reduce non-pecuniary costs as well, as social, cultural and

environmental considerations increase in importance to a firm. Finally, managers must

take into consideration that the costs and benefits of forecast accuracy improvements are

borne unequally between supply chain members. To maintain a healthy supply chain and

maximize the benefit for all, some supply chain members must bear additional costs to

share the burden of accuracy improvement costs.

As with other themes, the considerations for cost tradeoffs merely identify the

relevant costs and measured effects currently present in the logistics and supply chain

management literature. To act on these findings, a firm needs to assess their own context

and relevant costs. Estimating the cost tradeoffs of nonlinear and discontinuous accuracy

investments with separate nonlinear and potentially discontinuous functions for various

offsetting costs (or real options) with any degree of accuracy is a complex and difficult

endeavor. However, armed with the knowledge from the other themes discussed in this

work, managers can make an informed decision of desirable accuracy, given contextual

factors that drive achievable accuracy. One helpful suggestion is to focus what is likely

to be a significant effort on those products that promise the most return from forecasting

accuracy investment. Morlidge (2014b) suggests, in their examination of forecasts from

11,000 products, that as little as 6% of products make up nearly two thirds of the

potential improvement in forecasts due to forecaster skill (and 40% of forecasts would be

made better by simply implementing a naïve forecast).

Future research should focus on aiding practitioners navigate the complex

interdependencies of estimating cost tradeoffs. Extant research seems somewhat myopic

in examining relatively few local cost tradeoffs. Researchers must strive to capture a

more holistic set of interdependent costs and opportunities. Canitz (2016) suggests that

forecasting investments will remain low until firms can demonstrate value exceeding

additional costs through such tools as the Du Pont Financial performance model, or we

would propose EVA, as suggested in Lambert and Pohlen (2001). Research must target

research to aid this effort.

Supply Chain Integration

We found in our search of logistics and supply chain management literature that

the initially separate search topics of “information sharing”, “collaboration” and

“integration” were largely conflated, and so were not effectively separable. Therefore,

the emergent theme we call supply chain integration exists as a continuum spanning

simple information sharing through complete integration of forecasting efforts in a supply

chain. We separate the reviewed literature into work on the simple information sharing

side of the spectrum from work that involves more direct collaboration and in some cases

integrated demand planning.

First, we discuss the effects of various types of information sharing that have been

studied in the logistics and supply chain management literature. Ramanathan (2013)

describes multiple characteristics of information that can be shared between (and within)

firms for the purpose of forecast accuracy improvement, including factors of importance,

relevant forms of information shared between supply chain entities, and the implications

of external sources of information. We use this typology to examine the literature on

simple information sharing.

Factors of information importance include cost, which can be cost of analyzing,

sharing, gathering, and how these risks or costs (and resultant benefits) are shared

between supply chain members; usability, or the way it can or will be used; reliability, or

accuracy of input data, trustworthiness and persistence of the source; actionability, or

how readily it can be converted to immediate utility; and finally capability, or the

capacity of the information acquirer to transform the information to a valuable outcome.

Eksoz et al. (2014) find these factors to be important to both departmental (internal

collaboration) and group (external collaboration) information sharing.

As discussed in the previous theme of cost tradeoffs, costs and risks for forecast

accuracy improvements tend to fall more heavily on those downstream organizations

with direct access to demand. Cost savings also tend to be greater upstream in the supply

chain for improved accuracy. This makes various types of demand information or

demand forecasts valuable to upstream partners, who are then willing to share some

burden in order to gain access to that information in order to optimize supply chain

benefits. Ülkü et al. (2007), Zhu et al. (2011), Kurtuluş et al. (2012) and Bian et al.

(2016) generalize this to show that increased cost of forecast accuracy increases the value

of information to the supply chain, but disproportionately against whomever makes the

investment and to whom is primarily responsible for inventory costs. Yao et al. (2005)

provide an example of this more general view where the upstream manufacturer has

greater forecasting capability than their customer. They find that for manufacturers

employing a multichannel marketing approach with a direct channel, information sharing

from a customer-competitor only holds value if the customer’s forecasting capability

exceeds the manufacturers’. In addition to the cost of accurate information, the level of

information asymmetry between supply chain principals increases the value of

information sharing. Kung and Chen (2014) find that upstream members of the supply

chain benefit from sharing forecast information when asymmetry is high, but only if all

independent downstream members are synchronized in both their accuracy and sharing.

Hartzel and Wood (2017) find support for the asymmetry argument when they observe

greater value from POS information sharing when order frequency is low, and shared

information is stationary and non-intermittent. This implies that upstream signals without

sharing have low fidelity as a function of distortion, and shared POS data has high

forecastability. Bian et al. (2016) also shows that in industries with high competitive

intensity, competing supply chains also benefit from observing the actions of information

sharing supply chains.

Cachon and Lariviere (2001), Terwiesch et al. (2005) and Guo et al. (2006)

indicate that a lack of trust of information from downstream partners may hinder

information sharing, particularly if information is volatile or found to have (particularly

positive) bias. They find that upstream partners who normally benefit unequally from

information sharing are unwilling to pay for incentives to share information if trust low,

and instead institute penalties (delayed delivery, reduced capacity dedication) for

untrustworthy downstream partners. Paradoxically, this increases volatility and positive

bias in downstream forecasts, and further reduces the demand for accurate forecast

information sharing.

