Ffi (Rrrfi: Qreftq
Ffi (Rrrfi: Qreftq
Ffi (Rrrfi: Qreftq
qrEftq s[fi fr+Trrr
qd 6qq lq6dr d ql.
Tq *{qqret GFf{er lFT o.rqfaq, qer<rq. js{-+oo oor
O/o Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai -400 00 |
iD t
{Sord ftff(\q-egg Tftfr( cffiqrc@ f}qpfrq q0err
iiD rffrur efo +s-6 of {frF-d qffiJrrtr-f, rtfteir
Page 1 of 52
E. slefrflsT Erqfdqt n silord sffG{A\ryr) . q{ zors-ro q zoro-rz d fuq
\TA{s'd srfr qEi d.r{i ig 3ndfud Frqfrfud qffi/ft.rlftqqfteN
r.r s.rfqo rrff qftercrj d ftq qtd qst oi TqEr ero f+riq, Tg ftl-d d
grq{ \4qr : g'ry.,-cB/oz/zozo-qrfrgq- t. ffi z+.ot.zozo S ft|{a fl+fuf
d erSvn ol .rS B t
s. ter.rqr;I:
o- ffic/f i tFm (tuR-a otrqrq i
i d-Eo-e (s.zr ,zoo-oo,r oo)
u. ega;rd off , i tftw (ft'fr-d 6 )
i dqa-r (s.l s.ooo-so,r oo)
A. Rffi:
a1 d-strq7ffi d qs a1 Rffi rtr d eqnr< fr'{r"T frRqq/{fte d er5vrc
3TfurprlT d er5o-+o r-e eik er5ar+o r-e it fr G dr
+.e etffi+q Rffi of rrw 6'* ftilfr Td q_+Tr qr R-rr of{ <Frqur qdrg cffid o1
dt Eqrr d fufl rll r+s w R-rr ot$ ofrur ddrg.ffi cBqr o) frqtr 6{i qr
q{rc !ffrqT ti er+orq od or srEon Br
Page 2 of 52
5. sttt€M:
s.2 ercftr qfu/TdTd tF{6 o}cT d ftT trfud qdi c-{ aqBd sTrAE-ol o) riqF+rd
ric.f Sr)
ertr/Grqr/3rsqr /3rftq/qqs d qd +t fr erm)fu-o fu-qr qn'rn cdifu. qrqar
4qF-d 3nffii d riqfud trgqFr q{ ft,t* d s+-or-Bl
s.+ d
sTriEo 3rT{ft-d -ffi d qd d fttg annfi orcr qrgd d * qTg rf qe zruir d
v+o) gerq
, sTEr+rft enr qfff orFr{qin qqrorqs rEd 6.{r +n 3it{ srifi o-{d trq-q
iifffiwT clfa w gqfrg F*cr d{r1
qrfr 3{rilqfi {g eqn €i fu eefi eiffi am "{flnq siqFFr,, d qrq qq.ff
ofr t cffnq qfn q{n, aq oTrffii d 3rci Td'ewriw rcgo oti fil
q 6{i w stinr q{t=r ftrw oq fuqr olr-qr 3n'r d-dq sEors d eq entvt d
e+1en enn ai @fu el qry{ft1
s.s arq ltssr o.f ii erner"r d ernrn r* fufo g qqo qfu d +o gfrtr+a or+
erqsqo t
srd qrft qqrqqr +{r qrGq et-{ Mq-n ftf}-o) dq-+w *"n n TSi E}.{r
!TG\t {q'wetss d fuc Mq6 ftfu strcdrlq enfEc qr srfu o1 dRq ftfq
steltd os / r r ,/ zozo d.ft I
s.o sq*tn d frsq if 3Trffit d q6 eqr{ r€rr d,n fu qe ao ffior orfffi grqr
ffirNi qff qeqor r=riilfr-d c-€t EY qffi t ilq il6 v{ft1 s-ffir sfifrq qrff
etrn{d o} qe .fr
qry-.fr t ffi 6 qffi t fu 3rw/3rqqr/3rftq 6r qdr qrqr
ryqi qs s+ sro frqnr dnr riqrFda qfreTr t ffid frq qrgrrp
o. t
vnftRo sq ft-oaiq GrHi al srEq-s ftyrqq.rr{ :
6.1 qf{r ft;qtrffdr d 3ilffi E} fr d{d ft:qtr{q qnr urv.n eiq A S ffi.ii d
ftc arR&I"r
or anr qri d eoEx diir
Page 3 of 52
62 ftq ftqra{flrcii d idq sqgn qd of frfuf, fu-q rrq t :
q< dI PRtf-6 or4 tsg wgo *ffi ('rq y?rc fas!fr/trfrfr o1
IFI 3Ic[{qfidi (ridq if) riwft.
