Ricoh Singlex TLS: Rep Air Manual AND Repair Parts

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The document appears to be a service manual for a Ricoh SINGLEX TLS camera, describing its components, mechanisms, and providing a parts list.

The manual describes components like the finder cover, mirror box, shutter, and various lenses that can be used with the camera.

The General Description section outlines the prism finder, quick return mirror mechanism, auto hinge, and light measuring mechanism.




) ) )


, SPECIFICATIONS 1 111·3 Auto hinge •.•••.••••••••••••.••••...• -••••••••
a) Outline ..........· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . .
I. DISASSEMBLING .......................................
. .
2 b) Amount of function & adjustment •••••.•••••••••• 9
I·1 Finder cover 2 111-4 Light measuring mechanism • • • • • • . . . . • • . • • • • • . • • • 10
1·2 Mirror box 2 a) Outline • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10
b) Detail ••••••••••••• ~ • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • 10
II ASSEMBLING 3 c) Sensitivity adjustment • . . . • • . . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12
11 • 1 Mirror box . • . • • • •.. • • • • • • • . . . • . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . 3
II· 2 Shutter set gear and Rack gear 4 111-5 Shutter release .............................. 13

IU GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PRINCIPAL SKETCH & PARTSLIST • • • • • • . • • • • • . . . . • • . . • • • • • • • • • • 14

MECHANISMS AND THEIR ADJUSTMENT 5 A. TOP COVER • • • • • • • • . • • • . • . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • • 14
111·1 Prism finder ••••••••.•••••...•..••.•............. 5 B. BOTTOM & SHUTTER • . • . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 16
a) Outline. • ••••••••..•••••..••..•.•.•.........•.. 5 C. FILM TRANSPORT & COUNTER . . • • . • • • • • • • • • 18
b) Focus adjustment 5 0. BACK COVER • • • • • • • • • . • • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 20
c) Mirror changing .••••••.••••••••.••..•........... 5 E. MIRROR BOX : FRONT • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22
d) Body back & Lens mount 6 .. F. FINDER & MIRROR BOX : SIDE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24
111·2 Quick return mirror mechanism •••••••••••.............. 7 G. MIRROR BOX : REAR •••••••••••••••••••••• 26
a) Outline •••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••..••.•..... 7 PARTS INDEX • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28
b) Mirror adjustment ••••••••••.••••.•.•.••..••....• 8

... . .
. .

. ,- F
, ..
Bracketed needle rOrrtling in view-
• finder. Bracket limits indicate on stop over
Normal or under exposure. Programs for speeds
Lenses· 55mm Auto Rikenon f/1.4 ASA 25 to ASA 1600. Use I .3V M-D Type
50mm Auto Rikenon f/ I. 7
.., 55mm Auto Rikenon f/2.8
mercury battery. Eveready EPX 625, Mallo-
ry RM625R or equivalent.
All fully automatic plus manual f stop con- Viewfinder Fresnel optics field with micro-split prisma-
trol. Focus range-I. 75 ft. to infinity, with tic grid, center circle.
infra-red focus compensating mark. Stan-
dard thread mount.
Advance Single stroke film advance. Film advance
Shutter Copal square S, Metal focal plane, Vertical lever winds film, cocks lens, ·advances film
travel curtain. Speeds: Bulb, I sec. to frame counter, which automati~atly resets
1/1000 sec. M and X synchronization. . when camera back is opened. Crank film
Speeds up to I /125sec. on X: up to I /1000 ·rewind.
on· M. Selftimer: approx. 8 sec. Coupl-
ed to automatic exposure system with Dimensions Height 95mm (3. 7/ I 0 inches)
manual override. Width l47mm (5.4/5 inches)
Diaphragm Automatic and manual coupled to auto- Depth 95mm (3.7/10 inches)
matic exposure system on-off switch. Lens with 1.4 lens
stops down for exposure reading through Depth 52mm (2.0 inches)
the lens when using au tom a tic exposure Body only
control system, returns to maximum aper- Weight l 040 g (2.3 lb) with
ture when meter is "OFF". 1.4 lens
Weight 730 g ( 1.6 lb) Body only
Meter Through the lens system using CdS instrn-
menta tion. Coupled to shutter and diaph-

~ ' H •• >• -· •- . .


(NOTE) :
1-1 Finder cover (See page 14)
The fo ll ow in g descripti o n shows th e sta ndard pro ced ure . If the
(a) Open the back cover, fix the film rewind shaft (30 1(i0555)
trouble is insignificant and dues not need 10 change IhL' mirro r
to prevent rotation, tum the film rewind crank to le ft and
box it se lf for re pairing, remove the finder cover, luosc n a little
remove the film rewind disk assembly.
two sc rews which fix Exposure meter (Pagc'.24, Nl).--lh) arhl take
( b) Loosen the nut which is installed uncler the fi Im re wi ncl
off the front lea ther, remove the four screws (Page 1<1 . No.15)
disk and remove the indicator knob (No. 22) along with
then 1he mirror box assembly can be m 0ved fo r\\' 1_) rd, (Pay
the indicator spring (No. 23).
attention to the lead wire.)
(c) Peel off the decoration plate (No. 7) and take off the sc rew
(No. 2).
R e move the
(d) Remove the film wind up lever (No . 9) and loose n th e
Rem ove the
cover fixing nut (No. · 11) under the film win cl up leve r
Rem ove th e
by turning it counterclock~is~ and remove the finder cover
Rem ove th e
from the body by lifting it up.