Though the majority of logistics and supply chain management research on

information sharing has to do with either point of sale demand data or demand forecasts,

relevant forms can include sales data; order data; seasonal, discount, promotional and

historical sales; relevant regulations and policies; and local forecast information. Sharing

these types of information has been shown to simultaneously reduce the negative effects

of demand forecast error and increase the achievable forecast accuracy at higher

echelons, as discussed above in the error amplification (Williams and Waller 2010) and

aggregation (Williams and Waller 2011b) themes.

Sharing POS data has been found to lower upstream supply chain labor and

inventory costs through improved replenishment forecast accuracy (Trapero et al. 2012,

Babai et al. 2013) and reduced bias (Sanders and Graman 2016), and dampen the

inventory costs from positive bias introduced by increased product variety (Wan and

Sanders 2017). Though as Cui et al. (2015) note, POS information sharing alone may not

improve upstream forecasts unless alternate information such as replenishment policy is

also shared. Similarly, demand forecast sharing has been shown to reduce inventory and

production costs (Zhao et al. 2002a, Ali et al. 2012), reduce demand variance

amplification (Ma et al. 2013b), and can serve as a substitute for downstream demand

forecast accuracy (Yao et al. 2005), each moderated by the degree of demand forecast


Alternate forms of information to share include engineering and failure data

(Tibben-lembke and Amato 2001), additional information on demand or forecasts such as

the distribution (not simply the level) of uncertainty Terwiesch et al. (2005), relevant

replenishment and stock policies (Williams and Waller 2011a, Cui et al. 2015), inventory

and return data both between firms and between channels (Coronado Mondragon et al.

2011) that can serve as replacements for forecast accuracy. These alternate data forms

can improve upstream performance even when accurate demand or forecast information

is not shared.

External sources may include competitor and market data. Most of this would be

gathered from a third-party marketing firm or consultant, and can be expensive.

Achievable and desirable forecast accuracy improvements from external data such as this

would depend on its availability, quality and cost.

Beyond simple information sharing, there are numerous examples in the literature

of the effects of collaboration or full integration on forecast accuracy. McCarthy and

Golicic (2002) and Yao et al. (2013) identify some of the major difficulties in

collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment (CPFR) implementation. In the

long-run it promises forecast accuracy improvement and lower costs, but implementation

costs include software and technology, investments in coordination and information

exchange, time and personnel for set up and maintained coordination operations,

difficulty in scalability from pilot usage across suppliers and products, and perhaps most

difficult synchronous change efforts in multiple firms. Improvements in forecast

accuracy do not always align with inventory cost savings as the collaborative efforts are

harmonized, and this also depends on product life cycle stage. There is also risk, as these

costs do not guarantee successful implementation, and may disrupt and hinder

(particularly replenishment) operations initially. Moon (2015) notes that the

effectiveness of collaborative forecasting depends on the internal source of data, and both

the generator and consumer of a forecast. If all three of these groups share interests and

integrate effort, then collaborative forecasting can provide value. Nagashima et al.

(2015) demonstrate that collaboration intensity improves forecast accuracy, but only

among products that have low market competition (are inimitable). In one form of

integration, vendor managed inventory, Kannan et al. (2013) and Kurtuluş et al. (2012)

show that such an arrangement shifts the cost burden for order processing costs,

transportation costs, lot quantity costs, and in some cases inventory carrying costs

upstream to a supplier. This significantly affects the desirable level of forecast accuracy

based on the previously discussed sets of cost tradeoffs.

For the manager attempting to determine “How good is good enough?”, various

degrees of supply chain integration typically entail greater achievable accuracy at higher

echelons of the supply chain, and lower required accuracy at lower echelons. This effect

depends on several factors of information importance, such as the cost of the data, level

of information asymmetry, the trustworthiness of the shared data, and for shared forecasts

the accuracy of the downstream forecast. For organizations that are further along the

spectrum and collaborate or are truly integrated in their demand planning, “good enough”

can change substantially based on how the collaboration shifts cost burdens and on the

effectiveness and maturity of the collaborative relationship.

As most work on information sharing focuses on sharing POS data and demand

forecasts, it appears there is an opportunity to develop our understanding of variable

effects of sharing different types of data. To date, little has been done to differentiate the

effect by information type. Future research should also focus on how different

collaboration types shift the complex set of cost tradeoffs that dictate “good enough”.

Supply Chain Flexibility

Flexible strategies such as postponement or standardization of parts (as in a super

bill of materials) can serve as a substitute for forecast accuracy, and in some cases

improve forecast accuracy. The value of postponement increases with increased forecast

error (Johnson and Anderson 2000) and degree of product proliferation (Lee 1996), while

greater degrees of postponement increasingly diminish the effect of forecast accuracy

(Wemmerlöv 1984). Postponement and standardization of parts have been shown in

improve forecast accuracy when the firm desires greater product variety (Persona et al.