@ cf€{{,/ d', q. ttcr Y-----\
\elcn --q Sq l-l -\ch
'-- rr\-r--rr+-
Yl$cn1l / r\-- -l
+l clr ll\5
Page 4 of 52
fr. f+srtrf,r ib-r IFF'rc
ri. T. q}Ef{/ffi
6.4 qF.r6 mfifto ft:vrqar srd qffi d ldS sqTro sqq olk tqo o1 werq'ar
ET Yrffdrq :-
6.4.i qr+o qfuq qeTmrd fi:qr+{dr (d-{d \EEqs d qrd n dF$ d qRFqT d
qqd ii qft
olwcff Eqo E) a) dsn o1 trcr+f,r el Sfrvt o1 srgq6 g1
6.4.2 sFq qf{o ft'gre{dr(+€+q-ffi 3ik CqA\'€.d qrrd +i) d qTqd fr +qfi
a1 EfurT
3rr}q6 of q6T d irJsR A qrc.ft, ffi
ftq 3rrn{o o) lTcorff sreq dtq
d gc< fr-fumr 3TD'6rfr/1tfrd s${2ft-fu-sT ereffero Ertr qrft frB-o c.ft
(er1ar+o-rv) d srgvx g*r qrd 6r qqrurcr rqd o-E+ d.n ftxiqRro qfu
oi frqi q pTftR-d erElrf,r 3ifr qfrflr ii srd ftEi d Iilc qfr ddr zo
ft+e or lffi ew errqr{o tl
6.4.3 3rrlcfi o\ +qfi frrtT.r dRr tscrrcr r€t 6-{rqr qr\r.tr EfA alrtco q€. gfdur or
am dcr qraor t a) sd qften it {nfrd dri d ftr 31qqr l=Fj or d-qo 3rqi
qd qs dnr dTrt
6.4.4 gs gfur or qq{ o{i sTA 3TrM d ofr-{drfi 3Trifi-qa q ena6q fit
rrqs.qfta.or+ e}.n, 3rdqo EnT (er5o.ro rv) d'qex dq-onqr, dso or
iq qeqn q-r E-r rJrer 3n'{ +qo or stc fu-qr rrqr q,H, 3r}fi oEi tlsq
etqdre orq dr.nt
6.4.s {trd 3Tftftm. q$en d qqq ds-fi @t 96 q6.rn ra (oAa 3TDqrrT d
riEF+rd q-{T tA
G rffi d eryen) Tosv ri
nqc o-r+ ei,nFrTi{6 3i{ +q6 Etrr d-sfi
drsalq qr atrsrerRq tft eqe.+o-nr d er5nn ftFo ccr tt rqo o-rff
d'fr t qR *n qqr qror t fudqo qr1 teTprfi +.{dr, srrnqo gpqr u\ft-o
Page 5 of 52
tlqrFm q}'qf,T d qqrc r€l B d qri@ or qs d{ sqt dql+rd sffir
4I Er ctT q<r os ftfqr qr\r{|r t
6.4.6 d-qqt sj1 +e-TFr6 +,qfl. sTrlefi q't ttupro q\,qor * sfi oen oq eifr
sTRc I
a.4.7 d-qtn q{. qfim or srrn{o rfi Et-{r | {s qffen if qR ftr{ff er.q.fi o\
d-qfi + sq ii erq vnftRo ft,qr+q "lR\
elq$ o1 q{E ?Fir srqr rFqr n} fii qrl
qrror ftqr< os fr qK'rff t
6.4.8 q€ten ii fuq arqrff o) A-qf, o1 gfurT or oqqiq qi{i rt1 3Eqfr fr qr\'Tfr
s{fti qfreTr trqq d qsrEqrd ffi €ieT zo ft+e or rffi vw ft+1 qrgqrl
6.4.e qften S fuq enqfr o) A-q6 ol gftur or wl}t d{i @1 3r:qn e'rg fuE
------l --\--------l
\J-6 c4gcDl
@1 Sfrefi sqmeT T€i t d ts-€ .fi q{ter sqq $ qz1qq6 d enm w cid ridr
zo It+e or rffi w f+qr qrgrrt
o.a.ro c[frR6 ft:qrqar 3rri<"F ffiii dsoZqrqo u lffi t+qq of EftETr or d]q
ftqr t,
s+ Aqfi +f +qarZyRqtr qqs ig riqf+K qrflrilq oqz{ qften
d s.rq rqo or+ d'n, *s qE fi o"fr Tn vrq Gtt{7qr <wrto qcqrqq d
, qrrrl fi rqo or+ e).n, Ed{ !inr{ d rr6:rq6 <wio nrgo q 6ti w cfteil
tg rr{+t cr*dr f,+rw at qr qoff Bl
o.a.r'r drq-e[frftqq F:qraq orqfi + ftc A-qfi d rorqr frrffi o] .ff cften d-d i
qicr o1 crjqft q€i dffr
6.4.12 \1c5 3fi-s t ff .Bd 3ltr 3TfR@ Effir eruff d qmrq c{{i s't oTrsf{ itfl
o1 rrei-E t qT frqr 3nqfo iiq t qdi i serq t ei-q d erwr qqrq 3rcfo Eiq'
oi trer-s t fr-qrT/fr'fud or+t qrri B a) sd qfrer d-d it 3Trsfo dq d
rqiT el sEqfr fr qc.fr, i d-qo ol Sfr€rT cTi d roqR c€l dti r 3Trsf6
+fl oTcqhT o-{i srd eilqfdzif d qften d 3TEt|6 Eiri arcr E}qrt
o.a.rs qffel d +{r{, epqrff em drc.rc +qfi 3]lr t Eq ?IiqrqR d ftc ai",qsff
o.+.ra dqo d fts eraq t rdn qa qrft fu-qr qrgrr t
z. drqar qM{g:-
z.r qrsqdr/cFrftm-f,r:
e.qsff qY 6q znftf,
d, ql
C) 'Tt{a "Fr cl'rftr
q) iqrd' or rri qrar d, qr
S) pn orr-ri smr d, qr
Page 5 of 52
9) go f**rO qn"neff d ot q+qfr, rsoz t $ qrro ti enfr sq t
qsi d' $ra t sTr+r d r
- ---\
d-4lq s{6R d t oqqm A 3Tfg 6 40 qq d?F eng d ss o{ ao
sfrTdTgl siri-fi d +fr-or"r o1
3ifrq ftE o) frlq{ *1 ftqft-o
si{ ft-nr{ t+ or gd dr
difiq s{qFR ?n A 6ffi iFffi ag Cr) 45 qg C4) SIIII niF
ffi ffid 3i{ ft.iil{ eqT
6 +S-owr o1
ofrTdT{q en}qq
ffiqfdE ai fi{ Et ri oq Br
d-fiq qroq d t 6ffi 6ffi erg d ae o{ ao urg d sa o{ ao