In assembling, take care not to damage the synchronizer
cords (X is green, M is brown) ex tending from th e sy nch ro-
nizer plug on the side of the finder cover. (Fig. I)


Fi~. 1

"~ '· :g 2
- mer rrm·r · SIM:! 11r@?f tz•h * Lt!~. ! ! l!,1 I

11-1 Mirror Box

fyteshing relations of ASA gear, speed gear and resistance gear.


Set the speed gear for the shutter itself to the Bulb (13) position and turn the
self timer counterclockwise to charge the mechanism. ( F ig. 2)
Turn the resistor gear in the arrow direction until it stops and back by o ne
tooth o f the gear. (Fig. 3)
(c) Set the shutter speed dial at B position and /\SA sca le at 1600 p os iti o n.
(d) Put the self timer lever to the stationary position. Fig. 4
(e) Under the above procedures, set the mirror box into the body. (Fig. 4)

(NOTE) :
Pay attention . to lead wire and meshin g of eac h gear an cl connecting lever. After
fixing the mirror box to the body fo ll ow ing check is necessary:
I. Set the shutter speed dial at 1000, and ASA scale at 25. (Fig. 5)
2. In condition as above, resister belt sh ould n ot toutch to set hin ge (Fig. 6)
3. Does the speed dial scale show the correct shutter speeds?
4. Is there anything wrong with the function of the se lf tim er?

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
11-2 Shutter set gear and Rack gear
(a) Turn the shutter set gear lightly it to the arrow direction <:1s far <:1s it rot<:1tes and
when it comes to stop, return it to the reverse direc ti on by one tooth .( Fig. 7)
(b) Put the rack lever assembly into the winding rivet which is fixed ro the winding
set plate and engage the rack gear with the shutter set gear.
(c) Place the rack holder on the rack gear and secure it with a screw.


I. The above assembling procedures show the .standard sequence for rhe gear
arrangement but small differences may be experienced with some cameras.
If the final winding torque is noticed abnormally heavy when the winding lever Fig. 7
is wound to the full limit, it is due to an excessive charge.
If the shutter cannot be charged',. by the minimum winding, it is beca use of an
insufficient amount of charging.
2. The remedy for the above two troubles is to slide back or f\) rth the rack gear
and shutter set gear in meshing so that a correct seuing can be' ob tained .

,. . 4
Micro sprit

Mat surface
111·1 Prism finder and body back (Focus adjustment)
(a) Outline Meter pointer frame
In the center of the view field of the finder, a micro pnsm is ins talled and a
simple mat surface is found around it. Meter needl

A mat surface with a Fresnel's arrangement is locate d surrounding the latter.

Fresnel lens
On the right side of the view feld, the mete r fix e d p o int in d icati on frame and
the pointer of the meter can be seen. (Fig. 8)
See Fig. 9 for the optical system of the find er. Fig. 8
(b) Focus adjustment
Pent a Pf ism Eve lull
(I) Adjust the mirror t:> the correct 45° position. (Fig. I 0)
(2) Move the . Fresnel's frame up or down by the washer so that an image in the
infinite distance can be focused on the Fresnel le ns.
In ordinary repamng, if the aberration is about I' adjustment of the mirror · Fresn•I lent

may be made by the 45° adjust screw.

After adjustment is performed by the adjustment screw, nev er fail to apply
the screw locking.
(c) Mirror changing
Fig. 9
For changing the mirror, it is re co mmend ed to change the mirror along with
the mirror frame .
For easy removal of the mirror, apply keth o ne to it and heat the surface of
the mirror with an electric iron etc.

:; Fig. 10
/· 5
-- -- ~

(d) Body back and Lens mount (Fig. 11)

A screw system (M42 Pl.0) is adopted for mounting the lens ro this camera .
The points which require accuracy regarding this screw mount type ;ire:

(I) In terchangea bili ty of the focus of the spare lenses.

(2) Interchangeability of screws for fixing the lens
(3) The slippage of indication
Parallel"degree between the lens fixing mount surface and the film rail surface "'
within 0.03 mm
Length from the lens fixing mount surface to the film rail surface (body back)
.45.45 ± 0.02 mm
Fig. 11
The tolerance for the slippage of inclica tor when the lens is fi rted to the
mount is ±I 0° against the reference of the vertical line passing through the
center of the lens.

The above points should be checked whenever the mirror box is removed
from the body and must be inspected also wlicn other mechanisms arc repaired.
For repairing faults with the a.bove arrangement, insert a washer under rhc lens
mount screw.