2007, Paul et al. 2015), but the success of such strategies depends on the maturity of an

industry, market, technology or product (Terwiesh et al. 2005), as well as the quality of

management (Khouja and Kumar 2002). Revolutionary products likely do not have the

market penetration to offer variants that permit postponement or standardization. By

either increasing accuracy or replacing the need for accuracy, flexible strategies shift the

relative cost tradeoffs with lower levels of forecast improvement investments (Khouja

and Kumar 2002, Graman and Sanders 2009) and both unfinished and finished goods

inventory (Persona et al. 2007, Graman and Sanders 2009), while increasing costs for

sourcing (Paul et al. 2015), engineering (Persona et al. 2007), redesign (Lee 1996),

postponement variety and volume capacity (Khouja 1998, Graman and Sanders 2009)

and manufacturing of common parts (Khouja and Kumar 2002).

Implementing flexible strategies can mean “good enough” is lower, when used to

replace relatively expensive improvements to forecast accuracy, or can alternatively

mean “good enough” is higher due to increased achievable accuracy. This will depend

on the perceived necessity of product variety.

Future research on flexible strategies in relation to forecast accuracy must address

many of the same issues identified for future research on cost tradeoffs. To date,

considerations of such policies are myopically focused on local costs. The potential

impact on value generation when shifting to flexible strategies means that research ought

to include more cross-functional perspectives. Operations and logistics costs are

currently examined in the research, but marketing and research and design considerations

are either ignored or remain untested. As with other themes, the scope of research ought

to span the supply chain rather than the firm, as accuracy implications of flexible

strategies are likely unequal between different supply chain principals.

Manual Adjustments

Though generally statistical forecasts are found to have greater accuracy than

subjective or qualitatively generated ones, subjective manual adjustments are found to

improve upon statistical forecasts. The effect of manual forecast adjustment is even

found to have an enhanced effect on statistical forecast improvement when incorporated

as automated adjustment heuristics (Hur et al. 2004, Fildes et al. 2009). Such

adjustments have limitations, however, as they can add considerable cost and time when

there are many forecasts to generate (Sanders and Ritzman 1995). Manual adjustments

can replace error with more costly bias (Fildes et al. 2009, Wan and Sanders 2017),

especially when products are newly introduced or in the decline phase of their lifecycle

(Petersen 2003), and lose effectiveness or can even increase error when adjustments are

small (Fildes et al. 2009) or frequent (Wacker and Sprague 1998). The effectiveness of

adjustments depends on degree of adjuster expertise, but also can differ by biases from

personal motivation (Eroglu and Croxton 2010), organizational motivation, information

access, level of procedural control (Oliva and Watson 2009), culture (Wacker and

Sprague 1998) and gender (Eroglu and Knemeyer 2010). Effectiveness may not be

measured as reductions in forecast error or bias, as Ebert and Lee (1995) show manual

adjustments can reduce production operation costs while decreasing accuracy.

Effectiveness can also depend on the type of information introduced by an adjuster.

Marmier and Cheikhrouhou (2010) note that time sensitivity, immediacy, impact and

persistence of information all can affect adjustment quality.

In determining “good enough”, this may mean accounting for the cost or

availability of incorporating manual adjustments. If error is high, manual adjustments are

more likely to improve accuracy. If there are numerous products to forecast with high

frequency, adjustments can be expensive and may require contextual knowledge that

might not be available. Though automated heuristic implementations of manual

adjustments could increase speed or reduce costs, Fildes et al. (2009) note that these

features are not yet common in forecast support systems, and may require significant

technology investments. Managers must assess their situation to determine if they have a

positive potential for forecast accuracy improvement from incorporating manual

adjustments, and weight this against the realized costs from implementing these


Research should support this effort to a greater extent. Manual adjustments ought

to be examined on a contextual basis. The effectiveness of adjustments has been shown

to depend on the size and frequency of an adjustment, and on numerous characteristics of

the adjustor, but what about forecasts generated for different purposes, at differing levels

of hierarchy, and over different horizons? Academic research will provide the most

benefit for practitioners if it can normatively prescribe action based on circumstance.


Risk occupies a separate theme from cost tradeoffs because most often cost

tradeoffs imply perfect information and rational action. Situations of actual risk involve a

significant lack or loss of information. Perceived risk drives irrational action based on

risk preference (for both seekers and avoiders). For this reason, the investigation of the

limits of forecast accuracy based on actual and perceived risks from forecast error

occupies a significant stream of logistics and supply chain management literature.

Sanders and Manrodt (2003) identify environments likely to be sensitive and

insensitive to demand forecast error that they call high and low uncertainty environments.

High uncertainty environments include frequent product changes, short product

lifecycles, market substitutes, global competition, low market power, and potential for

obsolescence, and are likely to not only have higher degrees of forecast error but to also

experience higher costs as a result. Low uncertainty environments include those with

monopoly protections such as patents, long product life cycles, and unique products with

high barriers to entry, and are unlikely to incur as great of costs as a result of forecast


Examples of high uncertainty environments include food supply chains (Eksoz et

al. 2014), susceptible to spoilage and waste, but also risks to public health and from

regulatory intervention. Thiel (2014) describes the massive shifts in both demand and

supply when a health risk prompts a recall. In the case of a recall, hedging sources or a

flexible strategy of production dominates forecast accuracy, which may not be possible in

unpredictable public risk perception. Rapid innovation and heavy regulation in an

industry, as is experienced in the pharmaceutical industry, can also make rapid and

dramatic changes to demand conditions commonplace (Kiely 2004). Lorentz et al.

(2007) provides an example of poor infrastructure inducing variance in supply and

production, making stable and efficient operations impossible and exacerbating the

effects of forecast error. Wickramatillake et al. (2007) show that in the execution of

major projects like infrastructure construction, the interdependencies of different

suppliers, service providers, regulators and principals make such endeavors particularly

susceptible to forecast errors.