fifl+1 ffid sil{ fr{f,{ +sl
Page 7 of 52
fie t :- 3I|i<-6 E:M sf-{d]F{ ricfr-m{q d srd it,rfr G qqftfu 3fr q-qil d
sqTqqt d (d
fttr o) A 3ilg FqkuT tS S-6T{ Aqr qTc,n, g{-d qrq frxff rff cearq d
ftrc fu-rff ot-jnq o) @ TS fi qv.ffl
qle z wnqo olorg ftfwT ig M?rfi fdfusfiqdrf{
'- sTrd-fi d q"fto-wr o1 3ftq
sTQrld os.rr.zozo +i S qnr qq'fl t
z.s $qTFrO.dr-q-drg:_
6. t€+{/ffi + tuq
i) ffi ff ri tzfl oeTr sff
qr<ei qrw
*e g.a6 eqm rsr qrc fu fuc enffit ioen todl osr e-o oio,fi qrqr or
etqqq fu-fl B 3i-{ of6"fr flsr qff d t +-{d rrlqr ero ffi il fr€+l d
qs d afi d'ftc fr qtq dtir
fr) frs-frr m'fiqrefr n) frAd r). w ss.+ qnfr qr 6{R w ffi qfu t
fr-qrg fuqT Et fuq-6T fr-q+nrpff mfr-d t, str qE q{ figfu d ft\ q},q +qr;
qRTd fu d-q H{+rr rrg€ d FS, futfr vrfr qs qfu oi--r qnt vevr al,1
q-S{d d d' aro :rgqcq d., 3il-{ VsT oli'd
sT-q srErrc dt a} fat{fi ff fi
qfu qi gl Frrr'ri d nqrac r) W fr qr sofr tt
a. qfrff o.r gsq 3i}( qf@f,q:
Page 9 of 52
8.1 qe rrff qften sro frrnq, Tg ffi d gtc{ €qr, 17-08l2018-\rqftfr-1.
gqi6 r0.05.201e dafi irrFl-qqq q{ .qsilfud qfte]rdf d qFto qqsq ei-q
qrqoq d eqnx riafd-o sifr t
cle : .rr+6 qrftRo fq:yr{ar qrd or"q'S q} qeT \tfr fu-m e1qfu qg{qt n1 ii t€
Ee qrf,d di. s€ verq ftfu-trr 3{Drmrfr 6a{ qfft 3TTdr'ro-v d fttrd ftfu-tr1
tr{Irqrcr rqd 6sqr Et{r 1
8.4 rlRfrlrFrl
Page 10 of 52
iF. TtFrfq qn-oTft/sr{ 30 q{q
€Trfr-d rfrd-n (r+o. ei{-6 * +t a c{q)
C) qmfiq.,Iri-d
O) nqB- -t=
rfl) nmr-+ en
q) 'ril{.ftq ri{fr
3ir srqor riqrq
g) frfrcrrs ei< ifuo Grsq-fi
40 g{q
30 qe;I
Page 11 of 52
frq 3[drt-erdrr ftprqY o] qldfud o1 qrs{ft| cvq qr_rr Sq cgq qr_nr sff
q0en d ffs oq + 6q \-o dt or qrq eiaqrd d.n r
- e.'r cf'-{drilq rfifn 3Tr}e{ qa eriftq qd urcn eilq n*rnr dRT qq-{/F-gfu
*iEfuT 1o
eqTqqrY d qcqr.rc d ergvn si.nt
s.2 q) 3TdE-fi 3rT{h-d qEi d Al .rrt-- o.c{r.qrai d *.rrg n qz qrrd.d ts_.d
qerq erqr qrfr 3rFrq*F rrfiq qa f+rtRo qq, it sTqd|s oril d'|-r t
e.5 cqr"r qit d risq gs oTDq.s-rT d-er.r fu W drnrftR-o ftyraq qfu (q-qrq
eltrs{, 3Tfu6R €qs"r el}q T.f ,rT'ffir) 3Tfifiqq, roos (tsoo or t) d c-uo
' qtft ft-oairror crrq !-r rff fu qrcr qK'Trt fufr 31q {sq qrft cffq q, i
r+mn c-€l foqr qryrnl
e.6 erq ffs.er a.f fu einev d oTMR c{ Fgfu of gar vvi qrd qfu o) qs
gftfrqd o-qr d.n fu v+d qrr 3rcrqrtin rqm !-{ d el}i Mq.-r fidf} of i
atfiderq +f r.3flt dirss-a fu fufqo ftfu, ofr-{ilsq crnq{ 6 qfr-f,{nT ot
ftfu .T.rfq os.tr.zozo EYff |
Page 12 of 52
{fr. f,dro3qr qEdT d qrqd d ildfo fuft1 ei--{ qoqefiq
' ft-+sz q
strgffi d eAe fr rrfr crqq or ercer qr+{r t
g. 36q qRfuxfut n grs uil-r qtrdr fi
$ Tq cMq fu: q-ovg-q
ffis/ercer oqm d qqer yFra-T di or dq yFreT-!-r eil--< 1a rl fr <i
cgs sqrqR qli a1 iq{ o.fur (q6 tfto qqrqn qa en}co d qerd
cn-i rdqlq qi d eir or d qr rqffi et{ or e) ei--s s{rsr fi.fqe ii
e-mrRn 3rbqs-rT)
ro.r qf fu,-
qfr-orlT cfusr t $ tmfrfuo qrq-orffZrffii-q d--qx wt,
o. +flqr+er(*&fr tre+rvr ig)
ts. g-+d 3rrdq
rr. dfrS qffu ti rd-q frqT qrer)-d erro ffiq qH (zo dff t so d&)
s. dffi qftu fi r+{ tuq ewer<(o #fr t zo dfi)
s: ffi qqiul qa-qReno.q, 3T.fr.q, 3T.qt gr GT.q.qT. M ii e{riEq o-
' €dr
s. - er.fr.q. ffi d ftl frc-dqftfrr qrrror !"r
E. sTr.o.s. +fr d ftc enq eifq qR-€rqffu qqr"r q;r
q. fr:sfdqdr cflq qt-qR 3TFI qFFF ft:qtrfff,r ffi d d f
H. dq-tn o1 rlqr yrs 6{i ig3Trie6 dRT rqd er5q4c_q, et{ serq
erlffi drcr qft oTnh-d trr q q-{, vfr arle} dr,
s. dqf, d q6"rr=r c-{ of $#{ cft sil--r +sfi o1 rd{ qH, qR ar.r Ei
e. er-er c"fi fu-d t-{€ n H W t-g eeTq ftfu-er efMr
1) Er{T
ftqfR-d frfu*trT crflur !-{, uFa eq t dr,
d. RTsiic{ cqror qr-FieGfs{ 3Trief, d urrd if.