111-~~)auick return. Mirror:-.. mechanism ' (Fig. 12) (3) When the shutter ftlhctions and expo~ are finished,
the shutter pushes the top of the MIR~R RETURN
(af-1 Outline ...
LEVER (9).
(I) When winding is performed, at the same time as the setting The motion is transmitted through the LEVER (I 0) to
of the shutter, the SET CRANK (I) moves to the arrow push the HOOK LEVER (2) to the arrow direction and
directions, its claw tip catches· the claw of the HOOK finally the engagement of the HOOK LEVER (2) and
LEVER (2), the SET LEVER (3) functions pushing the
claw of the SET CRANK (I) is released when the engage-
tip of the SET LEVER (4) to the arrow direction and ment of (2) and (l) is separated, (3), (4), (5), (6), and
gives the spring mounted to the SET LEVER ( 4) a force, (7) function respectively to the arrow directions, the
for storage, to move the mirror up or down. (Fig. 12 A) mirror is returned and the quick return of the mirror is
(2) When the release button is pushed, the engagement of completed (Fig. 12 C).
(6) is separated, the RELEASE LEVER B (6) and
MIRROR UP LEVER (7) move respectively to the arrow
direction, and the MIRROR UP LEVER (7) pushes up
the mirror by its tip. Just before the mirror reaches to
the most top position; the mirror frame kicks up the pin
of the SHUTTER LEVER (8) and the claw on its bottom
rel~ases the shutter. (Fig. 12 B)


5 5
(Al (Cl

Fig. 12
) )

(b) Mirror adjustment (Fig. 13)
Adjustment of Release lever A and B
The a~justing operation should be made in the condition before the charging
of the mirror box and the shutter. The position -of the release lever A base
should be determind and fixed by screws so that the clearance between release
lever A and the lever B becomes 0.1 - 0.3mm.
If the clearance becomes wider than the above numbers, the mirror up lever
pushes the mirror pin when the winding lever is charged and the mirror moves,
therefore focusing becomes difficult (circled in Fig. 12 A)

On the other hand, if there is absolutely no clearance, the both levers do not
mesh well and will often spring up abruptly when the winding lever is charged
and the shutter will be released. '

111-3 Auto hinge

(a) Outline (Fig. 14) Fig. 13
The auto hinge is located on the· back bottom of the lens mount.
It functions in an interlocking relation with the quick return mechanism of the 6 ADJUST I Nu BUSH

mirror box and operates, connect and synchronizes the iris of the lens and the
auto pre-set mechanism. The sequence of function is as follows

When the release button is pushed after charging the mirror box and shutter,
the engagement of the RELEASE LEVER A ( 1) and the tip of the RELEASE
LEVER B (2) is released, the RELEASE LEVER B (2) moves to the arrow direc-
tion and the mirror lifts up at the instant the MIRROR UP LEVER (3) turns
to the arrowed direction.

Fig. 14


~ 8
\I..., At the same time, the AUTO CONNECTING LEVER
' {)
(< _. pushes the pin of
the AUTO LEVER (5) and the pin of the AUTO HINGE ( 7).
The AUTO HINGE, in its turn, pushes the PRE-SET PIN (8) of the lens which
is fixed on the mount and the iris is automatically adjusted to the correct position. A= Min. 8.3 mm

(b) .,.Amount of auto hinge function and its adjustment (Fig. 15) B =Max. 5.7 mm
: The reciprocating movement of the auto hinge pushes the auto pre-set pin of
the lens and the iris blades operate.
As shown in Fig. 15, when the auto hinge is in the stationary position, the
position where the auto pre-set begins to push must be located 8.3111111 and the
iris begins to close at the length of 8mm and becomes the minimum length of
For measuring light quantity, when the auto hinge is operated by pushing the
switch button, the auto hinge must have the same amount of function as above.

Adjusting method Fig. 15

Adjusting is to be made by turning the eccentric shaft of the adjusting bush
of the auto lever. (See Adjusting bush in Fig. 14.)

·~~· .. ~---11~-·.• - · '~·-·

)· ) )

111-4 Light measuring mechanism of Exposure Meter

(a) Outline
The camera has a buil-in T.T.L system interlocking exposure meter with 2 eds
cells installed on both sides of the ·eye lens. The applicable film sensitivity is
ASA 25-1600, the interlocking functioning range of the exposure meter is EV
2-18 and the power source is a mercury cell (I.JV MD Type) which is con-
tained in the battery box on the bottom of the body.

(b) Detail of mechanism (Fig. 16)

The relationship among the film sensitivity, shutter speed, and iris aperture as
the functioning system for measuring correct exposure light amount is const·
ructed as follows: sensitivity change dial and speed change dial are directly connected with
each o~her by a pin and if this pin is moved, the two dial knobs rotate individually.

The two knobs are directly connected with the ASA GEAR ( 1) and SHUTTER
(4) which idly mesh with the previous two gears, turn the GEAR RING (5)
Rotate the GEAR RING (5) which is connected to the RESISTOR RING (6)
fixed to the GEAR RING (5) and the electric current is adjusted.

The relation between the IRIS BLADE (7) and the METER (8) is the amount of
of light passing through the lenses varies when the IRIS BLADE ( 7) is changed
. by hand~ the CdS CELL (9) recieves the varied amount light, their inner resistance
change·s and the pointer of the METER (8) deflects correspondingly to the
correct position.

