What Is Concept Paper

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What is Concept Paper?


What is Concept Paper

When is the Research Concept Paper Written



Concept Paper lays the foundation for the applied dissertation process, providing an introductory form
of communication between the doctoral student and the doctoral committee. Essentially, the Concept
Paper acts as a proposal; it allows the doctoral student the opportunity to define a research focus and
obtain early feedback on the research idea. A well-planned Concept Paper will capture the interest of
the dissertation committee and establish a clear plan for the student’s dissertation.

When is the Research Concept Paper Written

The Research Concept Paper is completed prior to the dissertation proposal and serves as a
development tool and summary of the planned dissertation. The Concept paper is a brief document.
Depending upon the requirements of a specific academic program, the Concept Paper may range from
as few as 2-3 pages to as many as 10-20 pages. The essential point of the Concept Paper is to explain
the importance of a particular research project.

The Concept Paper initiates the dissertation phase of a doctoral degree which follows the completion of
necessary coursework and training, and represents a culmination of the student’s learning. The
dissertation is a student’s final academic effort to synthesize course material by applying their learning
to a research project. The project is expected to add new information to the field of study. The Concept
Paper acts as a summary of this project.

The Concept Paper, although highly abridged, is comprised of many of the same items found in a
dissertation. These specific elements of the Concept Paper may vary depending upon the academic
program and the chosen degree. Programs typically provide a grading rubric that serves as an outline
for the required components and student are encouraged to follow those rubrics closely in developing
their Concept Paper.


Title page — provides a tentative title for the dissertation. The title of the Concept Paper should be a
stand-alone statement that can fully describe the project by summarizing the main idea of the
manuscript. The title should concisely identify the variables being investigated and the relationship
among those variables (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010). Words should serve a useful
purpose; avoid words that do not add substance or words that are misleading. The title of the Concept
Paper may become the title of the dissertation.

Statement of the Problem — provides the purpose for the research. This section of the Concept Paper
introduces the problem under investigation, addresses why the researcher wants to investigate this
problem, and how the research findings may help. Supporting documentation, including statistical data
if available, should be used to emphasize the need for this research. This section is one of the most
important sections of the Concept Paper; its serves to gain the reader’s attention and support. You care
about the research, but the reader may need some convincing. The first few sentences of the Concept
Paper should intrigue the reader to spike his or her interest and encourage further reading.

As you begin to write the problem statement of your Concept Paper, consider your research. First
consider why you feel the problem is important. Consider how your study relates to previous work in
the field, how you will link your hypotheses and objectives to theory, and how the hypotheses relate to
the research design. Finally, consider the theoretical and practical implications involved in your research
project (APA, 2010). A well-developed, concise, and clear problem statement will lay the foundation for
a strong Concept Paper and the dissertation that follows.

Preliminary Literature Review — provides identification of major literature that supports and validates
the topic; focuses on areas that offer support for new research, and offers the student an opportunity to
analyze and synthesize past research in the context of their present problem. For the Concept Paper,
the student should connect their research project to a theoretical model reported in the literature. The
most successful research projects have been based on the research of predecessors, and this section of
the Concept Paper provides enough of a description of previous research to plant seeds in the mind of
the reader suggesting more information is needed. A strong Concept Paper is based on a wide-range
literature review that is condensed into a summary of key points.

Goal Statement — provides a broad or abstract intention, including the research goals and objectives.
This part of the Concept Paper tells the reader “who, what and when” regarding the research goal.

Research Questions — provides a preliminary view of the questions the student will investigate.
Questions are based on theory, past research, experience, and need. These questions will direct the
research methodology; their inclusion in the Concept Paper links the research problem with the
methodology. For some, composing the research questions may be the most difficult part of the
research project, or possibly the most difficult aspect of writing the Concept Paper. The questions will
direct everything that will be done; therefore, it is important that they are accurate and focused to the
main research problem. These research questions will specifically direct the research and the type of
analyses conducted, as such their compatibility is essential.
An Abridged Methodology — provides the student’s best idea on how to conduct the research and
analyze the data. The goals and objects identified in previous sections of the Concept Paper should
relate to the research methods described in this section. For the Concept Paper, the methodology is
simplified or summarized, serving as a general outline of the methods that will be employed.

Timeline — provides a range of time for completion of the project, highlighting key elements for each
stage of the project. This element is unique to the Concept Paper and provides the student structure for
managing sections of the project within a realistic time frame.

References — provides references to the material cited in the literature review and elsewhere in the
Concept Paper.

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