G. Td{d tfto or ordgfu qqrur qrl(Kdq, TdTd d-fuftil-n{m d
qq-d it,
G. q-dqn rirrd-{ Erqqrt af,qlqfu yqpl q;-frq rt-{ors d orfud.
odqRdi d qrA il
uL ttr€dYrl d qrs qrt qMq + *i"iET ii, 3rgs{o s5riq. qR E)g E)
Page 13 of 52
iii) rqrfrfi lrqrq qr-qft sd{qii aRr Rrelr c,f t qrao a1
qtrorfr qd +1 .rff dr
tle r,gu*$ eHflF/otqdfrq Fif,ren/3[sr€ q#c f,6c w d qrrr rqo
fuc aTrn{q qa qEs{l dtq qr ftrw +T ftq qt\'i,t
ile z:arffii dt sors fr qrfr t fu n +qr{d +{i G ++d qcrT 3 Fir rqri or fi d
cqifu vo +Er{d/++d am d+o sfi fr 3Trifi'q? 6r riffrrq Son foqr qr\'{rt
3Trffi at of-{drfi erifi-qe d e6 3n-i €frq f,hd sn-{ +qr{a rfl .rEi e1
sora fr qffi t Eqtfu 1++rFr ErqT f,fd St$ d qrrqq t q+rqn ft-q qr rroer tl
f,nd sir +sr{d +fi or n*q qrtr{d 3ir rifrrr"T ricqr. qR snqrcro E} dr s.r+l
g-rfrfu tg y-d.r fu-qr qq{rr
ro.z arsrqo ft{qr :
q. RT rrr Bcq-fi orc"ii qr fr?i?'r t srf,{ Grq ffi orqor r\ erqqr 3{r+{r qt
oi r-Eo r or qri q{ funl d faffi rfi aEc qrt 69 6ffr rS r}-.fir
s. Gf-{Fnfl sri+c qr n*qo od t qf,d snil{fi qs uia o< ii fr s€ii tri{
d r.i-o, c€rn ii sS fuwuT qrT t r ofrrorsc'3nifi qa d w qrs rqo eti
d qrs, ot$ qffin 6G/gqR 6G,/3Treilrr{ 6{i o1 ol5qfr fuff fi
cRRerft if T€r A qr\.{fttEs rtuiq d ftffi.ff sq il, fft-sro +, d-tr +,
{-i-s QZceq&r w qcqrfr t nw or-5iu d-6rs T€r frq qrTn r
Page 14 of52
q. s{rneo q) gs drd 6r s}E"n qr ?-rT EnTr fu sfld gRr }-r3o ftc ,Tc
6rrn/irn€'ft/ t{qcr scq, Xq sir s{+1 q|r-6ft d er5wn vS B d-s sq
ofi eTrqsqfdr E)=fr,/qi'T 01 qN.ft dr n W qwrildi d qrqr .lcRerd El+ t
D qrtR-o rifioqur
II) f{Ed qtrotur
I)snfuo rifi{rur sfr-qr : qe qfu-qr riffoflT *irql oii qr*r{€ yrw od d ftr * r
i) qqn.(f/E4r/ffi/frn)
ii) ftiq (CssZqtrdTZrte-+s{)
ii| tffgdvrc(1odt) qqrr if d 3EqR 3rwr e-S rtl qtr cd qfr-& d
3r5qR T{r Tq
qPTisT qIC I trft rodt d qn sncd flq t EIS qMq ffiqT B n) s-r\
e;ifuo *qrn qr qcfqr qrq t
iv) qrrotl
3rqfr RTSq-dr ritiefr d I
v) wn {-t-e cd otr
vi) {-+d strd€ oT gE oi r
viii) +qr{d en-Ofr qq fu+o o.f t go 3ndfr silqd dr-il{d =iq-i w +qr
qrgiltss 3mfr o) ed otr
ix) srqot et{ w q-ERff, iRffi-{ll o}-g E\ ersq oi r
Page 15 of 52
x) E)qq d ft{ +{ di-tr qq ft-d6 oIr
xi) 'sfue' q{ ft-r6 6i I
xii) 3{TIFFI srel gr|Fd E} qr\'.n *{ wtc q{ \16 rifi.5rq ricq 1?1qd
tfr I cem eR fr.r-g{ o-{i tg 3ilqd +Erilf, Tsr 3i-{ {-+d 3rrgq
Etsr rifio{ur l]rqr 3il{ qrstd *}or qI\'Tr t
qs cfu-+t 3nn d
fr-qd qr+orffi +r}+n}fud q<, qfurro fr-s-r'r, a}eTFrfi
si.{dT sn{ er;q fu+qq'llci d ftc tl qa ero S d dfn .ri trH, frqfR-d
qT{d dfu t rwren, furttrd 3rtftd oFq q{dr+q ei-r m1 qts d g.Tarq
q. sili{;n d +qgd w tfuo fl<|qo qfr-fi-rlT oti qq nq E\ rifr-m-wT
*icq ei- vtqrg -iE-{ or rq}'r o€ gv .fifu ol cqrq ffir-gc q{
crs{d qfti
fr. ft'{cT d rrrqT gerge g},n, Fffi o\ q.ai d ErE cfr,eTq h} trH
d ftr srn c.} r
Page 16 of 52
viii) qsfr oerT c{ q qr ii fr rrg qmorfr d er-5vx 3Tqff q-fi
qqftf* qir
ix) qr+o qffis d er5vn 3tc-i ft-dr G qror or ilq qd ott
x) en-+ gi sarfff qdr 3rt{ q{rarc or qor ftc ais $B-d ,.rt r
ftrgd dfr-mwT d er.rA 'rFr of ori-q ct r
Page 77 of 52
i) roff qftqr vff(qkghc,/+d.Td q crCtqs d ftr 3rffi)
ets rz ff oen sff (qHcZtd.nd 3rFrqrd)
Page 18 of 52
rudc aft "rqfr-o-wT enl g.Talr., 41 $s qd.-nl
c-t d ffi ecdrq of aqft rfi e1,tr
,-s$ ,.'< qnir
Page 19 of 52
q. sTri{f,@} vs
"ra ot E}qqr !q t{r +n fu B-f,d a{r rqd fuq rTq.