Responses to high uncertainty typically entail some hedging or robustness

strategy, as forecast investments likely have poor returns. Supply chains can be made

more robust to high uncertainty through diversification of supply (Cachon and Lariviere

2001), excess inventory or production capacity (Georgiadis and Vlachos 2006,

Kerkkänen et al. 2009), through investments in increased communication (Terwiesch et

al. 2005), or through agility investments like dynamic assortment planning (Rajesh and

Ravi 2015). As high uncertainty environments tend to have extremely low

forecastability, in both demand levels and for relevant costs, there is a much greater

potential for risk preference of decision makers to drive significant over and under

investment in forecast accuracy and other hedging strategies.

The negative effect from perceived risk differing from actual risk can manifest in

both risk seekers and risk avoiders (neutrality implies cost optimal decisions). Managers

who are risk seeking may choose not to hedge, instead seeking short term cost savings,

but in the end face major shortage costs. Risk averse managers instead overspend on a

risk management over time so that the large, but rarer, shortages can be avoided. These

actions may actually cause greater uncertainty for other members of the supply chain.

Guo et al. (2006), Chen and Xiao (2012) and Lackes et al. (2016) demonstrate that a

more risk averse downstream partner is more likely to over-order (inducing bullwhip),

and will likely charge a higher premium to share POS or forecast information, more

valuable to their suppliers. Shin and Tunca (2010) find that firms can overinvest in

demand forecast error reduction when perceived market competition is high, or if barriers

to demand forecast improvements are low (implying competitors are likely to make such

investments). Li et al. (2015) show that risk aversion leads to overinvestment in lead-

time reduction with increasing forecast error, which can be somewhat mitigated with

revenue sharing contracts between supply chain echelons. Risk aversion can be

considered a significant, if difficult to measure, problem among logistics and supply

chain managers as Smith and Mentzer (2010) find strong belief among managers that

improved forecasts will improve decision making and logistics performance. While

generally true, this belief can lead to risk averse overinvestment when specific conditions

do not call for increased accuracy.

Correcting the gap between perceived and actual risk can be accomplished

through increased communication, and strengthening of relationships between supply

chain members. Ebrahim-Khanjari et al. (2012) and Gönül and Goodwin (2012) find that

perceived competence, benevolence and integrity between retailers and suppliers fosters

trust and reduces the risk from forecast inaccuracy. Similarly, Bian et al. (2016) find

trust to reduce the inequality of value from information sharing. That is, regardless of

forecast accuracy, benevolent forecasters are trusted and selfish forecasters are not trusted

(though error and bias affect future trust).

For the manager determining “How good is good enough?”, the key task from this

theme is determining the levels of actual and perceived risks they are exposed to. Higher

levels of uncertainty in their environment mean achievable accuracy is lower. What is

more important in these instances is knowing precisely how inaccurate their forecasts are.

This can help them quantify their potential costs from differences in perceived and actual

risk. Hedging strategies are found to effectively mitigate actual risks, while increased

communication and building of supply chain relationships has been shown to mitigate the

effects of perceived risk deviating from actual risk.

Future research on the effect of risk on forecast accuracy should explore the

differences between perceived and actual risks in how they affect total supply chain costs.

Current logistics and supply chain management research conflates these distinct types of

uncertainty, and tend to focus on remedies that can be enacted by a single firm. Supply

chains depend on the willing participation of multiple firms, each consisting of agents

with varying risk preferences, so the effects of these differences on supply chain costs

should be measured.

Production and Inventory Control Policy

Generally speaking, more accurate demand forecasts decrease production and

inventory costs, regardless of control system. However, the effects of forecast accuracy

on costs depend on the type of control policies in place, and has been found to have

Pareto returns.

Production and inventory replenishment policies that include small buffers and lot

sizes, and who have little excess volume or varietal capacity will tend to be more

sensitive to demand forecast errors and are likely to see the most benefit from increases

in accuracy. Such policies are driven by achievable demand forecast accuracy, but also

varying costs of production switching and setup, master production schedule (MPS)

replanning, flexible production capacity, production volume capacity, labor, buffer and

lead time inventory carrying, and shortage costs. While many of these costs offset each

other depending on inventory or production policy, error has been found to significantly

affect the choice of policy and the costs associated. Many significant examples exist

regarding the choice of lot sizing policy, MPS freezing and replanning periodicity, buffer

stock policy, and lead time replenishment policy.

Demand forecast error, along with material requirements planning (MRP) process

error (Fildes and Kingsman 2011) and relevant cost tradeoffs between setup and

inventory carrying costs (Ho and Ireland 2012) have been found to have a significant

effect on the choice of lot sizing policy. Error can drive more frequent orders and more

responsive lot size policies if setup costs are low, it can motivate less responsive lot

sizing policies to take advantage of the effects of error aggregation is inventory holding

costs are low (Ho and Ireland 2012). The interaction of lot sizing policy and demand

forecast error have been found to have significant effects on overall production costs

(Wemmerlöv 1985, Venkataraman and D'Itri 2001, Fildes and Kingsman 2011),

increasingly as MRP structures become more complex (Lee and Adam Jr. 1986). Though

some studies have found cost savings from error reduction to be insensitive to lot sizing

policy (Jeunet 2006), particularly in cases of capacity smoothing (Harl and Ritzman

1985). Lot sizing policy has also been found to offset the production instability effects of

demand forecast error (Ho and Ireland 1993, 1998, 2012), except in cases of very high

error (De Bodt and Van Wassenhove 1983).

