Republic of The Philippines Commission On Audit

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Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

Name of Agency
Completion Compliance Checklist
Year end ____________

I. Key Procedures
Description Document
Preliminary engagement
1. Auditee informed of the audit to be undertaken, its Engagement letter signed and
responsibilities under the audit and the audit requirements delivered
2. Auditors are independent from the Auditee and committed Auditor’s Declaration of
to be objective in the conduct of audit Independence and Compliance
with Other Ethical Standards
1. Established the Initial overall audit strategy indicating the Overall Audit Strategy
scope, timing and direction of the audit
2. Auditors gathered/updated and analyzed financial related
information as basis for Preliminary Risk Assessment
- Evaluated results of other audits conducted, cash Working Paper on Preliminary
examination, notices of suspension, disallowances and data analysis
charges issued, personnel/property accountability audit,
investigation of current/emerging issues
- Obtained understanding of agency’s objectives, operations UTA/Financial Accountability
and outputs in relation to funds/appropriations LogFrame
- Assessed existence and design of internal controls related Updated Agency Internal Control
to financial statements Framework/ALCC
- Assessed compliance with the Internal Control Policies, Walkthrough Analysis
Procedures and Practices (or General Accounting Plan for
national agencies)
- Conducted preliminary analytical review of financial Tie in analysis worksheet/variance
statements analysis worksheet
3. Summarized information gathered and the results of Summary Report on Preliminary
preliminary risk assessment Identification of Risks
4. Determined Materiality level by identifying and selecting Materiality Template
appropriate benchmark and financial data
5. Conducted risk assessment process Results of Risk Assessment at the
Assertion Level
6. Established the audit engagement plan to execute the audit Approved Engagement Planning
Memorandum with Audit Program
1. Approved changes in assessed risks of material Approved Revised Risk
misstatements, either due to fraud or errors, reflected in Assessment Template
Engagement Planning Memorandum
2. Approved changes in the Overall Audit Strategy and Audit Approved Revised Overall Audit
Plan Strategy and Audit Plan
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

Description Document
3. Sufficient documents gathered and fieldwork procedures Working Papers and audit
completed evidence duly indexed
4. Identified, evaluated, and documented related parties and WPs/AOMs/NSs/NDs/NCs
related party transactions; litigation and claims; segment
reporting; subsequent events; and account balances and
5. Discussed all misstatements and errors identified during the Minutes of the meeting
audit with the Auditee
6. Summarized all uncorrected misstatements and errors Summary of Uncorrected
7. Summarized audit observations and observations for Summary of Audit Observations
approval by the SA/RSA and discussion with the and Recommendations
8. Conducted exit meeting with the Auditee or those charged Minutes of exit conference
with governance (if appropriate)
9. Tracked Status of Prior Years’ Recommendations Recommendation Tracking Sheet
1. Presented Financial Statements and notes/disclosures Financial Statements
complete and in accordance with the prescribed reporting
2. Audit observations based on the results of audit and duly AOM with supporting documents
3. All material issues and concerns noted during the audit
included in the report or cleared
4. AOMs well written with complete elements of an
5. All critical matters cleared by the Audit Team Leader with Working Paper
the SA/RSA and CD/RD as deemed appropriate
6. Audit Report dated after and near the date of Management’s Management Representation
written representation certificate Letter
7. Audit Report issued was appropriate given the established Review Notes
materiality level and other qualitative factors deemed AAR/ML/SAOR
8. Audit Report was completed, reviewed and transmitted/ AAR/ML/SAOR
distributed on time
Quality assurance
1. All working papers and other documents in proper order, Audit documentation/Working
complete and signed off by preparer Papers
All top schedules contain the audit conclusion of the auditor
2. All working papers and other documents properly reviewed
and signed off by reviewer
3. All working papers properly indexed and referenced
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

Description Document
4. File and secure all working papers
5. All requirements in the templates from Preliminary
engagement to Reporting completed and documented
6. Financial management performance of agency evaluated Duly approved Financial
Management Performance Rating
7. Team performance evaluated Director’s Evaluation Form
Auditee Feedback Sheet
Plan for the next audit engagement
1. Actual hours completed and relative documentation placed
on file
2. Team debriefing held
3. Overall audit performance/execution reviewed

Prepared by:

__(Signature over printed name)__


Reviewed by:

__(Signature over printed name)__

Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

II. Engagement Sign-off

No. Description sign-off
and date
1. Based on my consideration of the matters set out below, supported by sufficient
review of relevant and significant audit documentation, I confirm that:
 The engagement has been appropriately executed in accordance with the policies
and procedures, sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained to support our
opinion, and the audit report to be issued is appropriate in the circumstances.
 I have been sufficiently involved in the audit process, including in key meetings with
the entity and the team.
 The extent and timing of my review of the items and matters referred to below is
sufficiently evidenced, either in the audit file or through comments below and
through this completion sign-off. Further, all significant matters have been
evidenced as reviewed.
2. Financial statements
I have read the final financial statements [and other information as appropriate] and
am satisfied
that the presentation and related
disclosures are appropriate.
3. I have read the audit report and am satisfied that it was transmitted at an appropriate
time after the financial statements were authorized for issue by the entity’s
4. I have reviewed the Recommendation Tracking Sheet, and agree with the disposition
of the Audit Team (of restating and/or clearing ________ audit observations and
5. I have reviewed the rating given by the Audit Team on the financial management
performance of the Auditee and find this in order.
6. I checked and noted that the Auditee Feedback Sheet has been sent to the Office of
the Director, Cluster ___.
7. I have prepared the performance rating of the audit team
8. I have discussed the performance rating with the Team.
9. Consultation and significant matters
There has been appropriate consultation on complicated or contentious matters, and
conclusions from consultation have been agreed, documented and implemented.
All significant matters identified, including matters that include information
inconsistent with the final conclusions, significant professional judgments, and matters
included the Schedule of Uncorrected Misstatements and justified departures have
been resolved, communicated to management and documented to my satisfaction.
10. Sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the assessed risks of material
misstatement due to fraud has been obtained through designing and implementing
the appropriate responses to those risks.
Identified or suspected fraud has been appropriately responded to.
11. Sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained in relation to financial statement
assertions for each significant financial statement area, including disclosures, allowing
us to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base our audit opinion.
12. Significant changes to the audit strategy and audit plan
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

No. Description sign-off
and date
All significant changes made to the audit strategy and audit plan since planning sign-off
have been appropriately documented and to my satisfaction.
13. The materiality values as assessed in the planning phase represent the final materiality
values and are considered appropriate.
I am not aware of any other information arising from the audit that requires those
materiality values to be revised further.
14. Entity representations have been obtained sufficient to support the audit report.
15. I have been sufficiently involved in the completion process
16. I have reviewed the Auditee performance rating prepared by the Audit Team and
agree to the ratings given
17. Independence
Since planning sign-off, no other matters have arisen that affect my independence or
that of the Audit Team and/or of COA, or any such matters arising have been
satisfactorily dealt with.
18. Compliance with ethical requirements
Since planning sign-off, no other matters have arisen that affect compliance of
members of the engagement team with ethical requirements, or if any matters have
arisen, these have been satisfactorily dealt with.
19. Where procedures additional to the original audit strategy and plan were deemed
necessary to achieve the stated objectives, these have been included in the audit file
and documented to my satisfaction
20. All necessary audit procedures have been completed, reviewed, and sufficiently and
appropriately documented.
21. Where matters have arisen after the date of the audit report, which required
additional procedures to be performed or resulted in a change to previous conclusions
drawn, they have been satisfactorily dealt with.

Prepared by:

__(Signature over printed name)__

Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines

III. Engagement Quality Control Reviewer (EQCR) Sign-off

Office of the Director _____________________________________________
EQCR sign-
Description off and
1. I have read and assessed at least the documents indicated below. I have included
additional comments, where necessary to refer to key meetings attended, any
further steps taken and/or any additional documentation reviewed by me.
 All significant matters
 Documents reviewed on a selective basis to review work performed in
significant areas (specify those documents or indicate if none is selected)
 The record in the completion sign-off of the engagement team's involvement in
the audit
 Records of internal consultations on significant matters
 Records of important discussions with the entity (significant matters)
 Schedule of Uncorrected Misstatements
 Others (specify)
2. I have sufficiently reviewed the draft audit report before it was finalized and
transmitted to the Auditee.
I have reviewed related documents for significant audit matters.
I have approved the dropping of unimplemented audit recommendation for the
Recommendation Tracking Sheet after evaluating the Audit Team report.
3. I have reviewed the Auditee Feedback Sheet and have discussed the contents with
the SA/RSA for feedback to the Team and for their formal response, if necessary
4. I have read the formal justifications of the Team to the negative feedback received
and taken the necessary action
5. I have reviewed the Performance rating given by the Team on the Agency and have
instructed the SA/RSA to take the necessary action.
6. I have given Performance rating of the Team.
I have discussed the performance rating with the Team.
7. I have transmitted a copy of the Audit Report to the Auditee.
I have sent the Auditee Feedback Sheet to the auditee.
Since the start of the audit, I am not aware of any matter that arose that may have
affected the independence, objectivity and competence of the audit team.

Prepared by:

__(Signature over printed name)__


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