@rln/qT{,rfr/ qrr{r scq, W en-r sfl+1 qr{6ft d ergsrc efi t
efq qq o.fr 3rcpqihrir Ehfrr/Er.r al qr\"ff cl i s-d cwrfit d erpr
wRerd tfi I qR .rff d ffi ff wt w o)g q_coZurs-cq qan u€
qrdl t qr qn-mffi ffi t dr onn{6 ot ffir2fufu
e+fi d*
w srrfiarZf+rwoq fr qnftr orrffi d ftr .rdcr *
- q,
sfqdrfi fti-6{oT d qq-q 3il--{ 3rdt{ q, 3Tqd\s o-{i + q-d s}srn
dlflT d +6 dttr tt vfr or fc{nq d{rcr dr
{. en}qq 6 eifrq cqft-w'r o1 CE pt 3n{ 3lr-nfi ve rqa oir
gs. qs-dir1f-6 rqft-6{qr d qr-q,.W€ t _3rri 3Trnfi_- * 6is ftora
cl I
lie r, oqol eilnqq-qd, Rlj qts yrm fur elrnq{_qf,i, &o rrt
erqo I ful .rv un+qo !-r) d ffi ,fi Rarfr t rffmR TS fu-qr
qt\'{r 3iI{ q{sef d'{ qs ft{w o-s ftqr qt!-rTTl t-d eTri{q_q?
qm6{ur sff 3Tfrq ftf} sTe{d ft. os.rr.zozo d qI< ffis t re q[,.n
drgs ron d ffi-oqr d lrdq i ofi cft.+fi d-mr-{ q-€t fuqT
t iilKtrff I
11.1 eilr-drfl 3rt}fi qr d dTd ei--{ qfteil q1.€.+n qfferefi d dFI qts
ercm-eroq d SS-
(c)d-€S-{ n-d.rd d qdi d ftr
1i.2 Gf-{dlF{ en}Ec-qr o1 o1.rm, s,ff *fi d onffi d- jtc qFd qffflF.
1oo / (\q qil Fq-d q1e) orffi t I
11.3 qftel ots: er+r7eifu7erroolqfiqdefi M d q'ff yw erMi d,
ftc qfreTr fi-s cft qfren r.+oo,/- (arr til svq q6 g,
Page 20 of 52
11 .4 HlfrqR-dT/Tfurff qR-or sTril{6Z3rsT7oww
wft d oTrMi 3i{
sTfftR-o fi.qmq-dr H'ff 3tri<zb) o) qffen otq
d T.Tdtq t W O .rS B r
; g.q{fr qlqr
qrq 3{ltrEiE .
100 100 s. 100
12 cfreil d +r ,
Page 27 of 52
'13. GTr+fi Tt d qfiotsr ot oTftq ftfu :strTflF{ oTr+e{ q, A ffiorq +1 ftf}
03.11.2020 ol zs,ss Etd t I
15.i riyFqr dq} qfrflBr) d fuq ord.r+rd.r qr€r fu{ qN.n. S.e_
\'.qi-€q-qZ+d nd c-d d ft{
ff. q-SoT{ ofi c-Ei d ftr
18.2 clcFqr d-trd ofrTdlqn qffr
fu\ qry+ ett{ oif-{dt_fi 3il+q_{ dCd
3il_dl}_g fo\
qr\'+ |q0eil d fr-{fr ff r+s w cicr_qr}
o) sr-o tsl d qr+q t
+w7iR'o qff fuvr qrqrnpTrffii d e-dr6 * qrff t fu t qfren
sEefr qr+stft erh qc-$c iE sfldt-fl riff.f,,{,T q}-aa
tsd €r sTcle. {i-irT 3ir f,+d ani ,fi }fr-d fuq qryir
ffio sq t
1s.3 c}€s-q tfl.nd d qd d ft\ Hff ei.q oil-Mi o) !R-r
qro cq-oTs
qr-rd ftr ero.r * rleFq, qr.ft fuq qtvit dg q.+ dq{ F{+ d
c-r-rr3ilr tr{q !-{_rud fu !ft W q.qFfqT A ol_-n
S ntcr q,
qfef fuq q1{l}
15.s qR forfr o) eTq{r e-d-pT strcan5{ clfd c{ cruo T& dor c} qfren
i t
F *"d E{ir q!-fr q-qRft d qreT. crq, q{lel or qlq,
3tr*S, c-$-fa f+d 3tTfS f* o+ +{rgd fsr
eft_a r*ga fu.q.Tq
qfreil qt*+ d gr6aq *1
qR {iqd of
$qr c o-{i q{
qtd t qfud o-r ftqI qKrrnl
ro qfiff +r it yi$
16.1 qfietT frFd dcT c-r sfiTdr$E oTrqifu( of ,qrqfi r
Page 22 of 52
iv) i}{6rg
v) cf€c)-d
vi) ffi+re-o7+i-iu/rqf, sr\r qrff qrqrq qt
vii) ffi-mr arr qrfr qrqn va(ecor€r/mffi+o war)
viii) rel riar+q gRT iilffr Td[d *fro fte-rd 96
ix) dqZnq rr{6f{ axr rffi sH srdro}S fi i?T 3lT{€ FT-g
17 tI{FIBfu:
17.1 tfu qfr eih GiRq {$ fuR F{+ strd +{T rr.Lq rz.z * rz.rg ii
qqq frft or frwq st{t q€teiTi}it d ftq sffi.r-3rf,.r dn E},Tr, +S_
q*gi-{ n-d.Trg qd d ftN
ff {g6rd ofr Td d ftc
17.2 ycrT c-r v6 +1 qten tr.fr 3tlffi d ftq ama dsi w f{fls{
eroq ri d,frl
17.3 .3rt+{qif gRr }rq=r qa-rt fuq r( cqfi d srpm w vd c{{ qr-nei}q
c{q qr-rrFi ndi d ftry uia qK'.rrt Rmt o1 *iqr qq ft+fu,
3ilMt o1 *iqr os Rffii of \4rqr € 41n t d srr.fl.r
17.4 d-d W erffit d ftS !q{ q*-ref{ cr{ qr-rrrol qften go qrpr
frfud dd qq fafrfr€ ffiE oY 3nq}tu-d e1qrsfrl
1T.s ql yrc qr-lr silr crq qe-trrot qfteTt\ Tdt d-d]i A qrn6 ftqibrT d
epr 3rf,6 fit
;ie: efiftR-o sq r] ft:enq er"+qfr iir€
srer cfr fu-o qfren e+srld
cs{ qr-rfi ir} t W t v{ol qerq frfu-diT oTfffi gRT qft
3qdr{sr-v ii frtrd frfu-fl trrrlsr-qz nqo or+ dr.nt