Forecast errors significantly impact optimal MPS planning horizon, freezing

proportion, freezing method (by period or order), and replanning periodicity depending

on direction of error bias (Zhao and Lee 1993, Lin et al. 1994,Venkataraman and Nathan

1999, Xie et al. 2004). Demand forecast error effects are shown to dominate the effect of

freezing proportion and replanning periodicity on MRP system costs (Yang and Jacobs

1999), particularly in push systems. In pull systems with frequent replanning and lower

degrees of MPS freezing, demand forecast error has a smaller relative effect dependent

on the relative costs of responsiveness and inventory holding (Masuchun et al. 2004).

There are some cases, such as in multilevel, multiproduct production systems that

experience hedging between product lines, that error is found to have linear effects on

costs (Altendorfer et al. 2016). However, most research indicates inventory reductions

and unit costs are not proportional to error reductions in production control environments

(Doganis et al. 2008, Fildes and Kingsman 2011, Jeong 2011), and some production

control policies are relatively more asymmetrically sensitive to bias than error (Xie et al.

2004, Sourirajan et al. 2008). When shortage costs are accounted for, slight positive bias

(nonzero error) has been found to minimize costs (Biggs and Campion 1982, Lee and

Adam Jr. 1986, Xie et al. 2004) and improve delivery performance (Enns 2002),

particularly when capacity is tight or shortage costs are high, but this has also been shown

to increase MPS tardiness (Enns 2002).

Demand forecast error drives required levels of safety or buffer stock, but

decreases in error provide Pareto returns on inventory cost savings (Zinn and

Marmorstein 1990), and may better be accomplished through reductions in bias

(Willemain et al. 2004). Buffer stock policy can also offsets forecast accuracy in

reducing schedule instability (Ho and Ireland 1993, De Bodt and Van Wassenhove 1983,

Enns 2002), though buffering is insufficient to completely control “nervousness”

(Wemmerlöv 1985). Inventory costs are found to be more sensitive to increases in error

when safety stock follows a constant cycle versus a constant stock policy, and when error

is nonstationary (Campbell 1995), and stock performance depends on order frequency,

lead time, and error distribution.

Logistics and supply chain management research also indicates significant effects

from forecast accuracy on inventory control policy. Liao and Chang (2010) find

interesting results under periodic review order-up-to (s,T) and continuous review fixed-

order quantity (r,Q) varying lead time and error in an ant colony optimization. In (s,T)

systems, longer lead time costs were positively correlated with error, whereas in an (r,Q)

system shorter lead time costs were more positively correlated with error. This implies

achievable error can be substituted for with appropriate inventory replenishment policy

and lead time combinations, though in general longer lead times monotonically increase

forecast error and overall inventory costs (Jeffery et al. 2008). Higher error associated

with longer lead times can also moderate the cost tradeoffs between quantity discounts

and inventory carrying costs in an (r,Q) system (Kim et al. 2003). Tratar (2010) show

that neither minimization of error nor bias under (s,T) replenishment minimizes inventory

costs, and suggest instead a joint optimization. Though this could be improved upon by

expanding to a more holistic measure like EVA. Huang et al. (2011) show that in a (s,T)

system, order adjustments based on bias are more cost effective than those based on error.

Ganeshan et al. (2001) show that in a four tier supply chain (distribution requirements

planning system) for a chemical company, increased error is related to increases in cycle

time costs (inventory carrying costs, obsolescence, warehousing) and reductions in

service level and return on investment (due to stock-outs, on-time delivery performance

and transportation costs). Inventory planning in closed loop systems may face difficulty

achieving accurate forecasts due to the increased expense and reduced reliability of data

in reverse channels (Kelle and Silver 1989). Finally, the effect of forecast accuracy on

inventory costs can be shifted to other members of the supply chain through collaborative

planning and control arrangements like vendor managed inventory (Kannan et al. 2013).

In general, this theme would imply “good enough” depends on the lot sizing

policy, MPS freezing and replanning periodicity, buffer stock policy, and lead time

replenishment policy in use. The appropriate choice of each policy and the effect of

demand forecast error would then include a consideration of relevant cost tradeoffs. As

with previous themes, work relating to control policies indicate Pareto returns on forecast

accuracy investments, and that other metrics such as forecast bias may be more effective

indicators of overall costs than forecast error.

Current research on this theme is limited to a production control policies in highly

specific contexts. Future work should attempt to generalize the effect forecast accuracy

on production control policies under multiple circumstances to determine whether

product, industry or market factors are significant covariates. The majority of research

regarding the effect of forecast accuracy on inventory control policy costs focuses on two

control mechanisms. Future research in this area ought to include a greater focus on

collaborative inventory models, hybrid inventory models, and inclusion of stochastic

assumptions, as suggested by Williams and Tokar (2008).