........... /

~ 10
.- ,
1' .,

'"'' ..... ~,. "' ~··

1 4
2 3

c.. ,. . ~ . ..
:·. '.'


- ..

1 ASA gear 6 Resistor ring

2 Shutter speed gear 7 Iris blade
3 Shutter gear 8 Exposure meter
4 · n gear
Connect10 9 CdS cell
5 Gear ring 10 Brush

Fig. 16
. ,,

(c) Sensi.tiviry adjustment (Fig. 17)

Seq~ence ,.
(I) Mount the lens to the camera and put the camera toward th e li ght so urce.
(2) When measuring light, prevent the lea ka ge o f light fro m th e gaps o f the
pen ragonal prism, meter and the eye pi ece.
(3) For measuring light, investigate, according t o the combinations given 111 the
table and following sequence of LY. 7. 11, and 15.
(4) If the position of the pointer is not correct, re move the finder cover a nd
move horizontally the brush located fr o nt of the pe nta go nal pri sm for ad-

If it is impossible to make adjustment by the brush, turn the ze ro arm a littl e.

When the zero arm is moved, the hair spring touches sometimes the casing of Fig. 17
the met er. Therefore, this type of adjustment mu st be av o ided as for as p os-

.. . . . .. . . .- .•,.,r:;:;
~-~--- ·--~ ----- --· ---·- --~
ASA lllll

(NOTE): .~.
7 1/4 ) 6 1 1 10 ..

I. Check the voltage of the mercury battery ( l.32Y±0 .05) -- - --- -- - ----- -
11 1 / ti O ~ b
-- - -- ------ ------ - - · -
I '.> 1/1000 '.> b ! .' ! .\
2. Perform sensitivity adjustment after confirming th a t if the relative meshing posi-
tions of the ASA gear, speed gear and gear ring are co rrect or not.

3. Is a secure contact maintained between the brush and resistor ring?

4. If the Fresnel lens or mirror is changed, checking the sensitivity is need ed.

5 . The sensitivity adjustment should be made with LY . I I, then there will be scarecely
a need for adjustment with LY. 15 and 17 .

6 . The adjusting range should be within ±I stage.


~-, · - ti
1 :~ ., " ~ ·I

Li;.,,. -..

..._,.5 Shutter release (Fig. 18)
.j ~·
·when the shutter is set at I/ I 000 speed and released, the NAIL LEVER should
move to arrowed direction a little earlier before the shutter released.

'ffthis interval is too long, the film may advance without exposure.
: Conversely, shutter is released while the NAIL LEVER remains on ordinaly position
the film is exposed but the film transport mechanism is not released.

Nail lever Stop lever Release lever A

Wind set plate

Fig. 18


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,,{.:J b the encircled

1. Parts represented y lso deliverable
consecu t ive numbers are a.
as assembly parts. -~- 14
·~ ........
--~ ~
.... ----,., ;

--~ , ·-' ____

>: "'.':
.., J

_____·p_-·- -- - ··-· ---- - · - -----·

Ske ch 1
Part No. Description Part No. Description
No. . .
.. No .
I 30i60705 Plate : screw decoration (B) 27 30160561 Finder cover (\V)
2 02423040Z Screw : M 2.3x4.0 30 160562 Finder cover ( B)
3 30160442 Plate : wind-up l ev~ r 28 30 160351 Window film co unter
4 30160514 Spring washer (24~28) 30 160087 Finder cover ass'y (B)
5 30160513 Spacer : wi n d-up lever (25~28) 30 160082 ' Finder cuver ass'y ( W)
6 30 160763 Lever : film wi n d-up (B) 29 30 160084 Accessory shoe
7 3107 1277 · Pia te : screw decoration (W)
8 ~ ~
~ cgPlate : wind-up lever ~ofh ~4*.b 'f:- -~0111J:~7
9 30160364 - Lever : fi lm wind-up (W) J

10 30 160363 Plate : film wind-up

11 30160362 Nu i : finder cover
12 ~ 30160549 Screw t vv J -.,
~ 30160769 Screw (B)
13 ~ 30160553 Coll ar (W)
30160560 Collar (B)
14 '
~ 301605 57 Crank : film rewind
lb ,3{}-j6{154&
' 15 ~ Pin : film rewind Jor60-tJtf
· ~ ...,.... . - -JV .I'-"....,.
-- - ·-"'
17 ::- 30160556 Fi ln;i rewind disk (W)
30160559 Film rewi~d disk (B)
18~ 30160558 Spring : rewind crank
_19 ~ 025140J 8W Screw : M I .4x 1.8 -
(I 2-1 9) 30160058 Film rewind disk ass'y (W)
30160059 Film rewind disk ass ' y (B)
20 30160331 Nut : film indicator
21 30160329 Film iri<licator (W)
30160706 F'ilm indicator (B)
22 30 160328 Knob : film in dicator (W) '
30160653 Knob : fi lm indicator (B) ,A'