17.6 +{d t-S 3r.qftr uil cF{ qr-r,qfi qe-t*t trfi q;r-rrr ii oro.r-eroq
3rfda dfn v+or +ifrq rq-{ d ftT ft-qn fuqr vrs,n 3i--{ sr-+l tRc
q-fr d-{d qr{ qr-d crw frc w eid d'eTrqR qq i-qrc o1 utr,ff
cqifu rrc qa-il ds qF{ qr-n1d{d ereo rgn a tr
17.7 qqtro erurfdzit o1 eiftq ricqr lrfo ffi d RRFqT d rrqrc fr Eil-l
12.8 lrff d ft\ 3rfi=qtrd @t$ ftm qs cl{t irfi o1 Raft q, S-{d qqfr-o
3rqfUqi d-qrET q o-d ?Fr on"r sS ffi t
d tRd rl=fr 3tTi qld
3lrd or fufo ig fr-qR ffi-qr qK'{r re+fig tS .r.q'fi A
Page 2l of 52
fufu, or< 3rqf drqr f+gfu d nwrs d 3r6.ox osi d snqR w
d.ff sil{ furfr qorc +1 c-ffefl Sff qr irjfifud q-{d r€l rsr qrqfir
dFe (r) : snlco of srq.rff d
SBd d ft\ sft.{dr or ndq o_sqr
atGt|vfr tunfr qrqd q s.ftq-dr \-6 {fifr6
sil{ +Re d +rgwn qr eir}<o ot
SF-. + ft{ fi r{ e
Mq nm+ + er5rr" irfit
oilrift-d c€r of qr sodl ttrsfl t!.ft d 3id.fd q-E
erd d/"r,qfi ;tt
erq.rff {M qfr cftqor c t* onq t_sol tR-c qs frqR T€i
q\rrT oir tfte if s-{rS o.rrq elqsff o) vs qn
d ft{ q_qfr_d @r
fuqr qrc.rr ftqi s*r {B-c s.r qftqaT ff tr erE n. oTtffi
dr-{r ffis fu0-dq d oiTq-{ tg loqr rrqr c,Eftr frffi "-qfr.d
fi qRRqft d
ffi6R T€l ft-qr qrgq,rr
*e (z) : q6 q|{ rqr q|{r qrtrC fu fu.q oTrffi i rofi oen (todl
R-6) d-{f, offi qrql dr orq{q fuqr t 3il-r offi qrqT qff t d ft.q
c-{i d ft\ +q din-
c. ffi{Z+d.n€ d qE: qaa r}qr ef6 Bdfw{ d ftc fifr-d dl
fr.T$od o.ff (Cq-Aqg $ ve qa1 .rlqr src" fuff-qq on-{ .ttsr et$rq
o.rqf-d-q, +sr d ftr rfffr-o tr
'ng d q--E \. rzft @enlr4vs$ { sTldo qftiTd ei6
crw o-{i qd 3trd-{fi d zuq tg ft-qrq fu-qr q1q,Trt
Page 24 of 52
n, .k,/qr{d of 3TDoaq 1oo 3i6 ql=f'Fr ie ol g.s d 1qqrd t
cEooq d4l d ft-qr qKrnl
-tcr 3rF-qd Bt
1e Q-qr d qie{N :
Page 25 of 52
24. Ffi €{f,{"I qpf A-qr rrqr I {nfi ftrftru} qr {qEdT b siqq b ftI 3{NI
q4qo{ut 6) elftq qRr qKr[ |
ss $JI\fr--)
TiEtr& flenQ
*reqnzs .fl{d ol @fqli{q,
q6r<tE nffio
IF- aoo oot
Page 26 of 52
ffffi ff srwtefune-ow + fts 3rqffif qn ffn ftd trw
fo{rur qq gq4 +-*i o1 warc fr arfr t :-
st{ fi{ | o2z-62ffi71s6
{-n-d :dopmah@onlineregistration-org
TrFI : qlqqR t
yrftqR g'oo qS t 18:oo TS T6'
Page 27 of 52
Annexure I-A
Page 28 of 52
sl Name of the Division PH Cateqorv
no. / Unit UR sc ST oBc EWS Total
38 Dhule Division 4 4 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0
39 Jalgaon Division L4 0 0 1 15 0 0
1 0 0
40 Nanded Division 8 0 0 I 0 9 0 0 n
0 0
4L Osmanabad Division 6 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Parbhani Division 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 638 175 120 96 0 t029 10 11 14 0 0
Page 29 of 52
Annexure I-B
Vacancies for he posts of Mail Guard
Page 30 of52
Annexure II-A
Vacancies for the of MTS (Administrative Offices
Name of PH Category
Sr.No UR sc ST oBc EWS Total
Division/Unit I D& ESM
A B c E
Regional Office
I Goa 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Postal Store Depot
Nashik x 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
Postal Store Depot
J\agpur 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Director Of
4 Accounts Postal I 0 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Orcle Office
5 Mumbai o 0 0 z 0 8 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign Post
Mumbai o 0 0 o 0 t2 I 0 1 0 0
I ourl 20 0 0 L2 0 32 I 0 1 0 0
Page 31 of 52
Annexure II-B
Vacancies f or the posts of MTS( Sub Ordinate
Name of Division/Unit OB Tota PH Category
c I
1 Mumbai GPO
A B c D&E ESIq
77 0 7 0 26 0
1 0 0 0
14umbai East Division 7 U 0 1 0 8 0 0 0
J 0 0