Driver Implications Proposed Future Research
“Good enough” depends on susceptibility to bullwhip, the relative Must shift to more comprehensive
Error import of the error amplification component of bullwhip costs, and diagnoses and normative responses.
Amplification feasibility of alternate means (other than error reduction) to combat
these costs.
Desired accuracy may be lower depending on the complex tradeoffs, Should focus on direct and indirect
both pecuniary and non-pecuniary, within and between firms in a effects of demand forecast accuracy
Cost Tradeoffs supply chain. To determine “good enough”, firms must assess their improvements on more holistic long
relevant tradeoffs and prioritize accuracy improvement investments to term value measures such as EVA.
those situations that promise the greatest returns.
“Good enough” can change substantially based on cost of shared data, The different effects of various types of
level of information asymmetry, trustworthiness of the shared data, information to be shared and types of
Supply Chain
for shared forecasts the accuracy of the downstream forecast, how collaboration between supply chain
Integration collaborating shifts cost burdens and on the effectiveness and principals have yet to be explored.
maturity of the collaborative relationship.
Flexible strategies have been shown to both increase achievable Current research on flexibility has too
Supply Chain accuracy and reduce reliance on accuracy, potentially meaning lower great a focus on local operations costs,
desired accuracy. Flexible strategies affect “good enough” by both

Flexibility must focus on holistic metrics like EVA.

replacing and augmenting demand forecast accuracy.
Manual adjustments can be expensive to implement, but have been Effects of adjustments need to be studied
Manual shown to increase achievable accuracy in a variety of circumstances. over a greater variety of contexts to
Adjustments Practitioners must weigh costs of updates against the potential benefit normatively prescribe action.
to determine “good enough”.
“Good enough” depends on both actual and perceived risk. Hedging Requires a greater understanding of the
against actual risk and increasing communication to limit the portion effect of differences between perceived
Risk of perceived risk that differs from actual risk can replace higher and actual levels of risk over multiple
required demand forecast accuracy. supply chain principals.
Inventory and production control policies introduce discontinuities in Should examine more generalizable
the cost tradeoff considerations of “good enough”. Practitioners production conditions, include more
Inventory and
should consider the effects of such policies explicitly when measuring stochastic assumptions, and focus on
Control Policy potential tradeoffs, and include other metrics besides accuracy more complex collaborative and hybrid
(particularly bias). inventory models.

Table 17: Summary of Managerial Drivers of Demand Forecast Accuracy


Our search was limited to journals with either a focus on logistics or supply chain

management, or related journals that feature research that specifically mention

implications of logistics or the supply chain. The term “logistics” only began to

popularly replace “physical distribution management” in the 1970s (Farris 1997,

Southern 2011). “Supply chain management” was coined in the 1980s, but did not gain

prominence until the later 1990s (Cooper et al. 1997). By including these terms, and not

more antiquated terms for similar concepts, we necessarily limited the search to more

recent articles. We also focused on peer reviewed journals written in English. The

limitation to English language articles reflects a limitation of the research team. Non-

English articles likely hold merit and would significantly improve our exploration of the

bounds of demand forecast accuracy, but our team did not possess the capabilities to

assess this. Omitting non-peer reviewed material admittedly eliminated several theses,

dissertations, books, and conference proceedings that certainly have merit and are closely

related to our topic. However, as these works were not subject to rigorous peer review,

our team had no verification of their rigor.


This review of logistics and supply chain management literature reveals a number

of themes that have been found to shape the bounds to achievable and desirable forecast

accuracy. Each theme has been explored and measured in academic research to varying

degrees, and the expected effects have been measured over a wide range of conditions.

For each theme, we provide a brief overview of extant academic work, relate what this

means for a demand manager, and recommend future directions for academic efforts to

aid practice. For the practitioner, this provides some indication, supported empirically,

analytically, or theoretically, of where to look when attempting to answer “How good is

good enough?”.

For technical drivers of demand forecast accuracy, the six themes indicate both

positive and negative forces on primarily achievable forecast accuracy. Research on

forecastability would suggest some demand patterns, characterized by high variation,

intermittence, and other non-stationarity makes lower levels of forecast error

unachievable. “Good enough” is lowered, and alternative mitigating investments, or

metrics to prioritize efforts like RAE better serve managers. Extant research indicates

increasing the horizon of a forecast also lowers achievable forecast accuracy, but that this

effect can be offset by aggregation effects when forecasts are generated for alternate

purposes. In these cases, managers must try to estimate what proportion of error comes

from the horizon. Overfitting and misspecification also lower “good enough”, as when

forecasters develop extrapolative models, they must be wary of replicating past patterns

too closely. This unfortunate ailment of all mathematical models implies that achievable

accuracy is higher than desirable accuracy when modelers adapt explanatory models for

use in prediction. In considering tradeoffs of metrics findings in the literature are that

“good enough” may not matter unless the right type of deviation of prediction from

reality is measured. Depending on circumstance, some metrics are more important to

overall performance than others, and optimizing any one will cause others to suffer.

Multiple measures should be used, and “good enough” for any one metric should be

lower than what is achievable. Research on level of aggregation and hierarchy indicate

that increases in both of these dimensions drive “good enough” higher. The effect from

hierarchy results from a concentration of resources. However, there is a risk from

aggregating in misunderstanding the relative importance of sampling and specification

error. Higher achievable accuracy through aggregation may also result in lower utility of

a forecast. Finally, academic work regarding the effect of data quality and availability

indicate that limits to these drivers will lower “good enough”. Hard limits exist where

improvements on quality or availability are not possible, but these can often be affected

through investments in capabilities to collect information or incentives to share

information between organizations.