23 30160330, Spring : film indicator

24 30160638 ·,_ Lug plate (Black cover o nly)
25 3016035 5 Synchro socket
26 . . 3016.0360 Nut : synchro socket
' ··-~- ~-

. -·~·
__ ·

·-· ----


1 56
2 I
/. /


- - ---35

---.oq...,L~.... --- _-... --1.::::

) )

Sketch Sketch Dcscriptil>ll

Part No. Description Part No.
No. No.
---·· ·---- -- ------ ------ ---·-·-- ---· --- -· --------- -. --------· ---··

I 02420030W Screw: M 2.0x3.0 J4 30160011 Release lever A

2 .- .:_30160385 Shutter 35 30160162 Screw
,. •'

3 - OOi20030Q Screw : M 2.0x3.0 · 36 .30160017 Rack k'Vl'r ass'y

4 08071005 Washer 37 30160200 Plate rad, kvcr
5 30160565 Guide : release lever ,.
38 02020035W Screw:M 2.0x3.5
6 30160148 Screw 19 30160361 Shield paper
7 30160145 Shaft : shutter release 40 30160166 v Tripod Sl>1.·ket
8 07200020E Retaining ring 41 02420040W Screw I\ I 2.lh4. l1
9 30160009 Bulb lever 42 30160426 Spring : rl.'lcase kwr B
JO 30160148 Screw 43 30160012 Release lever B
11 30160151 Spring : shaft 44 025 J7030W Screw M 1.lxJ.O
12 30160443 Screw 45 30160452 I nstlla I l>r
13 08071005 Washer ; 4<> 30 I <10451 Battery ClHl lacr
14 30160057 Strap metal 47 02 I I 7025Z Screw I\ I I. 7x2.5
15 02520035W Screw : M 2.0x3.5 48 30160454 Battery 1.·asc
16 30160J05 Shield : shutter 49 02417025M Screw 1\1 I. 7x2.5
17 30160604 Name pliire 50 30160455 I nsula hff pla tc
18 30160602 Front leather : left 51 30160456 Battery Cl>vcr
19 30160369 Front leather : right 52 30160423 Rubber shil'ld
20 30160420 Rubber : shield 53 02017030F Screw 1\1 I. 7xJ.O (\V)
21 30160164 Stop lever 02017030Q S1:rew 1\1 I. 7x3.0 (13)
22 30160165 Spring : stop lever 54 30160503 Bottom cowr (\\')
23 30160153 Screw : stop lever 30160753 Bottom c'nver ( B)
24 30160152 Lever : Sprocket release 55 25030013 Strap ri1fg
25 30160154 Spring : sprocket release 56 30160078 Mirror b'ox ass'y
26 30160153 Screw : sprocket release 57 30160457 lnsula llH.• pip1.· A
27 30160095 Wind-up shaft ass'y
28 30160394 Screw
29 02520035W Screw : M 2.0x3.5 .,
30 30160159 Screw : spring hook ,,,.
31 301600]{) Nail lever
32 30160158 Spring : nail lever
33 30160157

Screw : nail lever

L. ---
... :~--) -
. .' ._·


I 37


'r _,.()

Pa"• represented b
consecutive numbers
as assembly parts
y ar'
the endrded
c a so deliverable

41 39 .

- . -- --.~·-- -·- -· ·-- ~ 18

- )..

... fl"" .
.--i.,; I
.dl Dcsniption Sketch Part No. Desnipti•jr.
Part No.
1'0. No.
I JOl60Jl6 Eye piece frame 32 30160006 Wind-up caJTI ass'y
.) 02420035\V • Screw : M 2.0x3.5 33 30160123 Gear D
,' J 30160108 Gear E 34 30160124 Bushing : gear D
4 08044015 Pin : sprocket shaft 35 30160122 Spring : spool
5 30160107 Spring : sprocket shaft (33-35) 30160094 Gear D ass'y
6 08072041 Washer 36 30160104 Rubber shield
7 I
30160106 Shaft : sprocket 37 30160288· Spool
(3-7) I 30160002 Sprocket shaft ass'y 38 30160110 Screw : sprocket stop
8 301601 l l Base : gear E 39 08073052 Washer
9 02417020W Screw : M I. 7x2.0 40 30160109 Sprocket
IO 30160136 Screw : reverse stopper 41 30160325 Screw : film guide
II 30.160135 Spring : reverse stopper 42 30160519 Rubber eye cup
12 30160134" . Lever : reverse stopper
13 30160133 Spring : safety lever
14 30160132 Screw : safety lever ..
15 30160131 Safety lever
16 30160005 · Gear B.C.
17 30160128 Shaft : gear B.C.
18 30160127 Screw : middle gear :
19 30160126 Middle gear
20 30160015 Film counter
21 30160.190 Spring : film counter
22 30160174 Spring : counter advance
23 30160178 Spring : counter advance -
24 30160181 Spring : reverse stopper
25 30160184 Spring : counter p,Jease
26 30160014 Counter base ass'y
(20-26) 30160016 Film counter ass'y
27 02520035W Screw : M 2.0x3.5
28 30160424 Screw : cover prop
29 30160378 Spring : clutch lever
30 31071002 Clutch lever ass'y
31 30160430 Screw
) ) )



II :1
~ I

\ 4

Parts represented by the encircled

consecutive numbers are also deliverable
7 as assembly parts.