Mumbai West Division o 0 0 6 0 72 0 010 0
r"rut fludi t\ortn Dtvlston
9 1 1 3 0 74 0 1 0 0 0
5 14umbai South Division 9
Mumbai North East
1 1
2 0 1.' 0 0 0 0 0
6 Division -L.l 1 6 0 22 0 0 1 0 0
Mumbai North West
7 Division 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
I Thane Division 2 0 0 0 0 2
0 0
0 0 0 0 0
9 Palghar Division
10 Navi l\4umbai Division
2 0 s 0 0 0 0 0l 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 4 q 0 0
1l Nashik ni\ricinn 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
72 Hune Llry East Dlvision I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Solapur Division 1t0 0 0 0 1 U 0 0 0 0
.74 Rlvls B Division pune 12 10 6 6 0 24 1 0 0 0 0
Goa Division
lo Ratnagiri Division
1 0 0 0 0 1 lo 0 0 0 0
0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
77 Sindhudurq Division n 011 0 0 1 010 0 0 0
18 RMS BM Division Mirai 4 0 0 2 0 6 011 0 0 0
19 Osmanabad Division 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
20 RMS L Division Bhusawal
2 8 0 20 0 0
1 0 0
Akola Division 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0
22 Amravati Division 0
2 1 l 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
Buldana Division
Naqpur CiW Division
! 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
s I 3 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
25 r\dgpur t"tOl.USStl Dtvision 1
0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
26 RMS F Division Naqpur 8 p
0 6 0 I4 1 0 0 0 0
Air Mail Softing Division
27 Mumbai 77 0 Z 11 0 35 0 0 0 0 0
Mumbai Sorting Division
28 Mumbai 22 I o 77 0 46 0 1 1 0 0
Lenrrat 50ntng Dtvision
29 Mumbai 1n 0 0 o 0 10 0
ffil Moto-eryice 0 0 0 0
30 Naqpu r 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total 165 o 30 92 0 295 3 3 3 0 0
Page 32 of 52
a candidate with r
disability) appearing for the
(name of the
(name of the examination)
bearing Roll No
(name of the centre) in
the District
(name of the State/ UT)
My qualification is
llllii :-l', ::
ro:nd that r,i,r r,",. q,,iin.,i";; ; ,".** o, ,* ,*** ;':
oeyono my quarification. I shat forfeit my right to the post and
craims rerating thereto.
Page 33 of 52
cetifl/ that, I have examined
(nane of the candidate with disability),
a person with
(nature and percentage of disabilitv as
mentioned in the cetificate of disability), Slo lDlo a resident of
Viila9e/District/state) and to state that he/ she has physicar
which hampers her writing capabilities owning to his/ her disability.
Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent
of a
Government health care institution
Page 34 of 52
Signature of candidate:
Roll Number:
Page 35 of 52
seekino aoe-relaxation,
fFo be fi'ed by the Head of the office or Depaftment
in which the candidate is working)
Office seal
Place :
Date :
Page 36 of 52
fci---L. -
\.r,sr rdLure or commanding Officer)
Office Seal
Place :
Date :
Page 37 of 52
bearing Roll No.
, (b) I
have not joined the Government job on civir
side (incruding pubric sector
Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies/ Statutory
Bodies, Nationalized Banks etc.) in
Group'c'and 'D' posts on regular basis after availing
of the beneflts of reservation
given to ex-serviceman for re_employment;
Page 38 of 52
I hereby declare that the above
statements are true, comptete
and co'ect to the
best of my knowredge and
berief. I understand that in
the event of any information
being found fulse or incorrect
at any stage, my candidatuie/
appointment is liable
to be cancelled/ terminated.