Among managerial drivers of demand forecast accuracy, the seven themes

indicate both positive and negative forces on primarily desirable forecast accuracy. Error

amplification (or more commonly referred to as bullwhip) research demonstrates that the

effect of demand forecast accuracy on bullwhip-related costs is often smaller than other

factors. The literature also indicates signal amplification costs are only some of the

relevant bullwhip-related costs, and that these are unequally shared based on a firm’s

position in a supply chain. This suggests other remedies such as bias or lead time

reduction are more cost effective responses, and “good enough” may be lower. The most

complex and heavily investigated theme, cost tradeoffs, reveals the interdependent direct,

indirect and nonpecuniary costs associated with investment in additional forecast

accuracy or costs associated with lower levels of accuracy. Work reviewed under this

theme indicate the criticality for firms to accurately estimate their relevant costs, while

also revealing the incredible difficulty of generating cost (or value) functions for several

possible alternatives, requiring voluntary coordination from supply chain members who

bear costs and benefits unequally. Previous work indicates which costs will likely effect

“good enough”, but combination of effects depends on individual circumstances.

Research on supply chain integration indicates “good enough” increases with increasing

integration among upstream supply chain members, but “good enough” is lower with

increasing integration downstream. This means that “good enough” becomes a function

of position in a supply chain, and of how effectively the supply chain members can share

relevant costs and benefits of information sharing. The literature would indicate supply

chain flexibility has some mixed effects on “good enough”. Flexible strategies

simultaneously lower “good enough” by reducing reliance on forecast accuracy, and

increase “good enough” by increasing achievable accuracy. Manual adjustments are

found to generally increase “good enough”, but these depends on the costs associated

with gathering inputs and have diminishing returns. Previous investigations on risk

indicate mixed effects on “good enough”. Actual risk can entail both greater levels of

demand uncertainty, which lowers “good enough”, and greater cost vulnerability to

uncertainty, which increases “good enough”. If substantially different from actual risk,

perceived risk introduces additional costs, but in this case the requirement for accurate

knowledge of the level of error is affected more than the actual level of forecast error.

Finally, work regarding the theme of production and inventory control policy indicates

mixed effects on “good enough”. While inventory and production cost savings from

increasing forecast accuracy would indicate higher levels of “good enough”, these have

Pareto returns, and choice of policy appears to have a greater effect on costs than forecast


Within each theme, we also recommend areas for future research. While the

recommendations for each theme were unique, some common deficiencies in extant

literature were apparent. Future work in most themes must include more holistic

measures of value, and include a greater scope of extra-firm considerations. Local costs

do not motivate high level investments to change how a business operates, so measures of

forecast accuracy must be associated with long term value to the greatest extent possible.

Firms also do not exist independently of their networks of suppliers or customers, so

considerations of how forecast accuracy at various levels affect relative costs and benefits

between members of the supply chain must be included in future research. This research

can also be extended by applying these identified themes in a case study evaluation of a

firm or supply chain’s demand management processes. By explicitly measuring these

themes, it would provide a template for practitioners in evaluating their own conditions

for achievable and desirable forecast accuracy.

Demand managers will still have to identify which of these themes hold relevance

to their situation, and attempt to measure the relevant tradeoffs present in these themes in

order to determine what level of demand forecast accuracy is “good enough”. However,

guided by research findings in these six technical and seven managerial themes, they are

better equipped to assess the nuanced and complicated set of considerations and tradeoffs

that shape the answer to “How good is good enough?”.

Chapter 5: Conclusions

These three essays examine interrelated concerns in a critical supply chain input.

Whether forecasts are used for replenishment, sales staffing, coordinating storage and

transportation, or for sourcing and production, accuracy is critical to a supply chain’s

health. The three questions posed by the 4PL firm we partnered with on this research:

“What is causing our replenishment forecast error?”, “What predictive factors can help

improve our demand forecast accuracy?”, and “How good is good enough?” helped us to

address three more general deficiencies in forecasting literature as it relates to logistics

and the supply chain.

By identifying the effects of a previously unexplored driver of upstream

(replenishment) forecast deviation and bias, we show that internally controllable factors

can affect the performance of upstream replenishment. In our examination of inclusion

of exogenous (weather) factors on demand forecast quality, we demonstrate the ability to

harness readily available external information to improve prediction. Finally, our review

of the bounding factors of forecast accuracy provide practitioners with the means to

identify the levels of forecast accuracy that are achievable and desirable for their firm or

supply chain.

In our first essay, we found that the franchise governance form does significantly

affect both replenishment forecast deviation and bias. While the effect on deviation was

consistent with previous research on the proclivities of franchisees (Brickley and Dark

1987, Norton 1988a, Bertagnoli 1989, Krueger 1991, Carney and Gedajlovic 1991,

Kaufmann and Lafontaine 1994, Michael 2000, Yin and Zajac 2004, de Leeuw, Holweg

and Williams 2011), our findings on the effect of governance form on bias would seem to

contrast with previous indications from research on the operational effect of agency in

organizations (Rubin 1978, Norton 1988a, Norton 1988b, Noren 1990, Krueger 1991).

These results suggest that governance form does indeed significantly drive behavior

potentially misaligned with parent firm incentives, but the explanation for these

differences may be more nuanced than previously identified.