L.i I
,.-- ....'

) ) )
' .


- d Part No. Description


-----·-----·-·- ··- ---··-·--.

I 02014030W Screw : M I .4x3.0

2 30160345 Clip ~over
3 30160343 Latch : back cover
4 30160344 Shaft : back cover latch
5 30160443 Screw
6 30160346 Spring : back cover open
7 30160102 Body.
8 30160424 Screw
·9 02520035W Screw : M 2.0x3.5
10 30160539 Contact p}ate
II 08074059 Washer
© 30160318A Bushing : rewind' shaft
13 30160320 B Spring : rewind shaft

14 30160555 Film rewind shaft

15 30160427 Rubber : shield
16 30160418 Rubber ~ shield
17 02017025W Screw : M l.7x2.5
18 30160337 Hinge : . back cover
19 30160338 Hinge pil}_
20 30160348 Lea th er :-- back cover
21 30160039 Back cOV£r
22 30160040 Pressure plate
( 18-22) 30160041 Back cover' ass ' y
23 30160103 Rubber : shield

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6 12 1I.
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18 .
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9 38 39
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1.7 I i


t.8 50/
52' 1..1
51 1
I Parts represented by the encircled
58 consecutive numbers are also deliverable
I as assembly parts. I .
~\ ....

I .""fl/
.. )
\ ) )
- It·""

si..~ h ;..
Part No. Description Part N n. lkscriptill'l
.. . J. Nu .

Screw :M l.4x2.0
Connection gear B
Bearing : connect shaft
ASA Gear
Shutter speed gear
-31071 I <17
SLTew :M l.7xl.4
Base. lens nwunt ' 1'i
Si:rnw M 2.0x-l.O
Cover : mirr,1r b11x ( \\')
Cover : min11r b11x (Bl
,.. : . / (~ 3 6)
6 30160276 Screw 37 02417018W Scn~w : I\ I I. 7x 1.8
7 30160275 Spring : speed dial 38 30160415 Spacer : t=O.OJmm
8 30160291 Screw : self timer 30160416 Spacer : t=O. 05111111
9 30160035 Shaft : self timer 30160417 Spacer : t=O. 1111111
10 025 J 7060W Screw : M I. 7x6.0 3lJ 3107 I 168 Lens mount screw
1I 31071 I 5 9 Brush : resister belt 40 30160650 Screw: l\t 2.lh 2.5
12 30160497 Insulator 41 30160421 Rubber shil·ld
13 30160496 Spacer : insulator 42 30160515 Lug plate
14 30160497 Insulator·; 43 30160444 Screw .M I. 7x 1.4
15 30160498 Nut : resister brush 44 30160491 Contact segment
16 30160314 Shield : mirror box 45 30160481 ASA indil·at<)r
17 30160313 Rubber : mirror cushion 4<1 30160264 Dial t)l)intcr
18 30160493 Support ring : resister belt 47 30 I <10265 Screw
19 30160483 Gear ring 48 30160266 S wpper SL"rl'\\
20 30160075 Ring : resister belt 4l) 30160271 Base : spt::cd dial
21 025 l 7030W Screw : M 1. 7x3.0 50 30160272 Nut : speed dial
22 30160074 Connection gear C 51 JO I <10033 Shutter speed dial
23 30160445 Screw : M l .4x 1.4 52 30160279 Plate : ASA click
24 30160289 Lever : self timer (Wj 53 02014025W Screw M l tix2.5
30160654 Lever : self timer (B) 54 30160280 ASA plate
25 30100231 Plate : rein forcing 55 005140100 Screw :M l.4xl.ll
26 30160290 Screw : self timer lever (W) 5<i 30160274 Screw
30160713 Screw : self timer lever ( B) 57 30160273 Shaft : ASA dial
27 02417018W Screw : MI. 7x 1.8 58 30160034 ASA dial
• -
28 30160261 Base : 1tU to hinge 51) 00514016L Screw :M l.4xl.<1
29 30160262 Pin : au to hinge (1() 301 <10284 ASA wind<l\\ I,.
30 30160263 Spring : au to hinge 61 08070011 Washer
31 30160030 Set hinge 62 08074063 Washer
( 28-31) 30160053 Auto hinge assembly 63 30160554 Washer
32 02520035W Screw : M 2.0x3.5
--·----- ~---~----- -·

) )

LC) 44
..... '




. 39

.....--- 38
~ ......


~ I

..... 31
.......... 30
52 20,


Parts represente d b Y the encircled

d 1· ble
consecutive numbers are .a lso e 1vera
as assembly parts.
23 25

,....,f 24
) ) )
- Sket• -

Part No.