Roll Number:
Date of appointment in armed
Date of discharge:
Last Unit / Corps:
' Mobile Number:
Email ID:
Page 39 of 52
should submit in support of his/ her claim an attested/ cedified copy of a certificate in the
form given below, from the District officer or thd sub-Divisional officer or anv other
officer as indicated below of the District in which his parents (or surviving parent)
ordinarily reside who has been designated by the state Government concerned as
competent to issue such a ceftificate. if both nis parents are dead, the officer signing the
certificate should be of the district in which the candidate himself ordinarily resides
othenrvise than for the purpose of his own education. whenever photograph is an integral
part of the cetificate, the Commission would accept only attested photocopies of such
(The format of the certificate to be produced by scheduled Gstes and scheduled rribes
daughter of of village/
Tribesx under :-
Page 40 of 52
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) order,
1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960 & the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the
State of Himachal Pradesh Ad !970, the Nofth-Eastern Area (Reorganization) Act, 1971
and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976,
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order 1959 as
amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes order (Amendment Act), 1976x.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes order 1962.
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes order 1962@
The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968@
' The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968@
The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Orders (Amendment) Act 2002@
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe) Orders (Amendment) Act 2002@
%2. Applicable in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes persons who have
Page 4t of 52
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled
Castes/ Scheduled Tribes
certificate issued to Shri /Shrimati
Father/ mother of Shri./
Shrimati/ Kumari*
village /
townx in Districv Divisionx
of' the State/ Union Territoryx who belong to the
Casteffribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe the State/ Union , territoryx issued by the
o/o3' shri.l shrimati/ Kumari and /or x hisl her famiry ordinariry
reside (s) in vilage/ townx
of _District/ Division*
State/ Territory
xx Designation
xPlease delete
the words which are not applicable.
@ PIease quote specific presidential order.
NorE : The term ordinariry reside(s) used here wil have the
same meanrng as in section
20 of the Representation of the people Act, 1950.
xx List of authorities
empowered to issue Caste/ Tribe Certificares :
(D District Magistrate/ Additionar District Magistrate/coflector
/Deputy commissioner/
Additional Deputy commissioner/ Dy. colector/ lst
crass stipendiary Magistrate/ sub-
Divisional Magistrate/ Extra-Assistant commissionerrfaruka
Magistrate/ Executive
(iD chief Presidency Magistrate/Additionar chief presidenf
wtagistrateT presidency Magistrate
(iii) Revenue Officers not below the rank ofTehsildar.
(iv) Sub-Divisional officers of the area where the candidate
and/or his famiry normaly resides.
N-o-TE: sr candidates beronging to Tamir Nadu
state shourd submit caste certificate oNLy
PaEe 42 of 52
(Form of Cedificate to be produced by
Qther Backward Classes)
This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari 5on/daughter of
of village/ town in District/Division
in the State/ Union Territory
belongs to the Community which is recognized as
a backward class
under the Government of India, Ministry of sociar Justice and
Empowermeny,s Resorution No.
dated Shri/Smt./Kumari
and/or his/her family - ordinarily reside(s) in
the=------- District/Division of the State/Union
Territory' This is also to certify that he/she does not berong to the persons/
sections (creamy
Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the schedured to the Government
of India, Department of
Personnel & Training O.M. No. 361I2l22lg3-Estt (SCf) dated
District Magistrate
Deputy Commissioner etc.
Page 43 of52
Form _ V
Ceftifi cate of Disabilitv
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis
of limbs or
dwarfism and in case of blindness)
[See rule 18(1)]
(Name and Address of the Medicat nuttroiity issuing
the Ceftificate)
Date :
Page 44 of 52
Form - VI
Cedificate of Disability
(In cases of multiple disabilities)
Certificate Date:
This is to cedify that we have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum.
son/daughter/wife of Shri
Date of Bifth (DD/MM/yy)
Ape.---- years, male / female- .Registration No.
Permanent resident of House No, Ward /
Village / Street ' post Office
whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfled that:
(A)he / she is a case of Multiple Disabiliiy. His / her extent of permanent physical impairment
disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (............................number
and date of issue of
the guidelines to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown aqainst tne
relevant disability in the table berow:
Leprosy cured
4 Dwarfism
5. Cerebral Palsy
o. Acid attack Victim
Page 45 of 52
Speech ana - t_angGge
Chronic Neuro6gcal
improve /
3. Reassessment of disability is
Page 46 of 52
4. The applicant has submitted the folowing
document as proof of residence:
Page 47 of 52
Form _ VII
Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioncd in trnrm. \/ r-, r,r\
(Na me a nd Add ress or th e Jil:'il,.t#ff ff J : :ill*,",
" "r,
[See rute 18(1)]
Certificate No.
I have carerullv examined
Iif ftffi"i:E.that
wife/son/daughter of Shri
Birth Date of
_=-_-...--- Registra
'tP. ward // ;;;:::--;--:---:-
Village / street
rcr lrrdllent 'restoent of-female-
eJ'ue' r'' \rr fruuse
ni.lP;^l eEL \.,Lr
Post Office
ca hh^+^^F-
pr rurugt dpn
case of
tage physical
Perm€nent physical
rmparrment / mental
Page 48 of 52
(Please strike out the disabilities
which are not applicable)
condition is progressive
' ll;i:?::" / non - prosressiv€ / rikery to improve / not rikery to
Page 49 of 52
Government of
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the cedificate)
Cedificate No.
son/daughter/wife of
Permanent resident of
Sections, since the gross annual income* of his /' her 'family,xx is below Rs.g Lakh
(Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year . His / her family does not
III. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
IV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notifled
Page 50 of 52
2. Shri/Smt./Kumari belongs to the caste which
is not remgnized as a scheduled caste, scheduled rribe and
other Backward classes
(Central List).
Designation -
Page 51 of 52
Annexure XV
Instructions for candidates
1' candidates should bring their
own pen pencirs etc into the Examination
Hall. Any other
book, note book, calculator. mobile phone,
any electronic gazette etc should
outside the Examination Hall.
be left
Page 52 of 52