In addition to these main findings, we developed a novel method to explore

extremely large datasets in order to quantify the heterogeneities of the effect of

governance form on replenishment forecast deviation and bias. The technique we call

HPD permits the parsimonious identification of regional, temporal and product category

differences in the effect so that firm resources can be effectively targeted. This is

important, as firms are gathering data faster than they can effectively utilize it, and are

urgently seeking means to leverage this resource into a competitive advantage.

Given the decentralized structure of the franchising governance form, there is a

continued need to research factors that drive differences in post-contractual performance.

Knowing these factors can guide firms in their efforts to align their mix of governance

form with their overall strategy to minimizing form-specific residual loss and maximizing

the advantages of the plural form (Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004, Barthélemy 2008).

If deviation or bias related to governance form is beneficial, the individual differences

can be benchmarked (Bradach 1997, Yin and Zajac 2004). If not, firms can us relational

governance to effect change in outlets where they have little coercive power (Bradach

1997, Paik and Choi 2007, Cochet et al. 2008).

In our second essay, we find multiple predicted weather factors that can

significantly improve demand forecast accuracy. We found that weather forecasts for

high and low temperatures, as well as for thunderstorms significantly improved demand

forecast accuracy. We also found that other predicted weather such as wind speed, cloud

cover, rain, snow and overall precipitation largely did not improve demand forecast

accuracy, and in some cases made it worse. Effects were similar, if slightly more positive

for models that utilized perfect weather prediction (observed rather than predicted

weather). These effects differed by accuracy measure, product category, and weather


These mixed results indicate that inclusion of exogenous information into demand

forecasts can prove a difficult and complicated matter, despite the promise of greater

precision for operational planning (Bertrand and Sinclair‐Desgagné 2011, Nikolopoulos

and Fildes 2013, Steinker et al. 2016). This means that potential differences in the effect

of inclusion of these exogenous factors depends not only on the identification of a

significant weather effect, but the correct specification of that effect, which can be

nonlinear and heterogeneous across a number of dimensions. There is additionally the

potential for confounding present in aggregation of any sort of effect for use in demand

forecasting. The reliability of the exogenous factors themselves are also a concern worth

monitoring, as each weather prediction differs in quality based on forecast horizon,

specific weather phenomena, the sensitivity of weather sensors, and their distance from a

relevant demand point. Finally, the type of measurement used for demand forecast error

can affect the perceived benefit of including external weather predictions. The fact that

most of the observed demand accuracy improvement was in percent error measures, and

not in absolute measures, indicates that inclusion of external weather predictions

increased the responsiveness of demand forecasts.

This supports previous findings that predicted weather can significantly improve

demand forecasts (Nikolopoulos and Fildes 2013, Steinker et al. 2016), but extends these

finding s to a new industry, and over a broader set of regional and product-based

circumstances. It also demonstrates some of the difficulties inherent in inclusion of

uncertain exogenous information in demand forecasts.

Our third essay discusses in detail the current state of logistics and supply chain

research on the bound of forecast accuracy. Through our systematic literature review, we

identify six technical and seven managerial themes found to drive differential levels of

both achievable and desirable demand forecast accuracy. For each theme, we

comprehensively described the current state of logistics and supply chain research, the

implications of research for practitioners, and potential directions for future work. Our

review indicates the numerous factors that can shape the levels of demand forecast

accuracy are highly specific to the context, goals and capabilities of a firm or a supply

chain. Beyond identifying the state and future direction of research, our themes provide a

guide for practitioners in assessing their own demand planning situation to determine the

relevant factors that drive higher and in some cases lower forecast accuracy.

In addressing these three specific concerns from demand planners in a large 4PL,

we expand the academic understanding in three interrelated topics in forecast accuracy as

it related to logistics and the supply chain. Our results should drive future research on

factors affecting upstream replenishment forecast accuracy, factors that may improve

downstream demand forecast accuracy, and themes that dictate achievable and desirable

levels of demand prediction accuracy.


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Appendix A: Boolean Keywords for EBSCO Business Source Complete

The following keywords were applied to Publication Name, Title, Subject, Keywords or
Abstract with the EBSCO Business Source Complete databases:

((forecast* N5 (error OR accura* OR quality OR deviation* OR performance OR

consistency OR reliability OR precision OR bias))
((supply N5 chain*) OR logistic*)
(((bull* N5 *whip) OR "industrial dynamics" OR "system dynamics")
OR ((trade* N5 *off) OR (break* N5 *even) OR cost* OR "economic impact")
OR (aggregat* OR hierarchical OR combination OR composite OR synthesis OR
consensus OR pooling)
OR (judgement* OR subject* OR adjust*)
OR (information AND shar*)
OR (metric* OR measure)
OR (over* N5 *fit*)
OR (((safety OR buffer) N5 (stock OR inventory)) OR "lead time" OR "stock policy" OR
OR ("supply chain" N5 (collaborat* OR coordinat* OR manage*))
OR ("supply chain" N5 (integrat* OR synchroniz*))
OR ("service level" OR "fill rate" OR "ready rate" OR (stock* AND *out))
OR (horizon OR range)
OR (substitut* OR flexib* OR adapt* OR agil*)
OR (tolerance OR resilience OR robust* OR point)
OR (varia* OR uncertain* OR *predictab* OR *forecastab* OR volatil*)))


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