Part No. l
No. Nn.
nQ]\ ------ ---------· ·-· - ------
1 3016045-9 Switch button 32 30160072 Switch slide pla re
2 30160462 Spring: switch button 33 30160022 Mirrnr supp1.Ht lt'Vl'r
3 08090008 Steel ball 34 30160400 Lief spring: mirrLH b1.)X
4 30160463 Base: switch button JS 31060209 Spring: mirrnr frame
s -30160464 Screw: switch button 3(1 31060208 Collar mirrur frame
6 -· .08071001 Washer 37 31060021 Mirror frame
-7 . 08070027 Washer t=O. l 38 310<1042.2 Shield: -mirror franw
08070038 Washer t=0.05 J() 31060205 Mirror .3--J/(_;c._> ).U~-

08070042 Washer t=0.03 40 31 ()(10216 Screw

(1-7) 30160071 Switch button ussembly ( ') o ICo~ ~ 41 025 I 7040W Screw: MI. 7x4.0
8 02417028W Screw: MI. 7x2.8 42 30160207 Shaft: mirrur frame
9 025 l 7030W Screw: MI. 7x3.0 43 301ti0298 Shield
10 30160470 Eccentric l;>ush 44 30160311 Lens: eye piece
I1 30160224 ~J Screw: lever B 45 30Iti0563 Exposure l\kter
12 30160225 Spring: lever A 4h 025 I 7040W Screw: 1\.11. 7x4.0
13 30160024 Auto diaphragm lever B 47 30160299 Shield
14 30160023 Auto diaphragm lever A 48 30160499 Frenel bLIX
15 30160236 Shaft: set lever 49 025 I 7030W Screw: MI. 7x3.0
16 30160217 Shaft: lever A B. 50 JOl60301 Spacer: frt·nel field
I7 30160211 Bracket: mirror shafc 51 JOI C10JOO Frend lt·ns
18 30100229 Click spring 52 30160500 Frame: finder fie Id
I9 30160223 Spring: lever A 53 30160303 Condensor lens
20 30160235 Screw: set lever 54 30160310 Spacer: prisum
2I 30160240 Spring: set lever 55
., ., 30160304 Prisum suportor
Set lever screw
Spring: mirror-up lever
30160305 Prisum
30160306 Prisum cover
24 30160234 Collar: mirror-up 58 30160309 Spacer: prisum hol,ier
25 30160026 Calking: set lever 5() 30160307 Prisum lwlder
26 30160025 Mirror up lever (1() 025 I 7055W Screw: MI. 7x5.5 >

27 30160242 Screw: release lever B

-· •
6I 301h0308 Spring: prisum lwl,ler
28 30160241 Release lever B <12 30 I <10512 Spring: pnsum huhler ·"
29 30160226 Set screw B: dial index 63 30160647 Cushion
30 30160073 Contact plate 64 30160466 Screw
31 025 I 7025W Screw: MI. 7x2.5
) )
) ...


3 .




r ,J /~ 4


6 7
I . 26

·.) ) ,_,
~· ..
- Sket1.:h Part No. Description
. ·.
1 30160256' Screw
Set lever
Rubber : lever cushion

31071232 Rubber : lever cushion

4 30160255 Set crank
5 30160256 Screw
6 30160254 Spring : hook lever
7 3.0160253 Screw
8 30160252 Screw: book lever
9 30160251 Hook lever : set crank
10 30160250 Spring : shutter lever
11 30160249 Screw: shu.tter lever
12 30160028 Shutter lever
13 02417020W Screw : M 1. 7x2.0
14 30160027 . Mirror return lever
15 30160458 Mirror box
16 30160419 Shield A:mirror box


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.. n! ·~-~~~'-~-·~--~·~~~-~~..~!!!!!~~§~)~·~-~~.§. . .~. ,. . , .-~·.:·
~ "
...... Part No . Index No. Part No. Index No.
..... ···:· Part No. Index No. ·-··
·. :·.·.":".
... 3'016 0002 C-(3-7) 3016 0073 F-30 3016 0151 8-11
.. 0005 C-16 0074 E-22 0152 B-24
.,,, 0006 C-32 0075 E-20 0153 B-23,26
.. 0009 8- 9 0078 8-56 0154 B-25
0010 8-31 0082 A-(25-28) 0157 8-33
0011 8-34 0084 A-29 0158 B-32
0012 8-43 0087 A-(24-28) 0159 B-30
0162 8~35
0014 C-26 0094 C-(33-35)
0015 C-20 0095 B-27 0164 B-21
0016 C-(20-26) 0165 B-22
0017 B-36 0166 B-40
0021 F-37 0102 D- 7 0174 C-22
0178 C-23
. 0181 C-24
----· 0024 F-13 " 0105 8-16 0184 C-25
0025 F-26 0106 C- 7 0190 C-21
0026 F-25 0107 C- 5 0200 B-37
0027 G-14 0108 C- 3 0203 G- 3
0028 G-12 0109 C-40 : 0205 F-39
0029 G- 2 0110 C-38 0207 F-42
0030 E-31 0111 C- 8 0208 F-36
0031 E- 5 0122 C-35 0209 F-35
0032 E- 4 0123 C-33 0211 F-17
0033 E-51 0124 C-34 0216 F-40
0034 E-58 0126 C-19 0217 F-16
0035 E- 9 0127 C-18 . 0223 F-19
0039 D-21 0128 C-17 . 0224 F-11
0040 D-22 0131 C-15 0225 F-12
0041 D-(18-22) 0132 C-14 0226 F-29
0053 E-(28-31) 0133 C-13 0233 F-24
0057 B-14 0134 C-12 0234 F-23
0058 A-(12-19) 0135 C-11 0235 F-20,22
0059 A-(12-19) 0136 C-10 0236 F-15
0071 F-( 1- 7) 45 B- 7 0240 r 11
0072 48 B-6,10 0241 .._,.::8
- F-32
·.,.·- . 28
) ) )

\ ) . ---·~

" '

Part No. Index No. Part f\I


Index No. Part No. Iii ' x No.

