Ob Notes
Ob Notes
Ob Notes
⦿ DIAMETERS OF THE FETAL HEAD Footling Breech – one or both feet are the
AP > T (fetal head) presenting parts
1.Tranverse Diameters BBB
Biparietal – most important TD Shoulder Presentation – fetus is lying
greatest diameter presented to the pelvic perpendicular to the long axis of the mother
inlet’s AP and at the outlet’s TD vaginal delivery is NOT POSSIBLE
average measurement is 9.5 cm
Bitemporal – average measurement is 8 cm Compound Presentation – when there is
Bimastoid – average measurement is 7 cm prolapsed of the fetal hand alongside the
vertex, breech or shoulder.
Anteroposterior Diameters SOO Complete flexion
Suboccipitobregmatic – smallest APD Moderate flexion
- fully flexed (presenting part) Partial flexion (military position)
- measured from the inferior aspect of occiput to Extension
the anterior fontanel Hyperextended
- average measurement is 9.5 cm Good flexion
Occipitofrontal – head partially extended Moderate flexion
and presenting part is the anterior Very poor flexion
- average size is 12. 5 cm
POSITION uterus not relaxing completely after each
⦿ LOA (Left Occipitoanterior) – most favorable & contraction
common fetal position 4. Show – slightly blood-tinged mucus discharge
fetus in vertex presentation (occiput) 5. Internal Examination – to assess status of amniotic
fetus usually accommodates itself on the left fluid, consistency of cervix, effacement/dilatation,
because the placement of the bladder is at the presentation, station and pelvic measurement.
right do it during relaxation
⦿ LOP/ROP – mother will suffer more back pains less IE done once membrane have ruptured
⦿ FHT Breech: Upper R or L Quadrant (above start with middle finger then index finger
Umbilicus) 6. Status of Amniotic Fluid (if ruptured)
⦿ FHT Vertex: Lower R or L Quadrant (below ● Danger of cord prolapse if fetal head is not yet
Umbilicus) engaged.
⦿ STATION - relationship of the presenting part of ● Danger of serious intrauterine infection if delivery
the fetus to the ischial spine of the mother does not occur in 24 hours
Minus (-) station – presenting part is above NITRAZINE PAPER TEST
the ischial spine used to assess whether membrane ruptured
Zero (0) station – presenting part is at the or not.
level of the ischial spine ● Procedure: “Insert and Touch”
Positive (+) station – presenting part is below Yellow – intact BOW
the level of the ischial spine Blue – ruptured
FLOATING – head is movable above the pelvic ● Normal Color of AF – clear, colorless to straw
inlet colored
+1 station – fetus is engaged ● Green tinged – meconium stain (fetal distress in
+2 station – fetus is in midpelvis non – breech presentation)
+4 station – perineum is bulging ● Yellow/Gold – hemolytic disease
● Gray/Cloudy – infection
⦿ THE PERSON ● Pinkish/Red stained – bleeding
FACTORS affecting labor PRC PCP ● Brownish/Tea Colored/Coffee Colored – fetal death
Perception & meaning of childbirth
Readiness & preparation for childbirth OTHER TEST TO DETERMINE STATUS OF
Coping skills AMNIOTIC FLUID
Past experiences
Cultural & social background ⦿ Ferning pattern of cervical mucus
Presence of significant others and support (“swab – dry – view”)
STAGES OF LABOR ⦿ Nile blue sulfate staining of fetal squamous cells
Starts from first true uterine contraction until FETAL ASSESSMENT DURING LABOR FHT
the cervix is completely effaced and dilated. Monitoring Latent Phase – every hour
Dilatation – widening of cervical os to 10 cm Active Phase – every 30 minutes
Effacement – thinning to 1- 2 cm Second Stage of Labor – every 15 minutes
CAUSES: FHT is taken more frequently in high – risk
1. Pergusion Reflex cases
2. Fetal head and intact BOW serves as a wedge to
dilate the cervix ⦿ Normal FHT Pattern
Maternal Assessment During Labor Baseline rate: 120 – 160 bpm
1. PIPIT PEPA HF Early Deceleration – FHT @ contraction,
2. Check V/S q 4hrs during the first stage Normal @ end of contraction (head
temp q hour if membranes are already compression)
ruptured (risk of infection) Acceleration - FHT when fetus moves
BP b/n contractions, in left lateral pos, q 15 –
20 mins after giving anesthesia ⦿ Abnormal FHT Pattern
a rapid pulse indicates hemorrhage & Bradycardia – 100 – 119 bpm – moderate
dehydration below 100 bpm – marked
3. Uterine contraction
Manual: fingers over fundus, you feel it about CAUSES:
5 secs before the client feels it 1. Fetal hypoxia (analgesia & anesthesia)
Techniques: 2. Maternal hypotension
1. assess contraction (DIIF) 3. Prolonged cord compression
2. check contraction q 15 – 30 mins during the first MGT:
stage 1. place mother on left side
3. Refer immediately if: 2. assess for cord prolapse
duration more than 90 secs 3. administer oxygen
interval less than 30 secs Tachycardia – 161 – 180 bpm – moderate
above 180 bpm – marked
CAUSES: Nsg Responsibilities: RRE
1. maternal fever, dehydration 1. Reassure woman that labor is nearing end &
2. drugs (atrophine, terbutaline, ritodrine, etc. baby will be born soon
MGT: 2. Reinforce breathing and relaxation
1. D/C oxytocin, position on LLP techniques
2. give 02 at 8 – 10 lpm 3. Encourage fast-blow breathing to remove the
3. prepare for birth if no improvement urge to bear down
2. Structural abnormalities of the reproductive 6. Reassure patient that her next pregnancy is likely
tract to last to term if she is young and has no other risk
factors. (no pregnancy for the next 3 months)
3. Inadequate progesterone production (corpus
luteum/placenta) 7. Determine woman’s Rh factor
6. Exogenous factors (tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, 2. Inevitable or Imminent Abortion – “can not be
caffeine, radiation) prevented”, (+) complete dilatation
3. High in low socioeconomic status (low protein b. Invasive Mole – developed during the first 6
intake) months
● About 10% of women are risk for Rh
ABO Incompatibility:
● Occurs when maternal blood type is O and fetus is:
Type A – most common
Type B – most serious
Type AB – rare
1. Rh Factor
● Rh factor is a distinct protein antigen found in the
covering of RBC
● 85% Rh positive and 15% Rh negative
● If person has the genes ++, the Rh factor is
● If person has the genes +-, the Rh factor is
● If person has the gene - - , the Rh factor is
Rh Sensitization/Isoimmunization:
● Exposure of Rh negative blood to an Rh positive