- I-

3016 0242 F-27 3016 .,.,05 F-56 3016 0394 B-'28

0249 G-11 0306 F-57 0400 F-34
0250 G-10 0307 F-59 0415
0251 G- 9 0308 F-61
oi52 G- 8 0309 F-58 0417 E-38
0253 G- 7 0310 F-54 0418 D-16
0254 G- 6 0311 F-44 0419 G-16
0255 G- 4 0313 E-17 0420 B-20
0256 G-1,5 0314 E-16 0421 E-41
0261 E-28 0316 C- l 0422 F-38
.. 0262 E-29 0318 D-12 0423 B-52
.·. 0424 C-28,D-8
~ 0263 E-30 0320 D-13
. 0264 E-46 0325 C-41 0426 B-42
0265 E-47 0328 A-22 0427 D-15
0266 E-48 ;
0329 A-21 0430 C-31
0271 E-49 0330 A-23 0441 A- 8
0272 E-50 0331 A-20 . 0442 A- 3
0273 E-57 0337 D-18 0443 B-12, D-5
0274 E-56 0338 D-19 0444 E-43,33
0275 E- 7 0343 D- 3 0445 E-23
0276 E- 6 0344 D- 4 0451 B-46
0279 E-52 0345 D- 2 0452 B-45
0280 E-54 0346 D- 6 0454 B-48
0284 E-60 0348 D-20 0455 B-50
0288 C-37 0351 A-28 0456 B-51
0289 E-24 0355 A-25 0457 B-57
0290 E-26 0360 A-26 0458 G-15
0291 E- 8 0361 B-39 0459 F- I
0294 E-36 0362 A-11 0462 F- 2
0298 F-43 0363 A-10 0463 F- 4

0299 F-47 0364 A- 9 0464 F- 5

0466 F-64
0300 F-51 0369 B-19
0301 F-50 0375 E- l 0470 .. F-10
0303 F-53 0378 C-29 0477 E- 2
0304 F-55 0385 B- 2 0480 E- 3
) ,. ("
) I'
Part No. Index No. Part No. Index No.
3016 0481 E-45 3016 0638 A-24
. 0483
. 0493 E-18 0653 A-22
0496 E-13 0654 E-24
0497 E-12, 14
0498 E-15 0705 A- I
0499 F-48 0706 A-21
0500 F-52 0713 E-26
0503 B-54 0751 E-36
0512 F-62 0753 B-54
0513 A- 5 0763 A- 6
0514 A- 4 0769 A-12
0515 E-42
0519 C-42
0539 D-10
0548 A-15 3010 0231 E-25
0549 A-12 3010 0229 F-18
0551 A-16
0553 A-13
0554 E-63
0555 D-14 3107 1002 C-30
0556. A-17 116 7 E-34
0557 A-14 1168 E-39
0558 A-18 1159 E-11
0559 A-17 1232 G- 3
0560 A-13 1277 A- 7
0561 A-27 .
0562 A-27
0563 F-45
0565 B- 5
. .
.·. ·. .. 0602 B-18
0604 B-17
-·- 30

j r. ....•,No.•,•
·Part fnjex No. Part t Index No.
02014025W E-53 07200020E B-8
02017025W · D-17 08044015 C-4
02014030W D- I 08090008 F-3
02017030F B-53 08072041 C-6
02017030Q B-53 08074059 D-11
02020035W B-38 08070027 F-7
02 l l 7025Z B-47 08071005 B-4, 13
02417018W E-27,37 08071001 F-6
02417020W C-9,G-13 08074063 E-62 ~.

02417025M B-49 08073052 C-39

02417028W F- 8 08070038 F-7
02420030W ·B- I 08070042 F-7
02420035W C- 2 25030013 B-55
02420040W B-41,E-35 ; 08070011 E-61
02423040Z A-2
025 l.7025W F-31
02517030W B-44,E-21
F-9,49 .
02517040W F-41,46
025 I 7055W F-60
· 02517060W E-10
02520035W B-15,29
.. ··. E-32
02s14ou~w · A-19
002200JOQ B-3
00514016L E-59
00514010Q E-55


Your Mark of Quality



No.14-6, 6-chome, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Six Kingsbridge Road, Fairfield, New Jersey 07006, U.S.A.

RICOH NEDERLAND B.V. Pri~ted ·in Ja( .

VrachtgP.bouw Schiphol-Centrum Amsterdam. ·Holland
ss' 2so212 ·:s

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